Optional group:
EduForm Educ Sps I anno - (show)
22910126 -
General sociology
The course aims to acquire the fundamentals of sociological knowledge with particular reference to the scientific character of sociology. Starting from an examination of the historical development of the discipline through the learning of the thought of the main authors, we propose an approach to the major theories, categories and sociological currents. With the study of General Sociology, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the theoretical principles of sociology; - ability to express oneself in the language and terms of the discipline; - understanding of the interconnections that structure the relationship between man and society in the various macro systemic contexts: social, economic, cultural. In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills applied: - ability to apply the knowledge acquired in research projects on the topics covered by the course; - ability to apply sociological theories by elaborating research hypotheses and selecting the most suitable research techniques. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - ability to critically read manuals and specialist texts concerning the discipline; - ability to identify the appropriate methods of study and research in relation to the different contexts of application; - ability to read critically the results of studies, research and projects. In terms of communication skills: - acquisition of terminology specific to the discipline; - ability to express clearly, even to a non-specialist audience, environmental issues in the global socio-economic context. In terms of learning capacity: - understanding of the importance of field observation and direct experience of the processes being studied.
Derived from
22910126 Sociologia generale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 FORMATORE GAMMAITONI MILENA
( syllabus)
If we think of sociology as a reflective thought on man, on his actions in society, it could be said that it has always existed: from philosophy, in literature, among scholars of every age, in the most varied fields. A science arises from the human need to satisfy certain needs, proposing answers, practical solutions to real problems or cognitive needs. Sociology combines theory and empirical research, and today, more than ever, it is useful for knowing how to analyze and respond to the issues of social coexistence: culture, democracy, health, globalization, ecology, gender and sexuality, migrations, symbolic representations, great themes that carry within them the transformations of social relations, of the family, of stratification, of education, of religion, of the arts, of the use of the mass media. The course therefore intends to address the forms and changes of living in society, according to different theories and methods of investigation, with the aim of making female students more and more autonomous and aware. Able to set up conceptually oriented empirical research. Particular attention will be paid to the themes closest to the professional paths of the Eduform, Edunido and SFP degree courses, with particular attention to childhood.
( reference books)
3 textes suggested
1) The Main Text to choice between:
Testi di esame consigliati:
1) Main Text to choice:
Rita Bichi, a cura, “Sociologia”, Editore Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2022 1 parte e i capitoli della 2 parte 30-31-32-33-40-41 oppure Milena Gammaitoni, a cura, "La Sociologia: concetti e ricerca empirica" Utet, Torino, (in corso di stampa) 2) Un testo a scelta tra: E. Goffman, La vita quotidiana come rappresentazione o I rituali dell’interazione, L. Berger, T. Luckmann, La realtà come costruzione sociale, M. Weber,Lo spirito protestante e le origini del capitalismo o La scienza come professione. La politica come professione, E. Durkheim, Il Suicidio, P. H. Marcuse, L’uomo ad una dimensione, W. Adorno, La personalità autoritaria, P. Bourdieu, Il dominio maschile, Feltrinelli, C.W. Mills, L'immaginazione sociologica, Il Saggiatore, Hannah Arendt, Vita activa o Le origini del totalitarismo, qualsiasi edizione, Franco Ferrarotti, La sociologia alla riscoperta della qualità/oppure/ La sociologia, Agnes Heller, Per una teoria dei sentimenti, Mary Wollstonecraft, I diritti delle donne, Z. Bauman, Amore liquido, Odorisio G.C., Harriet Martineau e Tocqueville, Due diverse letture della democrazia americana, Rubettino. 3) un testo a scelta tra: Milena Gammaitoni, Storie di vita di artiste europee, dal Medioevo alla contemporaneità, Cleup, Padova Aversano L., Caianiello O., Gammaitoni M., a cura, Musiciste e Compositrici, Storia e storie di vita, SEdM, 2021 ( ordinabile nel sito www.sedm.it), Bartholini I., Violenza di prossimità. La vittima, il carnefice, lo spettatore e il «grande occhio», Carbone C., Voci indigene e saperi sovversivi, Le donne Maori innovano le conoscenze, Mimesis, 2021, Carnà K., Nuove identità in una società multietnica, Percorsi tra scuole, religioni, famiglie, Cleup, 2020, Carnà K., S. Rossetti, Corpi e identità, donne dal subcontinente indiano all’Italia, Maori Ed. 2021, Grassi E., Etica e intelligenza artificiale, questioni aperte, Armando, 2020, Corbisiero F., M. Nocenzi, Manuale di educazione al genere e alla sessualità, Utet, 2021 Costa C., Morsello B., Incerta religiosità, forme molteplici del credere, Franco Angeli, 2020, D’Amato M. a cura, Immaginario e satanismo, Universitaria, 2010 Gammaitoni M., a cura, Le arti e la politica. Le risposte della sociologia, Cleup, 2015, Gammaitoni M., a cura, Per una sociologia delle arti. Storia e storie di vita, Cleup, 2012 Gammaitoni M., a cura, Roma in mutamento? Intercultura e inclusione per servizi pubblici innovativi, Cleup, 2021. Romeo A., Per una sociologia del corpo, Mondadori, 2018,
Cleup's books are available at: redazione@cleup.it Bigliografia di riferimento Luciano Gallino, Dizionario di Sociologia, Utet Franco Ferrarotti, Trattato di Sociologia, Utet
Letture Consigliate Patricia Madoo Lengermann, Gilian Niebrugge, The Women Founders, Sociology and Social Theory 1830-1930, Waveland Press, 2007 Nicolò Govoni, Se fosse tuo figlio, Longanesi Elena Giannini Belotti, Dalla parte delle bambine, Mondadori Marina D’Amato, Ci siamo persi i bambini, Laterza Graziella Priulla, Violate, sessismo e cultura dello stupro, Maori ed.
Basic compulsory activities
22902476 -
sociology of education
The aim of the course is to analyze the main current classical and contemporary sociological adopting an analytical perspective of the educational process focused on the social aspect of education, beyond the issues related to education.
At the end of the course the student: - has become familiar with the basic concepts of the sociology of education and knows the different interpretative theories of educational processes, formal and informal, in contemporary society - is able to orientate himself critically between the different approaches regarding education and sociality in a globalized, technological and multicultural society
22902476-1 -
The aim of the course is to analyze the main current classical and contemporary sociological adopting an analytical perspective of the educational process focused on the social aspect of education, beyond the issues related to education.
At the end of the course the student: - has become familiar with the basic concepts of the sociology of education and knows the different interpretative theories of educational processes, formal and informal, in contemporary society - is able to orientate himself critically between the different approaches regarding education and sociality in a globalized, technological and multicultural society
Derived from
22902476-1 SOCIOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE (L39/40) in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 A - L GIARDIELLO MAURO
( syllabus)
Classical and contemporary theories; Cultural capital and school; Educational contexts; Educational processes and communities; Civil quality of education and public space; Socialization, belonging and identity; Education and marginality; Social and educational inequalities; Youth cultures and subcultures; Marginality and second generation of migrants; Social research and educational planning.
( reference books)
Besozzi, E., Società, cultura, educazione, Carocci, Roma, 2016, pp.17-73; 91-103;127-153; 275-406. Bourdieu, P., Forme di Capitale. Santoro, M., (a cura di), Armando, Roma, 2015 Caiazza, K., Gagliardo, M., Sulle tracce dell'educazione, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, Torino. Giancola, O., Salmieri, L., Educazione, istruzione e diseguaglianze, in Giancola, O., Salmieri, L. (a cura di), Sociologia delle disuguaglianze, Carocci, Roma, 2020, pp. 141-150 (disponibili in pdf su formonline) Giardiello, M., Sociologia della marginalità. Il contributo di Gino Germani, Carocci, Roma 2012. Orioles, M., La seconda generazione di migranti. Verso Quale integrazione? Carocci, Roma, 2014
Basic compulsory activities
22902476-2 -
The aim of the course is to analyze the main current classical and contemporary sociological adopting an analytical perspective of the educational process focused on the social aspect of education, beyond the issues related to education.
At the end of the course the student: - has become familiar with the basic concepts of the sociology of education and knows the different interpretative theories of educational processes, formal and informal, in contemporary society - is able to orientate himself critically between the different approaches regarding education and sociality in a globalized, technological and multicultural society
Derived from
22902476-2 SOCIOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE (L39/40) in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 M - Z RUSPINI PAOLO
( syllabus)
Classical and contemporary theories; Cultural capital and school; Educational contexts; Educational processes and communities; Civil quality of education and public space; Socialization, belonging and identity; Education and marginality; Social and educational inequalities; Youth cultures and subcultures; Marginality and second generation of migrants; Social research and educational planning.
( reference books)
Besozzi, E., Società, cultura, educazione, Carocci, Roma, 2016, pp.17-73; 91-103;127-153; 275-406. Bourdieu, P., Forme di Capitale. Santoro, M., (a cura di), Armando, Roma, 2015 Caiazza, K., Gagliardo, M., Sulle tracce dell'educazione, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, Torino. Giancola, O., Salmieri, L., Educazione, istruzione e diseguaglianze, in Giancola, O., Salmieri, L. (a cura di), Sociologia delle disuguaglianze, Carocci, Roma, 2020, pp. 141-150 (disponibili in pdf su formonline) Giardiello, M., Sociologia della marginalità. Il contributo di Gino Germani, Carocci, Roma 2012. Orioles, M., La seconda generazione di migranti. Verso Quale integrazione? Carocci, Roma, 2014
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
EduForm Educ M-PED/01 I anno - (show)
22910120 -
Professional education
The purpose of the course is to analyse the figure and functions of the "Educator", a profession that originates in social professional education whose essential treaties are recognized in methodologies and principles typical of essential education as it has developed in the European middle context. Studying professional pedagogy the student will be able to: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of this branch of knowledge; - know the specific characteristics of different educational settings for individual and community wellbeing In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyse the best educational practices with reference to nationally and internationally consolidated pedagogical methods; - be able to access scientific literature of reference to plan emancipation paths for those involved in the process; In terms of independent judgment: - interpret different educational needs and master methods and the most suitable expressive codes for different contexts; - evaluate pedagogical innovations promoting collaborative and integrated work with local people and services. In terms of communication skills: - use human interaction strategies in different educational contexts and identify ones own pedagogical style; - interact in social contexts to plan educational actions; In terms of learning skills: - understand the role of pedagogical knowledge in its historical and socio-political development in formal and non-formal educational contexts. - understand the educational relationship in its different socio-historical, cognitive and emotional dimensions.
( syllabus)
The purpose of this course is to offer systemic reflections on the relationship between pedagogy and the professional activity of the socio-pedagogical educator (legally regulated by the recent 205/17 law) for individual and community wellbeing in present-day multicultural and globalised contexts and is divided in three parts. In the first part issues belonging to pedagogical knowledge and its antinomies (nature/culture, individual/society, equality/difference, authority/freedom, theory/practice) they will explore, hlighting the planning and transformative dimension. In the second, more substantial part explore educational settings for the different ages in life (from family to childcare services and elderly services) and from mental and social disadvantage facilities (prison), while building construction educational workshops to identify strategies, resources and methods for the professional act. In the third workshop part, you will be asked to choose a setting and build an educational project based on the chosen setting. The organization includes lectures, seminar and laboratory activities with participatory teaching methods. Meetings will also be organized with experts and representatives of institutions and educational associations active in the territories.
( reference books)
Recommended texts
Part one A text of your choice from: Sergio Tramma (2018), L'educatore imperfetto. Senso e complessità del lavoro educativo. Carrocci, Roma, Terza edizione. Anna Salerni, Giordana Szpunar (2019), Il professionista dell'educazione tra teoria e pratica, Edizioni Junior, Parma.
Part Two 1) Two essays to choose from L. Cerrocchi, L. Dozza (eds.) (2018), Contesti educativi per il sociale. Progettualità, professioni e setting per il benessere individuale e di comunità, FrancoAngeli, Milano. Essays can also be chosen from later editions. 2) Two essays to choose from the volume:E. Zizioli, L. Stillo, G. Franchi (2024), L'altra scuola. L'educazione popolare tra apprendimento e riscatto sociale, Donzelli, Roma. 3)Case study of a setting: E. Zizioli (2021), Donne Detenute. Percorsi educativi di liberazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Part Three Reading a classic of your choice from: A. S. Makarenko (2009), La pedagogia scolastica sovietica, Armando, Roma. J. Dewey, Esperienza e educazione. Qualsiasi edizione purché integrale.
Basic compulsory activities
22910121 -
Education Philosophy
The principle of educational continuity constitutes the background of contemporary educational thought. The new educational philosophical orientations require a reflection on the adaptation of the conceptual and operational tools that serve to address the relationship between experience and education. By studying the Philosophy of Education the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - understand The principle of educational continuity. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyse the relationship between experience and education; - Identify conceptual and operational tools to address the relationship between experience and education. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - understand contemporary educational thinking; - identify and generalize educational phenomena and processes. In terms of communication skills: - Interact in the classroom and outside the classroom; - Linking pedagogical theories to contemporary educational issues. In terms of learning capacity: - understand the educational challenge and propose solutions in the light of the new educational philosophical orientations; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
( syllabus)
Self-care and autobiography This course intends to offer an opportunity for critical reflection on a crucial category of the pedagogical-educational dimension such as care, in its intertwining with the dimension of autobiography. There will be several focal points of this journey: A) A philosophical-educational analysis of the notion of care, following the twentieth-century ethical-moral orientations of the philosophies of dialogue and of the person: Lévinas, Buber, Scheler and Ricoeur in particular; then taking up ideas and themes relating to the philosophies of existence, in their different expressions (Heidegger, Marcel, Jaspers) and the phenomenological psychiatry of the first decades of the twentieth century (again Jaspers, Binswanger, Minkowski), along a constant reference to the anthropological dimension of the subject/person. B) The course will also be aimed at the analysis of care within socio-health pedagogical areas, in terms of pedagogy of care, through a critical reading of those categories such as health, illness, pain, body, empathy, vulnerability, consubstantial at the act of treating, within a pedagogical perspective based on the humanization of treatment and the use of an approach methodology inspired by that theoretical and practical orientation that goes under the name of illness narratives, according to the definition given by Arthur Kleinman . C) The pedagogical reflections developed, in Italy, by Franco Cambi will be analysed, in particular, in the field of "self-care" and the autobiographical method as a fruitful and precious practice for the purposes of personal training. Autobiographical writing, self-narration, appear rich in formative, emancipatory, reflective-critical implications. At the basis of them, we can identify a radical need for self-expression, a "giving shape", a making oneself recognisable, to oneself and to others, thus making "recognition" a key category of identity development, which he calls At issue is the intimately social, relational (and, as we will see, political) nature of every "private", individual, intimate narrative. Autobiography is, therefore, first of all a "need", but also, then, a method and model. And it has become such within the pedagogical and training practices that, in recent decades, have taken shape, starting from the daily, "anonymous" dimension of telling one's story. Think of the experience of the Memorial Archives in Pieve Santo Stefano, up to the Free University of Autobiography, near Anghiari. It is obvious that these processes always involve at least three aspects of personal identity: 1) the more intimate one, connected to the "representation of oneself", imbued with affective, cognitive, imaginative values, which is played out on the level of a dialectic between what I am and what I would like to be, in the light of what I have been 2) That of a social nature, relating to my "being for others", and therefore also to how others see myself, which is nourished, in the of my life, of a series of expectations (family, social, work, etc.) that my social environment of reference creates for me, and which is in turn received by me, always within a dialectic between adhesion/conflict 3 )That of an eminently professional/work matrix which, especially in the current "liquid" condition, to quote Bauman, marked by flexibility, precariousness, dynamics of sudden change, forces the person to a constant process of revision, re-adaptation and possible new developments of the knowledge/skills acquired, with a view to redefining one's professional role. D) Laboratory part: self-narrative, training and cinema The experience we have of cinema, of watching a film, is part of a space characterized by profound and crucial educational values. It is a space in which the person can recreate, experiment, rework reality, without risks and constraints, within a dialectic that lives under the banner of a creative tension between identification and estrangement, between illusion and truth, between appearance and reality. The performative pressure of the film induces in the spectator the possibility of feeling emotions, meditating, thinking. Cinema carries within itself, therefore, a peculiar educational value to the extent that it works on the possibility of bringing out the subject's experiences, the complex emotional dynamics, which are stimulated by the potential for cathartic fascination that the filmic language brings within itself, both on a narrative level and on an iconic-imaginative level, thus making its contents analyzable and conscientious. cinema shows the "course of things", while inscribing them within the constant transformation that animates them. Cinema, therefore, as an example of significant pedagogical-educational practice in terms of self-care and self-rereading through "life stories".
( reference books)
M. Giosi, Le radici pedagogiche della cura, Roma, Anicia, 2022. D. Demetrio, Raccontarsi. L'autobiografia come cura di sé, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2022 (i primi 8 capitoli). E. Morin, Il cinema o l'uomo immaginario, Raffaello Corina Editore, Milano, 2016 ( Di questo testo andranno studiati soltanto tre capitoli)
Parte Laboratoriale. Un film a scelta tra: Il posto delle fragole di Ingmar Bergman Truman Show di Peter Weir L'attimo fuggente di Peter Weir Ladri di biciclette di Vittorio De Sica Farenheit 451 di François Truffaut American beauty di Sam Mendes Un angelo alla mia tavola di Jane Campion Bellissima di Luchino Visconti Sweet Sixteen di Ken Loach Gente comune di Robert Redford Il signore delle mosche di Peter Brook Noi siamo infinito di Stephen Chbosky Favolacce di D e F. D’ Innocenzo Christiane F. Noi, i ragazzi dello zoo di Berlino di Uli Edel Ragazze interrotte di Jane Mangold Il film scelto sarà oggetto di un elaborato (non meno di due pagine) attraverso il quale gli studenti/studentesse forniranno una libera interpretazione, applicando, altresi’, alcune della categorie pedagogiche esperite durate il Corso The chosen film will be the subject of an essay (no less than two pages) through which the students will provide a free interpretation, also applying some of the pedagogical categories experienced during the Course
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
EduForm Educ I anno M-PED/04 - (show)
22910271 -
Promote in students the knowledge about the empirical-experimental methodologies used in educational research in order to develop basic skills for the recognition and detection of the variables that influence and co-determine educational phenomena. In detail, the following learning objectives are described: - Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of empirical research methods in education. - Ability to apply knowledge and development of critical ability Understanding, planning and implementing empirical research in education Learn to evaluate and use the results of empirical studies and evaluate an empirical research plan.
Derived from
22910271 Sperimentazione educativa in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 CASTELLANA GIUSEPPINA
( syllabus)
The course main objective is to illustrate and define the main lines of educational research and to provide students with the principal evaluation tools. - Issues and strategies for educational research. -The construction of the research: identification of problems and research objectives, construction of the theoretical framework, formulation of hypotheses, operational definitions, types of variables, relationships between variables - Collection of data: qualitative and quantitative techniques - Coding, data analysis and hypothesis-testing: processing of statistics and bivariate statistics - learn how to critically redraft hypotheses - identify paths to solve educational issues.
( reference books)
PROGRAMMA NON FREQUENTANTI 1) Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education. 2) Biasi V. (2019). Conflitto psichico e Educazione. Fenomenologia e sperimentazione. Milano: LED. 3) Biasi V. (2017). Dinamiche dell’apprendere. Schemi mentali, interessi e questioni didattico-valutative. Roma: Carocci.
PROGRAMMA FREQUENTANTI - Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education. - Castellana G. (2018). Dimmi come leggi. Questionario e itinerari didattici sulle strategie di lettura per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Milano: LED. -Testi/articoli che verranno indicati nel corso delle lezioni (sui temi: orientamento, strategie cognitive e motivazionali, lifeskills, ecc.).
Basic compulsory activities
22910122 -
Experimental pedagogy
Educators: The course aims to provide students with the conceptual and procedural tools of research in education. The first part will illustrate the historical and theoretical foundations of experimental pedagogy, the procedures for defining the areas of intervention, the methodologies and tools for collecting and analyzing data. In the second part, the discipline will be deepened through the study of a research project, whose phases will be examined also in the light of the theoretical assumptions illustrated in the first part of the course. The seminar will be dedicated to the reading and commentary of an educational classic. With the study of Experimental Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - acquire the basic concepts of experimental pedagogy; - to learn the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical investigation. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - Identify the specific areas of quantitative and qualitative research; - define a research problem; - formulating hypotheses. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to formulate autonomous judgments deriving from the interpretation of research results. In terms of communication skills: - Explain the results of the research to specialists and non-specialists. In terms of learning ability: - Study autonomously models and procedures for research in education.
Trainers: The course aims to provide students with the conceptual and procedural tools of research in education. The first part will illustrate the historical and theoretical foundations of experimental pedagogy; the procedures for the definition of the areas of intervention, the methodologies and tools for data collection and analysis. In the second part, the discipline will be deepened through the study of a research project, whose phases will be examined also in the light of the theoretical assumptions illustrated in the first part of the course. The seminar will be dedicated to the reading and commentary of an educational classic. With the study of Experimental Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - acquire the basic concepts of experimental pedagogy; - to learn the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical investigation. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - Identify the specific areas of quantitative and qualitative research; - define a research problem; - formulating hypotheses. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to formulate autonomous judgments deriving from the interpretation of research results. In terms of communication skills: - Explain the results of the research to specialists and non-specialists. In terms of learning ability: - Study autonomously models and procedures for research in education.
( syllabus)
The course aims to develop students’ understanding of key concepts and basic principles of experimental educational research design and methodology, considering its ethical implications and reflecting on its philosophical underpinnings and quality. Students will be introduced to the main experimental research designs in the pedagogical field, to the construction of structured tests, to the use of educational technologies and to the main national and international surveys on education. The first part will illustrate the historical and theoretical foundations of experimental pedagogy, the procedures for defining the areas of intervention, the methodologies and tools for collecting and analyzing data. In the second part, the discipline will be deepened through the study of a research project, whose phases will be examined also in the light of the theoretical assumptions illustrated in the first part of the course. The distance learning part of the course requires the study of an excerpt from the book "I dati valutativi italiani dal 1971 ad oggi" (Italian evaluation data from 1971 to the present day), which presents a three-year study of Italy's assessment data in the main international surveys. The proposed extract presents the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as well as the most important international surveys considered. The seminar will be dedicated to the reading and commentary of an educational classic. Part of the course programme is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational contexts for children.
( reference books)
Mandatory readings: Laeng, M. (1992). Pedagogia sperimentale. Nuova Italia. (up to page 54) Dewey, J., Gabrieli, M. T., & Borelli, L. (1951). Le fonti di una scienza dell'educazione. La Nuova Italia. (seminar reading) Trinchero R. (2004). I metodi della ricerca educativa, Bari, Laterza. Agrusti, F. (2014) I dati valutativi italiani dal 1971 ad oggi. Roma: Nuova Cultura. (from page 37 to page 60) (a PDF version is available)
Please note that the mandatory readings must be studied entirely unless otherwise indicated. The slides discussed in class and related to the main topics of the course will be available on the e-learning platform.
Further readings: Zuliani, A. (1976). Statistica per la ricerca educativa. SEI. Corda Costa, M., Vertecchi, B., & Visalberghi, A. (1975). Orientamenti per la sperimentazione didattica. Meirieu, P. (2007). Frankenstein educatore. Azzano San Paolo (BG: Junior).
Please note that further readings are not mandatory. However, it is advisable for both attending students and non-attending students to undertake the study of these didactic materials.
Considering the different topics covered in the lessons, the lecturer will provide, as a stimulus and aid to study, handouts, articles, essays and research reports on the course website.
Basic compulsory activities