Degree Course: Labour and Welfare
A.Y. 2022/2023
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
Il laureato magistrale avrà una rigorosa e approfondita conoscenza delle discipline macroeconomiche e del
funzionamento del mercato del lavoro.
Inoltre avrà una perfetta conoscenza del contesto giuridico-istituzionale
all'interno del quale il mercato del lavoro opera al fine di comprendere pienamente le politiche economiche rilevanti
e la loro implementazione.
Svilupperà quindi la capacità di elaborare e applicare idee originali e scientificamente
fondate in questi campi.
Infine sarà in grado di padroneggiare strumenti statistici e matematici adeguati per
risolvere e analizzare i complessi problemi dell'economia moderna, in un contesto di ricerca interdisciplinare e di
applicazione pratica attraverso suggerimenti di 'policy'.
Tali capacità e tali conoscenze saranno raggiunte attraverso una serie di strumenti, e precisamente: la
partecipazione a lezioni frontali, esercitazioni e seminari; lo studio autonomo dello studente, l'accesso a materiali
didattici comprendenti manuali di difusione internazionale,rapporti di ricerca di istituzioni nazionali e internazionali,
documenti statistici di fonte Istat, Eurostat e Ocse.
La verifica dei risultati di apprendimento avviene principalmente
attraverso esami scritti e orali ed esposizioni orali.Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
La conoscenza delle discipline oggetto di studio all'interno di questa Laurea Magistrale consentirà al laureato magistrale di valutare le politiche economiche atte a risolvere i problemi del lavoro nelle sue diverse sfaccettature e
di interpretarne le dinamiche.
A tal fine il laureato svilupperà:
- la capacità di applicare le conoscenze conseguite alla comprensione e all'interpretazione di tutti gli aspetti
complessi relativi al funzionamento dei mercati del lavoro, delle relazioni industriali e dei sistemi di welfare anche in
contesti inediti;
- la capacità di applicare le conoscenze per affrontare con padronanza le diverse problematiche gestionali
necessarie a ricoprire con professionalità ruoli operativi nei campi suddetti;
- la capacità di interagire efficacemente con diversi partners per lavorare in gruppo;
- la capacità di svolgere ricerca applicata di elevata qualità.
Gli strumenti per raggiungere tali capacità saranno: la riflessione critica sui testi proposti per lo studio individuale
sollecitata dall'attività in aula; la realizzazione di specifici studi di casi; lo svolgimento di esercitazioni, la ricerca
bibliografica, la realizzazione di 'project works' predisposti individualmente o in gruppo nell'ambito delle varie
attività formative oltre che nella preparazione della prova finale.
Le verifiche del raggiungimento di tali risultati assumeranno la forma di esami scritti, orali, relazioni seminariali,
presentazione e discussione di 'project works' ed esercitazioni.
Autonomia di giudizio
La preparazione conseguita dal laureato magistrale gli fornirà la capacità di formulare valutazioni autonome e indipendenti dei problemi che si pongono nel complesso mondo dell'economia moderna e del mercato del lavoro in particolare, anche in presenza di informazione incompleta.
Egli avrà inoltre la capacità di formulare nuove idee, individuare istituzioni e politiche sociali innovative, ed elaborare giudizi di merito che includano la riflessione sulle
responsabilità sociali ed etiche degli agenti economici operanti nel mondo del lavoro.
Il percorso formativo di questa laurea magistrale condurrà allo sviluppo di tali capacità principalmente attraverso l'elaborazione di brevi saggi personali attinenti alle problematiche del mondo del lavoro, attraverso le esercitazioni di raccolta ed interpretazione di dati di rilevanza economica, attraverso lo svolgimento di progetti individuali e di gruppo assegnati dai docenti in funzione dello sviluppo delle capacità decisionali e di giudizio nonchè delle capacità critiche.
La stessa attività di preparazione della prova finale offre occasioni significative per lo sviluppo di tali capacità.
Le forme di verifica vanno dalla realizzazione di presentazioni in attività seminariali alla valutazione del grado di
autonomia durante tutta l'attività didattica e la preparazione della prova finale, alla argomentazione e discussione pubblica dei projet works individuali o di gruppo.Abilità comunicative
La società moderna richiede molte abilità comunicative, e ciò è particolarmente vero nel complesso mondo delle relazioni industriali, del mercato del lavoro e dei sistemi di welfare.
Perciò il laureato che avrà compiuto il percorso formativo di questa laurea magistrale:
- saprà esporre in forma scritta e orale, in modo efficace e con un linguaggio adeguato, a diversi interlocutori, le
propri conclusioni riguardanti studi, analisi e progetti;
- saprà redigere autonomamente relazioni tecniche ed interpretare relazioni redatte da altri sviluppando
adeguatamente un confronto tra le diverse posizioni;
- saprà raccogliere e interpretare i dati rilevanti rispetto ai problemi affrontati e saprà comunicare efficacemente tali
dati e informazioni a interlocutori specialisti e non specialisti, anche facendo uso di strumenti multimediali.
Tali abilità comunicative scritte e orali saranno sviluppate e verificate nelle attività formative che prevedono la
preparazione di relazioni e documenti scritti e l'esposizione orale dei medesimi.Le modalità di verifica includono
inoltre lo svolgimento di colloqui individuali, la discussione di progetti, le attività di esercitazione in aula.
Inoltre, l'attività di verifica avrà luogo anche nell'ambito della redazione della prova finale e della discussione della stessa davanti ad una commissione.Capacità di apprendimento
Il percorso di studio di questa Laurea Magistrale farà si che il laureato
- possegga le conoscenze avanzate necessarie per l'analisi e l'interpretazione dei processi del mercato del lavoro
nel contesto delle dinamiche macroeconomiche e delle funzioni di comportamento microfondate;
- possegga gli strumenti analitici e le appropriate metodologie di apprendimento per approfondire e aggiornare in autonomia le proprie conoscenze;
- sia in grado di sviluppare propri progetti di ricerca e di focalizzare efficacemente la propria attività sulle problematiche della progettazione e della implementazione delle strategie operative in materia di mercato del lavoro, relazioni industriali e sistemi di welfare.
- possegga le necessarie capacità di apprendimento per intraprendere, con un alto grado di autonomia, studi di livello superiore (Dottorato di Ricerca o Master Universitario di II livello) nonchè per aggiornare e migliorare in modo continuo le proprie competenze.
Tali capacità di apprendimento sono conseguite nel percorso di studio nel suo complesso, con riguardo particolare allo studio individuale previsto e alla preparazione di progetti individuali.
Inoltre tali capacità sono anche sviluppate nella preparazione della dissertazione finale.
La capacità di apprendimento viene valutata attraverso forme di verifica continua durante le attività formative, con particolare attenzione alla presentazione di dati reperiti autonomamente e alla capacità di elaborarli ed interpretarli.Requisiti di ammissione
L’iscrizione alla Laurea Magistrale è subordinata alla verifica del possesso di requisiti curriculari e
dell’adeguatezza della preparazione personale specificati sotto, inoltre per frequentare
proficuamente il corso di Laurea Magistrale è necessario avere acquisito adeguate conoscenze delle
discipline di area aziendale, economica, giuridica e matematico-statistica.
Il CdS è ad accesso libero e per essere ammessi occorre essere in possesso di una laurea o di un
diploma universitario di durata triennale o di altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero, riconosciuto
idoneo secondo la normativa vigente.
In particolare:
Requisiti curriculari minimi
Avere conseguito la Laurea in una delle seguenti classi o possedere altro titolo di studio
conseguito all'estero, riconosciuto idoneo:
ex D.M.
• L-33 Scienze economiche
• L-18 Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale
• classe 28 (scienze economiche)
• classe 17 (scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale)
• una laurea di durata quadriennale equivalente.
Nel caso in cui il candidato abbia conseguito una laurea afferente a una classe diversa,
rispetto a quanto indicato sopra, è richiesto il possesso dei seguenti settori scientifico - disciplinari:
- almeno 12 CFU nel SSD SECS P/01 e/o SECS P/02 e/o SECS P/03 e/o SECS-P/06;
- almeno 6 CFU nel SSD SECS S/01 e/o SECS S/03 e/o SECS S/04 e/o SECS S/06;
- almeno 6 CFU nel SSD IUS/01 e/o IUS/04 e/o IUS/07 e/o IUS/09.
Nel caso in cui il candidato non sia in possesso dei settori scientifico – disciplinari indicati sopra,
dovrà recuperarli prima dell'immatricolazione esclusivamente con il sostenimento di corsi singoli (di
livello triennale) presso questo o altri Atenei.
È richiesta inoltre la conoscenza della lingua inglese a livello B2, se non posseduta al
momento dell’immatricolazione il candidato dovrà sostenerla obbligatoriamente nelle “Altre
Attività Formative” previste dal corso di studio.
L'elenco delle certificazioni ammesse e delle
casistiche di esonero sono disponibili nella pagina web dedicata (
Preparazione personale
In caso di possesso dei requisiti sopra riportati, per immatricolarsi al corso di studio, lo studente
deve altresì sostenere una prova di verifica (colloquio) tesa a verificare la sua personale
Sono esonerati dal sostenere la prova di verifica (colloquio) della personale
preparazione gli studenti che abbiano conseguito la laurea con voto non inferiore a 90/110 o una
votazione media degli esami sostenuti non inferiore a 24/30 nel caso di studenti non ancora laureati
al momento della presentazione della domanda.
Prova finale
La prova finale consiste nella discussione, dinanzi ad una apposita commissione, di una tesi di laurea redatta sotto la guida di un docente relatore e supervisionata da un correlatore.
La tesi qualifica in modo significativo il percorso formativo e tratta un argomento riconducibile alle discipline che caratterizzano il curriculum dello studente.
L'elaborato e la relativa discussione dovranno dimostrare che il candidato abbia acquisito la padronanza degli strumenti analitici appresi nel corso di studio e abbia sviluppato le capacità di interpretare i fenomeni e la letteratura con spirito critico e con contributi di originalità, approfondendo gli aspetti teorici e/o applicativi e/o di natura empirica dell'argomento prescelto.
La tesi è redatta in lingua italiana o inglese.
Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso sono improntate alla realizzazione di processi di raccordo con la scuola media secondaria.
Si concretizzano sia in attività informative e di approfondimento dei caratteri formativi dei Corsi di Studio (CdS) dell'Ateneo, sia in un impegno condiviso da scuola e università per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza da parte degli studenti nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attività promosse si articolano in:
a) incontri e manifestazioni rivolte alle future matricole;
b) sviluppo di servizi online e pubblicazione di guide sull'offerta formativa dei CdS.
L'attività di orientamento in ingresso prevede quattro principali attività, distribuite nel corso dell’anno accademico, alle quali partecipano tutti i Dipartimenti e i CdS:
- Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU), si svolgono ogni anno da dicembre a marzo e sono rivolte agli studenti degli ultimi due anni della scuola secondaria superiore.
Si svolgono in tutti i Dipartimenti dell'Ateneo e costituiscono un'importante occasione per le future matricole per vivere la realtà universitaria.
Gli incontri sono strutturati in modo tale che accanto alla presentazione dei Corsi di Laurea, gli studenti possano anche fare un'esperienza diretta di vita universitaria con la partecipazione ad attività didattiche, laboratori, lezioni o seminari, alle quali partecipano anche studenti seniores che svolgono una significativa mediazione di tipo tutoriale.
Partecipano annualmente circa 5.000 studenti;
- Autorientamento, un progetto sviluppato in collaborazione diretta con alcune scuole medie superiori per lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza nella scelta da parte degli studenti.
Il progetto, infatti, è articolato in incontri svolti presso le scuole ed è finalizzato a sollecitare nelle future matricole una riflessione sui propri punti di forza e sui criteri di scelta;
- Attività di orientamento sviluppate dai singoli Dipartimenti, mediante incontri in presenza e servizi online;
- Orientarsi a Roma Tre, rappresenta la manifestazione che riassume le annuali attività di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge in Ateneo a luglio di ogni anno.
L'evento accoglie, perlopiù, studenti romani che partecipano per mettere definitivamente a fuoco la loro scelta universitaria.
Durante la manifestazione viene presentata l'offerta formativa e sono presenti, con un proprio spazio, tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre, le segreterie didattiche e la segreteria studenti.
I servizi di orientamento online messi a disposizione dei futuri studenti universitari sono nel tempo aumentati, tenendo conto dello sviluppo delle nuove opportunità di comunicazione tramite web.
Inoltre, durante tutte le manifestazioni di presentazione dell'offerta formativa, sono illustrati quei siti web di Dipartimento, di Ateneo, Portale dello studente, etc., che possono aiutare gli studenti nella loro scelta.
Infine, l'Ateneo valuta, di volta in volta, l'opportunità di partecipare ad ulteriori occasioni di orientamento in presenza ovvero online (Salone dello studente ed altre iniziative).Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso intende offrire agli studenti una formazione di livello avanzato finalizzata ad affrontare le diverse problematiche di natura economica che emergono nel campo del Mercato del Lavoro, delle Relazioni Industriali e dei Sistemi di Welfare negli attuali contesti economici.
L'obiettivo è quello di fornire gli strumenti e le competenze di teoria economica, di organizzazione aziendale e di metodi quantitativi che consentano di analizzare e di interpretare le specifiche dinamiche e gli specifici problemi emergenti in questi campi.
Tali competenze saranno integrate dall'approfondimento degli aspetti giuridici che accompagnano e condizionano lo svolgimento delle dinamiche economiche.
Le competenze acquisite nel Corso consentiranno al laureato di svolgere impegni professionali di ricerca, di progettazione, di consulenza e di responsabilità di alto livello nei confronti dei problemi del Lavoro.
Il raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi del corso è ottenuto attraverso un percorso didattico che prevede innanzitutto l'acquisizione di una solida preparazione avanzata concernente la microeconomia e la macroeconomia del Mercato del Lavoro, gli aspetti giuridici del Mercato del Lavoro e le tecniche di analisi statistico/quantitative.
Successivamente si affronteranno le discipline più specificamente legate all'economia delle relazioni industriali, all'organizzazione aziendale e alla gestione delle risorse umane, all'economia del Welfare State, alla Crescita Economica e al ruolo in essa dell'accumulazione del Capitale Umano.
Il piano didattico prevede quindi, nei due anni, l'approfondimento progressivo di discipline connesse ai diversi aspetti delle dinamiche del mercato del lavoro, aprendosi alla dimensione comunitaria delle strategie per l'occupazione, agli obiettivi di Lisbona e ai contributi di diverse discipline necessarie a comporre una visione integrata e interdisciplinare delle problematiche del mercato del lavoro.
Attraverso le opzioni consentite tra gli insegnamenti di ciascun SSD e attraverso la scelta delle attività seminariali, delle esercitazioni, dei project works e degli eventuali tirocini, gli studenti avranno l'opportunità di accentuare l'approfondimento delle tematiche specifiche verso le quali si sentono più portati anche in vista della futura attività professionale.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
1° anno un esame a scelta tra: - (show)
21201517 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210169 -
The 'Management of international companies' course explores the logic and critical issues related to the International Business of companies operating in today's globalized contexts. After a brief introduction on the macroeconomic dynamics that impact international markets, the course focuses on the analysis of the progressive loss by companies, especially the larger ones, of their national identity and the search for continuous maximization of the opportunities created by the market global. Companies, today more than ever, have greater ease of relocating the activities of the value chain in different parts of the world; this entails a greater aptitude for seizing new opportunities for value creation, but also greater attention to issues of governance and management of intercultural barriers. Therefore, after having explained the reasons that drive the internationalization process, the course sets itself the objective of: illustrating the problems that arise at the various stages of international development; identify the key variables that condition it and, last but not least, identify the various methods and tools through which the internationalization process unfolds. At the end of the course students will be able to: 1) Knowing and interpreting the logic and actions of the actors in the international context; 2) Know and discuss the basic elements inherent in the international development process; 3) Know and apply the basic tools for analyzing the country's attractiveness to support managerial decisions; 4) Analyze the competitive situation of the sector and select solutions for the approach to international markets in terms of strategies, methods and penetration of the markets themselves.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
1° Anno - Un esame a scelta tra: - (show)
21210001 -
Aim of the course is to provide the student with an adequate preparation on the statistical concepts and methods that can be used to collect, elaborate and synthesize data concerning economical and social phenomena. Much attention will be paid to conditions that need to be fulfilled for the different tecniques to be appliable, stressing their analytical potentialities. The course is focused mainly on applications of the different tecniques.
Core compulsory activities
21201420 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
1° anno - Un esame a scelta tra: - (show)
21210177 -
Relazioni industriali e welfare aziendale
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210083 -
Human resources are increasingly central to the competitiveness of organizations and to the achievement of full sustainable development. The course intends to provide solid basic knowledge relating to the strategic value of correct management of people within organizations, through: a) an examination of the main theories, with particular reference to motivational and behavioral theories; b) in-depth analysis of the various personnel policies and illustrate the contents of the main activities in which the personnel policies are divided; c) an in-depth analysis of the impacts of digitization on HR policies. Students will develop concrete skills necessary to identify organizational needs and correct personnel management choices. Furthermore, real or realistic situations will be proposed to students, in order to develop critical skills and interpretation of organizational variables and the implications relating to choices related to personnel management. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • know the basics of personnel management and organizational behaviour; • articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way, highlighting the critical views with respect to the mainstream literature; • understand the complexity of decisions relating to people management, the valorisation of human resources, and the implications of personnel policy choices; • apply the theoretical predictions of behavior to concrete cases; • critically discuss the scenarios relating to people management choices, with reference to concrete cases that will be presented in the classroom.
21210083-1 -
Human resources are increasingly central to the competitiveness of organizations and to the achievement of full sustainable development. The course intends to provide solid basic knowledge relating to the strategic value of correct management of people within organizations, through: a) an examination of the main theories, with particular reference to motivational and behavioral theories; b) in-depth analysis of the various personnel policies and illustrate the contents of the main activities in which the personnel policies are divided; c) an in-depth analysis of the impacts of digitization on HR policies. Students will develop concrete skills necessary to identify organizational needs and correct personnel management choices. Furthermore, real or realistic situations will be proposed to students, in order to develop critical skills and interpretation of organizational variables and the implications relating to choices related to personnel management. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • know the basics of personnel management and organizational behaviour; • articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way, highlighting the critical views with respect to the mainstream literature; • understand the complexity of decisions relating to people management, the valorisation of human resources, and the implications of personnel policy choices; • apply the theoretical predictions of behavior to concrete cases; • critically discuss the scenarios relating to people management choices, with reference to concrete cases that will be presented in the classroom.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210083-2 -
Human resources are increasingly central to the competitiveness of organizations and to the achievement of full sustainable development. The course intends to provide solid basic knowledge relating to the strategic value of correct management of people within organizations, through: a) an examination of the main theories, with particular reference to motivational and behavioral theories; b) in-depth analysis of the various personnel policies and illustrate the contents of the main activities in which the personnel policies are divided; c) an in-depth analysis of the impacts of digitization on HR policies. Students will develop concrete skills necessary to identify organizational needs and correct personnel management choices. Furthermore, real or realistic situations will be proposed to students, in order to develop critical skills and interpretation of organizational variables and the implications relating to choices related to personnel management. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • know the basics of personnel management and organizational behaviour; • articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way, highlighting the critical views with respect to the mainstream literature; • understand the complexity of decisions relating to people management, the valorisation of human resources, and the implications of personnel policy choices; • apply the theoretical predictions of behavior to concrete cases; • critically discuss the scenarios relating to people management choices, with reference to concrete cases that will be presented in the classroom.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21201427 -
The course has three main objectives: 1) explore the micro and macroeconomics of the labour market; 2) analyze the recent structural evolution of the labour market; 3) assess the working of labour policies both at the national and European level. The macroeconomic perspective implies the study of the determinants of employment and unemployment levels and their relationship with the level of inflation. The microeconomic perspective implies the analysis of individual agents behavior with respect to demand and supply of labour, labour cost, various labour contracts and collective agreements. Finally, rhe role of labour policies will be considered, with reference both to European Employment Strategy and to the constraints imposed by the European Economic Policy.
Core compulsory activities
21201705 -
The course aim at provide students with the regulation of the Italian labour market and the rules governing the relationship between employer and employee. At the end of the course, the students will have acquired a knowledge of all the sources of labour law and the method of interpretation. Also, the students will acquire the essential legal knowledge for employee hiring, development and ending of labour relationship and the instruments to resolve the principal legal issues on human resources.
Core compulsory activities
21210004 -
The course aims to provide students with the notions for a thorough analysis of the Italian productive system, taking into consideration issues related to firms’ organization and performance together with a close look at the specific industries’ main competitiveness indicators. Particular attention will be devoted to the impact of globalization on firms’ organization and performance. The course will make use of models and applications through a laboratory session.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
1° anno un esame a scelta tra: - (show)
21201517 -
Course will provide participants the 1. Tools to identify/evaluate opportunities and acquire/manage resources 2. Tools to analyze business context and risks 3. Analytical frameworks for understanding competitive/market dynamics 4. Guidelines for developing market-entry strategy 5. Financial tools for estimating economic viability 6. Criteria for making go/no-go decisions to start/approve new ventures 7. Understanding of financial options and frameworks 8. Tools for maximizing marketing opportunities 9. Tools for identifying resource requirements and building capabilities 10.Strategies for achieving/sustaining competitive advantage
Core compulsory activities
21210169 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
1° Anno - Un esame a scelta tra: - (show)
21210001 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201420 -
The course intends to provide the necessary tools for the design, processing and analysis of data in the managerial field. The course introduces the student to statistical methodologies for market research, for the analysis of satisfaction and for business decisions. The theoretical part will be supported by an applied part on real data and case studies from marketing and management through the use of appropriate statistical software (such as Minitab, SPSS). Students will be taught not only the theoretical aspect of the models but also the main application contexts and their use using appropriate statistical software. The Statistics for Management course teaches how to manage a statistical survey from its planning to the analysis and commentary of the data.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Altre attività formative - (show)
21210059 -
Clinica del Lavoro
The Legal Clinic of Labour Law is a course, built on the model of "Legal Clinics", which aims to provide students with the methodological tools for developing solutions to complex legal questions relating to HR management. During the course, the study is carried out through the exam of practical cases, which will be analyzed and solved under the guidance of experts in human resource management (practicing lawyers and experts coming from employers’ associations at national level).
Other activities
21201444 -
Other activities
21201321 -
Other activities
21210029 -
Temporary training and work experience carried out during the course of study in addition to one's curriculum; it is carried out before graduation and may lead to the acquisition of credits, as indicated by the teaching regulations of the single study programme. The types that can be activated are: - internships for the achievement of credits; - internships for thesis; - internships for other training activities without credits.
Other activities
21201511 -
The course aims at providing students with basic knowledge of statistical analysis software tools such as Matlab. The final objective of the course is to ensure that students, at the end of the teaching activity, are able to perform some of the main statistical applications and, in the case of applications not developed within the course, to being able to learn independently the knowledge necessary for the development of such applications.
Other activities
21210180 -
Analisi dei dati per il mercato del lavoro
The aim of the course is to provide students with the techniques and tools for the collection, management, organization and processing of data relating to the labor market and the welfare system. The course aims to provide the basics of data management techniques and to ensure practical training aimed at using specific software (including Excel and Stata). The lessons will also be carried out through practical exercises on the main sources of data aggregated in time series, spatial series and sample microdata. The main problems relating to the collection of data on the Internet (web scraping) and the creation of surveys using online questionnaires will also be addressed. Indications will be provided for the understanding and autonomous elaboration of empirical analyzes of some economic phenomena relating to the labor market and the welfare system in Italy. Particular attention will be paid to data visualization techniques through the use of Tableau software. Some first foundations for measuring and simulating policy alternatives in the areas of interest of the course will also be provided."
Other activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21201546 -
The course is aimed at deepening the issue of social security and welfare state in a dimension that embraces public and private social security, social assistance, unemployment protection, social safety nets and active policies, and also the issue of occupational safety, the social security protection for work accidents and occupational diseases.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
2° anno- un insegnamento a scelta - (show)
21201711 -
Employment, income distribution and growth
The course will present different analytical perspectives along with empirical evidence on themes such as the relationship between labour market regulation, income distribution and employment growth, which are very relevant for economic analysis and current debates concerning economic policy.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
21201566 -
Core compulsory activities
21210179 -
Economia applicata
The course deals with microeconomic and macroeconomic issues related to two main thematic areas. The first concerns the regional economy, with particular regard to economic dualism, the processes of convergence and mitigation of economic fluctuations applied to both the Italian and European contexts, to European cohesion policy. The second, focuses on market dynamics, industrial policy, the economy of digital markets; policies for innovation and technology transfer. The course includes practical applications using economic data. Students will become familiar with the consultation of some of the main national and international databases such as Eurostat, Istat, World Bank; OECD, as well as with the processing of data and the construction of economic indicators. The knowledge and skills acquired will make it possible to process, analyze and discuss the data within the reference economic context and within the framework of the relevant economic policies. Finally, students will acquire practical skills in the preparation of texts accompanied by data.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
21210125 -
Analisi delle retribuzioni e del costo del lavoro
Also available in another semester or year
21210156 -
In line with the educational objectives of the Master's Degree in Business Administration (LM-77), the course has as its object the study and critical analysis of the managerial functions of strategic planning, operational planning and management control in a systemic conception in the governance of companies, with particular regard to private ones. This management approach is now essential in any corporate system that wants to define its own short, medium and long-term objectives, and monitor their achievement over time. It is also of fundamental importance for providing information to support governance and management decisions. The evolution of the aforementioned managerial functions is closely connected to the tools by which they are implemented, such as the IT, accounting and non-accounting systems, variously configured in the various companies. The course therefore aims to stimulate students to develop managerial skills and knowledge of the mechanisms and techniques that govern the different characterizations of the strategic planning, operational planning and management control function in companies. At the end of the course the students will have developed a solid and rigorous knowledge of the theoretical aspects and of the practical ways of implementing the process which goes from the definition of the strategic objectives, to the articulation in the operational ones and to the management control of the achievement of the ex-post results and in progress, expressing assessment judgments of the management phenomena observed.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Un Insegnamento a scelta libera (di seguito gli ins. consigliati): - (show)
21210176 -
L’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo sostenibile e gli studi economici e sociali
The common part is made up of 12 multidisciplinary "lessons", organized in multi-voiced meetings and entrusted to high-profile internal and external speakers at Roma Tre, according to the attached programme. Compulsory attendance at the lessons of the common part, supplemented by an e-learning module on the Asvis 2030 Agenda (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development), is worth 3 credits. The in-depth part consists of courses within the Departments, coordinated by teacher-guides, on topics of the 2030 Agenda consistent with the student's course of study. The in-depth part will be worth, depending on the case, from 1 to 6 credits, in addition to the 3 credits of the common part. In all cases there is a final exam, which may consist of a paper and/or an oral interview.
21210176-1 -
modulo base
Also available in another semester or year
21210176-2 -
modulo avanzato
Also available in another semester or year
21201500 -
The course explores the main topics of administrative law: organization and structures of public administration, privatization of public bodies and services. Much attention will be paid to civil service issues and management discipline; administrative procedures under rule of law, discretion, fairness, and regulatory unreasonableness.
The student must achieve: 1) knowledge of the general theory of administrative law; 2) knowledge of the traditional approach of administrative law studies; 3) awareness of the significant changes in the reference regulatory framework concerning the public administration.
Elective activities
21201713 -
Foundations of Political Economy
The course aims to go to the foundations of the theories of value and distribution to provide students who already have an initial knowledge of micro and macroeconomics with the tools to orient themselves, on the one hand, in the comparison between the main theories of value and distribution (or 'micro' theory) and, on the other hand, in understanding the implications that these theories have as regards the determination of the general level of production (or 'macro' theory).
The course is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to a comparison between the classical theory and the neoclassical (marginalist) theory of value and distribution. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the structure of the latter theory, presented in the general equilibrium version of Wicksell and Walras, and to the difficulties that this theory encounters in treating capital as a factor of production.
The second part is dedicated to the determination of the general level of production in the two theoretical settings. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the Keynesian Revolution, through a direct reading of some parts of Keynes' General Theory, and to the discussion of the elements that favored its reabsorption in the Neoclassical Synthesis.
21201713-2 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201713-1 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210062 -
Global economy and labour rights
Also available in another semester or year
21210173 -
The course intends to provide students with the tools for critical interpretation of the transformations, from the 19th to the 21st century, of work organization, social conflicts, industrial relations and social security and welfare policies, with particular reference to the Italian case.
Elective activities
21201517 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210169 -
The 'Management of international companies' course explores the logic and critical issues related to the International Business of companies operating in today's globalized contexts. After a brief introduction on the macroeconomic dynamics that impact international markets, the course focuses on the analysis of the progressive loss by companies, especially the larger ones, of their national identity and the search for continuous maximization of the opportunities created by the market global. Companies, today more than ever, have greater ease of relocating the activities of the value chain in different parts of the world; this entails a greater aptitude for seizing new opportunities for value creation, but also greater attention to issues of governance and management of intercultural barriers. Therefore, after having explained the reasons that drive the internationalization process, the course sets itself the objective of: illustrating the problems that arise at the various stages of international development; identify the key variables that condition it and, last but not least, identify the various methods and tools through which the internationalization process unfolds. At the end of the course students will be able to: 1) Knowing and interpreting the logic and actions of the actors in the international context; 2) Know and discuss the basic elements inherent in the international development process; 3) Know and apply the basic tools for analyzing the country's attractiveness to support managerial decisions; 4) Analyze the competitive situation of the sector and select solutions for the approach to international markets in terms of strategies, methods and penetration of the markets themselves.
Elective activities
21201420 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210001 -
Aim of the course is to provide the student with an adequate preparation on the statistical concepts and methods that can be used to collect, elaborate and synthesize data concerning economical and social phenomena. Much attention will be paid to conditions that need to be fulfilled for the different tecniques to be appliable, stressing their analytical potentialities. The course is focused mainly on applications of the different tecniques.
Elective activities
21210177 -
Relazioni industriali e welfare aziendale
Elective activities
21210083 -
Human resources are increasingly central to the competitiveness of organizations and to the achievement of full sustainable development. The course intends to provide solid basic knowledge relating to the strategic value of correct management of people within organizations, through: a) an examination of the main theories, with particular reference to motivational and behavioral theories; b) in-depth analysis of the various personnel policies and illustrate the contents of the main activities in which the personnel policies are divided; c) an in-depth analysis of the impacts of digitization on HR policies. Students will develop concrete skills necessary to identify organizational needs and correct personnel management choices. Furthermore, real or realistic situations will be proposed to students, in order to develop critical skills and interpretation of organizational variables and the implications relating to choices related to personnel management. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • know the basics of personnel management and organizational behaviour; • articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way, highlighting the critical views with respect to the mainstream literature; • understand the complexity of decisions relating to people management, the valorisation of human resources, and the implications of personnel policy choices; • apply the theoretical predictions of behavior to concrete cases; • critically discuss the scenarios relating to people management choices, with reference to concrete cases that will be presented in the classroom.
21210083-1 -
Human resources are increasingly central to the competitiveness of organizations and to the achievement of full sustainable development. The course intends to provide solid basic knowledge relating to the strategic value of correct management of people within organizations, through: a) an examination of the main theories, with particular reference to motivational and behavioral theories; b) in-depth analysis of the various personnel policies and illustrate the contents of the main activities in which the personnel policies are divided; c) an in-depth analysis of the impacts of digitization on HR policies. Students will develop concrete skills necessary to identify organizational needs and correct personnel management choices. Furthermore, real or realistic situations will be proposed to students, in order to develop critical skills and interpretation of organizational variables and the implications relating to choices related to personnel management. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • know the basics of personnel management and organizational behaviour; • articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way, highlighting the critical views with respect to the mainstream literature; • understand the complexity of decisions relating to people management, the valorisation of human resources, and the implications of personnel policy choices; • apply the theoretical predictions of behavior to concrete cases; • critically discuss the scenarios relating to people management choices, with reference to concrete cases that will be presented in the classroom.
Elective activities
21210083-2 -
Human resources are increasingly central to the competitiveness of organizations and to the achievement of full sustainable development. The course intends to provide solid basic knowledge relating to the strategic value of correct management of people within organizations, through: a) an examination of the main theories, with particular reference to motivational and behavioral theories; b) in-depth analysis of the various personnel policies and illustrate the contents of the main activities in which the personnel policies are divided; c) an in-depth analysis of the impacts of digitization on HR policies. Students will develop concrete skills necessary to identify organizational needs and correct personnel management choices. Furthermore, real or realistic situations will be proposed to students, in order to develop critical skills and interpretation of organizational variables and the implications relating to choices related to personnel management. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • know the basics of personnel management and organizational behaviour; • articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way, highlighting the critical views with respect to the mainstream literature; • understand the complexity of decisions relating to people management, the valorisation of human resources, and the implications of personnel policy choices; • apply the theoretical predictions of behavior to concrete cases; • critically discuss the scenarios relating to people management choices, with reference to concrete cases that will be presented in the classroom.
Elective activities
21201711 -
Employment, income distribution and growth
The course will present different analytical perspectives along with empirical evidence on themes such as the relationship between labour market regulation, income distribution and employment growth, which are very relevant for economic analysis and current debates concerning economic policy.
Elective activities
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
Also available in another semester or year
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.
Elective activities
21201566 -
Elective activities
21210179 -
Economia applicata
The course deals with microeconomic and macroeconomic issues related to two main thematic areas. The first concerns the regional economy, with particular regard to economic dualism, the processes of convergence and mitigation of economic fluctuations applied to both the Italian and European contexts, to European cohesion policy. The second, focuses on market dynamics, industrial policy, the economy of digital markets; policies for innovation and technology transfer. The course includes practical applications using economic data. Students will become familiar with the consultation of some of the main national and international databases such as Eurostat, Istat, World Bank; OECD, as well as with the processing of data and the construction of economic indicators. The knowledge and skills acquired will make it possible to process, analyze and discuss the data within the reference economic context and within the framework of the relevant economic policies. Finally, students will acquire practical skills in the preparation of texts accompanied by data.
Elective activities
21210125 -
Analisi delle retribuzioni e del costo del lavoro
Also available in another semester or year
21210156 -
In line with the educational objectives of the Master's Degree in Business Administration (LM-77), the course has as its object the study and critical analysis of the managerial functions of strategic planning, operational planning and management control in a systemic conception in the governance of companies, with particular regard to private ones. This management approach is now essential in any corporate system that wants to define its own short, medium and long-term objectives, and monitor their achievement over time. It is also of fundamental importance for providing information to support governance and management decisions. The evolution of the aforementioned managerial functions is closely connected to the tools by which they are implemented, such as the IT, accounting and non-accounting systems, variously configured in the various companies. The course therefore aims to stimulate students to develop managerial skills and knowledge of the mechanisms and techniques that govern the different characterizations of the strategic planning, operational planning and management control function in companies. At the end of the course the students will have developed a solid and rigorous knowledge of the theoretical aspects and of the practical ways of implementing the process which goes from the definition of the strategic objectives, to the articulation in the operational ones and to the management control of the achievement of the ex-post results and in progress, expressing assessment judgments of the management phenomena observed.
Elective activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
2° anno- un insegnamento a scelta - (show)
21201711 -
Employment, income distribution and growth
Also available in another semester or year
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
Also available in another semester or year
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
The course aims to provide advanced knowledge on the topic of inequality, under the aspect of theoretical models and empirical evidence. In particular, the course is focused on the mechanisms of unequal growth and inequality between countries; distributive justice and income distribution; inequality in the labor market; the impact of climate change on employment and wages. The lessons will be dedicated to the analysis of theoretical models, with attention to empirical methods of estimation and evaluation of policies. The lessons will be carried out by comparing theoretical and empirical analyzes relating to advanced countries and developing contexts.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
Optional Group:
Un Insegnamento a scelta libera (di seguito gli ins. consigliati): - (show)
21210176 -
L’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo sostenibile e gli studi economici e sociali
The common part is made up of 12 multidisciplinary "lessons", organized in multi-voiced meetings and entrusted to high-profile internal and external speakers at Roma Tre, according to the attached programme. Compulsory attendance at the lessons of the common part, supplemented by an e-learning module on the Asvis 2030 Agenda (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development), is worth 3 credits. The in-depth part consists of courses within the Departments, coordinated by teacher-guides, on topics of the 2030 Agenda consistent with the student's course of study. The in-depth part will be worth, depending on the case, from 1 to 6 credits, in addition to the 3 credits of the common part. In all cases there is a final exam, which may consist of a paper and/or an oral interview.
21210176-1 -
modulo base
The common part is made up of 12 multidisciplinary "lessons", organized in multi-voiced meetings and entrusted to high-profile internal and external speakers at Roma Tre, according to the attached programme. Compulsory attendance at the lessons of the common part, supplemented by an e-learning module on the Asvis 2030 Agenda (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development), is worth 3 credits. The in-depth part consists of courses within the Departments, coordinated by teacher-guides, on topics of the 2030 Agenda consistent with the student's course of study. The in-depth part will be worth, depending on the case, from 1 to 6 credits, in addition to the 3 credits of the common part. In all cases there is a final exam, which may consist of a paper and/or an oral interview.
Elective activities
21210176-2 -
modulo avanzato
The common part is made up of 12 multidisciplinary "lessons", organized in multi-voiced meetings and entrusted to high-profile internal and external speakers at Roma Tre, according to the attached programme. Compulsory attendance at the lessons of the common part, supplemented by an e-learning module on the Asvis 2030 Agenda (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development), is worth 3 credits. The in-depth part consists of courses within the Departments, coordinated by teacher-guides, on topics of the 2030 Agenda consistent with the student's course of study. The in-depth part will be worth, depending on the case, from 1 to 6 credits, in addition to the 3 credits of the common part. In all cases there is a final exam, which may consist of a paper and/or an oral interview.
Elective activities
21201500 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201713 -
Foundations of Political Economy
The course aims to go to the foundations of the theories of value and distribution to provide students who already have an initial knowledge of micro and macroeconomics with the tools to orient themselves, on the one hand, in the comparison between the main theories of value and distribution (or 'micro' theory) and, on the other hand, in understanding the implications that these theories have as regards the determination of the general level of production (or 'macro' theory).
The course is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to a comparison between the classical theory and the neoclassical (marginalist) theory of value and distribution. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the structure of the latter theory, presented in the general equilibrium version of Wicksell and Walras, and to the difficulties that this theory encounters in treating capital as a factor of production.
The second part is dedicated to the determination of the general level of production in the two theoretical settings. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the Keynesian Revolution, through a direct reading of some parts of Keynes' General Theory, and to the discussion of the elements that favored its reabsorption in the Neoclassical Synthesis.
21201713-2 -
The course aims to go to the foundations of the theories of value and distribution to provide students who already have an initial knowledge of micro and macroeconomics with the tools to orient themselves, on the one hand, in the comparison between the main theories of value and distribution (or 'micro' theory) and, on the other hand, in understanding the implications that these theories have as regards the determination of the general level of production (or 'macro' theory).
The course is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to a comparison between the classical theory and the neoclassical (marginalist) theory of value and distribution. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the structure of the latter theory, presented in the general equilibrium version of Wicksell and Walras, and to the difficulties that this theory encounters in treating capital as a factor of production.
The second part is dedicated to the determination of the general level of production in the two theoretical settings. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the Keynesian Revolution, through a direct reading of some parts of Keynes' General Theory, and to the discussion of the elements that favored its reabsorption in the Neoclassical Synthesis.
Elective activities
21201713-1 -
The course aims to go to the foundations of the theories of value and distribution to provide students who already have an initial knowledge of micro and macroeconomics with the tools to orient themselves, on the one hand, in the comparison between the main theories of value and distribution (or 'micro' theory) and, on the other hand, in understanding the implications that these theories have as regards the determination of the general level of production (or 'macro' theory).
The course is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to a comparison between the classical theory and the neoclassical (marginalist) theory of value and distribution. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the structure of the latter theory, presented in the general equilibrium version of Wicksell and Walras, and to the difficulties that this theory encounters in treating capital as a factor of production.
The second part is dedicated to the determination of the general level of production in the two theoretical settings. Particular attention is given to the reconstruction of the Keynesian Revolution, through a direct reading of some parts of Keynes' General Theory, and to the discussion of the elements that favored its reabsorption in the Neoclassical Synthesis.
Elective activities
21210062 -
Global economy and labour rights
The course aims at developing the salient characteristics and trends in social and labour rights regulation, in the framework of global economy and sustainable development. It is divided into four main parts. An introduction to the international labour and decent work standards by the International Labour Organization as well as the standards emerging from the European Union agenda. The analysis of the most important international and European trade agreements and new generation social clauses. The analysis of new generation CSR tools. The analysis of rules regulating conflicts in national laws in employment contracts, social security systems and industrial relations.
Elective activities
21210173 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201517 -
Course will provide participants the 1. Tools to identify/evaluate opportunities and acquire/manage resources 2. Tools to analyze business context and risks 3. Analytical frameworks for understanding competitive/market dynamics 4. Guidelines for developing market-entry strategy 5. Financial tools for estimating economic viability 6. Criteria for making go/no-go decisions to start/approve new ventures 7. Understanding of financial options and frameworks 8. Tools for maximizing marketing opportunities 9. Tools for identifying resource requirements and building capabilities 10.Strategies for achieving/sustaining competitive advantage
Elective activities
21210169 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201420 -
The course intends to provide the necessary tools for the design, processing and analysis of data in the managerial field. The course introduces the student to statistical methodologies for market research, for the analysis of satisfaction and for business decisions. The theoretical part will be supported by an applied part on real data and case studies from marketing and management through the use of appropriate statistical software (such as Minitab, SPSS). Students will be taught not only the theoretical aspect of the models but also the main application contexts and their use using appropriate statistical software. The Statistics for Management course teaches how to manage a statistical survey from its planning to the analysis and commentary of the data.
Elective activities
21210001 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210177 -
Relazioni industriali e welfare aziendale
Also available in another semester or year
21210083 -
Human resources are increasingly central to the competitiveness of organizations and to the achievement of full sustainable development. The course intends to provide solid basic knowledge relating to the strategic value of correct management of people within organizations, through: a) an examination of the main theories, with particular reference to motivational and behavioral theories; b) in-depth analysis of the various personnel policies and illustrate the contents of the main activities in which the personnel policies are divided; c) an in-depth analysis of the impacts of digitization on HR policies. Students will develop concrete skills necessary to identify organizational needs and correct personnel management choices. Furthermore, real or realistic situations will be proposed to students, in order to develop critical skills and interpretation of organizational variables and the implications relating to choices related to personnel management. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: • know the basics of personnel management and organizational behaviour; • articulate these notions in a conceptually and formally correct way, highlighting the critical views with respect to the mainstream literature; • understand the complexity of decisions relating to people management, the valorisation of human resources, and the implications of personnel policy choices; • apply the theoretical predictions of behavior to concrete cases; • critically discuss the scenarios relating to people management choices, with reference to concrete cases that will be presented in the classroom.
21210083-1 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210083-2 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201711 -
Employment, income distribution and growth
Also available in another semester or year
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
The course aims to provide advanced knowledge on the topic of inequality, under the aspect of theoretical models and empirical evidence. In particular, the course is focused on the mechanisms of unequal growth and inequality between countries; distributive justice and income distribution; inequality in the labor market; the impact of climate change on employment and wages. The lessons will be dedicated to the analysis of theoretical models, with attention to empirical methods of estimation and evaluation of policies. The lessons will be carried out by comparing theoretical and empirical analyzes relating to advanced countries and developing contexts.
Elective activities
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
Also available in another semester or year
21201566 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210179 -
Economia applicata
Also available in another semester or year
21210125 -
Analisi delle retribuzioni e del costo del lavoro
Elective activities
21210156 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201473 -
Final examination and foreign language test