20110469 -
Internal Market and Monetary Union Law
Students acquire knowledge and understanding of internal market law, state aid law and monetary union law. These objectives will also be achieved through the examination of cases and other materials. The student will develop a critical awareness of the relevant primary and secondary law and will be able to make independent judgments based on the correct use of legal language. The student will also develop communication skills on the course topics with good linguistic technique. In terms of learning skills, the student will be able to conduct his or her own evaluation of legal issues by putting into practice the method and learning acquired during lectures and seminars.
( syllabus)
Adinolfi, Baratta, Condinanzi, Mastroianni, Prete, Sbolci, Diritto dell'Unione europea. Parte speciale, Giappichelli, Torino, 6a edizione.
The course aims to provide students with the essential tools to first of all understand the internal market law of the European Union, with specific focus on the examination of the most relevant case law cases. Single market issues will thus be addressed, including in particular the concept of the internal market, free movement of goods, free movement of persons, right of establishment and freedom to provide services. In addition, special attention will be paid to the topic of state aid, including the most relevant case history (especially for the banking sector). With regard to monetary union, the course will analyze its origins, the role of the ECB, the system of central bank cooperation, the function of central banks in their respective national legal systems, the legal regime of the euro and, finally, the links of monetary union itself with the so-called Economic Union.
( reference books)
AAVV, Diritto dell’Unione europea. Parte speciale (a cura di G. Strozzi e R. Mastroianni), Giappichelli, 2021, pp. 1-328; 403-471; 581-627
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Materia a scelta(2 insegnamenti da 7CFU tra quelli proposti) - (show)
20110004 -
The course aims to analyse the issues of commercial contract law: - to understand what kind of protection is assured to the different interests involved in certain business transactions; - to understand how contract law pays attention to the business, its organization and the market; - to understand the kind of assessment to be carried out before the execution of a contract in relation to the risk of bankruptcy.
Derived from
20110004 Diritto dei contratti commerciali in Scienze dei servizi giuridici L-14 A - Z SANDRELLI GIULIO
( syllabus)
( reference books)
Most lectures will be supported by slides, which will be uploaded, post-class, on the e-learning platform accessible to enrolled students. To integrate and support such materials (including class notes), students are recommented to study the following textbooks, limited to the chapters indicated below: "I contratti per l’impresa" (G. Gitti, M. Maugeri and M. Notari eds.), vol. I, "Produzione, circolazione, gestione, garanzia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012 (ch. X, XII, XV, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII); G. DE NOVA, "Il Sale and Purchase Agreement. Un contratto commentato", Giappichelli, Torino, 2019 (ch. I, II, IV, V, VI). Furthermore, in preparation for each class, domestic and foreign court cases and other materials will be uploaded on the e-learning platform. To facilitate the in-class discussion, students should read the assigned case ahead of each class, as will be communicated from time to time. Non-attending students may supplement the study of the above materials by reading the chapters dedicated to commercial contracts in an Italian business law handbook, such as, e.g.: G. CAMPOBASSO, "Diritto commerciale", vol. 3, Utet, Torino, last available edition; "Contratti d’impresa e operazioni bancarie" (excerpt from "Manuale di diritto commerciale" edited by V. Buonocore), Giappichelli, Torino, last available edition; G. FERRI, "Manuale di diritto commerciale", Utet, Torino, last available edition.
Elective activities
21201485 -
The purpose of the course is to provide exhaustive knowledge of financial intermediaries, markets and the supervisory agency and, particularly, the following matters: financial markets laws; solicitation to the public; services and investment firms; institutional investors; company listed shares rules; controls on the securities market.
Elective activities
21201542 -
The Course is focused on the investment banking business as a group of services offered to corporate and institutional clients. The Course objective is the analysis of the main business areas under different points of view: deal structuring, processes followed during the transactions and roles played by the intermediary, the impact on the performance of the bank.
Derived from
( syllabus)
This course aims, first of all, to provide an overview of the role and the main activities carried out by the banks in the investment banking business. The central part of the course is dedicated to an analysis of the technical characteristics and of the economic and management profiles of the corporate finance transactions. Finally, the course presents the objectives as well as the organization and the behavioral models of bank intermediaries active in the market, also considering the role of regulation and supervision. 1. The segmentation of the banking market 2. The business of corporate & investment banking 3. The structured finance operations: the project finance 4. The leveraged buy-out 5. The securitization 6. The equity capital market services 7. The venture capital activity 8. The listing of companies and the role of financial intermediaries 9. The credit operations: from traditional formulas to complex structures 10. The bank-firm relationship
( reference books)
Fleuriet M. (2018), Investment banking explained: An insider's guide to the industry, second edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
Elective activities
21210101 -
The course aims at opening the black box of managerial decisions connected with the strategy making process in the financial services industry nowadays. This main goal is pursued with lectures, seminars, case discussions and project works. By the end of this course students should be able to understand the main competitive strategies of traditional and new suppliers in the financial services industry, at corporate and at business areas level. A large part of the the course is dedicated to Fintech, focussing on competitive strategic choices of newcomers (FinTech and BigTech) and of traditional financial institutions (incumbents). Traditional lectures, seminars, business cases and project works are the teaching methods used. Lectures and seminars are carried out by Professor Previati and other academics and practitioners.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course illustrates and debates the following main topics: • Strategic and organizational changes in the Financial Services Industry (FSI) • Regulation and technology: their impact on competitive strategies • Theoretical frameworks to analyse strategic and organizational change: from Industrial Organization to Strategic Management in FSI • Business strategies in FSI: the basic strategies and their application (cost leadership, differentiation, segmentation) • Corporate strategies in FSI: diversification and competencies • The emerging challenges of Fintech • Alternative Finance and Crowdfunding • Evidences from European Banking Industry
( reference books)
For attending students: presentations, cases, articles and papers put on the course web page after or before the lectures If you need a reference book about financial services strategies, you can read (it’s not compulsory): For non attending students the assesment is based on oral test. For this test you must read: Disruptive Technology in Banking and Finance: An International Perspective on FinTech (Palgrave Studies in Financial Services Technology) 1st ed. 2021 Edition You can buy ebook here: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-81835-7#about-book-content About strategy analysis, you can read: R. Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Wiley, 2010
For non attending students, it is compulsory this book: For non attending students the assesment is based on oral test. For this test you must read: Disruptive Technology in Banking and Finance: An International Perspective on FinTech (Palgrave Studies in Financial Services Technology) 1st ed. 2021 Edition You can buy ebook here: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-81835-7#about-book-content
Elective activities
21210109 -
The main objectives of the course are: (i) to develop knowledge to define, measure and manage the main types of risks faced by banks; (ii) to analyze the constraints deriving from regulation to the risk measurement procedure and capital quantification; (iii) to analyze and evaluate the creation of value.
Elective activities
21201721 -
Competitive Strategies in Financial Services
The course aims at illustrating the strategic and organizational choices of suppliers of financial services, with special regard to banking groups operating in different business lines. These choices are analyzed in the light of business strategy and banking academic literature. The suppliers of financial services are influenced by regulatory and technological changes, in a market that is more and more international. During the course different business lines are observed (retail banking, private and corporate banking, payment services), taking care of the bundling and unbundling of different kinds of intermediation activities. Besides supply, also demand of financial services is analyzed; a large part of the the course is dedicated to Fintech, focussing on competitive strategic choices of newcomers (FinTech and BigTech) and of traditional financial institutions (incumbents). Traditional lectures, seminars, business cases and project works are the teaching methods used.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The essential topics are: - Change and environment-strategy-structure relationship in the financial services industry - Competitive scenario: the relevance of regulation and ICT - Porter model applied to the financial services industry - The business strategies of financial institutions: environment, goals, tools - The diversification strategies of financial institutions: theoretical profiles - The diversification strategies of financial institutions: principal characteristics and execution - Supply side analysis. The relationships between concentration, competition, profitability and efficiency in financial institutions: from the S-C-P paradigm to the New Industrial organization - Demand side analysis in retail banking: segmentation criteria, financial investment decisions, role of financial literacy, social media use - Operations efficiency analysis: efficiency indicators, scale and scope economies - The diversification strategies: strategic alliances, M&A, bancassurance - The Fintech role on the strategic trends in financial services industry - The managerial roles for strategic management in banking groups
( reference books)
For attending students the texts are:
• D. Previati, Strategie competitive nei Servizi Finanziari, McGraw Hill, 2022 • Articles and other materials put on Moodle
For non attending students the assesment is based on oral test, based on the book D. Previati, Strategie competitive nei Servizi Finanziari, McGraw Hill, 2022 and the following articles (you can find them on Moodle):
• Banca d’Italia, Indagine Fintech nel sistema finanziario italiano, novembre 2021 • Di Antonio M., I processi di valutazione strategica nelle banche, 2022 • Fratini Passi L., Open banking: sfide nel mercato globale e prospettive per l’innovazione finanziaria, 2022 • Lucchini S., Il futuro delle banche, 2022 • Masera R., Nuovi rischi e regolazione delle criptovalute, 2022
• Suggested reading, not compulsory: V. Boscia, C. Schena, V. Stefanelli (a cura di), Digital Banking e Fin Tech, Bancaria Editrice, 2020 https://www.bancariaeditrice.it/digital-banking-e-fintech
Elective activities
21210239 -
According to the Degree Course in Economics and Business Management (CLEGA), the course aims at enabling students to grasp the basic mathematical topics and tools needed in Economics and Firm Management modeling. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to know the basics of mathematical analysis, of differential calculus and of linear algebra; articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way; using adequately definitions, theorems and proofs understand the nature of mathematics as an axiomatic-deductive system; apply the fundamental theoretical results of mathematical analysis, of differential calculus and of linear algebra to the solution of problems and exercises; actively search for deductive ideas and chains that are fit to prove possible links between the properties of mathematical objects and to solve assigned problems
A - C
Derived from
21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C CONGEDO MARIA ALESSANDRA, Capasso Armando
( syllabus)
1) Logic, sets and numerical sets Propositional logic. Propositions. Decidable propositions. Logical operations between propositions. Logical implication. Necessity, sufficiency and necessity and sufficiency. Truth tables. Theorem. Methods for proving a theorem. Sets. Operations between sets. Numerical sets: natural numbers, relative numbers and rational numbers. Infimum and supremum of a numerical set. Irrationality of square root of 2 (with proof). Dedekind's axiom. The real numbers set. Real numbers and their representation on the straight line. Limited and non-limited sets. Maximum and minimum of a numerical set. Intervals and boundary of a point. Elements of line topology: isolated, boundary, internal and accumulation points. Open sets. Closed sets. A set is closed if and only if it contains all its accumulation points. 2) Sums Definition of summation. Sum of the first natural n (with proof). Sum of the first n terms of a geometric progression (with proof). Summation properties. 3) Real functions of real variable Real functions of real variable. The Cartesian plane and the graph of a function. Injective and surjective functions. Invertible functions. Even and odd functions. Increasing and decreasing functions. Link between monotony and injectivity. Inverse function. Inverse function graph. Elementary functions. Transformations of elementary functions. Compound function. Multi-law defined functions. Domain of a function. 4) Sequences and numerical series Converging, diverging and indeterminate sequences. Limits of sequences. Definition of numerical series. Necessary condition for convergence of a series (with proof). The character of the geometric series (with proof). Mengoli series and its value (with proof). 5) Limits of real functions of real variable Definition of limits. Right-hand limit and left-hand limit. Vertical and horizontal asymptote. Oblique asymptote. Theorem on uniqueness of limit. (with proof). Theorems on sign permanence (with proof). Rational operations on limits. Indeterminate forms. Notable limits. 6) Infinites and infinitesimals Definition of infinitesimal and infinite. Comparison between infinitesimal and infinite. Order of infinitesimal and infinite. Cancellation theorems (with proof). Order propagation. 7) Continuity Definition of continuity in a point. Continuity in a set. Classification of discontinuity points. Continuity of elementary functions. Continuity of the compound function. Continuity of functions defined by several laws. Theorem of zeros for continuous functions. Weierstrass's theorem. Darboux's theorem (with proof). 8) Differential calculus Difference quotient. Derivative of a function in a point and its geometric meaning. Derivability implies continuity (with proof). Points of non-derivability. Derivative function and derivatives of subsequent order. Derivative of elementary functions. The rules of derivation. Derivative of compound functions. De L’Hopital's theorem and its application to indeterminate forms. Taylor polynomial of order 1 and order 2 (with proof). The factorial of n. Taylor polynomial of order n. Mc Laurin polynomial. Differential and its geometric meaning. First-order error theorem (with proof). Local maxima and minima. Fermat's theorem (with proof). Rolle's theorem (with proof). Lagrange's theorem (with proof). Corollaries to Lagrange's theorem (with proof). Relationship between the sign of the first derivative and the increasing / decreasing functions in an interval (with proof). Concavity and convexity in a point. Relationship between the sign of the second derivative and the convexity / concavity of a function in an interval (with proof). Flex points. Global concavity and convexity conditions. 9) Integral calculus Primitive of a function. Indefinite integral. Properties of primitives (with proof). Property of the indefinite integral. Immediate indefinite integrals. Integration by parts (with proof). Area subtended by a curve. Superior and inferior integral sum. Definition of definited Riemann integral. Property of the definite integral. Integral function. The integral mean value theorem (with proof). Torricelli-Barrow's theorem (with proof). Corollary to Torricelli-Barrow's theorem (with proof). 10) Linear algebra Vectors and their geometric representation. Product of a vector for a scalar. Vectors addition. The vector space Rn: Linear combination of vectors. Linearly dependent and independent vectors. Matrices. Matrix addition. Matrix multiplication. Determinant of a matrix. Matrix inverse. Uniqueness of the inverse matrix (with proof). Necessary condition for the existence of the inverse matrix (with proof). Sufficient condition for the existence of the inverse matrix. Transposed matrix. Rank of a matrix. Linear equation systems. Cramer's theorem. Rouché-Capelli theorem. Homogeneous systems. Parametric systems
( reference books)
Carl P. Simon, Lawrence Blume, Mathematics for economists, W.W. Norton and Company, 2010. Only: Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Appendix 4. http://disa.uniroma3.it/didattica/lauree-triennali/matematica-generale-n-o-ii-canale-d-k/
L - P
Derived from
21210239 MATEMATICA GENERALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 L - P CENCI MARISA, MARTIRE ANTONIO LUCIANO
( syllabus)
1) Logic, sets and numerical sets Propositional logic. Propositions. Decidable propositions. Logical operations between propositions. Logical implication. Necessity, sufficiency and necessity and sufficiency. Truth tables. Theorem. Methods for proving a theorem. Sets. Operations between sets. Numerical sets: natural numbers, relative numbers and rational numbers. Infimum and supremum of a numerical set. Irrationality of square root of 2 (with proof). Dedekind's axiom. The real numbers set. Real numbers and their representation on the straight line. Limited and non-limited sets. Maximum and minimum of a numerical set. Intervals and boundary of a point. Elements of line topology: isolated, boundary, internal and accumulation points. Open sets. Closed sets. A set is closed if and only if it contains all its accumulation points. 2) Sums Definition of summation. Sum of the first natural n (with proof). Sum of the first n terms of a geometric progression (with proof). Summation properties. 3) Real functions of real variable Real functions of real variable. The Cartesian plane and the graph of a function. Injective and surjective functions. Invertible functions. Even and odd functions. Increasing and decreasing functions. Link between monotony and injectivity. Inverse function. Inverse function graph. Elementary functions. Transformations of elementary functions. Compound function. Multi-law defined functions. Domain of a function. 4) Sequences and numerical series Converging, diverging and indeterminate sequences. Limits of sequences. Definition of numerical series. Necessary condition for convergence of a series (with proof). The character of the geometric series (with proof). Mengoli series and its value (with proof). 5) Limits of real functions of real variable Definition of limits. Right-hand limit and left-hand limit. Vertical and horizontal asymptote. Oblique asymptote. Theorem on uniqueness of limit. (with proof). Theorems on sign permanence (with proof). Rational operations on limits. Indeterminate forms. Notable limits. 6) Infinites and infinitesimals Definition of infinitesimal and infinite. Comparison between infinitesimal and infinite. Order of infinitesimal and infinite. Cancellation theorems (with proof). Order propagation. 7) Continuity Definition of continuity in a point. Continuity in a set. Classification of discontinuity points. Continuity of elementary functions. Continuity of the compound function. Continuity of functions defined by several laws. Theorem of zeros for continuous functions. Weierstrass's theorem. Darboux's theorem (with proof). 8) Differential calculus Difference quotient. Derivative of a function in a point and its geometric meaning. Derivability implies continuity (with proof). Points of non-derivability. Derivative function and derivatives of subsequent order. Derivative of elementary functions. The rules of derivation. Derivative of compound functions. De L’Hopital's theorem and its application to indeterminate forms. Taylor polynomial of order 1 and order 2 (with proof). The factorial of n. Taylor polynomial of order n. Mc Laurin polynomial. Differential and its geometric meaning. First-order error theorem (with proof). Local maxima and minima. Fermat's theorem (with proof). Rolle's theorem (with proof). Lagrange's theorem (with proof). Corollaries to Lagrange's theorem (with proof). Relationship between the sign of the first derivative and the increasing / decreasing functions in an interval (with proof). Concavity and convexity in a point. Relationship between the sign of the second derivative and the convexity / concavity of a function in an interval (with proof). Flex points. Global concavity and convexity conditions. 9) Integral calculus Primitive of a function. Indefinite integral. Properties of primitives (with proof). Property of the indefinite integral. Immediate indefinite integrals. Integration by parts (with proof). Area subtended by a curve. Superior and inferior integral sum. Definition of definited Riemann integral. Property of the definite integral. Integral function. The integral mean value theorem (with proof). Torricelli-Barrow's theorem (with proof). Corollary to Torricelli-Barrow's theorem (with proof). 10) Linear algebra Vectors and their geometric representation. Product of a vector for a scalar. Vectors addition. The vector space Rn: Linear combination of vectors. Linearly dependent and independent vectors. Matrices. Matrix addition. Matrix multiplication. Determinant of a matrix. Matrix inverse. Uniqueness of the inverse matrix (with proof). Necessary condition for the existence of the inverse matrix (with proof). Sufficient condition for the existence of the inverse matrix. Transposed matrix. Rank of a matrix. Linear equation systems. Cramer's theorem. Rouché-Capelli theorem. Homogeneous systems. Parametric systems.
( reference books)
Mathematics for economists Carl P. Simon, Lawrence Blume- W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. Only:Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Appendix 4 .
Q - Z
Derived from
( syllabus)
1) Logic, sets and numerical sets Propositional logic. Propositions. Decidable propositions. Logical operations between propositions. Logical implication. Necessity, sufficiency and necessity and sufficiency. Truth tables. Theorem. Methods for proving a theorem. Sets. Operations between sets. Numerical sets: natural numbers, relative numbers and rational numbers. Infimum and supremum of a numerical set. Irrationality of square root of 2 (with proof). Dedekind's axiom. The real numbers set. Real numbers and their representation on the straight line. Limited and non-limited sets. Maximum and minimum of a numerical set. Intervals and boundary of a point. Elements of line topology: isolated, boundary, internal and accumulation points. Open sets. Closed sets. A set is closed if and only if it contains all its accumulation points. 2) Sums Definition of summation. Sum of the first natural n (with proof). Sum of the first n terms of a geometric progression (with proof). Summation properties. 3) Real functions of real variable Real functions of real variable. The Cartesian plane and the graph of a function. Injective and surjective functions. Invertible functions. Even and odd functions. Increasing and decreasing functions. Link between monotony and injectivity. Inverse function. Inverse function graph. Elementary functions. Transformations of elementary functions. Compound function. Multi-law defined functions. Domain of a function. 4) Sequences and numerical series Converging, diverging and indeterminate sequences. Limits of sequences. Definition of numerical series. Necessary condition for convergence of a series (with proof). The character of the geometric series (with proof). Mengoli series and its value (with proof). 5) Limits of real functions of real variable Definition of limits. Right-hand limit and left-hand limit. Vertical and horizontal asymptote. Oblique asymptote. Theorem on uniqueness of limit. (with proof). Theorems on sign permanence (with proof). Rational operations on limits. Indeterminate forms. Notable limits. 6) Infinites and infinitesimals Definition of infinitesimal and infinite. Comparison between infinitesimal and infinite. Order of infinitesimal and infinite. Cancellation theorems (with proof). Order propagation. 7) Continuity Definition of continuity in a point. Continuity in a set. Classification of discontinuity points. Continuity of elementary functions. Continuity of the compound function. Continuity of functions defined by several laws. Theorem of zeros for continuous functions. Weierstrass's theorem. Darboux's theorem (with proof). 8) Differential calculus Difference quotient. Derivative of a function in a point and its geometric meaning. Derivability implies continuity (with proof). Points of non-derivability. Derivative function and derivatives of subsequent order. Derivative of elementary functions. The rules of derivation. Derivative of compound functions. De L’Hopital's theorem and its application to indeterminate forms. Taylor polynomial of order 1 and order 2 (with proof). The factorial of n. Taylor polynomial of order n. Mc Laurin polynomial. Differential and its geometric meaning. First-order error theorem (with proof). Local maxima and minima. Fermat's theorem (with proof). Rolle's theorem (with proof). Lagrange's theorem (with proof). Corollaries to Lagrange's theorem (with proof). Relationship between the sign of the first derivative and the increasing / decreasing functions in an interval (with proof). Concavity and convexity in a point. Relationship between the sign of the second derivative and the convexity / concavity of a function in an interval (with proof). Flex points. Global concavity and convexity conditions. 9) Integral calculus Primitive of a function. Indefinite integral. Properties of primitives (with proof). Property of the indefinite integral. Immediate indefinite integrals. Integration by parts (with proof). Area subtended by a curve. Superior and inferior integral sum. Definition of definited Riemann integral. Property of the definite integral. Integral function. The integral mean value theorem (with proof). Torricelli-Barrow's theorem (with proof). Corollary to Torricelli-Barrow's theorem (with proof). 10) Linear algebra Vectors and their geometric representation. Product of a vector for a scalar. Vectors addition. The vector space Rn: Linear combination of vectors. Linearly dependent and independent vectors. Matrices. Matrix addition. Matrix multiplication. Determinant of a matrix. Matrix inverse. Uniqueness of the inverse matrix (with proof). Necessary condition for the existence of the inverse matrix (with proof). Sufficient condition for the existence of the inverse matrix. Transposed matrix. Rank of a matrix. Linear equation systems. Cramer's theorem. Rouché-Capelli theorem. Homogeneous systems. Parametric systems.
( reference books)
Carl P. Simon, Lawrence Blume, Mathematics for economists, W.W. Norton and Company, 2010. Only: Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Appendix 4.
Elective activities
21210034 -
21210034-1 -
Elective activities