Optional group:
20710222 -
Lingua e traduzione lingua francese II
French Language and Translation II (12 CFU)
Acquire B2 level linguistic competences (based on the CEFR) and consolidate linguistic-argumentative strategies in French. Develop reflective skills concerning the cultural context and the structures (both morphological and syntactic) of French. Approach the analysis of language varieties. Carry out in-depth study of theoretical, methodological, and socio-cultural issues inherent to the translation of both lterary and informative texts (French/Italian and vice versa). Approach adaptation and/or rewriting strategies, also in a transmedial perspective. Enhance intercultural competence.
Prerequisites: French Language and Translation I
( syllabus)
Going through the notions of language (Saussure), communication (Jakobson) and discourse (Benveniste), up to discourse analysis (Maingueneau) and argumentation theory (Amossy), the course intends to offer a broad excursus on the text as enunciation device midway between Social Science and Science of the Language, following a linguistic-anthropological-cultural approach.
Articulation course: 6 CFU prof.ssa L. Santone (Ist semester) + 6 CFU prof.ssa P. Cattani (2nd semester)
( reference books)
6 CFU prof.ssa Santone:
F. de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Payot 1995 (capitoli facenti riferimento a: Objet de la linguistique - La langue, sa définition; Place de la langue dans les faits de langage ; Nature du signe linguistique - Signe, signifiant, signifié ; l’arbitraire du signe ; le caractère linéaire du signifiant); R. Jakobson, « Linguistique et poétique », in Essais de linguistique générale, Minuit 1963 ; E. Benveniste, La nature des pronoms ; De la subjectivité dans le langage (in Problèmes de linguistique générale, 1, Gallimard 1966) L’appareil formel de l’énonciation (in Problèmes de linguistique générale, 2, Gallimard 1974) ; J.-M. Adam, Le linguiste et l’anthropologue : retour sur un dialogue interdisciplinaire, in D. Londei & L. Santone (éds), Entre linguistique et anthropologie, Peter Lang 2013, pp. 9-24. 6 CFU prof.ssa Cattani:
D. Maingueneau, Discours et Analyse du discours, Paris, Colin, 2014, pp. 3-59 R. Amossy, L’argumentation dans le discours, Paris, Colin, 2002, Introduction e capitoli 1-2-3-6.
( syllabus)
Course Aims
Acquisition of written and spoken communicative skills (both passive and active); B2 level phonological, morphological, syntactical and lexical competence (according to “Quadro di riferimento europeo per le lingue”); basic notions of phonetics, linguistic anthropology, argumentative and text analysis.
( reference books)
Materiale didattico / Bibliography 6 CFU prof.ssa Santone
F. de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Payot 1995 (capitoli facenti riferimento a: Objet de la linguistique - La langue, sa définition; Place de la langue dans les faits de langage ; Nature du signe linguistique - Signe, signifiant, signifié ; l’arbitraire du signe ; le caractère linéaire du signifiant); R. Jakobson, « Linguistique et poétique », in Essais de linguistique générale, Minuit 1963 ; E. Benveniste, La nature des pronoms ; De la subjectivité dans le langage (in Problèmes de linguistique générale, 1, Gallimard 1966) L’appareil formel de l’énonciation (in Problèmes de linguistique générale, 2, Gallimard 1974) ; J.-M. Adam, Le linguiste et l’anthropologue : retour sur un dialogue interdisciplinaire, in D. Londei & L. Santone (éds), Entre linguistique et anthropologie, Peter Lang 2013, pp. 9-24.
Materiale didattico / Bibliography 6 CFU prof.ssa Cattani
D. Maingueneau, Discours et Analyse du discours, Paris, Colin, 2014, pp. 3-59 R. Amossy, L’argumentation dans le discours, Paris, Colin, 2002, Introduction e capitoli 1-2-3-6.
Core compulsory activities
20710223 -
Lingua e traduzione lingua spagnola II
Acquire B2 level linguistic competences (based on the CEFR) and consolidate linguistic-argumentative language strategies in Spanish. Develop reflective skills concerning Spanish cultural context and Spanish morphological and syntactic structures. Approach the analysis of language varieties. Carry out in-depth study of theoretical and methodological and socio-cultural issues, concerning literary and educational translation (Spanish/Italian and viceversa) of cultural and informative texts. Approach adaptation and/or rewriting strategies, also in a transmedial perspective. Enhance intercultural competence.
Pre requisite: Spanish Language and translation I
( syllabus)
Part I Reflections, theory and criticism on dramatic translation. Contrastive studies of the Italian translations on a representative corpus of plays written between the XVII and XXI centuries. The work intends to stimulate, according to a diachronic approach, a critical reflection on the results of the translation experiences over the centuries and develop a competence in the use of lexicographic materials and corpora. Illustration and identification of the diaphasic and diastric linguistic varieties in the selected corpus, and translation practice. Part II Translation througout history: theory of translation in the XIX-XXI centuries (dossier by the teacher). The intersemiotic translation: transpositions and film adaptations. Introduction to audiovisual translation.
( reference books)
Textbooks and critical essays Ruiz Casanova, José Francisco, Aproximación a una historia de la traducción en España, Madrid, Cátedra, 2000. Hurtado Albir, Traducción y traductología, Madrid, Cátedra, 2002. Roales Ruiz, Antonio, Técnicas para la traducción audiovisual: subtitulado, Madrid, Escolar y Mayo, 2017. Other bibliographical references will be provided during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20710224 -
Lingua e traduzione lingua portoghese e brasiliana II
Acquire B2 level linguistic competences (based on the CEFR) and consolidate linguistic-argumentative language strategies in Portuguese and Brazilian languages. Develop reflective skills concerning the cultural context and the lexicogrammar and phonological structures of Portuguese. Approach the analysis of language varieties. Carry out in-depth study of theoretical and methodological issues, including the intercultural perspective applied to the translation Portuguese (European and Brazilian) into Italian) of cultural and informative texts. Approach adaptation and/or rewriting strategies, also in a transmedial perspective. Enhance intercultural competence
Pre requisite: Portuguese and Brazilian Languages and Translation I
Core compulsory activities
20710225 -
Lingua e traduzione lingua inglese II
Acquire B2 level linguistic competences (based on the CEFR) and consolidate linguistic-argumentative language strategies in English. Develop reflective skills concerning the cultural context and the lexicogrammar and phonological structures of English. Approach the analysis of language varieties. Carry out in-depth study of theoretical and methodological issues, including the intercultural perspective applied to the translation (English/Italian) of cultural and informative texts. Approach adaptation and/or rewriting strategies, also in a transmedial perspective. Enhance intercultural competence.
Prerequisites:English Language and Translation I
( syllabus)
The main focus of this programme is on translation studies, particularly on the development of different theories and approaches to translation and their applications. The aim of the course is a) to provide students with the essential theoretical background; b) to make students carry out practical sessions and translate a variety of authentic texts from English into Italian; and c) to reflect on translation as an intercultural mediational process and discuss its implications. Several text typologies will be taken into consideration (e.g. journalism, academic writing, literature, film scripts, manuals, spoken language, etc.), which differ at the level of discourse both in terms of their pragmatic purposes and their lexicogrammar features (e.g. the connections between different language registers and the choice of words, lexical phrases, idioms and morpho-syntactic structures, etc.). The programme will also take into account the use of advanced tools for translation, e.g. online dictionaries and language corpora.
( reference books)
- Munday, J. 2016. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. 4th edition. London & New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-91255-7 (pbk)
Core compulsory activities
20710226 -
Lingua e traduzione lingua tedesca II
Acquire B1 level linguistic competences (based on the CEFR) and consolidate linguistic-argumentative language strategies in German. Develop reflective skills concerning the cultural context and the lexicogrammar and phonological structures of German. Approach the analysis of language varieties. Carry out in-depth study of theoretical and methodological issues, including the intercultural perspective. Approach adaptation and/or rewriting strategies, also in a transmedial perspective. Enhance intercultural competence.
Prerequisites: German Language and Translation I
( syllabus)
Outlines of linguistic history of German-speaking countries
The course outlines the polycentric history of the German language from its origins to the present day, contextualizing it in the main cultural transformations in the broadest sense and focusing both on the fundamental importance of literature in shaping a unified German in the 18th century, and on political-social phenomena such as Nazism or the disappearance of the GDR in reunification.
In-depth module (second semester, Dr. Maurizio Basili): The structure of the German sentence. An introduction to German Syntax
The module presents the fundamental notions useful for the description of the syntactic phenomena of the German language. The proposed study, starting from the theory of valence, will focus mainly on field analysis (Felderanalyse).
It is strongly recommended to attend the lessons that involve an interaction between teacher and students for the analysis of texts functional to the recognition of the fundamental mechanisms of the German syntactic structure
( reference books)
For the Outlines of linguistic history of German-speaking countries (prpf. Sampaolo)
- Marina Foschi Albert / Marianne Hepp, Manuale di storia della lingua tedesca, Liguori (in commercio anche come pdf) Or: - Sandra Bosco Coletsos, Storia della lingua tedesca, Rosenberg & Sellier
********************************************************************************************* In-depth module (second semester, Dr. Maurizio Basili): The structure of the German sentence. An introduction to German Syntax
Reference book:
H. Blühdorn-M. Foschi Albert, Leggere e comprendere il tedesco, Pisa University Press 2014 (chapt. 1-2-3-4-7-8-9)
Recommended German grammar • M.G. Saibene, Grammatica descrittiva della lingua tedesca, Carocci 2002
Further material, mandatory for the exam, has been made available online by the teacher
( syllabus)
The structure of the German sentence: introduction to syntactic analysis The module presents the fundamental notions useful for the description of the syntactic phenomena of the German language. The proposed study, starting from the theory of valence, will focus mainly on field analysis (Felderanalyse).
( reference books)
• H. Blühdorn-M. Foschi Albert, Leggere e comprendere il tedesco, Pisa University Press 2014 (capp. 1-2-3-4-7-8-9)
Recommended German Grammar: • M.G. Saibene, Grammatica descrittiva della lingua tedesca, Carocci 2002
Further material, mandatory for the exam, will be made available online as soon as possible.
Core compulsory activities
20710227 -
Lingua e traduzione lingua russa II
Acquire B1 level linguistic competences (based on the CEFR) and consolidate linguistic-argumentative language strategies in Russian. Develop reflective skills concerning Russian cultural context and Russian morphological and syntactic structures. Approach the analysis of language varieties. Carry out in-depth study of theoretical and methodological issues, including the intercultural perspective applied to the translation (Russian/Italian) of cultural and informative texts. Approach adaptation and/or rewriting strategies, also in a transmedial perspective. Enhance intercultural competence.
Pre-requisite: Russian Language and Translation I
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710228 -
Letteratura francese II
AIMS: • provide students with a good knowledge of French literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries with a specific focus on intercultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • provide students with tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation of French classics and their translation, rewriting and adaption into Italian also in a transmedial context. • Develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: French Literature I; French Language and Translation I
( reference books)
1. History of Literature - Storia europea della letteratura francese, a cura di Lionello Sozzi, Torino, Einaudi, vol. I, pp. 239-292 e pp. 413-484. - Gianni Iotti, La civiltà letteraria francese del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009. - Lagarde, Michard, XVIII siècle, Paris, Bordas, qualsiasi edizione.
2. Texts - Cyrano de Bergerac, L'altro mondo, Torino, Il leone verde, 1999, pp. 27-144. - Madame de Lafayette, La Princesse de Clèves, présentation par Jean Mesnard, Paris, Flammarion, 1996. - Voltaire, Traité sur la tolérance, Paris, Flammarion, 1993. - Diderot, La Religieuse, Paris, Flammarion, 2009.
3. Critical essays - Giovanni Marchi, "Cyrano o l’ ‘imagination en liberté’", in Id., L’immaginazione in libertà, Napoli, Liguori, 1985, pp. 11-21. - Gabriella Violato, La principessa giansenista, Roma, Bulzoni, 1981, pp. 13-49; oppure Jean Rousset, "La Princesse de Clèves", in Id., Forme et signification, Paris, Corti, 2006, pp. 17-44. - Tzvetan Todorov, L'Esprit des Lumières, Paris, Laffont - Le livre de poche, 2006. - Maria Laura Lanzillo, "La tolleranza di Voltaire: tra morale e politica", in Ead., Voltaire, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2000, pp. 63-112.
Further readings and references will be provided.
Core compulsory activities
20710229 -
Letteratura spagnola II
AIMS: • provide students with a broad knowledge and understanding of Spanish literature from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First century with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (upper-intermediate level) applied to Spanish literary texts (in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to critical interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation, rewriting and adaptation into Italian also in a transmedial context (upper-intermediate level). • develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: Spanish Literature I; Spanish Language and Translation I
( syllabus)
The course aims to present some texts that form the canon of Spanish theater between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries. Basic elements of analysis of the theatrical text will be provided, in its relationship with literature and representation. Further analysis will be carried out about the main translation problems it presents.
( reference books)
1) TEXTS (To be studied for the finals. Where a specific edition is indicated, this is the one required for the preparation of the exam):
• Lope de Vega, La dama boba / La dama sciocca, a cura di M. G. Profeti, Venezia, Marsilio; • Lope de Vega, El caballero de Olmedo, ed. F. Rico, Madrid, Cátedra (Il cavaliere di Olmedo, trad. di F. Antonucci, testo spagnolo a fronte, in Il teatro dei Secoli d’Oro, a cura di M. G. Profeti, Milano, Bompiani, vol. I); • Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La vita è un sogno (La vida es sueño), a cura di F. Antonucci, Venezia, Marsilio; • Antonio García Gutiérrez, El Trovador, ed. C. Ruiz Silva, Madrid, Cátedra; • Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Los cuernos de don Friolera (in R. del Valle-Inclán, Martes de Carnaval, esperpentos, ed. J. Rubio Jiménez, Madrid, Espasa Calpe) • Federico García Lorca, Bodas de sangre/Nozze di sangue, edizione bilingue a cura di E. Pittarello, Venezia, Marsilio.
( syllabus)
Course programma The course aims at presenting some texts that have contributed to build the canon of the Spanish theatre between the XVII and the XX centuries. Basic elements of the analysis of the dramatic text will be provided in its relationship with literature and performance. We will discuss the main translation problems it presents.
Didactic material (necessary to attend the course and to do the exam) 1) TEXTS (where a specific edition is indicated, this is the one required for the preparation of the exam):
• Lope de Vega, La dama boba / La dama sciocca, a cura di M. G. Profeti, Venezia, Marsilio; • Lope de Vega, El caballero de Olmedo, ed. F. Rico, Madrid, Cátedra (Il cavaliere di Olmedo, trad. di F. Antonucci, testo spagnolo a fronte, in Il teatro dei Secoli d’Oro, a cura di M. G. Profeti, Milano, Bompiani, vol. I); • Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La vita è un sogno (La vida es sueño), a cura di F. Antonucci, Venezia, Marsilio; • Antonio García Gutiérrez, El Trovador, ed. C. Ruiz Silva, Madrid, Cátedra; • Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Los cuernos de don Friolera (in R. del Valle-Inclán, Martes de Carnaval, esperpentos, ed. J. Rubio Jiménez, Madrid, Espasa Calpe) • Federico García Lorca, Bodas de sangre/Nozze di sangue, edizione bilingue a cura di E. Pittarello, Venezia, Marsilio.
a) Ignacio Arellano, Historia del teatro español del siglo XVII, Madrid, Cátedra (chapters 1, 2, 6); b) J. L. García-Barrientos, Cómo se comenta una obra de teatro, Madrid, Síntesis (only the parts indicated by the professor); c) L. Rodríguez Cacho, Manual de historia de la literatura española, vol. II, Siglos XVIII al XX, Madrid, Castalia (only the parts indicated by the professor); d) F. Antonucci, Il Novecento letterario spagnolo: percorsi, Pisa, ETS (chapters 4, 5, 7); e) L. Chines, C. Varotti, Che cos’è un testo letterario, Roma, Carocci (chap. 3); f) The introductions to the recommended editions (see point 1, Texts) and any other critical materials that will be indicated by the professors on their website. Non-attending students are requested to contact the professors at least two months before the exam date. In addition, they must refer to the professors’ website for additional information and for the Temario of the exam (that is, the thematic guidelines useful for the exam preparation).
( reference books)
Didactic material (necessary to attend the course and to do the exam)
TEXTS (where a specific edition is indicated, this is the one required for the preparation of the exam):
• Lope de Vega, La dama boba / La dama sciocca, a cura di M. G. Profeti, Venezia, Marsilio; • Lope de Vega, El caballero de Olmedo, ed. F. Rico, Madrid, Cátedra (Il cavaliere di Olmedo, trad. di F. Antonucci, testo spagnolo a fronte, in Il teatro dei Secoli d’Oro, a cura di M. G. Profeti, Milano, Bompiani, vol. I); • Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La vita è un sogno (La vida es sueño), a cura di F. Antonucci, Venezia, Marsilio; • Antonio García Gutiérrez, El Trovador, ed. C. Ruiz Silva, Madrid, Cátedra; • Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Los cuernos de don Friolera (in R. del Valle-Inclán, Martes de Carnaval, esperpentos, ed. J. Rubio Jiménez, Madrid, Espasa Calpe) • Federico García Lorca, Bodas de sangre/Nozze di sangue, edizione bilingue a cura di E. Pittarello, Venezia, Marsilio.
Core compulsory activities
20710230 -
Lingua e letterature ispanoamericane II
Spanish-American Literatures II (12 CFU)
AIMS: • provide students with a broad understanding of modern and contemporary Spanish-American literatures with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (upper-intermediate level) applied to Spanish-American literary texts (in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural, and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to critical interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation, rewriting, and adaptation into Italian also in a transmedial context (upper-intermediate level); • develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: Spanish-American Literatures I; Spanish Language and Translation I
( syllabus)
The opposition of civilization / barbarism is the basis of the canon of Spanish American literature and it is closely linked to the definition of national identity. The module will explore the ideological and cultural context of nineteenth and twentieth century literature.
( reference books)
C. Aira, Un episodio en la vida del pintor viajero, Barcelona, Era, 2000; J. M. Arguedas, Festa di sangue, Torino, Einaudi, 1988; J. L. Borges, “Historia del guerrero y la cautiva”, in El Aleph, Madrid, Alianza, 2004; E. Echeverría, El matadero/Il Mattatoio, Roma, Portaparole, 2010 oppure http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/el-matadero-1871/html/ D. F. Sarmiento, Facundo, Madrid, Cátedra, 1999 (chapts. I-II); L. Lugones, Racconti fatali, Roma, Nova Delphi Libri, 2012.
Core compulsory activities
20710231 -
Letterature portoghese e brasiliana II
Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures II (12 CFU)
AIMS: • provide students with a broad understanding of Portuguese and Brazilian modern literatures (XVI-XVIII centuries) with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (upper-intermediate level) applied to Portuguese and Brazilian literary texts (in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to critical interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation, rewriting and adaptation into Italian also in a transmedial context (upper-intermediate level). • Develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures I; Portuguese and Brazilian Languages and Translation I
De Crescenzo Luigia
( syllabus)
The course will focus on Portuguese and Brazilian literature during the 16th and 17th centuries with particular attention to the analysis of the representation of the Other in the modern travel literature.
( reference books)
G. Lanciani, Profilo di Storia linguistica e letteraria del Portogallo, Roma, Bulzoni, 1999, pp. 177-474; L. Stegagno Picchio, Storia della letteratura brasiliana, Torino, Einaudi, 1997 pp. 13-102 (cap. I-IV); E. Finazzi Agrò, O espaço medido, in Entretempos: mapeando a história da cultura brasileira, São Paulo, Editora Unesp, 2013, pp. 91-130; A Carta de Pêro Vaz de Caminha, in J. Cortesão, A Carta de Pêro Vaz de Caminha, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1994, pp. 153-225; P. de Magalhães de Gândavo, História da Província de Santa Cruz, Belo Horizonte, Itatiaia; São Paulo, EDUSP, 1980; Valeria Bertolucci Pizzorusso, Uno spettacolo per il Re: l’infanzia di Adamo nella «Carta» di Pero Vaz de Caminha, “Quaderni portoghesi”, 4, 1978, pp. 49-81; L. Stegagno Picchio, Antropofagia: dalla letteratura al mito e dal mito alla letteratura, “Letterature d’America”, II, 8, 1981, pp. 5-43. N. Avella, L’Eden, il buon selvaggio e l'isola: considerazioni su alcuni «topoi» mitologici nella cultura brasiliana, “Letterature d’America”, II, 8, 1981, pp. 89-111;
Core compulsory activities
20710232 -
Letteratura inglese II
AIMS: • provide students with a broad understanding of English literature of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (upper-intermediate level) applied to English literary texts (in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to critical interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation, rewriting and adaptation into Italian also in a transmedial context (upper-intermediate level). • Develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: English Literature I; English Language and Translation I
A - L
( syllabus)
This course explores the many ways in which 'the other', 'the savage', 'the barbarian' has been narrated by English writers from the beginning of the 17th to the end of the 18th century. Through the analysis of William Shakespeare's The Tempest (1611), Aphra Behn's Oroonoko (1688), Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719), Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726) and the autobiographical The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789), we will explore the complex fascination-revulsion with the figure of the 'other from us', while looking at the rhetorical, ideological and literary strategies with which for centuries writers have been constructing and deconstructing figures of 'savages', good or evil, distant or close, outside or inside us.
( reference books)
Primary texts: William Shakespeare, The Tempest (1611) (Arden or Penguin) Aphra Behn, Oroonoko (1688) (any English edition) Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (1719) (any English edition) Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels (1726) (any English edition) Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789) (any English edition).
Films: tba
M - Z
( syllabus)
Classical models and forms of innovation in English Literature from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
( reference books)
Christopher Marlowe, Hero and Leander; Philip Sidney Astrophil and Stella; William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra; John Dryden, All for love; Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock; Jonathan Swift, The Battle of the Books Samuel Richardson, Pamela Horace Walpole, The Castle of Otranto Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
P. Bertinetti (a cura di), Storia della letteratura inglese -Dalle origini al Settecento, vol. 1, Einaudi: Torino, 2000.
Further texts will be available on the teacher's website (Materiali didattici 2018/19) from the second semester on.
Core compulsory activities
20710233 -
Lingue e letterature angloamericane II
AIMS: • provide students with a comprehensive understanding of nineteenth-century Anglo-American literature with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (upper-intermediate level) applied to Anglo-American literary texts (in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural, and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to critical interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation into Italian and to the analysis of rewritings and adaptations of literary texts also in a transmedial context (upper-intermediate level); • develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in intercultural contexts.
Pre-requisite: Anglo-American Literatures I; English Language and Translation I
( syllabus)
American Renaissances
This course examines some of the most relevant works in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. literary canon. Special attention will be devoted to the period known as "the American Renaissance", that will be studied according to the most recent critical reevaluations. Texts belonging to different literary genres -- novel, short story, essay, slave narrative, poem, oration -- will be analyzed with a view to understanding the issues related to the formation of a U.S. national culture, the Puritan legacy and the relationship with Europe, the Civil War and its representations, the writings by women and Natives.
( reference books)
Elias Boudinot, “An Address to the Whites” [1826], any edition. William Apess, “An Indian’s Looking-Glass for the White Man” [1833], any edition. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The American Scholar” [1837], any edition. Edgar Allan Poe, “The Fall of the House of Usher” [1839], “William Wilson” [1839], “The Mask of the Red Death” [1842], any edition. Henry David Thoreau, “Resistance to Civil Government” [1849], any edition. Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter [1850], ed. Brian Harding (Oxford-New York: Oxford UP, 2007). Herman Melville, Moby Dick [1851] (London and New York: W.W. Norton, 2002) Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” [1852], any edition. Seattle (Duwamish), “Speech of Chief Seattle” [1854], any edition. Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl [1861] (New York: W.W. Norton, 2001). Emily Dickinson, a selection of poems will be given in class. Gertrude Bonnin (Zitkala-Sa), “The School Days of an Indian Girl” [1900], any edition.
Core compulsory activities
20710234 -
Letteratura tedesca II
German Literature II (12 CFU)
AIMS: • provide students with a broad understanding of German literature from the eighteenth through the first part of the nineteenth century with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (upper-intermediate level) applied to German literary texts (also in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural, and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to critical interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation, rewriting, and adaptation into Italian also in a transmedial context (upper-intermediate level); • develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: German Literature I; German Language and Translation I
( syllabus)
The class deals with main topics and general matters related to German literature between the beginning of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century, through the reading of texts from different periods and providing their historical-cultural contextualization.
( reference books)
Materiale didattico
Ludwig Tieck, Il biondo Eckbert, Marsilio Ludwig Tieck, La montagna delle rune E.T.A. Hoffmann, Gli elisir del diavolo, Orma. Franz Grillparzer, Medea, Marsilio. Franz Grillparzer, Il povero suonatore, Marsilio Adalbert Stifter, Pietre colorate, Marsilio. Georg Büchner, Opere, Oscar Mondadori. Heinrich von Kleist, Michael Kohlhaas, Marsilio Heinrich von Kleist, La marchesa di O…, Marsilio Theodor Fontane, L’Adultera, Effi Briest, Feltrinelli Thomas Mann, I Buddenbrook, Garzanti Karl Kraus, Detti e contradetti, Adelphi
Core compulsory activities
20710235 -
Letteratura russa II
Russian Literature II (12 CFU)
AIMS: • provide students with a broad understanding of Russian literature of the Nineteenth century with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (upper-intermediate level) applied to Russian literary texts (in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis in order to promote an independent approach to critical interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation, rewriting and adaptation into Italian also in a transmedial context (upper-intermediate level). • Develop upper-intermediate communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: Russian Literature I; Russian Language and Translation I
Core compulsory activities