Degree Course: Economics and Management of the Digital Transformation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
Nel caso del CdS proposto, infatti, si delinea un importante valore aggiunto, che consiste nel formare una figura di analista economico/aziendale dotato di un bagaglio quantitativo ed informatico che lo ponga nella condizione di interagire sia con analisti non di formazione economica, sia con economisti e manager di formazione più tradizionale, sia nell'ambito dei programmi di digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione (PA), anche con riferimento ai significativi problemi giuridici posti dalla transizione digitale.
A questo riguardo, le attività formative mirano specificamente a sviluppare la capacità di utilizzare tecniche matematico- statistiche e informatiche e ad approfondire la conoscenza degli strumenti applicativi necessari per la gestione e l'analisi dei flussi di dati provenienti dalle imprese e dalla PA.
Per perseguire tali obiettivi formativi, il corso prevede una serie di insegnamenti mirati all'acquisizione di conoscenze di carattere più generale (P01 Economia comportamentale e sperimentale; P08 Strategie di impresa; IUS/05 Regolamentazione dei mercati e nuove tecnologie; S/01 Statistical learning; S/06 Metodi quantitativi per il rischio e la complessità; P11 Risk management e creazione di valore nelle banche; P01 Game theory; P07 Programmazione e controllo di gestione; P11 Strategie competitive nei mercati finanziari; ING-INF/03 Tecnologia dell'informazione e della comunicazione; ING-INF/05 Tecnologie per il machine learning e big data) ed altri insegnamenti (specificati nella sottostante sezione) mirati a sviluppare capacità di applicazione a specifiche problematiche.
Ne deriva una strategia di apprendimento che compone la necessità di miscelare competenze avanzate nei campi economico e aziendale con la capacità di fornire strumenti rivolti ad ottimizzare la qualità dei processi decisionali e operativi dei diversi agenti economici, con particolare riferimento alla parte del sistema economico maggiormente coinvolta nei processi di digitalizzazione.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
La struttura di apprendimento prevista nel CdS permetterà allo studente di accedere a sbocchi professionali in campo economico e aziendale che richiedano competenze quantitative:
• economista esperto di dati nelle istituzioni economico-finanziarie pubbliche e private (P03 Economia e transizione digitale della PA; P02 Analisi economiche spaziali con dati georeferenziati;
• esperto di processi aziendali data-driven; (P06 Economia delle imprese e transizione digitale; P06 Mercati digitali e politiche industriali; P07 Sistemi informativi aziendali; IUS/01 Diritto privato delle transizioni digitali; ING-INF/03 Tecnologia dell'informazione e della comunicazione; ING-INF/05 Tecnologie per il machine learning e big data)
• dirigente e consulente, business analyst di imprese e organizzazioni attive nel settore privato e pubblico, con particolare riferimento al comparto ICT e digitale (ING-INF/03 Tecnologia dell'informazione e della comunicazione; ING-INF/05 Tecnologie per il machine learning e big data; P06 Economia delle imprese e transizione digitale; P07 Sistemi informativi aziendali; IUS/01 Diritto privato delle transizioni digitali)
• esperto nei processi di digitalizzazione delle imprese e della Pubblica Amministrazione; (P06 Economia delle imprese e transizione digitale; P07 Sistemi informativi aziendali; P03 Economia e transizione digitale della PA; IUS/01 Diritto privato delle transizioni digitali)
• esperto nella gestione dei cambiamenti degli schemi organizzativi delle imprese o della PA indotti dall'avvento della disponibilità di flussi di dati di grandi dimensioni.
(P06 Economia delle imprese e transizione digitale; P07 Sistemi informativi aziendali; P/07 Programmazione e controllo della PA; P03 Economia e transizione digitale della PA; P06 Mercati digitali e politiche industriali; IUS/01 Diritto privato delle transizioni digitali)
Le figure professionali elencate coinvolgono in diversa misura le istituzioni economiche e finanziarie, le imprese, i centri studi pubblici e privati, la Pubblica Amministrazione, le organizzazioni nazionali e internazionali, gli uffici statistici e di ricerca della PA e delle imprese.
Autonomia di giudizio
Al conseguimento del titolo, il laureato avrà acquisito una adeguata preparazione interdisciplinare sui temi economici, aziendali, giuridici e quantitativi.
Tale preparazione consentirà di affrontare in modo autonomo la complessità legata alla raccolta e all'uso dei dati al fine di formulare decisioni su temi di politica economica e di gestione aziendale.
Al riguardo, il percorso di laurea, le attività connesse alle esercitazioni, gli elaborati personali e la preparazione della prova finale costituiscono modalità di apprendimento rivolte a sviluppare e verificare
l'autonomia di giudizio degli studenti.Abilità comunicative
La preparazione prevista nel percorso di laurea è mirata a sviluppare la capacità dello studente di comunicare correttamente informazioni, idee e soluzioni a interlocutori specialisti e non specialisti.
Le attività formative, attraverso prove scritte, orali e preparazione di elaborati costituiranno momenti di verifica delle abilità comunicative dello studente.Capacità di apprendimento
Il laureato magistrale affronterà un percorso di studi che richiede una autonoma capacità di studio e di aggiornamento delle proprie conoscenze.
Il percorso di laurea magistrale consentirà allo studente di indirizzare i propri interessi verso gli strumenti e i percorsi di formazione che siano più adeguati alle sue conoscenze di base e allo sviluppo delle proprie competenze professionali.
La capacità di apprendimento sarà inoltre oggetto di costante verifica durante lo svolgimento delle attività formative.Requisiti di ammissione
Avranno accesso diretto al CdS i laureati nelle Classi di Laurea:
L-33 (Scienze Economiche) ex D.M.
L-18 (Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale) ex D.M.
270/2004 Classe 28 (Scienze Economiche) ex D.M.
Classe 17 (Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale) ex D.M.
I laureati in altre Classi di Laurea o con titolo di studio quadriennale equivalente potranno accedere previa verifica del possesso dei requisiti curriculari indicati nel Regolamento Didattico del CdS, che indicherà anche le specifiche modalità di verifica della preparazione personale.
In particolare, i laureati devono aver maturato:
almeno 12 CFU nel SSD SECS-P/01 e/o SECS-P/02 e/o SECS-P/03 e/o SECS- P/04 e/o SECS-P/05 e/o SECS-P/06;
almeno 18 CFU nel SSD SECS-S/01 e/o SECS-S/03 e/o SECS-S/04 e/o SECS- S/06; almeno 6 CFU nei SSD IUS/01 e/o IUS/09 e/o IUS/10 e/o IUS/13 e/o IUS/14; almeno 12 CFU in SECS-P/07 e/o SECS-P/08 e/o SESC-P/11.
Nel caso in cui il candidato non sia in possesso dei CFU sopra richiesti, dovrà recuperarli prima dell'immatricolazione esclusivamente con il sostenimento di corsi singoli (di livello triennale) presso questo o altri Atenei.
Eventuali carenze potranno anche essere colmate attraverso la frequenza di corsi Minor attivati presso l'Ateneo.
È richiesta inoltre la conoscenza della lingua inglese a livello B2.
Se non posseduta al momento dell'immatricolazione, il candidato dovrà obbligatoriamente sostenerla nell'ambito delle “Altre Attività Formative” previste dal corso di studio.
Per i laureati con titolo di studio estero, la Commissione valuterà lo specifico curriculum di studi per verificare se includa insegnamenti con crediti equivalenti a quelli sopra elencati.
Inoltre, sulla base delle certificazioni presentate, la Commissione di valutazione accerterà che le competenze linguistiche dei candidati in una lingua dell'Unione Europea, oltre l'italiano, siano almeno di livello B1 o B2.
Nel caso in cui il candidato non sia in possesso del livello B2, dovrà obbligatoriamente sostenere l'idoneità linguistica prevista nelle “Altre attività formative”.
I requisiti richiesti per l'ingresso saranno adeguatamente pubblicizzati sui siti dei Dipartimenti coinvolti
nel CdS.
Sarà inoltre redatto un syllabus.
Prova finale
Il titolo di studio si consegue previo superamento di una prova finale, che consiste nella redazione e discussione, dinanzi ad una apposita commissione, di una tesi di laurea scritta sotto la guida di un docente relatore.
La tesi qualifica in modo significativo il percorso formativo e tratta un argomento riconducibile alle discipline che caratterizzano il curriculum dello studente, scelto nell'ambito degli insegnamenti del corso di laurea, con taglio specifico o interdisciplinare, avente l'obiettivo di verificare la capacità di integrazione delle conoscenze già̀ possedute.
Particolare enfasi, data la struttura del CdS, sarà assegnata alle prove finali che saranno in grado di mostrare la padronanza delle tecniche quantitative.
In particolare, l'elaborato e la relativa discussione dovranno dimostrare che il candidato abbia acquisito la padronanza degli strumenti analitici appresi nel corso di studio e che abbia altresì
sviluppato le capacità di interpretare i fenomeni e la letteratura con spirito critico e con contributi di originalità, approfondendo gli aspetti teorici e/o applicativi e/o di natura empirica dell'argomento prescelto.
La tesi è redatta in lingua italiana o inglese.Orientamento in ingresso
Le iniziative di orientamento saranno volte a favorire una maggiore consapevolezza, da parte dello studente, nell'effettuare scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attuali attività di orientamento presso l'Università degli Studi Roma TRE sono svolte sia a livello centrale sia decentrato in maniera sinergica.
Le iniziative a livello centrale sono pubblicizzate su una sezione dedicata del sito istituzionale d'Ateneo, disponibile all'url
Le informazioni attinenti all'orientamento relativo agli specifici corsi di laurea sono rese disponibili sui siti dipartimentali dedicati ai differenti CdS, e sono raggiungibili anche attraverso una procedura di selezione guidata dal sito d'Ateneo.
In particolare una specifica sezione dedicata all'orientamento per la nuova LM sarà attivata nella sezione orientamento dei siti web dei dipartimenti direttamente coinvolti nel progetto.
Le attività ed i materiali offerti ai fini dell'orientamento consistono in incontri ed iniziative rivolte ai futuri iscritti, come gli Open Day, la realizzazione e pubblicazione (anche online) di materiali informativi sull'offerta formativa, le guide dipartimentali, una guida breve di Ateneo, la newsletter dell'orientamento, un video di presentazione del CdS.
Le specifiche attività di orientamento prevedono l'organizzazione di vari tipi di iniziative:
Le Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU), che sono incontri di orientamento organizzati dall'Ufficio Orientamento in collaborazione con i Dipartimenti.
Si svolgono ogni anno nell'arco di circa 4 mesi.
Queste giornate costituiscono un'importante occasione per le future matricole per entrare in contatto diretto con la realtà universitaria.
Momento centrale delle GVU sono varie attività esperienziali, come la partecipazione diretta a lezioni, laboratori e dibattiti, affiancate dalle testimonianze degli studenti già iscritti e/o laureati;
Il progetto Autorientamento, che prevede la collaborazione diretta con alcune scuole per favorire l'accrescimento della consapevolezza nella scelta del percorso universitario da parte degli studenti.
Un aspetto caratterizzante del progetto è la presenza degli studenti già iscritti ai corsi di studio offerti dall'Ateneo, i quali offrono un proprio punto di vista, basato sulla propria esperienza universitaria, relativamente all'organizzazione e al funzionamento del mondo accademico;
Orientarsi a Roma Tre, una manifestazione ad accesso libero che chiude le attività annuali di orientamento in entrata, che si svolge nel mese di luglio, e che costituisce un importante occasione di informazione sull'offerta formativa, i servizi e la vita universitaria dell'Ateneo;
Attività di orientamento sviluppate dai singoli Dipartimenti: sono attività svolte sia mediante incontri in presenza direttamente presso le scuole, sia mediante servizi online.Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia e Gestione della Trasformazione Digitale si propone di formare un profilo di esperti in ambito economico e aziendale, con una adeguata preparazione quantitativa e con competenze interdisciplinari nella costruzione, elaborazione, visualizzazione e analisi di dati finalizzati all'interpretazione di fenomeni di interesse economico e aziendale.
L'obiettivo del Corso di Studi (CdS) consiste nel soddisfare la crescente necessità di formare figure professionali altamente qualificate in ambito economico e aziendale, e dotate di consolidate competenze di natura statistico-matematica e informatica.
La pervasività del digitale ha, infatti, accresciuto il valore dell'interdisciplinarità necessaria a far fronte al cambiamento dovuto alla recente evoluzione tecnologica; un cambiamento che, in ambito economico e aziendale, esige una maggiore cultura dei dati, del loro valore strategico e del loro utilizzo.
L'interdisciplinarità del CdS si realizza tramite l'integrazione mirata di insegnamenti di natura economica, statistico-matematica, aziendale, giuridica ed ingegneristico-informatica.
Tali insegnamenti compongono una struttura di competenze adeguata a garantire la capacità di affrontare problemi economici ed aziendali complessi, con particolare riguardo all'appropriato uso dei dati per l'interpretazione dei fenomeni.
Sotto questo profilo, pertanto, il CdS costituisce una possibilità di approfondimento delle tematiche affrontate nel Corso di Laurea Triennale in Economia e Big Data (EBD) di recente attivazione presso l'Ateneo, oltre che per gli altri corsi di Laurea Triennale di classe economica attivi (L-33 e L-18).
In una certa misura, il CdS potrebbe costituire elemento di attrazione anche per alcune lauree triennali di classe L-41 (Statistica) e L-9 (Ingegneria gestionale).
Il presente CdS interclasse soddisfa i requisiti di entrambe le classi di laurea magistrale LM-56 e LM-77, in modo da permettere allo studente la possibilità di scegliere la classe di conseguimento del titolo fino all'ultimo anno di corso.
La presenza di una marcata interdisciplinarità costituisce quindi un elemento di distinzione della laurea interclasse (LM-56/LM-77) rispetto a quelli a vocazione puramente aziendale (LM-
77) o economica (LM-56) che, per loro natura, tendono a privilegiare specifici aspetti dei rispettivi settori di competenza.
Nel caso del CdS proposto, infatti, si delinea un importante valore aggiunto, che consiste nel formare una figura di analista economico/aziendale dotato di un bagaglio quantitativo ed informatico che lo ponga nella condizione di interagire sia con analisti non di formazione economica, sia con economisti e manager di formazione più tradizionale, sia nell'ambito dei programmi di digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione (PA), anche con riferimento ai significativi problemi giuridici posti dalla transizione digitale.
A questo riguardo, le attività formative mirano specificamente a sviluppare la capacità di utilizzare tecniche matematico-statistiche e informatiche, e ad approfondire la conoscenza degli strumenti applicativi necessari per la gestione e l'analisi dei flussi di dati provenienti dalle imprese e dalla PA.
Ne deriva una strategia di apprendimento che compone la necessità di miscelare competenze avanzate nei campi economico e aziendale con la capacità di fornire strumenti rivolti ad ottimizzare la qualità dei processi decisionali e operativi dei diversi agenti economici, con particolare riferimento alla parte del sistema economico maggiormente coinvolta nei processi di digitalizzazione.
La struttura di apprendimento prevista nel CdS permetterà allo studente di accedere a sbocchi professionali in campo economico e aziendale che richiedano competenze quantitative:
• economista esperto di dati nelle istituzioni economico-finanziarie pubbliche e private;
• esperto di processi aziendali data-driven;
• dirigente e consulente, business analyst di imprese e organizzazioni attive nel settore privato e pubblico, con particolare riferimento al comparto ICT e digitale;
• esperto nei processi di digitalizzazione delle imprese e della Pubblica Amministrazione;
• esperto nella gestione dei cambiamenti degli schemi organizzativi delle imprese o della PA indotti dall'avvento della disponibilità di flussi di dati di grandi dimensioni.
Le figure professionali elencate coinvolgono in diversa misura le istituzioni economiche e finanziarie, le imprese, i centri studi pubblici e privati, la Pubblica Amministrazione, le organizzazioni nazionali e internazionali, gli uffici statistici e di ricerca della PA e delle imprese.
L'ampio ventaglio di possibilità occupazionali costituisce un rilevante valore aggiunto della modalità interclasse, in confronto a soluzioni con perimetri relativamente più ristretti che – nel campo specifico – potrebbero essere garantite da CdS incardinati in una sola delle classi di laurea.
Il percorso di formazione prevede un totale di 11 esami (per un totale di 99 CFU), altre attività formative (6 CFU) e una prova finale (15 CFU).
L'articolazione del CdS si basa sulle seguenti macro-aree: Economica; Aziendale; Statistico-Matematica; Ingegneristico-Informatica; Giuridica.
Il CdS prevede un primo anno di formazione comune e un secondo anno articolato su due percorsi.
Nel primo anno sono fornite competenze avanzate che si declinano nei diversi ambiti come segue: a) in ambito economico, particolare attenzione è dedicata ai temi di economia comportamentale e sperimentale, e alle relazioni tra economia delle imprese e transizione digitale; b) in ambito aziendale, si sviluppano le competenze in materia di sistemi informativi aziendali e di strategie di impresa; c) in ambito statistico, particolare cura è dedicata all'apprendimento del linguaggio e delle metodologie per l'analisi e per lo studio di sistemi economici ed economico-aziendali caratterizzati da complessità di vari livelli; d) in ambito giuridico, infine, si propone una formazione specifica sul tema della regolamentazione dei mercati in presenza di nuove tecnologie.
Nel secondo anno sono previsti due percorsi, uno di carattere economico, denominato Economia della trasformazione digitale e uno di carattere aziendale, denominato Gestione aziendale della trasformazione digitale.
Il percorso economico prevede l'acquisizione di strumenti e competenze che consentano di coniugare l'applicazione di tecniche statistiche e informatiche avanzate alla comprensione e all'analisi fenomeni microeconomici e alla digitalizzazione della PA, con particolare riferimento alle applicazioni economiche geo-referenziate, agli strumenti matematici specifici per l'analisi del rischio e della complessità, e alle tecniche di machine learning.
Il percorso aziendale, approfondisce le tematiche della programmazione e del controllo di gestione in ambiente digitale, i temi giuridici connessi all'innovazione tecnologica, e gli strumenti quantitativi relativi alle tecnologie della comunicazione e dell'informazione.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
Economia della trasformazione digitale LM-56
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210490 -
Behavioural and experimental economics
This course aims at illustrating the main theoretical and empirical aspects in the field of behavioural and experimental economics. The first part introduces the choice theory under certainty, risk and uncertainty, and intertemporal choice. The second part addresses choice architecture and the various aspects that explain how people actually make decisions. The third part is devoted to experimental economics, studying how to design experiments in the laboratory and in the field. The last part describes the use of behavioural and experimental economics for public policy.
By the end of this course, students will be able to manage: 1. The main theories of behavioural economics. 2. How to design an experiment in economics. 3. The main public policies that have made use of experiments and behavioural theories.
Core compulsory activities
21210511 -
The course aims to provide students with a high level of understanding of the complex interactions between national and European legislation, technological development, and market dynamics, preparing them for careers in the public, private, or academic sectors related to this field. The focus will be on how digital innovation, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other emerging technologies are changing the dynamics of markets, especially regulated ones, and how lawmakers address the challenges for necessary and adequate regulation.
Core compulsory activities
21210512 -
The course provides students with necessary tools for internal and external data analysis and the relative interpretation to support decision-making and control activities. The aim is to provide an in-depth knowledge in data extraction, processing, visualization and analysis. The relevant skills will be gained through the study of enterprise information systems, which integrate the various IT and network technologies, and which play a crucial role in public and private organisations. The data structures and computerized processes characterizing the main company operational areas and the systems that allow collected data to be exploited will be explored in depth.
Core compulsory activities
21201321 -
Refer to 'University Language Centre'
Other activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210496 -
Economics of firms and the digital transition
The course proposes an in-depth overview of Information and communication technologies; it will provide theoretical concepts and applied knowledge that are at the basis of the Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. In each topic, the analysis of empirical evidence will be central and supported by the presentation of the underlying theory of the topics under study. Special attention will be focused on the Italian production system to understand the critical issues and opportunities for Italian companies in addressing the digital transition.
Core compulsory activities
21210514 -
Statistical learning
The course aims to explore the fundamental concepts of statistical learning, introducing a wide range of tools and techniques such as linear and nonlinear models, decision trees, neural networks, and dimensionality reduction methods. The main objective is to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in data manipulation and analysis, as well as in the evaluation and interpretation of model results with particular attention to supervised learning problems. Real-world problems will be addressed to understand the theoretical principles underlying learning algorithms and to learn their effective application using specific libraries of the statistical software R.
Core compulsory activities
21210167 -
Course will provide participants to 1. Understand the strategic decisions that organizations make and have an ability to engage in strategic planning. 2. Explain the basic concepts, principles and practices associated with strategy formulation and implementation. 3. Integrate and apply knowledge gained in basic courses to the formulation and implementation of strategy. 4. Analyze and evaluate critically real life company situations and develop creative solutions, using a strategic management perspective. 5. Conduct and present a credible business analysis in a team setting. 6. Understand the crucially important role that the finance function plays in the setting and implementation of a strategy.
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210495 -
Quantitative methods for complexity and risk management
The course aims to deepen and extend the concepts and techniques acquired by students during the previous level of their studies to understand and manage complexity and risk in different contexts. We aim at providing students with skills for solving complex problems deriving from real applications, providing decision-making techniques through the application of quantitative approaches, giving an understanding of the interaction between computer science and the optimization of processes at an advanced level, offering tools for the management of large datasets in economics, finance and business. The goal is to equip students with skills and encourage critical thinking from a quantitative point of view, to avoid a mere application of routines and algorithms. The focus will be on the study and in-depth understanding of complex networks and different types of risk in financial, macroeconomic, energy, cyber and insurance fields, to list but a few.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210492 -
Technologies for Machine Learning and Big Data
The course focuses on the study of fundamental concepts of machine learning, the main machine learning methods and software tools based on machine learning techniques. In particular, it aims at providing an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of these methods and tools, and to develop the ability to use some of the currently available technologies to solve problems of data analysis, knowledge extraction and decision support. Finally, it aims at discussing the main problems and opportunities that arise in contexts where the analysis extends to large volumes of data (Big Data).
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
3-ETD II ANNO- AMBITO AZIENDALE. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
Optional Group:
4-ETD II ANNO-SCELTA LIBERA. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210493 -
Spatial economic analysis with geo-coded data
Also available in another semester or year
21210491 -
Economics and Digital Transition of Public Administration
Also available in another semester or year
21210074 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210109 -
The main objectives of the course are: (i) to develop knowledge to define, measure and manage the main types of risks faced by banks; (ii) to analyze the constraints deriving from regulation to the risk measurement procedure and capital quantification; (iii) to analyze and evaluate the creation of value.
Elective activities
21210233 -
Mathematical Methods for Economics
The aim of the course is to consolidate and deepen the mathematical method as a fundamental investigation tool for economic, financial and business disciplines. In particular, problems of function optimization will be studied. To this end the course is divided into two parts. The first part will introduce the fundamental concepts of the analysis of functions in several real variables and developed the tools to recognize and study free and constrained static optimization problems, both the local and global problem. The second part deals with dynamical models, studying in particular problems of dynamic optimization in discrete time.
Elective activities
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
The aim of the course is to provide students with a coverage of a set of methods used in the analysis of economic data to answer a variety of specific, quantitative questions and with the computational tools to be used in the empirical applications. The program includes further topics on the classical regression model, time series analysis and some recent proposal to deal with applications having many observations and/or many predictors relative to the number of observations. The course applies the widely used freeware programming environment for statistical analysis, known as R (through the RStudio interface).
Elective activities
21210178 -
Economics and Innovation Policies
Elective activities
21210459 -
Applied Economic Policy Laboratory
Acquisition of methodological and technical knowledge and development of professional skills in applied economics and economic policy, through an educational program that alternates lectures, practical classes and thematic seminars with external experts; practical classes introduce to the statistical and information sources for applied economic and economic policy analysis and train for data elaborations and reporting activities; seminars are addressed, year by year, to relevant topics for the Italian economy and allow to get in touch with applied professional economists working in the private sector and in public institutions; at the end of the training process students are required to draft a research report and to discuss it during the final examination.
Elective activities
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
The course aims at providing students with first exposure to some of the most relevant quantitative methods for economic policy analysis. The objective is to engage students in an active, team-based process of learning about computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and their use in applied economic policy analysis. The course emphasizes an intuitive and graphical treatment of economic theory in the CGE model and provides structured experiences in running the RunGTAP software environment. RunGTAP is an intuitive, menu-driven CGE model interface that minimizes technological hurdles and allows students to quickly begin to focus on their economic thinking and experimentation. At the end of the course, participants will be entry-level modellers and more informed consumers of CGE-based analyses. During the course, students will: • review core economic theories from micro, macro, trade, and public finance and observe how they are operationalized in an applied general equilibrium model • learn to recognize, control, and interpret the theoretically consistent behavior of consumers and producers • observe the aggregated, macroeconomic impacts of microeconomic behavior • define model experiments that represent real-world issues • learn to interpret general equilibrium model results by integrating their knowledge of multiple fields of economic study
Elective activities
21210474 -
Labour economics and policy
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
2-ETD II ANNO- AMBITO ECONOMICO. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210493 -
Spatial economic analysis with geo-coded data
The course aims to introduce the students to the study of how space affects economic activities and behaviours, with the aim of understanding whether space and place affect, economic, social, urban, and ecological processes using basic geographic characteristics like distance, adjacency, and physical character. During the course we will analyse the wide range of spatial data (which are those encompassing a geographical component), and methodologies used in economics. The course will deliver the practical skills required for using this data and provide showcase applications in different fields of economic research (e.g., environment, development, urban and regional economics). We will review economic research that use geospatial data to obtain an understanding of the relevance of this approach across different fields. The goal is to learn how to manipulate and visualise geospatial data, and how to generate output in the form of maps or features for use in economic analysis. Through hands-on exercises, the course aims to provide the necessary skills to replicate these approaches and implement basic concepts of spatial economic models. By the end of the course students are expected to being able to identify (and answer to) their own research questions involving some form of spatial data.
Core compulsory activities
21210491 -
Economics and Digital Transition of Public Administration
The course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of economic models applied to the digital transition in Public Administration. Training objectives include: 1. Understand the economic impact of the digital transformation of Public Administration. 2. Analyze the economic challenges related to the implementation of digital solutions in the PA. 3. Develop economic skills for the evaluation of policy choices regarding digital transition. 4. Explore the new economic opportunities generated by digitalisation in the PA. 5. Apply economic concepts in the design and management of digital transition projects.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
3-ETD II ANNO- AMBITO AZIENDALE. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210074 -
The course of Planning and Control in the Public Administrations aims to provide students with the knowledge and tools useful to understand the different processes of planning and control of the entities that belong to the public sector. During the course, in fact, the peculiarities of the public administrations are analysed, starting from the history of these entities, as well as decisional theories most used to study these, with the aim to provide to students knowledge and competences about the P&C systems, adopted in Italy and in the rest of the world. At the end of the course, the student will have: - Knowledge and familiarity with the characteristics of entities belonging to the public sector; - acquired theoretical and practical notions to adopt specific management policies; - developed a complex and articulated method of understanding public dynamics.
Core compulsory activities
21210109 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
4-ETD II ANNO-SCELTA LIBERA. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210493 -
Spatial economic analysis with geo-coded data
The course aims to introduce the students to the study of how space affects economic activities and behaviours, with the aim of understanding whether space and place affect, economic, social, urban, and ecological processes using basic geographic characteristics like distance, adjacency, and physical character. During the course we will analyse the wide range of spatial data (which are those encompassing a geographical component), and methodologies used in economics. The course will deliver the practical skills required for using this data and provide showcase applications in different fields of economic research (e.g., environment, development, urban and regional economics). We will review economic research that use geospatial data to obtain an understanding of the relevance of this approach across different fields. The goal is to learn how to manipulate and visualise geospatial data, and how to generate output in the form of maps or features for use in economic analysis. Through hands-on exercises, the course aims to provide the necessary skills to replicate these approaches and implement basic concepts of spatial economic models. By the end of the course students are expected to being able to identify (and answer to) their own research questions involving some form of spatial data.
Elective activities
21210491 -
Economics and Digital Transition of Public Administration
The course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of economic models applied to the digital transition in Public Administration. Training objectives include: 1. Understand the economic impact of the digital transformation of Public Administration. 2. Analyze the economic challenges related to the implementation of digital solutions in the PA. 3. Develop economic skills for the evaluation of policy choices regarding digital transition. 4. Explore the new economic opportunities generated by digitalisation in the PA. 5. Apply economic concepts in the design and management of digital transition projects.
Elective activities
21210074 -
The course of Planning and Control in the Public Administrations aims to provide students with the knowledge and tools useful to understand the different processes of planning and control of the entities that belong to the public sector. During the course, in fact, the peculiarities of the public administrations are analysed, starting from the history of these entities, as well as decisional theories most used to study these, with the aim to provide to students knowledge and competences about the P&C systems, adopted in Italy and in the rest of the world. At the end of the course, the student will have: - Knowledge and familiarity with the characteristics of entities belonging to the public sector; - acquired theoretical and practical notions to adopt specific management policies; - developed a complex and articulated method of understanding public dynamics.
Elective activities
21210109 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210233 -
Mathematical Methods for Economics
Also available in another semester or year
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
Also available in another semester or year
21210178 -
Economics and Innovation Policies
Also available in another semester or year
21210459 -
Applied Economic Policy Laboratory
Also available in another semester or year
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
Also available in another semester or year
21210474 -
Labour economics and policy
The course has three main objectives: 1) explore the micro and macroeconomics of the labour market; 2) analyze the recent structural evolution of the labour market; 3) assess the working of labour policies both at the national and European level. The macroeconomic perspective implies the study of the determinants of employment and unemployment levels and their relationship with the level of inflation. The microeconomic perspective implies the analysis of individual agents behavior with respect to demand and supply of labour, labour cost, various labour contracts and collective agreements. Finally, rhe role of labour policies will be considered, with reference both to European Employment Strategy and to the constraints imposed by the European Economic Policy.
Elective activities
21210038 -
Final examination and foreign language test
Gestione aziendale della trasformazione digitale LM-77
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210490 -
Behavioural and experimental economics
This course aims at illustrating the main theoretical and empirical aspects in the field of behavioural and experimental economics. The first part introduces the choice theory under certainty, risk and uncertainty, and intertemporal choice. The second part addresses choice architecture and the various aspects that explain how people actually make decisions. The third part is devoted to experimental economics, studying how to design experiments in the laboratory and in the field. The last part describes the use of behavioural and experimental economics for public policy.
By the end of this course, students will be able to manage: 1. The main theories of behavioural economics. 2. How to design an experiment in economics. 3. The main public policies that have made use of experiments and behavioural theories.
Core compulsory activities
21210511 -
The course aims to provide students with a high level of understanding of the complex interactions between national and European legislation, technological development, and market dynamics, preparing them for careers in the public, private, or academic sectors related to this field. The focus will be on how digital innovation, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other emerging technologies are changing the dynamics of markets, especially regulated ones, and how lawmakers address the challenges for necessary and adequate regulation.
Core compulsory activities
21210512 -
The course provides students with necessary tools for internal and external data analysis and the relative interpretation to support decision-making and control activities. The aim is to provide an in-depth knowledge in data extraction, processing, visualization and analysis. The relevant skills will be gained through the study of enterprise information systems, which integrate the various IT and network technologies, and which play a crucial role in public and private organisations. The data structures and computerized processes characterizing the main company operational areas and the systems that allow collected data to be exploited will be explored in depth.
Core compulsory activities
21201321 -
Refer to 'University Language Centre'
Other activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210496 -
Economics of firms and the digital transition
The course proposes an in-depth overview of Information and communication technologies; it will provide theoretical concepts and applied knowledge that are at the basis of the Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. In each topic, the analysis of empirical evidence will be central and supported by the presentation of the underlying theory of the topics under study. Special attention will be focused on the Italian production system to understand the critical issues and opportunities for Italian companies in addressing the digital transition.
Core compulsory activities
21210514 -
Statistical learning
The course aims to explore the fundamental concepts of statistical learning, introducing a wide range of tools and techniques such as linear and nonlinear models, decision trees, neural networks, and dimensionality reduction methods. The main objective is to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in data manipulation and analysis, as well as in the evaluation and interpretation of model results with particular attention to supervised learning problems. Real-world problems will be addressed to understand the theoretical principles underlying learning algorithms and to learn their effective application using specific libraries of the statistical software R.
Core compulsory activities
21210167 -
Course will provide participants to 1. Understand the strategic decisions that organizations make and have an ability to engage in strategic planning. 2. Explain the basic concepts, principles and practices associated with strategy formulation and implementation. 3. Integrate and apply knowledge gained in basic courses to the formulation and implementation of strategy. 4. Analyze and evaluate critically real life company situations and develop creative solutions, using a strategic management perspective. 5. Conduct and present a credible business analysis in a team setting. 6. Understand the crucially important role that the finance function plays in the setting and implementation of a strategy.
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210515 -
The course analyzes the points of intersection between new digital technologies and the main institutes of private law. In particular, it focuses on the transformations of private patrimonial law in light of technological evolution and aims to provide students with the conceptual and normative tools necessary for its interpretation.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
2 -GATD II ANNO- Discipline economiche. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210236 -
Game Theory
The course is a primer in game theory that aims to introduce students to the language and methods used to analyze static and dynamic games of complete and incomplete information. A special emphasis is given to economic applications. Among other topics, the course deals with problems concerning: several types of business strategies, such as those related to the determination of sale prices and production/distribution quantities, strategies related to firm entry/exit and market positioning; issues concerning direct negotiation and bargaining; auction strategies and mechanisms; problems concerning "credibility" or "sustainability" of a decision policy over time (e.g. monetary and fiscal policy rules, tax measures, business policies).
Core compulsory activities
21210497 -
Digital markets and industrial policies
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
3 -GATD II ANNO- Discipline aziendali. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210156 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201721 -
Competitive Strategies in Financial Services
The course aims at illustrating the strategic and organizational choices of suppliers of financial services, with special regard to banking groups operating in different business lines. These choices are analyzed in the light of business strategy and banking academic literature. The suppliers of financial services are influenced by regulatory and technological changes, in a market that is more and more international. During the course different business lines are observed (retail banking, private and corporate banking, payment services), taking care of the bundling and unbundling of different kinds of intermediation activities. Besides supply, also demand of financial services is analyzed; a large part of the the course is dedicated to Fintech, focussing on competitive strategic choices of newcomers (FinTech and BigTech) and of traditional financial institutions (incumbents). Traditional lectures, seminars, business cases and project works are the teaching methods used.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
4 -GATD II ANNO- Attività affini o integrative. Un esame a scelta tra: - (show)
21210495 -
Quantitative methods for complexity and risk management
Also available in another semester or year
21210494 -
Information and Communications Technology
To acquire specific knowledge on the methodologies that allow to express in a simple and efficient way the deterministic and random transformations that information undergoes through physical systems. To acquire specific knowledge on methodologies that allow to analyze the performance of simple transmission systems and networks of information processing. To acquire basic knowledge for artificial intelligence applications to data, signals and images. To know how to connect the different functional blocks that build an information and communication system in a single framework of integrated and interdependent processes. To provide an overview of the main information and communication technologies, briefly describing both fundamental operational concepts and typical application examples, as well as the economic implications of these systems in the digital society.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
5 -GATD II ANNO- Scelta libera. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210467 -
The purpose of the course is to analyze the phenomenon of technological innovation and the digitization of production processes and the provision of services in order to interpret technical-social-economic aspects in the global context. The issue of digitization concerns both the design of new products and services and its application to production processes within the entire supply chain. The course will provide ideas for identifying and evaluating benefits and impacts related to the introduction of technological innovation of Industry 4.0, with particular reference to Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things as well as Big data. The following topics are also addressed: improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of production processes according to the principles of Lean logic and Digital Quality. The teaching methodology used includes group work, external seminars and classroom discussions, deepening and experimenting with some techniques used by successful startups all over the world to create new digital products, bring them to the market and make them grow quickly.
Elective activities
21210236 -
Game Theory
The course is a primer in game theory that aims to introduce students to the language and methods used to analyze static and dynamic games of complete and incomplete information. A special emphasis is given to economic applications. Among other topics, the course deals with problems concerning: several types of business strategies, such as those related to the determination of sale prices and production/distribution quantities, strategies related to firm entry/exit and market positioning; issues concerning direct negotiation and bargaining; auction strategies and mechanisms; problems concerning "credibility" or "sustainability" of a decision policy over time (e.g. monetary and fiscal policy rules, tax measures, business policies).
Elective activities
21210472 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210497 -
Digital markets and industrial policies
Also available in another semester or year
21210495 -
Quantitative methods for complexity and risk management
The course aims to deepen and extend the concepts and techniques acquired by students during the previous level of their studies to understand and manage complexity and risk in different contexts. We aim at providing students with skills for solving complex problems deriving from real applications, providing decision-making techniques through the application of quantitative approaches, giving an understanding of the interaction between computer science and the optimization of processes at an advanced level, offering tools for the management of large datasets in economics, finance and business. The goal is to equip students with skills and encourage critical thinking from a quantitative point of view, to avoid a mere application of routines and algorithms. The focus will be on the study and in-depth understanding of complex networks and different types of risk in financial, macroeconomic, energy, cyber and insurance fields, to list but a few.
Elective activities
21210156 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201721 -
Competitive Strategies in Financial Services
The course aims at illustrating the strategic and organizational choices of suppliers of financial services, with special regard to banking groups operating in different business lines. These choices are analyzed in the light of business strategy and banking academic literature. The suppliers of financial services are influenced by regulatory and technological changes, in a market that is more and more international. During the course different business lines are observed (retail banking, private and corporate banking, payment services), taking care of the bundling and unbundling of different kinds of intermediation activities. Besides supply, also demand of financial services is analyzed; a large part of the the course is dedicated to Fintech, focussing on competitive strategic choices of newcomers (FinTech and BigTech) and of traditional financial institutions (incumbents). Traditional lectures, seminars, business cases and project works are the teaching methods used.
Elective activities
21210494 -
Information and Communications Technology
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
2 -GATD II ANNO- Discipline economiche. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210236 -
Game Theory
Also available in another semester or year
21210497 -
Digital markets and industrial policies
The educational objective of the course is to develop skills in terms of economic reasoning applied to digital markets and the ability to critically analyze the implications of industrial policies for this type of market. The course aims to develop and deepen from a theoretical and empirical point of view the main characteristics of the functioning of digital markets through the tools of economic analysis and industrial economics, the study of industrial policy choices, and the use of case studies. The course provides the fundamentals of the functioning of digital markets and industrial policies. Students will learn what distinguishes digital markets and platforms; and what economic policies can be useful in case of network externalities, strategic interactions and anti-competitive practices in digital markets. Case studies and examples of industrial policies for digital markets will be explored, critically using the conceptual tools of the course to understand the main challenges for institutions and policy-makers.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
3 -GATD II ANNO- Discipline aziendali. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210156 -
The course of Planning and Control deals with the study of the main tools and methods applied in the decision-making process for planning and control in business enterprises. Therefore, the course aims to encourage students to develop managerial skills and competences on the mechanisms and techniques that oversee the various characteristics of the strategic planning, operational programming and management control functions in companies. At the end of the lessons, the student will have acquired a theoretical framework and an appropriate application capacity of the overall process of setting strategic and operational goals, and monitoring performance, also understanding and assessing managerial issues.
Core compulsory activities
21201721 -
Competitive Strategies in Financial Services
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
4 -GATD II ANNO- Attività affini o integrative. Un esame a scelta tra: - (show)
21210495 -
Quantitative methods for complexity and risk management
The course aims to deepen and extend the concepts and techniques acquired by students during the previous level of their studies to understand and manage complexity and risk in different contexts. We aim at providing students with skills for solving complex problems deriving from real applications, providing decision-making techniques through the application of quantitative approaches, giving an understanding of the interaction between computer science and the optimization of processes at an advanced level, offering tools for the management of large datasets in economics, finance and business. The goal is to equip students with skills and encourage critical thinking from a quantitative point of view, to avoid a mere application of routines and algorithms. The focus will be on the study and in-depth understanding of complex networks and different types of risk in financial, macroeconomic, energy, cyber and insurance fields, to list but a few.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210494 -
Information and Communications Technology
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
5 -GATD II ANNO- Scelta libera. Un esame a scelta a: - (show)
21210467 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210236 -
Game Theory
Also available in another semester or year
21210472 -
In the digital age, control of the "knowledge" resource is strategic for the sustainability of businesses. Knowledge as a production factor is characterized by immateriality and non-perishability, which make it a peculiar resource and whose management does not comply with traditional economic laws. Digital innovation and attention to holistic sustainability have made knowledge management theories and practices even more relevant. In particular, the interaction between human and artificial components, if correctly managed, can give rise to unprecedented growth potential. In this framework, the course aims to investigate the main issues relating to corporate knowledge management, combining the theoretical approach with corporate practice. Particular attention is paid to the recent industrial revolution which focuses on digital technologies and their impacts on business processes and on knowledge sharing and continuous learning opportunities for organizations. Given the rapid obsolescence of the knowledge base, companies need to constantly renew their strategies, business models and knowledge management policies. Therefore, students are engaged in active participation through group exercises and projects in order to understand knowledge management strategies, organizational conditions and enabling technologies. The course is designed to understand the role of data-driven knowledge in the contemporary economy and to provide students with a clear analysis of the production, distribution and consumption of information-based goods. Through case analysis and participatory discussion of selected content, students will learn to imagine innovation trajectories of business models and organizational management hypotheses in cases of disruptive innovations.
Elective activities
21210497 -
Digital markets and industrial policies
The educational objective of the course is to develop skills in terms of economic reasoning applied to digital markets and the ability to critically analyze the implications of industrial policies for this type of market. The course aims to develop and deepen from a theoretical and empirical point of view the main characteristics of the functioning of digital markets through the tools of economic analysis and industrial economics, the study of industrial policy choices, and the use of case studies. The course provides the fundamentals of the functioning of digital markets and industrial policies. Students will learn what distinguishes digital markets and platforms; and what economic policies can be useful in case of network externalities, strategic interactions and anti-competitive practices in digital markets. Case studies and examples of industrial policies for digital markets will be explored, critically using the conceptual tools of the course to understand the main challenges for institutions and policy-makers.
Elective activities
21210495 -
Quantitative methods for complexity and risk management
Also available in another semester or year
21210156 -
The course of Planning and Control deals with the study of the main tools and methods applied in the decision-making process for planning and control in business enterprises. Therefore, the course aims to encourage students to develop managerial skills and competences on the mechanisms and techniques that oversee the various characteristics of the strategic planning, operational programming and management control functions in companies. At the end of the lessons, the student will have acquired a theoretical framework and an appropriate application capacity of the overall process of setting strategic and operational goals, and monitoring performance, also understanding and assessing managerial issues.
Elective activities
21201721 -
Competitive Strategies in Financial Services
Also available in another semester or year
21210494 -
Information and Communications Technology
To acquire specific knowledge on the methodologies that allow to express in a simple and efficient way the deterministic and random transformations that information undergoes through physical systems. To acquire specific knowledge on methodologies that allow to analyze the performance of simple transmission systems and networks of information processing. To acquire basic knowledge for artificial intelligence applications to data, signals and images. To know how to connect the different functional blocks that build an information and communication system in a single framework of integrated and interdependent processes. To provide an overview of the main information and communication technologies, briefly describing both fundamental operational concepts and typical application examples, as well as the economic implications of these systems in the digital society.
Elective activities
21210038 -
Final examination and foreign language test