Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902316 -
- advanced knowledge in the fields related to the analysis, interpretation and management of organizational complexity; - the increase of organizational skills for the realization and regulation of educational and social interventions and for the management of their change; - the solicitation of a personal and professional style based on adequate management and coordination skills capable of operating with a high degree of autonomy in the context of structures, services and departments. Knowledge and understanding: - the acquisition of advanced knowledge in the sector of corporate organization (SECS P10) such as to enable it to be competently able to organize, coordinate and manage socio-educational or socio-welfare services efficiently and effectively; Applying knowledge and understanding: - the enhancement of strategic and managerial skills such as to ensure an adequate level of ability to guide a complex structure, to coordinate a work team, to enhance and motivate collaborators; Making judgements: - the development of a reflective, analytical, logical, planning and independent attitude from unfounded conditions, necessary to assume responsibility for the role of human resource management; Communication skills: - the high level of personal and professional style based on adequate expressive and authentic communication skills, orientation towards interpersonal relationships within structures, services and departments, also in international contexts; Learning skills: - the acquisition of learning methods and methodologies based on a multidisciplinary approach to complex scenarios and dynamics, such as to read and correctly understand the phenomena related to the transformations of organizational, training and educational models and processes.
22902316-2 -
- advanced knowledge in the fields related to the analysis, interpretation and management of organizational complexity; - the increase of organizational skills for the realization and regulation of educational and social interventions and for the management of their change; - the solicitation of a personal and professional style based on adequate management and coordination skills capable of operating with a high degree of autonomy in the context of structures, services and departments. Knowledge and understanding: - the acquisition of advanced knowledge in the sector of corporate organization (SECS P10) such as to enable it to be competently able to organize, coordinate and manage socio-educational or socio-welfare services efficiently and effectively; Applying knowledge and understanding: - the enhancement of strategic and managerial skills such as to ensure an adequate level of ability to guide a complex structure, to coordinate a work team, to enhance and motivate collaborators; Making judgements: - the development of a reflective, analytical, logical, planning and independent attitude from unfounded conditions, necessary to assume responsibility for the role of human resource management; Communication skills: - the high level of personal and professional style based on adequate expressive and authentic communication skills, orientation towards interpersonal relationships within structures, services and departments, also in international contexts; Learning skills: - the acquisition of learning methods and methodologies based on a multidisciplinary approach to complex scenarios and dynamics, such as to read and correctly understand the phenomena related to the transformations of organizational, training and educational models and processes.
( syllabus)
Ø Theories of organization and development of organizational models Ø From the concept of organization as a "machine" to the new explanatory paradigms (culturalist and cognitivist approach) Ø Historical evolution of organizational studies Ø The development of organizational models: from the mechanistic model to that of lean production Ø Change in organizational models in public administrations Ø Non-profit organizations and social enterprises Ø People in productive contexts and the dynamics of collaboration and competition. Elements of Human Resources management Ø Strategic variables of organizational systems: training, communication, evaluation. In particular: evolution of the concept of communication in work organizations. Ø Elements of analysis, planning and organizational development
( reference books)
1. Cocozza A. (2014), Organizations. Cultures, models, governance (excluding chapter 4), FrancoAngeli, Milan;
2. Dafano F. (2014), Individual and Organization: suggestions and interpretation keys (excluding chapters IV and VI) (2014), Aracne Editrice, Rome;
3. Dafano F. (2022), Man without necessity. The possible freedom of the organized individual, A&S Avio Edizioni Scientifiche, Rome;
4. Dafano F., edited by Cecchini G. (2018), Business Organization Lessons – Teaching support handout (in PDF).
Core compulsory activities
22910011 -
The course aims to provide an understanding of the main sociological theories about the family and the generativity and their connections with the theoretical and methodological contributions developed in the analysis of social networks. Particular attention is given to the ability to apply the network approach (primary and secondary) in the field of social cohesion in relation to families and margina-lity. By the study of Families and Social Networks the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: - knowledge and understanding: to acquire familiarity with complex concepts in the context of transformations of family models, of the characteristics of social networks and of the related processes of generativity in relation to social capi-tal in marginal contexts. - appling knowledge and understanding: to analyze case studies on the role of the family on the formation of social networks, social capital and marginality; - making judgments: to orientate critically between the different approaches concerning family and network models, marginality and the paradigms of generativity in the processes of formation of social capital; - communication skills: to develop lexical and conceptual tools necessary for the study of family sociology and social network approaches and useful for acquiring oral and writing skills; - Learning skills: critical and reflexive self-learning ability and study organization at individual and group level.
( syllabus)
The family as a system, as a source of fiduciary relationships and networks, is the perspective through which so much to analyze the changes in society, the phenomenon of anomie, crumbling solidarity as the marginality of material and immaterial problems of the contemporary family. Particular attention is given to the relationship between the theory of individualization, the family transformation primarily and the generativity of social bonds. To this purpose we refer to the theory of social capital as a primary source of family and social networks. In this context, it analyzes the theory of networks as an analytical concept and social resource through the paradigm of generativity. It is an analysis that aims to highlight the role of networks in producing social well-being, in 'implement the process of social support, in responding to the marginalization processes and in determining Community regeneration processes and relational. Second it is analyzed the quality of primary and secondary networks in generating social cohesion inclusive or exclusive especially compared to households and marginal. This also implies a reflection on the role and social role of intervention in relation to the family no longer seen as isolated atom or as the subject of consumption but as a complex system that is in network with other families in the neighborhood, in services, in schools, educational spaces and socialization, central interlocutors to build a supportive community. With regard to application, the course aims to provide examples of quantitative and qualitative studies, encouraging micro research on topics covered in the course. The course also intends to consider quantitative and qualitative researches about families and social networks. • The family and the sociological research; • The sociological definition of family; society individualization and new families; • The concept of social generativity; • Family, marginalization and family networks; • Social cohesion and social networks; • The network resources: gift and reciprocity; • Families and primary capital; • primary and secondary networks and social capital; • networks and social support; • Third network sector and intervention; • Margins, families and social networks; • Privatization of family life: the crisis of sociability; • Design and operation of networks in the peripheral and marginal contexts • Family, preteens, generative and degenerative processes of social and civic spaces.
( reference books)
Saraceno, C., Coppie e famiglie, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2016, pp.33-69, pp. 131-160. Beck, U., I rischi della libertà. L'individuo nell'epoca della globalizzazione, Il Mulino, Bologna, capp.1, 3, 5. Giardiello, M., Riconsiderare la coesione sociale e l’integrazione civica nella prospettiva della generatività sociale, Scienze e Ricerca, 37, 2016, pp.22-34 (disponibile su formonline); Scabini E., Manzi C., Famiglia, identità e rapporti tra le generazioni, in P. Catellani a cura di , Identità e appartenenza nella società globale, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2005, pp.73-102 (file scaricabile dalla bacheca docenti in documenti); Giardiello, M., Sociologia della marginalità. Il contributo di Gino Germani, Carocci, Roma 2012. Testi di approfondimento (uno a scelta)
S. Mazzucchelli, S. Nanetti, A. Scisci, Le nuove dinamiche partecipative delle famiglie in Italia e in Europa, Quaderni del Centro Famiglia, Vita e Pensiero, 2020; S. Piccone Stella, L. Salmieri, Convivere in Italia. La famiglia fuori dal matrimonio, Carocci, 2016 M. Magatti, C Giaccardi, Generativi di tutto il Mondo Unitive ! Manifesto per la società dei liberi, Feltrinelli, 2014 L. Pasqualotto, Rendere generativo il lavoro sociale, Meridiana, 2016 B.C., Han, La scomparsa dei riti. Una tipologia del presente, Nottetempo, Milano, 2021 A.L. Zanatta, Nuove madri e nuovi padri, Il Mulino, 2011. F. Folgheraiter, La cura delle reti. Nel Welfare delle relazioni (oltre i Piani di zona), Erickson. A. Sapio, Famiglie reti familiari e cohousing. Verso nuovi stili del vivere, del convivere e dell’abitare, FancoAngeli, 2015. A. Censi, Nuove Famiglie, in Censi A., Famiglia e Sociologia. Dai Classici al pensiero contemporaneo, Pearson, Milano, 2014 (disponibile su formonline).
Core compulsory activities
22910226 -
The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical bases and con-ceptual tools of a sociological nature which allow them to analyse in a competent manner the legal-institutional phenomena which influence the transformation of welfare systems in the contemporary world. Particular attention is paid to the ef-fects produced by the evolutionary processes of the regulatory framework in the direction of the territorialisation of welfare. At the end of the course the student is able to: Knowledge and understanding: - to use the concepts and tools of sociology in the analysis of the processes that interconnect the evolution of the legal-institutional framework with the transformation of welfare systems. Applying knowledge and understanding: - competently describe the phenomena of change in the welfare system in their legal-institutional genesis. Making judgements: - to evaluate and critically discuss the implications that territorialisation processes have on welfare systems. Communication skills: - to represent with terminological and conceptual appropriateness the phenomena and processes being studied. Learning skills: - to carry out in-depth studies on the topics dealt with, drawing appropriately on the field of studies and research in the sector.
Derived from
22910226 LINEAMENTI SOCIOLOGICO-GIURIDICI DEL SISTEMA WELFARE in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 MARCUCCI NICOLA
( syllabus)
The course intends to reflect on Welfare Systems in the light of a threefold historical, legal and sociological perspective. Firstly, we will devote ourselves to reconstructing historically and conceptually the birth and development of social rights. It is thus intended to show how these rights occupy a peculiar place in the history of thought, capable of prompting both modern law and sociology on their disciplinary foundations. The emergence and development of social rights has in some ways suggested the need to focus on the relations between law and sociology in light of their mutual engagement in qualifying a new legal-political reality capable of profoundly transforming theories and systems of modern law and equally defining some of the main analytical and critical objectives of sociological knowledge. Secondly, we will interrogate the social reflexivity component of modern law, understanding it as one of the places through which legal reflection on rights has developed. We will reflect on the ambivalent ways through which modern law thought of society as consisting of individuals separate from each other, but also allowed for the extension of the concept of the liberal individual to that of the socialized legal person. From this perspective, the emergence and development of social rights and the political and legal centrality of labor in law between the 19th and 20th centuries will be conceived in light of the aspirations and limitations of modern law in coping with the issue of social change and the redefinition of demands for equality immanent to modern society. Thirdly, we will ask how sociology, from its birth and in the light of its open dialogue with law, has picked up the limits and aspirations of modern law by conceiving its role as a reflexive and critical supplement to the "science of law,". If in a significant part of the critical languages of the 20th century law had been thought of as subordinate to the power of states, classes or economics, thus assuming an irremediable alternative between the formalism of law and the materiality of social relations, sociology has to a large extent rejected this alternative. In this regard, the development of welfare systems will be interpreted as a privileged perspective for understanding the peculiar forms through which sociology has interpreted the emergence, affirmation and crisis of social rights.
( reference books)
The course will consist of an anthology selection of the following texts:
T. H. Marshall, Cittadinanza e classe sociale, Roma-Bari, Einaudi, 2002 R. Castel, Le metamorfosi della questione sociale. Una cronaca del salariato, Milano, Mimesis, 2019K. K. Polanyi, La grande trasformazione. Le origini economiche e politiche della nostra epoca, Roma-Bari, Einaudi, 1974M. M. Foucault, Nascita della bio-politica, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2004 D. Garland, La cultura del controllo. Crimine e ordine sociale nel mondo contemporaneo, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2004- Dardot e Laval, Il comune, Seconda parte, Capitoli 6-7-8-9-10, --- G. Radbruch, Lo spirito del diritto inglese, Milano, Giuffrè, 1962 S. Rodotà, Il diritto di avere diritti, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2012 A. Supiot, Homo juridicus. Saggio sulla funzione antropologica del diritto, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2006 H. Berman, Diritto e Rivoluzione, Volume II, Bologna, il Mulino, 2010 P. Glenn, Tradizioni giuridiche nel mondo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011 --- E. Durkheim, Lezioni di sociologia, Napoli-Salerno, Orthotes, 2016 M. Mauss, Una categoria dello spirito umano: la persona, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2016 G. Gurvitch, La dichiarazione dei diritti sociali, Catanzaro, Rubettino, 2004 P. Bourdieu, La forza del diritto, Roma, Armando, 2017 N. Luhmann, Teoria politica nello stato del benessere, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1987 P. Dardot e C. Laval, Del Comune o della rivoluzione del XXI secolo, Roma, Deriveapprodi, 2015
Core compulsory activities
22910051 -
Pedagogia interculturale e sociale
Objectives of the program are acquiring knowledge of the disciplines of intercultural and community education to allow a high capacity for analysis, interpretation and action on contexts and phenomena of a social and educational nature; the acquisition of the skills necessary for the planning and implementation of educational and social intervention programs in the fields of immigration, social exclusion and marginalization, and welfare policies in general. By the study of Intercultural and community Education the student will be able to achieve the following objectives. By the study of Intercultural and community Education the student will be able to achieve the following objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - the possession of methodological, strategic and technical skills in relation to the functioning of the personal service networks and of the institutional apparatus involved in the socio-educational field; - the adoption of a reflective, analytical, logical, planning attitude, available both to group and network work, and to group and network design. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - - possession of organizational skills in microsystems, in the regulation of social interventions, in the management of change; - Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of organizational skills in microsystems, in the regulation of social interventions, in the management of change. - Making judgements: - ability to elaborate an autonomous judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene and take decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - Communication skills: - ability to draw up documents aimed at programming and managing services, to prepare research / monitoring / evaluation reports and to elaborate and present operational proposals for intervention. - possession of specific skills to act as an expert in the monitoring system for training interventions. - Learning skills: - acquire the skills necessary to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's, research doctorate) without prejudice to the ability to continue autonomously in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile. How to link with other teachings The program is connected to the other programs of the pedagogical and sociological area, trough the analysis of cases, experiences and interdisciplinary services.
( syllabus)
Introduction to Social and Intercultural Education: Origins, Developments, Theories and Methods. Intercultural Education in School and Society. Educational policies in an intercultural perspective. Multilingualism, Interculturalism and Citizenship. From multicultural society to intercultural society: the role of education. Models and types of integration: assimilation, coexistence, partner coexistence. The notion of integration of immigrants Culture, culture and identity School and the Difference of Cultures. Educational strategies for social inclusion.
( reference books)
1. CATARCI M., Le forme sociali dell’educazione. Servizi, Territori, Società, Franco Angeli, Milano 2013. 2. GIANTURCO G., L’intervista qualitativa. Dal discorso al testo scritto, Guerini, Milano 2005. 3. CATARCI M., La pedagogia della liberazione di Paulo Freire. Educazione, intercultura e cambiamento sociale, Franco Angeli, Milano 2016. 4. SAYAD A., La doppia assenza. Dalle illusioni dell'emigrato alle sofferenze dell'immigrato, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2001; 5. STILLO L., Periferie dell’esclusione. Contesti, soggettività, riflessioni in prospettiva pedagogico-sociale, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce, 2023; 6. RICCARDI V., L’educazione per tutti e per tutta la vita. Il contributo pedagogico di Ettore Gelpi, ETS, Pisa 2014.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
M-STO/04 - (show)
22902287 -
The teaching of Social history aims to analyze the transformations related to the structures of contemporary societies, movements, classes, conditions of work and ways of life, families, local communities, urbanization, mobility, ethnic groups. The course therefore highlights the relationships between social, cultural and economic processes and social structures, as well as their impact on political institutions, the distribution of resources, social movements, shared worldviews, and forms of public and private behavior. By the study of Social History the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to investigate cultures, mentalities, places, that – starting from second after war – cted as sensors / receptors of the messages that changed the system of values and needs: civil rights movements, politics of memory, school, family relationships, religious dissent, discourses on the body and sexuality, youth identity, exemplary spaces of the battle for the promotion of personal freedoms at the foundation of the citizens' statute. - Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to to analyze, by the means of oral and audiovisual sources, the social dynamics, on the border between the public and private spheres, which led to the formation of a democratic, effective and supportive citizenship. Students are indeed actively involved in workshop-exercises based on the audiovisual repertoires (with the plurality of mediums available, from documentaries to cinema, from sound recordings to iconographic representations: films, photographs, oral histories). - Making judgements: The student will be able to acquire a capacity for critical interpretation of reality, suited to challenge the dominant historical narratives, which were constructed around the mechanisms of the Nation building, by increasing instead the value of social change as a core dimension around which historical analysis and diagnosis of the contemporary world should be organized. - Communication skills: The student will be able to get abilities and skills in order to express complex political, social and juridical situations by acquiring new communication skills. - Learning skills: The student will be able to acquire: knowledge of the main dynamics of social change in Italian and European society since the second post-war period; autonomous and critical understanding of the mechanisms of the mediation and re-mediation of memory through the representative forms of collective imagination, which need to be considered in an alternative manner to the dominant national interpretations of the past. How to link with other teachings The connection with the teachings of the History of Europe and of the Community institutions and Theories and practices of active citizenship is recommended.
( syllabus)
The course approaches contemporary social history from a gender perspective, traversing three essential thematic axes, family, work and consumption. The course aims to analyze the transformation of the female role in Italian society in the 20th century, tracing its main scans and phases and identifying the causes, timing and delays. The transformation process saw Italian society move from a structure in which women and men played different, unequal, but complementary roles to a social organization in which there is no longer a separation between male and female roles. The course pays attention to this new space of competition that characterizes contemporary society, in the public and private spheres, delving into the most significant nodes of change: the maternal role, women's insertion into the male workforce, and changing paradigms of sexual behavior.
( reference books)
Paolo Sorcinelli, Viaggio nella storia sociale, Milano, Mondadori, 2011 Anna Bravo, Margherita Pelaja, Alessandra Pescarolo, Lucetta Scaraffia, Storia sociale delle donne nell'Italia contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001. Giulia Calvi (a cura di), Innesti. Donne e genere nella storia sociale, Roma, Viella, 2004.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
22902266 -
The course provides basic concepts of sampling and regression. Particular attention is devoted to the comparison of types of sampling, and to the comparison between bivariate and multivariate approaches. During the course students will be introduced to the use of statistical software for computers, solving problems in new areas, placed in interdisciplinary contexts. By autonomously managing complex knowledge, the student will learn how to make critical judgments and communicate the results obtained to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors. By the study of STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - have acquired in-depth disciplinary knowledge in the field of statistics such as to allow him an adequate approach to the problems of planning and carrying out socio-educational and socio-welfare activities. - possess advanced methodological and technical knowledge, able to allow him to reflect on even complex situations with adequate data analysis and interpretation tools. Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of skills in the use of the operating systems of the new data processing methods - competent use of communication strategies with professional partners and users. Making judgements: - elaborate an independent judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene, making decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - show reflexive abilities on their own methods of intervention, supporting their decisions with objective information. Communication skills: - drafting documents aimed at programming and managing services, preparing research / monitoring / evaluation reports and preparing and presenting operational intervention proposals. - know how to communicate in public and manage institutional communication. Learning skills: - appropriate acquisitions skills to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's degree, research doctorate) - ability to continue independently in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile.
Derived from
22902266 METODI STATISTICI DI ANALISI DEI DATI 6 CFU LM 57 in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 BOVE GIUSEPPE
( syllabus)
Arguments considered are: sampling and non sampling error, simple random sampling, cluster and stratified sampling, confidence interval, introduction to simple and multiple regression.
( reference books)
Besides the didactic material available on-line, it is adviced to use the following book:
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., STATISTICA PER LA RICERCA SOCIALE, IL MULINO, BOLOGNA, 2001. Chapters and sections to study on the text of Corbetta, Gasperoni and Pisati Chapter 6: all (except piece-wise linear regression on page. 171) chapter 7: all (not function and use of ratios and not dxy section 5.) Chapter 8: all (except for section 2.3) chapter 10 all (in sections 3.1 e 3.2 excluded the formulas that do not regard the estimate of the population mean).
Elective activities
22911124 -
To introduce to a methodologically and thematically heterogeneous field of inquiry; Examine the dominant historiographical approach to political, social and and economic history that has privileged microhistorical aspects, conjunctures and structures in which the female role has been marginal or absent; Develop critical analytical skills on the nature and possibilities of women's own history, methodological issues and the status of sources; Conduct a critical-conceptual discourse with respect to the redefinition of gender history as the social organization of gender relations, gender relations and the power exercised by gender differentiation and with respect to the more recete concept of intersectionality.
Derived from
22911124 STORIA DELLE DONNE E DI GENERE in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 AZARA LILIOSA
( syllabus)
The course reconstructs the intellectual and historiographical path that led to the introduction of the category of gender, during the 1980s, profoundly marking the path taken by women's history for a decade already. The analysis of the role attributed to the category of gender in modern societies makes it possible to grasp gender differences and relations as structural elements of contemporary societies. The course analyzes the problem of unequal treatment of women, raising multiple questions related to the gender gap such as women's suffrage, women's wage labor and women's education. Prominent in the course is the role played by women's organizations and the feminist movement in boosting women's political and civil rights and improving their position in society and the labour world.
( reference books)
Paola Stelliferi, Stefania Voli ( a cura di), Anni di rivolta. Nuovi sguardi sui femminismi degli anni Settanta e Ottanta, Viella, Roma, 2023. Liliosa Azara, Un nuovo Corpo dello Stato. La polizia femminile in Italia (1961-1981), Viella, Roma, 2023.
Elective activities
22910831 -
The aim of the course is to provide students with the historical-theoretical foundations and operational tools of restorative justice, an area that in the Italian legislation is experiencing a significant development that also involves the helping professions. The teaching aims to provide knowledge and skills capable of guiding professional action in the field of restorative justice and to enhance the importance of social work in it.
The course intends to enable students to achieve: - knowledge and ability to understand such as to allow to frame restorative justice interventions from the perspective of social work - an ability to apply knowledge and understanding such as to enable to operate profitably from a social work perspective in the design and implementation of restorative justice interventions - an autonomy of judgment that allows to propose restorative justice interventions and to evaluate the appropriateness and social quality of the interventions carried out - communication skills such as to allow the formulation of proposals or evaluations concerning restorative justice interventions with appropriate terminology and concepts - learning skills such as to be able to carry out reflections on the subject of social work in restorative justice by drawing on the field of studies and sector research.
Elective activities
22911126 -
The course aims to provide an advanced knowledge on cognitive and emotional processes through a philosophical approach linked to cognitive sciences that will try to show the problematic and complexity of the phenomenology of these processes by integrating in a philosophical perspective the subpersonal approach of neuroscience and the more functional approach, linked to constructs and experimentation, of psychology. Particular space will be given to processes related to the recognition of emotions and empathy in a multidimensional perspective in which the cognitive dimension is intertwined with the emotional-affective dimension and with the motivational dimension.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: the student acquires the ability to critically analyze cognitive and emotional processes and to articulate their complexity and problematic nature beyond the models useful for the construction of constructs aimed at experimentation. Skills in philosophy and phenomenology of cognitive and emotional processes will be developed both in normative and atypical conditions related to development. In this way, the educator will be able to use advanced theoretical models for the planning of educational and social interventions in contexts of difficulty or discomfort and for the coordination of services.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: The student acquires a high ability to interconnect the knowledge gained in the field of philosophy of cognitive and emotional processes with that of cognitive sciences, especially cognitive and developmental psychology, neuroscience and cognitive pedagogy. This allows the use of an integrated theoretical, methodological and technical competence for the design, organization, evaluation of socio-educational interventions.
In terms of making judgements: The student must be able to judge and evaluate the possibilities of understanding cognitive and emotional processes and to make practical design decisions. They must also be able to evaluate the impact that the philosophical analysis of these processes has on the actualization of the potentialities of the normo-typical and atypical subject.
In terms of communication skills: The student must be able to communicate the knowledge and models learned within the working group and in public, showing that he/she is able to use an adequate scientific and professional language to sufficiently describe and promote the processes of understanding, recovery and inclusion of the subject within social and educational structures.
In terms of learning skills: The student must be able to use the knowledge of semiotics of cognition and emotions and the ability to "learn to learn" in any training and postgraduate learning paths (II level master's degree, PhD) and in professional contexts where he/she is called to carry out his/her role as coordinator.
Elective activities
22910228 -
The educational objectives of this laboratory are the acquisition of knowledge and mainly the practical skills in non-verbal communication and in identifying and interpreting indicators for lie detection, especially in the investigative fields and socio-educational interview. By the study of Laboratory for lie detection and nonverbal communication the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Understanding the psychological and social significance of lying in meaningful social contexts - To know and interpret the objective and subjective indicators of lie, that is those indicators verified empirically and detected by experts and those considered as such by common sense. - To analyze the channels of nonverbal communication and the interconnection between them - To observe, codify and interpret the verbal and nonverbal signals of the lying communication - To acquire communication skills in the different channels of interpersonal communication - To identify in autonomous manner the application contexts of the knowledge acquired in social, legal and educational fields. The teaching is connected with juridical and community psychology.
Elective activities
22910832 -
Laboratory Communicating peace
Educational goals During the workshop, a path of analysis of the main historical moments that led to the formation of visions, cultures, strategies of peace and rejection / repudiation of war and armed conflict as a tool for affirming geopolitical objectives or for resolving internal and international. crises will be carried out.
Knowledge and understanding Participants will learn the ways in which some figures and personalities of the twentieth century world have proposed and succeeded in applying peaceful and non-violent methods for the realization of historical transitions, and will understand the path that has led religious, political, national and international organizations to develop alternatives to the use of force in internal dynamics and between states.
Applying knowledge and understanding Participants will learn strategies to deal with situations of complexity, competition and confrontation, developing the ability to identify points of contact and compromise capable of leading to mediation and conflict resolution.
Judgment autonomy The aim is to make students capable of elaborating an autonomous judgment on the conflicting situations in which they will be called to intervene, and more generally to identify scenarios that could lead to conflicts, in order to be able to exercise preventive contrast action.
Communication skills Knowing how to draw up documents aimed at planning and managing services; knowing how to prepare research/monitoring/evaluation reports; know how to develop and present operational intervention proposals on issues of peace and conflict resolution;
Learning ability Acquire suitable skills to allow any further postgraduate training courses and/or to allow entry into the world of work.
Elective activities