20401227 -
Give the basic concepts of nuclear physics. Properties of the nuclei, nuclear decays, nuclear reactions. Introduction to the fundamental interactions of elementary particles.
( syllabus)
The proton, cathode rays, the electron, mass and electric charge. Black body radiation, Planck constant, photoelectric effect, X rays, Compton effect, the photon. Bohr atomic model, atomic spectra, electron magnetic moment and spin. Special relativity, Lorentz transforms, four-vectors and relativistic invariants, energy and momentum, relativistic kinematics. Cross section, absorption coefficient. Coulomb scattering, Rutherford cross section. Scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a charge, Thomson cross section. Quantum mechanics and perturbation theory, transition probability, phase space. Decay low, electromagnetic interaction, emission and absorption, electric and magnetic dipole radiation, selection rules. Rutherford scattering, electric form factor, scattering of a charge by a magnetic moment, electric and magnetic form factor of proton and neutron. Potential scattering, partial waves, scattering and absorption cross section. Properties of nuclei, atomic and mass number, stability band, measurement of charge, mass and nuclear radius. Statistics, spin and parity of nuclei, the neutron. Electromagnetic energy of nuclei, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments. Fermi gas model, kinetic energy of nucleons. Liquid drop model, Bethe-Weizsaeker mass formula, mirror nuclei. Magic numbers, shell model, spin-orbit interaction, energy levels and spin-parity states. The neutron-proton system, the deuteron. Nuclear decays, activity. Phenomenology of gamma decay, multipole radiation, Weisskopf coefficients. Phenomenology of alpha decay, kinematics, stability curve, potential barrier and Gamow factor, lifetime. Phenomenology of beta decay, the neutrino hypothesis, Fermi theory, Kurie plot, lifetime, Fermi and Gamow-Teller transitions. Weak interaction and Fermi constant. Discovery of the neutrino. Nuclear reactions, Fission, energy balance of the Uranium fission, neutron-induced fission, nuclear reactor. Fusion, cycles of the Sun, energy balance, nucleo-synthesis, fusion in the laboratory. Nuclear forces, Yukawa model. Cosmic rays, primary and secondary components, the positron. Discovery and properties of elementary particles, meson and baryons, anti-particles. Elementary particle interactions: nuclear, electromagnetic, weak. The quark model, discovery of quarks.
( reference books)
• A.Das and T.Ferbel, Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2nd Edition, World Scientific, 2003. • B.Povh, K.Rith, G.Sholtz, F.Zetsche: Particelle e nuclei, Bollati Boringhieri, 1998. • W. E. Burcham and M. Jobes, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Pearson Education. • Appunti del corso di Istituzioni di Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare, http:// http://webusers.fis.uniroma3.it/~ceradini/efns.html
( syllabus)
The proton, cathode rays, the electron, mass and electric charge. Black body radiation, Planck constant, photoelectric effect, X rays, Compton effect, the photon. Bohr atomic model, atomic spectra, electron magnetic moment and spin. Special relativity, Lorentz transforms, four - vectors and relativistic invariants, energy and momentum, relativistic kinematics. Cross section, absorption coefficient. Coulomb sca ttering, Rutherford cross section. Scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a charge, Thomson cross section. Quantum mechanics and perturbation theory, transition probability, phase space. Decay low, electromagnetic interaction, emission and absorption, electric and magnetic dipole radiation, selection rules. Rutherford scattering, electric form factor, scattering of a charge by a magnetic moment, electric and magnetic form factor of proton and neutron. Potential scattering, partial waves, scattering and absorption cross section. Properties of nuclei, atomic and mass number, stability band, measurement of charge, mass and nuclear radius. Statistics, spin and parity of nuclei, the neutron. Electromagnetic energy of nuclei, magnetic dipole and electric quadr upole moments. Fermi gas model, kinetic energy of nucleons. Liquid drop model, Bethe - Weizsaeker mass formula, mirror nuclei. Magic numbers, shell model, spin - orbit interaction, energy levels and spin - parity states. The neutron - proton system, the deuteron. Nuclear decays, activity. Phenomenology of gamma decay, multipole radiation, Weisskopf coefficients. Phenomenology of alpha decay, kinematics, stability curve, potential barrier and Gamow factor, lifetime. Phenomenology of beta decay, the neutrino hypothe sis, Fermi theory, Kurie plot, lifetime, Fermi and Gamow - Teller transitions. Weak interaction and Fermi constant. Discovery of the neutrino. Nuclear reactions, Fission, energy balance of the Uranium fission, neutron - induced fission, nuclear reactor. Fusion, cycles of the Sun, energy balance, nucleo - synthesis, fusion in the laboratory. Nuclear forces, Yukawa model. Cosmic rays, primary and secondary components, the positron. Discovery and properties of elementary particles, meson and baryons, anti - part icles. Elementary particle interactions: nuclear, electromagnetic, weak. The quark model, discovery of quarks
Core compulsory activities