Degree Course: Aeronautical engineering A.Y. 2024/2025

Expected learning outcomes  Syllabus  Italian version 

First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
20801740 - AERODYNAMICS (objectives) ING-IND/06  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
20810096 - FUNDAMENTALS OF AERONAUTICS (objectives) ING-IND/04  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
20801830 - FLIGHT DYNAMICS (objectives) ING-IND/03  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
20801745 - THERMO-FLUID DYNAMICS FOR PROPULSION SYSTEMS (objectives) ING-IND/06  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
20801741 - AERONAUTICAL CONSTRUCTIONS (objectives) ING-IND/04  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: gruppo OPZIONALE Affine integrative 9 CFU - (show) Info 36               
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
20801822 - LABORATORY: AERODYNAMICS AND AEROACOUSTICS (objectives) ING-IND/06  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
20801816 - ANALYSIS OF AERONAUTICAL STRUCTURES (objectives) ING-IND/04  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: gruppo OPZIONALE Affine integrative 9 CFU - (show) Info 36               
Optional Group: Laboratori per Altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro - (show) Info              
Optional Group: Laboratori a scelta dello Studente - (show) Info              
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
20801818 - STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF AIRCRAFT (objectives) ING-IND/04  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
20801826 - AEROELASTICITY (objectives) ING-IND/04  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: gruppo OPZIONALE Affine integrative 9 CFU - (show) Info 36               
20801832 - FINAL EXAM (objectives) 12    Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Optional Group: Laboratori a scelta dello Studente - (show) Info              
22902343 - STUDENT'S CHOICE OF COURSE (objectives)   72  Elective activities  ITA
20802034 - Additional skills (objectives)   Other activities  ITA
Optional Group: Laboratori per Altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro - (show) Info