Degree Course: Primary teacher education
A.Y. 2017/2018
Autonomia di giudizio
Alla fine del percorso formativo, il laureato dovrà aver acquisito a livello di base le attitudini di seguito descritte in termini di autonomia di giudizio:
- consapevolezza della responsabilità etica e culturale connessa all'esercizio della funzione docente e assunzione dei doveri conseguenti verso gli allievi, le loro famiglie, l'istituzione scolastica, il territorio;
- attitudine a leggere e interpretare bisogni e comportamenti dei bambini e delle bambine di scuola dell'infanzia e primaria alla luce dei contesti sociali contemporanei;
- attitudine a problematizzare le situazioni e gli eventi educativi, ad analizzarli in profondità e ad elaborarli in forma riflessiva;
- attitudine a considerare soluzioni alternative ai problemi e ad assumere decisioni rispondenti ai bisogni formativi degli allievi;
- attitudine a formulare il giudizio su situazioni ed eventi educativi dopo aver assunto accurata documentazione;
- attitudine ad autovalutare la propria preparazione professionale e l'efficacia dell'azione didattica;
- attitudine a rinnovare le pratiche didattiche tramite l'apertura alla ricerca, alla sperimentazione e all'innovazione.
Tali attitudini sono formate attraverso discussioni in gruppo, interventi di tirocinio diretti alla rielaborazione dell'esperienza didattica, pratiche di simulazione, presentazione dei contenuti in forma critica, attivazione della riflessione e del problem-solving a partire dalla discussione di casi.
La valutazione dell'autonomia di giudizio avviene tramite apposite sezioni delle prove scritte e orali degli esami e la relazione finale presentata a conclusione di ogni annualità di tirocinio.
Nella valutazione del tirocinio, della tesi e della relazione finale si terrà in considerazione la capacità di elaborazione autonoma e riflessiva dimostrata dal futuro insegnante.
Abilità comunicative
A conclusione del percorso formativo, il laureato dovrà aver acquisito ad un livello di base i risultati di apprendimento descritti di seguito in termini di abilità comunicative connesse alla funzione docente:
- capacità di modulare l’interazione verbale e non verbale in classe in funzione di scopi differenti: per manifestare accoglienza, per spiegare esperienze, concetti e teorie, per motivare l’apprendimento e supportare gli alunni in difficoltà e per stimolare l’interazione tra pari;
- capacità di dialogare con i colleghi in seno agli organi collegiali, di interagire con il dirigente scolastico e con gli operatori dei servizi territoriali per lo scambio di informazioni, la messa a punto di progetti e la gestione coordinata dei processi formativi;
- capacità di esporre in forma organizzata gli obiettivi e la natura dell’intervento didattico, tramite la progettualità educativa e didattica;
- capacità di comunicare con chiarezza agli alunni, alle loro famiglie e ai colleghi i risultati degli apprendimenti degli alunni e le possibili soluzioni per le difficoltà rilevate;
- capacità di connotare in termini positivi le comunicazioni istituzionali sugli alunni, svolte in seno ai consigli di interclasse o intersezione e nei colloqui scuola-famiglia;
- capacità di intrattenere relazioni positive con le famiglie degli alunni, manifestando apertura e interesse autentico al dialogo e adottando il registro umanistico-affettivo della comunicazione, valevole, in particolare, per le famiglie degli alunni di differente etnia, cultura e credo religioso;
- capacità di utilizzare gli strumenti della comunicazione digitale nei contesti scolastici, sia per implementare l’uso delle tecnologie didattiche, sia per ridurre la distanza esistente tra i linguaggi formali del sapere scolastico e quelli non canonici della comunicazione tra le giovani generazioni.
L’acquisizione di questi risultati di apprendimento si avvale di percorsi trasversali a tutte le attività formative.
La verifica di tali risultati, che può prevedere la presentazione di elaborati scritti, esposizioni orali, progetti e prodotti didattici, avviene tramite le attività formative di base e caratterizzanti, i percorsi di laboratorio e di tirocinio diretto e indiretto e nell’ambito della comprensione di testi e lezioni in lingua inglese.
Capacità di apprendimento
Alla fine del percorso formativo, il laureato dovrà aver maturato attitudini e atteggiamenti descritti di seguito in termini di capacità di apprendimento, nella prospettiva del lifelong learning:
- interesse per la professione dell'insegnare e desiderio di migliorarne la conoscenza e la pratica;
- attitudine ad ampliare la cultura psico-pedagogica e metodologico- didattica di base, in relazione anche all'avanzamento della ricerca scientifica;
- motivazione ad approfondire i contenuti e i metodi di studio dei saperi della scuola, con un aggiornamento ricorsivo dei repertori disciplinari;
- disponibilità ad esplorare le prospettive della ricerca didattica, metodologica, tecnologica e mediale condotta in ambito nazionale e internazionale, con apertura ai temi della pedagogia e della didattica speciale;
- attitudine ad autosostenere e ad autoregolare il proprio apprendimento tramite l'analisi della letteratura di settore e la partecipazione interessata a opportunità di formazione e di aggiornamento professionale.
L'acquisizione di questi risultati di apprendimento è perseguita in tutte le attività formative che danno spazio alla ricerca autonoma dello studente, al libero reperimento di informazioni utili allo sviluppo di un atteggiamento culturale volto all'autoformazione.
La valutazione di tali risultati avviene tramite forme di verifica continua nel corso delle diverse attività formative.
Inoltre, nel punteggio relativo all'esame finale, sarà indicato un peso specifico per il rispetto delle scadenze, l'autonomia nello svolgimento degli elaborati finali e la revisione di progetti in funzione di obiettivi di miglioramento.
Requisiti di ammissione
L'accesso al Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico è consentito a coloro che sono in possesso di un diploma di scuola media superiore conseguito in Italia o di titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto come equivalente.
Il Corso di laurea magistrale è a numero programmato.
Il numero di posti, la data, i contenuti e le modalità della prova di selezione sono determinati di anno in anno con decreto del Ministro.Prova finale
La prova finale del Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze della formazione primaria prevede la discussione della tesi e della relazione finale di tirocinio che costituiscono, unitariamente, esame avente valore abilitante all'insegnamento nella Scuola dell'infanzia e nella Scuola primaria.
A tale scopo la commissione, nominata dalla competente autorità accademica, è integrata da due docenti tutor e da un rappresentante designato dall'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale.
Le procedure per l'ammissione alla prova finale, le caratteristiche della tesi e della relazione di tirocinio, le modalità di attribuzione del voto di laurea sono disciplinate dal Regolamento didattico del Corso di Studio, disponibile sul sito del Corso di Laurea.
Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso sono improntate alla realizzazione di processi di raccordo con la scuola media secondaria.
Si concretizzano in attività di carattere informativo sui Corsi di Studio (CdS) dell’Ateneo ma anche come impegno condiviso da Scuola e Università per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza da parte degli studenti nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attività promosse si articolano in:
a) seminari e attività formative realizzate in collaborazione con i docenti della scuola;
b) incontri e manifestazioni informative rivolte alle future matricole;
c) sviluppo di servizi on line per l’orientamento e l’auto-orientamento.
Tra le attività svolte in collaborazione con le scuole per lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza nella scelta, il “progetto di auto-orientamento” è un intervento significativo che consente di promuovere un raccordo particolarmente qualificato con alcune scuole medie superiori che insistono sul territorio limitrofo a Roma Tre.
Il progetto, infatti, è articolato in incontri svolti presso le scuole dagli esperti dell’Ufficio Orientamento con la collaborazione di studenti seniores ed è finalizzato a sollecitare nelle future matricole una riflessione sui propri punti di forza e sui criteri di scelta (gli incontri si svolgono nel periodo ottobre-dicembre).
La presentazione dell’offerta formativa agli studenti delle scuole superiori prevede tre eventi principali, distribuiti nel corso dell’anno accademico, ai quali partecipano tutti i CdS.
- Salone dello studente “Campus orienta”, si svolge presso la fiera di Roma fra ottobre e novembre e coinvolge tradizionalmente tutti gli Atenei del Lazio e molti Atenei fuori Regione, Enti pubblici e privati che si occupano di Formazione e Lavoro.
Roma Tre partecipa a questo evento con un proprio spazio espositivo e con conferenze di presentazione dell’offerta formativa dell’Ateneo.
- Le Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU) si svolgono ogni anno da gennaio a marzo e sono rivolte agli studenti degli ultimi due anni della scuola secondaria superiore.
Si svolgono in tutti i Dipartimenti dell’Ateneo e costituiscono una importante occasione per le future matricole per vivere la realtà universitaria.
Gli incontri sono strutturati in modo tale che accanto alla presentazione dei CdS, gli studenti possano anche fare un’esperienza diretta di vita universitaria con la partecipazione ad attività didattiche, laboratori, lezioni o seminari, alle quali partecipano anche studenti seniores che svolgono una significativa mediazione di tipo tutoriale.
Partecipano annualmente oltre 6.000 studenti delle secondarie.
- Orientarsi a Roma Tre rappresenta la manifestazione che chiude le annuali attività di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge in Ateneo a luglio di ogni anno.
L’evento accoglie mediamente circa 3.000 studenti romani e non solo, che partecipano per mettere definitivamente a fuoco la loro scelta universitaria.
Oltre all’offerta formativa sono presentati tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre rivolti agli studenti e le segreterie didattiche sono a disposizione per tutte le informazioni relative alle pratiche di immatricolazione.
In tutte le manifestazioni di presentazione dell’offerta formativa, sono illustrati anche i vari servizi on line che possono aiutare gli studenti nella scelta: dai siti web dei Dipartimenti al sito del POS (Prove di Orientamento Simulate) che consente alle future matricole di autovalutarsi rispetto ai requisiti di accesso per tutti i CdS di Roma Tre.
Infine, in tutte le manifestazioni che si svolgono in Ateneo sono somministrati ai partecipanti questionari di soddisfazione che vengono elaborati ed utilizzati per proporre miglioramenti all’organizzazione degli eventi.
Gli studenti del corso di laurea oltre ad usufruire delle attività promosse a livello di Ateneo possono fruire di ulteriori attività e servizi realizzati dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, a cui il corso di laurea appartiene.
Per l'orientamento in ingresso, in particolare, gli studenti del corso di laurea hanno a disposizione anche il Servizio di Tutorato Matricole (S.Tu.M.).
Il servizio, curato da docenti del Dipartimento e da studenti laureandi che svolgono la funzione di tutor, si propone di:
- facilitare l'inserimento attivo delle matricole nei corsi di studio;
- migliorare l'accessibilità alle informazioni utili;
- offrire un sostegno nel percorso universitario di ogni studente;
- promuovere tra studenti la costituzione di gruppi di studio.
Il funzionamento dello S.Tu.M è assicurato dall'inizio alla fine delle attività didattiche (ottobre-maggio) e trova collocazione nel piano rialzato di via Ostiense 139 e nell'atrio posto al piano terra di Piazza della Repubblica 10.
Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il corso di laurea magistrale quinquennale a ciclo unico in Scienze della formazione primaria ha lo scopo di preparare alla professione di insegnante nella Scuola dell'infanzia e nella Scuola primaria promuovendo l'acquisizione di conoscenze, abilità e competenze utili per diventare insegnanti.
I laureati in Scienze della Formazione Primaria possono lavorare come insegnanti nelle scuole statali e in quelle parificate.
Il Corso promuove un'avanzata formazione teorico-pratica, integrando conoscenze e competenze umanistiche e scientifiche con conoscenze e competenze psico-socio-pedagogiche, metodologico-didattiche e tecnologiche, caratterizzanti il profilo professionale dell'insegnante della Scuola dell'infanzia e della Scuola primaria.
Il curricolo è finalizzato a sviluppare, da una parte, una formazione generale, che comprende conoscenze teoriche e didattiche relative agli ambiti disciplinari oggetto degli insegnamenti previsti dalle Indicazioni programmatiche per entrambi gli ordini di scuola considerati; dall'altra una formazione di base per l'accoglienza e l'integrazione degli alunni con disabilità.
Il Corso è articolato in un unico percorso formativo e prevede attività didattiche articolate in 30 insegnamenti con esame, 23 laboratori e il tirocinio.
Al termine del percorso formativo, con il superamento della prova finale che prevede la discussione della tesi e della relazione di tirocinio, è conseguita la Laurea magistrale in Scienze della formazione primaria, avente valore abilitante all'insegnamento nella Scuola dell'infanzia e nella Scuola primaria.
Il Corso ha sede in via Ostiense 139, dove si trovano, oltre alle aule, la Segreteria didattica e il Coordinamento del Corso di laurea magistrale.
Maggiori informazioni sul Corso di laurea possono essere trovate consultandone il sito.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902361 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902362 -
History of schools and educational institutions
Also available in another semester or year
22902371 -
Laboratory of pedagogy and didatics of music
Also available in another semester or year
22910060 -
Specific objectives carried out during the course are the following: - identify theoretical and methodological framework as regards empirical and experimental research; - define a problem for research; - design and project hypotheses in educational research; - identify the main research tools; - learn how to critically redraft hypotheses; - identify paths to solve educational issues.
Through the course of Methodological reserach in Education, students will be able: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the main theoretical foundations of research in educational context; - knowledge of the main phases of the educational research process; - knowledge of the main analysis tools and evaluation methods in education. In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to define hypothesis in the educational research context; - ability to use the main data collection tools; - ability to use the main tools for analyzing and evaluating data. In terms of making judgements - ability to formulate research projects in the educational context that respond to the educational needs of a given situation; - ability to formulate judgments on experimental educational situations. In terms of communication skills - ability to present the objectives and phases of an educational research project in an orderly and reasoned way; - ability to critically expose the analyses and evaluations of an experimental research project in educational context. In terms of learning skills: - willingness to explore the perspectives of research in education.
Basic compulsory activities
22902366 -
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Also available in another semester or year
22902367 -
Pedagogy and didactics of music
Also available in another semester or year
22902369 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902464 -
Contemporary History
Also available in another semester or year
22902555 -
English language laboratory 1th year
Also available in another semester or year
22902370 -
LABORATORY The didactic communication
Also available in another semester or year
2290602 -
Chemistry and chemistry teaching
1. Analyzing the conceptual basis of modern Chemistry comparing the ancient vision of matter as a compound of four elements with the discovery of the Periodic table of elements, the concepts of molecule, valency, and chemical reaction. 2. Presenting the first ideas about chemistry from a superior point of view: states of matter and their transitions, solutions, the geometric structure of crystals, some elements like metals, oxygen, hydrogen, and chemical composition of substances. 3. Deepening the fundamental aspects of the methodology for teaching Chemistry to children: observing objects and substances, the microscope, laboratory experiments, questioning further than candid ideas, the dialogue with the teacher and among peers, and the ability of accounting for scientific information.
Core compulsory activities
22902364 -
General Didactics
This teaching is proposed for increasing or encouraging the comprehension of: - the relationship between the didactic and personal culture of the teacher and the flexibility of his/fer didactic action; - the connection between didactic actions and actions of the media; - the centrality of the child in the didactic actions chosen by the teacher, as dictated by the “Indicazioni Nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell’infanzia e del primo ciclo di istruzione”.
Studying General Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following educational aims, in the field of Knowledge and understanding: - To connect the characteristics of an education system to its historical, economic and cultural reasons; - To connect culture and didactic action to specific media; - To individuate the difference between didactic methods and didactic techniques; - To improve her/his own pedagogical and didactic culture. Applying knowledge and understanding: - To read and comment the text of the “Indicazioni Nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell’infanzia e del primo ciclo di istruzione”; - To complete his/her own educative and didactic experiences/point of view with the suggestions received; - To propose didactic hypothesis coherent with the Italian and European regulatory framework. Making judgements: - To identify the peculiarity of every didactic point of view to choose one’s own; - To debate and value the features and the implications of the didactic point of view proposed by the professor; - To improve own awareness about the responsibility of the teaching rule. Communication skills: - To debate explaining his/her own point of view and educational and didactic experiences; - To improve the ability to read aloud and to speak in public; - To increase his/her own abilities to use digital and multimedia technologies. Learning skills: - To increase independent judgement about the proposed and debated matters; - To increase the need continuous of in-depth analysis and documentary research on the Internet, books and periodicals; - To increase his/her own personal culture involving him/herself in the multimedia and digital culture.
Basic compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902361 -
General pedagogy is the preparatory exam for the exam of Intercultural and Citizenship Pedagogy and must be completed by the first year of the enrolment.
Within the programme, at the end of the studying of “General Pedagogy” the student will be capable of performing abilities in the context of five dimensions of study as following Knowledge and understanding • identifying the epistemological status and the methodology of the discipline • identifying the concepts and the problems of the theory of education with national European and international references Applying knowledge and understanding • analyzing the best practices of the school methods • identifying and generalizing educational phenomenon and human process of learning Making judgements • connecting the theory of education and pedagogy with school life • evaluating the innovation in pedagogy Communication skills • interacting using multiple strategies and original tools in different contexts • communicating projects and organizing the pedagogical thought in the educational action Learning skills • carrying on scientific research in general and in school education • managing the educational challenge with creativity and imagination in the perspective of lifelong learning.
The fundamental prerequisites are: 1. comprehension of the Multiple Interaction Team Education M.I.T.E. epistemological paradigm in the context of teacher and students teaching and learning scientific dynamic 2. ability of reading, comprehension and communication of the Italian texts, including the digital production 3. capability of discussion and argument in the field of cultural themes 4. flexibility and management of new knowledge 5. competence in the process of learning 6. development of proper competences for school involvement 7. responsibility in following the process of learning 8. definition of teacher profile and the profession of teaching 9. ability in internet research and use of the web site, communication within the course: 10. ability of acquiring and transferring knowledge, procedures, strategies using several devices od communication.
Basic compulsory activities
22902369 -
Within the programme, at the end of the Laboratory of General Pedagogy the student will be capable of performing abilities in the context of: Knowledge and understanding • identifying the epistemological status and the methodology of the laboratory • identifying the concepts and the problems of the theory of education with national European and international references Applying knowledge and understanding • analyzing the best practices of the school methods • identifying and generalizing educational phenomenon and human process of learning Making judgements • connecting the theory of education and pedagogy with school life • evaluating the innovation in pedagogy Communication skills • interacting using multiple strategies and original tools • communicating projects and organizing the pedagogical thought in the educational action Learning skills • carrying on scientific research in school education managing the educational challenge with creativity and imagination in the perspective of lifelong learning.
Prerequisites The fundamental prerequisites are: 1. comprehension of the multiple interaction team education approach in the context of teacher and students work 2. ability of reading, comprehension and communication of the Italian texts, including the digital production 3. capability of discussion and argument in the field of cultural themes 4. flexibility and management of new knowledge 5. competence in the process of learning 6. development of proper competences for school involvement 7. responsibility in following the process of learning 8. definition of teacher profile and the profession of teaching 9. ability in internet research and use of the web site, communication within the Laboratory: 10. ability of acquiring and transferring knowledge, procedures, strategies using several devices od communication.
Basic compulsory activities
22902362 -
History of schools and educational institutions
By studying History of School and Educational Institutions, the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: A) to identify the epistemological and methodological field of discipline; B) to know the history of the Italian school from the post-unity period till the latest institutional reforms. C) to know some active school experiments conducted during the twentieth century in Italy In terms of application of knowledge and understanding: A) to analyze the close connection between the history of the Italian school and the general history of our country B) to analyze issues related to the feminization process of teaching, training and recruiting teachers In terms of autonomy of judgment: A) to assess the transformation processes of educational institutions by linking the history of pedagogical ideas to the evolution of the school B) to evaluate the pedagogical innovations implemented in the school environment, with particular reference to the activist movement. In terms of communicative abilities: (A) to develop correct communicative and interpersonal dynamics within the classroom and out of it; (B) to develop forms of cooperative collaboration In terms of learning ability: (A) to develop the ability to organize historical-educational research in school contexts; B) to identify the close connection between historical discourse and the contemporaneity
Basic compulsory activities
22902371 -
Laboratory of pedagogy and didatics of music
The course offers the student an analysis of the double pedagogical-didactic status of Music Education in Pre-primary and Primary School through active and guided listening.
With the Laboratory of Pedagogy and Didactics of Music the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives In terms of knowledge and understanding: - to define and to identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - to know the theory of musical education through active and guided listening in the national and international context. In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - to analyze the best educational practices of active and guided listening in the School with reference to consolidated pedagogical methods; - to identify educational phenomena and processes. In terms of making judgements: - to connect pedagogical theory of active and guided listening to school situations and contexts; - to evaluate pedagogical innovations. In terms of communication skills: - to use strategies of human relationships in the classroom and outside the classroom; - to develop competence in the design and organization of pedagogical thinking and educational action in music through active and guided listening. In terms of learning skills: - to encourage scientific research in the field of active and guided listening in School context; - to understand the educational challenge by identifying problems and proposing solutions in the perspective of lifelong musical learning.
Core compulsory activities
22902370 -
LABORATORY The didactic communication
To achieve an expressive activity congruent with the coursework of the General Didactics teaching.
Knowledge and understanding: - To understand better, through experience, didactic matters, problems, opportunities. Applying knowledge and understanding: - To materialize useful ideas for the didactic action; - To practise different materials and tools, from pencil and paper to multimedia and digital devices. Making judgements: - To consider new ideas and opportunities for the didactic action; - To be more confident in his/her own abilities. Communication skills: - To engage in group work; - To display the activity realized. Learning skills: - To think doing, to do thinking.
Basic compulsory activities
22902366 -
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
The course provide the students - to be aware of the elementary idea of natural number, by means of the knowledge of some elementary number theory; - to be aware of the wide system of numers (natural, integer, rational and real numbers); - to be aware of the Foundation of Elementary Geometry and of the application of Algebra to Geometry; -to approach the mathematical thought by means of a reflection about examples of mathematical abstract ideas, about proof methods and about the nature of questions inside mathematical investigation.
Core compulsory activities
22902367 -
Pedagogy and didactics of music
The course offers the student an analysis of the double pedagogical-didactic status of Music Education in Pre-primary and Primary School.
With the study of Pedagogy and Didactics of Music the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives In terms of knowledge and understanding: - to define and to identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - to know the theory of musical education in the national and international context. In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - to analyze the best educational practices of the School with reference to consolidated pedagogical methods; - To identify educational phenomena and processes. In terms of making judgements: - to connect pedagogical theory to school situations and contexts; - to evaluate pedagogical innovations. In terms of communication skills: - to use strategies of human relationships in the classroom and outside the classroom; - to develop competence in the design and organization of pedagogical thinking and educational action in music. In terms of learning skills: - to encourage scientific research in School context; - to understand the educational challenge by identifying problems and proposing solutions in the perspective of lifelong musical learning.
Core compulsory activities
22902464 -
Contemporary History
The knowledge of contemporary (or late modern) history from the French Revolution to the collapse of the communist world, phenomena which, as will be clarified during the course, can be considered plausible terms a quo and ad quem.
Knowledge and understanding: The belief that the work of the historian is to fulfill an ethical and civic function is certainly not rare within the Academy. The thread that runs through the course refers to a different conception of the historical work, instead: though probably in the minority among the experts, we believe this conception, rejecting the idea that research must serve extra-scientific goals, to be equally legitimate. Accordingly, the historian, in the exercise of his profession, must repudiate any ethical-pedagogical suggestion; he should reject any blandishment and flattery from those who would want to commission him therapeutic tasks, aimed at regenerating and legitimizing political and institutional systems. Applying knowledge and understanding: To understand the problematic issues connected to the work of the historian and link them with the teaching practice. Making judgements: To explain to the student what must be the intellectual autonomy of the historian, who, if truly such, should not take part, in our opinion, in any process of nation building. Neither a creator of identity nor a promoter of civic virtues, he must indeed take the risk that his work may reveal an irreconcilable contradiction between his professional duties and the civic obligations deriving from belonging to a common citizenship. Communication skills: The student will become able to bring out, with appropriate language, the problematic issues of the discipline. Learning skills: Let the student understand that Block's Defending the Undefendable is the best access key to understanding everything else.
Core compulsory activities
22902555 -
English language laboratory 1th year
Other activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910052 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902388 -
Children's Literature
With the course of Children’s literature, students will be able to achieve the following educational goals: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge in the field of children's literature, with particular attention to the historical development of this discipline and the aspects of research and the interpretative criticism of literary text for children - knowledge of the prospects and theoretical models of children’s literature - knowledge of the main models of didactic design and evaluation methods of the child-narrative-book relationship. - knowledge of IT tools and technologies for innovation-based teaching, in particular relating to the use of paper and digital texts
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - the ability to create an authentic educational relationship aimed at emotional-emotional, socio-cultural and cognitive maturation gained through a conscious use of pre-reading and reading in both primary and secondary schools. - Ability to design and realize training paths that use narrative and book with a variety of methodologies and organizational solutions appropriate to child development and learning progression. - ability to take care of documentation, to monitor teaching and to devise instruments for verifying and evaluating student learning, taking due consideration of INVALSI trials and those resulting from the major international surveys on learning levels (IEA TIMSS and PIRLS).
In terms of autonomy of judgment: - Attitudes to problematize situations and educational events, to analyze them deeply and to elaborate them in a reflective way, putting children in the condition of always elaborating a personal reading perspective; - Aptitude to consider alternative solutions to problems and to make decisions that respond to the student's training needs, stimulating them, for example, from switching from verbal to graphic language when approaching narratives; - Aptitude to renew didactic practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation through the use of appropriately selected editorial products
In terms of communicative abilities: - ability to expose in an organized manner the objectives and the nature of the teaching activity through educational and educational planning, with particular reference to the use of illustrated stories; - the ability to entertain positive relationships with pupils' families, showing openness and genuine interest in dialogue and adopting the humanistic-affective log of communication, with particular reference to families of pupils of different culture or religion; - the ability to use digital communication tools in school contexts both to use teaching technology and to reduce the distance between formal languages of scholastic and informal languages.
In terms of lifelong learning: - Aptitude to always extend their knowledge of editorial novelties in the field of literature for children and adolescents
Core compulsory activities
22902365 -
The main purpose of this course is to develop, to strengthen or improve students’ pedagogic consciousness about the presence and use of technologies at school and into society.
Basic compulsory activities
22902378 -
Developmental and educational psychology
Also available in another semester or year
22902380 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910063 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902611 -
Laboratory of Educational technology
Also available in another semester or year
22902556 -
English language laboratory 2th year
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902611 -
Laboratory of Educational technology
The Laboratorio's goals are the consciousness about the complexity and peculiarity of the multimediality. It will be analyzed the social construction of the knowledge, making a short video that will be shared on the web.
With the Laboratorio of Tecnologie didattiche the student will be able to achieve the following learning objectives. - In terms of knowledge and capacity of understanding: knowledge and comprehension of the logic of sharing on the web - In terms of ability to apply knowledge and comprehensiom: ability to use multimedia communicative strategies in schools. - In terms of autonomy of judgement: ability to start shared and inclusive paths at school. - In terms of ability to communicate: ability to start creative paths at school. - In terms of ability to learn: ability to work in group, ability to activate strategies of "problem solving".
Other activities
22910052 -
With the study ofb Inclusive Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and understanding of the phenomena that characterize the current school and social reality about inclusive processes; - knowledge and understanding of the current socio-political, cultural, and scientific debate regarding the transition from the Italian school system to the integration model to the inclusion model; - knowledge and understanding of the didactic implications of the classroom presence of students who are characterized by high levels of difference.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - Skills to apply real-class procedures and strategies to develop an inclusive environment; - Skills to bring about inclusive didactic forms focused on individualization and personalization processes for all students.
In terms of Making judgements - Skills to initiate professional context analysis procedures aimed at breaking the barriers to participation and learning that all students may have.
In terms of Communication skills: - be able to use narrative mediators to facilitate inclusive processes involved in classroom life and school life in general; - be able to develop forms of networking in order to create a context of inclusive school community.
In terms of Learning skills: - opening to innovations; - availability to experimentation; - ethical involvement in issues raised; - creativity in our educational point of view.
Basic compulsory activities
22902378 -
Developmental and educational psychology
The course provides students with theoretical knowledge and operational tools to address issues related to the child’s psychology in educational context.
Basic compulsory activities
22902379 -
Sociology of education and children
With the study of the Sociology of Education and Childhood the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: - identify, investigate and understand the main orientations of the theory of sociological thinking in relation to childhood; - learn the fundamentals of sociological epistemology.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - learn the features of the approach to the study of childhood, its characteristics and its basic concepts; - identify, analyze and understand the phenomena of educational development processes.
In terms of autonomy of judgment: - Link sociological theory to educational issues, progress and social change; - Understand the global society of our century through sociological currents.
In terms of communicative abilities: - acquire mastery of the scientific language of expertise; - develop competence in the design and organization of pedagogical thinking and educational action.
In terms of learning ability: - understand the myths, values and patterns of behavior of contemporary social models; - Understand the processes of change in the relationship between the field of childhood and the different sectors of the social.
Basic compulsory activities
22902380 -
THIS COURSE AIMS AT: - Debunking some of the most pervasive myths and prejudices regarding language and languages and making way to the results of contemporary research in the sciences of language. - Providing students with sound information regarding how foreign languages are best learned and taught. - Enhancing students’ metalinguistic capabilities to improve their command of written language and their ability to improve their pupils’ command of written language, both native and L2 speakers. - Providing students with the linguistic knowledge implied in the processes of both teaching literacy and preparing pre-school children to literacy. - Presenting the results of contemporary research in syntax – aiming at replacing traditional grammar, both scientifically and educationally obsolete – which will provide the basis of their grammatical teaching at school.
Core compulsory activities
22902625 -
Laboratory of Italian linguistic and teaching
THIS SEMINAR AIMS AT: 1. Informing students on the linguistic condition of the European Union, its linguistic policies and the linguistic training opportunities offered by EU. 2. Introducing students into the orthographic systems of the most representative languages of the Union. 3. Introducing students into the world of sign languages and deaf culture, and the educational options that face deaf children at school, which have crucial consequences on their life.
Core compulsory activities
22910063 -
The Master's Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences provides, in the second year of the course, compulsory activities of indirect training. The internship activities take place for a total of 75 hours (3 CFU) and include 24 hours of activities in the presence, 6 hours of distance activities, completed by proposals for self-study in progress and conclusive. The course, which is divided into two semesters, promotes the convergence between knowing, knowing how to do and knowing how to think which are the real dimensions of the professional competence of the teacher. The training objectives refer to work centred on the growing self-reflexive competence of future teachers, which must move in a twofold direction: external vs internal, through work on the extrinsic representations of the figure of the role and functions of the teacher (Bocci, 2012); internal vs external, through a critical focus on the intrinsic motivations of which the trainee is the bearer.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: - to know and reflect on the social representation of the school and the teaching profession; - to know and understand their role as teachers within the framework of the autonomy of the school and the duties and rights established by the provisions of the law; - to know the objectives of learning in kindergarten and primary school in Italy, seen in a perspective of historical evolution and international comparison.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - be able to identify social representations and critically analyse them; - to be able to reflect on one's own motivations and on one's own representation of the teaching role, comparing it to the social representation; - be able to read current legislation from an inclusive perspective; - be able to place in a historically connoted dimension and in an international perspective the objectives of learning in kindergarten and primary school in force in Italy. - to be able to outline the professional identity through a process of mediation between social representations and skills related to the role and function of the teacher;
In terms of Making judgements - being able to critically analyse the evolution of professional identity in a diachronic dimension; - to reflect on competences related to the role and function of the teacher and social representations;
In terms of Communication skills: - be able to use appropriate communication methods to carry out group activities in the presence of, and of remote torque/threesome; - being able to use effectively the mode of active and participatory listening, based on respect and on equal dignity; - be able to express their opinion in both small and large groups, effectively arguing their own thinking and to be the spokesperson for the thought of the group of reference, when necessary; - be able to promote and manage effective communication in meeting with the group class of children participating in the indirect placement;
In terms of Learning skills: - experience different ways of learning and know how to discriminate against validity and effectiveness; - use the learning community as an environment in which to place one's own path; - to implement analysis and reflection skills through the possibility of exchange and interaction with peers, facilitated by internship activities.
Other activities
22902556 -
English language laboratory 2th year
Other activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910062 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910054 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902382 -
Within the programme at the end of the course the student will be capable of performing abilities in the context of: Discussing knowledge and understanding • identifying the issues of intercultural and citizenship education, and methodology of the discipline • identifying the concept of active citizenship in the national European and international contexts Applying knowledge and understanding • analyzing the meaning and the best practices of the school concepts and methods to tackle the social prejudice and social discrimination • recognizing and generalizing educational phenomenon and the intercultural human process of learning Making judgements • connecting the theory of intercultural and citizenship education and pedagogy with multiethnic school life • evaluating the innovation in pedagogy respectful of the children identity, human rights, dignity and justice Exploring Communication skills • interacting using multiple strategies, open and democratic topics in school and in the community dialogue
Basic compulsory activities
22902383 -
General Biology
The course aims to develop an Inquiry-Based Science Education – IBSE to be used at school: - promoting the learning and understanding of concepts through direct experience; - setting and understanding the problem through a discussion - overcome false or partial notions - granting basic knowledge and promote competences
With the study of General Biology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding … learning the fundamental processes of life and the diversity of living beings - Applying knowledge and understanding … learning the fundamental processes of life and the diversity of living beings - Making judgements … awareness of being part of a single ecosystem and taking responsible action - Communication skills … ability to expose content in a reasoned and dynamic way - Learning skills … aptitude to deepen contents with recurrent updates in relation to the progress of scientific research and teaching methodology
Core compulsory activities
22902386 -
Mathematic and mathematics Education
Also available in another semester or year
22902387 -
Workshop of Mathematics and mathematics Education
Also available in another semester or year
22902389 -
Workshop of Children's Literatures
Also available in another semester or year
22902603 -
Physic and teaching physic
Also available in another semester or year
22902390 -
Developmental Psychopatology
Also available in another semester or year
22902604 -
Laboratory of Physic and teaching physic
Also available in another semester or year
22902391 -
Training 3th year
Also available in another semester or year
22902557 -
English language laboratory 3th year
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910054 -
The workshop aims to develop methodological and practical teaching skills to design, to plan and manage inclusive learning environments.
With the study of Inclusive Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and understanding of the didactic implications of the classroom presence of students who are characterized by high levels of difference. In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - Skills to plan inclusive educational actions - Skills to apply real-class procedures and strategies to develop an inclusive environment; - Skills to bring about inclusive didactic forms focused on individualization and personalization processes for all students. In terms of Making judgements - Skills to initiate professional context analysis procedures aimed at breaking the barriers to participation and learning that all students may have. In terms of Communication skills: - be able to use mediators to facilitate inclusive processes involved in classroom life and school life in general; - be able to develop forms of networking in order to create a context of inclusive school community. In terms of Learning skills: - demonstrate opening to innovations; - demonstrate availability to experimentation; - demonstrate creativity in our educational point of view.
Basic compulsory activities
22910062 -
Specific objectives carried out during the course are the following: reflect on the characteristics of evaluation in education; reflect on changes that affect evaluation activities; classify different evaluation tools; define the relationship between teaching activities and evaluation activities; identify elements and functions of evaluation; build structured evidence of knowledge; analyse data collected through evaluation tools; edit the various types of evaluation tools in an appropriate manner.
Knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological context of the discipline; - know the theory of evaluation in the national, European, international and diachronic context. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analyse the main evaluation practices of educational processes; - identify different evaluation methods and tools. Making judgements - analyse the different purposes of evaluation in educational practice. Communication skills - design and implement specific assessment tools. Learning skills: - understand the educational challenge of education, even in national and international comparative analysis context.
Basic compulsory activities
22902386 -
Mathematic and mathematics Education
Core compulsory activities
22902387 -
Workshop of Mathematics and mathematics Education
The lab sessions enable the prospective elementary teacher to lead mathematical activities with children with flexibility and attention to single students
Core compulsory activities
22902603 -
Physic and teaching physic
The course of Physics and Physics Education has the general goals those ones of dealing with and giving to the future teachers, the knowledge an skills to became teacher of primary school. The way that is used to reach these goals is to study that parts of Classical Mechanics and Modern Physics both from a theorical point of view, sperimental and from an epistemological point of view. A particular attention is reserved for education and teaching of the Physics try to transmit those methodologies that in part refer at a pedagogic tradition of reference, in part a new way of teaching Physics by rereading the Galilean thought. Particular attention is given on the language of communication of coding and decoding that are much more effective to approach children to the scientific though and the achievement of a better awareness of himself and of the world around him. This goal integrates to help the integration of disable children and to integrate positively the intercultural differences in the class. The experiences of laboratory will be organized to conduct in natural way the child to a critical reflection and to curiosity, playing but always traying to induce to understand the importance using the rigor of Science. The last goal is to help by effective teaching strategies the sociorelational aspect. In this sense the laboratory teamwork is a good way. With the study of Physics and Physics Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - know basic physics, using disciplinary, epistemological and historical elements; - know the crucial topics of the teaching of physics as an introduction to scientific thought in pre-primaryand primary school. In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - promote the ability to carry out educational activities appropriate to the age of children aimed at bringing them closer to the ideas of physics in an engaging and solid way, taking advantage of teaching materials, the resources of the school and the territory; - promote an overall view of children's initiation into scientific thought on the physical world in the cycle of nursery school and compulsory schooling. In terms of independent judgment: - develop the ability to analyze educational and educational situations and events in schools and to make educational decisions; - encourage the opening to renewal of teaching practices through the combination of historical, epistemological and didactic research. In terms of teacher's communication skills: - develop the ability to bring the gaze of physics and scientific thought closer to children with appropriate language, tools, examples, images, sounds, objects starting from experience and through problems, developing the capacity for dialogue in the scientific-philosophical field and the ability of geometric and symbolic representation. In terms of future cultural development: promoting skills and interest in the study of tireless and tireless updating in the field of elementary physics, history and epistemology of physics, through books and articles, conferences, courses and conferences, with discernment and depth.
Core compulsory activities
22902390 -
Developmental Psychopatology
The course of Developmental Psychopathology aims at achieving the following objectives for students.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: - to know the interplay among the biological, psychological, and social-contextual aspects of normal and abnormal development across the life span; - to know the main psychopathological syndromes of childhood and adolescence; - to know the interplay of multiple risk and protective factors in developmental pathways, including continuity and change.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - to know how to analyze the interplay among the biological, psychological, and social-contextual aspects of normal and abnormal development across the life span; - to know how to recognize the main psychopathological syndromes of childhood and adolescence; - to find out the multiple risk and protective factors in developmental pathways.
In terms of making judgements: - to find connections between psychopathological problems and school situations; - to evaluate educational innovations in the light of the advancement of research in developmental psychopathology.
In terms of communication skills: - to acquire the key competences of the teacher for class management based on the recognition of the students' individual characteristics and problems; - to know how to modulate communicative strategies in the classroom to accept, motivate, support, reinforce and include pupils with difficulties or psychopathological problems.
In terms of learning skills: - to develop an orientation towards scientific research, both basic and applied, in developmental psychopathology; - to develop the attitude towards lifelong learning on psychosocial aspects of school adjustment and inclusion of pupils with difficulties or psychopathological problems; - to develop the interest in training and professional upgrading in the management of psychopathological problems in the school context.
Core compulsory activities
22902604 -
Laboratory of Physic and teaching physic
Providing students critical instruments to make aware and efficacious choices in planning and conducting didactical activities for children in the field of Physics, particularly concerning laboratory activities.
With the study of Laboratory of Physics and Physics Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - know basic physics, using disciplinary, epistemological and historical elements; In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - promote the ability to carry out educational activities appropriate to the age of children aimed at bringing them closer to the ideas of physics in an engaging and solid way, taking advantage of teaching materials, the resources of the school and the territory; In terms of independent judgment: - develop the ability to analyze educational and educational situations and events in schools and to make educational decisions; - encourage the opening to renewal of teaching practices through the combination of historical, epistemological and didactic research. In terms of teacher's communication skills: - develop the ability to bring the gaze of physics and scientific thought closer to children with appropriate language, tools, examples, images, sounds, objects starting from experience and through problems, developing the capacity for dialogue in the scientific-philosophical field and the ability of geometric and symbolic representation. In terms of future cultural development: - to promote skills and interest in the study and the tireless updating in the field of elementary physics, history and epistemology of physics, through books and articles, conferences, courses and conferences, with discernment and depth.
Core compulsory activities
22902391 -
Training 3th year
The Master's Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences provides for compulsory activities of indirect traineeship (preparation, reflection and discussion of activities, documentation for the final report of the traineeship) and direct to the schools. The internship activities of the 3rd year of the course take place for a total of 125 hours (5 CFU) and aim: • to promote the knowledge and use of procedures and tools for observation, analysis and monitoring of the educational context and the teaching-learning process; • to make the importance of observation understood for the continuous improvement of the didactic action; • to encourage the knowledge and use of procedures and tools for self-observation and self-evaluation of one's own work. They foresee a first phase of training carried out at the university, a second phase observation of micro and macro context of both kindergartens and primary schools affiliated with the CdL and a third phase of reflection and self-reflection in group on the experiences of observation carried out, with the supervision of tutors
By participating in the internship activities planned for the third year, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge of observation procedures for collecting information: specific characteristics and their use in the school; - knowledge of the process of communication between roles in the school organisation and in the classroom; - knowledge of the main detection and evaluation tools (narrative descriptions, observation grids, coding schemes, questionnaires and interviews, evaluation scales).
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to apply observation procedures in the classroom for the collection of information useful for the knowledge of the educational context and the teaching-learning process; - ability to communicate effectively in the school organisation and in the classroom; - ability to use self-observation tools and procedures.
In terms of Making judgements - ability to read and interpret effectively and in the exercise of ethical and cultural responsibility related to the teaching role, information collected through observation tools; - ability to formulate judgements on educational situations and events after having carefully documented the needs and behaviour of children in current social contexts; - aptitude to self-evaluate one's own professional preparation and the effectiveness of the didactic action also through the proposal of innovative educational practices.
In terms of Communication skills: - ability to use verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal communication in the classroom for specific educational purposes; - ability to communicate with all figures in the school organisation and in the classroom for the exchange of information, the development of projects and the coordinated management of training processes; - ability to use communicative modalities functional to the collection of information about the class.
In terms of Learning skills: - willingness to use reflective and self-reflective modes - ability to consider the observational procedures essential to the teaching-learning process - ability to define their professionalism within a process of systematic self-improvement.
Other activities
22902557 -
English language laboratory 3th year
Other activities
22902389 -
Workshop of Children's Literatures
The Children's Literature Laboratory will enable students to achieve the following educational goals: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the main models of didactic design in the field of Children’s literature. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - ability to design and implement educational pathways that use the children’s book in the light of a variety of methodologies and organizational solutions appropriate to child development and the progression of learning. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - Attitude to problematize the use of narration and book in educational function; - Aptitude to self-evaluate the quality of your personal and professional relationship with children’s literature. In terms of communicative abilities: - ability to expose the objectives and the nature of educational work in an organized way, through educational and didactic planning, showing the infinite educational and educational potential of children’s literature
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902384 -
Art and design education image
Also available in another semester or year
22910061 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902385 -
Workshop of Art and design education image
Also available in another semester or year
22902600 -
Ecology and teaching ecology
- The course will provide students with an understanding of the following topics - Development of Ecology. - Evolution, Evolution mechanisms and Speciation. - Ecosystems and Biomes. - Climatic changes. - Relationships among living beings and Ecological pyramids. - Biogeochemical cycles. - Biological communities. - Biodiversity. - Biodiversity conservation. - Ecological niches. - Relationships between organisms and the physical environment. - Stressors for organisms. - Landscape ecology. - Urban ecology. - Human ecology. - Ecosystem services. - Strategies for teaching Ecology.
Studying Ecology and teaching ecology, the student will achieve the following learning objectives. As regards knowledge and understanding: - understand the relationships among living beings and between them and the environment, and understand the importance of the ecosystem services. - realize the need for a sustainable management of natural resources and their preservation. As regards applying knowledge and understanding: - discuss and support ideas and concepts related to the relationships among living beings, ecological processes, and interactions between humans and the environment, including the impacts of anthropogenic modifications of ecosystems. - Use the acquired knowledge on theoretical and applied ecology, for the preparation of educational and didactic projects. As regards independent thinking: - acquire an awareness of professional responsibility in terms of environmental ethics. - motivate and stimulate, through educational means, respect for the environment and life. As regards communication skills: - acquire the ability to explain concepts about ecology and the environment using a scientific-technical language in line with the schooling level of the audience. - promote hands-on and cooperative educational activities concerning environmental issues and topics, using also innovative teaching methods for an effective and wide-reaching communication of ecological concepts. As regards learning skills: - show an aptitude towards transmitting the acquired knowledge about ecology, through continuous updates about ecological and environmental issues. - show openness to discussions and willingness to always improve their own skills and knowledge about ecology and teaching ecology using the available recent literature on the topics.
Core compulsory activities
22902601 -
Laboratory of Ecology and teaching ecology
Also available in another semester or year
22902605 -
Geography and teaching geography
The course aims to accompany students in understanding the elements of territory that form the structure of our everyday life, and to mould their reading of the geographic processes and their interactions based on three fundamental analysis procedures: morphology of the landscape, systemic, psychological-semantical. After presenting the geographer’s instruments for the analysis of the territory (both cartographic and statistical), we will proceed to examine the different components of the territory, from those concerning the Science of the Earth to themes related to human geography. The cues offered by the different themes will be considered for a didactic application.
Core compulsory activities
22902606 -
Laboratory of Geography and teaching geography
Also available in another semester or year
22910014 -
The course of DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY FOR INCLUSION aims at achieving the following objectives for students.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: - individual differences; - cognitive, social and emotional development from childhood to early adolescence; - theoretical and application models of social and emotional learning; - universal prevention models to promote prosocial behaviors and to contrast aggressive behavior at school; - research methods aimed at the study of school adjustment and inclusion; - teacher competencies in promoting well-being at school.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - to know how to use the knowledge about the child's development processes to build the educational relationship; - to know how to designing and implementing a teaching aimed at developing socio-emotional learning skills; - to be able to identify universal prevention programs that are appropriate to the characteristics and needs of the class.
In terms of making judgements: - to find connections between psychological theories and school situations; - to evaluate educational innovations in the light of the advancement of research in developmental psychology. - to acquire the key competencies of the teacher's self-evaluation.
In terms of communication skills: - to acquire the key competences of the teacher for class management based on the recognition of the students' individual characteristics; - to know how to modulate communicative strategies in the classroom to show availability to relationship, motivate learning, support pupils with difficulty, and stimulate positive peer interactions; - to know how to use active listening and feedback.
In terms of learning skills: - to develop an orientation towards scientific research, both basic and applied, in developmental psychology; - to develop the attitude towards lifelong learning on psychosocial aspects of school adjustment and inclusion; - to develop the interest in training and professional upgrading in psycho-pedagogical disciplines.
Core compulsory activities
22910064 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902612 -
English language laboratory 4th year
Also available in another semester or year
22910015 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902613 -
Suitability English language B2
Also available in another semester or year
22910057 -
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902384 -
Art and design education image
Divided into participatory lectures and workshops, the course aims at giving the future teacher the specific disciplinary skills related to the History of Art and Architectures, with specific reference to the international twentieth century. The study of descriptive geometry and the conscious use of drawing aims at strengthening the pre-existing graphic skills of each student in order to provide an indispensable and multi-purpose educational instrument. At the same time, the course aims at developing teaching skills needed for organising the curriculum and the teaching/learning process starting from the Art and Image program instructions coming from the ministry of education.
the student knows the art of the nineteenth and twentieth century, the graphic techniques of representation and the program instructions coming from the ministry of education referred to the School of Infancy and Primary School. the student can perform a formal and iconographic analysis. He also knows how to use graphic techniques such as Monge's projections, the central and accidental perspective. He can design specific educational courses starting from the individual student's educational needs and different cognitive styles. the student can assess the teaching and methodological needs in order to define appropriate disciplinary paths, understands the different needs of the class group and the individual student. the student knows how to decline and choose the appropriate educational resources using the means provided by the school and by the historical and artistic territory of belonging the student knows how to make educational and methodological choices useful to the learning success of the individual pupil moving from a specific analysis of the needs and the different learning styles
Core compulsory activities
22910061 -
The purpose of this Course is to promote knowledge about the scientific and cultural evolution of Special Pedagogy, from its beginnings to current events. In particular, after an analysis of the fundamental stages of this evolution, attention will be focused on the passage (still subject to debate) from the definition of Special Pedagogy to Inclusive Pedagogy. Everything will be analyzed and argued in the light of the international perspective of Disability Studies, a field of study that questions a series of questions concerning the definition of disability and its social representation, to the point of making it the object of a paradigmatic study to analyze how society behaves with otherness. The link between Disability Studies, Institutional Analysis and Socioanalysis will then be the subject of study, which constitute two other rather significant currents of thought in the perspective of the analysis proposed in this Course.
With the study of Inclusive Pedagogy and Disability Studies the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and understanding of the salient aspects of the History of the Education of the Disabled - knowledge and understanding of the evolution of Special Education from the beginning to Inclusive Education. - knowledge and understanding of the Disability Studies perspective - knowledge and understanding of the perspective of Institutional Analysis and Socioanalysis - knowledge and understanding of the current state of the education and training system regarding inclusive processes
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - skills to make connections between the different perspectives analyzed, detecting the invariants and the variants, both on the synchronic and on the diachronic level; - skills to identify the problematic nodes emerging from the interaction of the different perspectives analyzed - skills to identify the implications and operational repercussions in the scholastic and university world
In terms of Making judgements - Skills to produce a personal and original critical analysis of the topics dealt with by placing it in the current context of the national and international training system
In terms of Communication skills: - be able to debate the topics dealt with in the classroom supporting their positions with facts, personal experiences, significant considerations - be able to carry out analysis and synthesis of the topics dealt with, both with personal exhibitions and through group work - be able to argue in an original way the personal elaboration of the topics dealt with
In terms of Learning skills: - demonstrate openness and interest in the topics dealt with; - be available to investigate the repercussions that the questions analyzed may have on the personal repertoire of knowledge, expectations, values and beliefs; - demonstrate involvement and active participation in collective reflections and analyzes; - show a degree of transferability of the topics dealt with to the professional field.
Core compulsory activities
22902385 -
Workshop of Art and design education image
Analyzing and designing didactic paths.
The student knows the teaching methods and the disciplinary contents related to teaching the student can choose a specific learning path useful for achieving the educational objectives the student knows how to critically evaluate an artistic product by designing a laboratory path useful for the consolidation of graphic skills the student can design a disciplinary learning unit by defining specific methodological practices the student can assess the different educational and learning needs, in relationship with the development of class group
Core compulsory activities
22902601 -
Laboratory of Ecology and teaching ecology
The lab course entails the preparation and elaboration of didactic projects and experiences on topics related to biodiversity and the education process aimed at its preservation. Specifically, the didactic activities are aimed at understanding biodiversity and the ecological relationships at the species and ecosystem levels, sustainability concepts and nature conservation.
Studying Laboratory of Ecology and teaching ecology, the student will achieve the following learning objectives. As regards knowledge and understanding: - understand the relationships among living beings and between them and the environment and understand the importance of the ecosystem services. - realize the need for a sustainable management of natural resources and their preservation. As regards applying knowledge and understanding: - discuss and support ideas and concepts related to the relationships among living beings, ecological processes, and interactions between humans and the environment, including the impacts of anthropogenic modifications of ecosystems. - Use the acquired knowledge on theoretical and applied ecology, for the preparation of educational and didactic projects. As regards independent thinking: - acquire an awareness of professional responsibility in terms of environmental ethics. motivate and stimulate, through educational means, respect for the environment and life. As regards communication skills: - promote hands-on and cooperative educational activities concerning environmental issues and topics. - promote the use of innovative teaching methods and tools (such as apps and thematic websites) for an effective and wide-reaching communication of ecological concepts. As regards learning skills: - show an aptitude towards transmitting the acquired knowledge about ecology, through continuous updates about ecological and environmental issues. - show openness to discussions and willingness to always improve their own skills and knowledge about ecology and teaching ecology using the available recent literature on the topics.
Core compulsory activities
22902606 -
Laboratory of Geography and teaching geography
The laboratory aims to introduce students to the principles of the cartographic technique, the use of statistic and IT sources for reading and interpreting the landscape. It envisages: 1.A practice exercise on the analysis of the landscape through the correlation between the symbolic language of topographic cartography and the language of virtual globes (Google Earth); 2.A graphic elaboration test on a satellite map; 3.The building and interpretation of a graph based on Istat data.
In terms of independent judgment, the student must have acquired the following basic skills: - awareness of the ethical and cultural responsibility connected to the exercise of the teaching function and the assumption of the consequent duties towards the students, their families, the scholastic institution, the territory; - aptitude to self-assess one's own professional preparation and the effectiveness of the didactic action in changing the space of action; - aptitude to renew teaching practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation and direct experience in the field. In terms of communication skills, the student must be able to use geographical maps, symbols and images to bring children to form an awareness of their own action space and orient themselves in it; and to use cartography as a teaching tool. In terms of learning ability the student will have to be able to learn how to use and create maps, symbols and images to bring children to form an awareness of their own action space and orient themselves in it; and to use cartography as a teaching tool. In terms of knowledge and understanding, the student will acquire knowledge and understanding of the phenomena that characterize the social, cultural and territorial reality in order to guarantee an effective reception of the nursery and primary school students, through the learning of the tools to know and to interpret the territory and to orientate oneself in the lived space. Furthermore, he will develop an attitude to renew teaching practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation and direct field experience.
Core compulsory activities
22910053 -
Aim of the course is to provide the students the basics of the school law, taking into account the following topics to be in-depth analyzed: the legal sources; the rights and duties of the teacher in the kindergarten and in the elementary school; the legal status of the teacher; the administrations involved and their respective functional competences (Municipalities, Health Agencies, Trade Unions, etc.); the multilevel school system: from the State to the Regions, from European bodies to international institutions; the main Courts judgments and the analysis of the most important case studies.
- Knowledge and understanding: to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; to know the public authorities system in the national, European and international context. - Applying knowledge and understanding: to analyze the administrative tools aimed to satisfy individual and group educational needs; to examine in the specific context the legislative and organizational processes. - Making judgements: to apply the theoretical precepts to the concrete solutions supplied by the political decision maker; to evaluate regulatory innovations. - Communication skills: to use communication strategies in social and professional contexts; to develop the competence in finding personalized solutions according to the specific questions. - Learning skills: to put in practice the aptitude for empirical research in working contexts; to lead the carrying out of scientific studies in the search for solutions to concrete problems, with particular reference to families, schools and various services of the integrated educational system.
Core compulsory activities
22910015 -
The workshop aims to give students the skills in the use of assessment tools proposed during the course of Developmental Psychology for Inclusion and to develop projects for the promotion of prosocial behavior in educational contexts. Students will learn to use instruments for assessment of: - Social competencies, emotional and cognitive; - Adaptive and maladaptive behaviors in the classroom; - Teacher’s competences for school inclusion.
Core compulsory activities
22910057 -
The Laboratory of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation is part of the educational activities of Experimental Pedagogy. The Laboratory aims to promote the skills and abilities of students in the field of learning path evaluation and assessment, especially in relation to transversal skills evaluation. The specific objectives of the Laboratory are as follows: - develop technical-practical knowledge in the field of experimental pedagogy and school assessment - acquire knowledge in the field of ministerial regulations for school assessment and evaluation; - analyse assessment tools competencies according to ministerial regulations; - designing learning paths for primary schools aimed at promoting pupils' transversal competences.
Through the Laboratory of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation, students will be able to: in terms of Knowledge and understanding: - Knowledge of the main school evaluation and assessment tools; - Knowledge of the most important ministerial regulations for school assessment and evaluation; - Knowledge of the main theoretical foundations of Experimental Pedagogy. In terms of Applying knowledge and understanding: - Ability to design specific assessment and evaluation tools for primary school context; - Ability to design evaluation tools for the promotion of transverse skills for primary school context. In terms of Making judgements: - Ability to design education project in the field of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation; - Ability to formulate judgements on learning assessment and evaluation tools, taking into consideration the INVALSI test and other international investigations on students assessment; In terms of Communication skills: - Ability to present the main characteristics of learning evaluation tools for primary school pupils in an orderly and reasoned way; - Ability to critically expose the analyses carried out between different learning evaluation tools. In terms of Learning skills: - Willingness to explore the perspectives of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation in educational research context.
Basic compulsory activities
22910064 -
The master's degree course in primary education sciences involves compulsory activities of indirect internship (preparation, reflection and discussion of activities, documentation for the final report of the Internship) and directed in schools. The training activities relating to the FOURTH annuity of the course take place for a total of 175 hours (7 CFU) and provide for: a first phase (period October/January of each academic year-the semester) of training carried out at the university parallel to a first Period of observation of micro and macro context of educational institutions affiliated with CdLM; A second phase (period March/May of each academic year-II semester) carried out at the university in parallel to the realization, preferably in pairs or trio of students, of a UD/UDA conceived with the supervision of the tutors assigned to the year Of course.
By participating in the internship activities planned for the fourth year, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
In terms of knowledge and understanding: • knowledge and analysis of regulatory and theoretical sources related to programming for kindergarten and primary school by identifying the differences in targeting between programs and programming • knowledge and skill in using the different didactic strategies (lesson, group work, individual work, discussion, mimesis, game, storytelling, etc.) and critical selection of didactic tools and materials (textbooks, books, computers, field trips, specially designed learning materials etc.)
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: • ability to design and plan an original 20 hours educational and teaching intervention addressed to kindergarten or primary school pupils, depending on the option chosen by the trainees • ability to use effective organisational and management methods to promote a positive social climate and an appropriate learning environment
In terms of Making judgements • ability to select and implement relational patterns functional to the management of the class group • ability to verify and assess the results of the learning experience in quantitative and qualitative terms • ability to self-assess the effectiveness of one's own educational and didactic intervention
In terms of Communication skills: • ability to select and implement relational and interpersonal skills functional to participation in the work team and in school life • be able to use different expressive languages to promote learning in order to respect every single learner’s different cognitive style
In terms of Learning skills: • propensity towards experimentation using innovative strategies and methodologies • ability to analyse and manage problem situations • respect and appreciation of individual differences • ability to carry out research-action interventions
Other activities
22902612 -
English language laboratory 4th year
Other activities
22902613 -
Suitability English language B2
Other activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910059 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910055 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910056 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910016 -
The course aims to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the main modes of learning history: the traditional and the cooperative.
Knowledge and understanding: - Identify the epistemological status of the discipline and the teaching methods for its teaching Applying knowledge and understanding: - Understanding of traditional and active teaching, especially of the modular unit and the history laboratory. Making judgements: - Understanding of merits and limitations of the different ways of teaching history. Communication skills: - Their refinement through the presentation to the classmates of an history lab. Learning skills: - Their refinement through the costruction in class of an history lab.
Core compulsory activities
22902618 -
Methods and teaching of motor activity
The main goals of the course will be to provide the basic knowledge on motor activities and, in particular, on the psychological and physical development and motor learning during the developmental age. To learn how the methodology and teaching can be applied at the different ages and stages of the human development using intervention strategies based on motor and sport activities. To learn the method Joy of Moving and the methodology to be applied it in the pre-primary and primary education.
Knowledge and understanding: - theory of developmental age Applying knowledge and understanding: - methods for the development of body scheme, postural patterns and fundamental movement skills, motor abilities and skills - adapted motor activities for special populations. - Teaching styles - Joy of Moving method Making judgements: - critical thinking on teaching methodologies - selection of programs, methods, materials to realize appropriate interventions - self-evaluation of their own knowledge Communication skills: - to have efficient communication skills for teaching - to handle communication with peers, children, parents Learning skills: - to use in-depth analysis and integration strategies - to know how get pertinent material for teaching - to know how to apply scientific research
Core compulsory activities
22902619 -
Laboratory of Methods and teaching of motor activity
Also available in another semester or year
22902622 -
English language laboratory 5th year
Also available in another semester or year
22910065 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
OPZIONALI - (show)
22902621 -
English and teaching english
The educational path aims at making students already possessing a pre-intermediate language level consolidate their skills, globally responding to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B2 (see Common European Framework of Reference for Languages The tasks proposed will particularly refer to the practicing of the main linguistic constructions, the formulation of complex phrases, the enrichment of specialized vocabulary. The skills of adapting and reformulating different kinds of texts into another language will be implemented too, in order to build up didactic units and class laboratory activities, focusing on different goals depending on texts and methodologies applied. In a European-oriented perspective, the course is structured as to allow the implementation of the students’ inter-cultural and linguistic competences, requiring on the side of the student to develop a professional-oriented awareness of the L2 learning and teaching modalities.
With the study of English Language and Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - Knowledge of the L2 learning/teaching perspectives and theoretical methods, particularly focusing on CLIL, Content-based Learning and Task-based Learning; - Knowledge of the main professional aspects characterising an L2 teacher, also referring to organization, relationships and regulations (in particular CEFR and National Recommendations); - Knowledge of IT instruments and technologies related to the didactics of an L2. In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - Using L2 to create an authentic educational relationship, aiming at emotional-affective, socio-cultural and cognitive development in Infancy and Primary School; - Planning and realizing inclusive education paths, using a variety of methodologies and organization solutions adequate both to the child’s development and the progression of his/her learning; - Monitoring the didactic activity, also selecting and modulating assessment and evaluation instruments; - Using L2 to create a comfortable and inclusive environment in the classroom, to foster the integration of disadvantaged learners and/or children belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures. In terms of Making judgements - Through the presentation of contents in a critical form, students will be motivated to: - Activate their problem-solving abilities starting on the discussion of some case-studies, to interpret Infancy and Primary school children needs in a multicultural perspective; - Use lateral and critical thinking strategies, consider alternative solutions to problems and make decisions in response to the children’s educational needs; - Self-evaluate their professional and linguistic preparation, as well as the efficacy of their own didactic action. In terms of Communication skills: - - Modulating verbal and non-verbal interaction to foster the integrated learning of language and communicative skills (welcoming; explaining experiences, concepts, and theories; motivating learning and supporting children in need, stimulating peer interaction); - Presenting efficaciously the goals and nature of the didactic intervention; - Using IT instruments in school context to foster and keep language learning up-to-date. In terms of Learning skills: - opening to innovations; - availability to experimentation; - ethical involvement in issues raised; - creativity in our educational point of view. - Developing a desire for professional improvement in a life-long learning perspective; - Widening their methodologic-didactic culture in the field; - Deepening contents and methods of L2 teaching, through continual upgrading and updating of discipline repertoires; - Keeping both their own language mastering and professional improvement alive and up-to-date, through autonomous bibliographic research and participation to training/review courses.
Other activities
22910031 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910058 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910254 -
creative expressiveness laboratory
Also available in another semester or year
22902620 -
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910059 -
Italian Literature and Teaching Methods of Italian Literature
Core compulsory activities
22910055 -
Laboratory of Italian Literature and Teaching Methods of Italian Literature
Core compulsory activities
22910056 -
The laboratory is aimed at promoting experiences of community of practices in which future teachers can develop skills to act reflexively and be active. The background is represented by direct participation in the processes of self-analysis and self-improvement of school life, also in the perspective of narrative socio-analysis
By participating in the Laboratory of Inclusive Pedagogy and Disability Studies the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives
In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and understanding of the practices of recursive reflexivity in action, of Agentivity, of self-analysis and self-improvement processes, of narrative socioanalysis
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to implement a community of reflective and agentive practices capable of implementing, also through the perspective of narrative socio-analysis, self-analysis and self-improvement processes
In terms of independent judgment - Ability to analyze the processes implemented with awareness and direct them towards change
In terms of communication skills: - be able to work in a team and to create a community of practices by dialoguing and confronting each other openly
In terms of learning ability: - demonstrate openness and willingness to get involved in the processes activated - demonstrate willingness to experiment - demonstrate critical analysis skills - express openness and creativity
Core compulsory activities
22902619 -
Laboratory of Methods and teaching of motor activity
From the promotion of the development of the moving body to the education to citizenship - A four-pillar model: physical fitness, motor coordination, cognition and creativity, life skills. Methods and teaching to promote the development of physical fitness for health, of fundamental movement skills, motor control and perceptual-motor adaptation abilities, executive cognitive function, motor creativity and creative thinking, and intrapersonal and interpersonal life skills.
Knowledge and understanding: - theory of developmental age Applying knowledge and understanding: - methods for the development of body scheme, postural patterns and fundamental movement skills, motor abilities and skills - adapted motor activities for special populations. - teaching styles - Joy of Moving method Making judgements: - critical thinking on teaching methodologies - selection of programs, methods, materials to realize appropriate interventions - self-evaluation of their own knowledge Communication skills: - to have efficient communication skills for teaching - to handle communication with peers, children, parents Learning skills - to use in-depth analysis and integration strategies - to know how get pertinent material for teaching - to know how to apply scientific research
Core compulsory activities
22910065 -
The master's degree course in primary education sciences involves compulsory activities of indirect training (preparation, reflection and discussion of activities, documentation for the final report of the Internship) and directed in schools. The training activities relating to the V annuality of course take place for a total of 225 hours (9 CFU) and provide for: training activities at the university during both semesters, parallel to the realization of an educational-didactic project Staff lasting 100 hours to be carried out at the institutions affiliated with the CdL, supervised by the tutor assigned. At the end of the V annuality of course the student will have the task of drafting the final report that will be presented together with the thesis during the graduation exam, in order to obtain the qualification to the teaching both in the kindergarten and in Primary school. Training objectives: • To elaborate, after the observation phase, an educational-didactic path on the basis of the theoretical studies envisaged, taking into account the characteristics of the macro and the micro context; • Realize the path designed in a flexible way and document it, using the modalities appropriate to the objectives; • Evaluate the educational and didactic path and the personal training course; • Edit and structure The final internship report, reflecting on the skills acquired during the entire university training course.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: With the participation in the training activities foreseen for the fifth year, the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: • deepening of the theoretical framework concerning the disciplinary contents of the chosen educational and didactic path, of the pedagogical theories underlying the didactic action and of the methodologies applied in the class intervention • knowledge and modalities of use of the different didactic strategies (lesson, group work, individual work, discussion, mimesis, play, narration, cooperative learning, CLIL, story telling, learning by doing, reading aloud, etc...) and Selection Critique of teaching Tools and materials (subsidiaries, books, computers, educational outputs, specially made materials, etc.).
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: • conception of an educational-didactic project according to criteria of flexibility, graduality and continuity • selection of disciplinary content related to the themes developed in the thesis • adoption of methodologies adapted to the training goals identified • conduct of the educational-didactic and animation activities of the group, with an effective use of dialogue, narrative, voice and movement (mimesis) • documentation of the didactic educational path in place, highlighting the relevance with the didactic programming of the welcoming class and illustrating the elements of innovativity proposed
In terms of Making judgements: • planning of the whole course of the training activities (direct and indirect), structuring in a weighted way the activities • ability to select and implement relational modes functional to the management of the class group • evaluation of the educational-didactic path in quantitative and qualitative terms and of the personal training course, comparing the theoretical framework and the programming with the actual results obtained in the classroom • ability to critically reflect on the effectiveness of its educational and didactic intervention
In terms of Communication skills: • Ability to select and implement relational modes functional to participation in the work team and to the school life • Ability to use diversified expressive languages to foster learning in respect of the cognitive styles of individual pupils
In terms of Learning skills: • propensity to experiment with strategies, innovative methodologies and research-ing interventions • ability to analyze and manage situations-problem • respect and enhancement of individual differences • aptitude for reflection on the educational and didactic action, own and others, with the help of scientifically validated observative instruments (Peer-Coaching and TEP-Q)
Other activities
22902622 -
English language laboratory 5th year
The laboratory class aims at the deepening of linguistic competencies concerning classroom management during the English lesson and the use of classroom English, particularly focusing on the hypothesis of introducing specific didactic techniques (CLIL, Content-based Learning and Task-based Learning). Students will be lead to acquiring skills in:
1. Knowledge and understanding - Knowledge of the L2 learning/teaching perspectives and theoretical methods, particularly focusing on CLIL, Content-based Learning and Task-based Learning; - Knowledge of the main professional aspects characterising an L2 teacher, also referring to organization, relationships and regulations (in particular CEFR and National Recommendations); - Knowledge of IT instruments and technologies related to the didactics of an L2.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding - Using L2 to create an authentic educational relationship, aiming at emotional-affective, socio-cultural and cognitive development in Infancy and Primary School; - Planning and realizing education paths, using a variety of methodologies and organization solutions adequate both to the child’s development and the progression of his/her learning; - Monitoring the didactic activity, also selecting and modulating assessment and evaluation instruments; - Using L2 to create a comfortable and inclusive environment in the classroom, to foster the integration of disadvantaged learners and/or children belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.
3. Making judgements - Through the presentation of contents in a critical form, students will be motivated to: - Activate their problem-solving abilities starting on the discussion of some case-studies, to interpret Infancy and Primary school children needs in a multicultural perspective; - Use lateral and critical thinking strategies, consider alternative solutions to problems and make decisions in response to the children’s educational needs; - Self-evaluate their professional and linguistic preparation, as well as the efficacy of their own didactic action.
4. Communication skills - Modulating verbal and non-verbal interaction to foster the integrated learning of language and communicative skills (welcoming; explaining experiences, concepts, and theories; motivating learning and supporting children in need, stimulating peer interaction); - Presenting efficaciously the goals and nature of the didactic intervention; - Using IT instruments in school context to foster and keep language learning up-to-date.
5. Learning skills - Developing a desire for professional improvement in a life-long learning perspective; - Widening their methodologic-didactic culture in the field; - Deepening contents and methods of L2 teaching, through continual upgrading and updating of discipline repertoires; - Keeping both their own language mastering and professional improvement alive and up-to-date, through autonomous bibliographic research and participation to training/review courses.
Other activities
Optional Group:
OPZIONALI - (show)
22902624 -
Finl exam
The general objective of the final examination is to verify the achievement of the educational objectives of the CdLMCU through the discussion of the thesis and the final report of the internship. In particular, with the degree thesis the degree of deepening of a theoretical or applicative topic is evaluated, carried out through a research or compilation work, attributable to one of the disciplines of the Degree Course. With the internship report, the quality of the reflection and documentation on the direct internship activities carried out in the last two years of the Degree Course and on the entire professional development path of the graduating student is assessed.
Other activities