Optional Group:
20711782 -
The course in scientific journalism is part of the journalistic teachings within the Laurea Magistrale Degree in Information, Publishing, and Journalism. The degree aims to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the areas of information production and management, print, digital, and online publishing, as well as various forms of journalism, both general and specialized. In this context, the course aims to provide: 1. An adequate understanding of the peculiar and specific characteristics of scientific journalism, in its various forms and methods. 2. The ability to retrieve, contextualize, analyze, verify, synthesize, and critically examine information and sources of different nature within the realm of scientific communication and research. 3. The capability to produce high-quality informational and educational content for different communication channels, ranging from print journalism to broadcast and online journalism, including through innovative cross-media and transmedia formats. 4. Adequate knowledge of the main editorial realities operating in this field, along with their characteristics and specificities, with an in-depth analysis of some particularly relevant and interesting cases.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
* In terms of knowledge and understanding: - Understand the current context of scientific communication and journalism, in its complexity and specific characteristics.
*In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: - Apply knowledge and methodologies related to the retrieval, evaluation, and production of high-quality content for journalism and scientific dissemination.
*In terms of judgment autonomy: - Critically and autonomously evaluate information gathered from sources, identifying the relationships between the world of scientific research and the journalistic and communication world, including references to the new digital ecosystem.
*In terms of communication skills: - Be able to share, critically discuss, and socialize both the information acquired from external sources and the informational content produced.
*In terms of learning ability: - Recognize one's own educational and informational needs and the limits of one's understanding and competence in various disciplinary fields, and be able to address these limits as best as possible. - Identify, select, and consult relevant sources and scientific literature to enhance understanding of the phenomena and topics addressed.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710409 -
Analysis and Didactics of Music Performance
Also available in another semester or year
20710536 -
The course offers the basic notions of philosophy of technology. The course aims at a general understanding of the grand challenges of transformation of society as a consequence of the spread of technology The aim of the course is the introduction of the issues related to interactions between technology, philosophy, ethics and society. The aim of the course is that attendees acquire knowledge, understand and reflect on the political, ethics and epistemic outputs of the introduction of technology in society. At the end of the course students will be able to analyze the open questions in the field of philosophy of technology with special attention to society
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711247 -
Also available in another semester or year
20710706 -
We live in an information network and in an exchange of opinions that is ubiquitous and constant – a net of epistemic acts that we exchange with other agents and affect what we end up believing and deciding. Working with information implies more and more that we face the social effects of this – and these are today faster and faster, and we get a glimpse of them in real time. However, the more agents we have involved, the harder to understand the dynamics of information release turn to be.
This course introduces a formal toolkit that helps in this enterprise. In particular, the course aims at securing: (1) the understanding of the problems of reasoning that can be triggered by the release of information; (2) the understanding of models that capture the dynamic effects of information release, and the conceptual problems they raise; (3) the problems connected to the representation of belief-merging and, in general, the relations between individual and collective notions of epistemic attitudes; (4) the understanding of the conditions at which consensus is possible, the role it can play, and the relation between the information release policies, the connection of the epistemic network, and the hierarchies and trust distribution in epistemic communities.
(3) e (4) presuppose (1) and (2). In turn, the last two objectives come with a view on the social impact that the information release policies have on a community of epistemic agents. The course employs a varied package of methods and tools, especially those from Epistemic Logic and Dynamic Epistemic Logic, but also, to a lesser extent, notions and methods from Judgement Aggregation and Network Epistemology, which the course will briefly introduce.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710102 -
Also available in another semester or year
20711653 -
Psychodynamic intervention methods
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE - Non è possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta ulteriori “Idoneità di lingua” conseguite al CLA - Il Tirocinio di Ricerca può essere inserito solo se proposto dal docente - (show)
20711528 -
Also available in another semester or year
20711651 -
Philosophy of biology
The course aims to - acquire the fundamental concepts of evolutionary biology, such as natural selection, variation, heredity, adaptation, plasticity, reductionism and genocentrism - analyse the objectives and limitations of evolutionary explanations - understand and discuss the main debates in evolutionary biology; - apply the analytical tools of philosophical reasoning in the discussion of problems related to evolutionary sciences; - critically evaluate and discuss the social and cultural implications of debates on evolution in a linguistically appropriate manner.
Elective activities
20711265 -
Also available in another semester or year
20711191 -
The course aims to use the tools of epistemology to study communicative phenomena. To this end, we will first provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of the theory of knowledge and the fundamental aspects of the scientific method. Some issues of social epistemology will then be addressed, such as epistemological disagreement, testimony and beliefs, the epistemology of experts. At the end of the course, students will have acquired fundamental notions of philosophy of science and some tools to conduct the methodological and epistemological analysis of the communication models developed in various disciplinary sectors (such as cognitive science, psychology, ethology, theory of games).
Elective activities
Può essere inserito in piano solo se proposto dal docente
20710355 -
For teaching purposes and on the basis of an assessment of merit, students may carry out an internship in public or private research centres. The request to carry out a research traineeship is proposed by a lecturer of the degree course and submitted to the Didactic Coordination Committee, which then decides on the recognition of the CFUs (maximum 6) to be included in the student's choice.
Elective activities
20711630 -
Il modulo di English for Journalism and Media destinato agli studenti della laurea magistrale in Informazione, Editoria e Giornalismo è finalizzato allo studio dell’inglese per scopi speciali (ESP) applicato al discorso giornalistico e dei media. Considerando le pratiche comunicative proprie della comunità discorsiva nell’ambito del giornalismo e dei media, i diversi generi e le possibili relazioni intertestuali, le attività didattiche saranno incentrate sulla descrizione linguistica, l’identificazione del sistema e delle strutture concettuali, la spiegazione del testo in un contesto socioculturale, attraverso una scelta di generi utilizzati dai media tradizionali e digitali. In relazione alle diverse aree del giornalismo e tipologie testuali esaminate, verranno illustrati e approfonditi i seguenti aspetti: • How to analyse the language of journalism: The development of Critical Discourse Analysis. • Forms of communication in traditional media: The discursive community, shared values and point of view; the language of the press, radio and television; advertising; types of newspapers and politics; media genres; broadcast journalism: managing the extraordinary and the ordinary; forms of language and voices in news broadcasting; magazine journalism and linguistic strategies of synthetic personalization; newspaper journalism: popular and quality styles. • The social environment of contemporary communication: new models of communication in the Age of the Internet; the constituents of modern digital communication; properties of web communication and web genres; online journalism: live news writing; citizen journalism: practices and identities. • Participants in the discourse of journalism: roles, relationships and identities; personal identity, social identity and identification; power and community; stance and style; audience, politeness, accommodation; texts and social structures; intertextuality; agency and power; news values, balance and bias; conflict, proximity/cultural relevance. • The linguistic individual in media communication: media and identity in a communicational frame; history, culture and memory in press coverage; authorial identity and the audience; reader positioning and ethics; inclusion/exclusion; gender roles, irony and taboo language. • Discourse styles and structures: parts and sequences; discourse organisation; depersonalization; nominalisation; evidentiality, coherence and cohesion; genres, gender stereotypes and discourse styles; narrative, gender and personal stories; gender, irony and taboo language; structures and lexical choices of news stories. • Features of argumentation and dissemination in journalism and media discourse: rhetorical devices, dissemination strategies, defence strategies and legitimation techniques; ideology and power; persuasion and evaluation; conversational and emotional language in traditional and digital media; engagement features.
OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI: Il modulo è finalizzato allo studio dell’inglese per scopi speciali (ESP) applicato al discorso giornalistico e dei media. Gli studenti avranno la possibilità di esplorare un'ampia varietà di testi in questo settore. CONOSCENZA E CAPACITÀ DI COMPRENSIONE: Al termine del corso lo studente dovrà essere in grado di comprendere e collocare il testo giornalistico in un contesto socioculturale, e saperne individuare le caratteristiche discorsive fondamentali. CAPACITÀ DI APPLICARE CONOSCENZA E COMPRENSIONE: Lo studente dovrà essere in grado di analizzare il testo giornalistico, evidenziandone autonomamente le peculiarità linguistiche in relazione al genere e alla comunità discorsiva di riferimento.
Bibliografia critica consigliata:
• Smith, M. Higgins (2013). The Language of Journalism: A Multi-genre Perspective. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781849660662.
Prova d’esame L’esame consiste in una prova scritta computerizzata (60 items) della durata di 60 minuti strutturata in esercizi di analisi del testo (multiple choice, gap filling, matching) e domande. Lo studente dovrà dimostrare di aver acquisito le nozioni fondamentali e gli strumenti di analisi applicati a un testo giornalistico, individuandone le caratteristiche strutturali e linguistiche.
Modalità di erogazione Il corso prevede sia lezioni frontali che esercitazioni in classe.
The course is intended for students enrolled at the Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism and aims at developing critical discourse analysis skills related to ESP in the field of Journalism and Media. Lessons focus on the various communicative practices that characterize the discursive community of journalism and media, as well as the various genres and the possible intertextual relationships. Lessons also aim attention at the exploration, conceptual interpretation and sociocultural explanation of the linguistic features exploited in the texts for traditional and digital media. In relation to the different journalism areas and text-types, special attention will be paid to the following categories:
• How to analyse the language of journalism: The development of Critical Discourse Analysis. • Forms of communication in traditional media: The discursive community, shared values and point of view; the language of the press, radio and television; advertising; types of newspapers and politics; media genres; broadcast journalism: managing the extraordinary and the ordinary; forms of language and voices in news broadcasting; magazine journalism and linguistic strategies of synthetic personalization; newspaper journalism: popular and quality styles. • The social environment of contemporary communication: new models of communication in the Age of the Internet; the constituents of modern digital communication; properties of web communication and web genres; online journalism: live news writing; citizen journalism: practices and identities. • Participants in the discourse of journalism: roles, relationships and identities; personal identity, social identity and identification; power and community; stance and style; audience, politeness, accommodation; texts and social structures; intertextuality; agency and power; news values, balance and bias; conflict, proximity/cultural relevance.
• The linguistic individual in media communication: media and identity in a communicational frame; history, culture and memory in press coverage; authorial identity and the audience; reader positioning and ethics; inclusion/exclusion. • Discourse styles and structures: parts and sequences; discourse organisation; depersonalization; nominalisation; evidentiality, coherence and cohesion; genres, gender stereotypes and discourse styles; narrative, gender and personal stories; gender, irony and taboo language; structures and lexical choices of news stories.
• Features of argumentation and dissemination in journalism and media discourse: rhetorical devices, dissemination strategies, defence strategies and legitimation techniques; ideology and power; persuasion and evaluation; conversational and emotional language in traditional and digital media; engagement features.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims at developing critical discourse analysis skills related to ESP in the field of Journalism and Media. Students will be offered to explore an extensive variety of texts used in the field of journalism and media. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: At the end of the course, students are expected to show an adequate understanding of the discourse of journalism, as well as to identify its main discursive features and sociocultural context. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students will be required to develop analytical skills in journalistic discourse, and autonomously elucidate genre- and community-based language typicalities.
Recommended Critical Bibliography:
• Smith, M. Higgins (2013). The Language of Journalism: A Multi-genre Perspective. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781849660662.
Final examination The final exam is a written computer test. The exam is approximately 60 minutes long; it consists of 60 items including textual analysis exercises (multiple choice, gap filling, matching) and questions. Students will be asked to show knowledge of the basic theoretical notions and tools to analyse a media genre, identifying the structural and linguistic features of the text.
Teaching methods The course includes both lectures as well as class exercises.
Elective activities
20710117 -
The aims of course is to analyze the different models of television information in the Italian context focusing on in-depth journalism. The formats of the news will be analyzed: news, talk shows, infotainment, reportage and documentaries. Analyzing the narrative, the "actors": journalists, anchorman, guests, stars, including the role of the public. We will also analyze the convergences with social media platforms. To complete we will make a comparison with the journalistic narrative models of the printed press and social media.
Elective activities
20710040 -
Also available in another semester or year
20710207 -
Laboratory of environmental and territory analysis
Also available in another semester or year
20704090 -
The Workshop offers the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of composers, tracks and fundamental moments in the history of music, through a series of concert-lessons. All the performances are preceded by an introductory lesson of a theoretical-critical nature. It is, at the base, a review of classical concerts, but introduced by real lessons, useful to train the public, to make the authors, styles and periods easier to be understood. It is no coincidence that monographic programs are often preferred in this perspective, precisely because they lend themselves, better than others, to the didactic part and to the introduction of certain, fundamental authors of the repertoire. The concert review therefore aims to bring students closer to the great repertoire, by listening live music and explaining this way the different genres and compositional forms.
Elective activities
20710383 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910283 -
Philosophy and ethics of technology
The course aims at giving the students awareness, understanding, and autonomy of judgment in regard to the ethical implications of the introduction of the new technologies in the field of media education and e-learning. In this light, we will discuss questions such as the pervasiveness of algorithmically-based decision-making, the right to privacy, the morally controversial advancements of Artificial Intelligence, and the risks that the infosphere poses to individual autonomy.
Elective activities
20710577 -
Comunicazione persuasiva LM - mod A
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of persuasive communication combining the theoretical tools of the discipline that traditionally has dealt with the persuasive uses of language, rhetoric, with the empirical results achieved in the context of the modern cognitive sciences. Specifically, the cognitive foundations of the persuasive uses of language are analyzed with reference to a particular tool of communication: storytelling.
Through the discussion of case studies, such as scientific communication, marketing, advertising and political communication, the course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the fundamental cognitive mechanisms underlying storytelling.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- use the key theoretical concepts developed in the context of rhetoric. - read and understand experimental scientific articles dealing with issues relating to the cognitive foundations of persuasive processes. - transfer the theoretical concepts to the analysis of case studies.
Elective activities
21810688 -
Also available in another semester or year
20710653 -
The course aims at improving students’ reading and writing skills focusing on technical-scientific texts. Such skills are particularly important in research as well as in scientific dissemination. To this purpose, during the laboratory students will be guided in the critical reading of the scientific literature, to analyze the distinctive features of academic texts and the main techniques of scientific writing in the field of communication sciences. At the end of the course, students will be able to comprehend, project and write the contents of a scientific paper.
Elective activities
20710737 -
Also available in another semester or year
20710194 -
Also available in another semester or year
20711649 -
The course aims to deepen the authors, moments, genres and themes that caracterize the italian literature of our time, from the early twentieth century, taking into account also, as much as possible, the links with the other systems of literary expression other arts, the literatures of other countries, as well as the history and geography of our country. Critical and analytical tools that will be used during the course will also help the studente to hone their reading mode.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to orient him/herself in the Italian Contemporary Literature.
Elective activities