20810110 -
The course aims at learning advanced knowledge on the interaction between electromagnetic field and natural, artificial and living matter. This knowledge is useful for the analysis and design of electromagnetic systems oriented for applications in circuits, devices, and systems for electronics, bio-engineering and telecommunications.
Derived from
20810338 ADVANCED ENGINEERING ELECTROMAGNETICS in Ingegneria delle tecnologie della comunicazione e dell'informazione LM-27 BILOTTI FILIBERTO
( syllabus)
Part I – Interaction between the electromagnetic field and natural materials Foundations of electromagnetic field theory. Macroscopic response of natural materials. Constitutive relations and material classification. Linearity. Dispersion. Locality. Stationary and homogeneous materials. Causality and Kramers- Kronig relations. Electric response of natural materials. Material polarization. Electronic, atomic/ionic, orientation, interface polarization mechanisms. Lorentz model: derivation and discussion. Drude model: derivation and discussion. Magnetic response of natural materials. Electrodynamic response of a magnetized ferrite.
Part II – Interaction between the electromagnetic field and artificial materials Artificial electromagnetic materials. Historical perspective. Chiral materials. Microscopic response of matter. Polarizability concept. Electric polarizability of a dielectric sphere. Magnetic polarizability of a metallic loop. Electric polarizability of a metallic strip. Electric polarizability of a metallic loop. Polarizabilities of the metallic omega particle. Magneto-electric effect. Local field and interaction field. From microscopic to macroscopic response. Homogenization techniques. Maxwell-Garnett formula. Clausius-Mossotti formula. Bruggeman formula. Energy density for dispersive materials. Causality and energy conservation: frequency behavior of the constitutive parameters. Anomalous dispersion. Introduction to metamaterials. Historical overview. Metamaterials and their definitions. Original studies by Victor Veselago. Negative index of refraction. Negative-index materials and their first implementation. Metamaterial terminology. Artificial electric materials with negative permittivity. The wire medium. The parallel-plate medium. Noble metals at optical frequencies. Artificial electric materials in the visible. Epsilon-near-zero metamaterials. Natural and artificial magnetism. The split-ring resonator: concept, analysis, and design. Miniaturization of magnetic particles. The Multiple Split-Ring Resonator: concept, analysis, and design. The Spiral Resonator: concept, analysis, and design. The Labyrinth Resonator: concept, analysis, and design. Modelling of metallic particles in the visible. The kinetic inductance of electrons. The fishnet structure. Route towards negative index material in optics. Optical magnetism.
Part III – Interaction between the electromagnetic field and living matter Introduction to bio-electromagnetism. Historical overview and impact. Electric modeling of living tissues. Interaction mechanism, biological/health effects. Physical quantities to determine the risk. Dosimetry and exposure limits. European and national regulation.
Part IV – Electromagnetic invisibility, imaging and sensing Conceptually new electromagnetic devices based on the use of metamaterials: invisibility cloaks, superlenses, hyperlenses. Cloaking. Reduction of object observability. Stealth and RAM technologies. Electromagnetic invisibility concept. Total scattering cross section. Absorption cross section. Optical theorem. Definition of an ideal invisibility cloak. Figure of merit of non-ideal cloaks. Transformation electromagnetics as a route to invisibility. Alternative approaches to cloaking. Main limitations and assessment. Scattering cancellation approach to cloaking. Volumetric cloaks for cylindrical and spherical objects: analysis and design. Cloaking objects with other shapes. Cloaking a cone. Implementation of scattering cancellation based volumetric cloaks at microwave and optical frequencies. Mantle cloaking: concept, modelling, design, and implementation. Cloaking applications: reduction and manipulation of optical forces. Reduction of the Casimir effect. Imaging and sensing. The optical lens and the diffraction limit. Superlenses: concept, physical aspects, and design. Hyperlenses: concept, physical aspects, and design. Near-field-scanning optical microscope (NSOM). Aperture and apertureless NSOM tips. Advanced imaging with partially cloaked tips. Electromagnetic sensors. Biological sensors.
( reference books)
Notes provided by the lecturer.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
AD A SCELTA - (show)
20810020 -
The objective is to expose master students to an application/experimental-driven experience focused on advanced characterisation of engineered materials for biomedical applications. This objective is achieved by means of a series of dedicated lectures and experimental activities performed in the materials science laboratories available at the engineering department of Roma Tre University. These activities are focused on the theoretical and experimental study of some manufacturing processes and characterization techniques of advanced biomaterials, including Titanium alloys, composite and bio-composite materials, surface engineered materials and biological materials. The specific objectives of the course “Advanced characterisation of biomaterials” can be summarized as follows: 1. To provide students with the know-how for the correct and timely selection of materials for the most relevant biomedical application; 2. To provide students with the most important concepts of surface engineering and the applications to biomedical engineering; 3. To provide students with the fundamental aspects of advanced microstructural characterization of materials for aeronautics and aerospace, including optical and electron microscopy, focused ion beam microscopy); 4. To provide students with the main know-how on micro- and nano-mechanical characterization of materials for bioengineering (including micro-and nano-indentation and atomic force microscopy).
( syllabus)
Fundamental concepts of material science and technology: structure and microstructure of materials; mechanical properties; treatments of steels, non-ferrous alloys; polymers; composites. Advanced methods for characterisation of biomaterials (lectures): - Optical microscopy; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM); Focused Ion Beam microscopy (FIB); micro- and nano-indentation; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM); x-ray diffraction; optical profilometry; contact angle and wettability. Laboratory exercise on characterisation of biomaterials: - Optical microscopy; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM); Focused Ion Beam microscopy (FIB); micro- and nano-indentation; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM); x-ray diffraction; optical profilometry; contact angle and wettability.
( reference books)
Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction William D. Jr. Callister
Elective activities
20810015 -
Knowing how to identify the biomechanical model of the human body and be able to determine the most appropriate geometric and inertial parameters. Know the conceptual and mathematical tools useful for representing human motion in virtual reality and to describe joint kinematics. Being able to estimate the joint moments and forces acting on the hard and soft passive tissues transmitted by the muscles during movement. Being able to describe a motor act using the language of the mechanical work and energy. Know basic mechanical properties of soft and hard biological tissues. Understanding the biomechanics of human joints and spine. Know the biomechanics of physical activities of daily living such as walking, climb and descent of stairs, getting up and sitting etc.. Know the basic biomechanical principles to describe and evaluate sports paradigmatic gestures (jumping, throwing, hitting). Being familiar with the tools that allow the measurement of human movement and external forces. Be familiar with the laboratory of movement analysis and experimental protocols. Knowing how to assess risks for the locomotor apparatus in sport and at work. Acquiring the ability to design an experimental procedure, based on the use of these instruments and protocols, for clinical purposes or with reference to sport and ergonomics. Web site http://elearning.dismus.it/
( syllabus)
Knowing how to identify the biomechanical model of the human body and be able to determine the most appropriate geometric and inertial parameters. Know the conceptual and mathematical tools useful for representing human motion in virtual reality and to describe joint kinematics. Being able to estimate the joint moments and forces acting on the hard and soft passive tissuestransmitted by the muscles during movement. Being able to describe a motoract using the language of the mechanical work and energy. Understanding the biomechanics of human joints and spine. Know the biomechanics of physicalactivities of daily living such as walking, climb and descent of stairs, getting up and sitting etc.. Know the basic biomechanical principles to describe and evaluate sports paradigmatic gestures (jumping, throwing, hitting). Being familiar with the tools that allow the measurement of human movement and external forces. Be familiar with the laboratory of movement analysisand experimental protocols. Knowing how to assess risks for the locomotor apparatus in sport and at work. Acquiring the ability to design an experimental procedure, based on the use of these instruments and protocols, for clinical purposes or with reference to sport and ergonomics.
( reference books)
1) Kinematics of Human Motion e Kinetics of Human Motion di Vladimir M. Zatziorsky, 1998, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois, USA.; 2) Kinematic Analysis of Human Movement, Cheze Laurence, John Wiley & Sons 2014; 3) Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function Perry Jacquelin and Burnfield Judith, SLACK; 2010; 4) An introduction to biomechanics of sport and exercise James Watkins, Churchill Livingstone, 2007.
Elective activities
20810218 -
The course provides the fundamentals of the interactions of light and living organisms and the biomedical use of the light. The course includes study of photophysics, photosynthesis, penetration of light in human tissues, fluorescence and bioluminescence photosensory, and ultraviolet radiation effects. Biomedical applications related to photodiagnosis, photosensitivity diseases, phototherapeutics, photodynamic therapy and photosensitizing drugs are discussed in detail.
( syllabus)
Aim: The Course provides the fundamentals of light and living organism interactions, focusing on the use of light for diagnosis and therapy. Photoproduction of energy (photosynthesis and its applications in green energy production), photophysical phenomena, light propagation in human tissues and use of light in the treatment of tumours and other pathologies are described in details. Biomedical applications related to photodiagnosis, photosensitivity, phototherapy, photodynamic therapy and photosensitizing drugs are examined. In addition, part of the course covers topics related to Optogenetics, a novel technique that uses light to control neurons, which have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels. Optogenetics uses a combination of optical and genetic techniques to control the activities of individual neurons in living tissues.
Fundamentals of light propagation in biological tissues Interactions between light and molecules; electronic states of a molecule and the transitions between them: difference between bioluminescence, phosphorescence, fluorescence and other non-radiative phenomena; interactions between light, cell and tissues; effects of light propagation in biological tissues; fundamentals of the most employed light sources used in biomedical diagnostic devices.
Basics of biology Cellular structure and types; chemical building blocks; cellular processes (central dogma of Biology): replication, transcription, translation, biosynthesis and energy production; protein classification and function; organization of cells in tissues; morphological and physiological description of the main tissue in human body.
Basic principles of genetic engineering and DNA manipulation Polymerase chain reaction (PCR); restriction enzymes; cloning process. Genetic manipulation of microorganisms and superior organisms.
Biosensors Principles; biorecognition; optical transduction; molecular basis of biosensors generation; bioluminescence, colorimetric, fluorescence and FRET-based sensors. Applications of biosensors in human oncology, bioremediation, food safety and drug production. Main devices and imaging techniques employed for biosensor detection.
Super-resolution imaging: techniques and biological applications Physical principles and biomedical applications of different optical-super-resolution techniques (i.e., two and multi-photon microscopy, STORM, PALM, STED, expansion microscopy, rescan confocal microscopy, LLS, SIM). Physical principles and biomedical applications of different non-optical super-resolution techniques: electron microscopy (TEM, SEM, STEM); AFM.
Microarray Technology Definitions and applications of Omic Sciences; typology of microarrays (DNA, protein, cell and tissue microarrays).
Photosynthesis Plastids in plants; light and dark reactions; Calvin cycle and carbon fixation; ecological aspects on photosynthesis; natural and artificial photosynthesis for green energy generation.
Spectral tuning in Biology Major pigments in biological systems; chemistry behind pigment photoefficiency (resonance theory, chemical environment and modifications in light absorption properties); chromatic acclimation and chromatic adaptation; molecular aspects of chromatic acclimation.
Visual tuning in humans Human eye anatomy; human eye aberration: wave and chromatic aberrations, intraocular scattering; OCT; retina tissue organization; cytology of rod and cone cells; rhodopsin and retinal: structure and functions; retinal photocycle: molecular isomerization at the basis of vision; phototransduction cascade in vertebrate photoreceptors. Optogenetics General description of optogenetic molecular tools; opsins in animals; mechanisms of genetic construct delivery into mammalians; optrodes: applications and limitations. Photophysiology and Phototoxicity Vitamin D: photosynthesis and metabolism in human body; evolutionary aspects of vitamin D-mediated regulation of calcium homeostasis; human skin organization and differentiation of skin cell types; melanin production and functions; effects of ultraviolet radiation; effects of photodamaging on cells; mechanisms of DNA repair after photodamaging: homologous recombination, mismatch repair, Nucleotide Excision Repair, photolyase and UVR-mediated repair; photosensitivity diseases; light-dependent circadian cycle.
Fundamentals of the photothermal therapeutic effects of light sources Interaction of light and physical sensing; phototherapy; photodynamic therapy; photosensitizing drugs.
Guided tour in the RomaTre Department of Sciences on the facilities and equipment studied in the course (luminometer, fluorimeter, flow-cytometer, devices for genetic manipulation). Guided tour in the RomaTre Department of Sciences on confocal microscopes. Guided tour in the LIME laboratories on the TEM, SEM and AFM microscopes.
( reference books)
Prasad PN. Introduction to Biophotonics 2nd edition. Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, NJ. 2003; Björn LO. Photobiology: The Science of Life and Light, 2nd edition. Springer-Verlag, New York. 2008. Alberts B, Bray D, Hopkin K, Johnson AD, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. Essential Cell Biology. 3rd edition. Garland Science. 2010.
Elective activities
20802093 -
The course allows the students to acquire the knowledge and the ability to apply design techniques for digital systems in general and in particular with programmable platforms. The course analyzes the typical structure and the technology of modern programmable electronic components, develops the ability to design a digital electronic system from specifications to implementation and experimental verification of the behavior, the ability to draft a technical report on the design and characterization of a component or digital electronic system.
Derived from
20802093 ELETTRONICA DEI SISTEMI PROGRAMMABILI in Ingegneria elettronica per l'industria e l'innovazione LM-29 N0 SAVOIA ALESSANDRO STUART, DE IACOVO ANDREA
( syllabus)
Introduction to programmable systems: Programmable system classification Fields of application
Digital electronics: Logical networks Combinational circuits Sequential circuits Programmable logics
Numeral systems and data types: Binary and hexadecimal numbers Operations and conversions with binary and hexadecimal numbers Binary representation of integers Binary representation of real numbers
Microcomputer topology: Base structure Microcontrollers vs. microprocessors CPU Bus Memory arrangement I/O arrangement Instruction set Interrupts
Embededd programming with Assembler: Low level programming Assembler Assembler instruction characteristics Multiplications and divisions Data and variable allocation Subroutines and Interrupt Service Routines
Embedded programming with C: High level programming Builders Structure of a C program Exampled C and Assembler code integration
Interfacing basics: Power supply Clock Power-on reset Bootstrap
Embedded peripherals: Interrupt types Interrupt management Timers and counters Embedded memories Bus arbitrations Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Physical interfaces: General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) Device interfacing with GPIO Switch and push button interfaces LED interface Display interface Continous current loads Alternate current loads Motor loads
Serial communication: Data communication Serial channels UART USB SPI I2C 1-Wire
Analog signal processing: Sensors, interfacing and signal conditioning Operational amplifiers Comparators Sampling ADC and DAC converters
( reference books)
Manuel Jiménez, Rogelio Palomera, Isidoro Couvertier, “Introduction to Embedded Systems: Using Microcontrollers and the MSP430“, Springer Science & Business Media, 11 set 2013.
Paolo Spirito, “Elettronica digitale”, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002.
Additional references:
Texas Instruments MSP-EXP430FR5739 http://www.ti.com/tool/msp-exp430fr5739
MSP-EXP430FR5739 Experimenter Board User's Guide (Rev. B) http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/slau343b/slau343b.pdf
MSP430FR57xx Family User's Guide (Rev. C) http://www.ti.com.cn/cn/lit/ug/slau272c/slau272c.pdf
MSP430FR573x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers (Rev. J) http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/slas639j/slas639j.pdf
Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio (IDE) v5 Windows/Linux http://www.ti.com/tool/ccstudio
Elective activities
20802091 -
The Master's degree is awarded after passing a final exam, which consists in defending a written report (the Master's thesis) on a work activity developed by the candidate, under the guidance of a supervisor, and possibly of other co-supervisors, of an innovative nature, and concerning aspects of analysis and/or synthesis associated with topics relevant to the learning outcomes of the Master's degree program. The final exam aims to verify the candidate's level of learning of the technical and scientific contents, her/his ability to work independently, and her/his level of organisation, communication and innovation in the analysis and synthesis of complex projects. The activities carried out during the preparation of the thesis work may be performed in the University's laboratories and in companies or research bodies in Italy and abroad.
Final examination and foreign language test