20709851 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
Course Title: Manzoni and the realism of representation: “I Promessi Sposi” and the choice of the novel.
The course aims to deepen the knowledge of the path through which in the nineteenth century the novel is becoming established in Italy. In addition, a reading of the "Promessi Sposi" will be offered which, looking at the Caravaggio experience, captures the figurative tendency of an imagination that has as its objective the realism of representation.
( reference books)
Required Text Books (1, 2 and 3):
1. Primary Works:
- A. Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi. Storia della Colonna infame, dir. F. De Cristofaro, Milano, Rizzoli, 2014
2. Criticism:
- D. Brogi, Un romanzo per gli occhi. Manzoni Caravaggio e la fabbrica del realismo, Carocci, 2018
- S. S. Nigro, la funesta docilità, Palermo, Sellerio, 2018
3. Textbook of italian literature:
- G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Da Tasso a fine Ottocento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milan, Mondadori, 2018.
Additional readings for non-attending students. Students
- A. Frare, Leggere i promessi Sposi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016.
Derived from
20709851 LETTERATURA ITALIANA (PER S.C.P.A) in Lettere L-10 Nuovo canale 2 CRIMI GIUSEPPE
( syllabus)
"A season in hell". Symbolism, metaphor, and allegory In Dante's Inferno. The course will focus on main motifs in Dante's Inferno; specially allegories, references to the arts, and descriptions of the afterlife will be examinated.
( reference books)
Required Text Books (1, 2, 3, and 4):
1. Primary Works: D. Alighieri, Commedia. Inferno (suggested editions: by B. Garavelli, Milan, Rizzoli, 2015, or by R. Mercuri, Turin, Einaudi, 2021); 2. Criticism: Dante, edited by R. Rea and J. Steinberg, Rome, Carocci, 2020; 3. Criticism: L. Pasquini, «Pigliare occhi, per aver la mente». Dante, la ‘Commedia’ e le arti figurative, Rome, Carocci, 2020; 4. Textbook of italian literature: G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Dalle Origini a metà Cinquecento, Milan, Mondadori, 2018.
Additional readings for non-attending students. Students will choose one of the following books:
a) A. Barbero, Dante, Bari-Rome, Laterza, 2020; b) Dante e la dimensione visionaria tra medioevo e prima età moderna, edited by di B. Huss – M. Tavoni, Ravenna, Longo, 2019; c) Dante e la retorica, edited by L. Marcozzi, Ravenna, Longo, 2017; d) G. Ledda, Il bestiario dell'aldilà. Gli animali nella ‘Commedia’ di Dante, Ravenna, Longo, 2019; e) G. Ledda, La guerra della lingua. Ineffabilità, retorica e narrativa nella ‘Commedia’ di Dante, Ravenna, Longo, 2002; f) N. Maldina, In pro del mondo. Dante, la predicazione e i generi della letteratura religiosa medievale, Rome, Salerno Editrice, 2017; g) A. Morgan, Dante e l’aldilà medievale, edited by L. Marcozzi, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2012; h) P. Pellegrini, Dante Alighieri. Una vita, Turin, Einaudi, 2021.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
Curriculum Comune ATTIVITA' AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE - (show)
20703314 -
The course aims to provide a basic knowledge of the institution of the main Italian and European museums, faced under the different aspects of their formation, collections and their most recent functioning in the contemporary world. At the end of the course, the student will be able to clearly explain the contents learned through frontal lessons, reading of the bibliography and visits to the main Roman museums.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709776 -
Acquisition of the fundamental notions on the executive techniques of works of art, from antiquity to the contemporary: fresco and dry painting, mosaics, painting on canvas, painting on wood, wooden sculpture, stone sculpture and bronze sculpture
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703329 -
basic knowledge and capacity for historical contextualization of the problems related to the discipline; ability to understand and analyze critical language and related historiographical issues; ability to interpret texts and bibliographical research; acquisition of tools useful for focusing on the links between works of art and artistic debate; ability to elaborate and communicate oral issues related to the discipline
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702970 -
basic knowledge and understanding of the history of contemporary art in its chronological development (19th-20th century); ability to read works of art; ability to communicate the acquired notions orally
A - L
Derived from
20702970 STORIA DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 A - L CHIODI STEFANO
( syllabus)
The course analyzes the historical developments and the key personalities of the visual arts from the historical avant-gardes to the 1960s, focusing on themes such as the relationship with technology and new media (photography, cinema, television), with the unconscious and the body, the dialectic between visible and invisible, the relationship with natural and urban spaces, etc. The analysis of these themes will also provide the basic methodology for the study of the history of the different languages that characterize twentieth-century art, providing the critical tools necessary for the reading of different types of works of art.
( reference books)
• Federica Rovati, L’arte del primo Novecento, Einaudi 2015 • Alessandro Del Puppo, L’arte contemporanea. Il secondo Novecento, Einaudi 2013
Other essays will be indicated during the classes.
M - Z
Derived from
20702970 STORIA DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 M - Z CONTE LARA
( syllabus)
Poetics and politics of the gaze
The course analyzes poetics and crucial junctions of the visual arts in the modern era – from Impressionism to the historical avant-gardes, until the 1960s – focusing on themes like the act of seeing, the device of the gaze, the dialectic between the visible and the invisible. The analysis also provides the necessary methodological approach to the study of the history of the various languages of contemporary art, furnishing indispensable tools for the interpretation of different types of artworks.
( reference books)
Texts of a general character: 1) F. Rovati, L’arte del primo Novecento, Einaudi, Torino 2015 2) D. Riout, L’arte del ventesimo secolo. Protagonisti, temi, correnti, Einaudi, Torino 2002
3) In-depth readings: • J. Crary, Le tecniche dell’osservatore, Einaudi 2013, IV capitolo, pp. 102-140 / - J. Crary, Techniques of the Observer. On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth, The MIT Press, Massachusetts 1990, IV, pp. 97-137 [PDF fornito dalla docente] • V.I. Stoichita, Dello sguardo ostacolato. Per una storia dell’Impressionismo, in “Annali della Fondazione Europea del Disegno”, Il Melangolo, Genova 2009, pp. 65-87 [PDF fornito dalla docente] • V.I. Stoichita, La pittura impressionista vista da e con Schapiro: Caillebotte e l’intreccio visivo, in Meyer Schapiro e i metodi della storia dell’arte, a cura di L. Bortolotti, C. Cieri Via, M.G. Di Monte, M. Di Monte, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano – Udine 2010, pp. 105-113 [PDF fornito dalla docente]
4) Online gathering of images projected during lectures (available at the end of the course).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709775 -
The course aims to provide the skills for a visual reading of contemporary art works
( syllabus)
Lucio Fontana: from sculpture as an object in space to the environment as spatial sculpture. The course aims at reconstructing the development of Lucio Fontana's sculpture from the Thirties to the Sixteens of the 20th century. By analyzing particular episodes of his artistic research, from the beginning to his maturity, The course will focus on the relation of Fontana's sculpture with the architectural space. Thanks to the critical literature, students will have access to the rudiments of Italian sculpture of the 20th century and Fontana's relations with the historical avant-gardes. His link with the non-figurative tradition of abstract art and the figurative one such as surrealism. After he participated in the exhibitions at Galleria del Milione and Triennale di Milano, between the two wars, and after he drafted Manifesto Blanco in 1946, he has represented the Italian sculpture abroad. The lectures will increase the knowledge of critical issues on sculpture in Italy and Fontana's fortune, especially in the United States. We could understand Fontana's sculpture and environments as form and matter of a tactile-visual experience that anticipated today's immersive installation art.
( reference books)
During the lessons, further bibliographical indications will be provided. For non-attending students, an individual program will be evaluated.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709150 -
Knowledge of the historical and historiographical evens of photographic culture in Europe and the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries; knowledge of the events related to the main photographic collections; ability to read the photographic image from a technical, historical and intertextual point of view; ability to understand the developments of photographic language in the larger context of figurative culture; ability to investigate photography’s role in the documentation of artistic practices.
Derived from
20709150 STORIA DELLA FOTOGRAFIA in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 FRONGIA ANTONELLO
( syllabus)
This lecture class offers an introduction to the history of photographic languages, practices, and cultures from the medium’s birth to WWI. Lectures will focus on the close reading of different types of photographic texts (including individual images, series, photo-texts, books, and exhibitions) and will discuss case studies associated with the crucial moments in the medium's affirmation as an intellectual and artistic field. Classes start October 4, 2021 (Mon-Tue 10-12am, Wed 12-2pm, room 4).
Teaching assistant: Adele Milozzi.
( reference books)
Required readings for the final exam, including essays in Italian and English, will be announced shortly. For both regular and “non attending” students, the readings will be available at the Art history library “Luigi Grassi” (Piazza della Repubblica 10) and via Moodle.
NB Students who cannot attend on a regular basis must inform the instructor by October 31, 2021.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710448 -
Knowledge of the historical and historiographical evens of photographic culture in Europe and the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries; knowledge of the events related to the main photographic collections; ability to read the photographic image from a technical, historical and intertextual point of view; ability to understand the developments of photographic language in the larger context of figurative culture; ability to investigate photography’s role in the documentation of artistic practices.
( syllabus)
This lecture class offers an introduction to the history of photographic languages, practices, and cultures during the 20th century. Lectures will focus on the close reading of different types of photographic texts (including individual images, series, photo-texts, books, and exhibitions) and will discuss case studies associated with the crucial moments in the medium's affirmation as an intellectual and artistic field. Classes start November 22, 2021 (Mon-Tue 10-12am, Wed 12-2pm, room 4).
Teaching assistant: Adele Milozzi.
( reference books)
Required readings for the final exam, including essays in Italian and English, will be announced shortly. For both regular and “non attending” students, the readings will be available at the Art history library “Luigi Grassi” (Piazza della Repubblica 10) and via Moodle.
NB Students who cannot attend on a regular basis must inform the instructor by October 31, 2021.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710157 -
The course aims to bring the student closer to understanding Byzantine art in its various manifestations, offering methodological coordinates for the reading of the works and their study within the historical-artistic processes.
( syllabus)
Course title and contents History of Byzantine art from the foundation of Constantinople to its fall (1453) The course is devised to provide the students with basic, general knowledge of Byzantine Art from the 4th to the 14th century, analysing artworks different techniques and types (painting, sculpture, architecture, as well as miniatures, ivories, silverware), with special attention to the trends in commissioning and to works and building which can be seen as paradigmatic of the Eastern Roman Empire.
( reference books)
Bibliography Attending students • s. v. Costantinopoli, in Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica, II, Roma 1985, pp. 880-919. • R. Krautheimer, Costantinopoli, in Tre capitali cristiane. Topografia e politica Torino, Einaudi 1987, pp. 61-105. • C. Mango, Architettura bizantina, trad. it., Milano, Electa 1978, pp. 5-138. • R. Krautheimer, Santa Sofia e gli edifici annessi, in Architettura paleocristiana e bizantina, Torino, Einaudi 1986, pp. 239-267 e figg. 105-124. • V. Lazarev, Storia della pittura bizantina, trad. it., Torino, Einaudi 1967, pp. 125-136; pp. 142-154 e figg. 149-181; pp. 195-198 e figg. 275-295; pp. 357-363 e figg. 449-466. • E. Kitzinger, Alle origini dell’arte bizantina. Correnti stilistiche nel mondo mediterraneo dal III al VII secolo, trad. it., Milano, Jaca Book 2004, pp. 49-150 e figg. 81-231. • M. Della Valle, Costantinopoli e il suo impero. Arte, architettura, urbanistica nel millennio bizantino, Milano, Jaca Book 2007, pp. 77-143 e figg. 74-147. • M. L. Fobelli, Un tempio per Giustiniano. Santa Sofia di Costantinopoli e la Descrizione di Paolo Silenziario, Roma, Viella 2005, pp. 1-31, 181-207, figg. 1-142. • M. L. Fobelli, Fonti e cronologia dei piatti argentei di Cipro con le storie di Davide, “Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte”, s. III, anni VI-VII (1983-1984), pp. 191-219.
Non-attending students Must add to the above texts: • E. Kitzinger, Alle origini dell’arte bizantina. Correnti stilistiche nel mondo mediterraneo dal III al VII secolo, trad. it., Milano, Jaca Book 2005 (whole book). • R. Krautheimer, Tre capitali cristiane. Topografia e politica Torino, Einaudi 1987(whole book).
Attendance Attendance to the course is highly recommended. Those who, due to serious circumstances, are unable to attend the lectures, should supplement the programme (see above) with additional readings to be agreed with the teacher.
N.B. Apart from whole books, which can be either found at public libraries or bought, and additional readings for non-attending students, any other materials will be available as PDF for properly enrolled students (attending and non-attending), on the Team channel of Storia dell’arte bizantina LT a.a. 2021-2022 prof.ssa Maria Luigia Fobelli, in the section File, folder Materiale del corso.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709162 -
The general purpose of the course is to provide students of the three-year degree, at the beginning of the training course in art history, the tools for the study of the history of modern art, and in particular to give way to acquire the practice of stylistic analysis and the awareness of its historical-critical implications through lectures, exercises, seminars, visits to churches and museums. The course focuses on one of the essential tools of the history of art, the reading of style: collective reading exercises will be accompanied by an analysis of the centrality of reflection on style in the history of European art from the 15th to the 18th century.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710743 -
The course aims to provide the essential knowledge for understanding the Etruscan culture and other civilizations of the Italian peninsula of the 1st millennium BC, following their historical development and highlighting their relationships, both within the peninsula itself and in the Euro-Mediterranean context.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703309 -
basic knowledge of the peculiarities of the discipline between classical and medieval antiquity and of the overall picture of the history of specific studies from the sixteenth century to the present; understanding of the different sectors making up the material and their fundamental coordinates.
( syllabus)
Introduction to Early Christian Archaeology: sources, methods and investigations areas.
( reference books)
Assignment: V. Fiocchi Nicolai, Strutture funerarie ed edifici di culto paleocristiani di Roma dal IV al VI secolo, Città del Vaticano 2001. V. Fiocchi Nicolai, F. Bisconti, D. Mazzoleni, Le catacombe cristiane di Roma. Origini, sviluppo, apparati decorativi, documentazione epigrafica, Regensburg 2009.
Not attending students must add to the Assignment: F. Bisconti, O. Brandt, Lezioni di Archeologia Cristiana, Città del Vaticano 2014.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710274 -
Knowledge of the methodologies and techniques of the discipline of landscape archeology, enriched by basic knowledge on environmental archeology. Ability to describe and analyze ancient territorial contexts with attention to anthropic and physical components.
( syllabus)
Landscape archeology studies the landscape not only as a surrounding environment for a particular archaeological site, but as a broad geographical and cultural context, a synergy between culture and nature, a complex reality characterized by an interaction of different phenomena, an organism alive over time and in continuous transformation. The dynamism and changes in the landscape, in the territory, the relationship between man and the environment and the organization of the human settlement, the perception, use and representation of space, are investigated through the different historical periods to date, with the awareness that the landscape is constantly changing. During the course the characteristics, theories and methods of landscape archeology will be illustrated and various case studies and practical applications will be presented, in different geographical and temporal realities. Furthermore, methodologies and techniques used in landscape research will be illustrated (non-invasive methods, archaeological surface reconnaissance, geoarchaeology and paleoenvironmental research) and the first rudiments will be provided for understanding the applications of GIS systems (Geographical Information Systems - IT tools for spatial data management and analysis) in the field of landscape archeology.
The aim of the course is to provide the student with a basic knowledge of the theories and methods of landscape archeology and a theoretical-methodological basis for the interpretation of the history of human settlements and the transformations of the cultural and environmental landscape in a diachronic perspective, through illustrations of case studies, in particular from the Mediterranean area.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702382 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
Subject Programme
Foreword Sound abilities in reading (conceived as a set of literacies: functional, multimedia, information…) are required to any citizen in order to understand the phenomena of our complex, transitional, “liquid” society, and to be able to self-orienteering and learning in such a globalised and interconnected context.
Libraries, archives, documentation and information centers (and museums as well) are vital learning environments that enable their users to acquire, reinforce, improve Information Literacy and therefore a competent use of information. Furthermore, they contribute to meet the 2030 SDGs.
Objectives o Becoming aware of the strategic relevance of information literacy and of the role played in it by libraries, especially the school library, in the learning process in a complex society. o Knowing the theoretical basic fundamentals and acquiring the techniques of Bibliography, Librarianship and Documentation, in particularly concerning: Information and documentation as an instructional and educational resource web 2.0 in media and information literacy education and as a means of communication and outreach of library services addressed to children and pupils planning, organization and management of different types of libraries (public, school, academic etc.) as learning environments/commons.
Prerequirements A basic knowledge of the following fields is appreciated: History, Education, Adult Education, Computer Science (PC, Internet, e-mail), English language
Course Description The course is divided in three modules: 1) Introduction (on Info-complexity, Media and Information Literacy, Bibliographic research and Academic Writing) 2) Bibliography 3) Librarianship
The course o Presents and analyzes the definitions of Information Literacy, and, more recently, MIL – Media and Information Literacy, starting from UNESCO and library associations documents; o Suggests and analyzes approaches and methods of information seeking, taking into account the information overload and digital divide phenomena; o Reflects on the role of libraries and librarians in contrasting such exclusion phenomena through customized services such as the Reference Library, users’ education, tank to new web 2.0 tools.
Content Basic concepts of: 1. Bibliography (Referencing): definition; history in brief; types, reference citation and styles; compilation; tools; ISO standards. 2. Librarianship: definition; history in brief; types of libraries; standards, IFLA guidelines and manifestos, automation; 3. Documentation: types of documents, the documentation chain etc. Cataloging, Indexing (Dewey, CDU, subject and thesauri), OPAC. Collection development and space designing and planning. User education Library services assessment and evaluation.
( reference books)
Subject: Library and Information Science (AY 2021-2022)
Teaching Resources 1. Marco SANTORO, Lezioni di bibliografia, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2012. ISBN 9788870757224. 2. Giovanna GRANATA, Introduzione alla biblioteconomia, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013. 3. one of the volumes to be chosen in the series “Conoscere la biblioteca” (Milano: Editrice Bibliografica). 4. Luisa MARQUARDT, Competenza informativa, booklet accessible through the e-learning platform (Moodle). The Professor’s teaching resources, handouts etc. are available on the Moodle platform accessible through the e-learning portal.
Furthermore, as a suggested title (useful to the final work or "tesi"): JOSÉ M. PRELLEZO – JESUS M. GARCIA, Invito alla ricerca. Metodologia e tecniche del lavoro scientifico, Roma: LAS, 2007.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702775 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
Course title 2021-2022: An introduction to the Ancient Christianity: from Jesus to the emergence of Islam.
Teaching articulation: 6 CFU
Semester: I
Course description:
The course aims to introduce students to the History of Christianity, starting from the figure of Jesus, framed in the cultural context of Second Temple Judaism, up to the 8th century: the presentation is not limited to the horizon of the Roman Catholic Church, but considers also the different manifestations and the multiple developments of Christianity within the first eight centuries until the emergence of Islam. Specific purpose of the course is to start the student to a critical reading of the sources, with particular attention to methodological questions and scholarly debate. During the course, we will visit – if it will be possible – some significant places of ancient and early medieval Christianity (churches, catacombs, museums).
( reference books)
BIBLIOGRAPHY For attending students (even in case of distance learning): Sources provided by the teacher and handouts. The handouts include parts authored by the teacher, by Dr. Federica Candido and by Dr. Giandomenico Ferrazza as well as articles and various contributions covering all the topics of the course.
For non-attending students: Non-attending students can choose, alternatively, one of the three book proposals listed below, designated by letters a) and b). Since the books or book chapters are combined in such a way as to complement each other, the so-called "proposals" should not be disjointed but kept as two separate blocks:
Proposal a) 1)R.Penna, (ed.), Le origini del cristianesimo. Una guida, Carocci, Roma 2018: capitoli 1 (P.Sacchi) e 3 (G.Ibba) 2)E. Prinzivalli (ed.), Storia del cristianesimo I. L'Età antica, Carocci, Roma 2015: capitoli 1 -14 3)O.Brandt-F.Bisconti (eds.), Lezioni di archeologia cristiana, Roma, PIAC, 2014: contributi di F.Bisconti, e Ph.Pergola.
Proposal b) 1) G.Filoramo, Storia della Chiesa 1. L’età antica. EDB, Bologna 2019. 2) R.Rusconi, Storia del cristianesimo e delle Chiese. Dalle origini ai giorni nostri. Morcelliana, Brescia 2019, capp. 4 e 5. 3)O.Brandt-F.Bisconti (eds.), Lezioni di archeologia cristiana, Roma, PIAC, 2014: contributi di F.Bisconti, e Ph.Pergola.
Proposal c)
Ch. Freeman, A New History of Early Christianity, Yale University Press, New Haven-London 2009.
Teacher's email contact carla.noce@uniroma3.it
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702496 -
Derived from
20702496 STORIA DELLA CHIESA in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 LUPI MARIA
( syllabus)
Outlines of the Church history in modern age (XIX-XXI century)
In this year the course will focus on the main events and problems of the Catholic Church in the modern age, in particular from the French revolution until today, studied comparatively in parallel with the other Christian religious confessions. Particular attention will be paid to methodological aspects, privileging the reading of documentary sources and making use of maps, graphs and iconographic sources. The main historiographical debates, the general historical context of the themes dealt with, the terminology proper to the discipline, the interactions of religious institutions with society and culture. will be taken into consideration.
( reference books)
- Source dossier provided by the teacher through Moodle. - G. MARTINA, Storia della Chiesa da Lutero ai nostri giorni. 3. L'età del liberalismo, Brescia 1995, - G. MARTINA, Storia della Chiesa da Lutero ai nostri giorni. 4. L'età contemporanea, Brescia 1995, pp. 13-80; 129-398.
Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704222 -
Derived from
20704222 ESTETICA in Filosofia L-5 N0 ANGELUCCI DANIELA
( syllabus)
In the first unit, students will be given an introduction to the vocabulary and problems of aesthetics. In particular, we will follow the historical path of the terms: Aesthetics, Imitation, Art, Beauty. The unit will be divided into three parts: 1) Introduction to the term aesthetics, as experience and as a philosophical discipline. Concerning the birth of the term: reading and commentary by Baumgarten, Aesthetica, Introduction. 2) Art and mimesis, from antiquity to the eighteenth century: (partial) reading and commentary of Plato, Republic X; Aristotle, Poetica; Batteux, Le belle arti 3) The beautiful: reading and commentary of Kant, Analitica del bello. All the texts are collected in the anthology Estetica, edited by P. D'Angelo, E. Franzini, G. Scaramuzza Raffaello Cortina, Milan.
The second part will explore the concept of sublime. It will then be articulated in the following way: 1) Reading and commentary of Kant, Analitica del Sublime. 2) Explanation of the interpretation of Lyotard, with reading and commentary of selected passages of the text in the program.
( reference books)
P. D’Angelo, Estetica, Laterza, Roma-Bari. Estetica, a cura di P. D’Angelo, E. Franzini, G. Scaramuzza, Raffaello Cortina, Milano. I. Kant, Analitica del sublime, in Critica della facoltà di giudizio (a cura di E. Garroni, H. Hohenegger, Einaudi, Torino, o altra edizione). J.-F. Lyotard, Anima Minima, Pratiche, Parma (testo fuori commercio, fotocopie fornite dalla docente). J.-F. Lyotard, Il sublime e l'avanguardia, in J.-F. Lyotard, L'inumano, Lanfranchi, MIlano, 2001, pp. 123-143 (testo fuori commercio, fotocopie fornite dalla docente).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710265 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims to present the main characteristics of documents in the Western legal tradition, with particular regard to their value for historical studies. In this regard, the external and internal characteristics of the document will be examined, as well as the cultural landscape of the times and places of production of the main types of documents, linking them to the legal and cultural traditions of Western history. In this way diplomacy is understood as a historical science capable of acting as a fundamental critical support to historical disciplines, which find in manuscript documentation an important part of their primary sources of study. In particular, attention will be paid to the illustration of documentation of medieval Latin origin, which is particularly complex in its evaluation as a historical document; there will also be an in-depth study of the medieval documentary system of the city of Rome. The course will include both the examination of reproductions of documents and the direct examination of manuscripts and writing materials through visits to archives and libraries.
( reference books)
The final exam will include the knowledge of the material provided during the course. Students are required to add the study ofthe following texts: - Alessandro Pratesi, Genesi e forme del documento medievale, III edizione, Roma, Jouvence, 1999 (Guide, 3); - Two essays among those distributed during the course
Related or supplementary learning activities
20706081 -
Derived from
20706081 SOCIOLOGIA DEI MEDIA in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 N0 NOVELLI EDOARDO
( syllabus)
he course of Sociology of Media 2021-22 aims to provide students with the critical and theoretical tools to orient themselves in the modern society of communication and to understand the interaction between historical and technological components on the one hand and cultural and social on the other. The course is divided into two parts: a theoretical-general and a monographic part. The first part is devoted to the analysis of the main theories and the most important interpretative models developed within the research on mass communications with particular regard to the sociological field. Particular attention will be devoted to the modern "network society", to its theories and its impact on society and social relations. In the final part of the course, we analyze the impact of television on Italian society and culture from the 50s to the present day. This part of the course, on the one hand, deepens the knowledge of Italian television in the different phases and seasons of the country. On the other hand, it analyses the effects of television on the individual and collective Italian identity, trough the analysis of some of the most famous Italian political talk-shows.
( reference books)
Exam program: – L. Paccagnella, Sociologia della comunicazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, New Edizione 2020, solo i capitoli 3, 4,5. (New edition 2020, cover book light blue) – E. Novelli, La democrazia del talk-show. Storia di un genere cha ha cambiato, la televisione, la politica, l’Italia, Roma, Carocci 2016.
– Recommended for integration of the program, but not part of the exam program: A. Miconi, Teoria e pratica del Web, Bologna, Il Mulino 2018, (Nuova Edizione)
For Erasmus students the program replaces the volume "The Democracy of the Talk-Show" with the part related to the Italian history from 1945 to the present of a high school manual. We recommend: Valerio Castronovo, "A World in the plural, volume 3 from 1945 to today", La Nuova Italia, chapters 24, 29, 35.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703197 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims to offer: a) a general introduction to the discipline (origins and development of the alphabetical writing in Greece, characteristics of the local alphabets, different kinds of inscriptions and supports, specific literature, specific IT tools); b) practice on inscriptions, in order to gain the knowledge of basic technics and conventions for classifying, recording, filing and editing epigraphical texts; c) reading and historical- critical examination of epigraphical texts of different kind.
( reference books)
A) M. Guarducci, L'Epigrafia greca dalle origini al tardo impero, Roma, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1987. B) M. Guarducci, Epigrafia greca, I, Roma 2005, pp. 391-487. C) Material which will be provided by the teacher during classes
Related or supplementary learning activities