Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910039 -
The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.
- Knowledge and understanding - to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline - to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches - Applying knowledge and understanding - analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected; - formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods. - Making judgements - linking statistical theory to school situations; - quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations. - Communication skills - evaluate quantitatively the educational processes; - report the results achieved. - Learning skills - exercise availability for scientific research in school settings; - access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
( syllabus)
Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
( reference books)
MARELLA D., Lectures slides will be available.
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910040 -
The teaching of Estetica aims to give students the knowledge of two different interpretations of the art typical of our time, the psychological and socio-political, within a philosophical framework of reference. With the study of Aesthetics the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: Knowledge and skills - to know the structural and content elements of aesthetics, both from a theoretical and a historical point of view; - to recognize the fundamental concepts of the discipline, in relation to the monographic topics dealt with during the course; - understand the specific lexicon of the discipline. Ability to apply knowledge and skills - apply the knowledge and skills acquired in educational contexts; - to deal autonomously and consciously with themes and concepts. Autonomy of judgement - development of autonomous processing skills and critical reading skills. -to connect the concepts addressed during the course with the cultural transformations taking place. Communication skills - acquisition and use of the specific lexicon of the discipline in different contexts.
( syllabus)
Some necessary philosophical concepts for the correct definition of aesthetic experience and its forms: the concept of beauty in the history of western thought; the value of beauty, its function, its ontological consistency, the difference with the beauty of provocation and consumption, the subjective conditions of the experience linked to aesthetic pleasure, the cognitive value of aesthetic. 1.Aesthetics, the epistemological statute; 2. Aesthetical experience as anthropological practice: an historical path; 3. The Aesthetics of Media: the aestheticization of communication (M. McLuhan, J. Habermas);4. The contemporary context: between real and digital. A reflection about a possible redefinition of the concepts of perception and experience; 5. Virtual realities and illusory worlds: the paradigm of Augmented Reality, an aesthetic anthropological reading.6. Esthetic of body; 7.The new narrative modalities. An interpretation of reality through the "aesthetics" of the TV series. 8. The processes of aestheticization in the different cultural contexts (India, Africa, Europe).
( reference books)
Testo obbligatorio: Material will be provided for each learning unit. The reference text used is F. Desideri, C. Cantelli, Storia dell'Estetica occidentale. Da Omero alle neuroscienze, Carocci editore, Roma (to study only the pages: 17-20; 23-24; 35-51; 59-64; 65-69; 129-135; 152-155; 173-176; 251-263; 275-277; 295-299; 371-375; 577-579; 584-588). For the edition of 2020 of F. Desideri, C. Cantelli, Storia dell'Estetica occidentale. Da Omero alle neuroscienze – edizione 2020 to study only the pages: 1. L’estetica antica 23-26; 28-30 (Arte come mímēsis); 41-58; 67-74; 2. L’estetica medievale 75-78; 3 L’Estetica del Quattrocento e Cinquecento 154-159; 163-166; 181-187; 4. L’estetica Barocca 212-214; 5. L’estetica del Settecento 249-257; 305-321; 6. L’estetica dell’Ottocento 331-335; 349-357; 359-363; 438-442; 7. XX-XXI sec. 397-398; 411-413; 450-455; 520-527.
A text must be chosen in agreement with the teacher from among these indicated:
P. Bernardi, L’ombra della morte nella pittura occidentale, Scholé, Brescia 2021 C. Caneva, Bellezza e persona. L’esperienza estetica come epifania dell’umano in Luigi Pareyson, Armando, Roma 2008. C. Caneva, La musica arte dell'interiorità: per una fenomenologia del suono in Orientamenti pedagogici, 2019, n.2 (376) vol. 66, pp. 33-44. A. Caneva, C. Caneva, C. Costa, F. Orlando, L’immaginario contemporaneo. La grande pro-vocazione delle serie TV, Mimesis, Milano 2018. V. Codeluppi, Mi metto in vetrina. Selfie, Facebook, Apple, Hello Kitty, Renzi e altre “vetrinizzazioni”, Mimesis, Milano 2015. P. Granata, Arte, estetica e nuovi media, Fausto Lupetti editore, Bologna 2009. T. Griffero, Atmosferologia. Estetica degli spazi emozionali, Bompiani, Milano 2007. A. Kolnai, Il disgusto, Marinotti, Milano 2017. L. Pareyson, Estetica. Teoria della Formatività, Bompiani Milano 2005.
Core compulsory activities
22910035 -
Hystory of philosophy
The course, through the reading of classical texts, aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research. By indicating from time to time the difficulties presented by the texts and the different possible interpretative solutions, it also aims to stimulate the student's critical reflection and autonomy of judgement. With the study of History of Philosophy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - understand the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research; - to know the classics of the history of philosophical thought. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - to understand the evolution of concepts and ideas from a historical-cultural point of view; - designing and organizing philosophical thought in order to improve educational contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - to deal with the problems of the current era with a critical spirit; - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view. In terms of communication skills: - to be available to the poor; - Contribute to teamwork. In terms of learning ability: - To confront oneself with scientific literature; - Developing the skills necessary for autonomous research.
( syllabus)
The course intends to present the main conceptual nodes that innervate the philosophical reflection on habit from modernity onwards, with particular attention to the development that this theme assumes especially from the nineteenth century, also in correlation with the debate between philosophy and psychology, considering that the theme of habit has rediscovered a specific interest on the part of contemporary cognitive sciences. The first unit (3 CFU) presents the philosophies of habit from Aristotle to XVIII century included. The second unit (3 CFU) presents the philosophies of habit of XIX and XX centuries, analyzing in deep two texts on habit - one by Léon Dumont and one by William James -, particularly illustratives of this debate at the intersection between philosophy and psychology.
( reference books)
Unit 1: 1. Marco Piazza, Creature dell’abitudine. Abito, costume, seconda natura da Aristotele alle scienze cognitive, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018. Unit 2: One book at your choice between: 2.1. Léon Dumont, L’abitudine, ed. by D. Vincenti, Milan, Mimesis, 2020 2.2 William James, Le leggi dell’abitudine, ed. by D. Vincenti, Milan, Mimesis, 2019.
We recommend reading: P. Guarnieri, Introduzione a William James, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 1985 or Giuseppe Riconda, Invito al pensiero di William James, Milan, Mursia, 1999.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
A scelta - (show)
22910091 -
Cultural and social Anthropology
The teaching proposes a recognition of the themes of cultural and social anthropology: from the overcoming of the“race” and of every form of exclusion and discrimination; to the concept of culture through the relativism/ethnocentrism debate; in the complexity of ethnic identity, with the analysis of the historic process of diversity to the sociocultural realities of globalization, as migration, gender and body, together with new parental and family realities. - Knowledge and understanding: will become familiar with the basic concepts of social cultural anthropology, knowing the different interpretative theories of socio-cultural phenomena related to diversity. - Applying knowledge and understanding: it will be able to orient itself critically between the different representations of cultural plurality, reconstructing its historical-anthropological paths and analyzing its contradictions. - Applying knowledge and understanding: it will be able to orient itself critically between the different representations of cultural plurality, reconstructing its historical-anthropological paths and analyzing its contradictions. - Communication skills: on diversity it will be able to distinguish the plan of rhetoric from that of empirical research
( syllabus)
The main course of 6 credits in presence proposes a survey of themes and central problems of cultural and social anthropology. After having retraced some hubs of research - the concept of culture, the overcoming of the "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of the historical-social processes of contact that from the colonial situation reach the current realities of globalization, some research lines will therefore be studied in depth: the first is related to migration and citizenship also in relation to services, in which the results of a research in a peripheral Roman territory will be presented, a second one dedicated to gender and body, finally the third connected to the analysis of new parental and family realities.
( reference books)
1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino, (Fourth edition revised and extended) 2. F. Pompeo, (edited by) Pigneto-Banglatown, Meti, Torino 2011 + research materials Municipio V (the materials correspond to a lesson of the autumn course; they will be presented again in a special lesson on 11 April 2019)
one to choose from the two routes
a) Gender and body: M. Fusaschi, 2018, Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo/logiche di genere nella globalizzatione, Cisu, Roma (Revised and enlarged second edition).
b) new kinship / family forms: C. Mattalucci (edited) Antropologia e riproduzione, Edizioni libreria Cortina, Milano 2017
Elective activities
22910086 -
Metodi e tecniche della scrittura in educazione
Through the course Writing methods and techniques in education, students will be able: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the main theoretical foundations of writing in educational context; - knowledge of the main phases of the writing process in education; - knowledge of the main analysis tools and evaluation methods of writing text in education. In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to use the main evaluation tools of writing text in education context; - ability to use the main evaluation tools of specific education language; In terms of making judgements - ability to formulate writing text in the educational context that respond to the educational needs of a given situation; - ability to write learning and teaching texts on different educational situations. In terms of communication skills - ability to present the objectives and phases of an educational research project in an orderly and reasoned way; - ability to critically expose the analyses and evaluations of a writing text in educational context. In terms of learning skills: - willingness to explore the perspectives of writing in education.
( syllabus)
The course is characterized by a series of online activities of analysis, argumentation, conception and evaluation of written educational text such as scientific papers and pubblications, texts of didactic planning, especially in relation to preschool and primary school. The main contents of the course are the following: writing didactic material in different formal and informal disciplinary and educational contexts; the analysis of writing text in education; the lexicon of educational communication; the teaching and communication of scientific and cultural content in schools and museums.
( reference books)
Poce, Antonella (2020) (a cura di). Lo studio del canone nella cultura occidentale e la valutazione del pensiero critico-The study of the western culture canon and critical thinking assessment. Napoli, ESI, ISBN 978-88-495-4120-5. Poce, Antonella (2015). Tecnologia critica, Creatività e Didattica della Scienza. Milano: FrancoAngeli
( syllabus)
The course will analyse the techniques and theory of creative writing and illustrate the basics of writing short stories and novels, film and television scripts, plays, radio programmes and cartoons. Students will be given the instruments that will enable them to approach writing through the knowledge and comprehension of the world of fiction and of the fundamental theories of story-telling and the acquisition of the specific skills required. The course will help students develop their creative writing abilities, perfect their syntactic language skills and activate all the capacities required to write a complete text. The writing workshop is set up as an organised and targeted open forum focused on: stimulating, perceiving and processing internal mental images. The lessons will represent an opportunity to tackle the key issues of narration: character creation, plot structuring and avoiding the most frequent narrative traps. Practical exercises will help students design their own comprehensive narrative approach. Different narrative forms will also be analysed in order to help students understand how to adapt them to different writing activities (from content creation for traditional media to developing contents for websites and social networks). In particular, the course aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents: • Learn different creative writing forms and their peculiarities • Analyse narrative structures (three-act structures, tales of travelling heroes...) • Explore the ways of applying creative writing to different media • Analyse all types of narrative mechanisms • Destructure a creative text in order to highlight its strengths and weaknesses • Use the appeal of creative texts for non-fiction • Use narrative mechanisms to make non-fiction texts flow more easily • Learn to single out and exploit the strengths of the idea underlying a text of fiction/non fiction • Use the same elements in a text of fiction as in one of non-fiction (from news to fiction and from a biography to a biopic)
The course is divided into the following teaching units (called "chapters"): 1) Chapter 1 - Creative writing, gathering Ideas 2) Chapter 2 - The plot, history, organizing ideas 3) Chapter 3 - The narrator, the voice, who tells the story 4) Chapter 4 - The beginning, the departure, the origin 5) Chapter 5 - The structure of the history and the construction of the characters 6) Chapter 6 - The ending, a cohesive structure, writing and rewriting a story
( reference books)
Mandatory readings: Gotham Writers' Workshop. (2006) Lezioni di scrittura creativa, Un manuale di tecnica ed esercizi della più grande scuola di formazione americana. Audino.
Please note that the mandatory readings must be studied entirely unless otherwise indicated. The slides discussed in class and related to the main topics of the course will be available on the e-learning platform.
Further readings: Seger, L., Carrington, S., & Tarquini, D. (1997). Come scrivere una grande sceneggiatura. Audino. Forster, E. M., & Pavolini, C. (1968). Aspetti del romanzo. Alberto Mondadori. Chatman, S. (2010). Storia e discorso. La struttura narrativa nel romanzo e nel film (Vol. 143). Il Saggiatore. Genette, G. (1976). Metonimia en Prousta. id. Figure III. Discorso del racconto.
Please note that the further readings are not mandatory. However, it is advisable for both attending students and non-attending students to undertake the study of these didactic materials.
Elective activities
22910304 -
Promote in students the knowledge about the empirical-experimental methodologies used in educational research in order to develop basic skills for the recognition and detection of the variables that influence and co-determine educational phenomena. In detail, the following learning objectives are described: - Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of empirical research methods in education. - Ability to apply knowledge and development of critical ability Understanding, planning and implementing empirical research in education Learn to evaluate and use the results of empirical studies and evaluate an empirical research plan.
Elective activities
22910037 -
Development of psychology
The course provides students with theoretical knowledge on human development in different domains (cognitive, social, emotional) and operational tools to apply that knowledge to the educational context. The course provides students with theoretical and applied knowledge on research methods used in developmental psychology.
INGLESE The course of Developmental psychology aims at achieving the following objectives. Knowledge and understanding of: - the main theoretical models on development processes; - the cognitive, social, and emotional development in the life span; - the psychological processes involved in the educational contexts. Applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to analyze educational situations according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes; - ability to recognize the level of cognitive, social, affective and emotional in the life span; - ability to analyze educational contexts according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes. Making judgements: - aptitude to find connections between psychological theories and educational situations; - aptitude for interpreting individual needs in psychological terms; - aptitude for self-evaluation of behaviors and skills as an education practitioner. Communication skills: - master the specific scientific language. Learning skills: - attitude to life-long learning on the psychological aspects involved in the educational practice. INGLESE The course of Developmental psychology aims at achieving the following objectives. Knowledge and understanding of: - the research methods used in developmental psychology. Applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to analyze studies and research conducted in developmental psychology. Making judgements: - aptitude for evaluating educational practices according to the progress of research in developmental psychology. Communication skills: - master the specific scientific language. Learning skills: - interest in basic and applied research in developmental psychology.
( syllabus)
The purpose of the Course is to provide some first conceptual tools to direction the study of Developmental Psychology with specific focus on Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology, Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective and more recent studies on social development (J. Bowlby’s Attachment Theory., The Theory of Mind , M. Tomasello’s researches, etc..), and cognitive and constructivist approaches. There will also be dealt with the methodological aspects of the discipline, with particular reference to research designs (cross-sectional and longitudinal) and procedures for data collection (observation, analysis of the drawings, questionnaires for parents and teachers, checklists). A large part of the course is dedicated to the main functions of development: motor, perceptual, mnemonic, cognitive, emotional, social, communicative-linguistic and moral. Finally, the development of play in children and education in prosociality will be studied in depth.
( reference books)
Schaffer, H.R. (2005). Psicologia dello sviluppo. Un’introduzione. Milano: Raffaello Cortina. Capitolo 3: solo paragrafo Natura ed educazione (p. 48).
Lo sviluppo nel contesto Capitolo Perucchini T. Aureli, Il Bambino in classe (a cura di) Capitolo 1.
Baumgartner, E. (2002-2019). Il gioco dei bambini. Roma: Carocci (Collana Le Bussole).
Caprara, G.V., Gerbino, M. Luengo Kanacri, B.P., Vecchio, G.M. (2014). Educare alla prosocialità. Teoria e buone prassi. Milano-Torino: Pearson.
Core compulsory activities