Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20401827 -
Acquire knowledge of the basic principles of General and Inorganic Chemistry and the ability to use the acquired knowledge to solve simple problems of Chemistry.
( syllabus)
Scientific method. The Atom. Chemical bond. Ionic bond. Covalent bond (VB). VSEPR. Hybridization. Dative bond. Resonance. Nomenclature and chemical structures. Mole, weight composition, minimal and molecular formula. States of aggregation of the matter. The gas. Gas laws. Ideal and real gas. Liquids and Solids. Chemical reactions. Stoichiometry. Redox reactions. Acid-Base reactions. The solutions: concentration and vapor tension. Colligative properties. Basics of chemical kinetics Thermodynamics I and II Principle. III Principle. Gibbs Free Energy and spontaneity of a chemical reaction. Chemical equilibrium. Acids and Bases. Equilibria and pH calculation. Saline hydrolysis and tampons. laboratory exercises
Basic compulsory activities
20410174 -
The learning objectives of the course are: to acquire the fundamental principles of cellular organization, the structure and function of the main tissues, with particular attention to the nervous tissue; to acquire the bases of microscopic and macroscopic human anatomy, with particular attention to the structure of the eye.
( syllabus)
Cytology – Microscopic and submicroscopic organization of cells and tissues of the human body; their interactions and morpho-functional correlations. The cell: shape, size and cellular differences, chemical composition. Permeability and active Transport. Membrane potential. Intercellular junctions. Cell division: mitosis and meiosis. Somatic and germinal cells. Histology - Embryonic derivation, structure, classification, functions and locations of the following tissues: epithelial tissues, connective tissues, muscle tissues, nervous tissues. Exocrine glandular epithelium. Endocrine glands and their function. Transformed epithelials: the Crystalline. The connective tissues, cartilage, bone, adipose tissue; blood. Myeloid and lymphoid haematopoiesis; Lymphoid tissue and immunity (generality); Muscle tissue: smooth, skeletal and cardiac; Nervous tissue: the neuron and its structure; Retina Structure. Human anatomy - Fundamentals and general organization of the human body. General organization of the apparatus and systems: a) circulatory system b) respiratory apparatus c) uro-genital apparatus d) digestive system e) hematopoietic system f) endocrine apparatus g) Male and Female Reproductive apparatus h) tegumentary apparatus i) locomotor apparatus l ) Nervous system m) visual apparatus n) auditory apparatus. Ocular anatomy – The orbit and paranasal sinuses; The lacrimal system; The eyelids; The conjunctiva; The cornea; The ciliary body; The iris; The lens; The choroid and sclera; The retina; The visual pathways; The extraocular muscles; Orbital vasculature and the cavernous sinus; Skull osteology; Visual acuity and adaptation; Colour vision; Binocular vision and stereopsis; General physiology of eye structure; The Orbital Blood Vessels; The Nerve Supply of the Orbit; Embryology.
( reference books)
Cooper G.M. - Hausman R.E., “Fondamenti di Citologia”, PICCIN Monesi V. “Istologia”, PICCIN Dalle Donne I., Gagliano N., et al. "Istologia ed elementi di anatomia microscopica", EDISES Young B., Heath J.W., Woodford P., “Wheater. Istologia e anatomia microscopica”, Edra Masson Kerr J.B. “Atlante di istologia funzionale”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana Saladin K.S., “Anatomia Umana”, PICCIN Caporossi A. "Oftalmologia”, PICCIN
Related or supplementary learning activities
20402022 -
The learning objective of the course is the acquisition of the knowledge of the basic principles of error analysis and statistics for the processing of experimental data. Students will also develop the skills to manage the laboratory activity for measuring optical quantities with a good degree of autonomy. The skills will also be developed with the aid of IT tools.
( syllabus)
The theoretical lessons will focus on the following topics:
Tools and measures. Measurement units - Trigonometry angles and definitions - Sizes and errors - Systematic error and random error - Instrument error - Standard deviation and standard error - Error propagation - Representing data: significant figures, comparison of measurements, tables and graphs, histograms
Descriptive statistics. Indices of central tendency: average, median and mode - Percentiles - Indices of variability: variance and standard deviation - Limit distributions
Correlation between variables. Linear regression, least squares method - Linearization of a function - Verification of the acceptability of a fit: Chi square test and determination coefficient - Pearson r coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient for ranks
Probability. Definition and fundamental properties - Probability distributions (binomial, Poisson and uniform distribution - Gaussian and error integral, justification of sum in quadrature and standard deviation of the mean, standard normal distribution) - Average and variance of a random variable - Confidence intervals - Standard deviation as acceptability percentage - Applications and verifications: correlation index and chi-square test - Student's t test for comparison between measurements
Inferential statistics. Hypothesis test and significance - The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis - Types of studies and sampling - Sample distributions - Criterion of significance and critical values - Errors and decisions of a statistical test - Sign test - Chi square test as test of significance - z-test and t-test - Distribution F - Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with one and two ways
The topics of the laboratory exercises will be chosen from the following list
1) Use of precision instruments (decimal and twentieth caliber, spherometer) for the measurement of quantities. Statistical treatment of the error. 2) Verification of the law of light reflection from a plane mirror. 3) Verification of the law of refraction in a plexiglass plate. 4) Verification of Kepler's law on the reduction of light intensity as a function of distance. 5) Verification of the Lambert-Beer law on the attenuation of luminous intensity on passing through an opaque medium. 6) Determination of the focal distance and dioptric power of a thin lens through an optical measurement. 7) Determination of the focal distance and dioptric power of a lens system with the Bessel method. 8) Determination of the focal distance and dioptric power of an ophthalmic lens by measuring with a spherometer and with a dioptrometer and characterization of an astigmatic lens 9) Verification of Gullstrand's law and search for the main planes of an optical system consisting of two thin lenses. 10) Dispersion of light through a prism: verification of Cauchy's law and determination of the number of Abbe 11) Estimate of the magnification of an optical system: the magnifying lens 12) Use of Student's t test to compare experimental data and the chi-square test to assess how well a theoretical trend reproduces the behavior of experimental data; construction of a histogram and its limit function.
( reference books)
- Lecture notes distributed by the teacher during the course
- D. Halliday, R. Resnick, S. Walker, Fondamenti di Fisica (Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2015)
- R. Meyer-Arendt, Introduction to classical and modern optics (Prentice Hall, 1995)
- R. Taylor, Introduzione all’analisi dell’errore (Zanichelli, 2010)
- M. Bland, Statistica medica (Maggioli Editore, 2014)
- M. M. Triola e M. F. Triola, Fondamenti di Statistica (Pearson, 2013)
- J. Welkowitz, B. Cohen e R. Ewen, Statistica per le scienze del comportamento (Apogeo)
- S. A. Glantz, Statistica per Discipline Biomediche (McGraw-Hill, 2007)
Basic compulsory activities
20410391 -
The learning objectives of the course are the acquisition of knowledge of: principles of physiological optics and of the structure and functionality of the eye; bases of vision and refractive phenomena in relation to ametropie, accommodation, quality of the retinal image and eye aberrations.
( syllabus)
Introduction to the optics of vision: historical backgrounds, conventions and symbols, geometric optics in relation to the applications of vision optics. Anatomical structure of the eye and nods on the physiology of the visual system. Schematic models of eye optics. Schematic eyes and Emsley's reduced eye. Calculation tutorials. Axes of the eye and size of the retinal image. The condition of emmetropy, definition of remote point. Astigmatism and classification of eye astigmatism. Compensation with ophthalmic lenses and contact lenses. Accommodation, definition of near point, the condition of presbyopia. Eye aberrations and retinal image quality. From retinal image to visual information processing: hints of vision psychophysics, visual acuity and criteria in the construction of optometric boards, sensitivity to contrast, field of vision, color perception, anomalies of sense Color.
( reference books)
F. ZERI, A. ROSSETTI, A. FOSSETTI, A.CALOSSI (2012): Ottica Visulae, Società editrice Universo, Roma A. ROSSETTI, P. GHELLER (2003): Manuale di Optometria e contattologia, Edizioni Zanichelli L. Lupelli (2014): Optometria A-Z, dizionario di SCienze, tecnica e Clinica della Visione, Edizioni Medicl Books
Core compulsory activities