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20709103 HYSTORY OF CINEMA 1 in DAMS - Studies in Performing Arts L-3 MZ PERNIOLA IVELISE
Storia del cinema I (Studenti M-Z) A. A. 2017-18 professor: Ivelise Perniola type of module: 6 credits (L-ART/06)
From pre-cinema to modernity: elements of cinema history
Description: The invention of cinema, between science and ontology. Lumière, Méliès and the "primitive way of representation". The affirmation of the "institutional mode of representation" from the School of Brighton to Griffith. The rise of Hollywood and the birth of genres: the slapstick comedy, Chaplin and Keaton. The avant-gardes of the 1920s in France (abstraction, dadaism and surrealism). German expressionism. Soviet Union (theories and practices of editing). Sound and American classic cinema. The Hollywood genres and the Studio System. The poetic realism and Renoir. Welles, Bazin and modern cinema.
The study of all the texts in the program (film, manual, anthology of writings) must be considered an essential condition for admission to the examination. The examination should be completed by the autumn session in September 2018.
Hours: From 4 October to 17 November Wednesday 9.00-12.00 (Hall 1- Only the lesson of 15 November will be held in the Park Hall) Friday 9.00-12.00 (Hall 1) Lesson calendar: 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 25, 27 October, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 November.
(reference books)
David Bordwell e Kristin Thompson, Storia del cinema. Un’introduzione, McGraw Hill, Milano, 2010 (from Chapter I to Chapter XI included).
At the library/video library of the Department (Via ostiense 139), the manual and all titles in filmography will be available.
SHORTS MOVIES: Arrivée d'un train à la Ciotat (Arrivo di un treno alla stazione Ciotat, L. Lumière, 1895), Arrivée des congressistes à Neville-sur-Saône (Arrivo dei congressisti a Neville-sur-Saône, L.Lumière, 1895), Sortie d'usine (Uscita dalla fabbrica, L. Lumière), Répas de bébé (Pasto del bambino, L. Lumière, 1895), Arroseur et arrosé (Innaffiatore e innaffiato, L.Lumière, 1896), Départ de Jerusalem en chemin de fer (Partenza da Gerusalemme in treno, prod.Lumière, 1896), L'Homme orchestre (L'uomo orchestra, G.Méliès, 1900), L'Homme à la tête en caoutchouc (L'uomo dalla testa di caucciù, G.Méliès, 1901), Voyage dans la lune (Viaggio sulla Luna, G.Méliès, 1902), Le Mélomane (Il melomane, G.Méliès, 1903), The Countryman and the Cinematograph (Il contadino e il cinema, R.W.Paul, 1901), As seen through a Telescope (Visto da un cannocchiale, G.A.Smith, 1900), Mary Jane's Mishap (La disavventura di Mary Jane, G.A.Smith, 1903), Ladies Skirts Nailed to a Fence (Gonne di signore inchiodate ad un recinto, prod. Bamforth, 1900), A Big Swallow (Un bel boccone, J.Williamson, 1901), Fire! (Fuoco!, J.Williamson, 1901), Stop Thief! (Ferma ladro!, J.Williamson, 1901), Rescued by Rover (Salvata da Rover, L.Fitzhamon, 1905). The Great Train Robbery (La grande rapina al treno, E.S.Porter, 1903), A Corner in Wheat (Un accaparramento di grano, D.W.Griffith, 1909), The Musketeers of Pig Alley (La banda di Pig Alley, D.W.Griffith,1912), The Immigrant (L'emigrante, C.S.Chaplin, 1917).Le Ballet mécanique (Il balletto meccanico, F.Léger-D.Murphy, 1924), Entr'acte (Id. R.Clair, 1924), Emak-Bakia (Id. Man Ray, 1926),, Un chien andalou (Un cane andaluso, L. Buñuel, 1929).
Feature-Lenght Films:
Sherlock Jr (La palla n.13, B.Keaton, 1924) Das Cabinet des Dr.Caligari (Il gabinetto del dottor Caligari, R.Wiene, 1919) Bronenosec Potëmkin (La corazzata Potëmkin, S.M. Ejzenstejn, 1926) Bringing up baby (Susanna, Howard Hawks, 1938) Singing in the Rain (Cantando sotto la pioggia, Stanley Donen-Gene Kelly, 1952) Citizen Kane (Quarto Potere, Orson Welles, 1941)