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20801995 -
The course objective is to let the student obtain competences on: the issues related to the acquisition and management of biomedical equipment, and of relevant data in the management of health systems; information systems (accounting, maintenance management etc..); today's standards on storage and transmission of medical data. At the end of the course, it is predicted that the student will also master probability models associated to the maintenance of biomedical equipment.
( syllabus)
PART 1 Clinical engineering: glossary of terms; definition and classification of medical devices; national and international outlook of clinical engineering; clinical engineering competences. Inventory, national classification of medical devices (CND); global medical device nomenclature (GMDN). Entity-relationship diagram models. Operating principles of a selection of medical devices; reading, comprehension and writing of the technical specifications. PART 2 Management and maintenance of medical devices: probability theory fundamentals for the maintenance of medical devices: reliability and availability; failure rate, and other relevant indicators; costs and times; maintenance strategies, roles and duties. PART 3 Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) in the healthcare sector; health technology assessment: indicators of clinical efficacy (QALY, DALY); economic burden. Risk evaluation and minimisation; relevant indicators. Regulations in the healthcare sector (national level), and comparison at the international level; WHO directives and recommendations. Bismarck-Beveridge and mixed models. PART 4 Efficiency of a healthcare structure: indicators for outpatients and inpatients;
( reference books)
Slides, exercises and other material freely available for students on the University moodle platform. Further readings: - C. LAMBERTI, W. RAINER. LE APPARECCHIATURE BIOMEDICHE E LA LORO GESTIONE, PATRON EDITORE, 1998. - F. PINCIROLI, S. BONACINA. APPLICAZIONI DI SANITÀ DIGITALE, POLIPRESS, 2009.
Elective activities
20802032 -
digital electronic systems
The course aim is to improve the students' knowledge in digital electronics, from basic components to complex systems. Particular attention will be given to recent applications like FPGAs and ASICs and will be given basic knowledge about current digital communication standards such as USB, Ethernet and LVDS.
( syllabus)
Logic Port (CMOS implementation) Pass Transistor, Transmission Gate, Latch, Flip-flop, Three-state (CMOS implementation) Adder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Register, Counter, Digital Comparator ROM, SRAM, DRAM, EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, 6T and 1T Cell Finite State Machine VHDL FPGA Serial comunication: RS232, LVDS, USB
( reference books)
Cioffi G, “Reti Sequenziali” Floyd “Digital Fundamentals”
Elective activities
20802047 -
Antennas for mobile communications
This course aims at giving the student the tools to analyze and design antennas for both base stations and mobile terminals of cellular communication systems.
( syllabus)
PART I – OVERVIEW OF CELLULAR SYSTEMS AND ANTENNAS Basic concepts of cellular communication systems. Basic concepts of electromagnetic radiation: free-space green's function, hertz dipole, near-field and far-field. Basic concepts of antennas: historical perspective, antenna types, radiation mechanism, current distribution on linear antennas. Electrical and radiating properties of antennas: radiation intensity, radiation pattern, radiated power, directivity, efficiency, gain, beam-width, polarization, input impedance, bandwidth, effective length and effective area. Friis formula.
PART II – BASE-STATION ANTENNAS Overview of base station antennas. Omni-directional antennas. Thin and thick dipole antennas. electrical and radiating properties of dipolar antennas. Broadband dipoles. Directive antennas. image principle and employment of reflectors. Dipolar antennas with reflectors. Antenna arrays: uniform antenna arrays for base station panels. Analysis and synthesis methods of the single antenna element of a base station panel. Design examples of omni-directional and directive dipole antennas for GSM900/1800 and UMTS. Space diversity and polarization diversity. Beam forming networks for antenna arrays. Mechanic and electric down tilt. Smart antennas and adaptive antennas.
PART III – ANTENNAS FOR MOBILE TERMINALS Overview of mobile terminal antennas. Microstrip antennas: basic concepts. Electrical and radiating properties of microstrip antennas. Analysis of microstrip antennas by using the transmission line model. Design techniques of microstrip antennas working in linear, double-linear, and circular polarization. Examples of microstrip antennas for GSM900/1800 and UMTS mobile terminals. examples of microstrip antennas for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. examples of panels of microstrip antennas to be used as indoor umts base station and Wi-Fi access point antennas.
PART IV – ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ANTENNAS (LAB ACTIVITY) Analysis and design of antennas for base-station and mobile terminals by using electromagnetic simulators. Design of antenna arrays. Antenna measurements and reverse engineering.
( reference books)
- "Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design", autore: Constantin Balanis, editore: Wiley - "Cellular communications explained from basics to 3G", autore: Ian Poole, editore: Newnes - "Fundamentals of cellular network planning and optimization 2G/2.5G/3G-evlolution to 4G", autore: Ajay R. Mishra, editore: Wiley
Elective activities
20802060 -
To present a series of practice exercitation to the students is the aim of the course. The laboratory experiences allow to the students to became confidence with base instrumentations always present in an electronic or measurements laboratory. The course is principally practice so after a brief introductive theory phase in which are explained of the exercitations and instrumentation presented in laboratory, the students has to attempt the laboratory facing autonomously each experience.
( syllabus)
The course is divided in these parts: 1) Theory Exercitation description of “high accuracy CC measurements” realized on the measurement bench called “potentiometer” and description of standard and instrumentations used (3,5 hours); Exercitation description of “zero measurements for impedance and pulsation at low frequencies” realized on the measurement bench called “measurement bridges” and description of used instrumentations (3,5 hours); Exercitation description of “electric CA power measurements” realized on the measurement bench called “classic measurements” and description of used instrumentations (3 hours); Description of laboratory digital instrumentation: oscilloscope, multimeter, function generators, suppliers (3 hours); Exercitation description of “measurements of the low frequencies analogical filters characteristics” realized on the measurement bench called “filters” and description of used instrumentations (3,5 hours); Exercitation description of “measurements of operational amplifier characteristics” realized on the homonymous bench and description of used instrumentations (3,5 hours). 3. Laboratory Practice exercitations on the five benches for totally 22 hours. The single hourly slot is 1,5 hours and inside each slot all the benches are occupied by single students or by a little group of students, depending by the total amount of students in the course.
( reference books)
Elective activities
20802061 -
The course aims at illustrating the more recent techniques for multimedia signal processing. Video signals and images will be analyzed in both bi-dimensional and tri-dimensional case. The course will be organized in two parts: in the first, the basics needed for multimedia signal processing and programming in Matlab will be presented to the students. In the second part practical experiences will be performed, both in individual and in group assignments, by using the tools available in the lab (Kinect, rendering 3D systems, stereo webcam). The possibility to use in the lab systems for acquiring, elaborating and rendering multimedia content, will allow the students to efficiently project and manage a multimedia system. The course will include dedicated seminars on practical applications of multimedia signals such as e-learning, cinema, IP-tv and mobile communications.
( syllabus)
Introduction Human vision system Spatial domain filtering Transform domain filtering Wavelet transform Noise models Image compression Audio signal processing Video compression Matlab
( reference books)
R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S. L. Eddins, "Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2e", Publisher: Prentice-Hall; B. Block and P. McNally, “3D storytelling: how stereoscopic 3D works and how to use it”, Publisher: Focal Press; C. W. Chen, Z. Li and S. Lian, “Intelligent Multimedia Communication: Techniques and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)”, Publisher: Springer;
Elective activities
20802062 -
This course has the twofold aim of providing the basic knowledge of telecommunication and ad hoc networks, as well as introducing advanced methodologies for the analysis of telecommunication systems, through simulation software (Network Simulator 2), and the design and configuration of wireless and wired networks. Simulation analysis assesses network performance, while the use of traffic monitoring systems evaluates the effectiveness of the networks designed. The study of telecommunication networks is extended to optical wireless networks in the visible band (visible light communications)
( syllabus)
The course provides the basic concepts for the study of Telecommunication networks. Different types of networks will be investigated, from social networks (i.e., Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) to wireless ad-hoc networks (i.e., vehicular networks). Particular attention will be given to the topic of Internet of Things and optical wireless communications systems in the visible range (Visible Light Communications).
The course has the following goals: (1) To present basic concepts on network science (i.e., social networks, Internet, ad-hoc networks, etc.) (2) To illustrate recent methodologies for the analysis of Telecommunications systems through the use of simulation softwares, such as Network Simulator 2, Matlab, The Opportunistic Network Environment, Wireshark. (3) Lab activities in teams through softwares.
( reference books)
- Lecture notes by the Professor (on MOODLE) - J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach", 6th Edition, Addison Wesley - A. Barabasi, “Network Science”, http://barabasi.com/networksciencebook - Z. Ghassemlooy, W. Popoola, and S. Rajbhandari, Optical wireless communications, System and Channel modeling with MATLAB, CRC Press
Elective activities
20810004 -
Device for wireless system
The Course aims at giving the fundamentals in the design of circuits and components for wireless systems. The students will be encouraged to directly apply the learned techniques to practical cases, also with use of specialized software
( syllabus)
Introduction to wireless systems: standards and frequency bands. Standards for mobile communications, wireless LAN, and bluetooth. Emerging standars in the millimeter frequency band for wireless outdoor and indoor links. Applications to wireless power transfer. Standards for radar systems.
Microwave Integrated Circuits (MIC) e Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC). Transmission line theory. Matching of the line: Smith chart; quarter of wavelength matching; single stub matching. Lumped components for microwave circuits: chip components and Surface Mounted Device (SMD). Integrated circuits in microstrip line: technologies and design formulas for microstrip lines. Microstrip impedances: lumped and distributed impedances. Microstrip components and antennas to be integrated in MIC. Microwave circuits in Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW). Design of a SIW waveguide. Dominant mode and cut-off frequency. Integrated antennas in SIW technology. Design and simulation of microwave microstrip and SIW circuits through dedicated electromagnetic software.
Systems for energy harvesting and wireless power transfer. Rectennas for the radio frequency: antenna, matching circuit, and rectifier.
Radar systems. Radar equation: localization of the target, and radar cross-section evaluation. Working principle of the pulsed radar, and the system architecture. The Ground Penetrating Radar: antenna and receiver; application to buried object detection.
( reference books)
Material delivered by the teacher.
R.E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1992. D.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, Wiley, 1998.
Elective activities
20810005 -
Experimental Chemistry
The course is intended as the improvement of the first year Chemistry course. Introducing just few new chemical concepts, more generally the course intends to deepen and extend the culture of chemistry as a experimental science. The course is addressed to all third-year students who want to explore the themes developed with practical laboratory experiences, in particular students wishing to continue their studies with specialized courses in the field of chemistry and experimental sciences in general (e.g. Biomaterials and Chimica delle Tecnologie). With this course, the student puts into practice the knowledge acquired related to the basic concepts of chemistry, making a significant laboratory experience
( syllabus)
. Tools commonly used in a chemical laboratory and their appropriate use: glassware, funnels for filtration, liquid and solid collection systems. 2. The chemical laboratory: implementation methodology experiences. 3. Safety and prevention in a chemical laboratory: labeling chemicals. Physical risk. Rules of conduct. Compressed gases. Prevention and safety. 4. Measurement uncertainty in a chemical laboratory. 5. Techniques of separation of mixtures of substances: chromatography. 6. Surface tension: surface and interfacial phenomena. 7. Electrochemistry of aqueous systems. 8. Aqueous solutions. Determination of the basic parameters: pH and solubility. 9. Lab test: use of key equipment for chemical laboratory. 10. Lab test: preparation of liquid solutions by weighing and dilution. 11. Lab test: precipitation of an insoluble salt. Qualitative and quantitative aspects. 12. Lab test: solvent extraction 13. Lab test: thin layer chromatograph 14. Lab test: Synthesis of nylon 6,6 15. Lab test: Titration of vinegar. Qualitative and quantitative aspects 16. Lab test: electrolysis of aqueous solutions. Production of molecular hydrogen and oxygen. 17. Lab test: Electrodeposition
Elective activities
20810000 -
Elective activities
20810059 -
The aim of the course is the analysis of the characteristics of telecommunications systems, from the telephone network to data packet/switch network to wireless networks. Among the issues that will be addressed, the performance evaluation in terms of quality, security and cost of service will be discussed. Multimedia communications and Internet of Things communication systems will be analyzed. Lab sessions will be dedicated to the design and implementation of Internet of Things communication networks.
( syllabus)
Protocol layers and service models. OSI and Internet protocols. What is the Internet. Concepts of delay, security, and Quality of Service (QoS). Application layer protocols and client-server model. Reliable data transfer. Stop-and-Go evaluation. TCP and UCP semantics and syntax. TCP RTT estimation. Principles of congestion control. Principles of routing: link-state and distance vector. IP semantics and syntax. Link layer. Error detection. Multiple access protocols. Midterm Exam. IEEE 802.3 Ethernet. Switching and bridging. Media. Signal strength. Data encoding. Wireless and mobile networks. Security. Overview of threats, cryptography, authentication, and firewalls.
Hot topics. Sensor networks and Software Defined Networks. Internet of Things Multimedia signals
IoT Arduino-Fishino implementation Sockets programming in C (client-server and web server programs).
( reference books)
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th edition, by James Kurose and Keith Ross (ISBN-13: 978-0132856201).
Elective activities
20810060 -
This course gives theoretical and experimental basis for the characterisation of microwave and radiofrequency circuits and antennas. The course provides an introduction to the computational electromagnetism and to the use of EM full-wave simulation software (Ansys HFSS and CST Microwave Studio) and MATLAB. At the end of the course the student will be able to plan experimental activities, in the electromagnetic fields area, by adopting the most appropriate equipment and components; the student will also be able to use electromagnetic modelling software.
( syllabus)
Review of arguments of previous courses.
Transmission lines. Telegraphers’ equations and their solution. Impedance, admittance, and reflection coefficients. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. Examples of use, and application to practical cases. Smith Chart and the relevant use for matching problems.
Cylindrical metallic waveguides. Eigenvalue problems. Propagation of modes. Rectangular waveguides.
Resonators: Resonant circuits (RLC). Cylindrical resonators: resonant frequencies and modal profiles. Effect of losses. Quality factor. Passive junctions.
Basics of computational electromagnetism: numerical methods based on differential and integral formulations in the time and frequency domain. Description of commercial electromagnetic simulators: Ansys HFSS, CST Microwave Studio. Notes on the use of MATLAB in the numerical calculation for applied electromagnetism. Numerical calculation experiences with commercial electromagnetic simulators and MATLAB: numerical and network characterization of frequency selective surfaces and metasurfaces, numerical and network characterization of discontinuities in rectangular waveguides; analytical / numerical study of electromagnetic propagation in periodic rectangular waveguides.
Use of a microwave didactic bench. Description of components. Experimental use of the bench. Measurements relevant to frequency, wavelength, VSWR, antenna measurements.
( reference books)
- F. Frezza, A Primer on Electromagnetic Fields, Springer, 2015. - Pozar, David M. Microwave Engineering, 4th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley, 2012. - Notes of the Course.
Elective activities
20810061 -
Aim of the course is to lead students to get more insight into the fundamentals of digital systems, gaining knowledge for the basic functionality and performances they have for different typical applications. The course is mainly focused on the design of simple digital electronic systems based on programmable devices and practical experiments allow students to understand the fundamental working methodology from a design perspective.
( syllabus)
Introduction: fundamentals on digital electronic systems: wired vs. programmable logic; hardware description languages in the design of complex systems; programmable digital apparatus; microprocessor invention: Von Newmann and Harvard architectures; RISC e CISC; history and evolution of microprocessors; microcontrollers architecture.
ARM architecture: breef history; microprocessors at glance; instruction set; RISC architecture; internal registers organization; ARM and Thumb states; CISC versus RISC; pipeline; exceptions: origin and management; interrupt; debug systems and JTAG interface; ARM7TDMI organization with ARM9TDMI comparison.
LPC800 (NXP) microcontrollers: system memory; NVIC; system controller; pin mapping and configuration; input/output ports; ADC; Timer; Flash memory; Embedded ICE.
Peripherals: A/D and D/A conversion; communication standards; the HD44780 LCD-controller.
Software: developing system; proprietary and open-source IDE; Eclipse; Make file, glue code, new project creation; software design; basic code, finite state machine, function and libraries, macro; interrupt vectors, priority, deadlock, priority inversion; interrupt management; debug: registers control, variables, stack; step-by-step execution; breadboarding.
Practical experiments: compile, upload, debug; prototype realization. Experiments on: LED driving; keyboard interfacing; voltage acquisition via an ADC; timer usage; PWM control; temperature sensor or transducer reading; LCD interface; programmable RTC; a simple clock; a chronothermostat.
( reference books)
Furber, “ARM, system-on-chip architecture”, ch. 1-3, second edition, Addison Wesley, 2000
Salvatori, “Introduzione alla progettazione con gli LPC2000”, Aracne editrice, 2011
NXP Semiconductors, “UM10800 LPC82x User Manual”, www.nxp.com NXP Semiconductors, “LPC82x product datasheet”, www.nxp.com
Martin, “The insider’s guide to the NXP ARM7-based microcontrollers”, www.hitex.co.uk
Elective activities
20810229 -
20810229-1 -
Elective activities
20810229-2 -
Elective activities