Degree Course: E-Learning and media education
A.Y. 2022/2023
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
Il laureato magistrale:
- conosce i percorsi evolutivi delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione nella societa della conoscenza;
- possiede conoscenze approfondite sullo sviluppo contemporaneo dell'e-learning e della Media education;
- conosce il quadro delle piu significative teorie pedagogiche e didattiche della comunicazione;
- conosce le principali applicazioni informatiche nel campo della comunicazione e della telematica;
- conosce in modo approfondito le tecniche dell'informazione e della comunicazione al fine di integrare le strategie didattiche tradizionali con quelle multimediali, interattive, collaborative e a distanza;
- conosce lo sviluppo digitale degli scenari dell'edutainment.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
Il laureato magistrale:
- ha abilita di gestione e di coordinamento dei processi e dei servizi comunicativi/educativi nei diversi contesti della formazione (istituzionali, privati, associativi no-profit);
- ha abilita metodologiche e didattiche per la progettazione, gestione, valutazione ed erogazione di attivita educative che prevedano l'uso delle diverse tecnologie educative e della rete nei processi formativi;
- sapra utilizzare le tecnologie analogiche e digitali, le piattaforme di apprendimento online e i relativi processi produttivi per integrare le strategie didattiche tradizionali con quelle multimediali, interattive, collaborative a distanza;
- e in grado di coordinare comunita di apprendimento;
- e in grado di progettare attivita di ricerca e sviluppo nell'ambito dell?E-learning e della Media education e di promuoverne la sperimentazione.
Il raggiungimento della capacita di applicare le conoscenze e comprensioni sopraelencate avviene attraverso le lezioni e le attivita di riflessione critica sui testi proposti, lo studio di casi di applicazione, lo svolgimento di attivita di simulazione previsti in particolare nell'area della progettazione didattica, della informatica applicata, nonche negli insegnamenti connessi con le specifiche competenze professionali della figura formata.
Anche il tirocinio concorre a sviluppare le competenze applicative previste.
Autonomia di giudizio
Il laureato magistrale avra acquisito le competenze finalizzate a:
- acquisire senso critico, autonomia di orientamento e capacita di analisi e destrutturazione dei testi e dei prodotti audiovisivi e multimediali;
- maturare giudizio in ordine alle dimensioni pedagogiche, etiche, sociali implicate nella produzione audiovisiva e multimediale e nella progettazione e gestione degli interventi di formazione in rete, blended e a distanza;
- formulare i giudizi sulla base di informazioni limitate o incomplete relativamente alle fasi di pianificazione, gestione e valutazione degli interventi educativi nella prospettiva della media education;
- possedere strumenti di analisi critica della realta mass mediale;
L'autonomia di giudizio viene sviluppata in particolare nell'ambito delle attivita di studio, ricerca e progettazione connesse con gli insegnamenti delle diverse scienze dell'educazione, di area psico-sociologica e giuridica e della media education, nonche nella partecipazione a laboratori ispirati a differenti impostazioni professionali.
L'autonomia di giudizio potra essere valutata anche a partire dalla relazione sull'attivita di tirocinio svolta e dall'attivita di preparazione e di discussione della prova finale.
Abilità comunicative
Il laureato magistrale avra acquisito le competenze finalizzate a:
- gestire e divulgare l'informazione attraverso processi di comunicazione efficace nell'ambito delle strutture di coordinamento dei servizi socio-educativi;
- promuovere la relazione comunicativa per la costruzione di una rete tra esperti-professionisti dei servizi educativi e formativi nello svolgimento delle funzioni di coordinamento, supervisione e gestione;
- interagire in presenza e online, creando reti con altri operatori della formazione e dell'istruzione.
- Le abilita comunicative saranno acquisite nelle attivita formative delle singole discipline, sia in presenza, sia a distanza e nelle attivita di laboratorio e di tirocinio.
Capacità di apprendimento
Il laureato magistrale:
- e in grado di utilizzare gli strumenti di analisi e di applicare i metodi di apprendimento sviluppati per approfondire e aggiornare in autonomia le proprie conoscenze;
- e in grado di individuare gli strumenti e i percorsi di formazione adeguati per lo sviluppo delle proprie conoscenze culturali e specialistiche e delle proprie competenze professionali.
Le capacita di apprendimento sono conseguite nel percorso di studio nel suo complesso e verificate nelle sue singole articolazioni con riguardo particolare alla promozione di competenze di studio e ricerca con uso di strumentazioni convenzionali e connesse con le nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, alla capacita di studio individuale e in contesti di gruppo, all'autonomia nella gestione del proprio percorso formativo in funzione di scadenze programmate, alla capacita di elaborare sintesi teoriche e metodologico-operative che tengano conto del dibattito scientifico e culturale contemporaneo.
Requisiti di ammissione
L'ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale e subordinata al possesso dei titoli previsti dalla legge: diploma di laurea o diploma universitario di durata triennale, laurea quadriennale v.o.
o di altra laurea specialistica o magistrale, ovvero di altro titolo straniero riconosciuto idoneo.
Vengono ammessi senza verifica di ulteriori requisiti curriculari i candidati in possesso di una laurea conseguita nella classe L-19 di cui al D.M.
270/2004, ovvero nella corrispondente classe prevista dal previgente D.M.
Sono altresi ammessi i candidati in possesso di una laurea conseguita nella classe L-20 di cui al D.M.
270/2004, ovvero nella corrispondente classe prevista dal previgente D.M.
509/1999 a condizione che abbiano conseguito almeno 15 CFU nei settori M-PED/01; M-PED/02; M-PED/03; M-PED/04.
I candidati in possesso di una laurea triennale ex D.M.
270/2004 o D.M.
509/1999 sono ammessi a condizione di aver conseguito almeno 15 CFU in area pedagogica (M-PED/01; M-PED/02; M-PED/03; M-PED/04) e 40 CFU nelle aree psicologica (M-PSI/01, M-PSI/04, M-PSI/05, M-PSI/06), area socio-antropologica (SPS/07, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/12, M-DEA/01), umanistica (L-ART/04, L-ART/05, L-ART/06, L-ART/07, L-FIL-LET/10, L-FIL-LET/11, LFIL-LET/12, M-STO/04, M-STO/05, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06) o giuridica (IUS/01, IUS/09, IUS/17).
Nel caso di candidati in possesso di una laurea vecchio ordinamento o di diploma universitario di durata triennale o diploma conseguito presso Scuole dirette a fini speciali di durata triennale di ordinamenti pre D.M.
509/99 la verifica viene effettuata considerando i contenuti specifici degli insegnamenti sostenuti e la loro durata (semestrale 6 CFU annuale 12 CFU).
Eventuali carenze curriculari devono essere colmate prima dell?iscrizione.
L'ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale e subordinata al superamento di una verifica dell'adeguatezza della personale preparazione che avverra attraverso la valutazione del curriculum del candidato da parte di una Commissione appositamente costituita dal Consiglio di corso e pubblicata sulla pagina web del corso.
Prova finale
La prova finale della laurea magistrale si configura come una esperienza di riflessione, di ricerca e di elaborazione progettuale assai importante e impegna lo studente a mettere a frutto la piu ampia gamma delle competenze acquisite.
Saranno incentivate tesi finali collegate alle esperienze di stage e tirocinio e potranno consistere anche nell?elaborazione di progetti formativi online.
La Tesi dovra dimostrare la maturita dello studente rispetto agli obiettivi formativi qualificanti del corso di laurea magistrale e la sua capacita di approfondire criticamente un argomento pertinente al curriculum degli studi, nei suoi aspetti sia teorici sia metodologici.
L'elaborazione della Tesi e una fase molto importante nel curriculum della laurea magistrale, come risulta anche dall'elevato numero di crediti attribuiti.
La rilevanza riguarda sia la metodologia scientifico-tecnica, che nella Tesi viene applicata ad un tema di ricerca, sia la valenza tecnico-professionale, che puo orientare lo studente alle successive scelte di lavoro.
Per quanto riguarda gli aspetti procedurali, l'argomento dell'elaborato deve essere concordato preferibilmente con un docente titolare di un insegnamento.
La domanda di approvazione dell'argomento della Tesi dovra essere presentata presso la segreteria didattica almeno 6 mesi prima della data prevista per la discussione.Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso si concretizzano sia in attivita informative e di approfondimento dei caratteri formativi di tutti i Corsi di Studio (CdS) dell?Ateneo, triennali, magistrali e a ciclo unico, sia in azioni di carattere consulenziale e tutoriale per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attivita promosse si articolano in:
a) incontri e manifestazioni rivolte alle future matricole e ai laureati triennali;
b) sviluppo di servizi online e pubblicazione di guide sull?offerta formativa dei CdS.
La principale manifestazione informativa che si svolge a livello di Ateneo e 'Orientarsi a Roma Tre', che rappresenta il principale evento che riassume le annuali attivita di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge in Ateneo a luglio di ogni anno.
Durante la manifestazione viene presentata da tutti i Dipartimenti l?offerta formativa, sia dei CdS triennali, sia magistrali sia a ciclo unico, e sono presenti, con un proprio spazio, tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre, le segreterie didattiche e la segreteria studenti.
Sono inoltre sempre disponibili i servizi di orientamento online per l?illustrazione di tutti i percorsi formativi.
In particole per l?istituendo CdS e in programma la realizzazione di video illustrativi di presentazione del CDS magistrale in E-learning e media education.
I video oltre ad illustrare l'organizzazione, il percorso formativo, gli sbocchi professionali del CdS presenteranno in forma simulata le attivita didattiche con una introduzione agli insegnamenti, alle attivita laboratoriali e alle esperienze di tirocinio.
I video saranno resi disponibili sulla piattaforma e-learning del corso.
Infine, l?Ateneo valuta, di volta in volta, l?opportunita di partecipare ad ulteriori occasioni di orientamento in presenza ovvero online (Salone dello studente ed altre iniziative) per presentare la propria offerta formativa.
Gli studenti del corso di laurea oltre ad usufruire delle attivita promosse a livello di Ateneo possono fruire di ulteriori attivita e servizi realizzati dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, a cui il corso di laurea appartiene.
In particolare sono organizzate dal Dipartimento manifestazioni denominate 'Giornate di vita universitaria' nelle quali viene presentata tutta l?offerta formativa del Dipartimento sia relativa ai percorsi triennali, sia magistrali sia a ciclo unico.
La manifestazione oltre a fornire elementi informativi propone la simulazione di attivita didattiche specificamente caratterizzanti per ciascun CdS.
Per l'orientamento in ingresso e in itinere, gli studenti del corso di laurea possono inoltre avvalersi di alcuni Servizi di Tutorato.
I servizi, curati da docenti del Dipartimento e da studenti laureandi che svolgono la funzione di tutor, si propongono di:
- facilitare l'inserimento attivo degli studenti nei corsi di studio;
- migliorare l'accessibilita alle informazioni utili;
- offrire un sostegno nel percorso universitario di ogni studente;
- promuovere tra studenti la costituzione di gruppi di studio;
Altri servizi di tutorato sono disponibili per gli studenti disabili o con Bisogni educativi speciali (Tutorato studenti disabili), per le attivita di tirocinio (Servizio di tirocinio), per la stesura della della tesi di laurea (Servizio Studio Tesi).
Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di Laurea magistrale in E-learning e media education offre una formazione avanzata nel campo delle scienze della formazione, socio-psico-pedagogiche, filosofiche, giuridiche e informatiche applicate e fornisce competenze specifiche di programmazione, progettazione, gestione e valutazione nel duplice campo della realizzazione di interventi educativi e formativi con uso di strumenti telematici (e-learning) e della media education.
Il CdS si propone di perseguire quale obiettivo principale quello della formazione specialistica di laureati magistrali in grado di assumere ruoli di coordinamento nella progettazione pedagogico-didattica e nella realizzazione di corsi erogati a distanza, nella formazione dei formatori sui temi dell'e-learning e della media education in diversi ambiti (scuola, profit e no-profit, formazione professionale, formazione continua, ecc.), nella formazione di insegnanti e dirigenti scolastici sui temi relativi alle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, nelle attivita di comunicazione, diffusione e promozione dell'uso delle tecnologie comunicative in diversi contesti: enti pubblici, aziende private e organizzazioni economiche di diverso tipo.
Il corso intende rispondere alla crescente domanda sociale di formazione in relazione al continuo e progressivo avanzamento tecnologico della conoscenza e alle criticita educative ad esso connesse.
Il corso di laurea magistrale in E-learning e Media education e volto, dunque, all'integrazione dei saperi relativi all'educazione e alla formazione con quelli relativi alla comunicazione, anche tecnologicamente mediata.
Tale integrazione mira alla formazione di una pluralita di figure professionali in grado di operare nei diversi ambiti di convergenza tra educazione e comunicazione, in contesti a carattere istituzionale, aziendale e del terzo settore.
I laureati in E-learning e Media education potranno dunque inserirsi negli ambienti educativi formali, non formali e informali; nei settori dell'animazione culturale e del tempo libero; nel lavoro di prevenzione dei rischi in eta adolescenziale; nei settori aziendali ed editoriali della produzione mediale e massmediale; nella formazione dei formatori sui temi media educational nei diversi settori lavorativi (scuola, profit e no-profit); nella formazione di insegnanti e dirigenti scolastici; nelle attivita di comunicazione, diffusione e promozione dell'uso delle tecnologie comunicative in diversi contesti: enti pubblici, aziende private e organizzazioni economiche di diverso tipo.
Il percorso di studi prevede l'acquisizione di solide competenze disciplinari e metodologiche in merito a entrambe le aree della comunicazione e dell'educazione, nonche alla loro integrazione funzionale.
Al termine del percorso il laureato in E-learning e Media education avra conoscenze approfondite in merito ai linguaggi e alle tecnologie comunicative, ai processi, alle istituzioni e alle pratiche sociali coinvolti nella produzione, nella circolazione e nell'utilizzo dei testi e dei flussi comunicativi con particolare riferimento al nuovo ecosistema digitale; all'utilizzo delle risorse della comunicazione, sia a carattere espressivo-artistico che mediate dalle tecnologie, online e offline, nella pratica didattica, nei percorsi di apprendimento formale, non formale e informale, negli interventi educativi, sia in presenza che a distanza; alla progettazione e alla valutazione di interventi a carattere educativo e formativo volti a produrre nei destinatari maggiore capacita di comprensione e interpretazione, senso critico e consapevolezza rispetto ai fenomeni della comunicazione; alla ideazione e creazione di prodotti e ambienti comunicativi a carattere educativo o formativo.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910281 -
Formazione nella società della conoscenza
Formation in the knowledge-based society
Educational objectives: The course sets out to explore the concept of formation in the knowledge-based society in light of the revolution digital technology has operated by supplying pedagogic categories for coordination and planning of educational interventions in different professional areas, as well as for the setting up of online educational environments through cooperative and collaborative forms and styles, thus rethinking education in a complex and plural manner, for the common good.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course the student will have matured knowledge regarding the transformations connected to the concept of formation in light of the arrival of new information technology in the knowledge-based society. Thus understanding the evolution of knowledge’s organization and of its construction and transmission, keeping the concept of common good as a paradigm and complexity as a challenge.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Through the critical and conscious use of communication technology, keeping in mind how distinctive present formation is, with its being continuous and diffuse, and reflecting on the real meanings of pedagogic work, at the end of the course the student will be able to choose and integrate the most suitable methodologies for setting up learning environments in the planning of formative paths.
Making judgements: At the end of the course the student will have matured autonomy in orienting him/herself in the analysis and construction of texts and audio-visual and multimedia products, evaluating ethic and social implications for the planning and managing of creative, expressive and partecipatory formation interventions.
Communication skills: At the end of the course the student will know how to organize effective communication within the coordination structures of socio-educational services, but also how to create a network among experts, choosing forms and products which can better add value to the processes.
Learning skills: Through a critical and conscious use of instruments and analysis, at the end of the course the student will know how to autonomously enhance and update his/her knowledge and professional competence, as well as knowing how to detect widespread formation needs while taking into account the results of the contemporary scientific and cultural debate.
Core compulsory activities
22910286 -
Information and Media Law
Information and Media Law
Educational objectives: The course aims to tackle information and media law, with specific attention to be paid to new technologies. The aim of the course is to understand the influence of the technological evolution of information on constitutional rights (not only on the freedom of expression) and State organization, especially in the internet age.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: - know the information and media law, in its constitutional, primary or supranational dimension - know the influence of the technological evolution of information on constitutional rights and State organization Applying knowledge and understanding: - recognize the legal implications of the use of new technologies in the field of information and media
Making judgements: - develop the ability to critically evaluate the functioning of information and media, in the light of its legal framework
Communication skills: - acquire technical-legal language, at least in the field of information and media law
Learning skills: - develop the ability to observe the evolution of information and media, understanding the legal consequences of the use of different technologies.
Core compulsory activities
22910280 -
Progettazione didattica per l’e-learning e l’educazione mediale
Also available in another semester or year
22910287 -
History of educational use of media and/or technology.
History of Education and Communication Processes
Educational objectives: The course aims to introduce the study of the history of education and communication processes as the history of education; to promote awareness of the application of historical-educational knowledge in the educational professions and in different contexts of training; to stimulate autonomy in the consultation of scientific literature; to encourage the development of listening skills, relationship, communication in the context of educational processes; to build, in a historical perspective, reflective skills aimed at critically interpreting the complexity of phenomena and communication processes.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Understand the epistemological foundations of the discipline and today's communicative context in its complexity and historical-educational perspective. Applying knowledge and understanding: Acquire and apply knowledge of the history of education and communication processes and specific historiographic methodologies.
Making judgements: To be able to critically and independently rework disciplinary knowledge, identifying the relationships that historically exist between communicative and educational processes, with particular reference to the evolution in the technological and digital fields and the symbolic reality constructed by media.
Communication skills: Acquire disciplinary vocabulary and know how to socialize acquired knowledge in the group dimension.
Learning skills: Knowing how to construct autonomous paths of in-depth study of the specific themes addressed in the course through the interpretive tools proper to the methodology of historical-educational research. Knowing how to consult the sources and the scientific literature of reference.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910288 -
Strumenti e metodologie informatiche per l'e-learning
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910280 -
Progettazione didattica per l’e-learning e l’educazione mediale
Instructional design for e-learning and media education
Educational objectives: The course is structured as follows: a theoretical part (6 CFU), a seminar for further study (3CFU) and a part based on workshop (3CFU). The course is meant as an introduction to the theoretical and methodological foundations of learning design starting from the different models developed from the second half of the last century. More specifically, the course will focus on the role of ICT in the design and development of online learning environments with practical examples developed also through workshop activities. The main models of media education related to formal education contexts will also be presented and discussed.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the main educational design models with particular reference to the integrated use of digital environments; - knowledge of and understanding the characteristics of environments and resources for online learning; - knowledge of and understanding educational principles, models and practices related to the different approaches to media education.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - design and implement examples of learning units for online learning environments; - knowing how to manage of the various resources of an online learning environment; - analysis of the forms of media experience of students and definition of an educational intervention strategies for a critical approach to the use of media.
Making judgements: - critically and independently evaluate the educational dimensions of digital environments for learning and multimedia products; - analyzing and critically evaluating the pedagogical, ethical and social dimensions involved in planning and management of online training interventions and in media education.
Communication skills: - promoting and managing effective communication processes in the context of socio-educational structures; - promoting communication relationship for the construction of a network between experts-professional figures of the educational and training services in carrying out coordination, supervision and management. functions; - Contributing to scientific dissemination processes in the field of e-learning and media education; - interacting face-to-face and online, creating networks with other training and education operators.
Lifelong Learning skills: - being able to identify the tools and training courses suitable for the development of students’ cultural and specialized knowledge and students’ professional skills. - being able to use the tools of analysis and applying the learning methods developed to deepen and update students’ knowledge independently.
Core compulsory activities
22910283 -
Philosophy and ethics of technology
Philosophy and ethics of technology
Educational objectives: The course aims at giving the students awareness, understanding, and autonomy of judgment in regard to the ethical implications of the introduction of the new technologies in the field of media education and e-learning. In this light, we will discuss questions such as the pervasiveness of algorithmically-based decision-making, the right to privacy, the morally controversial advancements of Artificial Intelligence, and the risks that the infosphere poses to individual autonomy.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to understand the ethical dimensions and problems generated by the development of artificial intelligence.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to figure out their way in the complex world of A.I, by identifying its most problematic features.
Making judgements: The students will acquire critical abilities in regard to the world of AI and will be able to understand both its potentialities and risks from the ethical point of view.
Communication skills: the students will be able to deal with and elucidate the information connected with the ethical problems of AI, in its various forms.
Learning skills: the students will be able to use the analytic tools and methods learned during this course in order to understand the ethical problems of the future development of AI.
Core compulsory activities
22910282 -
Educational objectives: The course of Educational and E-Learning Psychology aims to analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, motivational and relational processes involved in multimedia learning and their role in developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of learners. Adopting the perspective of the Developmental and Educational Psychology, the features of learning and teaching through the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will be highlighted, as well as effective approaches and strategies in different educational contexts.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: • of the psychological processes involved in multimedia learning. • of the theoretical and methodological models of Educational Psychology explaining online and blended learning effectiveness. • of the teacher's competencies in instruction with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Applying knowledge and understanding: • on the design of educational and instructional interventions with the use of ICT; • on the identification of educational models consistent with the characteristics and needs of the learning contexts. • on the construction of the educational relationship in online environments.
Making judgements: • in finding connections between psychological theories on distance learning and educational contexts; • in evaluating technological innovations as a function of the advancement of research in Educational Psychology; • in acquiring self-assessment competencies related to ICT skills.
Communication skills: • in the specialized language of online environments; • in modulating communication strategies in order to motivate and support learning and relationships; • related to active listening and feedback.
Learning skills: • related to basic and applied research in the field of Educational Psychology and ICT; • related to Lifelong Learning on the psychosocial aspects involved in multimedia learning.
Core compulsory activities
22910290 -
English language (advanced course)
English language
Educational objectives: The course aims to allow the development of the linguistic skills necessary to enact relational as well as communicative, and organisational abilities and competences acquired within the educational path of the CdLM on media education and distance learning. Furthermore, the course will propose the enhancement of linguistic skills and abilities allowing to understand, critically interpret, and use in original ways the languages of the technologies of communication, in order to analyse social texts and practises, to produce communicative texts, and to plan training and education paths.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: the student will acquire the linguistic structures to sustain him or her in understanding: documentary sources of the mediatic production; contaminations of new narratives and new languages; cinema texts and audio-visual texts. Applying knowledge and understanding: this student will be able to produce and analyse audio, video and cross-media texts, developing the ability to recognise and analysie gender formulas in cinema and audio visual texts, and to critically evaluate the linguistic medium in the conscious use of mass-media in the educational field.
Making judgements: the student will acquire linguistic competences aiming to: acquire critical sense, orientation autonomy, as well as capacities of analysing texts and audio-visual and multimedia products; formulate judgments on the planning, managing, and evaluation phases of educational interventions in media education perspective; perfecting the linguistic instruments of critical analysis of mass-media production.
Communication skills: the student will acquire linguistic competences aiming to: manage and spread information through efficacious communication processes; promoting communicative relationship; interacting in presence and online.
Learning skills: students will be able to: use language analysis tools and to apply them to learning methods developed to autonomously deepen and update their own knowledge; spot linguistic instruments and tools adequate to the synergic development of their linguistic, cultural and specialised competences in their professional field.
Core compulsory activities
22910288 -
Strumenti e metodologie informatiche per l'e-learning
Computing tools and methodologies for e-learning
Educational objectives: The course aims to provide students with the notions of IT technologies and methodologies in the field of e-learning and media education. In particular, the course introduces students to basic IT notions that allow them to understand the mechanisms and software underlying the development and utilisation of systems for e-learning, distance learning, promotion and communication of socio-educational activities, cultural animation and digital publishing. Aspects of artificial intelligence related to education will also be covered.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Solid knowledge of IT methodologies and tools to be applied in e-learning and media education, knowledge and utilization of new media and the role of artificial intelligence in innovating teaching and learning processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Application of knowledge related to IT methodologies and technologies in an effective and intelligent way in the fields of e-learning and media education and development of awareness of the use of these tools.
Making judgements: Development of self-assessment and selection of the most suitable teaching strategies and intelligent solutions that can be proposed in the field of e-learning and media education.
Communication skills: Communicating, conveying and developing knowledge and skills in the field of education using appropriate vocabulary.
Learning skills: Being able to navigate the constant innovations in technology and intelligent systems for distance learning, e-learning and media education.
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910291 -
Digital humanities ed editoria digitale
Also available in another semester or year
22910289 -
Progettare e valutare nell’e-learning e nella media education
Designing and assessing e-learning in media education
Educational objectives: At the end of the course, students should be able to: Examine the planning of curricula and designing digital learning experiences; explore instructional design models to support synchronous and asynchronous learning; understand the role of assessment in determining the effectiveness of online learning; measure the effectiveness of e-learning design, development and delivery; synthesise key features of behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism to facilitate online learning; select best practices for encouraging experiential learning in an online community.
Expected learning outcomes: With the course "Designing and assessing e-learning in media education" the student will be able to achieve the following learning objectives.
Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism in relation to e-learning; knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical research in the field of distance education; knowledge and understanding of the theoretical, methodological and technical foundations of educational evaluation in online learning contexts.
Applying knowledge and understanding: To analyse the relationship between learning and technological media, to know how to use and manage platforms for e-learning and networked learning; to distinguish propositions related to in-presence learning versus those peculiar to distance education; to establish paths for critical review of online learning courses; to design effective networked learning paths aimed at maximising outcomes in relation to the set learning objectives.
Making judgements: Distinguish between different approaches to networked learning; identify the strengths and weaknesses of different methods that can be used in digitally supported distance education.
Communication skills: Subject words and concepts of educational language to critical review with particular reference to distance education environments.
Learning skills: To deepen one's knowledge using manual and scientific texts in the field.
Core compulsory activities
22910301 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
Nuovo gruppo OPZIONALE - II anno - (show)
22910284 -
Sociologia dei media digitali
Sociology of digital media
The objectives of the course are: - provide the theoretical and methodological tools to analyze the digital media scenario in the contemporary era - promote the ability to understand and interpret the educational implications of digital media in formal and informal contexts.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: ability to analyze and interpret the digital media scenario with particular attention to the change of education / socialization processes
Applying knowledge and understanding: ability to appropriately use the conceptual and methodological tools necessary to analyze and understand digital media environments and products also in educational and training contexts
Making judgements: ability to develop a critical reflection on the relationship between digital technologies, education and society
Communication skills: communicative, socio-relational skills that allow you to work in a group and plan innovative educational actions aimed at specific and differentiated targets
Learning skills: ability to continually update and renew the wealth of knowledge making it usable in the workplace
Core compulsory activities
22910285 -
Arti audiovisuali per la media education
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
Nuovo gruppo OPZIONALE - II anno a scelta dello studente - (show)
22910293 -
Psicologia della percezione e delle arti
Also available in another semester or year
22910295 -
Diritto penale dell’informatica
Also available in another semester or year
22910296 -
Diritto amministrativo delle nuove tecnologie
Also available in another semester or year
22910716 -
Comparative information and communication technologies law
Comparative information and communication technologies law
Knowledge and understanding: - Students must be able to orient themselves in the various supra-national and European sources which regulate the subject of the course Applying knowledge and understanding: - Students must be able to use appropriate legal research sources and understand when normative provisions may apply Making judgements: - Students must be able to distinguish between educational methodologies and legal constraints in the use of information and communication technologies Communication skills: - Students must be able to explain to a hypothetical class (or to their parents) the legal reasons which direct the use (or non-use) of information and communication technologies Learning skills: - The course aims at setting the basis for further knowledge in a field which surely will evolve form a normative point of view in the near future
Elective activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910291 -
Digital humanities ed editoria digitale
Digital Humanities and Digital Publishing
Educational objectives: The course aims to provide participants with a general knowledge of the fields of digital humanities and digital publishing, together with a more specific focus on the evolution of digital textuality, on reading and learning devices and tools, and on the editorial features of learning content. Specific laboratorial activities will be devoted to the practices of content production and curation, providing participants with a practical introduction to the main tools and methodologies used in the field.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Upon completion of the course, the participants will have acquired essential knowledge and skills in the fields of digital publishing and digital humanities, and more specific knowledge and skills on the practices of editorial production of learning content, with the ability to understand the main strategies for their organization and digital care. They will also have acquired a general understanding of the practices and of the market reality of educational digital publishing, including the main roles and competencies involved.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to apply the acquired competencies in evaluating the effectiveness and the editorial quality of digital content and in choosing the most appropriate practices for their design, production and distribution, also in the context of work teams.
Making judgments: Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to independently and critically assess the effectiveness and features of different types of editorial and learning content, and to analyze their structural organization; they will also be able to evaluate costs and benefits in choosing between different methods of production, selection, organization of editorial content.
Communication skills: Upon completion of the course, also by means of the collaborative activities provided, the participants will be able to actively participate in a work team in the field of digital publishing, and to master the specific language used in the field.
Learning skills: Participants will acquire the skills and autonomy necessary for fostering the acquisition of new knowledge and competencies in the field, both in the context of collaborative content production activities, and through training and self-organized learning.
Modalities of connection with other courses: The course will be closely connected with the course ‘Learning design for e-learning and media education’ and with the course ‘Tools and methodologies for e-learning’. Furthermore, it will be connected, in the form of integrated learning and within the laboratory and project work activities, with the audio-video laboratory and the platform laboratory.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910299 -
Laboratorio piattaforme digitali
Laboratory – On-line e-learning platforms
Educational objectives: The laboratory aims to provide participants with basic operational knowledge on the functioning of some among the most popular LMS (Learning Management System) and LCMS (Learning Content Management System) platforms. The knowledge and skills acquired will allow participants to select the most suitable platforms in different teaching and learning contexts and to use them both as end users and as back office managers.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Participants will understand the basic features and functionalities and the operating principles of some among the most popular LMS and LCMS platforms. Applying knowledge and understanding: Participants will be able to apply the acquired knowledges in the management and use of the platforms used, both as user and as manager.
Making judgements: Participants will be able to evaluate, within the vast offer of e-learning platforms, the most suitable for specific teaching and learning needs and will be able to evaluate the best ways to organize and use the relevant learning content.
Communication skills: Participants will be able to illustrate the features and functionality of different platforms to non-expert teachers and students and will be able to provide competent advice on their choice and use; participants will also be able to use in the most suitable ways the communication tools offered within e-learning platforms.
Learning skills: Participants will be able to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field of e-learning platforms, and will be able to profit from user feedback in order to improve platform features and configurations.
Other activities
22910300 -
Laboratorio regia e montaggio audio-video
Laboratory - direction and audio-video editing
Educational objectives: The workshop aims to provide participants with basic operational knowledge on the principles of audio-video directing and editing. The acquired knowledge and skills will allow participants to use audio-video editing software for the creation of multimedia learning contents.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Participants will understand the principles of audio-video direction and editing and the basic functionalities of audio-video editing software. Applying knowledge and understanding: Participants will be able to apply this knowledge to direct and edit multimedia learning contents.
Making judgements: Participants will be able to evaluate the methods of audiovisual organization of multimedia learning contents, according to the different needs and types of such contents.
Communication skills: Participants will be able to illustrate to teachers and to the other figures involved in the production of multimedia learning contents the best strategies for good results from the point of view of the audiovisual rendering of such contents.
Learning skills: Participants will be able to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field audio-video directing and editing and will be able to profit from user feedback in order to improve the quality of their work in this field.
Other activities
22910301 -
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22910302 -
Prova finale
Final examination and foreign language test
Optional Group:
Nuovo gruppo OPZIONALE - II anno - (show)
22910284 -
Sociologia dei media digitali
Also available in another semester or year
22910285 -
Arti audiovisuali per la media education
Audiovisual arts for Media Education
Educational objectives: At the end of the course, students will be able to know and understand the development of audiovisual arts and the central role they play in contemporary societies, also related to the new forms of interactive communication. Furthermore, students will possess the ability to interpret and critically analyze audiovisual texts and products, and will be aware of the educational function of media as well as the social, cultural and ethical consequences of media education.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: students will have the understanding of the significant role played by media and the knowledge of the main aspects of media education. Furthermore, students will have the necessary knowledge of the main contemporary narratives as well as the formal aspects of cinematic and audio-visual texts. Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to use and critically analyze audio-visual and cross-media documents, also in order to recognize rhetorical strategies in films and audio-visual texts.
Making judgements: students will have a critical awareness with respect to digital media and the ability to analyze audio-visual texts and narratives.
Communication skills: students will be able to interact online as well as in person, by creating networks, managing and promoting communication and information.
Learning skills: students will be able to apply the learning skills developed, in order to improve their professional knowledge.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Nuovo gruppo OPZIONALE - II anno a scelta dello studente - (show)
22910293 -
Psicologia della percezione e delle arti
Psychology of perception and of the arts
Educational objectives: The aim is to provide the skills to understand the content of images and works of art, through the perception analysis of the structural and compositional characteristics of the object. Another aim is to be able to use this knowledge and to apply it, through a critical analysis, to the observation of new media digital contexts. Lastly, the capacity to communicate the knowledge learned to other people.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding:
The graduates student will be able to understand the languages used in various media. He will be aware of the cognitive and affective processes underlying the different forms of communication in digital media. He will demonstrate competence in different communication contexts, in understanding languages and in the user/media relationship
Applying knowledge and understanding: The graduate student will be able to apply the learned knowledge in the use of different forms of digital technologies in different communication contexts: training and learning processes, comparison between the different forms of traditional and multimedia languages. He will be able to apply the knowledge learned in the integrated design of the different forms of communication that takes into account images, text, symbols in a multimedia context.
Making judgements: The graduate student will be equipped with knowledge and skills that demonstrate independence of evaluation and judgment in the understanding and the interpretation of the various multimedia languages. He should be able to have a critical sense and possibly innovative capacity in the activities he will face.
Communication skills: The graduate student will be able to communicate efficiently in the various sectors in which he will plan interventions. An important aspect is to be able to manage networks of experts in both face-to-face and online activities. He will have different languages (verbal, visual, etc.) that will allow him to fully express his thoughts and the analysis of the systems he will use.
Learning skills: The graduate student will be able to use different methods, taught during the course, to update his/her knowledge in lifelong learning. This learning abilities must be demonstrated during the course of study and subsequently will allow him/her to apply the knowledge to the different systems that it will be used.
Modalities of connection with other courses: It would be advisable that the student had followed courses in Psychology of Education and Multimedia Learning, History of Education and Communication Processes and Sociology of Digital Media.
Elective activities
22910295 -
Diritto penale dell’informatica
Criminal Law of Information Technology
Educational objectives: The course aims to ensure knowledge of cyber-criminality phenomena and of the criminal law of Information Technology currently in force in Italy, with particular regard to the different categories of offenses provided for in the criminal code or in complementary legislation, to the criminal liability of internet service providers, website operators, online newspapers or blogs, both as individuals and as collective entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: the student will know the structure of the different categories of cybercrimes and the related responsibilities of natural and legal persons Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to understand the issues underlying the application of different cybercrimes and the articulation of the related responsibilities as addressed by the most recent jurisprudence
Making judgements: the student will acquire autonomy of orientation and critical analysis skills in relation to criminal liability for cybercrimes so as to be able to make judgments on the adequacy of the current regulatory framework and on any regulatory intervention needs
Communication skills: the student will be able to promote, through effective communication processes, knowledge of cybercrime phenomena and the analysis of the related risks for natural and legal persons
Learning skills: the student will be able to identify, find and critically analyze regulatory texts, doctrinal sources and case law (leading cases) on computer crimes with particular regard to the most topical issues
Elective activities
22910296 -
Diritto amministrativo delle nuove tecnologie
Administrative law and new technologies
Educational objectives: The course aims at providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the administrative system in which they will work, having regard to the organization and activities of public administrations, also in the light of the issues which arise from the use of the new technologies, and in particular the E-government, E-governance, the tools provided by the Italian Code of digital administration and the protection of the privacy in constant dialog with European Union law.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course, the students will have knowledge and understanding of the administrative system in which they are called to operate, having particular regard to the issues raised by the use of new technologies, through the study of legal texts, doctrinal elaborations and the analysis of specific cases. Applying knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course the students will be able to adequately understand the Italian administrative reality also in the context of the European integration process, as well as to deal with a legal text on which they will be able to carry out a critical analysis.
Making judgements: The course aims at developing the ability to understand and evaluate the Italian administrative system also in the light of the use of new technologies, favoring the acquisition of a critical analysis capacity regarding individual legal texts as well as administrative law as a whole
Communication skills: The course aims at developing the acquisition of a technical-legal language skill, in the more general context the use of new technologies in public administration activities, also in their relationship with the citizens.
Learning skills: The course aims to develop the ability to use the legal instrument in order to obtain a greater and autonomous understanding of the reality, also in the workplace, within an increasingly technological context.
Elective activities
22910716 -
Comparative information and communication technologies law
Also available in another semester or year