Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20810122 -
The course aims to present the principles and methodologies necessary to deal with the problems of electrical systems with particular reference to those of machines and electrical systems in contexts associated with the technology for the marine applications. In this context, the student will be able to face the design of simple systems, he will also acquire the skills necessary for the choice and use of the most common electrical machines and the basic components of electrical systems used in the industrial and marine areas.
( syllabus)
Electric field and magnetic field. Electromagnetism fundamentals, basic principles and theorems for the analysis of electric and magnetic circuits. Electric circuits indc.Representation of sinusoidal electric quantities, definition of circuit impedance and analysis of single-phase and three-phase circuits; instantaneous power, active power and power factor in single-phase and three-phase circuits. Instruments and methods for measuring current, voltage, active power, power factor and energy in single-phase and three-phase circuits. Basic principle and operating characteristics of power transformers. Basic principles of staticpower conversion.Theory of the rotating magnetic field; basic structure and operating characteristics of induction and synchronous machines. Components and systems being used in power plants devoted to either generation or transportation or distribution of the electric energy; protection against either overvoltages or overcurrents; sizing of low-voltage secondary-network systems; power-factor correction; protective grounding and safety-related aspects in power distribution systems.
( reference books)
- G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella - Elettrotecnica, 1 - Principi - Società Editrice Esculapio - G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella - Elettrotecnica, 2 - Applicazioni - Società Editrice Esculapio - Additional Documents and Numerical Exercises -
Core compulsory activities
20810121 -
The aim of the course is to give further knowledge and tools of calculus, required for an adequate understanding of mathematical methods and models relevant for engineering, including probability and statistics.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Equazioni differenziali lineari del I ordine; Equazioni differenziali generali del primo ordine; il problema di Cauchy: esistenza e unicità locale; equazioni differenziali a variabili separabili; sistemi lineari del I ordine; equazioni differenziali lineari di ordine generico; soluzioni linearmente indipendenti e determinante Wronskiano; metodo di variazione delle costanti; equazioni lineari a coefficienti costanti e polinomio caratteristico; sistemi lineari del I ordine con matrice dei coefficienti costante; esponenziale di matrici e calcolo per matrici diagonalizzabili; altre equazioni differenziali notevoli: equazione di Bernoulli e di Eulero.
CALCOLO DIFFERENZIALE IN PIU’ VARIABILI. Norma e distanza in R^n; funzioni continue; teorema di Weierstrass; derivate parziali, gradiente e derivate direzionali; funzioni C^1 e C^2; derivate successive, matrice Hessiana e Teorema di Schwarz; derivazione di funzioni composte; sviluppo di Taylor al II ordine; massimi/minimi locali; metodo dei moltiplicatori di Lagrange e massimi/minimi assoluti su insiemi compatti.
CALCOLO INTEGRALE IN PIU’ VARIABILI. Integrazione secondo Riemann; misura di Peano-Jordan, integrazione di funzioni continue; formula di riduzione e integrali iterati (teorema di Fubini); cambiamento di variabili negli integrali e matrice Jacobiana; coordinate polari, cilindriche, sferiche; cenni sugli integrali impropri.
CURVE E SUPERFICI. Curve in R^n ; cambi di parametrizzazione; curve equivalenti e verso; lunghezza di una curva; superfici regolali in R^3; area di una superficie; superfici orientate e superfici con bordo.
CAMPI VETTORIALI. Lavoro; integrali curvilinei di un campo vettoriale; campi conservativi ed irrotazionali; equivalenza tra campi conservativi ed irrotazionali su insiemi semplicemente connessi; formula di Gauss-Green; formula di Stokes.
( reference books)
Bertsch, Dal Passo, Giacomelli, Analisi Matematica (McGraw Hill, II edizione)
Esercizi: Marcellini, Sbordone, Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica Due (vol. I e vol. II). Zanichelli ed.
Basic compulsory activities
20810129 -
The aim of the class is to gain knowledge of the different levels of materials structures (atomic, crystalline, nanometric, microscopic and mesoscopic) and of the deviations from the structural perfection (defects). Knowledge of the effects of nano- and microstructure on mechanical properties of materials. Knowledge of the scientific basis for the development of micro and nanostructure. Knowledge of the relationships between nano- and microstructure, process, properties and performances of the different materials, with particular attention to metals: steels, cast irons, light alloys and high temperature alloys. The fundamental concepts needed to correlate the properties of materials to their nature, production and forming processes will be discussed, as well as notions on the classification and application problems.
( syllabus)
Introduction to the world of materials - Historical references, evolution of materials, a look inside them and a nod to transformations - Properties and performance of the components Basic properties and elastic behavior - Intrinsic properties - Extrinsic properties - Mechanical stress systems: rigid body, deformable body, mechanical continuum; linear elasticity, Hooke's law, elastic behavior of the isotropic solid Composition and structure of matter at different dimensional scales - Composition: molecule, chemical bond, Condon-Morse curves; ionic materials, molecular materials - Thermodynamic origin of elasticity - Structures: amorphous and crystalline, Bravais lattices and Miller indexes - Defects in crystalline solids: point, line and surface lattices Mechanical behavior of materials - Influence of T and t on mechanical behavior as a function of the nature of the material - Static tensile stresses at low T: stress-strain curve (elastic field, plastic field, critical points) - Mechanical properties: ductility, hardness, fragility, resilience and toughness (property measurement techniques) - Fracture mechanics: Griffith energy theory, stress intensification factor, fracture toughness - Dynamic solicitations: fatigue, Wohler curve, Paris-Erdogan law Mono and multi-phase systems - Systems thermodynamics: Thermodynamics of condensed states, basic concepts, first principle, second principle, equilibrium conditions, non-equilibrium states, I and II together, characteristic state functions - solid state solubility: cooling curves of one-component systems, aggregation state, Hume-Rothery rules, solid solutions, phase - dependence of solubility on composition, temperature and pressure: Gibbs rule and leverage, Gibbs energy, Gibbs curves, phase equilibria in binary systems - phase transformation in the solid state: diffusion mechanisms, activation energy and Fick laws - solidification kinetics and microstructures: nucleation and growth, main thermodynamic transformations, microstructures Introduction to the main classes of metallic materials - Iron-based alloys: classification of steels and cast irons, main phase diagrams, classification of specific heat treatments; special steels, stainless steels and applications. - Titanium alloys: properties, processes - applications - Aluminum alloys: properties, processes - applications Introduction to the main classes of non-metallic materials - Polymeric matrix polymers and composites: properties, processes, applications - Ceramics: properties, processes, references to Weibull statistics, applications Laboratory activities and exercises
( reference books)
W.D. Callister, Scienza e Ingegneria dei Materiali slides of the course in pdf format
Core compulsory activities
20810128 -
The course starting from the basics of heat transfer and applied thermodynamics, discusses the principles of energy transfer and conversion as well as the main thermodynamic cycles of engineering interests, in order to analyse processes, equipment, and plant configurations utilised in energy conversion systems in the industrial domaine.
20810128-1 -
The course deals with the laws and methods which allow a quantitative evaluation of heat transfer processes (conduction, convection, radiation) between bodies and inside a body, as well as the temperature field variations these processes cause, with the objective of providing the knowledge necessary to design heat transfer devices.
( syllabus)
Units of Measures
1) Conduction phenomenology of heat transfers; general information on thermal fields; Fourier postulated. Fourier's equation, in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates, with and without internal heat development. Examples of exact solutions: flatbed and cylindrical layer steady. Sull'adduzione limit signs on faces. The similarity of insulating critical elettrica.Raggio. Example variable regime: periodic regime stabilized in a semi-infinite half
2) Convection Definition. Natural convection and forced convection. Schematic of the phenomenon. Definition of the heat exchange coefficient. dimensional analysis. Buckingham theorem. Method of indexes. Determination of dimensional characteristics of heat transfer variables. Applications.
3) Irradiation Kirchhoff's law. Planck's law, Stefan-Boltzmann and Wien. gray bodies. Applications.
4) Complex Phenomena Heat transfer by adduction. Applications.
2. Applied Thermodynamics
1) Thermodynamic systems Thermodynamics principles. Temperature. thermodynamic equilibrium. Work in a closed system. Temperature concept.
2) First law Conversion and energy transformation: the formulation of the first principle. internal energy. Specific heat.
3) Second law Statements of the second law. Carnot cycle. Carnot's theorem. Thermodynamic temperature scale. Entropy. Reversible and irreversible transformation.
4) Thermodynamics Air gaseous mixtures. moist air. Absolute and relative humidity. dew point temperature. Enthalpy associated. Mollier diagram. moist air transformation. Psychrometer. energy exchanges between man and environment. thermal comfort. wellness equations. Thermal comfort indices: actual temperature, PMV, PPD.
1) Definition fundamental physical quantities. Characterization of the stimulus.
2) The psychophysical quantities.
3) Applications and Technology about the Sea Engineering : description of the used instrumentation and measurement methodologies, Design principles.
( reference books)
1. Yunus A. Çengel, “Termodinamica e trasmissione del calore”, McGraw-Hill Education (testo base in versione completa con compendio di Acustica ed Illuminotecnica) 2. Michael Moran et al., “Elementi di Fisica Tecnica per l’Ingegneria”, McGraw-Hill (per consultazione ed approfondimento) 3. Lecture Notes
( syllabus)
Fundamentals: physical quantities and units of measurement, closed and open systems, forms of energy, properties of a thermodynamic system, transformations and thermodynamic cycles, temperature and zero principle of thermodynamics, pressure. The first law of thermodynamics: the concept of conservation of energy, closed and open systems, enthalpy, energy conservation for stationary flow systems. Properties of substances: pure substances, heat capacity and specific heats, phases of a substance, phase changes of pure substances, state diagrams, equation of state for ideal gases, transformations. The second law of thermodynamics: statements of the second law of thermodynamics, heat engines, refrigeration machines and heat pumps, reversible and irreversible transformations, Carnot cycle, entropy. Thermodynamics of humid air: dry air and atmospheric air, absolute humidity and relative humidity, dew temperature, psychrometric diagram, air conditioning, transformations for air conditioning.
Heat transfer
Steady-state thermal conduction: Fourier postulate, analogy with electrical flow, thermal conductivity, one-dimensional conduction in simple geometries, multilayer flat walls, cylindrical geometries, critical insulation radius. Forced and natural convection: introduction, dimensionless numbers, classification of fluid motion, limit layer of velocity and temperature, natural convection on surfaces. Irradiation: introduction, thermal radiation, black body radiation, radiative properties, view factors, heat transmission by radiation between black and gray diffusing surfaces, radiation screens. Applications: thermal transmittance and conductance of walls, critical insulation radius.
Acoustic quantities: general information, sound pressure and sound pressure level, sound power and sound power level, sound intensity and sound intensity level, psychophysical acoustics, normal audiogram, weighting curves. Free-field and indoor environment propagation: behavior of materials subjected to sound stresses, sound-absorbing and sound-insulating materials, sound-insulating power, sound insulation, Sabine theory.
( reference books)
Educational material provided by the Professor
Books: Yunus A. Çengel, Giuliano Dall'Ò, Luca Sarto, “Fisica tecnica ambientale. Con elementi di acustica e illuminotecnica”, McGraw-Hill Education
Yunus A. Çengel, “Termodinamica e trasmissione del calore”, McGraw-Hill Education
Fabio Polonara, Gianni Cesini, Gianni Latini, “Fisica tecnica”, CittàStudi (only for in-depth analysis)
Core compulsory activities