Optional group:
CHOICE FROM 12 CFU (note: only "Earthquakes and crustal deformation" is provided at the II sem) - (show)
20401070 -
The student will acquire the basic knowledge on how the construction of a nuclear physics experiment is structured according to the collection of data from the detector, the control of the equipment and the experiment, and the quality of the acquired data. The simulation of simple hardware components in laboratory sessions will be introduced.
Branchini Paolo
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to provide the student with the general cognitive elements underlying the acquisition, control and monitoring systems of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics experiments. The course is divided into the following topics: -Introduction to DAQ -Parallelism and Pipelining systems -Derandomization -DAQ and Trigger -Data Transmission -Front End Electronics -Trigger -Architecture Computing Systems -Real Time Systems -Real Time Operating Systems -C Language - VHDL Language -TCP / IP Network Protocols -DAQ Architecture - Event Building -VME Bus -Run Control -Farming -Data Archiving
( reference books)
Lecture notes prepared by the teacher on the basis of the slides presented and available on the Moodle server: https://matematicafisica.el.uniroma3.it
Elective activities
20410885 -
Applications of particle physics to medical therapy
The aim of the course is to provide the fundamental notions of medical therapy techniques based on particle beams and on the use of simulation techniques typical of particle physics. The elements of radiobiology necessary for understanding the problems addressed will also be exposed.
( syllabus)
General introduction to radiation therapy. ○ Physical and biological rationale of ionizing radiation in cancer treatments. ○ Dose-effect curve, TCP, NTCP and therapeutic index. ○ Dose-volume histograms. Physical and biological selectivity. ● Introductory overview of radiotherapy techniques (from x-rays to ion beams): ○ Photon Radiation Therapy: conventional, conformational, IMRT. Brachytherapy. Radiotherapy with ion beams: hadrontherapy. ■ Notes on Facilities (active and under development) and diffusion in the world. ● Classification of ionizing radiation: the problem of choosing the type of radiation for therapeutic applications ○ Definition of relevant physical and radiobiological quantities. ○ Physical Selectivity: ■ Directly and indirectly ionizing radiation ■ Low-LET and high-LET radiation. Bragg's peak. Examples for indirectly ionizing: photons, neutrons; directly ionizing: electrons, positrons, ions. ○ Biological Selectivity: ■ Poorly ionizing and highly ionizing radiation. The Concept trace and micro/nano-dosimetric aspects. ■ Relationship between LET and "biological efficacy" ● Physical aspects of hadrontherapy: interaction of ion beams with matter. ○ Stopping Power Stopping power classification. ■ Derivation of stopping power equations (Bohr, Bethe approaches and Bloch, corrective factors) ■ The average excitation potential. Mixtures. ○ Energy loss and range straggling. ■ CSDA Approximations ■ Landau-Vavilov theory ○ Lateral beam widening ■ Multiple scattering. Coulomb interactions with target nuclei. Equations by Bothe and Moliere. Nuclear interactions and fragmentation ■ Modelling approaches: INC and QMD models. ■ Target Fragmentation and Projectile Fragmentation ■ The "tail of fragments" and mixtures of ions. ● In-depth analysis: in-beam PET ● Radiobiological aspects. ○ Basics of Radiobiology ■ Spatial and temporal scales of radiobiological processes. ■ Oncogenesis. Cell survival: definition, processes of damage (direct and mechanisms. Hypoxia. Mutations and transformations. ■ Clonogenic experiments and L-Q model. ■ Temporal effects and fractionation. ● In-depth: the FLASH effect ○ Radiobiological effects of ion beams ■ Relative biological efficacy (RBE): definition, systematic, complexity and physical aspects. ■ the Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER). Physical and Radiobiological Modeling for Ion Beams in Clinical Applications ○ Recall to the concepts of tracing and clustering of damage. ○ The "Local Effect Model" (LEM) ○ Kinetic equations for cell damage and repair. Radio-chemical aspects. ○ Microdosimetry models ■ Mathematical basis of microdosimetry. Stochastic aspects. ■ The Microdosimetric-Kinetic model (MKM) ● In-Depth: Advanced MKM Approaches: Monte Carlo, Effects temporal (FLASH effect), OER, Mutations. TCP/NTCP Models ■ In-depth analysis: models to assess the risk of secondary cancers. ● "Dose Delivery" and "Dose Shaping" ○ Classification of ion beam acceleration systems and types of facilities ■ Synchrotrons, cyclotrons and Laser-driven. ○ General aspects of dose measurements, in-beam monitoring, and radiation protection. ○ General aspects of dose delivery modulation in 3D. ■ The Spread-Out Bragg Peak (SOBP). The gantry system. ■ Passive dose-shaping systems (3D Range Modulator) ■ Active scanning systems (raster scan and energy modulation) ● Simulation and optimization of treatment plans: the "Treatment Planning System" ○ General description of TPS and planning procedures ■ Image acquisition (CT), segmentation, prescription and definition dose-volume constraints, inverse planning, DVH calculation. ○ Monte Carlo simulations for dose calculation General aspects of particle tracking. ■ Use of CT for patient modeling and identification of the elemental composition of tissues. ■ Variance reduction systems ○ Pencil-beam algorithms and WEPL approximation for fast dose calculation. ○ Inverse planning details ■ Pencil beam decomposition and degrees of freedom ■ Examples of optimization algorithms ○ Radiobiological optimization Methods of integrating radiobiological models into TPS calculations with RBE-weighted dose (RWD). Pre-mixing and post-mixing approaches. ■ Examples: RWD distribution calculations with LEM and MKM. ● Practical activity and Hand-on: exemplary exercises with the use of codes Open-source for radiobiological calculations and treatment simulation. ○ Download and install the codes: Topas, Survival and R-Planit. ○ Monte Carlo simulation exercises (code: Topas/Geant4) Evaluation of the Dose Distribution Released by an Ion Beam in a virtual patient. ■ Evaluation of microdosimetric spectra in a cell nucleus for interaction with ions. ○ Radiobiological simulation exercises (code: Survival) ■ Calculation of the probability of cell survival for a sample of cells irradiated with ion beams with the MKM or LEM model. Exercise in planning a treatment plan (code: R-Planit) ■ Calculation and optimization of a treatment starting from the CT of a virtual patient and the clinical prescription given. ■ Calculation of the DVH of the optimized plan. ○ (Follow-up: Combining the results of the previous exercises for the assessment of the distribution of RWD in the treated patient.
( reference books)
Podgoršak, E. B. (2016). Graduate Texts in Physics: Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists. ● Hobbie, R. K., Roth, B. J. (2007). Intermediate physics for medicine and biology. Germany: Springer New York. ● M. Joiner & A. van der Kogel (eds.) (2009). Basic Clinical Radiobiology. Edward Arnold. ● Paganetti, H. (ed.) (2012). Proton Therapy Physics. CRC Press. ● MA, C.-M. C., & Lomax, T. (eds.) (2013). Proton and Carbon Ion Therapy. CRC Press
Elective activities
20402146 -
Provide the student with an overview of the main phenomena in the field of High Energy Astrophysics, with particular attention to growth phenomena on compact objects (white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes) and to particle acceleration phenomena
Elective activities
20410506 -
The aim of the course is to critically discuss the most relevant issues - some of them still open - concerning Modern Cosmology. We will illustrate its state-of-the-art, and the methods - both theoretical and observational - currently used to investigate its properties. We will further provide a coherent vision which starts from the Big Bang and arrives to the formation of the first galaxies.
Derived from
20402143 COSMOLOGIA in Fisica LM-17 N0 MAGLIOCCHETTI Manuela
( syllabus)
60 hours of lectures •Brief introduction to general relativity and Einstein's equation •Robertson-Walker metric •Hubble's Law and Hubble Tension •Redshift •Cosmological distances •The cosmological constant •Friedmann and Einsten-de Sitter models •Thermal History of the Universe •Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) •Jeans' Theory for Gravitational Instability •Application of Jeans' theory in Cosmology: linear evolution •Formation of Structures I: case only baryons •Formation of Structures II: case with also non-baryonic matter •Perturbation spectrum, filters, and transfer functions •Covariance functions •Linear theory and observations: CMB fluctuations •Non-linear evolution of perturbations •Large-scale structure of the Universe: statistical analysis of the distribution of galaxies •Viralized structures: the theory of Press and Schechter and its extension •Light matter and dark matter: the bias problem. •Notes on present and future cosmological missions: Euclid •Introduction to extra-galactic radio sources
64-hour completion: article study "Hosts and Environments: a (large-scale) radio history of AGN and star-forming galaxies" (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00159-022-00142-1)
( reference books)
Main texts: - Cosmology: The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure by P. Coles and F. Lucchin - Structure Formation in the Universe by T. Padhmanaban
Recommended texts: - Cosmological Physics by J.A. Peacock - The Large Scale Structure of the Universe by P.J.E. Peebles
Elective activities
20410580 -
Education & Outreach, the communication of science
To provide the student with the basic concepts of communication, such as techniques for public speaking and for the preparation of presentation materials and scientific communication texts. To acquire skills on the design and implementation of communication products (images, audio, video) and on the Communication Plan (plan to organize the communication of an event or scientific project).
( syllabus)
This course is based on the use of case studies, intersting examples of science communication that will be presented and analysed during the lessons.
On the examples of these case studies, communication laboratories and practical activities will be organized. Students will work in team, guided by researchers and professional communicators, to plan and produce specific communication tools (articles, websites, blogs, audio/video etc).
The course will also take in account the technological aspects related to communication, introducing and examining selected open source software.
The program
The course is 52 hours long, including 40 ore of lessons and 12 hours of lab activities. 12 hours are in common with the “Communcating Science” PhD course.
Introduction to science communication • The postulates of communication: from body language to the communication plan • About science communication: why should we communicate science? • Different types of communication, including in the academic & research world • Planning an event for the public: the 5 steps strategy • Visual communication and science
Speaking to the public about science • Introduction to verbal communication: from public talks to press conferences • The basics of public speaking in science • Slides, audio/video and multimedia tools
Writing about science • Introducing science journalism • Differences between a scientific article, a press release and outreach articles • Writing for video: the storyboard
Visual communication of science • How to communicate science with images • How to plan and produce an image
Communicating science on web • How is science communicated on the web • Science and web 2.0 • How to plan and produce a website
Organization of a public event • The communication plan of a public event • Organizing an astronomical observation event
( reference books)
"The hands-on guide for science communicators: a step.by-step approach to public outreach" di Lars Lindberg Christensen https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=GI_fpb4xFX4C&rdid=book-GI_fpb4xFX4C&rdot=1&source=gbs_vpt_read&pcampaignid=books_booksearch_viewport
( syllabus)
This course is based on the use of case studies, intersting examples of science communication that will be presented and analysed during the lessons.
On the examples of these case studies, communication laboratories and practical activities will be organized. Students will work in team, guided by researchers and professional communicators, to plan and produce specific communication tools (articles, websites, blogs, audio/video etc).
The course will also take in account the technological aspects related to communication, introducing and examining selected open source software.
The program
The course is 52 hours long, including 40 ore of lessons and 12 hours of lab activities. 12 hours are in common with the “Communcating Science” PhD course.
Introduction to science communication • The postulates of communication: from body language to the communication plan • About science communication: why should we communicate science? • Different types of communication, including in the academic & research world • Planning an event for the public: the 5 steps strategy • Visual communication and science
Speaking to the public about science • Introduction to verbal communication: from public talks to press conferences • The basics of public speaking in science • Slides, audio/video and multimedia tools
Writing about science • Introducing science journalism • Differences between a scientific article, a press release and outreach articles • Writing for video: the storyboard
Visual communication of science • How to communicate science with images • How to plan and produce an image
Communicating science on web • How is science communicated on the web • Science and web 2.0 • How to plan and produce a website
Organization of a public event • The communication plan of a public event • Organizing an astronomical observation event
Elective activities
20410505 -
To introduce the student to research activities on problems in common between Elementary Particle Physics and Astrophysics. The different research themes that are the object of study by the international scientific community will be discussed within a single framework, with particular attention to the phenomenological interpretation and to the proposals for the realization of new experimental apparatus
( syllabus)
Phenomenological and Experimental topics in Astroparticle Physics. Common problems in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.Dark Matter. Cosmic Rays. Cosmic Rays Acceleration. Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Oscillation. Lepton Number non-conservation and double beta decay. Baryon Number non-conservation and proton decay. CP violation and the matter-antimatter asymmetry.
( reference books)
K. Thomas Gaisser Cosmic rays and particle physics Cambridge 1990 Malcom S. Longair High energy astrophysics Cambridge 1992 H. V. Klapdor - Kleingrothaus and A. Staudt Non - Accelerator particle physics Bristol 1995 Donald H. Perkins Particle Astrophysics, second edition Oxford 2009 Maurizio Spurio Probes of Multimessenger Astrophysics: Charged cosmic rays, neutrinos, γ-rays and gravitational waves Cham Heidelberg New York London 2018
( syllabus)
Phenomenological and Experimental topics in Astroparticle Physics. Common problems in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.Dark Matter. Cosmic Rays. Cosmic Rays Acceleration. Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Oscillation. Lepton Number non-conservation and double beta decay. Baryon Number non-conservation and proton decay. CP violation and the matter-antimatter asymmetry.
( reference books)
K. Thomas Gaisser Cosmic rays and particle physics Cambridge 1990 Malcom S. Longair High energy astrophysics Cambridge 1992 H. V. Klapdor - Kleingrothaus and A. Staudt Non - Accelerator particle physics Bristol 1995 Donald H. Perkins Particle Astrophysics, second edition Oxford 2009 Maurizio Spurio Probes of Multimessenger Astrophysics: Charged cosmic rays, neutrinos, γ-rays and gravitational waves Cham Heidelberg New York London 2018
Elective activities
20402259 -
To provide the fundamental theoretical and experimental knowledge in the field of Climate Physics and Climate Change
Derived from
20402259 FISICA DEL CLIMA in Fisica LM-17 Petitta Marcello, Pasini Antonello
( syllabus)
first part
Definition of climate (climatology and meteorology). The climate system (atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, Sun). The solar radiation and the energy balance of the Earth (solar physics calls, laws of radiation, absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere). Atmosphere and Climate (recalls of composition, structure and circulation of the atmosphere). Clouds and aerosols (calls processes of condensation and cloud formation). Ocean and climate (recalls composition, structure and ocean circulation). Radiative transfer (calls of absorption, emission and radiative transfer of the atmosphere). The greenhouse effect (the atmosphere as greenhouse gas emissions, the calculation of the energy balance, greenhouse models). The ozone layer (ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere, photochemical production of ozone, ozone measurements, "hole" ozone). Climate observation with remote sensing (measurements from land, satellite measurements, infrared instruments, tools "limb viewing", applications of remote sensing to studies climate). Climate sensitivity and climate change (changes astronomical, solar, atmospheric, oceanic and temperature fluctuations). Atmosphere of other planets. Climate and society. Multidecadal variability of sea surface temperature (seminar Dr. Salvatore Marullo). Lidar measurement of greenhouse gases (visit to the ENEA Frascati Research Center).
second part
Introduction to climate models. The conceptual path from observations to simulations. Dynamic and statistical approaches. Hierarchy of climate models and their components, types of models, the concept of parameter. Models Power Budget (EBM). General structure of an EBM, EBM 0-dimensional, one-dimensional EBM, parameter in EBM, applications. Radiative-convective models (RC) and models Intermediate Complexity (EMIC). Radiative-convective and radiative balance in climate models and implementation at intermediate complexity. Global Climate Models (GCMs). Structure of a GCM, components and interactions, fundamental equations and their modeling. Activities and results of attribution. Validation of climate models. Elements of regional climate modeling and downscaling techniques. Scenarios and climate projections for the XXI century. Analyze the climate and its changes from another point of view: neural network models and analysis of Granger causality. Details on techniques and results of attribution. Downscaling with neural network models.
( reference books)
F. W. Taylor (2005), Elementary Climate Physics, Oxford. K. McGuffie & A. Henderson-Sellers (2014), The Climate Modelling Primer, 4th Edition, Wiley.
Elective activities
20402026 -
Electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation of solar origin gives rise to complex interactions affecting the magnetosphere and the Earth's ionosphere. The magnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth play a fundamental role in these interactions, in a space characterized by the presence of partially ionized plasma (weakly ionized gas): here the physics of the propagation of radio waves is very interesting.
The aim of the course is to present a selection of the most relevant physical phenomena that unfold in this complex environment, where man deploys sophisticated technological systems, on whose functioning the structures of contemporary society are increasingly dependent. Space Weather deals with problems resulting from disturbances in the circumterrestrial environment, in particular consequent to the deterioration of the radiopropagative conditions of the ionosphere.
The ultimate goal is to bring the student closer to the physics of phenomena, stimulating his interest in research in the sector and projecting him towards contemporary challenges to be met.
( syllabus)
Program of the course of "Physics of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere" prof. Carlo Scotto Most of the topics are dealt in the book by G.W. Prölss ("Physics of the Earth's Space Environment", ed. Springer). Reference is made to the paragraphs of this book. The remaining topics are reported in the distributed Lesson Notes. The relevant detailed bibliography is shown in them. Introduction: purpose of the course and presentation of the topics covered.
1. Notions of magneto-ionospheric plasma physics Plasma frequency, Debye distance and Debye-Hückel potential, plasma conditions, free mean path, phase refraction index for radio waves in a plasma without collisions and in the absence of magnetic field, cold plasma (Lesson notes). (P. 232, § 7.3.1, § 7.3.2, § 7.3.3). Energy of the electromagnetic field (Lesson notes). Motion of electric charges in a magnetic field: gyration motion, the magnetic moment as an adiabatic invariant, motion where grad(B) is parallel to B, bounce motion (§ 5.3.1, § 5.3.2, pp. 220-228), gradient drift motion (§ 5.3.2, pp. 228-229), neutral shift drift, drift E x B and plasma conductivity in the absence of collisions, drift under the action of external forces (§ 5.3.1, § 5.3.2, § 5.3.3 pp. 219-233).
2. The interplanetary medium. The solar corona and the solar wind (§ 6.1 and 6.1.1, pp. 278-282, including all the references). Large-scale solar wind structure and on the ecliptic plane (§ 6.1.6). The interplanetary magnetic field: observations and physical characteristics (§ 6.2.1, pp. 300-304). The heliosferic current sheet (§ 6.2.4). Segment structure of the polar component of B (§ 6.2.5). Alfven's theorem (Appendix A.14, pp.484-487).
3. Magnetosphere The geomagnetic field near the Earth (§ 5.2). Curvature drift (p. 233). Total drift (p. 234-235). Composed motion of charge carriers (§ 5.3.4). Particle populations in the internal magnetosphere: radiation belts, ring current, plasmashere (§ 5.4). The distant geomagnetic field: configuration and classification, currents on the diurnal side of the magnetopause, reflection of the particles and formation of the current, system of currents in the geomagnetic tail (§ 5.5). Particle population in the external magnetosphere: magnetotail plasma sheet, magnetotail lobe plasma, magnetospheric boundary layer (§ 5.6). Formation of bow shock and the magnetosheat (§ 6.4 introduction and § 6.4.1, pp. 325-328).
4. Ionosphere Absorption processes, gas radiation attenuation, energy deposition in the upper atmosphere: Chapman function. Earth ionosphere: historical outline, vertical profile of electron density, ionospheric temperature, production and disappearance of ionization, ionospheric regions, electronic equilibrium, vertical profile of electron density in E region and in region F2 region (§ 3.2; introduction of chap 4, § 4.1, § 4.2, § 4.3). Ionosphere morphology: the cusps on the ionogram trace and the ionospheric regions (Lesson notes). Regular variations of the ionosphere: layers E and F1 (Lesson notes). Irregular variations of the ionosphere: F2 layer (Lesson notes). Sporadic E layer(Lesson notes). Simplified photochemical model for regions E and F: F1 layer (Lesson notes). Simplified photochemical model for region D (Lesson notes). Refraction index for radio waves with collisions and in the absence of a magnetic field; interpretation of the imaginary part of the refractive index: absorption ( Lesson notes). Solar flares and short waves fadeout (Lesson notes). Additional notes on the F1 layer (Lesson notes). Additional notes on layer E (Lesson notes).
5. Magnetoionic theory Introduction. Constitutive equations for a cold plasma with collisions and in the presence of a magnetic field (Lesson notes). Refractive index for radio waves in the ionosphere, neglecting collisions and considering the Earth's magnetic field: Appleton-Hartree equation (Lesson notes). Continuity of nf in X = 1. The zeros of the collisionless Appleton-Hartree equation: longitudinal, transverse and general propagation case (Lesson notes). Polarization: continuity in X = 1 in the general case and in the case of longitudinal propagation. Polarization in case of longitudinal propagation: dependence on the sign of YL. Polarization in general conditions, for X = 1 (Lesson Notes). Refractive index for radio waves in the ionosphere, considering collisions and the earth's magnetic field. Mention upon the polarization in the collisional case. Curves of mi(X) with collisions: importance of the Booker rule (Lesson notes). Conditions of reflection and ionograms, ordinary, extraordinary trace. Ray Z (Lesson Notes). Examples of ionograms (Lesson notes). As indicated in the lesson notes, the material of this teaching unit can be found at: Ratcliffe, J. A. (1959), The magneto-Ionic Theory and its Applications to the Ionosphere, Cambridge University Press.
6. Absorption and dissipation of solar wind energy Topology of the high polar atmosphere (§ 7.1). Electric fields, and plasma convection (§ 7.2). Conductivity and currents in the polar ionosphere (§ 7.3). Polar auroras: energy dissipation of the auroral particles, origin of the auroral particles, diffuse and discrete aurora(§ 7. 4). Solar Wind Dynamo (§ 7.6.1), open magnetosphere (§ 7.6.2), plasma convection in the open magnetosphere (§ 7.6.3), open magnetosphere with tail (§ 7.6.4), mention upon the reconnection (part of § 7.6. 5) Birkeland currents in regions 1 and 2 (§ 7.6.6).
7. Geospheric storms Magnetic storms: regular variation, equatorial electroject, magnetic activity at low, high and medium latitudes, geomagnetic indexes (§ 8.1). Magnetic substorms: growth and expansion phase, Alvfèn waves and their role (§ 8.3). Ionospheric storms: negative and positive storms (§ 8.5).
( reference books)
1) G.W. Prölss "Physics of the Earth's Space Environment" 2) Lecture Notes
Elective activities
20410051 -
Introduce the student to the fundamental knowledge on properties, preparation and characterization of surfaces and interfaces
( syllabus)
- Surface of a solid and solid/solid interface: general notions, historical development and applications
- Thermodynamics, crystallography and structure: two-dimensional lattices and superstructures; reciprocal lattice and Brillouin azone - surface tension and crystals shape; structural defects; relaxation and reconstruction; solid/solid interfaces; nucleation and thin film growth, low energy electron diffraction to investigate surface structure
- Electronic properties: surface electronic states; three-dimensional bands; band mapping with the photoemission technique; image states and core level shift; electronic states in semiconductors; the work function; surface and adsorbed vibrations; surface phonon observation methods; surface plasmons and polaritons
- Adsorption and desorption: physisorption and chemisorption; dissociative adsorption; adsorption and work function; interactions between adsorbed species; bi-dimensional phase transitions; adsorption kinetics; desorption. SUrface diffusion: Flick laws, mechanisms and anisotropy of diffusion, atomic and cluster diffusion
- Experimental techniques: general concepts of ultra high vacuum; pumping systems; vacuum components; preparation of a clean surface; vacuum deposition techniques
- Surface magnetism: electronic structure and anisotropy in ferromagnetic materials; magnetization and magnetic surface anisotropy; spin-polarized photoemission; magnetic dichroism; photoemission electron microscope for detecting magnetic domains
- Microscopy: scanning and transmission electron microscope; probe scanning microscopy: scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force microscope
( reference books)
- Philip Hofmann, Surface Physics
- Hans Lüth, Solid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films (Springer-Verlag, 2010)
- K. Oura, et al., Surface Science, An Introduction (Springer-Verlag, 2003)
- Andrew Zangwill, Physics at Surfaces (Cambridge University press, 1992)
- Gabor A. Somorjai, Introduction to surface chemistry and catalysis (Wiley, 2010)
Elective activities
20410585 -
The course intends to offer an introduction to the modern physics of liquids and to the physics of soft matter, understood as the study of phenomenology starting from interatomic force laws. After an introduction to liquid matter and soft materials, computer numerical simulation methods applied to the physics of liquids and soft matter will be illustrated. Correlation functions and linear response theory will then be studied with applications to the study of dynamics in the hydrodynamic and visco-elastic limits. Memory functions will be introduced. The physics of subcooled liquids and the study of the glass transition for soft and liquid materials will be treated.
Derived from
( syllabus)
1 - Review of Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. Extensive and intensive thermodynamic functions. Conditions of equilibrium. Legendre transforms and thermodynamic potentials. Phase stability conditions. Phase transitions and their classification. Van der Waals equation. Review of the theory of statistical ensembles. Fluctuations.
2 - Forces between atoms and short-range order. Characterization of the liquid state of matter. Characterization of soft materials. Forces between atoms and effective potentials. Distribution functions in the canon and the grand canon. Radial distribution function and relationship with thermodynamics. The static structure factor. Measurement of the structure of a liquid with X-ray and neutron scattering techniques. Structure factors and radial distribution functions of liquid and liquid molecular mixtures. Classic density functional theory. Ornstein-Zernike equation. Closing relations for the density functional.
3 - Numerical simulation of liquid and soft material
Stochastic and deterministic simulation methods. Molecular Dynamics Method. Verlet-style algorithms. Molecular dynamics at constant temperature and pressure. The Monte Carlo simulation method. Monte Carlo simulation in different ensembles. Phase equilibrium simulation methods. Application of Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics methods to complex liquids and soft materials.
4 - Dynamics of liquids and soft matter Time-dependent correlation functions. Inelastic diffusion of neutrons and measurement of the dynamic structure factor. Van Hove correlation functions. Principle of the detailed budget. Linear response theory. Answer function. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Diffusion of particles. Diffusion coefficient. Speed correlation function. Hydrodynamics and collective modes. Scattering Brillouin. Memory functions.
5 - Metastable states, subcooled liquids and glass transition for liquids and soft materials.
Stability and metastability. Spinodal curve from the Van der Waals equation. Fluctuations and trends of correlation functions near the critical point. Subcooled liquids and glass transition. Angell diagram. Configurational entropy and Kauzmann temperature. The slow dynamics of subcooled liquids and soft matter and the theory of Mode Coupling.
( reference books)
J.P. Hansen and I.R. McDonald, Theory of Simple Liquids, seconda edizione, Academic Press. N. H. March and M. P. Tosi, Introduction to Liquid State Physics, World Scientific. P. G. Debenedetti, Metastable Liquids, Princeton University Press.
Elective activities
20410098 -
Provide adequate knowledge about the physics of the planets of the solar system and the exoplanets, the techniques of investigation of atmospheres, surfaces and sub-surfaces of planets and introduce the astrophysical problem of the search for life.
CLAUDI Riccardo
( syllabus)
1 Solar System Part - Overall description of the Solar System, mass and angular momentum distribution, astrophysical variables. - Overall description of planets, their main characteristics ; description of planetary satellites systems and of minor bodies of the Solar System. - Terrestrial planets: main characteristics and evolutive processes of planetary surfaces. - Terrestrial planets: thermal history, impact cratering processes, volcanism, tectonics.Comparative planetology. - Meteorites and minor bodies; radiometric dating and clues for the formation of the Solar System. - Giant planets - Planetary satellites - Internal structure of planets, different evolution of terrestrial and giant planets. - Planetary atmospheres 2 Extrasolar Planets Part - Historical Introduction - Exo planets Indirect discovery methods - Exo planets Direct discovery methods - Exo Planets Characteristics - Physics of extrasolar Planets - Characterization and results - Which Life? - Habitability and Habitable Zone - The search for life 3 Common Part - Introduction to the Planetary formation Theory
( reference books)
- There is no official text of the course.
A suggested text is the following: Imke de Pater and Jack J. Lissauer, Planetary Sciences, Cambridge University Press. During the course several scientific review papers will be suggested by the lecturers.
- Course slides - Scientific papers
TOSI Federico
( syllabus)
1 Solar System Part - Overall description of the Solar System, mass and angular momentum distribution, astrophysical variables. - Overall description of planets, their main characteristics ; description of planetary satellites systems and of minor bodies of the Solar System. - Terrestrial planets: main characteristics and evolutive processes of planetary surfaces. - Terrestrial planets: thermal history, impact cratering processes, volcanism, tectonics.Comparative planetology. - Meteorites and minor bodies; radiometric dating and clues for the formation of the Solar System. - Giant planets - Planetary satellites - Internal structure of planets, different evolution of terrestrial and giant planets. - Planetary atmospheres 2 Extrasolar Planets Part - Historical Introduction - Exo planets Indirect discovery methods - Exo planets Direct discovery methods - Exo Planets Characteristics - Physics of extrasolar Planets - Characterization and results - Which Life? - Habitability and Habitable Zone - The search for life 3 Common Part - Introduction to the Planetary formation Theory
( reference books)
- There is no official text of the course. A suggested text is the following: Imke de Pater and Jack J. Lissauer, Planetary Sciences, Cambridge University Press. During the course several scientific review papers will be suggested by the lecturers.
Material - Course slides - Scientific papers
Elective activities
20410884 -
Radioactive funds in fundamental physics and radioactivity research
The aim of the course is to analyze the problems related to funds from radioactivity, in particular that originated by the decay of heavy isotopes, in the context of fundamental physics experiments, in particular underground ones dedicated to the search for rare events. The decay chains will be described, the main connected quantities will be redefined, some examples of which and how radioactive isotopes can produce an effect in fundamental physics detectors will be illustrated; and how these effects can be reduced or estimated.
Elective activities
20410097 -
Acquire knowledge of the physics of laser systems and the description of the electromagnetic field in second quantization, with particular emphasis on phenomenological aspects.
( syllabus)
The physics of laser: blackbody radiation, Einstein equation, interaction of light with a two-level atom, gain and attenuation. Optical transitions in semiconductors. CW and pulsed operation of a laser.
Optical coherence and quantisation of the e.m. field: classical theory of fluctuations, first- and second-order coherence. E.m. field as a harmonic oscillator, quantisation and quantum theory of optical coherence. Number states, coherent states, and thermal states. Interaction picture: beam splitter and squeezing hamiltonians. Homodyne detection and photon counting. Quasi-probability distributions.
Nonlinear optics: introduction and classic treatment. Notes on quantum treatment. Nonlinear second-order effects: second harmonic generation, sum frequency, and parametric fractionation. Third-order effects: optical Kerr effect. Notes on filamentation. Nonlinear Schroedinger equation and temporal solitons.
Quantum correlations: local realism problem in quantum mechanics and the EPR-Bohm paradox. Bell inequality and experimental tests with polarized photons.
( reference books)
R. Loudon, The quantum theory of light. Capp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 O. Svelto, Principles of lasers. Capp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 R. Boyd, Nonlinear optics. Capp. 1, 2, 7 J.S. Bell, Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics. Cap 2
Elective activities
20402354 -
The course aims to give an overview of modern developments in statistical mechanics. In particular, starting from the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, we want to show how the concepts underlying the method of the re-normalization group emerged. This method is now widely used in various fields of statistical mechanics. The critical phenomena constitute the classical application of the method, which is illustrated in detail in the first 6 credits of the course. These first 6 credits can therefore be used by multiple addresses. The remaining 2 credits focus on more recent applications of the method in the field of matter physics.
Derived from
( syllabus)
1st module program (6 credits)
Introduction to thermodynamics. Thermodynamic potentials. Phase transitions and Van der Waals equation. Fluctuations and stability. Phase transitions and thermodynamic limit. Microscopic derivation of the Van der Waals equation. Critical point behavior of the Van der Waals equation. Curie-Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. Landau theory of second species transitions. Ginzburg criterion for the validity of the middle field theory. The role of symmetry and dimensionality: the theorem of Mermin-Wagner. Renormalization team. Kadanoff-Wilson transformation. Calculation of fixed points for the Landau-Wilson model and development in epsilon.
( reference books)
Statistical Mechanics and Applications in Condensed Matter by Carlo Di Castro and Roberto Raimondi Cambridge University Press 2015 ISBN: 9781107039407
Elective activities
20402155 -
Make the student able to analyze, independently and critically, various types of astrophysical data
( syllabus)
Part I: Astrophysics Problem:
Active Galactic Nuclei and Galaxies 1. Definition and classification: BH paradigm, growth, AGN Radio Loud / Radio quiet, Unified Model 2. AGN astrophysics: X-band AGN-RQ properties, emission models: Comptonization, absorption properties and outflows 3. AGN astrophysics: reflection components in the X-band spectrum, observation of relativistic effects in the X-band spectrum 4. Spectra of AGN and Galaxies in the optical and NIR band
Part II: Introduction to X-band and optical detectors and telescopes 1. optical telescopes. Basic principles and techniques of detection 2. X-band detectors: basic principles and detection techniques 3. solid state detectors, Charged Coupled Devices (CCD) 4. collimated and focused optical systems 5. X telescope features: efficiency, sensitivity, energy resolution, angular resolution, effective area 6. The ESA / XMM-Newton, NASA / Chandra and NASA / NuStar space telescopes
Part III: Data Analysis
1. investigation tools: study of energy distribution (emission spectrum), study of temporal behavior (light curve), study of variability (power spectrum and reverberation) 2. statistical errors and systematic errors 3. background 4. S / N signal to noise ratio 5. observation and maximization of the S / N
Part IV: Data analysis tutorial
- XMM-epic session 1. search for archived data 2. Image analysis: DS9 3. spectrum analysis: xspec 4. Temporal analysis: xronos
Part V - data analysis in optical and NIR band
( reference books)
handouts by the course teacher
DE ROSA Alessandra
( syllabus)
Part I: Astrophysics Problem:
Active Galactic Nuclei and Galaxies 1. Definition and classification: BH paradigm, growth, AGN Radio Loud / Radio quiet, Unified Model 2. AGN astrophysics: X-band AGN-RQ properties, emission models: Comptonization, absorption properties and outflows 3. AGN astrophysics: reflection components in the X-band spectrum, observation of relativistic effects in the X-band spectrum 4. Spectra of AGN and Galaxies in the optical and NIR band
Part II: Introduction to X-band and optical detectors and telescopes 1. optical telescopes. Basic principles and techniques of detection 2. X-band detectors: basic principles and detection techniques 3. solid state detectors, Charged Coupled Devices (CCD) 4. collimated and focused optical systems 5. X telescope features: efficiency, sensitivity, energy resolution, angular resolution, effective area 6. The ESA / XMM-Newton, NASA / Chandra and NASA / NuStar space telescopes
Part III: Data Analysis
1. investigation tools: study of energy distribution (emission spectrum), study of temporal behavior (light curve), study of variability (power spectrum and reverberation) 2. statistical errors and systematic errors 3. background 4. S / N signal to noise ratio 5. observation and maximization of the S / N
Part IV: Data analysis tutorial
- XMM-epic session 1. search for archived data 2. Image analysis: DS9 3. spectrum analysis: xspec 4. Temporal analysis: xronos
Part V - data analysis in optical and NIR band
( reference books)
handouts by the course teacher
Elective activities
20402380 -
Environmental Radioactivity
The course provides basic theoretical and experimental knowledge on Physics of Ionizing Radiations and Radiometric Methods.
Elective activities
20410891 -
The course aims at training the students on more advanced methods of analysis and interpretation of seismological data. The students will learn practical notions, elaborating waveforms from raw data to tomographic models using python libraries.
Elective activities
20401000 -
Provide the student with the fundamentals of modern diagnostic imaging techniques supplemented by some laboratory exercises that allow him to further deepen the topics covered and enter this field subject to advanced research as well as fundamental clinical applications
( syllabus)
1. Interaction of photons and charged particles with matter. 2. Nuclear Medicine principles 3. SPECT and PET techniques. 4. Radiology Principles and Instrumentation. 5. Computed Tomography. 6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 8. Ultrasound Principles and Instrumentation. 9. Radioteraphy and Adroteraphy Principles. 10. Dosimetry Principles.
Elective activities
20402258 -
Acquisition and understanding of the theoretical structures at the foundation of General Relativity, in its meaning geometric and as a self-interacting theory for a zero-mass field of spin 2. Connection of the theory with aspects of current research through the illustration of some remarkable solutions of Einstein's equations, in perturbative regimes and non-disruptive.
Derived from
( syllabus)
§I.Relativistic Field Theory
The Poincaré Group. Symmetries: global vs local. Noether's first and second theorems and conservation laws. The canonical stress-energy and angular momentum tensors. Improvements. Belinfante's argument and symmetric energy-momentum tensor. Local symmetries and conserved quantities.
§II.Gravity as a relativistic field theory
Particles and fields in Special Relativity. Irreps of the Poincaré group: Wigner's induced representation method. Massless particles: ISO(D-2) little group and gauge invariance. From relativistic massless spin-2 particles to full GR. Fierz-Pauli quadratic Lagrangian. Nöther method and non-linear completions. Nöther's construction of Yang-Mills Lagrangian. The transverse-traceless gravitational cubic vertex. Weinberg's Equivalence Principle from relativistic invariance of the S matrix. Spin and the sign of static forces.
§III.Elements of differential geometry
Topological spaces. Manifolds. Diffeomorphisms. Tangent spaces and vectors. Coordinate basis. Derivative operators on manifolds. Levi-Civita connection. Torsion. Differential forms: definition, wedge product, interior and exterior derivatives, Hodge dual. Lie derivative of forms and Cartan's formula. Yang-Mills theory in the language of forms. Weyl tensor. Riemann and Weyl tensors in various dimensions: counting components for irreps of GL(D). Conformal transformations of the metric tensor. Conformally flat spaces. Conformally coupled scalar fields.
§IV. The Cartan-Weyl formulation of GR and Fermionic couplings
Local inertial frames. The frame field and its relation to the metric field. Local Lorentz transformations. The spin connection. The vielbein postulate. Torsion constraint and second-order formulation. The contorsion tensor. Local Lorentz curvature. Gravity as a gauge theory of the Poincaré algebra. Connection one-forms on the Poincar\'e algebra. Local Poincar\'e transformations. Torsion and curvature over the Poincar\'e algebra. First-order formulation and Cartan-Weyl's action. Relation between gauge transformations and diffeomorphisms. Spinors on curved manifolds. Minimally coupled Fermionic matter. Dirac Lagrangian.
§V. Maximally symmetric spaces
Homogeneous and isotropic spaces. Characterisation of maximally symmetric spaces: curvature constant and signature. MSS as vacuum solutions to the EH equations with cosmological constant. Construction from embedding in (D+1) pseudo-Lorentzian spaces: metric and Christoffel coefficients.
§VI. The Schwarzschild black hole
Spherically symmetric spaces. The Schwarzschild solution. Birkhoff's theorem. Singularities, definitions and criteria: curvature singularites and geodesic incompleteness. Free-fall towards the horizon. The tortoise coordinate. Extension of a space-time. Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates. Event horizons, black holes and white holes. Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates. Maximal extension of the Schwarzschild solution. Kruskal's diagram and eternal black holes. (A)dS-Schwarzschild space-time.
§VII. More general black holes
Conformal diagrams. Event horizons. Reissner-Nordström and Kerr black holes. Black hole thermodynamics.
§VII. Gravitational energy
Conserved quantities in gauge theories: the example of Yang-Mills theory. Covariant conservation and ordinary conservation. Einstein-Hilbert equations for asymptotically flat metrics. Candidate for gravitational energy-momentum tensor. The superpotential. ADM energy and momentum. Example: ADM energy of the Schwarzschild solution. The positive-energy theorem (without proof). Generic background with Killing vectors. Quadrupole radiation.
§VIII. Asymptotic symmetries
General notion of asymptotic symmetry group. The example of Maxwell's theory in flat space. Covariant phase space formalism. Asymptotically flat spacetime and Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs supertranslations. Applications: soft theorems and memory effects.
Note: some topics may be assigned as homework problems, as an alternative to the oral exam
( reference books)
-Carroll S, Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity (Addison-Wesley 2014/Cambridge University Press, 2019) -Weinberg S, Gravitation and Cosmology - principles and applications of the general theory of relativity, (John Wiley \& Sons, 1972) -Wald R, General Relativity (The University of Chicago Press, 1984)
Elective activities
20410610 -
Earthquakes and Crustal Deformation
The course aims to provide students with the theoretical and experimental concepts for understanding the earthquake generation through the seismological and geodetic studies of the seismic source and the crustal deformation associated with the seismic cycle, with particular attention to the seismicity of our peninsula. It will also deal with issues related to microzonation, seismic hazard and its application in seismic codes and regulations, as well as practical experiments for the acquisition and analysis of seismic and geodetic data.
Elective activities
20410901 -
The course provides basic knowledge on the mechanisms and deformations related to the setting and ascent of magma and on the structure of volcanoes, also useful for understanding the pre-eruptive processes.
Derived from
20410901 VULCANO-TETTONICA in Geologia e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-74 ACOCELLA VALERIO
( syllabus)
( reference books)
Acocella V., (2021) Volcano-Tectonic Processes. Springer, 567 pp., ISBN 978-3-030-65968-4, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65968-4.
Elective activities