Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002061 -
The course provides the tools for understanding the formative, typological and construction characters of the city, the purpose of a conscious action of recovery, transformation or restoration, through the structural and architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the urban fabric.
21002061-1 -
The course provides the tools for understanding the formative, typological and construction characters of the city, the purpose of a conscious action of recovery, transformation or restoration, through the structural and architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the urban fabric.
The course draws on the contribution of three different but complementary disciplines: restoration, survey, and mechanics of solids and structures that work together on a common theme. The three specific approaches are integrated aiming at the same objective: the study and interpretation of the existing city.
(reference books)
The course is carried out through three fundamental moments of knowledge, corresponding to three scales of investigation. The first part is focused on the knowledge of the territorial system on a large scale, understanding the natural and environmental systems and putting them in relation with the historical formative phenomena of the city structure. The identification of different topographic levels and their decomposition and analysis through the study of geomorphology, historical and actual cartography, main phases of evolution of Rome, allows the understanding of the current urban consistency as a result of a layered anthropic process, intimately conditioned by the natural substrate. In the second part we change scale: the work of analysis, verify and study of the city focuses on a portion of well-defined territory corresponding to one of the historical districts. The history and the reading of transformation of the district, the recognition of the building types that compose the urban fabric, the comparison with the present configuration, will lead to thematic syntheses addressed to the understanding of the examined urban area. At the same time, a block or a portion of it, is surveyed in order to make a closer observation, useful to experiment the graphic tools of survey and representation and learn the architectural and structural characters of the historical building. For the purposes of this understanding, the typological study will be important, starting from historical bibliographic, archival and cartographic data, as well as comparison by analogy with types and fabrics recognizable in the surrounding context. This study is a prerequisite for the elaboration of the philological recompositions that are the subject of the third phase of the course. This involves the identification of a part of the city deeply transformed as a result of the post-unification interventions and, through archival, historical-bibliographical and iconographic research, its redesign. The operation is aimed not only to document the historical consistency of the urban fabric and its architectural configuration but also, through this, to apply the techniques of representation acquired and experiment through the use of a given commercial calculation code, a structural analysis of the historical building finalized to the restoration design. Restauro:
S. Muratori, R. Bollati, S. Bollati, G. Marinucci, Studi per una operante storia urbana di Roma, Roma, Centro Studi di Storia Urbanistica, 1963 G.Caniggia, G.L.Maffei: Lettura dell’edilizia di base, Venezia 1979 M. G. Corsini: Tipi e tessuti del centro storico di Roma. Lettura del costruito per il progetto, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 1998. Guide Rionali di Roma,fratelli palombi editori, Roma. AA.VV. Architettura e urbanistica-uso e trasformazione della città storica, collana Roma Capitale 1870-1911, Marsilio ed. 1984 F.Giovanetti (a cura di): Manuale del recupero del comune di Roma, edizioni dei, Roma 1997. Analisi e rappresentazione urbana: R. Arnheim. Arte e percezione visiva. Milano 1965. M. De Simone. Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose. Roma 1990. E. E. Viollet le Duc. Storia di un disegnatore. Cavallino. Venezia 1992. M.Docci e D. Maestri. Scienza del disegno. Torino 2000. Scienza delle costruzioni: G.Cangi: “Manuale del recupero strutturale antisismico”, edizioni dei, Roma 2005. A.Giuffré: Letture sulla Meccanica delle Murature Storiche, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1991. A.Giuffré: La meccanica nell’architettura, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1986. |
4 | ICAR/19 | 50 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002061-2 -
The course provides the tools for understanding the formative, typological and construction characters of the city, the purpose of a conscious action of recovery, transformation or restoration, through the structural and architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the urban fabric.
Course programme
(reference books)
The course is given through a synergy between three different but complementary disciplines such as restoration, design and strength of materials that will arise in relation to a common theme: the study and interpretation of the existing city. Knowledge of the city is achieved by means of questions about its composition, its history, its becoming; by means of interdisciplinary theoretical and practical research about the enhancement of the existing city. In the course will be discussed about the character training, typological and constructional of the historic city and then up to the scale of the building and its construction characteristics, so as to deepen their knowledge of technological components and structural of the pre-modern heritage. There will be a practical exercise on a given topic that will be developed at different representation scales: it will cover initially the entire historic center of Rome down to the size of neighborhood and a single street. Through this project, students will have the opportunity to test the ability of interpretation and reading of historical buildings: starting from the architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the historic center of Rome, in order to acquire the methodology for a correct intervention of recovery, transformation or restoration. The material will be indicated by the teacher during the lessons. didactic methods The course is developed with lectures ex cathedra, visits and inspections, debates. During the weekly meetings part of the time available will be devoted to a "laboratory" in which there will be graphic tutorials, reviews, thematic analysis in the presence of teachers who will provide practical explanations from time to time on the exercises to be performed. The periodic review of the projects, exercises, trials, is an integral part of the learning path. Mid-term evaluations are foreseen together with lectures and laboratory. student's attendance is required. learning assessment procedures The examination consists in the discussion and evaluation of the assignments and drawings gradually developed during the course and the presentation of a "notebook" containing all the exercises made in the classroom, at home and outside. - R. Arnheim, Arte e percezione visiva, Milano 1965
- M. De Simone, Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose, Roma 1990 - E. E. Viollet Le Duc, Storia di un disegnatore, Cavallino, Venezia 1992 - M. Docci e D. Maestri, Scienza del disegno, Torino 2000 |
4 | ICAR/17 | 50 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002061-3 -
The course provides the tools for understanding the formative, typological and construction characters of the city, the purpose of a conscious action of recovery, transformation or restoration, through the structural and architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the urban fabric.
The course is given through a synergy between three different but complementary disciplines such as restoration, design and strength of materials that will arise in relation to a common theme: the study and interpretation of the existing city.
(reference books)
Knowledge of the city is achieved by means of questions about its composition, its history, its becoming; by means of interdisciplinary theoretical and practical research about the enhancement of the existing city. In the course will be discussed about the character training, typological and constructional of the historic city and then up to the scale of the building and its construction characteristics, so as to deepen their knowledge of technological components and structural of the pre-modern heritage. There will be a practical exercise on a given topic that will be developed at different representation scales: it will cover initially the entire historic center of Rome down to the size of neighborhood and a single street. Through this project, students will have the opportunity to test the ability of interpretation and reading of historical buildings: starting from the architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the historic center of Rome, in order to acquire the methodology for a correct intervention of recovery, transformation or restoration. G.Cangi: “Manuale del recupero strutturale antisismico”, edizioni dei, Roma 2005.
A.Giuffré: Letture sulla Meccanica delle Murature Storiche, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1991. A.Giuffré: La meccanica nell’architettura, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1986. |
4 | ICAR/08 | 50 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002062 -
The foundation-transformation in the history of the city.
The aim of this course “History of the city and its territory” is to provide students with carefully selected intellectual tools designed to enhance their ability to analyze and be aware of the complex History of the city.
(reference books)
This course, by initially taking into account the lexical peculiarities of the terms “city” and “territory”, will illustrate the urban and architectonic dynamics which have contributed to enrich these specific definitions with meaning. To this purpose some important examples will be selected, examples chosen within the Classical and the Contemporary period, and that have determined various urban and architectonic configurations. Particular attention will be devoted to the Italian city and especially to the city of Rome. Through the cyclical and constant dialectics between the figurative and the urban arts what will be emphasized is the nature and the effects of that inevitable interweaving upon the birth, the evolution and all the ‘tiles’ that have contributed to the creation of the varied ‘mosaic’ which is typical of the city and its territory. General Bibliography cronologically selected:
- Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 1: la città antica, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 2: la città medievale, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 3: la città moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 4 la città contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. Il Settecento, Bari, Laterza, 1976 (3ª ed. 1981) - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. L’Ottocento, vol. I, Bari, Laterza, 1977 (3ª ed. 1985) - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. L'Ottocento, vol. II, Bari, Laterza, 1977 (3ª ed. 1985) - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. Il Novecento, Bari, Laterza, 1978 (3ª ed. 1985) - Paolo Morachiello, La città greca, Roma Bari, Laterza 2003 - Paul Zanker, La città romana, Roma Bari, Laterza 2013 - Ennio Concina, La città bizantina, Roma Bari, Laterza 2003 - Alberto Grohmann, La città medievale, Roma Bari, Laterza 2003 - Donatella Calabi, La città del primo Rinascimento, Roma Bari, Laterza 2001 - Claudia Conforti, La città del tardo Rinascimento, Roma Bari, Laterza 2005 - Daniela Del Pesco, Andrew Hopkins, La città del Seicento, Roma Bari, Laterza 2014 - Giovanna Curcio, La città del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008 - Guido Zucconi, La città dell'Ottocento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001 - Bernardo Secchi, La città del ventesimo secolo, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2005 General Bibliography thematically suggested. for 'Arcaic Age': K. Kerény, Origine e fondazione della mitologia, saggio introduttivo a C. G. Jung e K. Kèreny, Prolegomeni allo studio scientifico della mitologia, Boringhieri, Torino 1964 Per la ‘partizione dello spazio sacro’: cfr. E.A. Gutkind, International History of the City … Development) Mircea Eliade, Il sacro e il profano, Boringhieri, Torino 1967 (1957) [studi per/sulla ‘città antica’] Mircea Eliade, Il mito dell’eterno ritorno, Borla, Torino 1968 (1949) for 'Greek City'/'Town': K. A. Doxiadis, The Greek City Plan, in “Landscape”, vol. 6, autunno 1956 Gustave Glotz, La città greca, Einaudi, Torino 1955 (1923) from Medieval Age to Contemporary Age, and various items: Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1975 Enrico Guidoni, La città europea. Formazione e significato dal IV al XI secolo, Electa, Milano 1970. Enrico Guidoni, La città dal Medioevo al Rinascimento, Electa, Roma 1981. Joseph Connors, Alleanze e inimicizie. L’ urbanistica di Roma barocca, Roma-Bari, 2005 Enrico Guidoni, Angela Marino, Storia dell’urbanistica. Il Seicento, Roma-Bari, 1979 Ludwig Hilberseimer, L’Architettura della Grande Città, Clean ed., Milano 1998 Arturo Soria y Mata, La città lineare, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1968 C.M. Travaglini, Economia e finanza, in "Storia di Roma dall'antichità ad oggi". Vol. IV: Roma moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2002 (pp. 79-115, saggio scaricabile dal sito) Giovanna Curcio, La città del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008 (capitolo III, pp. 94-142) - Roma dall’alto, a cura di M.F. Boemi-C.M. Travaglini, Roma, CROMA-Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2006 (follow the specific sections suggested by teachers on their specific website). On the 'Medieval City' in particular: Dupré-Theseider, La città nell’alto Medioevo, Centro di Studi Italiani sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 1959 Henri Pirenne, Le città del Medioevo, Laterza, Bari, 1974 (1927). Edith Ennen, Storia della città medievale, Laterza, Roma Bari 1975 (1956) Luigi Piccinto, Urbanistica medievale, Edizioni dedalo, Firenze 1993 (1978) Pierre Toubert, Les structures du Latium médiéval. Le Latium méridional et la Sabine du IXe à la fin du XIIe siècle, Ecole Française de Rome, Roma 1973. Enrico Guidoni, Arte e urbanistica in Toscana, 1000-1305, Bulzoni, Roma 1970 Irina Baldescu, Misura e struttura nelle città fondate dell’Europa centrale, in “Studia Patzinaka”, no. 7, 2008, pp. 59-78. Jacques Heers, La città nel medioevo in Occidente, Jaca Book, Milano 1995 Bibliography: - Joseph Rykwert, L’idea di città, Adelphi, Milano 2002 - Paolo Sica, L’immagine della città da Sparta a Las Vegas, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1991 - Cesare de Seta, La città europea. Origini, sviluppo e crisi della civiltà urbana in età moderna e contemporanea, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2010 - Vincenzo Trione, Effetto città. Arte/Cinema/Modernità, Bompiani, Milano 2014 - Lewis Mumford, La città nella storia, Comunità, Milano 1963 (Bompiani, Milano1961) - Piero Maria Lugli, Storia e cultura della città italiana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1967 - Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città, Marsilio editori, Padova 1973 (1966) - Giovanni Botero, Delle cause della Grandezza delle Città, Cappelli, Bologna 1930 (1588) - Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges, La città antica, Vallecchi, Firenze 1924 (1864) - Marcel Poëte, La città antica, Einaudi, Torino 1958 (1929) - Arnaldo Momigliano, La città antica di Fustel de Coulanges, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli 1970 - Jérôme Carcopino, La vita quotidiana a Roma all’apogeo dell’Impero, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005 (1930) - Mihail Rostovtzeef, Storia economica e sociale dell’Impero romano, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1953 (1926), o l’edizione M. Rostocev, idem, Sanzoni, Milano 2003 - P.M. Hohenberg, L.H. Lees, La città europea dal Medioevo a oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1987. General Bibliography cronologically selected: - Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 1: la città antica, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 2: la città medievale, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 3: la città moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città. Vol. 4 la città contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2006 - - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. Il Settecento, Bari, Laterza, 1976 (3ª ed. 1981) - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. L’Ottocento, vol. I, Bari, Laterza, 1977 (3ª ed. 1985) - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. L'Ottocento, vol. II, Bari, Laterza, 1977 (3ª ed. 1985) - Paolo Sica, Storia dell'urbanistica. Il Novecento, Bari, Laterza, 1978 (3ª ed. 1985) - Paolo Morachiello, La città greca, Roma Bari, Laterza 2003 - Paul Zanker, La città romana, Roma Bari, Laterza 2013 - Ennio Concina, La città bizantina, Roma Bari, Laterza 2003 - Alberto Grohmann, La città medievale, Roma Bari, Laterza 2003 - Donatella Calabi, La città del primo Rinascimento, Roma Bari, Laterza 2001 - Claudia Conforti, La città del tardo Rinascimento, Roma Bari, Laterza 2005 - Daniela Del Pesco, Andrew Hopkins, La città del Seicento, Roma Bari, Laterza 2014 - Giovanna Curcio, La città del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008 - Guido Zucconi, La città dell'Ottocento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001 - Bernardo Secchi, La città del ventesimo secolo, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2005 General Bibliography thematically suggested. for 'Arcaic Age': K. Kerény, Origine e fondazione della mitologia, saggio introduttivo a C. G. Jung e K. Kèreny, Prolegomeni allo studio scientifico della mitologia, Boringhieri, Torino 1964 Per la ‘partizione dello spazio sacro’: cfr. E.A. Gutkind, International History of the City … Development) Mircea Eliade, Il sacro e il profano, Boringhieri, Torino 1967 (1957) [studi per/sulla ‘città antica’] Mircea Eliade, Il mito dell’eterno ritorno, Borla, Torino 1968 (1949) for 'Greek City'/'Town': K. A. Doxiadis, The Greek City Plan, in “Landscape”, vol. 6, autunno 1956 Gustave Glotz, La città greca, Einaudi, Torino 1955 (1923) from Medieval Age to Contemporary Age, and various items: Leonardo Benevolo, Storia della città, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1975 Enrico Guidoni, La città europea. Formazione e significato dal IV al XI secolo, Electa, Milano 1970. Enrico Guidoni, La città dal Medioevo al Rinascimento, Electa, Roma 1981. Joseph Connors, Alleanze e inimicizie. L’ urbanistica di Roma barocca, Roma-Bari, 2005 Enrico Guidoni, Angela Marino, Storia dell’urbanistica. Il Seicento, Roma-Bari, 1979 Ludwig Hilberseimer, L’Architettura della Grande Città, Clean ed., Milano 1998 Arturo Soria y Mata, La città lineare, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1968 C.M. Travaglini, Economia e finanza, in "Storia di Roma dall'antichità ad oggi". Vol. IV: Roma moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2002 (pp. 79-115, saggio scaricabile dal sito) Giovanna Curcio, La città del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008 (capitolo III, pp. 94-142) - Roma dall’alto, a cura di M.F. Boemi-C.M. Travaglini, Roma, CROMA-Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2006 (le sezioni indicate dai docenti, scaricabili dal sito). On the 'Medieval City' in particular: Dupré-Theseider, La città nell’alto Medioevo, Centro di Studi Italiani sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 1959 Henri Pirenne, Le città del Medioevo, Laterza, Bari, 1974 (1927). Edith Ennen, Storia della città medievale, Laterza, Roma Bari 1975 (1956) Luigi Piccinto, Urbanistica medievale, Edizioni dedalo, Firenze 1993 (1978) Pierre Toubert, Les structures du Latium médiéval. Le Latium méridional et la Sabine du IXe à la fin du XIIe siècle, Ecole Française de Rome, Roma 1973. Enrico Guidoni, Arte e urbanistica in Toscana, 1000-1305, Bulzoni, Roma 1970 Irina Baldescu, Misura e struttura nelle città fondate dell’Europa centrale, in “Studia Patzinaka”, no. 7, 2008, pp. 59-78. Jacques Heers, La città nel medioevo in Occidente, Jaca Book, Milano 1995 |
8 | ICAR/18 | 100 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002070 -
Additional language skills, computer skills, job training and guidance, other useful knowledge for entering the labour market.
6 | 75 | - | - | - | Other activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21010038 -
Analysis and design of architectural ensembles with particular regard to social components and relationships of the urban context. Introduction on examination behavior in public spaces and relations between practices of use and design.
21010038-1 -
Analysis and design of architectural ensembles with particular regard to social components and relationships of the urban context. Introduction on examination behavior in public spaces and relations between practices of use and design.
The laboratory deals with the complex theme of urban regeneration, dealing with a large area of the existing city, within which there are a plurality of themes for the redevelopment of public space starting from the construction of a network of cycle paths.
(reference books)
These are the main points: 1 IDENTITY We all live the city on the move: from one point to another, each of us dynamically builds the map of our own city day by day Moving from one place to another we build our identity as a sum of places with which we identify ourselves A city congested by traffic limits freedom of movement 2 MOVEMENT Cycling is freedom of movement A bicycle tour is an opportunity to discover the city and get in touch with people A bicycle route must link these points together The paths should not be imagined as single paths but must be connected in a plot that extends according to variable trajectories in the folds of the existing city 3 CHOICE A network of cycle routes must offer itself to people as a set of choices, alternatives not only as a means of communication from A to B People thus interpret the various routes according to the occasion or moment, moving between the various points each according to their needs The plot of cycle paths overlaps the existing city triggering new ways of use 4 PLACES Cities are not poor in urban resources but are often used inefficiently Beyond the primary spaces - monumental, institutional, .... - there are a myriad of public places that for a variety of reasons - use, maintenance, safety - are not perceived as potentially habitable by the inhabitants 5 NETWORK Drawing a cycle network can be the pretext for bringing together fragments, wrecks, margins, troughs, and abandoned areas. Places that maybe for a period have had a collective use that then got lost Places that are the remains of processes of erosion, fragmentation and privatization of public space 6 REGENERATION The design of a cycle network does not only have to do with mobility but above all with public space as a place of the collective dimension of living A cycle network can serve to materialize lines of movement along which unexpected places are reconnected to the use of people. A cycle network can be the engine of a regeneration of the urban fabric 7 PUBLIC SPACE Connecting residual spaces in the city to each other, allowing people to access them, by bicycle or on foot, even in passing, can be the first step in a process of re-appropriation of public space as a shared and collective place 8 SAFETY When we think of a public space, security is fundamental: without it there is no place that can be called collective Accessibility and visibility are minimum conditions for safe use A network of cycle paths configures a system of flows that activates the public space of the city NACTO National Association of City Transportation Officials, Urban Bikeway Design Guide, Whashington April 2011 Edition
NACTO National Association of City Transportation Officials, Global Street Design Guide, Global Designing Cities iniziative, Island press, New York 2016 |
6 | ICAR/14 | 75 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21010038-2 -
Analysis and design of architectural ensembles with particular regard to social components and relationships of the urban context. Introduction on examination behavior in public spaces and relations between practices of use and design.
RE-MOVE-ROME-ROADS, as an integral part of the Laboratory of Urban Space Design, provides a series of critical elements to reinterpret the space of the road, and in particular that of the roads in the Roman territory, on a design level.
(reference books)
The Roman territory that falls within the administrative limits of Roma Capitale has a road network extension of about 8000 km (Roma Capitale, 2022). This network is difficult to maintain, not only because of its linear extension, which is coupled with a large surface area of asphalt, but also because of the nature of the subsoil and the microclimate, which is characterised by significant temperature variations. If the pandemic emptiness of the roads has made possible unprecedented forms of temporary appropriation of the space of the car by humans and non-humans, the performative capacity of the road tends to remain limited to mobility, mainly automotive. RE-MOVE-ROME-ROADS investigates design tools and processes instrumental in subverting the still monofunctional understanding of the space of the street, exploring actions and processes that allow to multiply the horizontal and vertical relationships that this urban device can entertain with the context. The course is part of RE-MOVE-ROME, an action-research project of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre, which explores the possibilities of removing the impermeable surface layer that pervades the metropolitan area of Rome in order to give more space to water and its infiltration and thus strengthen the regional water cycle and at the same time facilitate reforestation processes, contribute to the absorption of heat waves and droughts, and encourage processes of re-appropriation by the inhabitants. Jacobs, Jane (1961) Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Random House.
Viganò P. (2010), I territori dell'urbanistica, Officina Edizioni, Roma. |
2 | ICAR/21 | 25 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002063 -
The development of a project on an urban scale (masterplan) with particular attention to the themes of the resilience to the climate change and to the relationship between physical and social form. Among the topics discussed: use of space; temporality of movement of the inhabitants; open and built spaces; design of soil and infrastructure; places of social life, of living and working. In addition, they analyze the models of urban development and demographic, land use, traffic, food sustainability, social interactions and urban spaces, the economy and the metabolism of the city.
21002063-1 -
The development of a project on an urban scale (masterplan) with particular attention to the themes of the resilience to the climate change and to the relationship between physical and social form. Among the topics discussed: use of space; temporality of movement of the inhabitants; open and built spaces; design of soil and infrastructure; places of social life, of living and working. In addition, they analyze the models of urban development and demographic, land use, traffic, food sustainability, social interactions and urban spaces, the economy and the metabolism of the city.
Today cities appear as inhabited territories, they are increasingly "endless cities". Even Rome has now overflowed well beyond its administrative borders, we can speak of a City Region. We would like to question the territory of Rome and ask ourselves: what is the current “forma urbis” of Rome? The "great project" of Rome is to recognize its current "forma urbis". They are the "voids" not built but in reality full of values: agricultural, environmental (parks and reserves) and ecological. The soil, the water that in their intertwining with the territorial extension, the different densities of living, the signs of history that have deposited over time to give "shape to the current urban", the one that looks to the future.
(reference books)
We aim to give meaning to the complex of spaces, shapes, symbols that connote the city we live in from a historical-cultural and social point of view to help restore its “forma urbis”. Rehab, rewrite. A first representation of Rome is given by the “built lumps” held together by the infrastructures, in continuous transformation, an overwriting on a text already written in part. While the expansion has proceeded by additions, now the growth can take place by stratification on the existing and is built on top of the already built. M. Cerasoli, Politiche ferroviarie, modelli di mobilità e territorio. Le ferrovie italiane nell'epoca della pseudo liberalizzazione. Aracne, Roma, 2012.
C. Amato, C. Ravagnan, Percorsi di Resilienza. Rilancio e riuso delle ferrovie in dismissione nei territori fragili tra Italia e Spagna. Aracne, Roma, 2020 |
8 | ICAR/21 | 100 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002063-2 -
The development of a project on an urban scale (masterplan) with particular attention to the themes of the resilience to the climate change and to the relationship between physical and social form. Among the topics discussed: use of space; temporality of movement of the inhabitants; open and built spaces; design of soil and infrastructure; places of social life, of living and working. In addition, they analyze the models of urban development and demographic, land use, traffic, food sustainability, social interactions and urban spaces, the economy and the metabolism of the city.
De Lucia Luca
The teaching will consist of a systematic exposition of legislation and case law on land planning. The main aspects of the legal regulations on landscape planning, other land protection instruments and building regulations will also be outlined.
(reference books)
S. Civitarese Matteucci, P. Urbani, "Diritto urbanistico", Turin, Giappichelli, VII ed., 2020, pp.1-380
4 | IUS/10 | 50 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002063-3 -
The development of a project on an urban scale (masterplan) with particular attention to the themes of the resilience to the climate change and to the relationship between physical and social form. Among the topics discussed: use of space; temporality of movement of the inhabitants; open and built spaces; design of soil and infrastructure; places of social life, of living and working. In addition, they analyze the models of urban development and demographic, land use, traffic, food sustainability, social interactions and urban spaces, the economy and the metabolism of the city.
Part 1: Statistical survey and types of data
(reference books)
Types of data: nominal and ordinal. Frequencies and distributions. Mean, weighted mean, median, rank, range, variance, standard deviation, interquartile range, percentiles. Chebyshev's Theorem. Dependent and independent variables, chi-square, correlation and covariance, Pearson's coefficient, linear regression model, data fitting. Part 2: Probability of Events and Probability Distributions Probability and events. Types of events. Conditional probabilities and independence, Bayes' theorem. Random variables and probability distributions. Discrete and continuous variables. Distributions of interest: Uniform, binomial and Poisson distributions for discrete variables. Uniform, normal and standardised normal distributions for continuous variables. Central limit theorem. Sampling. Point and interval estimation. Part 3: Statistical Inference Statistical test theory, test for rejection of hypotheses (TRI), p-value, standardised variables. Z-test, T-test and Chi-square test. Excel exercises: The Excel spreadsheet, importing data, basic functions. Calculating frequencies for different types of data, histogram. Calculating frequency tables, histograms, distributions, cumulative distributions, averages, medians, percentiles. Conditional frequencies, chi-square, covariance, Pearson's coefficient, linear regression. Probability exercises. Analysis and processing of statistical surveys of urban interest. The material to be studied will be indicated by the lecturer during the class.
Books: Statistica – Metodologie per le Scienze economiche e sociali, Simone Borra e Agostino Di Ciaccio. Mc Graw Hill Analisi Statistica dei dati biologici; M. Whitlock, D. Schluter. Zanichelli |
4 | MAT/06 | 50 | - | - | - | Related or supplementary learning activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21002065 -
Finalize the tools acquired in previous structural courses for the design of simple structures, both for new buildings and that the recovery and upgrading of existing assets, with reference to the existing legislation, introducing some new concepts on seismic design.
(reference books)
- the structural concept and member structural design - references to construction techniques - structural design in seismic areas and dynamic of structures - national and international design code - development of a simple structural project with related graphics, numerical models, technical reports, and spreadsheets - structural retrofitting of an existing structure in a seismic area. Lecture notes distributed by the teacher.
Texts for further study and integration of the lecture notes. Quaderno aicap N.2 PROGETTO DI UN EDIFICIO IN C.A. CON E SENZA ISOLAMENTO SISMICO ALLA BASE aicap - Associazione Italiana Calcestruzzo Armato e Precompresso DETTAGLI COSTRUTTIVI di STRUTTURE in CALCESTRUZZO ARMATO aicap - Associazione Italiana Calcestruzzo Armato e Precompresso PROGETTAZIONE DI STRUTTURE IN CALCESTRUZZO ARMATO GUIDA ALL’USO dell’EUROCODICE 2 con riferimento alle Norme Tecniche D.M. 14.1.2008 aicap - Associazione Italiana Calcestruzzo Armato e Precompresso PROGETTAZIONE SISMICA DI EDIFICI IN CALCESTRUZZO ARMATO GUIDA ALL’USO dell’EUROCODICE 2 con riferimento alle Norme Tecniche D.M. 14.1.2008 aicap - Associazione Italiana Calcestruzzo Armato e Precompresso |
4 | ICAR/09 | 50 | - | - | - | Related or supplementary learning activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21010039 -
The interdisciplinary nature of the course allows you to recognize and describe the areas of natural and man made landscape in which intervenes, to deal consciously with the different phases of human settlement, with the history and form of urban structures.
21010039-1 -
The interdisciplinary nature of the course allows you to recognize and describe the areas of natural and man made landscape in which intervenes, to deal consciously with the different phases of human settlement, with the history and form of urban structures.
This course deals with the disciplinary horizon of landscape architecture: the art and technique to shape open spaces, with materials, methods and approaches proper of landscaping. It focuses on relationships rather than artifacts, processes rather than outcomes; because it prefers the use of natural and living materials, in evolutionary and cyclical time dimensions; Because it proceeds through strategies and programs rather than forms; Because it requires the contamination of various professional skills (botany, geology, natural science engineering, environmental sciences, economics and sociology ...); Because it crosses scale and does not proceed mechanically from general to detail; Because it requires the study and interpretation of behavioral and social topics.
(reference books)
The main objective of the course is to understand this complexity within the framework of the urban open space design, to provide the students with the ability to govern and value this complexity on a cultural, ethical, figurative and environmental level through a receptive and attentive sensitivity (listening and viewing skills) and a specific technical skill (ability to intervene and transform). The project of open space can be declined in a multitude of species of spaces: gardens, parks, shores, residual areas, gardens, squares, streets, streets, parks, and so on, subject to further specific articulations Than reciprocal hybridisations. Some of these categories are the legacy of a long and valuable historical legacy, others talk about contemporaryity and the continuous transformation of urban spaces. On the last we focus our attention. The course has a theoretical and design character and is divided into three modules - module 1, "Plants Ecology"; module 2, "Landscape Representation"; module 3, "Landscape Architecture" - which work in a synergic way to offer a framework of methodological, theoretical and operational knowledge aimed at designing open spaces in urban areas. E. Belfiore, Il verde e la città. Idee e progetti dal Settecento ad oggi, Gangemi Editore 2005.
M. Corrado e A. Lambertini, Atlante delle nature urbane. Centouno voci per i paesaggi quotidiani, Editrice Compositori, 2011. G. Cullen, Il paesaggio urbano, Calderini 1976. K. Lynch, L’immagine della città, Marsilio 1964. C. W. Moore, W. J. Mitchel, W. Turnbull, The poetics of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge-London 1988, trad. it. La poetica dei giardini, Muzzio Editore 1991. D. Pandakovic, Dal Sasso A., Saper vedere il paesaggio, Ed. CittàStudi, 2009. F. Panzini, Progettare la natura – Architettura del paesaggio e dei giardini dalle origini all’epoca contemporanea, Zanichelli 2005. F. Zagari, Questo è paesaggio – 48 definizioni, Gruppo Mancosu editore 2006. F. Zagari, Sul paesaggio. Lettera aperta, Libria 2013. |
6 | ICAR/15 | 75 | - | - | - | Related or supplementary learning activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21010039-2 -
The interdisciplinary nature of the course allows you to recognize and describe the areas of natural and man made landscape in which intervenes, to deal consciously with the different phases of human settlement, with the history and form of urban structures.
(reference books)
Learning Goals and Objectives : provide students basic knowledge of Botany and Vegetal Ecology related to patterns, processes and paradigms in Landscape Ecology and Urban Ecology. Contents • Elements of Biology, Botany and Ecology: Definition of living system, plant and vegetal organism. - Structure and Function of Vascular Plants - Photosynthesis process – Life-forms and Chorotypes. • Biocenosis – Biotope–Habitat-Ecosystem –Landscape. Anthropocene and Symbiocene. • Matter cycles and energy flows in natural and urban ecosystems. The city as a dissipative system. • Nature’s gradients in the Landscape: naturals, semi-naturals, rurals, artificial ecosystems (parks and gardens, urban and peri-urban areas). • Systematic Botany - Flora and Vegetation - Native and aliens plants, archeophytes and neophytes, spontaneous, apophytes and cultivated plants. • Flora and vegetation in urban environment and in natural habitat. • Vegetation structure – Plants Community - Vegetation dynamics – Phytosociology - Biomes and Ecoregions. • Phytogeography - Mediterranean biogeographical region– World mediterranean ecozones. • Latium green Landscape: mediterranean, submontan and riparian vegetation, Roman Campagna (Countryside) as anthropic steppe. • Habitat, definition and classification scheme based on EU Habitats Directive; list of threatened regional endemic habitats objects of conservation and protection measures: SIC, ZSC e ZPS; Hot-spots and Vegetation Red Lists of endagered species. • Landscape Ecology: patch - matrix - corridor model, buffer zone, ecological network. • Habitat fragmentation and connettivity, Genetic drift, Biodiversity in natural and urban areas. Third Landscape. • Trees and the process of vegetal succession in urban areas. • Taxonomy of forest, wood, countryside and streetscape trees, arboreal composition and dynamics of periurban and urban green, performance, physiology, and morphology of urban trees as well their ecosystem services. • Urban forestry between wilderness, planning and ecosystemic approach. Textbooks adopted
The PowerPoint lecture slides will be downloaded on the teams platform together with pdf texts, materials and links to scientific and institutional sites |
2 | BIO/03 | 25 | - | - | - | Related or supplementary learning activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21010039-3 -
The interdisciplinary nature of the course allows you to recognize and describe the areas of natural and man made landscape in which intervenes, to deal consciously with the different phases of human settlement, with the history and form of urban structures.
The Landscape Representation lessons will be aimed at providing the cognitive and practical bases for the analogical and digital management of the landscape project. In particular, attention will be paid to the representation of the landscape through drawings in the various techniques. In this regard, students must keep an A5 format notebook on which to write down information, ideas, and sketches of the project area. Other lessons will be dedicated to the digital representation of the landscape, with targeted lessons on photographic techniques, image management, post production and project render composition through photo editing software. Students will be presented with the new trends in landscape representation, so that they can re-propose the techniques also in the projects of the year theme.
(reference books)
Other lessons will be dedicated to the laboratory which will allow a direct and continuous comparison with the students for a complete project management in different aspects. Maria Grazia Cianci, 2008. Metafore. Rappresentazione e interpretazioni di paesaggi. Ediz. Illustrata. Editore Alinea, 196 pp., ill. EAN: 9788860552181
Maria Grazia Cianci, 2008. Rappresentazione del paesaggio. metodi, strumenti e procedure per l'analisi e la rappresentazione. Editore Alinea, 151 pp. ISBN 8860553083, 9788860553089 Alessandro Pittaluga, 1987. IL Paesaggio nel territorio. Hoepli, Trento. 232pp De Luca, L. 2011. La Fotomodellazione Architettonica. Palermo, Italy. Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2011. ISBN:978-88-579-0070-4 Folin M., Rappresentare la città. Topografie urbane nell’Italia di antico regime. Diabasis, 2010, Reggio Emilia. Pp. 106-107. Stroffolino D., La città misurata. Tecniche e strumenti di rilevamento nei trattati a stampa del Cinquecento, Salerno, Roma 1999, pp. 128 – 132. |
2 | ICAR/17 | 25 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language |
21002066 -
To explore issues raised by the Laboratory of Urban Planning with the tools of architectural design at the urban scale, with particular attention to the structural components. The laboratory offers a new architectural and urban design for the study area and the actions of modification of the spaces that could lead to an overall project, acquiring the basis for an economic evaluation of projects.
21002066-1 -
To explore issues raised by the Laboratory of Urban Planning with the tools of architectural design at the urban scale, with particular attention to the structural components. The laboratory offers a new architectural and urban design for the study area and the actions of modification of the spaces that could lead to an overall project, acquiring the basis for an economic evaluation of projects.
The laboratory develops the idea of C.I.R.C.O. (Casa Indispensable for Civic Recreation and Hospitality) proposing a rethinking of the welcoming spaces for migrants, transients and mobile populations, starting from the reuse of the abandoned or underused Roman real estate assets. The goal is to facilitate access to these spaces for all the inhabitants of the city, opening them up to the collective construction of living, spaces for exchange and sociability. The project involves the development of indications for a welcoming policy, in a more mutual sense of hospitality, aimed at generating new forms of reciprocity and coexistence. The work is in direct contact with the local area and its communities.
(reference books)
The course intervene at the core of the city in a creative, interdisciplinary and participatory way. It offers lessons about the relationship between arts, architecture and the city, and direct experiences such as urban explorations, realization of micro-structures at the 1:1 scale, events and performative actions of a high civic and symbolic content, in complex social contexts, with special attention to the intercultural city and the migrant's hospitality. We can explain the teaching approach goes in three main words: Arts Architecture City. By Arts we mean the tools of knowledge that guide us towards the comprehension of the dynamics of contemporary urban transformations; poetic glances that are able to reveal those aspects of the city that are often invisible, and to provoke their potentialities. We understand Architecture as a practice of reading and processing space, both in a physical and symbolic way. The course offers to the students an occasion to experiment the construction of an artifact in the city that is able to provoke social transformations. We view the City as a contested space, not just in terms of the formal regulations that aim to rule its development but in terms of those new dwelling practices that seek to transform housing and neighborhoods, to change the use and meaning of public space, and to claim people’s right to the city. for an overview of the course topics and results of the last years see the course blog:
8 | ICAR/14 | 100 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
21002066-2 -
To explore issues raised by the Laboratory of Urban Planning with the tools of architectural design at the urban scale, with particular attention to the structural components. The laboratory offers a new architectural and urban design for the study area and the actions of modification of the spaces that could lead to an overall project, acquiring the basis for an economic evaluation of projects.
The module aims to integrate the issues of the evaluation examining some specific subject, according with the recent developments of the discipline. The assessment becomes a part of the design process, providing logical and methodological support and becoming an active component in the construction of the design. The evaluation, therefore, becomes a contribution to the implementation of the preferred solution in relation to context, to the actors involved in the process, and to feasibility, taking into account the numerous variables (socio-economic, environmental, financial, aesthetic, cultural, etc.). The module deals with the methods and techniques of project evaluation according to different approaches (financial, economic, multidimensional); finally, the module introduces methodologies that enable the assessment of the effects and impacts perceived by the community.
(reference books)
Specifically, the module deals with: A brief summary of appraisal basics: appraisals principles and methods. Basics of international appraisal procedures. Total Economic Value, definitions and techniques. Shared evaluation and deliberative Value. Methods and techniques of projects evaluation: financial methods (Investment Analysis), cash flows and measures of investment performance, project financing, economic methods (Cost-Benefit Analysis), multidimensional methods, Multicriteria Analysis (among which Electre methods, Dominant Regime Methods, Analytic Hierarchy Process, etc.). Community Impact Evaluation, Deliberative methods to evaluate impact and effect perceived by community. Appraisal
A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell'estimo urbano", Carocci, Roma, 1994. M. Polelli, "Nuovo trattato di estimo'', Maggior, Rimini, 2008. Bateman al, “Economic valuation with Stated Preference Techniques: A Manual”, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002. Methods and techniques of projects evaluation Miccoli S., "La valutazione nel progetto di restauro", in Carbonara G. (diretto da), "Trattato di Restauro architettonico", UTET, Torino, 1996. Nijkamp P., Rietveld P., Voogd H., "Multicriteria evaluation in physical planning", North Holland Pubi. Amsterdam/New York. Handsout provided during the module. |
4 | ICAR/22 | 50 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
21002068 -
Urban transformation - the course area of interest - is faced in a way to convey to the students the most suitable attitudes and postures, excluding final and preordained solutions. The course aims to convey the skill to identify the policies in action in the urban transformations and how they shape the contemporary city. Identify means acquire the skill to distinguish the policies in elements, actors and actions. The students will face the instruments and the operative methods usually employed for the policies implementation; they will learn to build, with different way to examine in depth the specific policies addressed to the theme of transformation, limited to some selected themes: sharing, habitability, density/intensity.
Part One addresses the conceptual definition of public policies, introducing and critically discussing the distinction between policy and politics; the formulation of the problems that policies must deal with, and their putting 'on the agenda'; the coupling between problems and solutions; the nature and role of the actors that influence policy design in a multilevel governance framework and policy implementation, assessment and effects.
(reference books)
Part Two explores a wide array of regeneration policies and practices in European and North American contexts, that pay increasing attention to the quality of life at local level by intertwining affordable housing, local development and community empowerment issues. The case of the construction of local agendas also helps revisit a wide range of Italian urban and territorial policies, notably in reference to governance issues. Environment and biodiversity take in a major role, allowing to tackle welfare and wellbeing in urban and peri-urban areas. Part Three, that will be developed alongside the previous parts, is devoted to a practical approach to a specific case study. On the backdrop of the challenges awaiting the Municipality of Rome (Roma Capitale), the pilot will be Acilia-Dragona district along the Tiber River, marked by peculiar complex environmental, settlement and production problems, and contradictorily affected by general and sector planning tools forecasts. Throughout the course's development, surveys, communications, seminars, and meetings with stakeholders will intertwine theoretical and practical narratives, highlighting syntonies and contradictions, negotiations and interference between top-down and bottom-up approaches witnessing the fluctuating interplay between the community and institutions. Calzolari V., Storia e Natura come sistema, Argos, 1997.
Hall P., Good cities, better lives : how Europe discovered the lost art of urbanism, London New York, Routledge, 2013. Insolera I., Roma moderna, Einaudi, Torino, 1962. Palazzo A.L. (a cura di), Campagne urbane. Paesaggi in trasformazione nell’area romana, Gangemi, Roma, 2005. |
6 | ICAR/21 | 75 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
21010040 -
The course deals with the design of urban space considering the interaction with the built surroundings and environmental factors, the compatibility and incompatibility at different scales, in order to identify innovative technological solutions, which meet the requirements of users, enhance places and pursue the objectives of environmental sustainability. Key methodologies in performance, parameters, indicators and evaluation criteria guide the various stages of the process.
21010040-1 -
The course deals with the design of urban space considering the interaction with the built surroundings and environmental factors, the compatibility and incompatibility at different scales, in order to identify innovative technological solutions, which meet the requirements of users, enhance places and pursue the objectives of environmental sustainability. Key methodologies in performance, parameters, indicators and evaluation criteria guide the various stages of the process.
The Laboratory aims to investigate the transformations that, in the building process, affect the buildings and the contexts within which they are located, in order to identify solutions to operate, at the micro-urban and building scale, adopting a climate mitigation and adaptation approach.
(reference books)
The course addresses the relationship between the built environment, climate and new technologies by exploring the synergy between environmental factors, energy aspects, optimization of the form, use of green, soil treatment and choice of materials. In particular, the course is configured as an opportunity to deepen the environmental issues, with a bioclimatic approach and content related to the field of sustainability, aimed at the acquisition of knowledge of sustainability certification protocols and methods of detection of environmental and energy issues oriented to the management of indoor and outdoor comfort. The course includes lectures and project exercises, supported by the use of simulation software and calculation tools, aimed at investigating, with measurable results, the effects of the building on the environment, with reference to the phenomenon of Urban Heat Island, and the effects of the environment on buildings in terms of reduction of energy consumption. Finally, in a vision of energy transition, and according with the Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal and the NRRP, the course proposes to investigate, on a Roman district, chosen as a case study, the possibility of adopting strategies for energy transition and decarbonization. •Benedetti, C. (2013), Comfort urbano, Bolzano University Press.
•Butera, F. M., [2014]. Dalla caverna alla casa ecologica. Storia del comfort e dell’energia (nuova edizione), A Ed. Edizioni Ambiente, Milano. •Casini, M. (2009). Costruire l'ambiente. Gli strumenti e i metodi della progettazione ambientale, Collana Manuali di Progettazione sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente. •Dierna, S., Orlandi, F. (2009) Ecoefficienza per la «Citta' Diffusa», Alinea Editore. •Maretto, M. (2020), Il progetto urbano sostenibile. Morfologia, architettura, information technology, FrancoAngeli Editore. •Martincigh, L. (2012) Strumenti di intervento per la riqualificazione urbana. La complessità dell'ambiente stradale, Gangemi Editore. •Musco, F., Zanchini, E. (2014), Il clima cambia le città. Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione nella pianificazione urbanistica, FrancoAngeli Editore. •Olgyay, V. [2013]. Progettare con il clima. Un approccio bioclimatico al regionalismo architettonico (nuova edizione), Franco Muzzio Editore, Roma. •Rogora, A., [2012]. Progettazione bioclimatica per l'architettura mediterranea - Metodi Esempi, Wolters Kluwer Italia. Other texts and teaching contributions will be indicated by the teacher in the course of the lectures. |
6 | ICAR/12 | 75 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
21010040-2 -
The course deals with the design of urban space considering the interaction with the built surroundings and environmental factors, the compatibility and incompatibility at different scales, in order to identify innovative technological solutions, which meet the requirements of users, enhance places and pursue the objectives of environmental sustainability. Key methodologies in performance, parameters, indicators and evaluation criteria guide the various stages of the process.
Review of thermal sciences. Main characteristics of passive systems. Thermal behavior of the structures. Thermal insulating materials. Determination of energy requirements for air conditioning of buildings. Integrated design of the building-plant system. Renewable energy production and use systems. Elements of acoustics and lighting technology. Notes on energy saving. Reference regulations.
(reference books)
Heat and Mass Transfer, Yunus A. Çengel.
4 | ING-IND/11 | 50 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language |
21002069 -
Deepening the skills in planning and design of urban and territorial space, urban sustainability and climate adaptation of settlements on different scales.
21002069-1 -
Deepening the skills in planning and design of urban and territorial space, urban sustainability and climate adaptation of settlements on different scales.
rottura forma urbe is an ambiguous and provocative proposition.
(reference books)
In contrast to Severan's similar and better-known forma urbis, whose intention was to 'outline' the shape of the city of Rome in stone from the architectural elements that made it up, rottura forma urbe counterpoints the destabilising action of disruption. That it is the disruption that shapes the urbe may sound controversial. And yet, the inhabited territory often looks like a fragment. The disruption, the fracture and what is deformed and hardly recognisable, is the epitome of the urban condition. But here, by disruption, even before the fragment and what breaks the idea of the urban figure, we are referring to the parts of the territory that are 'broken' due to a collapse. In the urbanised territory, disruption is discontinuity. It is perturbation that, as a-functional to current development, offers eccentric perspectives. It is a heuristic device (Graham, 2011) capable of producing a gap in knowledge as well as in experience. It is a "transformative place" that opens up new possibilities of being and living. It is a space within which a paradigm shift can be inscribed. It is often marginal, and if it is not marginal, it generates marginality. It is urban because it cannot be otherwise. It is revealing of local and planetary relations. Disruption is a lens through which to reinterpret inhabited territory. The approach of rottura forma urbe is not 'problem-solving'. On the contrary, the position is learning from what is commonly identified as a 'problem'. Disruption is interpreted as an inversely problematic condition because it reveals the structure but also the contradictions and fragility of the present urban condition. The object of rottura forma urbe are the disruptions of the geography of the Roman urban and beyond. Those disruptions that have to do with infrastructure, including environmental infrastructure such as soil and water. Also included are disruptions resulting from climate change. The sphere of rottura forma urbe is NO-CITY (, that is, the diffuse urban condition. The disruption is ubiquitous and manifests itself in any urban gradient, from the centre, to the periphery, to the dispersion, to hinterland and the fragments of the geography of the Roman urban. Graham, Stephen (2011) Disruptions. In: Gandy, Matthew [ed.] Urban Constallations. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 65-70.
Haraway, Donna (1988) Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies, 14, 3, pp. 575-599. |
4 | ICAR/21 | 50 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
21002069-2 -
Deepening the skills in planning and design of urban and territorial space, urban sustainability and climate adaptation of settlements on different scales.
rottura forma urbe is an ambiguous and provocative proposition.
(reference books)
In contrast to Severan's similar and better-known forma urbis, whose intention was to 'outline' the shape of the city of Rome in stone from the architectural elements that made it up, rottura forma urbe counterpoints the destabilising action of disruption. That it is the disruption that shapes the urbe may sound controversial. And yet, the inhabited territory often looks like a fragment. The disruption, the fracture and what is deformed and hardly recognisable, is the epitome of the urban condition. But here, by disruption, even before the fragment and what breaks the idea of the urban figure, we are referring to the parts of the territory that are 'broken' due to a collapse. In the urbanised territory, disruption is discontinuity. It is perturbation that, as a-functional to current development, offers eccentric perspectives. It is a heuristic device (Graham, 2011) capable of producing a gap in knowledge as well as in experience. It is a "transformative place" that opens up new possibilities of being and living. It is a space within which a paradigm shift can be inscribed. It is often marginal, and if it is not marginal, it generates marginality. It is urban because it cannot be otherwise. It is revealing of local and planetary relations. Disruption is a lens through which to reinterpret inhabited territory. The approach of rottura forma urbe is not 'problem-solving'. On the contrary, the position is learning from what is commonly identified as a 'problem'. Disruption is interpreted as an inversely problematic condition because it reveals the structure but also the contradictions and fragility of the present urban condition. The object of rottura forma urbe are the disruptions of the geography of the Roman urban and beyond. Those disruptions that have to do with infrastructure, including environmental infrastructure such as soil and water. Also included are disruptions resulting from climate change. The sphere of rottura forma urbe is NO-CITY (, that is, the diffuse urban condition. The disruption is ubiquitous and manifests itself in any urban gradient, from the centre, to the periphery, to the dispersion, to hinterland and the fragments of the geography of the Roman urban. Graham, Stephen (2011) Disruptions. In: Gandy, Matthew [ed.] Urban Constallations. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 65-70.
Haraway, Donna (1988) Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies, 14, 3, pp. 575-599. |
2 | ICAR/21 | 25 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
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The educational objective of the final test is to allow students to produce cultural content that represents the synthesis of the interests gained and the skills acquired during the course of study. These cultural contents correspond to the production of a Master Degree thesis, which is an original elaboration made on scientific and cultural themes agreed with the supervisor.
10 | 125 | - | - | - | Final examination and foreign language test | ITA |
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