Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
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Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20810166 -
Coastal Hydrology-B mira a fornire le conoscenze e a sviluppare le competenze necessarie per lo studio e la valutazione del trasporto e trasformazione delle sostanze inquinanti nei corpi idrici superficiali e sotterranei verso le coste, per la valutazione dei conseguenti rischi per la salute umana e la determinazione di interventi di bonifica in ambito costiero e marino. Le conoscenze sono indirizzate allo studio della dinamica dei contaminanti nell’interfaccia costiera, determinata dalle principali forzanti idrologiche ed antropiche. Nel quadro di questo percorso, l’insegnamento si propone di fornire una conoscenza approfondita 1) delle principali fonti di contaminazione del suolo e degli acquiferi, 2) della modellazione dei processi di trasporto di contaminanti, con particolare riferimento all’ambiente costiero, in funzione delle forzanti idrologiche, 3) dei modelli matematici per l’analisi della propagazione del contaminante nei suoli, negli acquiferi e nei corsi d’acqua verso l’ambiente costiero; 5) del concetto di rischio per la salute umana collegato all’utilizzo domestico di acqua contaminata in ambito costiero e marino; 6) delle principali opere di bonifica delle acque superficiali e sotterranee che sfociano nelle coste.
20810166-1 -
Coastal Hydrology - A course introduces the students to surface and subsurface hydrology and provides the modeling skills for solving practical problems dealing with water exchange at the costal boundary. This course is part of the master's degree program in "Sustainable Coastal and Ocean Engineering", whose objective is to train civil engineers with high professional qualification for development of coastal and marine infrastructures, with an increasing concern towards environmental protection and sustainable development under environmental changing conditions. Within this framework, the course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of 1) the main physical processes involved in water cycle, 2) the fundamental issues related to water resources use, 3) the measurement and analysis of hydrologic data, 4) the hydrologic modeling of transport in aquifers and vadose zone, 5) the hydrologic modeling of surface processes at the catchment scale, contributing to water exchange across the coastal boundary and through the sea, and 6) the main criteria to develop a complex hydrological model, with specific focus on the interface with coastal and ocean environments.
Core compulsory activities
20810166-2 -
The course Coastal Hydrology - B is part of the master's degree program in "Sustainable Coastal and Ocean Engineering", whose objective is to train civil engineers with high professional qualification for development of coastal and marine infrastructures, with an increasing concern towards environmental protection and sustainable development under environmental changing conditions. Within this framework the course Coastal Hydrology - B aims at the developing of a new scientific and technological awareness in the field of water quality protection in complex coastal environments, characterized by increasing anthropogenic pressure and a dynamic equilibrium between fresh and salty water. The Students will be trained within a program focused in specific problems of coastal environments, such as the aquifers salinization and the contamination of environmental matrices. A depth knowledge in this field will be provided by studying 1) the interface dynamics between continental and marine waters; 2) the main sources of anthropogenic contamination in coastal environments; 3) the contaminants transport processes through the hydrological water cycle and the coastal interface; 4) the concepts of vulnerability of risk in coastal areas; 5) the main design techniques for the protection of surface, ground- and marine waters and the restoration of contaminated sites.
Core compulsory activities
20810167 -
Providing students with notions about the environmental impacts related to anthropic activities, classifying and describing the impacts, also illustrating the sustainability concept, and describing environmental impact assessment procedures and environmental certification protocols. Describing the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations 2030 Agenda. Illustrating the concept of environmental footprint (carbon and water footprint) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). Describing the Green Economy sectors, with regard to renewable energy sources and sustainable transport, and the related energy, environmental and economic effects. Illustrating, by means of significant case studies, examples of environmental impact assessment and impact mitigation, with special regard to marine and coastal applications.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20810168 -
The aim is to provide basic notions on ecology with specific reference to marine ecosystems. It provides the basic tools to evaluate the nature and the extend of anthropogenic and climate change disturbances to the environment, and to formulate specific actions aimed at the management, planning and conservation of marine resources. Basic ideas on bio-resources and bioremediation will also be provided.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20810175 -
The course aims to provide fundamental knowledge on the environmental laws, both at national and transnational level., on international policies for the marine environment protection, such as the Common Fisheries Policy, the Water Framework Directive, the EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and in general the Integrated maritime policy. Further knowledge on the main international programs for the marine environment such as the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the consequent Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) are provided. Also basic knowledge on blue economy is introduced. After the course students will be able of recognizing and applying the laws and the recommendations to be used in the solution of the engineering problems related to the coast and to the ocean and will be able of individuating and developing blue growth opportunities.
Related or supplementary learning activities