Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
caratterizzante - discipline storiche antropologiche e geografiche 1 - (show)
20710654 -
The course “Cultural and social Anthropology” provides advanced abilities in understanding and make use of the notions of cultural diversity, relativism, ethnicity, globalization, in order to: develop a critical knowledge of the relation between different societies, the ability to contextualize societies and cultures, the ability to interpret cultural phenomena and processes though space and time, the ability to manage cultural complexity.
( syllabus)
Monder Kilani, L’invenzione dell’Altro. Saggi sul discorso antropologico, Parte prima (Capitoli 1, 2, 3, ,4, 5) e della Seconda parte il capitolo 11.
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Tabet, Le dita tagliate, Ediesse, 2014; - Grilli S., Zanotelli F. (a cura di), Scelte di famiglia. Tendenze della parentela nella società contemporanea, Edizioni ETS, da p.65 a p.164; - Guillaumin C., 2020, Sesso, Razza e Pratica del Potere. L’idea di Natura, Ombre Corte, solo le seguenti parti: “Pratica del potere”, “Razza e natura. Sistemi di marchi, idea di gruppi naturali”, “’Lo so, ma…’ o gli avatar della nozione di razza”; - Gribaldo, A., La Natura scomposta. Riproduzione assistita, genere, parentela. Luca Sossella editore, 2005; - Piasere L., L’antiziganismo, Quodlibet, 2015 abbinato a P. Tabet, La pelle giusta, 1998 (disponibile in ebook) - Bisogno, Francesco, Ronzon, Flora, (a cura) 2007, Altri generi. Inversioni e variazioni di genere tra culture, Il dito e la luna (volume messo a disposizione dalla docente).
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class:
* Claude Lévi-Strauss (1984), "Natura e Cultura", in Le strutture elementari della parentela, Feltrinelli, pp. 39-50; * Clifford Geertz (1998), “L’impatto del concetto di cultura sul concetto di uomo”, in C. Geertz, Interpretazione di culture, Il Mulino, pp. 45-70; * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, “Sesso e genere”, in Non si nasce donna. Percorsi, testi e contesti del femminismo materialista in Francia, a cura di Garbagnoli Sara e Perilli Vincenza, Alegre, pp. 101-112; * Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo, 1979, “Lavoro domestico e attività pubblica: sul ruolo sociale dei sessi”, in Miceli Rosaria, Oppressione della donna e ricerca antropologica, Savelli Editore, pp. 27-58; * Kim TallBear, “Fare l’amore e le relazioni oltre il sesso e la famiglia dei coloni”, in Making Kin. Fare parentele, non popolazioni, Derive Approdi, pp. 163-181. * Ribeiro Corossacz Valeria, “Brasile: criminalizzazione dell’aborto, razzismo e pratiche politiche delle donne”, in Dai nostri corpi sotto attacco. Aborto e Politica, a cura di Ilaria Boiano e Caterina Botti, Ediesse, 2019, pp. 169- 182.
Students not attending classes will also study Francesco Remotti, Contro Natura. Laterza, 2008, from p.11 to p. 26, and from p. 86 to p.191 (chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
( reference books)
Monder Kilani, L’invenzione dell’Altro. Saggi sul discorso antropologico, Parte prima (Capitoli 1, 2, 3, ,4, 5) e della Seconda parte il capitolo 11.
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Tabet, Le dita tagliate, Ediesse, 2014; - Grilli S., Zanotelli F. (a cura di), Scelte di famiglia. Tendenze della parentela nella società contemporanea, Edizioni ETS, da p.65 a p.164; - Guillaumin C., 2020, Sesso, Razza e Pratica del Potere. L’idea di Natura, Ombre Corte, solo le seguenti parti: “Pratica del potere”, “Razza e natura. Sistemi di marchi, idea di gruppi naturali”, “’Lo so, ma…’ o gli avatar della nozione di razza”; - Gribaldo, A., La Natura scomposta. Riproduzione assistita, genere, parentela. Luca Sossella editore, 2005; - Piasere L., L’antiziganismo, Quodlibet, 2015 abbinato a P. Tabet, La pelle giusta, 1998 (disponibile in ebook) - Bisogno, Francesco, Ronzon, Flora, (a cura) 2007, Altri generi. Inversioni e variazioni di genere tra culture, Il dito e la luna (volume messo a disposizione dalla docente).
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class:
Dispensa Natura/cultura * Claude Lévi-Strauss (1984), "Natura e Cultura", in Le strutture elementari della parentela, Feltrinelli, pp. 39-50; * Clifford Geertz (1998), “L’impatto del concetto di cultura sul concetto di uomo”, in C. Geertz, Interpretazione di culture, Il Mulino, pp. 45-70; * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, “Sesso e genere”, in Non si nasce donna. Percorsi, testi e contesti del femminismo materialista in Francia, a cura di Garbagnoli Sara e Perilli Vincenza, Alegre, pp. 101-112; * Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo, 1979, “Lavoro domestico e attività pubblica: sul ruolo sociale dei sessi”, in Miceli Rosaria, Oppressione della donna e ricerca antropologica, Savelli Editore, pp. 27-58; * Kim TallBear, “Fare l’amore e le relazioni oltre il sesso e la famiglia dei coloni”, in Making Kin. Fare parentele, non popolazioni, Derive Approdi, pp. 163-181. * Ribeiro Corossacz Valeria, “Brasile: criminalizzazione dell’aborto, razzismo e pratiche politiche delle donne”, in Dai nostri corpi sotto attacco. Aborto e Politica, a cura di Ilaria Boiano e Caterina Botti, Ediesse, 2019, pp. 169- 182.
Students not attending classes will also study Francesco Remotti, Contro Natura. Laterza, 2008, from p.11 to p. 26, and from p. 86 to p.191 (chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
caratterizzanti - discipline storiche, antropologiche e geografiche - 2 - (show)
20710655 -
The course aims to offer students the conceptual and methodological tools essential to understand the political, economic, social and cultural processes which presided over the development of European political systems in the 20th century. General objective of the course is to provide the student with the ability to contextualize and understand the problems of the period, with a comparative analysis between the Italian political system and the political systems of other European countries.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Obiettivo del corso è analizzare la storia dei sistemi europei nella seconda metà del XX secolo dall’angolo di visuale dell’Italia, evidenziando sfide comuni e specificità nazionali.
Per ragioni burocratico-amministrative il corso è diviso in due moduli da 6 CFU ciascuno. Nonostante questa suddivisione burocratica, le lezioni seguiranno un andamento tematico comune a entrambi i moduli. La frequenza è quindi consigliata a tutti per l’intera durata del corso.
Per il MODULO UNO vanno portati i seguenti temi coi seguenti testi.
TEMA: L’Europa nella seconda metà del XX secolo e l’emergere dei movimenti populisti TESTI: - Leonardo Rapone (a cura di), "L’Europa del novecento", Carocci, 2020, da pag. 149 a pag. 436 - Marco Tarchi, L’Italia populista, Il Mulino, 2015
In più, A SCELTA, UNO dei seguenti temi, con relativi testi
TEMA: Le Brigate Rosse e il Caso Moro TESTO. Agostino Giovagnoli, "Il Caso Moro", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
TEMA: "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni internazionali tra la fine del XX secolo e l'inizio del XXI secolo" TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. I, "Fine della guerra fredda e globalizzazione" a cura di Silvio Pons, Adriano Roccucci, Federico Romero Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Federico Romero, "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni sociali di fine Novecento", pp. 15-34; - Silvio Pons, "La bipolarità italiana e la fine della Guerra Fredda", pp. 35-53, - Valerio Castronovo, "L’Italia nel mercato globale", pp. 71-83; - Antonio Varsori, "Dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino a Tangentopoli: la dimensione internazionale della crisi della Prima Repubblica”, pp. 209-222; - Daniela Preda, "Il lungo travaglio istituzionale europeo (1992-2012)", pp. 299-315
TEMA: "Mutamento sociale e cambiamento dei costumi nell'Italia tra la fine del XX e l'inizio del XXI secolo. TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. II, "Il mutamento sociale", a cura di Enrica Asquer, Emanuele Bernardi, Carlo Fumian. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Chiara Saraceno, "Famiglie, rapporti di genere e generazioni, politiche sociali", pp. 81-97 - Paolo Capuzzo, "I consumi tra economia e cultura nell’Italia del dopo boom (1973-2008)", pp. 179-197, - Emanuela Scarpellini, "Consumi e attori sociali: le nuove identità dei consumatori italiani", pp. 199-210, - Stefano Cavazza, "Consumi, società e politica in Italia (1980-2000)", pp. 211-225 - Giovanni Gozzini, "La televisione tra due repubbliche", pp. 227-242
TEMA: Il Sistema politico degli anni Ottanta, la crisi e il crollo, "Tangentopoli", l'avvento di Berlusconi, il nuovo sistema politico bipolare tra fine XX e inizio XXI secolo TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. III, "Istituzioni e politica", a cura di Simona Colarizi, Agostino Giovagnoli, Paolo Pombeni. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Simona Colarizi, "Politica e antipolitica dalla Prima alla Seconda repubblica", pp. 333-347; - Paolo Segatti, "La nascita della Lega: un capitolo di una storia che ci appartiene", pp. 351-360; - Filippo Sbrana. Nord non chiama Sud. Genesi e sviluppi della questione settentrionale", pp. 361-381 - Gianfranco Baldini, "Forza Italia: un partito unico", pp. 423-435; - Andrea Possieri, "Un riformismo incompiuto: il primo governo Prodi", pp. 509-528.
I tre volumi da cui sono estratti i saggi, oltre ad essere acquistabili nelle librerie, sono disponibili presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, la Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea di Via Caetani, nonché le biblioteche dei principali istituti culturali, la cui collocazione è immediatamente rilevabile sul sito del sistema bibliotecario Nazionale, SBN. In più, ne è stata fatta richiesta di acquisizione presso il Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo di Roma Tre.
Per il MODULO DUE, vanno studiati i seguenti temi, coi relativi testi
1) Il “Berlusconismo”, come fenomeno sociale e politico in una prospettiva comparativa internazionale TESTO: Giovanni Orsina, "Il Berlusconismo nella storia d‘Italia", Marsilio, Venezia, 2013
2) Un approfondimento sulla storia politico sociale di uno dei principali paesi europei. TESTI: portare UNO A SCELTA fra i seguenti testi: - Riccardo Brizzi, Michele Marchi, "Storia politica della Francia repubblicana", Le Monnier, 2011, dal cap. 5 alla fine; - Giulia Guazzaloca, "Storia della Gran Bretagna 1832-2014", Le Monnier, 2015, dal cap. 9 alla fine; - Gustavo Corni, "Storia della Germania", Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2017, dal cap. 8 alla fine; - Carmelo Adagio, Alfonso Botti, “Storia della Spagna democratica”, Bruno Mondadori, 2006
( reference books)
TEMA: L’Europa nella seconda metà del XX secolo e l’emergere dei movimenti populisti TESTI: - Leonardo Rapone (a cura di), "L’Europa del novecento", Carocci, 2020, da pag. 149 a pag. 436 - Marco Tarchi, L’Italia populista, Il Mulino, 2015
In più, A SCELTA, UNO dei seguenti temi, con relativi testi
TEMA: Le Brigate Rosse e il Caso Moro TESTO. Agostino Giovagnoli, "Il Caso Moro", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
TEMA: "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni internazionali tra la fine del XX secolo e l'inizio del XXI secolo" TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. I, "Fine della guerra fredda e globalizzazione" a cura di Silvio Pons, Adriano Roccucci, Federico Romero Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Federico Romero, "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni sociali di fine Novecento", pp. 15-34; - Silvio Pons, "La bipolarità italiana e la fine della Guerra Fredda", pp. 35-53, - Valerio Castronovo, "L’Italia nel mercato globale", pp. 71-83; - Antonio Varsori, "Dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino a Tangentopoli: la dimensione internazionale della crisi della Prima Repubblica”, pp. 209-222; - Daniela Preda, "Il lungo travaglio istituzionale europeo (1992-2012)", pp. 299-315
TEMA: "Mutamento sociale e cambiamento dei costumi nell'Italia tra la fine del XX e l'inizio del XXI secolo. TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. II, "Il mutamento sociale", a cura di Enrica Asquer, Emanuele Bernardi, Carlo Fumian. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Chiara Saraceno, "Famiglie, rapporti di genere e generazioni, politiche sociali", pp. 81-97 - Paolo Capuzzo, "I consumi tra economia e cultura nell’Italia del dopo boom (1973-2008)", pp. 179-197, - Emanuela Scarpellini, "Consumi e attori sociali: le nuove identità dei consumatori italiani", pp. 199-210, - Stefano Cavazza, "Consumi, società e politica in Italia (1980-2000)", pp. 211-225 - Giovanni Gozzini, "La televisione tra due repubbliche", pp. 227-242
TEMA: Il Sistema politico degli anni Ottanta, la crisi e il crollo, "Tangentopoli", l'avvento di Berlusconi, il nuovo sistema politico bipolare tra fine XX e inizio XXI secolo TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. III, "Istituzioni e politica", a cura di Simona Colarizi, Agostino Giovagnoli, Paolo Pombeni. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Simona Colarizi, "Politica e antipolitica dalla Prima alla Seconda repubblica", pp. 333-347; - Paolo Segatti, "La nascita della Lega: un capitolo di una storia che ci appartiene", pp. 351-360; - Filippo Sbrana. Nord non chiama Sud. Genesi e sviluppi della questione settentrionale", pp. 361-381 - Gianfranco Baldini, "Forza Italia: un partito unico", pp. 423-435; - Andrea Possieri, "Un riformismo incompiuto: il primo governo Prodi", pp. 509-528.
I tre volumi da cui sono estratti i saggi, oltre ad essere acquistabili nelle librerie, sono disponibili presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, la Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea di Via Caetani, nonché le biblioteche dei principali istituti culturali, la cui collocazione è immediatamente rilevabile sul sito del sistema bibliotecario Nazionale, SBN. In più, ne è stata fatta richiesta di acquisizione presso il Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo di Roma Tre.
Per il MODULO DUE, vanno studiati i seguenti temi, coi relativi testi
1) Il “Berlusconismo”, come fenomeno sociale e politico in una prospettiva comparativa internazionale TESTO: Giovanni Orsina, "Il Berlusconismo nella storia d‘Italia", Marsilio, Venezia, 2013
2) Un approfondimento sulla storia politico sociale di uno dei principali paesi europei. TESTI: portare UNO A SCELTA fra i seguenti testi: - Riccardo Brizzi, Michele Marchi, "Storia politica della Francia repubblicana", Le Monnier, 2011, dal cap. 5 alla fine; - Giulia Guazzaloca, "Storia della Gran Bretagna 1832-2014", Le Monnier, 2015, dal cap. 9 alla fine; - Gustavo Corni, "Storia della Germania", Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2017, dal cap. 8 alla fine; - Carmelo Adagio, Alfonso Botti, “Storia della Spagna democratica”, Bruno Mondadori, 2006
Core compulsory activities
20710656 -
The course of History of Conflict and Cultural Diplomacy offers an overview of the rule that culture plays in relationships between states, particularly in time of crises, tensions and wars. By combining frontal teaching, group work and individual presentations, the course will introduce students to the different characteristics of war, and to the different forms of propaganda, including the tools used to promote its image abroad and the public diplomacy. The core of the investigation will be the balance between soft power and hard power, from the 19th Century until the present day.
( reference books)
1) Tommaso Detti (a cura di), Le guerre in un mondo globale, Viella, Roma 2017 2) Joseph S. Nye Junior, Smart power, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012 (since page 134) 3) Gaetano Castellini Curiel, Soft power e l’arte della diplomazia culturale, Le Lettere, Firenze 2021
A book of your choice: a) James Sheehan, L’età post-eroica: guerra e pace nell'Europa contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009 b) Mario Isnenghi, Le guerre degli italiani. Parole, immagini, ricordi, 1848-1945, il Mulino, Bologna 2015 c) Lorenzo Benadusi, Ufficiale e gentiluomo. Virtù civili e valori militari in Italia, 1896-1918, Feltrinelli, Milano 2015 d) George Mosse, Le guerre mondiali. Dalla tragedia al mito dei caduti, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018 e) Silvia Salvatici, Nel nome degli altri. Storia dell’umanitarismo internazionale, il Mulino, Bologna 2015 f) Sergio Marelli, ONG: una storia da raccontare. Dal volontariato alle multinazionali della solidarietà, Carocci, Roma 2015 g) Carlo Felice Casula, Liliosa Azara, Unesco 1945-2005. Un’utopia necessaria: scienza, educazione e cultura nel secolo mondo, Città aperta, Troina 2005, p. 302 h) Victoria De Grazia, L’impero irresistibile. La società dei consumi americani alla conquista del mondo, Einaudi, Torino 2020 i) Enzo Traverso, Il secolo armato. Interpretare le violenze del Novecento, Feltrinelli, Milano 2012 j) Jeremy Black, Le guerre nel mondo contemporaneo, il Mulino, Bologna 2006 k) Nicola Sbetti, Giochi diplomatici. Sport e politica estera nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra, Viella, Roma 2020 l) Michael L. Krenn, The History of United States Cultural Diplomacy: 1770 to the present day, Bloomsbury, London 2017
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
caratterizzanti - discipline sociologiche e politologiche - (show)
21810412 -
The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of main dynamics concerning current extremism, radicalisation and terrorism as well as providing fitting methodological expertise to analyse them.
Derived from
21810412 RADICALIZZAZIONE E VIOLENZA POLITICA in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z ANTONELLI FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
Violence and political violence: movements, socialisation and individualisation - Defining terrorism, defining radicalisation - Factors of radicalisation - Communication and radicalisation - Theory and models on terrorism and radicalisation - Gender and radicalisation - De-radicalisation and counter-radicalisation: introductory notes - Sources, methodologies and tools in terrorism and radicalisation studies: a case-study about young people facing to radicalisation.
( reference books)
Attending students: - Orsini A, Teorie sociologiche classiche e contemporanee, UTET 2021 [JUST CHAPTERS: 9 E 12]. - Antonelli F., Radicalizzazione, Milano, Mondadori 2021. - Papers selected by the professor.
Non-attending students: - Orsini A, Teorie sociologiche classiche e contemporanee, UTET 2021 [JUST CHAPTERS: 9 E 12]. - Antonelli F., Radicalizzazione, Milano, Mondadori 2021. - Papers selected by the professor. - Marinone L., Antonelli F. (eds.), How to Explain Radicalisation? Comparing the Drivers of Far-Right, Far-Left, Separatism and Religious Extremism, Mimesis International, 2022.
Core compulsory activities
21801540 -
The course provides specific knowledge and a comparative approach on all issues related to democratization processes, with a particular focus on the most recent ones of the so-called ‘’third wave’’. It also provides students with the knowledge related to the conditions that facilitate and allow the democratization of institutions and have determined differences in their outcomes
Derived from
21810594 PROCESSI DI DEMOCRATIZZAZIONE in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z PISCIOTTA BARBARA
( syllabus)
The course is divided into two parts. The first provides a theorical framework of the transition process and analyzes the conceptual debate about democratic foundation and the challenges of democratic consolidation. The second part moves from the theory to practice and explores the specific democratization trajectories in Southern and Eastern Europe during the Second and the Third Wave emphasizing the legacies of the former non democratic regimes.
( reference books)
P. Grilli di Cortona, Come gli stati diventano democratici, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009. P. Grilli di Cortona e O. Lanza (a cura di), Tra vecchio e nuovo regime. Il peso del passato nella costruzione della democrazia, Il Mulino, Bologna 2011.
The 6 credits program for non-attending students excludes chapters VII, VIII, IX and X of the book P. Grilli di Cortona e O. Lanza (a cura di), Tra vecchio e nuovo regime. Il peso del passato nella costruzione della democrazia, Il Mulino, Bologna 2011. Attending students who discuss a paper in the classroom will agree the 6 credits program with the teacher.
Core compulsory activities
20711232 -
Post-development sociology
The course has a monographic character and aims to meet some reflections and practices beyond the crisis of the "development era".
( syllabus)
The course has a monographic character and aims at meeting some reflections on the ecological, anthropological, social, economic and political crisis of the "development era", focusing on the relation North-South. We will explore, specifically, the "alternatives to development" represented by Franco Cassano’s “Southern thought" and the project for degrowth, in the declination elaborated by Serge Latouche.
( reference books)
1. Cassano F., “Tre modi di vedere il Sud”, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009.
2. Cassano F., "Il pensiero meridiano", Laterza, Bari 2021.
3. Latouche S., “La scommessa della decrescita”, Feltrinelli, Milano 2014.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
caratterizzanti - discipline economiche - (show)
21210142 -
Istituzioni, Disuguaglianza e Sviluppo
The course addresses a number of macroeconomic issues with a focus on development and growth, income distribution, institutions, welfare and labour market reforms. The module will typically cover the following topics: Introduction: principal macroeconomic issues of development; Economic growth: Growth models as tools for analyzing the macroeconomics of development; Geography, Culture and Institutions; Income distribution and Macroeconomics; Inequality, growth and welfare policy; Policy evaluation of welfare and labour market reforms.
Core compulsory activities
20710123 -
The course of Ecomic Geopolitics part of the program in Philosophical Sciences (MA level) and is included among the characterising training activities. The course aims to introduce students, in a historical perspective, to the most important contemporary phenomena of economic and social integration between the different areas of the world. Particular attention will be given to the development cooperation and regional trade arrangements in Latin America, Mediterranean and Far East. Students are expected to analyse, understand, interpret and critically evaluate the themes analysed giving them the essential tools to overall comprehend the research work associated to each theme. Students are expected to acquire the following skills: - Advanced capability to overall interpret political and economic macro-phenomenon of the main geographical areas analysed. - Advanced capability of comparative analysis regarding the themes analysed - Research methodology capabilities. - Written essay and oral exposure (in Italian and in a foreign language chosen).
Core compulsory activities
21210186 -
Human Development
A. Introduction to the capability approach B. Human Development: concept and measurement C. Education
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
caratterizzanti - discipline giuridiche - (show)
20110099 -
International Human Rights Law (Tutela internazionale dei diritti umani)
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW (LINGUA GIURIDICA) Course Learning Objectives At the end of this course, students should be proficient in the following subject areas and skills: - being familiar with the historical development and the theoretical approaches related to human rights - having knowledge of the global and regional systems of protection - carrying out proper analysis on selected issues in human rights
Derived from
20110592 International Human Rights Law in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 PALMISANO GIUSEPPE
( syllabus)
The following topics will progressively be covered during the course:
1) Introduction to International Human rights Law (IHRL). Historical Overview of the Development of IHRL. 2) Human Rights as Part of International Law. The Sources of International Human Rights Law: - human rights as customary international law; human rights as general principles of international law; human rights and jus cogens; human rights and international soft law. - human rights as treaty law. Limitations, derogations and reservations to human rights treaty obligations: generalities. The interpretation of human rights treaties. 3) An overview of the substantive content of human rights in international law. ‘Generations’ of human rights and the distinction between civil/political rights and economic/social rights. Human rights as indivisible, interdependent, interrelated and mutually reinforcing rights. 4) Nature and typologies of State obligations under human rights treaties. The tri-partite typology of ‘respect, protect and fulfil’. Immediately prescriptive obligations and obligations of progressive realization. 5) International oversight and protection of human rights: universal and regional systems and bodies. 6) The UN system: the two International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the UN treaty bodies and individual communications. 7) The UN Human Rights Council, the Universal Periodic Review, and other UN mechanisms. 8) The European system: the Council of Europe; the European Convention of Human Rights and the Strasbourg Court; the European Social Charter and the European Committee of Social Rights. 9) The European mechanisms for the protection of human rights. Lodging an application with the European Court of Human Rights. The collective complaints procedure provided for by the European Social Charter. 10) Human rights and international criminal responsibility of individuals: the role of international criminal courts and tribunals in prosecuting crimes against human rights. 11) Human rights and State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts: content and implementation of the responsibility of the State for the violation of human rights obligations under general international law. Use of force and protection of human rights. The “responsibility to protect” doctrine. 12) Use of force and protection of human rights. The “responsibility to protect” doctrine. Humanitarian intervention. The protection of human rights in armed conflicts and the rules of international humanitarian law.
The program also includes insights on: The rights of the child; The rights of persons with disabilities; Fundamental rights under EU law; The European Pillar of Social Rights.
( reference books)
Recommended textbooks:
D. Shelton, Advanced Introduction To International Human Rights Law. 2nd edition. Cheltenham - UK: E. Elgar, 2020. G. Palmisano, Collective Complaints As a Means for Protecting Social Rights in Europe. Anthem Press, London/New York/Melbourne/Delhi, 2022.
Further readings (including selected articles and excerpts from relevant literature) will be suggested during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20101098 -
Students acquire knowledge and understanding of both the Union's institutional system and the internal market law. These objectives will also be achieved through the evaluation of case law. Students will develop a critical awareness of the Union's legal system, and will be able to have autonomous judgments based in particular on the correct use of legal language. Students will also develop communication skills as regards the topics of the course with good expressive technique. In terms of learning skills, the student will be able to conduct his/her own evaluation of legal issues by putting into practice the method and learning acquired during lessons and seminars.
European Union Law Knowledge of the following topics: development of the European integration; institutional framework; European judicial system; sources of law; judicial system warranty; relationship between EU and Member States; citizenship.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims at providing a good knowledge of the main aspects of the European Union integration. The course is divided into two parts: the first part takes into account the general framework of the European integration, including EU basic structure and principles, with particular reference to the legal system after the Lisbon Treaty; the second part gives an account of the development of the Internal Market of the European Union. Both parts will be integrated with a comprehensive analysis of the ECJ leading cases.
( reference books)
The program is divided into a general part and a special part.
General Part:
A. Adinolfi, C. Morviducci, Elementi di diritto dell'Unione europea, Giappichelli Editore, 2020.
Special Part:
L. Daniele, Diritto del mercato unico europeo e dello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia, Quarta Edizione, Giuffrè Editore, 2019 (Capitoli I, II, III, IV, IV).
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
affini 1 - (show)
20711243 -
Religion and Society in Global Perspective
Derived from
( syllabus)
Syllabus TBA
Course Content
Presented within the frame of Religion and Society in Global Perspective, this course explores social, historical, and religious change focusing on western Europe in its relationship with the world. Particular attention will be paid to the Renaissance, Religious Reforms, and the Age of Discovery, starting with the late antique and medieval premises for religious and cultural change, and exploring the transformation of religious/magical beliefs and doctrines, systems of power, identity formation and forms of dissent. The course introduces students to the foundational themes, methods and skills necessary for the study of upper-level religious and cultural history. With a particular focus on the study of primary sources, it enables students to explore for themselves the characteristics of early modern European religious history in global perspective. The assessment schedule for this course is set out in stages to allow for the incremental development of core skills in the study of history. It is student-centred and involves a written essay about set primary and secondary readings, an oral presentation, and a final oral exam.
( reference books)
All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710648 -
The course intends to provide the essential elements of the geography of religions, in particular by analyzing the social, cultural and political phenomena that characterize urban spaces. Students will learn tools and content related to the "spatial flight" of Religious Studies. Through the analysis of sources of different nature, the course provides the heuristic tools for the analysis of the religious space
( syllabus)
An historical perspective on religions must take into consideration their multi-layered presence on the territory and must be able to analyze dynamics and strategies: since 2007 more than a half of the global population lives in urban areas and cities have become the privileged space of contestations, conflicts, negotiation of interests, creation of symbolic and capital resources concerning religions. In cities innovations, waves and tendencies concerning beliefs and religious practices are produced and reproduced. Italian and European cities were the space of creation and elaboration of social fears; in the last decades fear was related to economy, the environment, the pandemic crisis. The fear, almost touchable in the streets of the cities, is related to religion in a double way; from one side every religion was born from the fear of the loose/impossibility of controlling life, death, illness, pain, the end and often it is an answer to this feeling and to worries From the other side, religions produce fear, in the case of violence which arises in their name but also due to collective imaginaries which feed clichés, stereotypes, in particular towards minorities. This course offers some historical examples of religion such as an antidote to fear and religion such as virus of fear, in particular related to the topic of social fear and religious answers, fears which were provoked by ecological crisis, the wars or sublimated by religious fundamentalisms (on line – at school in prisons and in religious places)
( reference books)
Attending students
1. Appunti del corso e materiali 2. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, Milano 2021 oppure M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019 3. Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Not Attending students 1. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, 2021 2. M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019 3. G. Filoramo, R. Parrinello, Guarire dal contagio, Morcelliana Brescia 2020 e Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710662 -
The course aims to provide the elements of method for the analysis of the construction of individual and collective memory and for all public (and political) uses of the past.
In particular, we will discuss those historiographical currents which, especially in Italy, constitute the theoretical basis of the discipline: oral history and cultural history.
Finally, some examples of "good practices" of Public History will also be provided.
Derived from
20710662 PUBLIC HISTORY in Storia e società LM-84 CARUSI PAOLO
( syllabus)
The course aims to provide the methodical elements for the analysis of the processes of construction of individual and collective memory and for all public (and political) uses of the past.
In particular, we will discuss those historiographical currents which, especially in Italy, constitute the theoretical basis of the discipline: oral history and cultural history.
Finally, some examples of "good practices" of Public History will also be provided.
( reference books)
A cura di P. Bertella Farnetti - L. Bertucelli -A. Botti Public history. Discussioni e pratiche ed. Mimesis 2017
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711246 -
The course will address the study of the interaction between the technological, economic and political dynamics of human development and those of the natural world, from the 'first' industrial revolution to the beginning of the 21st century.
Derived from
20711246 STORIA DELL'AMBIENTE E DEI MOVIMENTI AMBIENTALISTI in Storia e società LM-84 Bonfreschi Lucia
( syllabus)
The course will address the study of the interaction between the technological, economic and political dynamics of human development and those of the natural world, from the 'first' industrial revolution to the beginning of the 21st century. The course will focus in particular on the period 1945-2000, from which the following subjects will be analysed: the birth of associations for the conservation of the environment; the rise of ecological protest, environmentalist movements and animalism; the development of green cultures and parties in Europe; and the unfolding of the scientific and political debate on climate change. The course will focus on the Italian case: both on environmental and health emergencies in the history of the second half of the 20th century, and on the environmentalist movements and parties that arose and their political course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
AFFINI 2 - (show)
20710194 -
The course has the following learning objectives: • Getting to know the historical trends characterizing contemporary age in Russian and Eurasian territories that first were part of the Russian Empire and then of the USSR; • Understanding the major questions and interpretations of Russian and Eurasian history in contemporary historiography; • Appreciating how cultural, political, religious, social, geopolitical elements have constantly been intertwined in the historical development of the area; • Becoming aware of how that characteristic ‘Russian otherness’ has been shaped in contemporary age through the relation with global events and concurrent differentiation processes .
Derived from
20710194 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA DELLA RUSSIA E DELL' EURASIA - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 ROCCUCCI ADRIANO
( syllabus)
RUSSIA, AN EMPIRE The course will focus on empire as a peculiar element of continuity in contemporary Russian history despite the radical changes that the country has undergone. The unique characteristics of Russia’s imperial model will be analyzed in its various forms and manifestations, along with the diverse political strategies of Russian governors between 1800 and 1900s, from the Russian Empire through the USSR to the Russian Federation. The national question, the broader geographical dimension, the forms of government, foreign policies and international geopolitical visions will be studied in depth. The different imperial ideologies will also be examined.
( reference books)
1. Andrea Graziosi, L’Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011; 2. Andreas Kappeler, La Russia. Storia di un impero multietnico, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 2006. 3. Gian Piero Piretto, Gli occhi di Stalin. La cultura visuale sovietica nell'era staliniana, Milano, Raffello Cortina Editore, 2010
Related or supplementary learning activities
21810420 -
Russia, a country that is essential to the international political equilibrium, is at the center of this course. The main objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of Russian history during the years of communism, in order to deepen the dynamics of the crisis, the fall and the difficult transition towards a political and economic model, that is only partly inspired by Western democracies.
Derived from
21810420 STORIA DELLA RUSSIA E DELLO SPAZIO POST-SOVIETICO in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z BASCIANI ALBERTO
( syllabus)
Introduction: from Kievan Rus' to Ivan IV the Terrible; The First Modernization of Russia: Peter the Great and the Birth of a Great Power; The Long Russian Nineteenth Century from the Napoleonic Wars to the Reforms of Alexander II; The Russia of Nicholas II: The contradictions of an impetuous and haphazard development; World War I and the end of a world; The Bolshevik Revolution, its origins and affirmation; Russian civil wars and the origins of the Soviet state; The NEP, the rise of Stalin, Collectivization, industrialization and the birth of Stalin's USSR; The Great Terror; Comintern, Communist parties and traditional foreign policy; World War II; Victory and the birth of a superpower; The Cold War: The USSR and the West; Khrushchev and the 20th Congress of the PCUS; The Brezhnev years: consolidation and stagnation; The impossible reform of the system: Gorbachev between perestroika and glasnost'; The end of the USSR and the birth of the Russian Federation; Yeltsin and the age of turbidity; A new strong man? Putin and the new Russia: ambitions and contradictions of a regime.
( reference books)
1) A. Graziosi, L'Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, Il Mulino
3) F. Benvenuti, Russia oggi, dalla caduta dell'Unione sovietica ai nostri giorni, Roma, Carocci.
for non-attending students P. Paul Bushkovitch, Breve storia della Russia. dalle origini a Putin, Torino, Einaudi.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20706076 -
History of Latin America LM
The course aims to provide the most current interpretations for understanding Latin American history, as well as indicate the access to sources of study, with a view centered on the major issues of contemporary period.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Main topics covered in the course: Ancient and modern historiographical issues: the modalities of the Spanish conquest. The formation of contemporary Latin America: the abolition of slavery in the nineteenth century. Latin America in the twentieth century: economy, society, institutions, culture. The current geopolitical continental situation. Debate on economic development. Environment and access to resources. The indigenous minorities.
( reference books)
The examination is composed by two part: general part; monographic part. General Part. One of the following books: -De Giuseppe M., La Bella G., Storia dell’America Latina contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019; -Zanatta, L., Storia dell’America latina contemporanea, Roma, Laterza, 2015 (or new edition).
Monographic part. One of the following books: -Carmagnani, M., Le connessioni mondiali e l’Atlantico 1450-1850, Torino, Einaudi, 2018. -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., La questione indigena in Perù, Roma, Bulzoni, 2010 (L’antologia di testi è parte essenziale del libro). -Rojas Mix, M., I cento nomi d’America, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2005. -Vangelista C., Scatti sugli indios. Ricerche di storia visiva, Aracne, Collana “America e Americhe. Storia, relazioni, immagini”, Roma, 2018. -Vargas Llosa, A., Libertà per l’America latina. Come porre fine a cinquecento anni di oppressione dello Stato, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007. -Nocera R., Wulzer, P., L'America Latina nella politica internazionale. Dalla fine del sistema bipolare alla crisi dell'ordine liberale, Roma, Carocci, 2020
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
AFFINI 3 - (show)
21801913 -
The course offers a comprehensive overview of the progress made by Europe towards a horizontal and vertical economic integration and provide the knowledge on monetary unions costs and benefits and the reconciliation of the objectives and instruments of the economic and financial policies of the member states and monetary unions. The course aims to analyze models that generate financial crises and public choices on the topics addressed in Treaties, Stability and Growth Pact and in their reforms, as well as those that dominate today's political and economic debate in Europe and in the world.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Costs of a common currency The theory of Optimal Currency Areas (AVO) and its criticisms Benefits of a common currency Costs and benefits compared The fragility of incomplete monetary unions How to complete a monetary union The transition to a monetary union The European Central Bank (ECB) Monetary policy in the Eurozone Budgetary policies in monetary unions The euro and the financial markets
( reference books)
De Grauwe P., Economia dell’unione monetaria, il Mulino, 2019
A book chosen from the following list: • Alesina A., Favero C., Giavazzi F., Austerità, Rizzoli, 2019 • Acocella N., L’unione economica e monetaria europea, Carocci, 2019 • Bini Smaghi L., Morire di austerità, il Mulino, 2013 • Bini Smaghi L., 33 false verità sull’Europa, il Mulino, 2014 • Cesaratto S., Chi non rispetta le regole?, Imprimatur, 2018 • De Romanis V., L’austerità fa crescere, Marsilio, 2017 • Piga G., L’interregno, Hoepli, 2020 • Pittaluga G.B., Cama G., Banche centrali e democrazia, Hoepli, 2004 • Stagnaro C. (a cura di), Cosa succede se usciamo dall’euro?, IBL Libri, 2018
Related or supplementary learning activities
21201502 -
The course considers the concept of sustainable development, climate change and efficiency in the use of natural resources. To this aim, the main economic theoretical foundations are presented jointly with the fundamental practical issues of climate change, pollution, and sustainable development. The main market failures climate change and environmental pollution generate, externalities and public goods, are presented. The main theoretical and actual policy instruments used to face such phenomena, such as emission tax, emission abatement subsidy, marketable permit instruments, are deeply analyzed from both a normative and a positive point of view. Finally, environmental project appraisal and empirical methods for valuing the environment are introduced.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210090 -
Sustainability and cultural awareness are seen as two strictly intertwined dimensions. Sustainability will therefore be investigated starting from the sustainability of an individual role within an organizational environment, then examining the sustainability of an organizational (cultural) identity both at a strategic and a relational (communication) level, ending with the analysis of a sustainable cultural environment. Cultural awareness will be analyzed as a self-development, organizational and collective awareness process to be implemented through the acquisition of leadership and entrepreneurial skills and through the design of policies and initiatives aiming at social cohesion and inclusiveness, and based on innovative cultural entrepreneurship approaches and curatorial practices.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Course program
The topics dealt with in the Course are:
▪ Sustainability in its historical development and in different contexts, from the internal/organizational to the external/social one up to the SDGs, i.e. from the sustainability of a role (in terms of values, knowledge, skills and soft skills) within an organizational contest to the sustainability of an organizational (cultural) identity, both at a strategic and a relational (communication) level (mission, vision, values and the ways of sharing them within a given context), up to the concept of sustainable society.
▪ Cultural (self-)awareness as a self-developmental, organizational and community awareness process to be implemented through:
a) a growing consciousness of one’s own cultural identity; b) the acquisition of leadership and management skills, to be built and constantly upgraded; c) the setting up of activities and policies to set up educational/cultural projects aiming at social cohesion and inclusiveness, at different forms of cultural entrepreneurship, at innovative approaches to curatorial practices;
▪ the role of content marketing and content co-creation in organizational strategies, and the ability of building sustainable, value(s)-based models of content management with the engagement of different audiences and communities.
The Course methodology is based on discussions about readings and presentations with an active participation of students. The main project of the Course will be developed with the action research methodology: students will carry out research activities on a theme assigned by a cultural institution based in Rome in which to develop a cultural leadership approach with reference to the Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda. In this perspective, the cultural awareness of each participant to the Course will be integrated in the individual and common reflection.
( reference books)
WCED, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future , 1987 (“Brundtland Report”), Part I.1 and I.2, II.9.I, II.9.II.1,2,3.
1. Kent E. Portney, Sustainability , Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, Chapter 1 “The Concepts of Sustainability”, pp. 1-56.
Leena Lankoski, Alternative conceptions of sustainability in a business context , in «Journal of Cleaner Production», 139 (2016), pp. 847-857.
Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, Faro, 27.X.2005 (Faro Convention;
Council of Europe, European Landscape Convention (
Arnold van der Valk, Introduction: sharing knowledge – stories, maps and design , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - histori cal Landscape and its European Dimension , Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp. 365-85 2. Theodore Zeldin, An Intimate History of Humanity , Harper Collins Publishers, HarperPerennial, 1996, pp. vii-viii and chapters 8 (How respect has become more desirable than power) and 9 (How those who want neither to give orders nor to receive them can become intermediaries).
The Festival of the Middle Ages. Short presentation for the Master’s Degree “Cultural Leadership” Spring School of the Universities of Groningen and Roma Tre, The Royal Netherlands Institute of Rome, April 6, 2017
Chris Wickham, Medieval Europe. From the Breakup of the Western Roman Empire to the Reformation , Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 20161, 2017 paperback edition pp. 1-21 and 252-7, plus maps
Georges Duby, The Three Orders. Feudal Society Imagined, The University of Chicago Press, 1980, pp. vii-viii, 1-9 and 354-6.
Marc Prensky, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants , in On The Horizon, MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, Oct. 2001 and No. 6, Dec. 2001
Marc Prenksy, Homo Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom, «Innovate: Journal of Onlie Educations», Vol. 5, Issue 3/2009, Art. 1.
Erin Kissane, The Elements of Content Strategy, A Book Apart, New York, 2011, pp. 1-37.
S. Addamiano, Living and Communication in a Changing Information Society: The Relevance and Impact of Big Data, «Journal of Media Research», Vol. 10, Issue 2(28), 2017, pp. 5-17 (
One of the following readings/Uno dei seguenti articoli:
Alister Scott, Beyond the conventional: Meeting the challenges of landscape governance within the European Landscape Convention? , in «Journal of Environmental Management», 92 (2011), pp. 2754-62
Marie Stenseke, Local participation in cultural landscape maintenance: Lessons from Sweden , in «Land Use Policy», 26 (2009), pp. 214-23
Sebastian Eiter, Marte Lange Vik, Public participation in landscape planning: Effective methods for implementing the European Landscape Convention in Norway , in «Land Use Policy», 44 (2015), pp. 44-53.
One of the following readings/Uno dei seguenti articoli:
Carsten Paludan-Müller, Actors and orders: the shaping of landscapes and identities , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - historical Landscape and its European Dimension , Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp.53-66 2.
(for those fond of archaeology): Graham Fairclough and Heleen van Londen, Changing landscape of archaeology and heritage, in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - historical Landscape and its European Dimension
Ulteriori letture sostitutive o integrative potranno essere indicate all’inizio del Corso. Substitute or supplementary readings could be indicated at the beginning of the Course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22902266 -
The course provides basic concepts of sampling and regression. Particular attention is devoted to the comparison of types of sampling, and to the comparison between bivariate and multivariate approaches. During the course students will be introduced to the use of statistical software for computers, solving problems in new areas, placed in interdisciplinary contexts. By autonomously managing complex knowledge, the student will learn how to make critical judgments and communicate the results obtained to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors. By the study of STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - have acquired in-depth disciplinary knowledge in the field of statistics such as to allow him an adequate approach to the problems of planning and carrying out socio-educational and socio-welfare activities. - possess advanced methodological and technical knowledge, able to allow him to reflect on even complex situations with adequate data analysis and interpretation tools. Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of skills in the use of the operating systems of the new data processing methods - competent use of communication strategies with professional partners and users. Making judgements: - elaborate an independent judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene, making decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - show reflexive abilities on their own methods of intervention, supporting their decisions with objective information. Communication skills: - drafting documents aimed at programming and managing services, preparing research / monitoring / evaluation reports and preparing and presenting operational intervention proposals. - know how to communicate in public and manage institutional communication. Learning skills: - appropriate acquisitions skills to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's degree, research doctorate) - ability to continue independently in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile.
Derived from
22902266 METODI STATISTICI DI ANALISI DEI DATI 6 CFU LM 57 in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 BOVE GIUSEPPE
( syllabus)
Arguments considered are: sampling and non sampling error, simple random sampling, cluster and stratified sampling, confidence interval, introduction to simple and multiple regression.
( reference books)
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., STATISTICA PER LA RICERCA SOCIALE, IL MULINO, BOLOGNA, 2001. Chapters and sections to study on the text of Corbetta, Gasperoni and Pisati Chapter 6: all (except piece-wise linear regression on page. 171) chapter 7: all (not function and use of ratios and not dxy section 5.) Chapter 8: all (except for section 2.3) chapter 10 all (in sections 3.1 e 3.2 excluded the formulas that do not regard the estimate of the population mean).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710779 -
Databases and humanistic informatics
Related or supplementary learning activities
22902252 -
Goals - To elaborate group features and to apply the functions to social groups - To solve problems related to psychosocial processes of group (social infleces, communication, productivity, conflicts), to apply them in complex social contexts. - To integrate knowledges about theretical models explaing group processes: Social Identity Theory, - Self-categorization Theory, Theory of Social Comparison processes, etc. - To examine in depth and communicate results of the main scientific researches about group processes and to apply the conclusions to broader social fields.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21810387 -
Through advanced didactics such as seminars, class discussions and presentations of individual research project, this course aims to provide students with the analytical tools necessary for a critical understanding of the evolution of the international system since the late Eighties, especially through of the evolution of the concept of international security. Therefore, particular attention will be given to conflict management and international crises, as well as to the emergence of new forms of threat and finally, the difficulties encountered by national states and international and supranational organizations in forging widespread consensus around the instruments with which to intervene in time of crisis to preserve security and stability.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711233 -
It is monographic course. We will focus on the historical development of the relation between sociology and the forms of institutional regulation during modernity.
( syllabus)
It is monographic course. We will focus on the historical development of the relation between sociology and the forms of institutional regulation during modernity. The path will develop as follows: - Socio-institutional regulation during modernity (horizontalism in the nineteenth century; verticalism and golden age of the State; contemporary neo-horizontalism); - The criss-cross alternation law: forms of regulation and forms of social theory; - Sociological verticalism in the classics of sociology; - Horizontalism in twentieth century’s sociology; - The paradigm delay.
After the long period analysis, in the second part we will focus on the present by examining a recent research about the changing influence of social peripherality on electoral behavior.
( reference books)
1. Romano O., "La libertà verticale. Come affrontare il declino di un modello sociale", Meltemi, Milano 2019. 2. Valbruzzi M. (a cura di), "Come votano le periferie", Il Mulino, Bologna 2021 [Solo la "Parte I: Prospettiva nazionale comparata", pp. 1-112].
Related or supplementary learning activities
20101002 -
The course aims at introducing students to the main legal systems consolidated globally, and more specifically to those with which the Italian legal system has major contacts. The approach will be both from a historical perspective and from one taking into consideration the main and current intersections between legal systems, highlighting similarities, convergences and competition between models.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims at introducing students to the legal traditions of the world, and namely with those traditions with whom the Italian legal system has major contacts. The study of the traditions will be conducted both from a historical and a comparative perspective, taking into account the interaction among legal traditions, the hybridisation and harmonization processes, as well as the competition among legal models.
In particular, the course will deal with the following traditions: - Civil law - Common law - Muslim - Indu - East-Asian
( reference books)
Students shall study the following books:
1) V. Varano – V. Barsotti, La tradizione giuridica occidentale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021
2) G. Calabresi, Il mestiere di giudice. Pensieri di un accademico americano, Mulino, Bologna, 2014
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210062 -
Global economy and labour rights
The course is aimed at critically addressing, at an advanced level, central aspects of contemporary economic analysis. The determinants of income distribution and relative prices will be examined following alternative approaches.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
Optional group:
20704008 -
The course aims to present the various ways in which history is "communicated" and told, analyzing various types of sources - including photography, audiovisuals, novels, official documents, material sources. Through the analysis of them, students will be invited to think about the relationship between the source and the narration of the story, and about the different genres that can be used (essay, review, journalistic article, short story). There will be written exercises guided by the teacher during the lessons; a final contribution is required.
Other activities
20707007 -
Read the Mediterranean: sources and new technologies to monitor the Arab world
Other activities
20710127 -
The Course provides for the assignment of credits to the student who participates in internships and internships organized by the Course itself, by public and private bodies or institutions officially recognized by the Course.
Other activities
20710105 -
Other activities
20710649 -
The United Nations 2030 Agenda and the revitalization of marginal areas
20710649-1 -
The United Nations 2030 Agenda and the revitalization of marginal areas
Other activities
20710649-2 -
The United Nations 2030 Agenda and the revitalization of marginal areas
Other activities
20711248 -
SEMINARIO Noi, l'altro e l'altrove
The relevance of historical, structural and cultural differences in the global framework refers to the ineluctability of the human and social sciences in their ability to provide theoretical and methodological tools for a critical reflection on the future. The cycle of seminars aims to range between anthropological, historical, legal and geographical approaches allowing to decline the theme of the recognition of multiplicity, addressing issues of wide socio-cultural interest and crossing different places and dimensions – including body, health, memory, identity, genders, powers, territories, practices, religions.
Other activities
20711396 -
Workshop Racism and anti-racism
Other activities
20711291 -
Seminario "Temi e problemi della storia moderna e contemporanea"
Other activities
20711293 -
Oral history' workshop
Other activities
20711561 -
ulteriori abilità - Esperienza lavorativa
Other activities