Degree Course: Sciences for the protection of nature and environmental sustainability
A.Y. 2023/2024
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
I laureati in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale devono conseguire una conoscenza multidisciplinare basata sui concetti e sulle conoscenze di base di Matematica e Statistica, Chimica e Fisica, Biologia, Scienze della Terra.
In particolare, gli obiettivi formativi specifici attesi in termini di risultato di apprendimento rientrano nei seguenti temi:
- fondamenti della Matematica, Chimica, Fisica, Biologia e Scienze della Terra propedeutici allo studio delle problematiche ambientali;
- conoscenza dei processi ecologici che regolano i rapporti e il funzionamento di comunità e popolazioni;
- aspetti mineralogici, petrografici e geochimici del suolo e sottosuolo visti soprattutto in funzione di una corretta e completa interpretazione degli ecosistemi terrestri.
- metodologie di monitoraggio ambientali, nonché i fondamenti delle tecniche di bonifica e valutazione inerenti alle problematiche ambientali.
Il percorso formativo prevede la presenza di attività nelle discipline matematiche, chimiche e fisiche che devono fornire solide fondamenta per le attività formative di base e caratterizzanti negli ambiti biologici e geologici.
Le modalità e gli strumenti didattici mediante i quali vengono verificate la capacità di comprensione e le conoscenze acquisite, comprendono lezioni in aula ed esercitazioni pratiche in campo ed in laboratorio, oltre che l'utilizzo di supporti informatici.
Il raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi specifici di ciascuna attività didattica sarà verificato tramite prove scritte o orali, per ciascun insegnamento, che contengano domande non solo di tipo nozionistico, ma anche mirate a stimolare la rielaborazione critica delle conoscenze.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
I laureati in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale devono essere in grado di applicare le conoscenze multidisciplinari di base conseguite in Matematica e Statistica, Chimica e Fisica, Biologia, Scienze della Terra.
I laureati devono quindi essere capaci di comprendere e usare gli strumenti necessari allo studio dei principali processi della Biologia e delle Scienze della Terra.
Devono inoltre possedere competenze adeguate alle applicazioni di base:
- per l'analisi, la gestione e la tutela della natura e dell’ambiente;
- per il rilevamento degli stress ambientali;
- per svolgere, con compiti tecnico-operativi e professionali, il rilevamento, la classificazione, l'analisi, il ripristino e la conservazione di componenti abiotiche e biotiche di ecosistemi naturali, acquatici e terrestri.
L'acquisizione di tali capacità è accertata e verificata sia con le prove di esame, sia mediante verifiche delle attività autonome ed applicative previste per le esercitazioni di campo e per i tirocini.
Ulteriore momento di verifica sarà costituito dalla valutazione della prova finale.
Autonomia di giudizio
Capacità di inquadrare le proprie conoscenze scientifiche e competenze tecnologiche nello sviluppo storico delle idee chiave della scienza contemporanea.
I laureati saranno in grado di raccogliere, interpretare ed elaborare, con piena autonomia, i dati pertinenti alle problematiche naturalistiche e delle tecnologie per l'ambiente.
In particolare, i laureati in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale, appartenente alla Classe di Laurea L-32 (Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e la Natura), saranno in grado di:
- eseguire misurazioni ed acquisire informazioni nell'ambiente esterno e in laboratorio ed interpretarle alla luce delle conoscenze acquisite;
- valutare le componenti geologiche e biologiche di un ecosistema, partendo dalle interazioni fra organismi viventi e componenti geologiche, allo scopo di caratterizzarne la qualità anche in funzione di un ripristino o di un pubblico utilizzo.
I singoli insegnamenti, oltre a fornire tutte le conoscenze della materia di studio daranno ampio spazio alla riflessione e alla discussione, allo scopo di stimolare gli studenti a sviluppare un'autonoma coscienza critica che verrà sviluppata facendo ricorso alla letteratura scientifica, alle prove sperimentali e alla valutazione dei risultati e delle loro implicazioni.
La preparazione della tesi di laurea, da svolgersi sotto la guida di un tutore, completerà il percorso formativo soprattutto per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo di capacità di elaborazione autonoma e critica dei dati ambientali e naturalistici.
L'esame di laurea permetterà di valutare l'autonomia di giudizio raggiunta dallo studente.
Abilità comunicative
Il laureato in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale, appartenente alla Classe di Laurea L-32 (Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente e la Natura), grazie al suo bagaglio culturale multidisciplinare, avrà:
• Competenza nella comunicazione orale e scritta nelle lingue italiana e inglese;
• Abilità di presentare in modo ordinato e chiaro i risultati e le idee proprie o del proprio gruppo di lavoro;
• Capacità di comunicare con specialisti di vari campi della Biologia e delle Scienze della Terra;
• Capacità di utilizzare strumenti informatici per presentazioni e comunicazioni a conferenze o seminari;
• Capacità di lavorare, in modo integrato, in gruppi interdisciplinari e dunque trasmettere le proprie conoscenze e la propria operatività;
• Capacità, infine, di inserirsi nel campo dell’educazione e divulgazione ambientale e naturalistica.
Le abilità comunicative saranno sviluppate mediante lo studio individuale e durante la frequenza dei laboratori e lo svolgimento delle attività in campo.
La verifica dell’acquisizione delle abilità comunicative avverrà in primo luogo in occasione degli esami di profitto e nell’esposizione della prova finale.
Capacità di apprendimento
Il laureato in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale, appartenente alla Classe di Laurea L-32 (Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente e la Natura) dovrà essere in grado di utilizzare gli strumenti di aggiornamento tecnico e scientifico sia con metodi tradizionali che con strumenti telematici ed almeno in una lingua europea oltre alla propria.
Dovrà inoltre, essere in grado di discernere e valutare la qualità del dato e/o dell'informazione.
Alla fine del percorso formativo, il laureato sarà in grado di valutare se accedere direttamente al mondo del lavoro ovvero se approfondire la sua formazione iscrivendosi ad una Laurea Magistrale di ambito Biologico o Geologico.
La verifica della acquisizione delle capacità di apprendimento sopraelencate avverrà attraverso il superamento delle prove di esame e la preparazione della prova finale.Requisiti di ammissione
L'ammissione al corso di laurea richiede un diploma di scuola secondaria superiore o altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto idoneo.
Le conoscenze scientifiche specifiche, incluse quelle matematiche, fornite da quasi tutti i percorsi formativi secondari, sono da ritenersi sufficienti per l'iscrizione al corso di laurea e saranno verificate all'inizio dell'anno accademico con un test, obbligatorio e selettivo, che verte sulle materie di Base (Matematica, Fisica, Chimica e Scienze Naturali); sulla base del risultato, i candidati saranno inseriti in una graduatoria a scorrimento.
Il mancato raggiungimento della soglia minima di punteggio in una o più delle differenti discipline, stabilita dal Corso di studio, prevede l'attribuzione di specifici obblighi formativi aggiuntivi (OFA) che dovranno essere soddisfatti entro il primo anno di corso.Prova finale
Per conseguire la laurea lo studente deve aver acquisito 180 crediti formativi compresi quelli relativi alla prova finale.
La prova finale ha l'obiettivo di verificare il livello di maturità e la capacità critica del laureando, con riferimento agli apprendimenti e alle conoscenze acquisite, a completamento delle attività previste dall'ordinamento didattico.Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso sono improntate alla realizzazione di processi di raccordo con la scuola secondaria di secondo grado.
Si concretizzano sia in attività informative e di approfondimento dei caratteri formativi dei Corsi di Studio (CdS) dell’Ateneo, sia in un impegno condiviso da scuola e università per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza da parte degli studenti e delle studentesse nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attività promosse si articolano in:
a) incontri e iniziative rivolte alle future matricole;
b) sviluppo di servizi online, realizzazione e pubblicazione di materiali informativi sull’offerta formativa dei CdS (guide di dipartimento, guida breve di Ateneo, locandina dell’offerta formativa, newsletter dell’orientamento).
L’attività di orientamento in ingresso prevede cinque principali attività, distribuite nel corso dell’anno accademico, alle quali partecipano tutti i Dipartimenti e i CdS:
• Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU), si svolgono ogni anno nell’arco di circa 4 mesi e sono rivolte agli studenti degli ultimi due anni della scuola secondaria superiore.
Si svolgono in tutti i Dipartimenti dell’Ateneo e costituiscono un’importante occasione per le future matricole per vivere la realtà universitaria.
Gli incontri sono strutturati in modo tale che accanto alla presentazione dei Corsi di Laurea, gli studenti possano anche fare un’esperienza diretta di vita universitaria con la partecipazione ad attività didattiche, laboratori, lezioni o seminari, alle quali partecipano anche studenti seniores che svolgono una significativa mediazione di tipo tutoriale.
Partecipano annualmente circa 4.000 studenti; nel 2021 in via telematica hanno partecipato 7.000 studenti;
• Autorientamento, un progetto destinato agli studenti delle IV classi della scuola secondaria superiore e che si svolge ogni anno nell’arco di 5 mesi.
Si sviluppa in collaborazione diretta con alcune scuole per favorire l’accrescimento della consapevolezza nella scelta del percorso universitario da parte degli studenti.
Il progetto, infatti, è articolato in incontri svolti presso le scuole ed è finalizzato a sollecitare nelle future matricole una riflessione sui propri punti di forza e sui criteri di scelta.
Aspetto caratterizzante il progetto, inoltre, è la presenza degli studenti seniores dei nostri Corsi di Laurea che attraverso la propria esperienza formativa possono offrire un punto di vista attuale rispetto all’organizzazione e al funzionamento del mondo accademico.
Nell’anno scolastico 2020-2021 la realizzazione del progetto, in modalità online, ha dato la possibilità a 20 scuole – dislocate sul territorio romano e laziale – di partecipare;
• Attività di orientamento sviluppate dai singoli Dipartimenti, mediante incontri in presenza e servizi online;
• Incontri presso le scuole: l’Ufficio orientamento ha ricevuto inviti a partecipare ad eventi di orientamento da parte delle scuole per un totale di 23 inviti (8 su Roma e 15 Lazio/Extralazio).
Concordemente con quanto stabilito in Gloa (Gruppo di Lavoro per l’Orientamento di Ateneo) la procedura è stata la seguente: ogni invito è stato inoltrato ai referenti Gloa presso i dipartimenti e le scuole, a fronte delle diverse possibilità offerte, hanno liberamente scelto di partecipare anche alle proposte del nostro Ateneo.
Si evidenzia che anche in questa attività, come per le altre attività di orientamento, hanno partecipato varie scuole di altre Regioni, grazie alla possibilità dell’online.
• Orientarsi a Roma Tre nel 2021 si è svolta in modalità mista in presenza al Teatro Palladium per l’evento inaugurale e a distanza dalle aule dipartimentali per la presentazione dell’offerta formativa dei dipartimenti.
Il portale dell’orientamento realizzato nel 2020 è stato aggiornato e ne è stata realizzata una versione in inglese:
Rappresenta la manifestazione che riassume le annuali attività di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge ogni anno alla fine dell’anno accademico.
L’evento accoglie, perlopiù, studenti romani che partecipano per mettere definitivamente a fuoco la loro scelta universitaria.
Durante la manifestazione viene presentata l’offerta formativa e sono promossi tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre, le segreterie didattiche e la segreteria studenti.
I servizi di orientamento online messi a disposizione dei futuri studenti universitari sono nel tempo aumentati, tenendo conto dello sviluppo delle nuove opportunità di comunicazione tramite web e tramite social.
Inoltre, durante tutte le manifestazioni di presentazione dell’offerta formativa, sono illustrati quei siti web di Dipartimento, di Ateneo, Portale dello studente, etc., che possono aiutare gli studenti nella loro scelta.
Infine, l’Ateneo valuta, di volta in volta, l’opportunità di partecipare ad ulteriori occasioni di orientamento in presenza ovvero online (Salone dello studente ed altre iniziative).
A causa dell’emergenza COVID-19, per il Corso di Laurea in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale, le attività di orientamento in ingresso devono ancora consolidarsi, creando un network stabile con le scuole (il corso è stato attivato in piena emergenza COVID-19, nell’A.A.
La Commissione Didattica Permanente del CdL in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale organizza azioni specifiche attraverso una commissione dedicata alle attività di orientamento in ingresso.
Tale commissione si occupa di gestire specifiche attività, quali: presentazione dei percorsi formativi del CdS agli studenti del IV e V anno delle scuole secondarie, incontri con studenti interessati che chiedono di poter visitare il Dipartimento; attività di accoglienza rivolta alle matricole.
Le attività svolte dalla CDP del CdL in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale sono riportate nel sito web del dipartimento (
La Commissione orientamento organizza la presentazione del Corso di Laurea in CdL in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale nell'ambito di differenti iniziative organizzate dall’Ateneo come la Giornata di Vita Universitaria (GVU) che si svolge generalmente nel mese di febbraio e l’Open Day di Ateneo che generalmente si svolge nel mese di luglio.
Inoltre, partecipa al 'Salone dello Studente' che si svolge ogni anno alla Fiera di Roma nel mese di novembre.
In particolare, per quanto riguarda l’A.A.
-è stato realizzato un video di presentazione del corso di Laurea che vede protagonista il Dott.
Mario Tozzi, geologo.
Il video ( ha avuto grande successo sul web, incoraggiando la CDP a potenziare nelle attività future questo tipo di pubblicità.
-Il CdS in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale ha partecipato, insieme al Dipartimento e in modalità online, all’Open day (Orientarsi a Roma Tre,
In tale ambito, è stata organizzata una presentazione generale del Corso di Laurea da parte di alcuni docenti, una camera virtuale di incontri tra i ragazzi e studenti di Roma Tre e dimostrazioni virtuali di attività di laboratorio.
A novembre il corso di Laurea ha partecipato alla ‘Notte Europea dei Ricercatori’ ( e, a febbraio 2022 alla la Giornata di Vita Universitaria (, entrambe in modalità mista (presenza e online).
Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di Laurea in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale ha lo scopo di formare tecnici esperti nella protezione della natura e nella sostenibilità ambientale.
Questo corso di Laurea triennale, attivato per rispondere ad una aumentata richiesta di formazione nell’ambito della protezione della natura e della sostenibilità ambientale, è gestito dal Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Università Roma Tre, che ha ottenuto, per la qualità della ricerca svolta, il riconoscimento di 'Dipartimento di Eccellenza' per il secondo quinquennio consecutivo (2018-2022 e 2023-2027) su un progetto di ricerca sull’Antropocene e sugli impatti antropici sull’ambiente e la salute.
I docenti del Dipartimento di Scienze svolgono attività di ricerca d’avanguardia a livello nazionale e internazionale nelle Aree della Chimica, della Fisica, della Biologia e della Geologia, rappresentando punte di eccellenza nei propri settori di specializzazione, e trasferiscono le loro competenze nell’attività didattica, attraverso un approccio teorico-pratico.
Il conseguimento della Laurea triennale in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale garantisce il raggiungimento di una solida base culturale e metodologica per una successiva specializzazione mediante lauree magistrali in ambito biologico o geologico, che a loro volta aprono la strada verso l’alta formazione nel settore della ricerca scientifica (dottorato di ricerca), oppure verso l’insegnamento nella scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado.
D’altro canto, il laureato che volesse entrare nel mondo del lavoro al termine del percorso triennale, potrà utilizzare le competenze acquisite come professionista iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi (sez.
B), come divulgatore scientifico ed educatore ambientale o per effettuare procedure tecnico-analitiche e di controllo per la protezione dell’ambiente e di igiene delle acque, dell'aria e del suolo.
Il Corso di Laurea in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale è un corso universitario ad accesso programmato.
L'ammissione al Corso di Laurea richiede un diploma di scuola secondaria superiore o altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto idoneo.
Per l’iscrizione al Corso di Laurea sono sufficienti le conoscenze acquisite grazie ai programmi di studio svolti nel percorso di scuola secondaria di secondo grado.
Tali conoscenze saranno verificate all'inizio dell'anno accademico con un test, obbligatorio e selettivo, che verte sulle materie di Base (Matematica, Fisica e Chimica), sulle Scienze Naturali e su materie di cultura generale (Ragionamento Logico e Comprensione del Testo).
È possibile immatricolare un massimo di 100 studenti per anno accademico, numero corrispondente al massimo previsto dalla legge per questa tipologia di corso di studi (Classe L-32).
Questa numerosità consente un ottimale bilanciamento tra il numero di studenti e il numero di docenti, permettendo lo svolgimento di un percorso formativo di altissima qualità, che affianca all’apprendimento teorico molte attività pratiche, svolte sia in laboratorio, sia nell’ambiente naturale (il vero 'laboratorio' del naturalista).
Le studentesse e gli studenti potranno usufruire di laboratori ad alta specializzazione e sistemi informatici.
A ciò si aggiunge il supporto fornito dai progetti di tutorato, articolati in attività di studio guidato, rivolto sia a gruppi che a singoli studenti e altre attività di supporto.
Nell'ambito culturale in cui si colloca, il Corso di Laurea in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale si caratterizza per la marcata integrazione tra teoria e pratica.
I laureati in Scienze per la Protezione della Natura e la Sostenibilità Ambientale sapranno utilizzare con competenza il metodo scientifico, sia per il rilevamento e la classificazione di dati sperimentali, sia per loro elaborazione e interpretazione.
La maggior parte degli insegnamenti, affiancando alle lezioni in aula numerose attività nell’ambiente naturale e/o in laboratorio, porterà all'acquisizione delle conoscenze fondamentali su tutti i livelli di organizzazione della Biosfera e della Geosfera.
La Biosfera sarà studiata a livello di molecole, cellule, tessuti, organi ed organismi unicellulari e multicellulari, anche in relazione alle loro interazioni ecologiche.
Per quanto riguarda la Geosfera, i laureati saranno competenti nei campi della geografia fisica, geologia, paleontologia, mineralogia, petrografia e geochimica.
Tali competenze gli consentiranno di identificare le perturbazioni ambientali causate dall'attività umana e di formulare ipotesi di gestione e recupero.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20410530 -
Also available in another semester or year
20410532 -
The course aims to provide knowledge regarding the environments of Planet Earth and the processes that take place on its surface. In detail, the course intends to 1) introduce a global vision of the planet and provide the basis for understanding the environments present and the physical phenomena that shape its surface, with particular regard to their geographical and climatic distribution; 2) to provide the knowledge to critically read and use topographic maps as a means of representing the earth's surface and the distribution of natural phenomena at different spatial scales. At the end of the course, the students will have developed basic knowledge on the characteristics of the atmosphere and hydrosphere and on their interaction with the earth's surface. In particular, the students will be able to recognize surface processes with their morphologies and their variation based on the substrate and climatic type. At the end of the course, the students will also have developed the basic skills for the use and interpretation of topographic cartography and will be able to solve simple problems associated with the representation of the earth's surface.
Basic compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
20410531 -
Mathematics and data analysis
Mathematics and data analysis
The course aims at providing a basic knowledge of analysis, algebra and statistics. Such tools are the basic know-how for the student to learn how to process and analyse the data and the statistical processes involved in all of the other courses and disciplines and research areas that the student will come in contact with during the 3years degree program. The course aims at providing: 1) basic knowledge of analysis, studies of function, algebra with vectors and matrixes; 2) a basic knowledge of statistics and probability theory. At the end of this course, the student will acquire the skills needed to understand, analyse and process datasets.
The course aims at providing a basic knowledge of analysis, algebra and statistics. Such tools are the basic know-how for the student to learn how to process and analyse the data and the statistical processes involved in all of the other courses and disciplines and research areas that the student will come in contact with during the 3years degree program. The course aims at providing: 1) basic knowledge of analysis, studies of function, algebra with vectors and matrixes; 2) a basic knowledge of statistics and probability theory. At the end of this course, the student will acquire the skills needed to understand, analyse and process datasets.
Basic compulsory activities
Also available in another semester or year
20410533 -
The course of "Botany and plant conservation" aims to provide basic knowledge on the morpho-functional organization of plant organisms, including fungi and to introduce the student to plant systematics and evolutionary aspects of the Plant Kingdom with particular reference to both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and fungi. The course also aims to provide knowledge about the distribution of plants and the competence for monitoring and conservation of plants. Finally, the course aims to provide a broad overview of the various implications that Botany has in other fields. The expected results of the course include the acquisition of theoretical and methodological skills, i.e. knowing how to recognize taxa using classical analytical keys and modern digital ones, how to apply sampling and data collection techniques, use of microscope and stereomicroscope.
Basic compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
Attività formative affini ed integrative
20410629 -
Final examination and foreign language test
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20410535 -
Cultural skills (knowledge of): spatial attributes of ecological processes; space ecology: concepts and applications; GIS: functionality, data model and types of software. Methodological skills (know-how): practical use of GIS software; recovery, analysis and interpretation of spatial data; identification and evaluation of ecological spatial patterns.
Core compulsory activities
Other activities
20410530 -
The course aims to provide knowledge of the fundamental principles of general and inorganic chemistry and the ability to apply this knowledge to the solution of simple general chemistry problems, with particular reference to the environmental sphere. In particular, the teaching objectives are the acquisition of cultural skills, such as the knowledge of chemical terminology in terms of formulas and structures and the familiarity of concepts such as the chemical bond, chemical balance and acidity / basicity. Objectives of the course are also the acquisition of methodological skills, and the ability to perform simple calculations inherent in chemical reactions.
Basic compulsory activities
Attività formative affini ed integrative
20410534 -
The course aims to provide knowledge of the main phenomena of physics and their connections with other disciplines and research Areas (Chemistry, Biology and Geology) and, in particular, aims to provide 1) a basic knowledge of general physics topics (from Newton's laws to fluids and thermodynamics, and from electrostatics and magnetism to modern physics, including electromagnetic waves, introduction to quantum physics and nuclear physics); 2) the ability to contextualize and solve basic general physics problems; 3) create a critical approach and develop "problem solving" skills with the use of basic physical models (for example, virus spreading models); and therefore to provide 4) the basic scientific and conceptual tools necessary for the study of the physical, chemical and natural sciences. Upon completion of this course the students will have a good knowledge of the basic principles of physics and its practical applications to Sciences. The students will also be able to solve problems related to the material studied and will have developed a critical approach to scientific problems.
Basic compulsory activities
Attività formative affini ed integrative
20410531 -
Mathematics and data analysis
Mathematics and data analysis
The course aims at providing a basic knowledge of analysis, algebra and statistics. Such tools are the basic know-how for the student to learn how to process and analyse the data and the statistical processes involved in all of the other courses and disciplines and research areas that the student will come in contact with during the 3years degree program. The course aims at providing: 1) basic knowledge of analysis, studies of function, algebra with vectors and matrixes; 2) a basic knowledge of statistics and probability theory. At the end of this course, the student will acquire the skills needed to understand, analyse and process datasets.
Also available in another semester or year
The course aims at providing a basic knowledge of analysis, algebra and statistics. Such tools are the basic know-how for the student to learn how to process and analyse the data and the statistical processes involved in all of the other courses and disciplines and research areas that the student will come in contact with during the 3years degree program. The course aims at providing: 1) basic knowledge of analysis, studies of function, algebra with vectors and matrixes; 2) a basic knowledge of statistics and probability theory. At the end of this course, the student will acquire the skills needed to understand, analyse and process datasets.
Basic compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20410538 -
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge necessary to deeply understand chemical structures, physical properties, preparations, and typical reactivity of organic compounds throughout the study of the most common functional groups. The inherent target is to highlight the role and the effect of Organic Chemistry in Natural Sciences and modern technology with particular attention to biological and naturalistic aspects as well as to problems concerning pollution and environmental sustainability. In this area, the acquired knowledge will play a crucial role in the study of the other disciplines envisaged in the CdS (Biochemistry, Physiology, Genetics). At the end of the course, the students should develop the skill and expertise to (1) recognise and comprehend the structural and physical properties of organic compounds, (2) autonomously understand and analyse the reactivity of the main classes of biomolecules, (3) use a suitable technical-scientific language in order to clearly explain and present the acquired concepts as well as to disseminate ideas, information, and explanations.
Basic compulsory activities
20410536 -
Also available in another semester or year
20410537 -
The first didactic unit (mineralogy and georesources) aims to provide the student with a basic knowledge of geological mineralogy, an introduction to the exploitation of mineral resources with the connected environmental sustainability issues, and the use of geological materials in science, art and technology. The second didactic unit (petrography) aims to provide knowledge of the behavior and properties of metamorphic and sedimentary igneous rocks in the evolution of planet Earth. The expected learning outcomes are the students’ ability to recognize and contextualize rocks and minerals in the territory, to have perception of their meaning in terms of genesis and geological evolution, and to understand their human use in the context of respect for the environment.
The first didactic unit (mineralogy and georesources) aims to provide the student with a basic knowledge of geological mineralogy, an introduction to the exploitation of mineral resources with the connected environmental sustainability issues, and the use of geological materials in science, art and technology. The expected learning outcomes are the students’ ability to recognize and contextualize rocks and minerals in the territory, to have perception of their meaning in terms of genesis and geological evolution, and to understand their human use in the context of respect for the environment.
Core compulsory activities
Also available in another semester or year
20410539 -
This course aims to provide basic knowledge about animals and their relationships with the other organisms and the environment using an evolutionary and adaptive approach. Cultural and educational objectives of this course is the acquisition of basic knowledge on: zoological classification and systematics; structural and functional organization of animals; methods of reproduction; development; behavior; phylogeny; distribution. Other objectives are also the acquisition of methodological skills, such as the recognition of the main animal taxa, monitoring techniques, comparative analysis of macro and microscopic anatomy and the preparation of samples to be observed with optical microscopes. The expected learning outcomes concern in-depth knowledge of animal biodiversity, in order to develop an awareness of their fundamental ecological role and the need of monitoring and protection for the sake of the survival of all ecosystems
Basic compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
Attività formative affini ed integrative
20410540 -
The module of General and Environmental Microbiology aims to provide the basic principles of the structure, function and evolution of microbial cells, with particular regard to bacteria. The knowledge and skills acquired in this module will represent a reference framework for understanding the role of microorganisms in natural and anthropic environments and for the study of the biotechnological applications of microorganisms for environmental protection and sustainability. The module aims at the acquisition of Cultural Competences, i.e. basic knowledge, on (i) the structural, functional and metabolic diversity present in the microbial world, (ii) the mechanisms responsible for the structure and the functioning of bacterial cells, (iii) the processes driving the evolution of bacterial species, (iv) the structure, diversity and life cycles of viruses, (v) the methods and approaches for the study of microbial communities, (vi) the role and effects of microorganisms in the environment. The module also aims at the acquisition of Methodological Competences, i.e. the understanding, through both theoretical lessons and practical activities, of the scientific bases and methodological approaches for the study of bacteria in natural environments and in the laboratory, and for the characterization of complex microbial populations by culture and molecular techniques. A further aim is also the acquisition of the ability to interpret microbiological data and analyse the scientific literature to obtain information on the structure and function of microorganisms, with the final goal to understand natural or artificial events involving microorganisms. The second module of the course: Elements of Biochemistry aims to provide the basic notions related to the structure and function of biological macromolecules, enzymatic catalysis and cell metabolism. These notions are necessary for the continuation of studies on the functioning of eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms in the context of the Degree Course. The Educational Objectives are the acquisition of cultural skills, i.e. basic knowledge about the structure and function of biological macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) and the mechanisms that regulate the synthesis and degradation of biological macromolecules. Furthermore, the module aims to provide basic knowledge on the mechanisms by which genetic information is conserved, transmitted and expressed properties. The Educational Objectives are also the acquisition of Methodological Competences, or the acquisition, through practical laboratory activity, of the scientific and methodological bases of the most important experimental techniques in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the acquisition, through the elaboration and display of individual papers, of the ability to find in the scientific literature information on the structure and function of biological macromolecules capable of contextualizing, analyzing and critically interpreting natural or artificial events involving biological macromolecules.
Also available in another semester or year
The module of General and Environmental Microbiology aims to provide the basic principles of the structure, function and evolution of microbial cells, with particular regard to bacteria. The knowledge and skills acquired in this module will represent a reference framework for understanding the role of microorganisms in natural and anthropic environments and for the study of the biotechnological applications of microorganisms for environmental protection and sustainability. The module aims at the acquisition of Cultural Competences, i.e. basic knowledge, on (i) the structural, functional and metabolic diversity present in the microbial world, (ii) the mechanisms responsible for the structure and the functioning of bacterial cells, (iii) the processes driving the evolution of bacterial species, (iv) the structure, diversity and life cycles of viruses, (v) the methods and approaches for the study of microbial communities, (vi) the role and effects of microorganisms in the environment. The module also aims at the acquisition of Methodological Competences, i.e. the understanding, through both theoretical lessons and practical activities, of the scientific bases and methodological approaches for the study of bacteria in natural environments and in the laboratory, and for the characterization of complex microbial populations by culture and molecular techniques. A further aim is also the acquisition of the ability to interpret microbiological data and analyse the scientific literature to obtain information on the structure and function of microorganisms, with the final goal to understand natural or artificial events involving microorganisms.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Insegnamenti a scelta II o III anno - (show)
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20410536 -
The course aims to provide basic knowledge on the morpho-functional organization of animal cells and tissues, with particular attention to mammals. In addition, the students will be provided with the theoretical and practical skills for understanding the fundamental mechanisms of both Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance of characters and of environmental mutagenesis. The course also aims to provide students with basic knowledge relating to the development and anatomy of vertebrates from an evolutionary point of view. The basic information for understanding the differentiation and morphogenesis processes will be provided. The students will acquire basic knowledge on animal cells and tissues, on formal genetics and environmental mutagenesis for understanding chromosomal aberrations and, finally, on the general principles of animal development, from gametogenesis to organ formation. The students will also acquire the theoretical and practical skills necessary for the recognition at the macro- and microscopic level of anatomical and embryonic structures of vertebrates.
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
20410540 -
The module of General and Environmental Microbiology aims to provide the basic principles of the structure, function and evolution of microbial cells, with particular regard to bacteria. The knowledge and skills acquired in this module will represent a reference framework for understanding the role of microorganisms in natural and anthropic environments and for the study of the biotechnological applications of microorganisms for environmental protection and sustainability. The module aims at the acquisition of Cultural Competences, i.e. basic knowledge, on (i) the structural, functional and metabolic diversity present in the microbial world, (ii) the mechanisms responsible for the structure and the functioning of bacterial cells, (iii) the processes driving the evolution of bacterial species, (iv) the structure, diversity and life cycles of viruses, (v) the methods and approaches for the study of microbial communities, (vi) the role and effects of microorganisms in the environment. The module also aims at the acquisition of Methodological Competences, i.e. the understanding, through both theoretical lessons and practical activities, of the scientific bases and methodological approaches for the study of bacteria in natural environments and in the laboratory, and for the characterization of complex microbial populations by culture and molecular techniques. A further aim is also the acquisition of the ability to interpret microbiological data and analyse the scientific literature to obtain information on the structure and function of microorganisms, with the final goal to understand natural or artificial events involving microorganisms. The second module of the course: Elements of Biochemistry aims to provide the basic notions related to the structure and function of biological macromolecules, enzymatic catalysis and cell metabolism. These notions are necessary for the continuation of studies on the functioning of eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms in the context of the Degree Course. The Educational Objectives are the acquisition of cultural skills, i.e. basic knowledge about the structure and function of biological macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) and the mechanisms that regulate the synthesis and degradation of biological macromolecules. Furthermore, the module aims to provide basic knowledge on the mechanisms by which genetic information is conserved, transmitted and expressed properties. The Educational Objectives are also the acquisition of Methodological Competences, or the acquisition, through practical laboratory activity, of the scientific and methodological bases of the most important experimental techniques in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the acquisition, through the elaboration and display of individual papers, of the ability to find in the scientific literature information on the structure and function of biological macromolecules capable of contextualizing, analyzing and critically interpreting natural or artificial events involving biological macromolecules.
The second module of the course: Elements of Biochemistry aims to provide the basic notions related to the structure and function of biological macromolecules, enzymatic catalysis and cell metabolism. These notions are necessary for the continuation of studies on the functioning of eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms in the context of the Degree Course. The Educational Objectives are the acquisition of cultural skills, i.e. basic knowledge about the structure and function of biological macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) and the mechanisms that regulate the synthesis and degradation of biological macromolecules. Furthermore, the module aims to provide basic knowledge on the mechanisms by which genetic information is conserved, transmitted and expressed properties. The Educational Objectives are also the acquisition of Methodological Competences, or the acquisition, through practical laboratory activity, of the scientific and methodological bases of the most important experimental techniques in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the acquisition, through the elaboration and display of individual papers, of the ability to find in the scientific literature information on the structure and function of biological macromolecules capable of contextualizing, analyzing and critically interpreting natural or artificial events involving biological macromolecules.
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
Also available in another semester or year
20410883 -
Core compulsory activities
20410537 -
The first didactic unit (mineralogy and georesources) aims to provide the student with a basic knowledge of geological mineralogy, an introduction to the exploitation of mineral resources with the connected environmental sustainability issues, and the use of geological materials in science, art and technology. The second didactic unit (petrography) aims to provide knowledge of the behavior and properties of metamorphic and sedimentary igneous rocks in the evolution of planet Earth. The expected learning outcomes are the students’ ability to recognize and contextualize rocks and minerals in the territory, to have perception of their meaning in terms of genesis and geological evolution, and to understand their human use in the context of respect for the environment.
Also available in another semester or year
The second didactic unit (petrography) aims to provide knowledge of the behavior and properties of metamorphic and sedimentary igneous rocks in the evolution of planet Earth. The expected learning outcomes are the students’ ability to recognize and contextualize rocks and minerals in the territory, to have perception of their meaning in terms of genesis and geological evolution, and to understand their human use in the context of respect for the environment.
Basic compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Insegnamenti a scelta II o III anno - (show)
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20410542 -
The course aims to (i) provide a basic knowledge of the main environmental issues and problems within the historical dynamism linked to the social, cultural and economic context, and (ii) propose interdisciplinary approaches linked to other disciplines and research fields. The course aims also to provide suitable tools to propose correct assessment and environmental management criteria for complex problems with relevant implications for human society and activities. The program focuses on: i) developing expertise and operational skills in a professional context, in which the ability to formulate correct hypotheses is required and, consequently, collect and exploit data to identify and analyze problems, elaborating possible solutions; ii) realizing sustainable planning and management strategies of sites of environmental, economic and socio-cultural interest; iii) designing protocols for the analysis and mitigation of threats and disturbs to ecosystem services. As for the expected learning outcomes, students are prepared to deal with the analysis and solution of environmental problems, through the understanding and implementation of actions allowing to plan a rationale use of natural resources. At the end of the course, students will acquire skills to critically analyze the environmental implications of transversal problems; they will be also able to distinguish between natural and humane-mediated processes, identify the main drivers causing environmental alterations, and indicate the detrimental critical elements. Students will mainly acquire the ability to propose possible solutions in collaboration with experts of different disciplines through the application of interdisciplinary approaches.
The course aims to (i) provide a basic knowledge of the main environmental issues and problems within the historical dynamism linked to the social, cultural and economic context, and (ii) propose interdisciplinary approaches linked to other disciplines and research fields. The course aims also to provide suitable tools to propose correct assessment and environmental management criteria for complex problems with relevant implications for human society and activities. The program focuses on: i) developing expertise and operational skills in a professional context, in which the ability to formulate correct hypotheses is required and, consequently, collect and exploit data to identify and analyze problems, elaborating possible solutions; ii) realizing sustainable planning and management strategies of sites of environmental, economic and socio-cultural interest; iii) designing protocols for the analysis and mitigation of threats and disturbs to ecosystem services. As for the expected learning outcomes, students are prepared to deal with the analysis and solution of environmental problems, through the understanding and implementation of actions allowing to plan a rationale use of natural resources. At the end of the course, students will acquire skills to critically analyze the environmental implications of transversal problems; they will be also able to distinguish between natural and humane-mediated processes, identify the main drivers causing environmental alterations, and indicate the detrimental critical elements. Students will mainly acquire the ability to propose possible solutions in collaboration with experts of different disciplines through the application of interdisciplinary approaches.
Core compulsory activities
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Also available in another semester or year
20410545 -
Environmental stress, including temperature variation, hypoxia, and pollutants, deleteriously affects the functions of both animals and plants disrupting their homeostasis. Understanding the organism responses to environmental stress and the underlying mechanisms are essential to complete student formation in science and technology for environment. The expected learning outcomes are related to Plant Physiology, Ecophysiology, Physiology, Comparative Physiology, Environmental Physiology. In particular, the Educational Objectives are related to the acquisition of Cultural Competencies concerning the knowledge of: physiological terminology; homeostasis; phenotype plasticity; functional acclimatization of animals and plants. Teaching Objectives are also the acquisition of Methodological Skills, concerning the ability to carry out application of the scientific method for the analysis of components and factors of processes, systems and problems concerning the environment, both natural and modified by human beings and experimental data processing
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
20410544 -
Purpose of the class on Remote-sensing of the Environment is to provide to students the necessary basic culture and the operative instruments to select, process, and interpret the most appropriate remote-sensing images to specific applications on vegetation, geo-resources, geo-environment. In this way, the class is includes practicing to learn both the basic principles of remote-sensing and the required knowledge for the optimum use of the spectral-radiometric and geometric characteristics of the images. In the environmental studies, the acquired competences allows a first approach to the regional study of the distribution and stress of the vegetation on our planet, together with the identification of potential areas of geo-resource interest. Though the comparison among images collected in different dates, the student will be able to evaluate the impact due to natural and anthropic-related events.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410541 -
The course aims to provide an adequate knowledge of the scientific contents of Earth Sciences. Teaching objectives of the course are the acquisition of basic knowledge on lithogenetic environments and regional tectonics, including methodological skills for the cartographic representation of geological information. Teaching objectives are also the acquisition of specific skills regarding the concepts of natural hazard (endogenous and exogenous), vulnerability and risk, with particular reference to the Italian territory. A part of the course will also be dedicated to the study of the planet Earth within the Solar System. All the course contents will enclose a view to environmental sustainability through the concept of planet Earth as an integrated system. The course also has the objective, through laboratory activities dedicated to the lithogenetic cycle and reading and interpretation of geological maps, to let students acquire the skills to reconstruct the paleo-environmental and geological history of an region, as well as the understanding and interpretation of three-dimensional geological structures. Finally, the educational excursions will allow, through direct experience on the field, to elaborate the concepts and knowledge acquired during the course.
The course aims to provide an adequate knowledge of the scientific contents of Earth Sciences. Teaching objectives of the course are the acquisition of basic knowledge on lithogenetic environments and regional tectonics, including methodological skills for the cartographic representation of geological information. Teaching objectives are also the acquisition of specific skills regarding the concepts of natural hazard (endogenous and exogenous), vulnerability and risk, with particular reference to the Italian territory. A part of the course will also be dedicated to the study of the planet Earth within the Solar System. All the course contents will enclose a view to environmental sustainability through the concept of planet Earth as an integrated system. The course also has the objective, through laboratory activities dedicated to the lithogenetic cycle and reading and interpretation of geological maps, to let students acquire the skills to reconstruct the paleo-environmental and geological history of an region, as well as the understanding and interpretation of three-dimensional geological structures. Finally, the educational excursions will allow, through direct experience on the field, to elaborate the concepts and knowledge acquired during the course.
Core compulsory activities
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
CORSI OPZIONALI (un insegnamento tra quelli proposti) - (show)
20410548 -
The course of Microbial Biotechnology for the Environment falls within the scope of the biology and fermentation chemistry training activities of the bachelor degree in Sciences for the Protection of Nature and Environmental Sustainability. The main educational goals of the course are: acquisition of knowledge on the use of microbial biotechnologies for the resolution of environmental problems generated by anthropic activities, with particular reference to industrial productions with low environmental impact, production of non-fossil green fuels, biodegradation of toxic substances, environmental bioremediation, waste-water treatment and bio-fertilizers; acquisition of applied knowledge for drafting, executing and analysing experiments aimed at identifying environmental microorganisms with beneficial impact on agriculture or capable of degrading pollutants; acquisition of knowledge to retrieve and critically analyse scientific publications related to microbial biotechnologies. The expected learning outcomes are the increase of the student theoretical knowledge in the field of microbial biotechnologies for environmental sustainability, of his/her practical skills for the design and execution of laboratory experiments, and of his/her critical ability to search and evaluate scientific literature data.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410549 -
Also available in another semester or year
20410546 -
Also available in another semester or year
20410547 -
The first didactic unit (mineralogy and georesources) aims at providing the student with a basic knowledge of geological mineralogy, an introduction to the exploitation of mineral resources in the frame of environmental sustainability, and the use of geological materials in science, art and technology. The second didactic unit (petrography) aims at providing a knowledge of the behavior and properties of metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks in the evolution of the planet Earth. The expected learning outcomes are the students’ ability to recognize rocks and minerals together with the perception of their meaning in terms of genesis and geological evolution, and the understanding of the use of geological materials in the context of a respect for the environment.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Optional Group:
Insegnamenti a scelta II o III anno - (show)
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20410542 -
The course aims to (i) provide a basic knowledge of the main environmental issues and problems within the historical dynamism linked to the social, cultural and economic context, and (ii) propose interdisciplinary approaches linked to other disciplines and research fields. The course aims also to provide suitable tools to propose correct assessment and environmental management criteria for complex problems with relevant implications for human society and activities. The program focuses on: i) developing expertise and operational skills in a professional context, in which the ability to formulate correct hypotheses is required and, consequently, collect and exploit data to identify and analyze problems, elaborating possible solutions; ii) realizing sustainable planning and management strategies of sites of environmental, economic and socio-cultural interest; iii) designing protocols for the analysis and mitigation of threats and disturbs to ecosystem services. As for the expected learning outcomes, students are prepared to deal with the analysis and solution of environmental problems, through the understanding and implementation of actions allowing to plan a rationale use of natural resources. At the end of the course, students will acquire skills to critically analyze the environmental implications of transversal problems; they will be also able to distinguish between natural and humane-mediated processes, identify the main drivers causing environmental alterations, and indicate the detrimental critical elements. Students will mainly acquire the ability to propose possible solutions in collaboration with experts of different disciplines through the application of interdisciplinary approaches.
Also available in another semester or year
The course aims to (i) provide a basic knowledge of the main environmental issues and problems within the historical dynamism linked to the social, cultural and economic context, and (ii) propose interdisciplinary approaches linked to other disciplines and research fields. The course aims also to provide suitable tools to propose correct assessment and environmental management criteria for complex problems with relevant implications for human society and activities. The program focuses on: i) developing expertise and operational skills in a professional context, in which the ability to formulate correct hypotheses is required and, consequently, collect and exploit data to identify and analyze problems, elaborating possible solutions; ii) realizing sustainable planning and management strategies of sites of environmental, economic and socio-cultural interest; iii) designing protocols for the analysis and mitigation of threats and disturbs to ecosystem services. As for the expected learning outcomes, students are prepared to deal with the analysis and solution of environmental problems, through the understanding and implementation of actions allowing to plan a rationale use of natural resources. At the end of the course, students will acquire skills to critically analyze the environmental implications of transversal problems; they will be also able to distinguish between natural and humane-mediated processes, identify the main drivers causing environmental alterations, and indicate the detrimental critical elements. Students will mainly acquire the ability to propose possible solutions in collaboration with experts of different disciplines through the application of interdisciplinary approaches.
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
20410886 -
The course contains two teaching units: Environmental Geology and Environmental Geochemistry. Environmental Geology aims to understand the importance of geological, hydrogeological and geological-technical analyzes for maintaining environmental balance, through the recognition of geological processes whose effects create problems of danger and risk at an environmental and local level. The teaching unit aims to provide knowledge to examine the geological phenomena that affect the evolution of the environment and the territory and to analyze the environmental effects deriving from the implementation of engineering projects, through the identification of the relationship between natural phenomena and those influenced by anthropic activity that determine the qualitative evolution of the environment. Environmental Geochemistry aims to provide a critical knowledge of the main issues and problems relating to the abundance, distribution and mobility of chemical species in the environment (rocks, sediments, soils, waters, air, living beings). It aims also to provide technical-scientific knowledge on the characterization of the various environmental matrices, on the chemical-physical processes that characterize natural systems and on environmental contamination. These objectives are consistent with the educational objectives of the entire Degree Course. The expected learning outcomes are closely linked to the educational objectives. The students will know the composition and reactive properties of geological materials, in their various forms of aggregation (solids, liquids, solutions and gases) and will be able to recognize anthropic alterations on the chemistry of natural systems.
20410886-1 -
Core compulsory activities
20410886-2 -
Core compulsory activities
20410541 -
The course aims to provide an adequate knowledge of the scientific contents of Earth Sciences. Teaching objectives of the course are the acquisition of basic knowledge on lithogenetic environments and regional tectonics, including methodological skills for the cartographic representation of geological information. Teaching objectives are also the acquisition of specific skills regarding the concepts of natural hazard (endogenous and exogenous), vulnerability and risk, with particular reference to the Italian territory. A part of the course will also be dedicated to the study of the planet Earth within the Solar System. All the course contents will enclose a view to environmental sustainability through the concept of planet Earth as an integrated system. The course also has the objective, through laboratory activities dedicated to the lithogenetic cycle and reading and interpretation of geological maps, to let students acquire the skills to reconstruct the paleo-environmental and geological history of an region, as well as the understanding and interpretation of three-dimensional geological structures. Finally, the educational excursions will allow, through direct experience on the field, to elaborate the concepts and knowledge acquired during the course.
Also available in another semester or year
The course aims to provide an adequate knowledge of the scientific contents of Earth Sciences. Teaching objectives of the course are the acquisition of basic knowledge on lithogenetic environments and regional tectonics, including methodological skills for the cartographic representation of geological information. Teaching objectives are also the acquisition of specific skills regarding the concepts of natural hazard (endogenous and exogenous), vulnerability and risk, with particular reference to the Italian territory. A part of the course will also be dedicated to the study of the planet Earth within the Solar System. All the course contents will enclose a view to environmental sustainability through the concept of planet Earth as an integrated system. The course also has the objective, through laboratory activities dedicated to the lithogenetic cycle and reading and interpretation of geological maps, to let students acquire the skills to reconstruct the paleo-environmental and geological history of an region, as well as the understanding and interpretation of three-dimensional geological structures. Finally, the educational excursions will allow, through direct experience on the field, to elaborate the concepts and knowledge acquired during the course.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
CORSI OPZIONALI (un insegnamento tra quelli proposti) - (show)
20410548 -
Also available in another semester or year
20410549 -
The course of study aims to provide knowledge to understand the mechanisms that determine the natural variability of the climate system and the causes of the ongoing climate change induced by the use of fossil fuels and by the change in land use. Within the framework of this course, the course aims to provide 1) a thorough knowledge of the global climate system (atmosphere-hydrosphere-cryosphere-lithosphere); 2) to provide knowledge on natural climatic variations and the causes of climatic changes induced by anthropogenic forcers on a short-medium term scale (from decadal to one million years) from historical and geological archives; 3) provide knowledge on future scenarios of climate change globally and in Italy. At the end of the course students will have developed the basic knowledge on the natural variability of the climate system and on climate change. The expected learning outcomes are the students’ ability to recognize and contextualize future scenarios due to climate change and to solve simple problems related to the impact of climate change on the environment on a local scale.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410546 -
Earth is a dynamic system in constant evolution. The arrangement of emerged lands, the abundance of some elements, climate, life, profoundly changed over the 4.5 billion years of its history. We will retrace back in time the milestones of the evolution of the Earth, the possible causes of those pivotal changes, their repercussions in our everyday life (with a special insight to the genesis of georesources), and we will discuss possible future scenarios.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Attività formative affini ed integrative
20410547 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
Insegnamenti a scelta II o III anno - (show)
20410551 -
The aim of tbe final exam is used to assess the maturity of the student with respect to the qualifying educational objectives of the degree course and its ability to elaborate, summarize and present a topic relevant to tbe curriculum of tbe studies or experiences gained in internships and internships.
Final examination and foreign language test