Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
21810490 -
For centuries mankind has longed for peace and for peaceful solutions to conflicts, but only in the last centuries peace has been perceived as an achievable political aim: this way the idea of war abolition has become conceivable; associations devoted to peace (and pacifism as a sort of peace party) emerged, along with the development of international organizations aimed at banning war and promoting peace-keeping operations. The course gives a historical introduction to the peace issue as one of the nodal points in contemporary politics up to the beginning of the 21st Century. It is devoted to the international history of peace ideas, peace movements, and peace institutions.
( programma)
Il corso è insegnato in inglese. Il programma include:
1. The concept of peace; 2. Peace and historical research; 3. Antiquity: Ancient Eastern Civilizations, War and peace in the Bible, Ancient Greece, Rome. The Christian Tradition; 4. The Middle Ages: Islam, Christianity and holy war; the ‘just war’ theory; 5. The refusal of war: Christian approaches; 6. The refusal of war in the age of absolute Monarchies; 7. Enlightenment and peace projects; Rousseau; Kant; Revolutionary war and the birth of the ‘friends of peace’; 8. Conservatism, liberalism, radicalism, socialism and the peace issue; Moderates and radicals inside peace societies; 9. The age of militarism and pacifism (1870-1914); 10. The failure of peace and a new pacifism (1914-1918); 11. ‘No More Wars’ (1914-1931): Wilsonianism and the League of Nations; Gandhi and nonviolence; 12. Pacifism and Totalitarianism (1931-1945); 13. Peace and world federalism in the age of the Cold War; 14. Peace and Protest (1954-1978); 15. The Peacekeeping Years (1989-2001)
( testi)
Testi obbligatori
- David Cortright, Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004). - Michael Howard, War and the Liberal Conscience (London: Temple Smith, 1978) (or any later edition). - Letture assegnate dal docente
Testi per non frequentanti:
• In English: 1. David Cortright, Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004). 2. Michael Howard, War and the Liberal Conscience (London: Temple Smith, 1978) (or any later edition). 3. Un testo a scelta fra quelli consigliati (la lista sarà pubblicata su Moodle) 4. Un secondo testo a scelta fra quelli consigliati (la lista sarà pubblicata su Moodle)
Attività formative caratterizzanti
21810511 -
The course aims to provide a comprehensive background in macroeconomics, building on a mainstream macroeconomic model for the analysis of both business cycle and growth in closed and open economies. The analytical tools developed in the course allow students to understand questions at the core of the current economic and policy debates, from the unfolding of major economic crises, to cyclical fluctuations and the role of stabilization policies, to the challenges for growth.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
21810513 -
Not without difficulties, various attempts are made to turn human rights into an indispensable point of reference for the evaluation of both the moral and the juridical legitimacy of the global political and economic order. However, unresolved theoretical issues regarding the justification and conceptualization of human rights challenge our comprehension of the matter. The course belongs to the disciplinary domain of political philosophy. Its general purpose is twofold: on the one hand, it sheds light on the ongoing philosophical debates on the unresolved theoretical issues surrounding the notion of human rights; on the other hand, it provides knowledge of how contemporary political philosophy deals with human rights. In particular, the course seeks to secure understanding of the ties between human rights, social justice, and liberal-democracy through the “theory of recognition” by Axel Honneth and the critical revision of “political liberalism” by Alessandro Ferrara. During the course, students will be required to read texts, discuss their content, and develop personal opinions as a means to critically exercise their learning and communication skills.
( programma)
- I diritti umani nella prospettiva filosofica: analisi ontologica, analisi epistemologica - Libertà e giustizia come equità ed etica del discorso democratico: Rawls, Habermas e le sfide della critica decostruzionista – Concezioni dell'autonomia e vulnerabilità in Honneth - Le basi psicologiche della fruizione dei diritti fondamentali - Le radici hegeliane delle lotte per il riconoscimento: la “fabbrica sociale” della giustizia e la grammatica morale dei conflitti sociali - Il diritto alla libertà e la fondazione sociale dell’etica democratica - Le ragioni per l’esistenza della libertà giuridica e morale e le loro patologie - La libertà sociale e i tre registri del “Noi” nelle relazioni sociali - Riconoscimento e libero mercato: la sfera dei consumi, il mercato del lavoro e la sostenibilità ambientale - Democrazia e diritti: società aperta e iper-pluralismo - Democrazia, multiculturalismo e liberalismo - Giustificazione e controversie del "liberalismo politico"
Il corso è impartito in lingua inglese.
( testi)
1) HONNETH, Axel, "Freedom’s Right. The Social Foundations of Democratic Life", translated by J. Ganahl, Polity Press, Cambridge 2014 (ISBN-13: 978-0-7456-6943-4)
2) HONNETH, Axel, ANDERSON, Joel., "Autonomy, Vulnerability, Recognition and Justice" (2005) (l'articolo in questione è reperibile nella sezione FILES del Team THEORY OF HUMAN RIGHTS aa2023/2024 sulla piattaforma MICROSOFT TEAMS). Qualora si presentassero problemi di accesso per reperire l'articolo si prega di contattare prontamente il docente).
3) Ulteriori materiali didattici verranno distribuiti nel corso delle lezioni
1) HONNETH, Axel, "Freedom’s Right. The Social Foundations of Democratic Life", translated by J. Ganahl, Polity Press, Cambridge 2014 (ISBN-13: 978-0-7456-6943-4)
2) HONNETH, Axel, ANDERSON, Joel., "Autonomy, Vulnerability, Recognition and Justice" (2005) (l'articolo in questione è reperibile nella sezione FILES del Team THEORY OF HUMAN RIGHTS aa2023/2024 sulla piattaforma MICROSOFT TEAMS). Qualora si presentassero problemi di accesso per reperire l'articolo si prega di contattare prontamente il docente.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
21810491 -
This course aims to offer students a deeper knowledge of the main issues surrounding international politics, while also providing them with the tools necessary to analyze these issues. It introduces the main ideas, theories and concepts of international relations which have evolved during and since the end of the Cold War. To build on this core knowledge, key issues and themes in international politics are analyzed with a focus on patterns and phenomena which are characterizing the current international order and its transformation. Furthermore, students are encouraged to reflect independently on these theories by focusing on their own research for the mid-term paper on diverse geographic areas and periods of time.
( programma)
This course consists of in-depth study of fundamental dynamics in international politics. Following an introduction on the history and historiography of IR, the course gives an overview on the main theories of international relations: from realism, institutionalism, and liberalism, through the English school, constructivism, post-structuralism, and post-colonialism, to critical theory, feminism, and green theory. Other approaches to IR - International Political Economy and Foreign Policy Analysis - are also introduced. The theories are applied in class through methods of deep learning and reflected upon in two in-class debates. The first debate focuses on cooperation and competition in international politics; the second on dynamics in a multipolar and multiplex world. The internalization and applications of these theories is further supported through three modules. The first module on movies and international relations focuses on how films perform and influence our understanding of international politics. Students can choose among a list of movies to watch and write a short narrative analysis paper of two movies. The second module on methodologies in IR introduces key methodological approaches in the discipline and showcases their uses with examples of research. The third module on emerging topics in IR focuses on key topics in international politics analyzed through IR theories. The course is designed to accommodate both students for whom IR theories are new, as well as those who have already taken an IR course. In this respect, it combines frontal lectures on theories and approaches supported through manuals, didactic methodologies of deep learning used in class, as well as student presentations on key readings in IR which gives students the possibility to directly engage with paradigmatic readings and deepen their understanding of them.
( testi)
Required textbooks: • Textbook 1: Dunne, Tim, Milya Kurki, and Steve Smith (eds), International Relations Theories. Discipline and Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press (4th edition, 2016) • Textbook 2: Georg Sørensen, Jørgen Møller, Robert Jackson (eds.), Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press (8th edition, 2021).
Attività formative caratterizzanti
21810512 -
The recent history of the international system is undoubtedly marked by the end of bi-polarism, which has been regarded as the single most important event in the second half of the 20th century. This “transformational moment”, however, is questioned by a number of historiographical approaches emphasizing the importance of long term trends to understand a number of current events. The course will investigate the evolution of international relations since the end of the cold war by comparing these explicative paradigms. On the one hand, it will look at some of the most distinctive features of the post Cold War era, inlcuding the crises of the 1990s, the emergence of the United States as a hegemonic power, and the consequences of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and of the 2003 Iraq war on the American ability to preserve its supremacy. On the other, it will discuss different conceptual and chronological frameworks to present the evolution of the international system from more complex perspectives, by looking at long term phenomena such as the return of China to a great power role or the discontinuity introduced in the international system by the Neo-liberal approach since the 1970s.
( programma)
Il corso intende offrire una panoramica generale sull'evoluzione del sistema internazionale dalla fine della guerra fredda. Dopo aver discusso le principali interpretazioni storiche delle cause del crollo sovietico, la prima parte del corso si concentrerà sulle crisi degli anni Novanta (Iraq, Jugoslavia, Somalia e Ruanda), sui ripetuti fallimenti dell'ONU e sulla ricerca da parte di USA ed Europa di un nuovo paradigma di sicurezza internazionale. La seconda parte del corso esaminerà le conseguenze dell'11 settembre e della guerra al terrorismo, considerando il loro impatto a lungo termine sulla posizione egemonica degli Stati Uniti. Si discuterà anche del ruolo crescente di potenze emergenti come la Cina e l'India. Infine, la terza parte del corso analizzerà eventi recenti come i negoziati sul programma nucleare iraniano, le Primavere Arabe e le loro conseguenze, la paralisi della UE e le crisi in Ucraina e Siria.
PARTE I - Introduzione, le controversie storiche e le principali caratteristiche dell'inizio dell'era del post-guerra fredda
Prima settimana Introduzione e descrizione del corso. La ricerca di nuovi paradigmi interpretativi: la fine della guerra fredda o il trionfo della globalizzazione?
Seconda settimana L'ascesa dell'egemonia americana e la ricerca di una nuova Europa: la guerra del Kuwait e i negoziati di Maastricht
Settimane 3-4 Le crisi dei primi anni '90: Jugoslavia, Somalia e Ruanda. Il fallimento del multilateralismo assertivo e la ricerca di alternative. I modelli di sicurezza degli Stati Uniti e dell'UE in lotta tra loro
PARTE II La guerra al terrore e l'ascesa di un sistema multipolare
Settimana 5 La deriva verso l'unilateralismo statunitense: la guerra del Kosovo e le sue implicazioni per la NATO e la sicurezza europea. L'evoluzione della politica estera russa
La proliferazione nucleare e il controllo degli armamenti dopo la fine della guerra fredda: la crisi nordcoreana, il contenimento dell'Iraq, e la rete di A.Q. Khan
Settimana 6 L'impatto dell'11 settembre, la guerra in Afghanistan e la crisi irachena del 2003.
Settimana 7 L'ascesa di Cina e India e il suo impatto sul sistema internazionale. L'Asia tornerà al centro del sistema internazionale?
Settimana 8 L'erosione dell'egemonia americana? La crisi del Grande Medio Oriente, 2003-2010 e il pivot dell'amministrazione Obama sull'Asia. Il consolidamento dell'UE - e il suo stallo. Le primavere arabe e le loro conseguenze. I negoziati sul programma nucleare iraniano
Settimana 9 2014-2023: il disfacimento dell'ordine internazionale?
Settimana 10 Seminario - Presentazioni in classe
Settimana 11 Seminario - Presentazioni in classe
Settimana 12 Seminario - Presentazioni in classe
Settimana 13 Seminario- Presentazioni in classe
( testi)
John W. Young and John Kent, International Relations since 1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020):
19:The Decline of the Cold War, 1985-9
Part VI The Post-Cold War World, 1990-2000
20:Europe and the Former Soviet Union 21:US Predominance and the Search for a Post-Cold War Order 22:Stability and Instability in the Less Developed World
PART VII The Age of Instability and Conflict: Terror, Economic Chaos, and Political Change 2001-11 23:The 'War on Terror' and the War in Afghanistan 24:The War in Iraq 25:Economic Problems in the West and the Economic Rise of China in the East
PART VIII The Age of Uncertainty: Chaos and Confusion in a Globalized World, 2011-18 26:Conflict and Chaos in the Middle East 27:Threats to the existing Global Order: Instability in the West 28:Threats to the Existing Global Order: Challenges from the East
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
21810494 -
The course is aimed at students with a level of linguistic competence at least equal to B1 and aims to study authors and texts belonging to the modern and contemporary French and Francophone literary field. In particular, the analysis of significant works in the original language will allow to develop the understanding and critical interpretation of aspects and dynamics concerning the politics, culture and society of France and the Francophone world from the 19th century to the present, also in reference with the technological changes that characterize the modern era. Another objective will be to provide the tools to develop an analysis methodology based on an interdisciplinary approach.
Expected learning outcomes: students will deepen their language skills, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons, and will be able to decline their knowledge of French culture, its language and its literature in a multidisciplinary perspective.
Erogato presso
( programma)
Titolo: “L’assurdo e la storia”.
Il corso proporrà una riflessione sull'Algeria coloniale e post-coloniale attraverso l’analisi di due romanzi: Albert Camus, “L’Étranger” (1942) e Kamel Daoud, “Meursault, contre-enquête” (2013).
( testi)
1) Albert Camus, “L’Étranger”, Paris, Gallimard, coll. Folio, 1942 (o una qualsiasi altra edizione economica in lingua francese)
2) Maurice Blanchot, “Le mythe de Sisyphe”, “Le roman de l’étranger”, in “Faux pas”, Paris, Gallimard, 1943, pp. 65-71 e 248-253 (materiale reperibile sulla piattaforma Moodle o presso copisteria Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
3) Jean-Paul Sartre, “Explication de ‘L’Étranger’”, in “Situations I”, Paris, Gallimard, 1947, 14 p. (materiale reperibile sulla piattaforma Moodle o presso copisteria Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
4) Edward W. Said, “Introduction”, “Camus et l’expérience impériale française”, in “Culture et impérialisme”, Paris, Fayard, 2000, pp. 11-33 e 248-268 (dispense reperibili sulla piattaforma Moodle o presso copisteria Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
5) Kamel Daoud, “Meursault, contre-enquête”, Arles, Actes Sud, 2014 (edizione economica)
6) Veronic Algeri, “Le vertige intertextuel. Une lecture de Kamel Daoud, ‘Meursault, contre-enquête’”, «Revue italienne d’études françaises» (on-line), n° 9, 2019, 12 p. (dispense reperibili anche sulla piattaforma Moodle o presso copisteria Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
7) Sandra Travers de Faultrier, “D’un procès à l’autre. À propos de ‘Meursault, contre-enquête’ (Kamel Daoud)”, « Les Cahiers de la Justice » (on-line), n° 4, 2015, pp. 657-660 (dispense reperibili anche sulla piattaforma Moodle o presso copisteria Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
I romanzi di Camus e Daoud sono reperibili presso: Libreria Feltrinelli, via V. E. Orlando, 78/81 Roma.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
21810495 -
The course aims to deepen the study of the Spanish language and culture. The aim is to develop communicative and socio-cultural competence through, fundamentally, the study of the Hispanic political world. The course is divided into two modules: Module I (Specialty Languages) concerns an in-depth study of sectoral languages (political, economic, legal, administrative and journalistic) from a communicative and cultural perspective; Module II (Political language) is focused on the study of political language and the critical analysis of political discourse. In this sense, the aim is to acquire the tools to decode political discourses, at a linguistic, rhetorical and cultural level to understand the meaning of political oratory, also deconstructing its ideological meaning, and of power through the use of the word. Finally, it is intended to develop a critical capacity for autonomous re-elaboration of the languages of politics.
Erogato presso
21810394 CULTURE DEI PAESI DI LINGUA SPAGNOLA in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z MESSINA FAJARDO LUISA ALLESITA
( programma)
Modulo I: Linguaggi di specialità 1. Las lenguas de especialidad Denominaciones, definiciones y características generales La dimensión horizontal: el léxico y la terminología La dimensión vertical: textos, funciones y niveles de especialización
2.El lenguaje jurídico-administrativo: Origen y características generales El léxico jurídico Rasgos morfosintácticos El estilo formulario Nivel textual Géneros textuales
4.El lenguaje de los medios de comunicación Definición, características, funciones tendencias, géneros
5.El leguaje deportivo Definición, características, tendencias, géneros
6.El leguaje turístico Definición, origen, características, función, géneros
7.El leguaje publicitario Definición, origen, características, función, géneros
Testo di riferimento (Obbligatorio): Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.
Modulo II: Il linguaggio politico. 1.El Lenguaje político 1.1. Origen y características 1.2. El léxico político 1.3. La fraseología política 1.4. Emisor y destinatario 1.5. El contexto histórico 1.6. La retórica 1.7. Estrategias discursivas 1.8. La persuasión política 1.9. La descalificación y el insulto 1.10 Tipologías de discursos: totalitarios, de crisis, de investidura
( testi)
Testi di riferimento (obbligatori): Modulo I Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.
Modulo II MESSINA FAJARDO L. A. (2021). Herramientas teóricas y prácticas para el estudio del discurso político. Mondalvia: Generis Publishing.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
21810496 -
Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, die bereits von Studenten erworbenen Sprachkompetenzen durch die Vertiefung der politisch-kulturellen Erfahrungen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu perfektionieren. Es gliedert sich in einen sprachlichen Teil, der dem Erwerb sektoraler Lexika im politisch-juristischen und historisch-ökonomischen Bereich besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmet, und einen weiteren thematischen Teil, der dem deutschsprachigen Raum durch Texte und Dokumente unterschiedlicher Art aus Zeitungen, Sachbüchern, Filmen und Literatur gewidmet ist, wobei die Literatur als Modell für komplexe kulturelle Kommunikation, Ästhetik und Kritik dient.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
21810500 -
The course aims to define and elaborate on the concept of military security as it developed after the Second World War. The time span is determined by the ineluctable revolution that the discovery and use of nuclear weapons ushered both in terms of military doctrine and of power politics. Starting with a reflection on the reasons of the early failure of collective security, the course will first focus on the crucial hallmarks of security in a bipolar international system, making a clear distinction between States included in, and excluded from, a multilateral alliance. It will then take into consideration the major challenges posed to military security by newly emerging threats as the former was consolidating after the end of the Cold War.
( programma)
Il corso si concentra sugli aspetti più importanti che la sicurezza ha assunto nel sistema internazionale dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Nell'adottare un approccio storico, il corso intende offrire agli studenti una panoramica e una disamina di un processo che è insieme effetto e propulsore di un paradigma di azione politica. La fine della seconda guerra mondiale è stata selezionata come il punto di partenza dell'analisi soprattutto perché essa costituisce l'avvio dell'era degli studi sulla sicurezza negli Stati uniti e nel mondo occidentale.
Il corso è impartito in lingua inglese.
( testi)
Testi per l'esame:
- Mary Kaldor and Iavor Rangelov (edited by), The Handbook of Global Security Policy, Wiley Blackwell, 2014 – excluding the following chapters: 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 24, 26, 28. - Mark Mazower, Governing the World. The History of an Idea, Penguin Books, 2012 – pp. 191-342 (this is a required reading for students without a sound knowledge of the international history between world war II and the late 1970s)
For the in-class discussions, students will have to read the following essays:
- Daniel Abrahams, “From discourse to policy: US policy communities’ perceptions of and approaches to climate change and security,” Conflict, Security & Development, Vol. 19, No. 4, (2019): 323–345. - Fiona B. Adamson, “Crossing Borders: International Migration and National Security”, International Security, 31: 1 (Summer 2006), pp. 165-199. - David A. Baldwin, “The Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, Vol. 23, n. 1, (January 1997), pp. 5-26. - Madeline Carr and F. Lesniewska, “Internet of Things, cybersecurity and governing wicked problems: learning from climate change governance,” International Relations, Vol. 34, No. 3 (2020), pp. 391–412. - Excerpts of the Human Development Report 1994, Published for the United Nations Development Programme - Michael MccGwire, “Deterrence: The Problem- Not the Solution”, International Affairs, Vol. 62, n. 1, (Winter, 1985-1986), pp. 55-70. - Nick Ritchie, “A hegemonic nuclear order: Understanding the Ban Treaty and the power politics of nuclear weapons,” Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 40, No. 4 (2019): pp. 409-434. - Uri Tor, “‘Cumulative Deterrence’ as a New Paradigm for Cyber Deterrence,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1-2 (2017): pp. 92-117. - Michael C. Williams, “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Dec. 2003), pp. 511-531.
Testi consigliati:
- Robert J. Art and Kenneth N. Waltz (edited by), The Use of Force. Military Power and International Politics, sixth edition, Rowman & Littlefield, 2004 - Madeline Carr, “Public-Private Partnerships in National Cybersecurity Strategies”, International Affairs, 92: I (2016), pp. 43-62 - Andrew Cottey, Security in 21st Century Europe, second edition, Palgrave, 2013 - Christopher Daase, “National, Societal, and Human Security: On the Transformation of Political Language”, Historical Social Research, Vol. 35, n. 4, (134), 2010, pp. 22-37 - Niall Ferguson, Charles S. Maier, Erez Manela, Daniel J. Sargent (editors), The Shock of the Global. The 1970s in Perspective, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010 - Avery Goldstein, “Discounting the Free Ride: Alliances and Security in the Postwar World”, International Organization, Vol. 49, n. 1, (Winter 1995), pp. 39-71 - Hilde Haaland Kramer and Steve A. Yetiv, “The UN Security Council Response’s to Terrorism: before and after September 11, 2001”, Political Science Quarterly, 122: 3 (Fall 2007), pp. 409-432 - Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1994 - Geir Lundestad (edited by), International Relations Since the End of the Cold War. New and Old Dimensions, Oxford University Press, 2013 - Voitech Mastny and Zhu Liqun (edited by), The Legacy of the Cold War. Perspectives on Security, Cooperation, and Conflict, Lexington Books, 2014 - Paul Rosenzweig, Cyber Warfare. How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World, Praeger, 2013 - Jan Ruzicka, “Behind the veil of good intentions: power analysis of the nuclear non-proliferation regime,” International Politics, Vol. 55 (2018): pp. 369–385 - Eric Taylor Woods, Robert Schertzer, Liah Greenfeld, Chris Hughes, Cynthia Miller-Idriss, “COVID-19, nationalism, and the politics of crisis: A scholarly exchange,” Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 26 (2020), pp. 807-825 - Scott M. Thomas, “A Globalized God. Religion’s Growing Influence in International Politics”, Foreign Affairs, Vol 89, n. 6, Nov-Dec 2010, pp. 93-101 - David S. Yost, “NATO’s Evolving Purposes and the Next Strategic Concept”, International Affairs, 86:2 (March 2010), pp. 489-522.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
21810502 -
The aim of the module is to provide an historical understanding of globalization from the early modern period to the present. Student will be introduced to key themes in the history of globalization (such as: networks; migration (forced and free); imperialism; inequalities; trade and consumption; technological revolutions) and theoretical debates on the topic. At the end of the module students will be able to understand development and evolution of the globalization process through the centuries, to evaluate how it shaped people’s life since the sixteenth century, and to consider current debates in an historical perspective.
Erogato presso
21810421 THE ROOTS OF GLOBALIZATION: EUROPEAN EXPANSION AND COLONIALISM in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z TRAMONTANA FELICITA
( programma)
La prima parte del corso esamina la storia della globalizzazione a partire dal Cinquecento fino all’inizio del XXI secolo. Partendo dal dibattito sull’esistenza della “Early Globalizzation”, il corso spiega evoluzione e sviluppo di tali processi nel corso dei secoli, concentrandosi su alcuni “Turning points”: l’inizio del XVI secolo; la metà dell’Ottocento e gli anni Settanta del 1900. La seconda parte del corso ha un approccio tematico e si concentra su temi chiave per la comprensione della globalizzazione, che verranno affrontati in chiave storica, come ad esempio: migrazioni e il cosiddetto “Mobility divide”; imperialismo, commerci e consumi; forme di resistenza e opposizione; globalizzazione e diseguaglianze; rivoluzioni tecnologiche. Durante i seminari, partendo da case studies, gli studenti verranno incoraggiati a formulare delle domande e riflettere su dibattiti contemporanei partendo da una prospettiva storica.
( testi)
Capitoli tratti da :
-Jürgen Osterhammel, Niels P Petersson, Dona Geyer, Globalization: A Short History, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021; -Peter N. Stearns, Globalization in World History, London: Routledge, 2020.
Un syllabus sara' fornito durante la prima settimana di lezione
Attività formative affini ed integrative
21810503 -
This course focuses on the critical role transportation plays in economic, social, and environmental sustainability. In fact, transportation is global and fundamental to the economy and society, so effective action requires appropriate coordination both vertically, among different governance levels, and horizontally, among various stakeholders. The objective is to show what governments and stakeholders can do to effectively plan and implement a smart, green and efficient transport system, also through the illustration of case studies related to the definition and evaluation of transport policies.
Erogato presso
21810416 SUSTAINABILITY, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. AND TRANSPORT in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z GATTA VALERIO
( programma)
PARTE I - TRASPORTI, AMBIENTE E SVILUPPO ECONOMICO Definizione di sostenibilità: legame tra trasporto, ambiente e sviluppo Preservare il trasporto resiliente ai cambiamenti climatici Ampie riforme su un percorso a basse emissioni di carbonio Questioni finanziarie per mitigazione e adattamento
PARTE II - DISTRIBUZIONE URBANA DELLE MERCI E CAMBIO DEL COMPORTAMENTO Rilevanza del trasporto urbano delle merci per la sostenibilità Stakeholders coinvolti e loro ruolo Tipi di misure di intervento, soluzioni innovative e migliori pratiche Analisi comportamentale e pianificazione
Il corso è impartito in lingua inglese.
( testi)
Testi adottati:
Block, R., Kopp, A., Limi, A. (2013). Turning the right corner : ensuring development through a low-carbon transport sector. Directions in development: environment and sustainable development. Washington DC; World Bank.
Curtis C. (2020). Handbook of Sustainable Transport. Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series. Edward Elgar, USA.
Marcucci E., Gatta V., Le Pira M. (2023). Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight. Edward Elgar, UK.
Articoli in riviste scientifiche internazionali fornite durante il corso.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
21810498 -
The purpose of this course is to develop a good understanding of international financial markets. We will cover basic theories of the operations of modern monetary systems; interest rate behavior; financial intermediation and central banking; methods and objectives of monetary and regulatory policy. In particular, the following topics will be highlighted: (i) the determination of interest rates, (ii) the functions and operation of financial intermediaries, and (iii) the functions and goals of central banks.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
21810505 -
The course offers an overview of multiethnic and multicultural literature through a selective examination of authors, trends and historical contexts related to the United States of America. The literary production examined in the course describes a complex cultural and social experience in which writers continuously negotiate their own identity within the communities they belong to and the United States at large, thus exploring linguistic, racial, generational, gender and economic issues in a socio-historical context that has often evolved at a dramatically fast pace.
Erogato presso
21810392 CULTURE DEI PAESI DI LINGUA INGLESE in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z BECCE NICOLANGELO
( programma)
Il corso, suddiviso in due moduli (Modulo 1: Multicultural American Literature; Modulo 2: Asian American Writers) si concentra sulla discussione, da una prospettiva multietnica e multiculturale, delle questioni storiche, sociali, politiche ed economiche derivanti dalla lettura della selezione letteraria. Speciale attenzione sarà rivolta all’analisi dei testi letterari al fine di comprendere il rapporto intercorrente tra la letteratura americana e l’identità nazionale degli Stati Uniti d’America.
( testi)
Alvarez, Julia. “Snow”, in How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. New York: Bloomsbury, 2004 (1991), 86-87. Bui, Thi. The Best We Could Do. New York: Abrams ComicArts, 2017 (estratti). Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street, London: Vintage, 1991 (1984) (estratti). Danticat, Edwidge. “Children of the Sea” e “Caroline’s Wedding”, in Krik? Krak! New York: Soho Press, 1995, 3-25, 135-188. Gillan, Maria Mazziotti. “Shame and Silence in My Work”, in Mary Ann Vigilante Mannino and Justin Vitiello (a cura di) Breaking Open: Reflections on Italian American Women’s Writing. West Lafayette (IN): Purdue University Press, 2003, 153-175. Lahiri, Jhumpa. “Interpreter of Maladies”, in Interpreter of Maladies. London: Harper UK, 2000, 43-69. Morrison, Toni. “Recitatif”, in Martin, Wendy (Ed.) The Art of the Short Story. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2006, 1167-1181. Santos, Bienvenido. “Quicker with Arrows”, in Wong, Shawn (ed.) Asian American Literature. A Brief Introduction and Anthology. New York: HarperCollins, 1996, 80-102. Silko, Leslie Marmon. “Yellow Woman”, in Charters, Ann (Ed.) The Story and Its Writer (9th Ed.) Boston and New York: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2015, 1208-15. Spiegelman, Art. The Complete Maus. Harmondsworth (UK): Penguin, 2003 (1996) (estratti). Tusiani, Joseph. Gente Mia (excerpts), in Ethnicity. Selected Poems, New York: Bordighera Press, 2000, 1-6, 8-9. Yamamoto, Hisaye. “Yoneko’s Earthquake”, in Seventeen Syllables and Other Stories. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers University Press, 2001, 46-56.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Gruppo opzionale:
21810507 -
The 1st yr Language and Translation course of Non-European language, comes under the core educational activities of the “Languages and cultures studies of the respective countries” of the bachelor’s degree course in Languages and Cultural & Linguistic Mediation, specifically those activities aimed at providing effective operational competence at the levels established for the Non-European language as well as the theoretical knowledge of the foreign language main characteristics.
The course aims at providing:
the achievement of competencies equivalent to the A2 level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) 2018 (, for all skills through reception, production, interaction, written and spoken mediation activities as well as their related strategies. Introduction to metalinguistic reflection also at comparative level: structural and typological aspects, sociolinguistic aspects, introduction to the language of study history. Introduction to the knowledge and use of some lexicographic resources. Application of acquired knowledge to short texts.
Expected learning results: students will be able to use their first foreign language at a level equivalent to A2 level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) 2018 (, they will be able to use the corresponding communicative strategies; they will be able to carry out metalinguistic reflection activities in a comparative perspective; they will learn and start using, at basic level, some lexicographic resources, for language study; they will apply acquired knowledge to the analysis of short texts in the language of study.
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
21810509 -
The course aims at developing the salient characteristics and trends in social and labour rights regulation, in the framework of global economy and sustainable development.
Erogato presso
21210062 Global economy and labour rights in Economia dell'ambiente, lavoro e sviluppo sostenibile LM-56 GIOVANNONE MARIA
( programma)
Sustainable Development, Global Economy and Social Rights: why we need a linkage The International Labour Organization. The International Labour Standards The balance between competition and social rights at European level: the internal action of EU The EU internal action The EU as an international actor: the external action European Trade Agreements International Trade Agreements National and international CSR Codes of Conduct and CSR tools: an evolutionary perspective The social clause The most important international trade agreements The role of multinational companies
Laws regulating Labour contracts and status, social security systems and industrial relations Social Clauses, Codes of Conduct and CSR: an evolutionary perspective Selected case studies, guest lectures and students’ presentations
( testi)
J. M. Servais, International Labour Law, Seventh edition, Wolters Kluwer International, 2022. In aggiunta o in alternativa per gli studenti che parlano anche l'italiano Brino V., Perulli A., Diritto Internazionale del Lavoro, Terza edizione, Giappichelli, Torino, 2023.
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
21810693 -
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the history of human migrations, from prehistory to the so-called “Refugee crisis” in 2015. Students will learn theories and concepts related to the history of migration and engage in historiographical debates on the topic. On completion of this module students will have developed a critical understanding of the different types of migration, its causes and its socio-economic consequences.
Erogato presso
21810693 HISTORY OF MIGRATION in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z TRAMONTANA FELICITA
( programma)
Il corso prende in esame gli aspetti fondamentali della storia delle migrazioni concentrandosi principalmente sull’età moderna e contemporanea. Durante il corso verranno analizzati i caratteri strutturali della mobilità, i vari tipi di migrazione che si sono verificati nel corso della storia e le dinamiche migratorie connesse ai processi di globalizzazione. Nel corso dei seminari, inoltre, partendo dall’analisi di casi specifici verranno affrontati temi più generali – come le differenze tra migrazioni forzate e volontarie e il rapporto tra migrazioni e processi coloniali – e verranno analizzate le politiche migratorie in una prospettiva diacronica. Una particolare importanza verrà data allo studio delle migrazioni attraverso il Mediterraneo, dal Medioevo alla “crisi dei rifugiati’ del 2015, analizzando in particolare l’evoluzione storica del fenomeno, le sue cause politiche ed economiche. Infine, durante i seminari, gli studenti verranno incoraggiati ad analizzare il dibattito contemporaneo in una prospettiva storica.
( testi)
All'inizio del corso verrà distribuito un syllabus con le letture settimanali assegnate.
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
21810533 -
The course aims to highlight political representation as one of the characterizing elements of European history, dealing, in particular, with the birth and the development of parliamentary institutions.
( programma)
I. Il prologo: le istituzioni rappresentative in Europa prima dello Stato La rappresentanza politica nel basso medioevo: il monarca, l'assemblea e il consenso politico: il Regno di Leon e i possedimenti della Corona d'Aragona; la rappresentanza in Inghilterra. I comuni in Italia e le istituzioni rappresentative: l'assemblea di liberi cittadini. La rappresentanza politica nella prima modernità. Letture in classe, passaggi da: Marsilius (1324), The defender of the peace An. (1340 ca.), Manner of Holding Parliament in England, H.G. Koenigsberger, Monarchies and Parliaments in Early Modern Europe.
II. Il modello Westminster in Inghilterra e oltre Il parlamentarismo durante la guerra civile: il contrasto tra sovranità e rappresentanza. Il potere del parlamento: la supremazia del legislativo e il controllo dell'attività governativa. L'influsso sul modello americano: una possibile sintesi col presidenzialismo? Le riforme in epoca vittoriana. L'allargamento della rappresentanza politica: responsabilità e pubblicità. Letture in classe, passaggi da: H. Parker (1643), The oath of pacification, or, A forme of religious accomodation humbly proposed both to King and Parliament, Th. Hobbes (1679), Behemoth or The Long Parliament. E. Burke (1770), Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontent. Ch.J. Fox (1775), The Speeches of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, in the House of Commons. A. Hamilton, J. Jay, J. Madison (1788), The Federalist Papers. J.S. Mill (1859), Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. W. Bagehot (1867), The English Constitution.
III. La proposta francese Parlamentarismo (e antiparlamentarismo) durante la Rivoluzione. Sovranità nazionale o popolare: il dibattito dopo la Rivoluzione. La restaurazione borbonica e il tema della deliberazione. La Seconda Repubblica e l'invenzione della “rappresentanza nazionale”. Il lungo apprendistato di una democrazia parlamentare: la Terza Repubblica. Letture in classe, passaggi da: J.J. Rousseau (1762), The Social Contract. M.-J,-A.-N. de Condorcet, Political Writings. B. Constant (1815) Principles of Politics Applicable to All Governments. F. Guizot (1851), The History of the Origins of Representative Government in Europe. A. de Tocqueville (1835-1840), Democracy in America.
IV. Il percorso verso il regime parlamentare in Italia La costruzione della Nazione e il contrasto della Rivoluzione: la rappresentanza politica prima del 1861. L'età liberale e i primi tentativi del parlamentarismo. Il dibattito democratico dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale. Letture in classe, passaggi da: Civilization and Democracy: The Salvemini Anthology of Cattaneo's Writings. G. Giolitti (1919), Speech at Dronero. G. Mosca (1933), The Ruling Class.
V. Parlamentarismo in area tedesca Le riforme costituzionali del diciottesimo secolo. Ascesa e declino del modello weimariano. (Ri)costruire il parlamento dopo il Nazismo.
Letture in classe, passaggi da: G.W.F. Hegel (1820), The Philosophy of Right. M. Weber (1917), Parliament and Government in Germany under a New Political Order. H. Kelsen (1929), The essence and value of democracy. . J.A. Schumpeter (1942), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. H. Mommsen, The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy.
VI. Culture dell'antiparlamentarismo nel XX secolo Trasversalità dell'antiparlamentarismo nella crisi dello Stato liberale. Le teorie socialiste della rappresentanza: Soviet o Parlamento? L'aggressione ai parlamenti liberali. La rappresentanza politica antidemocratica. Letture in classe, passaggi da: V.I. Lenin (1919), Should We Participate in Bourgeois Parliaments?. C. Schmitt (1923), The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy. G. Gentile (1934), Origins and Doctrines of Fascism. A. Gramsci (1935), Notes 74 and 76 of Notebook 14, in The Prison Notebooks.
VII. Questioni del parlamentarismo europeo Due direzioni di analisi storica: la relazione con le altre istituzioni europee; la relazione con i parlamenti nazionali. La rappresentanza dei governi e dei parlamenti europei (1952-1976). La rappresentanza degli europei (1976-1992). La rappresentanza dei cittadini europei (1992-2009). Il Parlamento Europeo dopo Lisbona (2009-). Rappresentanza, cittadinanza e democrazia oltre lo Stato. Letture in classe, passaggi da: A. Spinelli (1983), Towards the European Union. J. Habermas 2012), The crisis of European Union. A response. G. Morgan (2005), The Idea of a European Superstate: Public Justification and European Integration. P. Dann (2003), European Parliament and Executive Federalism. A. Follesdal, S. Hix, 2006. Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU.
( testi)
1. Materiale didattico fornito durante le lezioni 2. Testi selezionati dal docente e discussi in classe
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
21810631 -
The course aims at enhancing the students’ knowledge and understanding of the roots and evolution of global environmental governance, as well as at providing them with the methodological tools to analyze them from an historical and political perspective. At the same time, the course investigates the role of the European Union in shaping global environmental governance and the implications of the international discourse on sustainable development in European politics, from the late 1960s to the present. Moving from the beginnings of the EC/EU environmental policy, the course deals with the evolving concepts of energy security and transition in Europe’s debates, at the national, intergovernmental and supranational level; it analyses the rise of the European sustainability agenda, across different EC/EU policy areas; and focuses on the intersection between the United Nations’ multilateral dimension of environmental governance and the EU’s. Students will be engaged in studying the complexity of such challenges as climate change and the depletion of global commons with a view to their international politics consequences. They will also be provided with the analytical tools to understanding the development of multilateral and regional institutions, as well as governmental and non-governmental actors; and to assessing the EU’s political and economic response to such challenges in the last few decades.
Erogato presso
21810415 THE EU IN GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti LM-52 A - Z FASANARO LAURA
( programma)
Il corso è strutturato in 4 parti (9 CFU):
1) Storia, politica ed evoluzione istituzionale dell’Unione Europea, dalla Comunità Europea degli anni Settanta all’UE degli anni Duemila.
2) Le sfide e la politica ambientali in una prospettiva di storia internazionale, dalla Conferenza di Stoccolma del 1972 all’Accordo di Parigi del 2015: conservazione; minacce globali; negoziati multilaterali e la nascita e lo sviluppo della questione climatica nella politica internazionale.
3) Le origini e lo sviluppo della politica ambientale dell’Unione Europea nel contesto della sua politica energetica, delle relazioni esterne dell’Unione e della politica estera europea.
4) Saggi brevi e presentazioni degli studenti (vedi lista delle letture consigliate/bibliografia di riferimento).
( testi)
1. Afionis Stavros, The European Union in International Climate Change Negotiations, London, Routledge, 2017; 2. Jordan Andrew, Gravey Viviane(eds), Environmental policy in the EU: actors, institutions and processes, (fourth edition), London, Routledge, 2021, pp. 1-276; 3. Kaiser Wolfram, Meyer Jan-Henrik (eds), International Organizations and Environmental Protection. Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century, New York, Berghahn Books, 2016, pp. 1-102; 153-267; 293-333.
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
20710170 -
The course will address the evolution of Islamic political doctrine, with a focus on contemporary phenomena such as that of jihadism, salafism, political Islam, post-Islamism, and the relationship between oppositional Islamic parties and government across a range of settings. These themes will be analysed by looking at how local contexts, analysed through an historical lens, intersect with trans-regional phenomena triggered by the new media and migration.
Erogato presso
20710170 History and politics of the Middle East and North Africa in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GERVASIO GENNARO
( programma)
(insegnamento tenuto in inglese) The course examines the historical and political trajectory of the Middle East and North Africa from the Colonial Era until today. The students will be introduced to the debate on Orientalism, its role in the colonial era, and its relevance until today. A particular focus will be on the post-colonial era. Among the topics covered there will be: State formation, the role of ideologies (both secular and religious) in the shaping of the region, the intra-regional and international relations of the Region and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Students are expected to actively participate to the course. All the available teaching materials, the announcements and all that is related to this course will be posted on the course webpage (
( testi)
R. Owen, State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, Routledge: London & New York: 2004. J. Chalcraft, “The Arab Uprisings of 2011 in Historical Perspective” in The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History, 2016 (available as a pdf file on the course website). G. Achcar, “The Seasons after the Arab Spring”, Le Monde Diplomatique, June 2019 (available as a pdf file on the course website).
One of the following: G. Achcar, The People Want. A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising, London: Saqi, 2013. G. Achcar, Morbid Symptoms. Relapse in the Arab Uprisings, London: Saqi, 2016. L. Anceschi, G. Gervasio & A. Teti (eds), Informal Power in the Greater Middle East. Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge, 2014 & 2016. M. Aouragh & H. Hamouchene (eds), The Arab Uprisings. A Decade of Struggles, TNI & RLS, 2021, available online at: The Arab uprisings: A decade of struggles - Longreads A. Bayat, Revolution without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2017. A. Bayat, Revolutionary Life. The Everyday of the Arab Spring, Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2021 F. Cavatorta & L. Storm (eds), Political Parties in the Arab World: Continuity and Change, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. S. Cook, False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East, Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017. Corrao FM - Redaelli R (eds), States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in the Mediterranean. Perspectives on the New Centrality in a Changing Region, PalgraveMacMillan, 2021. F. A. Gerges, ISIS: A History, Princeton: Princeton UP, 2017. Sune Haugbolle and Mark LeVine (eds.), Altered States: The Remaking of the Political in the Arab World, London, Routledge, 2022. Marc Owen Jones, Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Deception, Disinformation and Social Media, Hurst/Oxford University Press, 2022. A. Khalil (ed), Gender, Women and the Arab Spring, London & NY: Routledge, 2015. H. Kraetzschmar & P. Rivetti (eds), Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. Mark LeVine, We'll Play till We Die: Journeys across a Decade of Revolutionary Music in the Muslim World, University of California Press, 2022. Shamiran Mako and Valentine M. Moghadam, After the Arab Uprisings: Progress and Stagnation in the Middle East and North Africa, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. R. Owen, The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life, Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2014. J. Saab (ed.), A region in revolt: Mapping the recent uprisings in North Africa and West Asia, Ottawa: Daraja Press, 2020. R. Stephan and Mounira M. Charrad (eds), Women Rising: In and Beyond the Arab Spring: New York, New York University Press, 2020. I. Szmolka (ed.), Political Change in the Middle East and North Africa: After the Arab Spring, Edinburgh, Edinburgh UP, 2017. Ch. Tripp, The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013.
IMPORTANT! Students without any prior knowledge of the History of the MENA, must read one of the following textbooks:
W. Cleveland & M. Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East, Boulder: Westview Press, 2016, Betty Anderson, A History of the Modern Middle East, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2016.
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
Gruppo opzionale:
21810786 -
Learning objectives for English at the B2+ level typically focus on further developing and refining language skills in order to achieve a higher level of proficiency:
• Enhance fluency in spoken and written English. • Improve listening, reading, and writing skills. • Develop critical thinking and analytical abilities. • Expand vocabulary and master grammar structures. • Increase cultural awareness of English-speaking countries. • Enhance communication skills through active participation in discussions. • Practice effective note-taking and summarizing in English. • Develop presentation and public speaking skills in English.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810787 -
The learning objectives for a French B2 level are focused on developing the ability to communicate effectively in French in both written and spoken forms:
• Understand and comprehend spoken French in various contexts, including conversations, news, and presentations. • Read and comprehend a wide range of texts, including articles, essays, and professional documents. • Speak fluently and participate in discussions, debates, and conversations on various topics. • Write coherent and well-structured texts, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar. • Expand vocabulary and use grammatical structures accurately. • Demonstrate cultural awareness and understanding of French-speaking countries. • Develop effective interaction strategies for communication. • Improve pronunciation and intonation for clearer and more natural speech. • Foster independent learning skills through self-directed practice and resources.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810789 -
The B1 level in German corresponds to an intermediate level of proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). At the B1 level, learners are expected to have a solid foundation in the language and be able to communicate in a variety of everyday situations. The specific learning objectives for German B1 include:
• Understand and respond to conversations, interviews, and announcements on familiar topics. • Read and comprehend moderately complex texts, such as news articles and simple literary works. • Engage in conversations, express opinions, and present information on various subjects. • Write personal letters, emails, and short texts about familiar topics and experiences. • Expand grammar knowledge and vocabulary to express ideas more accurately. • Develop cultural awareness of German-speaking societies and demonstrate cultural sensitivity in communication.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810788 -
Learning objectives for achieving a B2 level of proficiency in Portuguese include:
• Expand vocabulary across various topics and utilize context clues. • Master grammar, including verb tenses, noun agreement, and sentence structure. • Improve reading comprehension skills for a variety of texts. • Enhance writing abilities with coherent and well-structured compositions. • Improve listening comprehension and develop strategies to handle different accents. • Communicate confidently and fluently in spoken Portuguese, focusing on pronunciation. • Gain cultural understanding of Portuguese-speaking countries. • Develop language usage skills for different contexts and audiences. • Self-correct and self-assess language skills. • Foster cultural sensitivity and intercultural communication skills.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810790 -
Learning Objectives for Spanish B2 (Intermediate Level):
• Understand and extract main ideas from conversations, interviews, and written texts on familiar topics. • Engage in conversations and discussions, expressing opinions and supporting arguments. • Write coherent paragraphs and short essays, demonstrating accurate grammar and vocabulary usage. • Expand vocabulary and apply intermediate-level grammar structures effectively. • Develop cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking countries and compare cultural differences. • Take responsibility for independent learning, using resources and strategies to improve language proficiency.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810796 -
In a B1-level foreign language course, students learn to understand and communicate effectively in the language. They develop the ability to hold conversations on familiar topics, express opinions, and understand main ideas in written and spoken texts. Students also learn to write coherent paragraphs and participate in discussions, gaining a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Additionally, they acquire the skills to navigate everyday situations, such as ordering food, asking for directions, and discussing personal experiences. Overall, the course aims to enable students to function independently and confidently in the target language at an intermediate level.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810651 -
During an internship experience, students:
• Gain practical skills obtain professional experience. • Build a network. • Understand the industry. • Experience their personal growth. • Individuate the opportunities of placement in a specific professional role. • Orientate studies in the light of the work experience carried out. • Develop employer-valued skills such as team working, communications and attention to detail. • Confirm career goals. • Receive evaluation and feedback.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810697 -
During an internship experience, students:
• Gain practical skills obtain professional experience. • Build a network. • Understand the industry. • Experience their personal growth. • Individuate the opportunities of placement in a specific professional role. • Orientate studies in the light of the work experience carried out. • Develop employer-valued skills such as team working, communications and attention to detail. • Confirm career goals. • Receive evaluation and feedback.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810785 -
Students engage in focused discussions and interactive learning. Seminars involve presentations, debates, critical analysis of texts, group projects, and research-based discussions. The aim is to foster critical thinking, collaborative learning, and deep exploration of the subject matter.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810783 -
Students engage in focused discussions and interactive learning. Seminars involve presentations, debates, critical analysis of texts, group projects, and research-based discussions. The aim is to foster critical thinking, collaborative learning, and deep exploration of the subject matter.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810648 -
Developing soft skills is crucial for university students as it helps them excel academically, enhance their employability, and succeed in their future careers. The soft skills programme focuses on developing essential non-technical skills like communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. It integrates these skills into the curriculum, offers dedicated courses and workshops, provides experiential learning opportunities, mentoring, and coaching. The program emphasizes assessment, feedback, and collaboration with career services to enhance students' employability. Continuous evaluation ensures improvement, and recognition is given through certificates or badges for accomplished soft skill development.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810647 -
Developing soft skills is crucial for university students as it helps them excel academically, enhance their employability, and succeed in their future careers. The soft skills programme focuses on developing essential non-technical skills like communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. It integrates these skills into the curriculum, offers dedicated courses and workshops, provides experiential learning opportunities, mentoring, and coaching. The program emphasizes assessment, feedback, and collaboration with career services to enhance students' employability. Continuous evaluation ensures improvement, and recognition is given through certificates or badges for accomplished soft skill development.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810773 -
Developing soft skills is crucial for university students as it helps them excel academically, enhance their employability, and succeed in their future careers. The soft skills programme focuses on developing essential non-technical skills like communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. It integrates these skills into the curriculum, offers dedicated courses and workshops, provides experiential learning opportunities, mentoring, and coaching. The program emphasizes assessment, feedback, and collaboration with career services to enhance students' employability. Continuous evaluation ensures improvement, and recognition is given through certificates or badges for accomplished soft skill development.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810698 -
A workshop for university students is a focused and interactive educational session designed to provide practical skills, knowledge, or experience in a specific subject area. Its primary learning objectives are to:
• Enhance Learning: Deepen understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills beyond traditional classroom settings. • Skill Development: Acquire practical skills relevant to academic, professional, or personal growth. • Collaboration and Networking: Foster teamwork, idea sharing, and the development of professional relationships. • Application of Theory to Practice: Bridge the gap between theory and real-world application through hands-on experiences. • Personal Growth: Develop essential life skills and promote overall student well-being. • Exposure to Diverse Perspectives: Cultivate a broader understanding and inclusive thinking through exposure to diverse perspectives. • Reflection and Feedback: Encourage self-assessment, identify areas for improvement, and receive constructive feedback.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810699 -
A workshop for university students is a focused and interactive educational session designed to provide practical skills, knowledge, or experience in a specific subject area. Its primary learning objectives are to:
• Enhance Learning: Deepen understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills beyond traditional classroom settings. • Skill Development: Acquire practical skills relevant to academic, professional, or personal growth. • Collaboration and Networking: Foster teamwork, idea sharing, and the development of professional relationships. • Application of Theory to Practice: Bridge the gap between theory and real-world application through hands-on experiences. • Personal Growth: Develop essential life skills and promote overall student well-being. • Exposure to Diverse Perspectives: Cultivate a broader understanding and inclusive thinking through exposure to diverse perspectives. • Reflection and Feedback: Encourage self-assessment, identify areas for improvement, and receive constructive feedback.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810684 -
A workshop for university students is a focused and interactive educational session designed to provide practical skills, knowledge, or experience in a specific subject area. Its primary learning objectives are to:
• Enhance Learning: Deepen understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills beyond traditional classroom settings. • Skill Development: Acquire practical skills relevant to academic, professional, or personal growth. • Collaboration and Networking: Foster teamwork, idea sharing, and the development of professional relationships. • Application of Theory to Practice: Bridge the gap between theory and real-world application through hands-on experiences. • Personal Growth: Develop essential life skills and promote overall student well-being. • Exposure to Diverse Perspectives: Cultivate a broader understanding and inclusive thinking through exposure to diverse perspectives. • Reflection and Feedback: Encourage self-assessment, identify areas for improvement, and receive constructive feedback.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810655 -
A workshop for university students is a focused and interactive educational session designed to provide practical skills, knowledge, or experience in a specific subject area. Its primary learning objectives are to:
• Enhance Learning: Deepen understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills beyond traditional classroom settings. • Skill Development: Acquire practical skills relevant to academic, professional, or personal growth. • Collaboration and Networking: Foster teamwork, idea sharing, and the development of professional relationships. • Application of Theory to Practice: Bridge the gap between theory and real-world application through hands-on experiences. • Personal Growth: Develop essential life skills and promote overall student well-being. • Exposure to Diverse Perspectives: Cultivate a broader understanding and inclusive thinking through exposure to diverse perspectives. • Reflection and Feedback: Encourage self-assessment, identify areas for improvement, and receive constructive feedback.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
21810656 -
A workshop for university students is a focused and interactive educational session designed to provide practical skills, knowledge, or experience in a specific subject area. Its primary learning objectives are to:
• Enhance Learning: Deepen understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills beyond traditional classroom settings. • Skill Development: Acquire practical skills relevant to academic, professional, or personal growth. • Collaboration and Networking: Foster teamwork, idea sharing, and the development of professional relationships. • Application of Theory to Practice: Bridge the gap between theory and real-world application through hands-on experiences. • Personal Growth: Develop essential life skills and promote overall student well-being. • Exposure to Diverse Perspectives: Cultivate a broader understanding and inclusive thinking through exposure to diverse perspectives. • Reflection and Feedback: Encourage self-assessment, identify areas for improvement, and receive constructive feedback.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
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Writing a final thesis at the university helps students achieve the following learning objectives:
• In-depth knowledge: Develop expertise in their research area. • Research skills: Gain proficiency in conducting independent research and data analysis. • Problem-solving: Tackle complex research questions and develop problem-solving abilities. • Communication skills: Enhance written and oral communication skills. • Time management: Learn effective time management and organizational skills. • Independent learning: Foster autonomy and self-motivation. • Critical thinking: Enhance analytical and critical thinking abilities. • Ethical considerations: Understand and adhere to ethical guidelines in research. • Presentation and defense skills: Improve presentation and public speaking abilities. • Contribution to knowledge: Make a meaningful contribution to the field of study.
Per la prova finale e la lingua straniera (art.10, comma 5, lettera c)