Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22901964 -
Derived from
22901964 PSICOLOGIA DELLO SVILUPPO E DELL'EDUCAZIONE (L39/L40) in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 N0 BELLO ARIANNA
( syllabus)
The topics of this course are the following: • Introduction to developmental psychology: theories and methods • Cognitive development of child and adolescent • Motor and perceptual development in infancy and early childhood: an overview • Language development, communication, and literacy • Social and emotional grow • Nature and function of attachment behaviour • Parenting and adoption • Parenting and disability • Family separations and divorce
( reference books)
Santrock. J.W. Psicologia dello Sviluppo (2017). Edizione italiana a cura di D. Rollo. MCGraw- Hill EducationIn particular, Only the following chapters need to be studied: Capitolo 1: Introduzione - Capitolo 2: Lo Studio Scientifico Dello Sviluppo Infantile - Capitolo 4: Sviluppo Fisico, Motorio E Percettivo - Capitolo 5: Approcci Allo Sviluppo Cognitivo - Capitolo 8: Lo Sviluppo Del Linguaggio - Capitolo 9: Lo Sviluppo Emotivo E Affettivo - Capitolo 10: Il Se E L’acquisizione Dell’identit - Capitolo 12: La Famiglia Paragrafo 12.1 Processi Familiari, 12.2. Genitorialità, 12.3.Relazione Genitore E Adolescente - Capitolo 13: I Pari : Paragrafo 13.4 La Relazione Tra Pari In Adolescenza
The Power-Points used in class by the teacher are available in formonline. During the course some topics of Family Psychology have been proposed. In particular: Brighi, Nicoletti, Guarini (2013). Il fenomeno del cyberbullismo: un percorso di lettura e filmografico. Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza, 4.1-16.
Genta, Brighi, Guarini (2013). Cyberbullismo. Ricerche e strategie di intervento Franco Angeli, Milano. capitolo 5. La ricerca ECIP: nuove tecnologie, cyberbullismo e ruolo della famiglia
D’amore S. (a cura di, 2017). Le nuove famiglie. Teoria, ricerca, interventi clinici. Franco Angeli, Milano. capitolo 1. Uni-verso o multi-verso familiare’ le nuove famiglie tra continuità e cambiamento capitolo 10. Coppie e genitori omosessuali: sfide per la psicoterapia
Mazzucchelli F.( a cura di, 2011). Il sostegno alla genitorialità. Professionalità diverse in particolari situazioni familiari. Franco Angeli, Milano. capitolo 9. I sostegni necessari alla famiglia del bambino disabile capitolo 11. La famiglia sostitutiva come esperienza educativa speciale di genitorialità
Dowling Barnes (2018) Lavorare con i bambini nel processo di separazione e divorzio . Franco Angeli, Milano. capitolo 1. Il cambiamento delle famiglie e le angosce dei bambini capitolo 2 Cornice teorica: transizioni e fattori di rischio nella separazione e divorzio capitolo 6. Oltre il controllo della ragione: rabbia, violenza, malattia mentale
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
EduForm Educ Antr fil II anno - (show)
22902520 -
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnography Lab
22902520-1 -
Derived from
22902520-1 ANTROPLOGIA CULTURALE E SOCIALE in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 N0 POMPEO FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
The main course of 6 credits in presence proposes a survey of themes and central problems of cultural and social anthropology. After having retraced some hubs of research - the concept of culture, the overcoming of the "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of the historical-social processes of contact that from the colonial situation reach the current realities of globalization, some research lines will therefore be studied in depth: the first is related to gender and body, a second one dedicated to migration and citizenship also in relation to services, in which the results of a research in a peripheral Roman territory will be presented, finally the third connected to the analysis of new parental and family realities. This program is integrated with the 3 cfu Ethnography Laboratory partly at a distance, through seminar meetings and with the analysis of a chosen anthropological essay included in the list published below.
( reference books)
1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino, (Fourth edition revised and extended) 2. M. Fusaschi, 2018, Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo/logiche di genere nella globalizzatione, Cisu, Roma (Revised and enlarged second edition).
one to choose from the two routes
a) migrations and services. F. Pompeo, (edited by) Pigneto-Banglatown, Meti, Torino 2011 + research materials Municipio V (the materials correspond to a lesson of the autumn course; they will be presented again in a special lesson on 11 April 2019)
b) new kinship / family forms: C. Mattalucci (edited) Antropologia e riproduzione, Edizioni libreria Cortina, Milano 2017
for the Laboratory:
1) Cappelletto F., 2010, edited by, Vivere l'etnografia, Firenze, Seid.
2) a text of your choice on the list found on this site, to be communicated to the docen
Basic compulsory activities
22902520-2 -
Derived from
22902520-2 LABORATORIO DI ETNOGRAFIA in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 N0 POMPEO FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
The main course of 6 credits in presence proposes a survey of themes and central problems of cultural and social anthropology. After having retraced some hubs of research - the concept of culture, the overcoming of the "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of the historical-social processes of contact that from the colonial situation reach the current realities of globalization, some research lines will therefore be studied in depth: the first is related to gender and body, a second one dedicated to migration and citizenship also in relation to services, in which the results of a research in a peripheral Roman territory will be presented, finally the third connected to the analysis of new parental and family realities. This program is integrated with the 3 cfu Ethnography Laboratory partly at a distance, through seminar meetings and with the analysis of a chosen anthropological essay included in the list published below.
( reference books)
1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino, (Fourth edition revised and extended) 2. M. Fusaschi, 2018, Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo/logiche di genere nella globalizzatione, Cisu, Roma (Revised and enlarged second edition).
one to choose from the two routes
a) migrations and services. F. Pompeo, (edited by) Pigneto-Banglatown, Meti, Torino 2011 + research materials Municipio V (the materials correspond to a lesson of the autumn course; they will be presented again in a special lesson on 11 April 2019)
b) new kinship / family forms: C. Mattalucci (edited) Antropologia e riproduzione, Edizioni libreria Cortina, Milano 2017
for the Laboratory:
1) Cappelletto F., 2010, edited by, Vivere l'etnografia, Firenze, Seid.
2) a text of your choice on the list found on this site, to be communicated to the docen
Basic compulsory activities
22910128 -
Moral philosophy
The Moral Philosophy course aims to provide students with the following training objectives: an adequate independence of judgment in order to elaborate ethical reflections; adequate communication skills to master a conceptually correct and precise philosophical language; sufficient capacity to understand the ethical issues that underlie current educational challenges.
-Knowledge and critical understanding of main currents of thought and of philosophical dimensions of educational models -Applying knowledge and understanding to solve problems in the field of work ethic and care of relationship -Making judgements: have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data to formulate independent judgments on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues related to their field of study or work -Communication skills: be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions -Learning skills: possess an adequate analysis methodology, using the tools of scientific research
Derived from
22910128 Filosofia morale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 RUSSO MARIA TERESA
( syllabus)
1. General part a) Moral, ethos, ethics, metaethics: terminological clarifications b) Human person as a moral subject and the pursuit of happiness c) The moral conscience and the responsibility d) Being free: what does this mean?
2. Monographic Part
a) The notion of virtue and its rediscovery in contemporary philosophy b) Moral questions through literature c) Education and virtue
( reference books)
M.T. RUSSO-L. VALERA, Invito al ben-essere, Aracne, Roma 2015 P. RICCI SINDONI, L'altro, Messaggero, Padova 2016 M. T. RUSSO, Esperienza ed esemplarità morale. Rileggere Le due fonti della morale e della religione di Bergson, ETS, Pisa 2017 M. SCHELER, Modelli e capi, Franco Angeli, Milano 2011 H. Bergson, Educazione, cultura, scuola, ed. Armando oppure 5. F. Russo, Passioni tristi: decisioni morali e speranza educativa, EDUSC Bibliography online
Basic compulsory activities
22910130 -
History of philosophy
The course, through the reading of classical texts, aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research. By indicating from time to time the difficulties presented by the texts and the different possible interpretative solutions, it also aims to stimulate the student's critical reflection and autonomy of judgement. With the study of History of Philosophy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - understand the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research; - to know the classics of the history of philosophical thought. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyze the difficulties presented by the texts and propose different interpretative solutions; - planning and organizing philosophical thought in order to improve educational contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - to deal with the problems of the current era with a critical spirit; - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view. In terms of communication skills: - be available to listen; - Contribute to group work. In terms of learning ability: - to deal with scientific literature; - Developing the skills necessary for autonomous research.
Derived from
22910130 Storia della filosofia in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 PETAGINE ANTONIO
( syllabus)
The question of happiness in the history of Western philosophy. In the first part (18 hours), the course will offer an overview, that will enable the student to compare the theories of the main authors of Western philosophy. The second part (18 hours) is devoted to the main positions concerning happiness during the History of Philosophy.
( reference books)
Fist part: F. de Luise – G. Farinetti, I Filosofi parlano di felicità, 2 voll., PBE, Einaudi, Torino 2014 (Mappe 51-52). A file with the list of text will be uploaded on the blackboard online
Second part:
G. Lipovetsky, Una felicità paradossale, Cortina, Milano 2007. M.E.P. Seligman, La costruzione della felicità, tr. it. T. Franzosi, Sperling Paperbacks 2005 (passages). A. Petagine, Profili dell’umano, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2007, pp. 17-52 e 138-170.
Other references could be uploaded on the blackboard online.
Basic compulsory activities
22910127 -
Intercultural education
The course allows to acquire a) theoretical knowledge and basic operational skills in the fields of education and education sciences in order to analyze social, cultural and territorial realities and to develop, implement and manage educational practices and projects; b) and intervention, planning and educational skills in the early childhood and scholastic/extra-scholastic fields, with reference to the issues of integration of migrants and intercultural education.
Through the study of Intercultural Education the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of the discipline. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analyze the best practices of intercultural education in the scholastic and extra-scholastic contexts. Making judgements: - ability to analyze problematic situations from several points of view; - ability to identify the causes that have determined a certain problematic situation, also attributing to them suitably differentiated weights. Communication skills: - prevent and mediate conflicts; - adopt a positive attitude marked by openness and extroversion. Learning skills: - acquire learning skills necessary for cultural growth, professional development and continuing education and to undertake new studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Derived from
22910127 Pedagogia interculturale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 CATARCI MARCO
( syllabus)
Introduction to Intercultural Education: Origins, Developments, Theories and Methods. Intercultural Education in School and Society. Educational policies in an intercultural perspective. Multilingualism, Interculturalism and Citizenship. From multicultural society to intercultural society: the role of education. Models and types of integration: assimilation, coexistence, partner coexistence. The notion of integration of immigrants Culture, culture and identity School/Pre-school and the Difference of Cultures. Educational strategies for social inclusion. Part of the course focuses on early childhood and applications to educational settings for children.
( reference books)
1. Allievi S., Dalla Zuanna G., Tutto quello che non vi hanno mai detto sull'immigrazione, Laterza, Roma- Bari 2017.
2. Fiorucci M., Educazione, formazione e pedagogia in prospettiva interculturale, Franco Angeli, Milano 2020.
3. Catarci M., La pedagogia della liberazione di Paulo Freire. Educazione, intercultura e cambiamento sociale, Franco Angeli, Milano 2016. 4. Freire P, La pedagogia degli oppressi, EGA, Torino 2018
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
EduForm Educ M-PED03 II anno - (show)
22910133 -
General Didactics
Educators: The course of General Didactics, starting from a reflection on the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline, intends to analyze some of the most known and significant models of organization of didactics in formal education contexts, also in relation to the most recent contribution provided by ICT to education and learning processes. The course includes laboratory activities, to be carried out mainly online, related to the application on the field of tools for the self-assessment of strategic skills. With the study of General Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - know the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline; - know the main models of organization of the didactics; - to know the innovative aspects of the application of ICT to teaching and learning processes; - understand the importance of regulatory evaluation of teaching and learning processes. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - elaborate projects in the educational field by defining objectives, methodologies and evaluation tools; - apply tools for the self-assessment of strategic competences within training contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - analyse and interpret training needs within a given context and define appropriate action plans; - develop reflective skills on one's own professional actions. In terms of communication skills: - recognize and analyze one's professional beliefs and competences through the self-administration of the QPCC (Perception Questionnaires of one's Convictions and Competencies, Pellerey, 2000); - present in written and oral form the outcome of reflexive analyses of one's own strategic competences. In terms of learning ability: - grasp the main evolutionary aspects of the discipline by identifying the main sources of updating (national and international scientific journals).
Trainers: The course aims to give knowledge on the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural fundamentals of teaching and skills in the design of participatory didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion. Knowledge and understanding - Know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of teaching; - Understand the relationship between disciplinary content and educational organization.
Applying knowledge and understanding - Identify the didactic actions able to favor the development of disciplinary and transversal skills; - Identify the didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion.
Making judgements - Design educational actions based on different evolutionary periods; - Design educational actions aimed at improving learning contexts.
Communication skills - Contribute to group work; - Simulate educational actions.
Learning skills - Analyze a problematic situation from several points of view; - Be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
( syllabus)
Course title: Individualization of teaching and modular teaching in formal education contexts The organization of teaching is a crucial variable to guarantee the quality of the training processes in the various contexts of education, both formal and non-formal, also in an orientation key. The General Teaching course, starting from a reflection on the foundations, methods of investigation and purposes of the discipline, intends to analyze some of the most known and significant models of organization of teaching in the contexts of formal education, and in particular to study some models of individualization and teaching personalization also in relation to the most recent contribution provided by ICT to education and learning processes. The Laboratory will take place online on the e-learning platform of the course. The theme of the laboratory is centered on the use of tools for the detection, analysis and enhancement of strategic skills in secondary school students. From an operational point of view, it is necessary to fill in some online questionnaires, analyze the results and carry out a summary interpretation and comment report to be delivered in the appropriate space of the Course .
( reference books)
- Introduction to teaching, Online Units available on the course platform
- Margottini M., Formazione e-learning, Roma, Monolite, 2008 ((for free on the online platform))
- Margottini M., Promuovere competenze strategiche a scuola e all'università. Esiti d'indagini empiriche, Milano, LED Edizioni, 2017 (for free on the online platform),
Core compulsory activities
22910134 -
Learning goals: the student is able to discuss learning changes moved by digital technologies and to design blended learning paths. Relational goals: the student improves his communicating skills and is well active in learning communities - Knowledge and understanding: the student is conscius that knowledge is endlessly changing - Applying knowledge and understanding: the student uses Internet effectively - Making judgements: the student is well oriented on Internet - Communication skills: the student is able in public speaking - Learning skills: the student knows his meta-learnig
( syllabus)
Learning goals: the student is able to discuss learning changes moved by digital technologies and to design blended learning paths. Relational goals: the student improves his communicating skills and is well active in learning communities - Knowledge and understanding: the student is conscius that knowledge is endlessly changing - Applying knowledge and understanding: the student uses Internet effectively - Making judgements: the student is well oriented on Internet - Communication skills: the student is able in public speaking - Learning skills: the student knows his meta-learnig
( reference books)
Quagliata A. (2014), I-learning. Storie e riflessione sulla relazione educativa. Roma: Armando Editore
Bianchi L. (2019), Un piano d'azione per la ricerca qualitativa. Epistemologia della complessità e Grounded Theory costruttivista. Milano: Franco Angeli
Core compulsory activities
22910167 -
The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.
- Knowledge and understanding - to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline - to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches - Applying knowledge and understanding - analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected; - formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods. - Making judgements - linking statistical theory to school situations; - quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations. - Communication skills - evaluate quantitatively the educational processes; - report the results achieved. - Learning skills - exercise availability for scientific research in school settings; - access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
A - L
Derived from
22910167 STATISTICA in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 A - L BOVE GIUSEPPE
( syllabus)
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), statistical ratios , bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Exercises on empirical data regarding statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, variation percentages and index numbers, covariance and correlation.
( reference books)
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) BOVE G., Slide delle lezioni del Corso base di Statistica, (available on-line).
MARELLA D., Esercizi e domande di riepilogo di Statistica. (available on-line).
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001. CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS TO STUDY ON CORBETTA, GASPERONI E PISATI Chap. 1: ALL Chap 2: ALL (EXCEPT: INDICE DI OMOGENEITÀ, Par. 6.) Chap 3: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 4; Par 5.) Chap. 4: ALL Chap. 5: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 2; Par 3; CHI-QUADRATO and V DI CRAMÉR; Subpar. 4.2; Subpar. 4.3 Subpar. 4.4; Par 5)
STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Marella D., Dispensa Laboratorio Statistica, pdf manuscript available on-line.
M - Z
Derived from
22910167 STATISTICA in Educatore di nido e dei servizi per l'infanzia L-19 M - Z MARELLA DANIELA
( syllabus)
The course is composed of two parts: 1) Basics Statistics (6 CFU) 2) Statistics (Integration) (3 CFU)
Basics Statistics (6 CFU)
Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
Exercises on empirical data regarding statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, variation percentages and index numbers, covariance and correlation.
( reference books)
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) BOVE G., Slide delle lezioni del Corso base di Statistica, (available on-line).
MARELLA D., Esercizi e domande di riepilogo di Statistica. (available on-line).
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001. CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS TO STUDY ON CORBETTA, GASPERONI E PISATI Chap. 1: ALL Chap 2: ALL (EXCEPT: INDICE DI OMOGENEITÀ, Par. 6.) Chap 3: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 4; Par 5.) Chap. 4: ALL Chap. 5: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 2; Par 3; CHI-QUADRATO and V DI CRAMÉR; Subpar. 4.2; Subpar. 4.3 Subpar. 4.4; Par 5)
STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Marella D., Dispensa Laboratorio Statistica, pdf manuscript available on-line.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
EduForm Educ II anno - (show)
22910163 -
History of education
The course’s objective is acquiring and consolidating knowledge concerning history of pedagogical ideas that have been expressed by some of the most important western authors between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. The aim is to make students aware that the history of past ideas is a fundamental tool for understanding present times.
Through the study of History of Pedagogy the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: 1) In terms of knowledge and understanding, the awareness of the epistemological foundations of the history of pedagogical ideas 2) In terms of ability to apply the acquired knowledge, the ability to critically analyze the relationship between pedagogical ideas and different educational practices; 3) In terms of autonomy of judgment, the ability to evaluate how much of the past survives in present educational contexts; 4) In terms of learning and research abilities, to increase the knowledge of the most recent cognitive pathways in the field of history of pedagogy and education; 5) communication skills aimed at identifying and criticizing stereotypes and prejudices conveyed by pedagogical ideas, in order to facilitate their overcoming through educational practices.
Derived from
22910136 Storia della pedagogia in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 BORRUSO FRANCESCA, META CHIARA
( syllabus)
The course will be articulated in a general part and a workshop part. The general part will tackle, in the first semester, the main authors of the history of education of modern and contemporary age through the analysis of the principal schools of thought. In the first semester the workshop part will be dedicated to the analysis of some specific themes of history of education in contemporary age. The educational thought of Antonio Gramsci will be studied in-depth through the reading of a particularly relevant place concerning the prison notes, the Notebook 12, in which Gramsci outlines his idea of school and education in opposition to the model offered by Giovanni Gentile’s Reform of 1923. Still in the first semester the workshop activity will tackle, through the reading of Carmela Covato’s book “Pericoloso a dirsi”, the impact, on the history of education level, of a new frontier of research relative to the history of emotion, which has created a real revolution in the way the sources of the past are looked at. It consists of a real “enlargement” of a prospective that, already identified in the Thirties by the historiographical revolution carried out by the review «Les Annales» achieves to outline a history of sensitivity that definitively emancipates itself from a “teleological” vision of the civilization process and from a transposition of psychology into history. This new awareness, outside any intimist tendency, has subtracted emotion and feelings from a history deprived dimension. It’s exactly from the analysis of family and private contexts, intended as a labyrinth of educational relations and as a privileged space for the manifestation of coercitive identitary rules,- also through the use of a new type of documentation such as autobiographies, literary narrations, diaries, pictorial and iconographic representations,- that a transgenerational element connected to the transmission of educational codes emerges. In the second semester the workshop activity will continue focusing especially on the educational thought of one of the major authors of the Twentieth century, John Dewey. A particularly significant work of the American pedagogist will be analysed, The School and Society, in which Dewey, putting school in relation with the social process in its entirety, outlines the idea of the formation of a new democratic citizen endowed with scientific spirit and a historical and critical sense.
( reference books)
S. Santamaita, Storia dell’educazione e delle pedagogie, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2013. A.Gramsci, Quaderno del carcere n. 12. Editing andPreface by Chiara Meta, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2018. J. Dewey, Scuola e società. Editing and Preface by F. Borruso, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2018 C. Covato, Pericoloso a dirsi. Emozioni, sentimenti, divieti e trasgressioni nella storia dell’educazione, Unicopli, Milano, 2018.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
EduForm Educ Lingue II anno - (show)
22910162 -
Spanish language
The Spanish language course aims to develop the four language skills up to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course will focus on reflections on foreign language learning methodologies with theoretical and practical applications. In particular, we will focus on the importance of local languages in the learning of European languages, with particular attention to the convergence between Italian and Spanish languages. With the study of the Spanish language the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - develop the 4 language skills up to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - ability to understand and produce a written or oral A2 level text in Spanish. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - ability to reflect on language learning methodologies. In terms of communication skills: - knowledge of metal language related to language training. In terms of learning ability: - knowledge of self-learning methodologies.
Derived from
22910132 Lingua spagnola in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 CASTORINA ANTONIO
( syllabus)
The first part of the course deals with the essential aspects of Spanish grammar, in detail: a) Phonetics, spelling, accentuation b) Morphology - definite and indefinite articles - nouns: gender and number .; diminutive and augmentative - Adjectives and pronouns: possessive, demonstrative, numeral - Verb. The three regular conjugations: simple and compound tenses. The main irregular verbs - Personal pronouns subject and complement - Degrees of comparison - Adjectives and relative pronouns, interrogatives, indefinite - Prepositions, adverbs and conjunctions) Syntax - Use of verbs ser, estar, haber, tener - Differences in the use of the present, of the imperfect, and of the remote past of the indicative mode - The main verbal periphrases
The second part of the course is based on the aspects of translation from Spanish into Italian with practical exercises. In addition, the figure of Simón Bolívar and the political constitutional events of Latin America of the 19th century will be examined. based on the volume by Giuseppe Cacciatore and Antonio Scocozza, El gran Majadero de América, Naples, The city of the sun, 2008 from p. 29 on page 76, and from the same text the readings: Manifiesto de Cartagena and Discurso de Angostura.
( reference books)
Manuel Carrera Díaz, Grammatica spagnola, Laterza, 2006.
Giuseppe Cacciatore e Antonio Scocozza, El gran Majadero de América, Napoli, La città del sole, 2008.
Laura Tam, Grande dizionario di spagnolo, Hoepli, 2004.
Real Academia Española, Diccionario de la lengua española, XXII ed., disponibile on-line al sito:
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
EduForm Educ lin+art II anno - (show)
22910137 -
The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the basic structures of the language. This will be complemented by an investigation into the links between verbal language and the mind, linking general linguistics with psycholinguistics and cognitive sciences. With the study of General Linguistics, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding, at the end of the course the student: - has a general framework of general linguistics and relations with related disciplines; - knows the specific terminology, the main research topics and problems of the field of study related to linguistics; - knows the difference between dialects and languages. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding, at the end of the course the student: - knows how to use current terminology correctly in the field of general linguistics. In terms of judgment: - Can recognize and distinguish issues related to the way languages change. In terms of communication skills, the student will be able to: - communicate and interact with specialized and non-specialized audiences. In terms of learning ability, the student will be able to: - critically consult texts of a manualistic nature, connecting different aspects and contexts related to general linguistics.
Derived from
22910137 Linguistica generale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 SVOLACCHIA MARCO
( syllabus)
For instruction regarding the course, and much else, please refer to my personal website:
THIS COURSE AIMS AT: - Debunking some of the most pervasive myths and prejudices regarding language and languages and making way to the results of contemporary research in the sciences of language. - Providing students with sound information regarding how foreign languages are best learned and taught. - Enhancing students’ metalinguistic capabilities to improve their command of written language and their ability to improve their pupils’ command of written language, both native and L2 speakers. - Providing students with the linguistic knowledge implied in the processes of both teaching literacy and preparing pre-school children to literacy.
( reference books)
For instruction regarding the texts to prepare for the final examination, please refer to my personal website:
Core compulsory activities
22902570 -
Musicology, history and sociology of music
Derived from
22902570 MUSICOLOGIA, STORIA E SOCIOLOGIA DELLA MUSICA ( L39/40) in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 N0 POZZI RAFFAELE
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to provide the students with basic methodologies and knowledge in the fields of Musicology, History and Sociology of Music. The course programme is divided in two parts: the first is devoted to the fundamentals of music theory (acoustics, notation, musical forms etc.) and to a survey of musical history connected with listening and analysis of exemplary works of both written art music and non-written traditions; the second one, monographic, is focused on the following subject: "Passions in papal Rome: Giacomo Puccini's Tosca.
( reference books)
The examination textbooks are the following: O KAROLYI, Grammatica della musica, Torino, Einaudi, 1967 and reprinted versions; A Survey of history of Western music, in Musica, Le Garzantine, Milano, Garzanti 1996 and updated editions, pp. 1009-1042; Various Authors, Tosca di Giacomo Puccini, program notes, Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, 2008, For the performance see the edition on line, staged at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, 5 March 2015, ORCHESTRA E CORO DEL TEATRO DELL’OPERA DI ROMA, conductor Donato Renzetti.
Core compulsory activities