22910089 -
Sociology of organizations
The teaching of Sociology of organizations will make students acquire the basic concepts of the theoretical framework of organizational sociology and examine the interconnections with other disciplines, which have, as their object of study, work and organizations, through the analysis of organizational theories and empirical study of new organizational models operating in innovative companies and public administrations Knowledge and understanding: - to provide knowledge of historical, theoretical and methodological models for the transition from Taylor-Fordist type of organizational and bureaucratic approach “cognitive”, and the analysis of the interconnections of a cultural and management relating to the affirmation of the company network and the Total Quality Management. Applying knowledge and understanding: - to develop skills and expertise in the analysis of the processes of evolution of organizational models, on the development of organizational learning, in view of intertwining of individual and collective dynamics in the functioning of organizations and the necessary integration between the strategic variables: people, processes, technologies and facilities. Making judgements: - to promote critical analysis of the evolution of organizational models in public administration, on the transformation of the bureaucratic model and the success of the telocratic model of new public management, based on analysis of business case studies and testimonials. Communication skills: - can communicate about their understanding, skills and activities, concerning the course contents, with peers, supervisors and clients. Learning skills: - have the learning skills to undertake further studies related to the analysis of the various organizational models, with particular attention to the structural and cultural dimensions, to the coordination mechanisms, to the redesign of innovative organizational models, with a high degree of autonomy.
( syllabus)
The course contemplates three main parts. The first one provides knowledge of historical, theoretical and methodological models for the transition from Taylor-Fordist type of organizational and bureaucratic approach “cognitive”, and the analysis of the interconnections of a cultural and management relating to the affirmation of the company network and the Total Quality Management. The second part aims to develop skills and expertise in the analysis of the processes of evolution of organizational models, on the development of organizational learning, in view of intertwining of individual and collective dynamics in the functioning of organizations and the necessary integration between the strategic variables: people, processes, technologies and facilities. The last one has to objective to promote a critical analysis of the evolution of organizational models in public administration, on the transformation of the bureaucratic model and the success of the telocratic model of new public management, based on analysis of business case studies and testimonials.
( reference books)
COCOZZA A., Organizzazioni. Culture, modelli, governance, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014. LA ROSA M. (a cura di), Il "modello" Olivetti: passato, presente, e futuro?, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2022.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910090 -
General Sociology
Today, the sociologist must be able to analyze and respond to different issues of social coexistence: globalization, ecology, gender and sexuality, migration ... major issues that bring with them the transformations of social relations, family, stratification, education, religion, the arts, the use of the media. The course therefore intends to address the forms and changes of living in society, according to different theories and methods of investigation. With the study of General Sociology, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - knowledge of the theoretical principles of sociology; - ability to express oneself in the language and terms of the discipline; - understanding of the interconnections that structure the relationship between man and society in different macro systemic contexts: social, economic, cultural. In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills applied: - ability to apply the knowledge acquired in research projects on the topics covered by the course; - ability to apply sociological theories by elaborating research hypotheses and selecting the most suitable research techniques. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - ability to critically read manuals and specialist texts concerning the discipline; - ability to identify the appropriate methods of study and research in relation to the different contexts of application; - ability to read critically the results of studies, research and projects. In terms of communication skills: - acquisition of terminology specific to the discipline; - ability to express clearly, even to a non-specialist audience, environmental issues in the global socio-economic context. In terms of learning capacity: - understanding of the importance of field observation and direct experience of the processes being studied.
( syllabus)
If we think of sociology as a reflective thought on man, on his actions in society, it could be said that it has always existed: from philosophy, in literature, among scholars of every age, in the most varied fields. A science arises from the human need to satisfy certain needs, proposing answers, practical solutions to real problems or cognitive needs. Sociology combines theory and empirical research, and today, more than ever, it is useful for knowing how to analyze and respond to the issues of social coexistence: culture, democracy, health, globalization, ecology, gender and sexuality, migrations, symbolic representations, great themes that carry within them the transformations of social relations, of the family, of stratification, of education, of religion, of the arts, of the use of the mass media. The course therefore intends to address the forms and changes of living in society, according to different theories and methods of investigation, with the aim of making female students more and more autonomous and aware. Able to set up conceptually oriented empirical research. Particular attention will be paid to the themes closest to the professional paths of the Eduform, Edunido and SFP degree courses, with particular attention to childhood. During the course, seminar meetings will be organized in online streaming (for the anticovid measures). The exam will be oral online. Students are required to present on the day of the exam (not in writing) an oral speech relating to a research project conceived and freely chosen from one of the topics covered by the course (for eg how to study in the field the presence of immigrants in a district of one's city (e.g. how to study the presence of immigrants in a neighborhood of one's city / country in the field) using sociological theories, elaborating personal research hypotheses, choosing research techniques that are considered most suitable. For further information, students are invited to attend the lessons or contact the teacher to arrange a meeting during the student reception. Lessons will be held in mixed mode, in the classroom and via teams starting from the second semester on March 2, Wednesday and Thursday from 17-00-19.00, until the end of May. To be present in the classroom at the headquarters in Via Principe Amedeo, you must book in Gomp and use the FP2 mask.
( reference books)
Suggested: Testi di esame consigliati:
1) Manuale a scelta tra:
Rita Bichi, a cura, “Sociologia”, Editore Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2022 oppure Neil J. Smelser, Manuale di Sociologia, Il Mulino oppure Nuovo Manuale di Sociologia, a cura di R. Cipriani, Maggioli Ed, Seconda edizione 2) Un testo a scelta tra: E. Goffman, La vita quotidiana come rappresentazione o I rituali dell’interazione, L. Berger, T. Luckmann, La realtà come costruzione sociale, M. Weber,Lo spirito protestante e le origini del capitalismo o La scienza come professione. La politica come professione, E. Durkheim, Il Suicidio, P. H. Marcuse, L’uomo ad una dimensione, W. Adorno, La personalità autoritaria, P. Bourdieu, Il dominio maschile, Feltrinelli, C.W. Mills, L'immaginazione sociologica, Il Saggiatore, Hannah Arendt, Vita activa o Le origini del totalitarismo, qualsiasi edizione, Franco Ferrarotti, La sociologia alla riscoperta della qualità/oppure/ La sociologia, Agnes Heller, Per una teoria dei sentimenti, Mary Wollstonecraft, I diritti delle donne, Z. Bauman, Amore liquido. 2) Testo: Milena Gammaitoni, Storie di vita di artiste europee, dal Medioevo alla contemporaneità, Cleup, Padova
4) Un testo a scelta tra: (qualsiasi edizione, molti testi sono presenti in biblioteca e si possono richiedere nel sistema interbibliotecario nazionale) Aversano L., Caianiello O., Gammaitoni M., a cura, Musiciste e Compositrici, Storia e storie di vita, SEdM, 2021 ( ordinabile nel sito www.sedm.it), Bartholini I., Violenza di prossimità. La vittima, il carnefice, lo spettatore e il «grande occhio», Carbone C., Voci indigene e saperi sovversivi, Le donne Maori innovano le conoscenze, Mimesis, 2021, Carnà K., Nuove identità in una società multietnica, Percorsi tra scuole, religioni, famiglie, Cleup, 2020, Carnà K., S. Rossetti, Corpi e identità, donne dal subcontinente indiano all’Italia, Maori Ed. 2021, Grassi E., Etica e intelligenza artificiale, questioni aperte, Armando, 2020, Corbisiero F., M. Nocenzi, Manuale di educazione al genere e alla sessualità, Utet, 2021 Costa C., Morsello B., Incerta religiosità, forme molteplici del credere, Franco Angeli, 2020, D’Amato M. a cura, Immaginario e satanismo, Universitaria, 2010 Gammaitoni M., a cura, Le arti e la politica. Le risposte della sociologia, Cleup, 2015, Gammaitoni M., a cura, Per una sociologia delle arti. Storia e storie di vita, Cleup, 2012 Gammaitoni M., a cura, Roma in mutamento? Intercultura e inclusione per servizi pubblici innovativi, Cleup, 2021. Romeo A., Per una sociologia del corpo, Mondadori, 2018, Odorisio G.C., Harriet Martineau e Tocqueville, Due diverse letture della democrazia americana, Rubettino
I libri dell'editore Cleup si possono ordinare direttamente a redazione@cleup.it oppure on line su ibs libri Bigliografia di riferimento Luciano Gallino, Dizionario di Sociologia, Utet Franco Ferrarotti, Trattato di Sociologia, Utet
Letture Consigliate Patricia Madoo Lengermann, Gilian Niebrugge, The Women Founders, Sociology and Social Theory 1830-1930, Waveland Press, 2007 Nicolò Govoni, Se fosse tuo figlio, Longanesi Elena Giannini Belotti, Dalla parte delle bambine, Mondadori Marina D’Amato, Ci siamo persi i bambini, Laterza Graziella Priulla, Violate, sessismo e cultura dello stupro, Maori ed.
Modalità di assegnazione e svolgimento Tesi di Laurea
Le studentesse e gli studenti devono prendere contatti con la docente almeno un anno prima della data in cui si progetta di laurearsi, presentando un progetto scritto (due pagine) e una bibliografia. Si consiglia di leggere di Umberto Eco, Come si fa una tesi di laurea, Bompiani ed. La Prof.ssa riceve per appuntamento: milena.gammaitoni@uniroma3.it
Regolamento per laureande/i: 1) Inviare alla docente periodicamente il proprio lavoro: un capitolo alla volta nell'arco dei mesi di studio per la Tesi, in modo di ricevere consigli, correzioni puntuali e periodiche. Per questo motivo non saranno accettate tesi scritte in poco tempo, senza aver interagito con la docente durante la scrittura e inviate pochi giorni prima dalla consegna del cd in segreteria; 2) Il titolo della tesi definitivo dovrà essere concordato con la docente; 3) La tesi finale dovrà essere inviata alla docente un mese prima dalla consegna del cd.
Basic compulsory activities