Derived from
20710215 Letteratura spagnola I in Languages and Literatures for Intercultural Communication L-11 Per LMLC e altri CDS TRECCA SIMONE
The course aims to introduce students to contemporary Spanish literature (20th and 21st centuries), through the reading of some emblematic works and historical-cultural and literary study.
EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS A) Historical, literary and cultural skills - Spain between dictatorships, a republican experiment and attempts at a democratic rebirth; - Evolutionary lines of Spanish society between the early decades of the twentieth century and the present era; - Evolutionary lines of Spanish culture between Modernism and postmodernity.
B) Methodological skills - Methods of approach to historical, social and cultural phenomena; - Methods of approach to literary phenomena; - Methods of analysis of the literary text (novel and theater).
(reference books)
• M. de Unamuno, Nebbia, Milano, BUR (disponibile anche in e-book); • F. García Lorca, Nozze di sangue, edizione di E. Pittarello, Venezia, Marsilio; • A. Buero Vallejo, Storia di una scala, Firenze, Le Lettere; • J. Cercas, Soldati di Salamina, Guanda (disponibile anche in e-book).