Degree Course: Professional educators and adults' educators
A.Y. 2019/2020
Autonomia di giudizio
Al termine del percorso gli studenti devono essere in grado di raccogliere, interpretare e riflettere sui dati relativi al proprio campo di studio, dimostrando di avere acquisito un atteggiamento scientifico e di avere capacità critica e autocritica, relativamente alle realtà sociali, culturali e territoriali.
In particolare, gli studenti devono sviluppare:
- capacità di interpretare i segni e i significati della comunicazione sociale e di saperli contestualizzare in termini storici e di sistema;
- capacità di analizzare una situazione problematica da più punti di vista;
- capacità di ricostruire le cause che hanno determinato una certa situazione problematica, anche attribuendo loro pesi relativi opportunamente differenziati;
- capacità di rilevare contraddizioni in una situazione;
- capacità di controllare la rilevanza e il significato degli elementi caratteristici di una situazione educativa che si realizza in presenza oppure on line;
- capacità di trarre delle conclusioni in base a una pluralità di fatti osservati o desunti.
L'autonomia di giudizio viene sviluppata nelle attività seminariali e laboratoriali, che si realizzano sia in presenza che on line, previste a integrazione della didattica interattiva sviluppata nelle lezioni: in particolare, le attività formative realizzate in gruppi di lavoro risultano significative per l'acquisizione di efficaci e autonome strategie decisionali.
La verifica del raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento attesi si realizza, tra l'altro, nello svolgimento di attività di problem solving e di studio di caso, con la riflessione orale e scritta sulle esperienze di tirocinio, oltre che attraverso la valutazione della prova finale.Abilità comunicative
Al termine del percorso formativo gli studenti devono essere in grado di presentare informazioni, idee, problemi e soluzioni a diversi destinatari, specialisti e non.
Ciò significa sviluppare le competenze strumentali (scrittura, espressione orale, informatica e lingue straniere) in modo da favorire la capacità di relazionarsi positivamente con gli altri e di contribuire al lavoro di gruppo.
Specifiche competenze comunicative sono relative all'abilità nella gestione delle emozioni implicate in tutte le relazioni educative e rimandano alle capacità di:
- conoscere e riconoscere delle proprie emozioni e di quelle altrui;
- controllare le emozioni eccessive quando le circostanze lo richiedono;
- dimostrare disponibilità all'ascolto;
- coinvolgere altre persone e dare loro importanza;
- prevenire e mediare conflitti;
- adottare un atteggiamento positivo improntato ad apertura mentale ed estroversione.
Le abilità comunicative sono acquisite sia nelle attività collaborative laboratoriali e seminariali previste a integrazione della didattica interattiva sviluppata nelle lezioni in presenza, sia nella discussione condivisa nel gruppo di apprendimento su esperienze e materiali prodotti dallo studente (relazioni di tirocinio ed elaborati scritti e/o multimediali su argomenti assegnati nell'ambito dei singoli insegnamenti); sia negli insegnamenti specificamente dedicati (in particolare, lingue e abilità informatiche).
La verifica del raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento attesi si realizza, tra l'altro, attraverso la valutazione dei materiali prodotti dallo studente, oltre che attraverso la valutazione dei tirocini e della prova finale.
Capacità di apprendimento
Il corso di studio sollecita le abilità necessarie a intraprendere studi successivi con un alto grado di autonomia, per integrarsi nel mondo del lavoro in continua evoluzione e far parte attiva della società.
Ciò significa:
- acquisire le capacità di apprendimento necessarie per la crescita culturale, per lo sviluppo e l'aggiornamento professionale e per intraprendere nuovi studi con un alto grado di autonomia;
- essere in grado di accedere alla letteratura scientifica prodotta anche in una seconda lingua europea, oltre alla propria.
Le capacità di apprendimento sono sviluppate attraverso la partecipazione a tutte le attività formative proposte che facilitano la crescita culturale, lo sviluppo e l'aggiornamento professionale e l'autonomia verso successivi percorsi di studio.
La verifica del raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento attesi si realizza attraverso la valutazione delle prove di profitto dei singoli insegnamenti, oltre che attraverso la valutazione dei tirocini e della prova finale.
Requisiti di ammissione
Oltre a un diploma di scuola media superiore, o altro titolo conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto idoneo, per l'ammissione al Corso di laurea sono richieste abilità e conoscenze non strettamente o necessariamente connesse al tipo di scuola secondaria superiore frequentata.
Si tratta di competenze di base e trasversali (comprensione della lettura, abilità logico-linguistiche e logico-matematiche), di conoscenze di cultura generale, lingua italiana, lingua inglese, competenze informatiche di base.
Per accertare il possesso di tali conoscenze e competenze, si prevede la somministrazione, agli studenti che intendono immatricolarsi, di un test, i cui risultati non precludono l'iscrizione al Corso ma permettono la diagnosi precoce delle lacune di preparazione.
Le informazioni così raccolte saranno utilizzate per organizzare percorsi di recupero calibrati sui profili degli allievi e, solitamente, attuati durante il I anno di corso.Le modalità di verifica della conoscenze richieste per l'accesso sono esplicitate nel Regolamento Didattico del CdS.Prova finale
La prova finale può essere costituita da un lavoro di:
- sviluppo, approfondimento e sistematizzazione teorica e metodologica dell'esperienza di tirocinio esterno attraverso la predisposizione di un elaborato che esprima la capacità di riflessione sulle situazioni esperienziali e lavorative effettuate senza trascurare la dimensione teorica.
- analisi critica e comparativa di teorie, metodologie, tecniche anche sulla base di indagini empiriche, osservative e sperimentali relative a un tema pertinente con le caratteristiche del Corso di Laurea.
Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso sono improntate alla realizzazione di processi di raccordo con la scuola media secondaria.
Si concretizzano in attività di carattere informativo sui Corsi di Studio (CdS) dell'Ateneo ma anche come impegno condiviso da scuola e università per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza da parte degli studenti nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attività promosse si articolano in:
a) autorientamento;
b) incontri e manifestazioni informative rivolte alle future matricole;
c) sviluppo di servizi online e pubblicazione di guide sull'offerta formativa dei CdS.
Tra le attività svolte in collaborazione con le scuole per lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza nella scelta, il progetto di autorientamento è un intervento che consente di promuovere un raccordo particolarmente qualificato con alcune scuole medie superiori.
Il progetto, infatti, è articolato in incontri svolti presso le scuole ed è finalizzato a sollecitare nelle future matricole una riflessione sui propri punti di forza e sui criteri di scelta.
La presentazione dell'offerta formativa agli studenti delle scuole superiori prevede tre eventi principali distribuiti nel corso dell'anno accademico ai quali partecipano tutti i CdS.
• Salone dello studente, si svolge presso la fiera di Roma fra ottobre e novembre e coinvolge tradizionalmente tutti gli Atenei del Lazio e molti Atenei fuori Regione, Enti pubblici e privati che si occupano di Formazione e Lavoro.
Roma Tre partecipa a questo evento con un proprio spazio espositivo, con conferenze di presentazione dell'offerta formativa dell'Ateneo e promuove i propri Dipartimenti scientifici grazie all'iniziativa Roma 1,2,3 … Scienze;
• Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU), si svolgono ogni anno da dicembre a marzo e sono rivolte agli studenti degli ultimi due anni della scuola secondaria superiore.
Si svolgono in tutti i Dipartimenti dell'Ateneo e costituiscono un'importante occasione per le future matricole per vivere la realtà universitaria.
Gli incontri sono strutturati in modo tale che accanto alla presentazione dei Corsi di Laurea, gli studenti possano anche fare un'esperienza diretta di vita universitaria con la partecipazione ad attività didattiche, laboratori, lezioni o seminari, alle quali partecipano anche studenti seniores che svolgono una significativa mediazione di tipo tutoriale.
Partecipano annualmente circa 5.000 studenti;
• Orientarsi a Roma Tre, rappresenta la manifestazione che chiude le annuali attività di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge in Ateneo a luglio di ogni anno.
L'evento accoglie, perlopiù, studenti romani che partecipano per mettere definitivamente a fuoco la loro scelta universitaria.
Durante la manifestazione viene presentata l'offerta formativa e sono presenti, con un proprio spazio, tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre, le segreterie didattiche e la segreteria studenti.
I servizi online messi a disposizione dei futuri studenti universitari nel tempo sono aumentati tenendo conto dello sviluppo delle nuove opportunità di comunicazione tramite web.
Inoltre, durante tutte le manifestazioni di presentazione dell'offerta formativa, sono illustrati quei servizi online (siti web di Dipartimento, di Ateneo, Portale dello studente etc.) che possono aiutare gli studenti nella loro scelta.
Gli studenti del corso di laurea oltre ad usufruire delle attività promosse a livello di Ateneo possono fruire di ulteriori attività e servizi realizzati dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, a cui il corso di laurea appartiene.
Per l'orientamento in ingresso, in particolare, gli studenti del corso di laurea hanno a disposizione anche il Servizio di Tutorato Matricole (S.Tu.M.).
Il servizio, curato da docenti del Dipartimento e da studenti laureandi che svolgono la funzione di tutor, si propone di:
- facilitare l'inserimento attivo delle matricole nei corsi di studio;
- migliorare l'accessibilità alle informazioni utili;
- offrire un sostegno nel percorso universitario di ogni studente;
- promuovere tra studenti la costituzione di gruppi di studio.
Il funzionamento dello S.Tu.M è assicurato dall'inizio alla fine delle attività didattiche (ottobre-maggio) e trova collocazione nel nuovo polo didattico di Via Principe Amedeo 184.
Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di Laurea, della durata triennale, fornisce conoscenze, abilità e competenze finalizzate ad operare nei diversi settori professionali connessi alle scienze dell'educazione e della formazione.
Il Corso è articolato in due profili:
educatore professionale socio-pedagogico;
Il Corso mira alla formazione di professionisti di livello intermedio in grado di svolgere le proprie funzioni e i propri compiti con autonomia scientifica, competenza professionale e responsabilità deontologica, attraverso l'uso di strumenti conoscitivi specifici di tipo teorico e metodologico nell'ambito di interventi indirizzati alla persona e ai gruppi, in una pluralità di contesti educativi e formativi (formali e non formali).
Gli ambiti occupazionali previsti per i laureati del corso sono:
- istituzioni educative;
- servizi educativi per la prima infanzia;
- Enti Locali, imprese culturali di natura pubblica e privata, servizi educativi del territorio differenziati per soggetti, per età e per bisogni;
- progettazione e animazione delle attività educative e socio-culturali del territorio;
- formazione e mediazione interculturale nei servizi territoriali di accoglienza ed integrazione degli migranti;
- progettazione di percorsi di insegnamento-apprendimento volti a prevenire difficoltà di apprendimento;
- politiche del lavoro nei settori pubblico e privato, con particolare attenzione alla formazione professionale e manageriale, ai servizi per l'impiego;
- politiche di gestione e valorizzazione delle risorse umane;
- comunità e altre strutture residenziali e semi residenziali per persone con fabbisogni educativi specifici (tossicodipendenze, diverse abilità, disagi e patologie psichiche, conseguenze o rischio di subire violenza, abbandono o a rischio di devianza in età minore, esclusione sociale e rischio di condotte criminose, condanne penali detentive e alternative ecc.).
Il laureato in Scienze dell'educazione per educatori e formatori potrà operare nell'ambito dei seguenti indirizzi e presidi pubblici e privati:
a) servizi educativi per la persona e la comunità territoriale;
b) servizi educativi nelle istituzioni scolastiche; servizi extrascolastici per l'inclusione e la prevenzione del disagio e della dispersione scolastica;
c) servizi educativi per la prima infanzia;
d) servizi per la genitorialità e la famiglia; servizi educativi per le pari opportunità; servizi di consulenza tecnica d'ufficio in particolare nell'ambito familiare;
e) servizi educativi di promozione del benessere;
f) servizi residenziali e non residenziali per il recupero e l'integrazione di persone con fabbisogni educativi specifici, con riguardo agli aspetti socio-educativi;
g) servizi di educazione formale e non formale per gli adulti;
h) servizi per anziani e servizi geriatrici;
i) servizi educativi, ludici, artistico-espressivi, sportivi, dell'animazione e del tempo libero dalla prima infanzia all'età adulta;
l) servizi per l'integrazione degli immigrati e dei rifugiati e per la formazione interculturale; servizi per lo sviluppo della cooperazione internazionale;
m) servizi del sistema penitenziario e di risocializzazione dei soggetti detenuti nella vita sociale; servizi di assistenza ai minori coinvolti nel circuito giudiziario e penitenziario;
n) servizi di educazione ambientale; servizi per la conoscenza, la salvaguardia e la valorizzazione del patrimonio dei beni culturali;
o) servizi educativi nel campo dell'informazione, comunicazione, multimedialità, promozione culturale e della lettura;
p) servizi educativi nei contesti lavorativi, nei servizi di formazione, collocamento, consulenza, orientamento e bilancio delle competenze; servizi per l'aggiornamento e per la formazione degli educatori.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
EduForm Form m-ped I anno - (show)
22910144 -
General education
Also available in another semester or year
22910127 -
Intercultural education
The course allows to acquire a) theoretical knowledge and basic operational skills in the fields of education and education sciences in order to analyze social, cultural and territorial realities and to develop, implement and manage educational practices and projects; b) and intervention, planning and educational skills in the early childhood and scholastic/extra-scholastic fields, with reference to the issues of integration of migrants and intercultural education.
Through the study of Intercultural Education the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of the discipline. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analyze the best practices of intercultural education in the scholastic and extra-scholastic contexts. Making judgements: - ability to analyze problematic situations from several points of view; - ability to identify the causes that have determined a certain problematic situation, also attributing to them suitably differentiated weights. Communication skills: - prevent and mediate conflicts; - adopt a positive attitude marked by openness and extroversion. Learning skills: - acquire learning skills necessary for cultural growth, professional development and continuing education and to undertake new studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Basic compulsory activities
22910122 -
Experimental pedagogy
Educators: The course aims to provide students with the conceptual and procedural tools of research in education. The first part will illustrate the historical and theoretical foundations of experimental pedagogy, the procedures for defining the areas of intervention, the methodologies and tools for collecting and analyzing data. In the second part, the discipline will be deepened through the study of a research project, whose phases will be examined also in the light of the theoretical assumptions illustrated in the first part of the course. The seminar will be dedicated to the reading and commentary of an educational classic. With the study of Experimental Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - acquire the basic concepts of experimental pedagogy; - to learn the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical investigation. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - Identify the specific areas of quantitative and qualitative research; - define a research problem; - formulating hypotheses. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to formulate autonomous judgments deriving from the interpretation of research results. In terms of communication skills: - Explain the results of the research to specialists and non-specialists. In terms of learning ability: - Study autonomously models and procedures for research in education.
Trainers: The course aims to provide students with the conceptual and procedural tools of research in education. The first part will illustrate the historical and theoretical foundations of experimental pedagogy; the procedures for the definition of the areas of intervention, the methodologies and tools for data collection and analysis. In the second part, the discipline will be deepened through the study of a research project, whose phases will be examined also in the light of the theoretical assumptions illustrated in the first part of the course. The seminar will be dedicated to the reading and commentary of an educational classic. With the study of Experimental Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - acquire the basic concepts of experimental pedagogy; - to learn the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical investigation. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - Identify the specific areas of quantitative and qualitative research; - define a research problem; - formulating hypotheses. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to formulate autonomous judgments deriving from the interpretation of research results. In terms of communication skills: - Explain the results of the research to specialists and non-specialists. In terms of learning ability: - Study autonomously models and procedures for research in education.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form m-ped 03 I anno - (show)
22910145 -
Intercultural Didactics
To acquire cognitive, critical and creative skills. To define the intercultural didactics like a form of educational mediation between the learners’ socio-cultural conditions and the global dimension of the knowledge, economics, politics, society, culture. To identify, consequently, methods, tools and contents of an international perspective on the education. Knowledge and understanding: to define the theoretical and practical field of the subject. Applying knowledge and understanding: to plan curricular and extra-curricular courses of intercultural didactics . Making judgements: to “de-colonize the mind” (Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o). Communication skills: to improve the written and oral proficiency of the Italian language also through the reading and the appreciation literary texts. Learning skills: learning to learn.
Core compulsory activities
22910133 -
General Didactics
Educators: The course of General Didactics, starting from a reflection on the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline, intends to analyze some of the most known and significant models of organization of didactics in formal education contexts, also in relation to the most recent contribution provided by ICT to education and learning processes. The course includes laboratory activities, to be carried out mainly online, related to the application on the field of tools for the self-assessment of strategic skills. With the study of General Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - know the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline; - know the main models of organization of the didactics; - to know the innovative aspects of the application of ICT to teaching and learning processes; - understand the importance of regulatory evaluation of teaching and learning processes. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - elaborate projects in the educational field by defining objectives, methodologies and evaluation tools; - apply tools for the self-assessment of strategic competences within training contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - analyse and interpret training needs within a given context and define appropriate action plans; - develop reflective skills on one's own professional actions. In terms of communication skills: - recognize and analyze one's professional beliefs and competences through the self-administration of the QPCC (Perception Questionnaires of one's Convictions and Competencies, Pellerey, 2000); - present in written and oral form the outcome of reflexive analyses of one's own strategic competences. In terms of learning ability: - grasp the main evolutionary aspects of the discipline by identifying the main sources of updating (national and international scientific journals).
Trainers: The course aims to give knowledge on the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural fundamentals of teaching and skills in the design of participatory didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion. Knowledge and understanding - Know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of teaching; - Understand the relationship between disciplinary content and educational organization.
Applying knowledge and understanding - Identify the didactic actions able to favor the development of disciplinary and transversal skills; - Identify the didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion.
Making judgements - Design educational actions based on different evolutionary periods; - Design educational actions aimed at improving learning contexts.
Communication skills - Contribute to group work; - Simulate educational actions.
Learning skills - Analyze a problematic situation from several points of view; - Be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Core compulsory activities
22910146 -
Education and learning technologies
To acquire a point of view on the media that allows to understand them as matrices and forms of knowledge To analyze the handbook as the main media of the education systems To offer comprehension and experience in the field of educational opportunities of the digital culture To give tools for an aware use of digital contents To use social network for collaborative educational activities Knowledge and understanding - To acquire a point of view on the media as matrices and forms of knowledge - To understand the features and the operations of every media Applying knowledge and understanding - To create educational activities using specific media - To choose consciously digital contents for educational purposes Making judgements - To study the features of every media - To evaluate the features and the effects of some cultural processes produced by the digital technologies Communication skills - To use digital collaborative social media for educational activities - To realise public presentations about specific issues of deepening Learning skills - To use specific research tools (link notes, book references) on line - To choose consciously selective research parameters on line
Core compulsory activities
22910124 -
General psychology
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Form SPS I anno - (show)
22910126 -
General sociology
The course aims to acquire the fundamentals of sociological knowledge with particular reference to the scientific character of sociology. Starting from an examination of the historical development of the discipline through the learning of the thought of the main authors, we propose an approach to the major theories, categories and sociological currents. With the study of General Sociology, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the theoretical principles of sociology; - ability to express oneself in the language and terms of the discipline; - understanding of the interconnections that structure the relationship between man and society in the various macro systemic contexts: social, economic, cultural. In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills applied: - ability to apply the knowledge acquired in research projects on the topics covered by the course; - ability to apply sociological theories by elaborating research hypotheses and selecting the most suitable research techniques. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - ability to critically read manuals and specialist texts concerning the discipline; - ability to identify the appropriate methods of study and research in relation to the different contexts of application; - ability to read critically the results of studies, research and projects. In terms of communication skills: - acquisition of terminology specific to the discipline; - ability to express clearly, even to a non-specialist audience, environmental issues in the global socio-economic context. In terms of learning capacity: - understanding of the importance of field observation and direct experience of the processes being studied.
Basic compulsory activities
22910116 -
Sociology of socialization processes + "Social inclusion" workshop
Basic compulsory activities
22910166 -
Computer skills
Other activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
EduForm Form m-ped 03 I anno - (show)
22910145 -
Intercultural Didactics
To acquire cognitive, critical and creative skills. To define the intercultural didactics like a form of educational mediation between the learners’ socio-cultural conditions and the global dimension of the knowledge, economics, politics, society, culture. To identify, consequently, methods, tools and contents of an international perspective on the education. Knowledge and understanding: to define the theoretical and practical field of the subject. Applying knowledge and understanding: to plan curricular and extra-curricular courses of intercultural didactics . Making judgements: to “de-colonize the mind” (Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o). Communication skills: to improve the written and oral proficiency of the Italian language also through the reading and the appreciation literary texts. Learning skills: learning to learn.
Core compulsory activities
22910133 -
General Didactics
Also available in another semester or year
22910146 -
Education and learning technologies
Also available in another semester or year
22910124 -
General psychology
- Knowledge about the psychic functioning in order to develop basic skills for the recognition of the psychological variables that co-determine the educational phenomena. - Knowledge about history, theoretical models and methods of investigation in psychological research; to states and levels of consciousness; to cognitive processes (perception, learning, memory, thought, creativity); to emotional dynamics (emotions, motivations and psychological conflict). - Methodological knowledge concerning the psychological variables involved in the learning-teaching processes and in the various training contexts. - Ability to analyze, design, implement and validate psychological evaluation tools useful in the educational field. - Knowledge related to cognitive, behavioral, social and emotional characteristics in subjects of developmental age and, in particular, in adults. Knowledge and understanding: - to define the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of general psychology; - to know the different research methods used by general psychology Applying knowledge and understanding: - to analyze the psychological processes in the various learning contexts; - to identify and generalize phenomena and psychological processes. Making judgements: - to analyze a problematic situation from several points of view; - to reconstruct the causes that have determined a certain problematic situation, also attributing to them suitably differentiated relative weights; - to draw conclusions based on a plurality of facts observed or inferred; - linking psychological theories to school and training situations; - to evaluate individual and social behavior. Communication skills: - to know and recognize the motivations of one's own behavior and that of others; - to demonstrate willingness to listen and ability to social interaction; - to explain, prevent and mediate conflicts; - to adopt a positive attitude marked by openness. Learning skills: - to exercise willingness to scientific research; - to be able to detect and measure psychological variables.
Basic compulsory activities
22910125 -
Contemporary history
GOALS Knowledge and understanding - Acquiring solid knowledge concerning the fundamental moments and aspects in contemporary 19th and 20th century history, starting with the revolutionary risings of 1848 and the formation of the European nation states, up to recent events. - Understanding the social, economic and cultural dynamics that determined the events of our contemporary era. Capability to implement knowledge and understanding - Connecting the History of Italy with the principal historical events of our contemporary era; - Putting the knowledge acquired to use by analysing even complex historical processes and connecting this knowledge to the information attained through other subjects of the course; - Situating the activities, modalities and products of institutional communication within a suitable historical context.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form SPS I anno - (show)
22910126 -
General sociology
The course aims to acquire the fundamentals of sociological knowledge with particular reference to the scientific character of sociology. Starting from an examination of the historical development of the discipline through the learning of the thought of the main authors, we propose an approach to the major theories, categories and sociological currents. With the study of General Sociology, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the theoretical principles of sociology; - ability to express oneself in the language and terms of the discipline; - understanding of the interconnections that structure the relationship between man and society in the various macro systemic contexts: social, economic, cultural. In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills applied: - ability to apply the knowledge acquired in research projects on the topics covered by the course; - ability to apply sociological theories by elaborating research hypotheses and selecting the most suitable research techniques. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - ability to critically read manuals and specialist texts concerning the discipline; - ability to identify the appropriate methods of study and research in relation to the different contexts of application; - ability to read critically the results of studies, research and projects. In terms of communication skills: - acquisition of terminology specific to the discipline; - ability to express clearly, even to a non-specialist audience, environmental issues in the global socio-economic context. In terms of learning capacity: - understanding of the importance of field observation and direct experience of the processes being studied.
Basic compulsory activities
22910116 -
Sociology of socialization processes + "Social inclusion" workshop
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Form m-ped I anno - (show)
22910144 -
General education
Students must show organic knowledge, coherently organized, in the field of fundamental theoretical frameworks of the discipline (the main pedagogical theories and approaches with particular reference to the contemporaneity). Students must show knowledge of the international debate on general education regarding in particular the analysis of complex society and post-modernity and the new questions posed to education by European policies. Knowledge and understanding Problematizations understanding of the key issues (the theme of education in contrast to the growth of inequality, the relationship between authority and freedom, the central position of the student, denotative characteristics of the “growth-oriented person” process, opposing theoretical approaches in the interpretation of adults training (such as personalism, the hermeneutics, etc..), the role of society – in its several systems and interaction processes – with the spheres of teaching, in reference to the scenarios and the interpretive perspectives of the late modernity (capability approach and human development). Applying knowledge and understanding Students must show ability to apply their knowledge and understanding with reference to a professional approach, emphasizing problem solving skills, knowing how to communicate issues, ideas and operating approaches, even dealing with specific study areas (family, micro-and macro-systems, etc.). Students will apply their knowledge to the reading of texts, the description and interpretation of social and multicultural contexts, the analysis of projects and initiatives that promote the development of individual and social learning processes even within communities, the school and the world of work. Making judgements Students should be able to argue autonomously about key issues of general education with reference to interpretive perspectives of the contemporary society. Communication skills Students will be able to develop various forms of (oral and written) Communication in group teaching situations. Learning skills Students will also be able to develop learning skills (information gathering and reliable web and bibliographic sources search), in view of further discussion and elaboration of an independent research.
Basic compulsory activities
22910127 -
Intercultural education
Also available in another semester or year
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910147 -
Adult education
Adult Education teaching aims to develop the acquisition of knowledge related to the new paradigms of Adult Education in the perspective of lifelong learning. It therefore has as objectives: 1. To provide students with historical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge related to Adult Education. 2. To develop skills and competences in the field of professions related to adult education, with particular attention to the acquisition of qualitative methods aimed at developing human resources. 3. To promote the ability to study the literature related to Adult Education.
With the Adult Education study the student will be able to achieve the following educational goals: - Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge and understanding of the theoretical, historical, epistemological and methodological dimensions of Adult Education in the perspective of lifelong learning. - Applying knowledge and understanding : Problem solving skills related to learning processes, activities and training paths for adults. Ability to investigate and organize complex problems and information in different contexts and according to appropriate methods for facilitating learning, designing and implementing training processes aimed at developing human resources. - Making judgements : Ability to analyze and elaborate the theories, processes and data related to Adult Education. Ability to evaluate the quality of processes and training projects in different contexts. - Communication skills: Ability to critically and systematically express arguments related to the theories and processes of Adult Education. Communication and relational skills useful for facilitating training processes and developing adult skills. - Learning skills: Ability to exercise critical and metariflexive functions in relation to the knowledge related to Adult Education and to one's own learning ability. Self-management skills in learning and using context resources for this purpose.
Core compulsory activities
22910136 -
History of Pedagogy
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Form SPS IUS II anno - (show)
22910150 -
Sociology of environment and territory
The teaching introduces to the study of the environment and the territory from a sociological point of view, pursuing the following objectives: to provide the basic knowledge on the multiple causes of the greenhouse effect and the hyper-exploitation of the environment; to make it possible to analyze the dimensions, causes and effects of the ecological deficit in the world, linking it to the sociological theme of inequality; equip the student with basic skills and abilities to apply in the studies. Knowledge and understanding:Knowledge of the theoretical principles of sociology of the environment and sustainable development in its various implications and in the various fields of application. Ability to express oneself with language and terms proper to the discipline. Understanding of the interconnections that structure the man-environment-society relationship in the various macro-systemic contexts: social, economic, cultural. Applied knowledge and understanding: Ability to apply the knowledge acquired in interventions (projects, research, studies) territorial partners. Ability to collect and analyze data for the acquisition of basic functional elements of integrated socio-territorial planning. Ability to choose and develop adequate indicators and descriptors for the study of socio-environmental processes and for the design of actions and plans for sustainable development. Making judgments: Ability to critically read manual and specialized texts concerning the discipline. Ability to analyze social and economic ties to the environmental theme. Ability to identify the appropriate study and research methodologies in relation to the different contexts of application. Ability to critically read the results of studies, research and projects. Communication skills: Acquisition of the specific terminology of the discipline. Ability to clearly express, even to a non-specialized public, environmental issues in the global socio-economic context. Ability to highlight and communicate the importance of maintaining complex natural balances for improving the quality of life. Learning skills:Understanding of the "primary levers" of learning processes. Understanding the importance of observation in the field and the direct experience of the processes in the study. Motivation and preparation for further specialization and master courses aimed at deepening the knowledge of the discipline.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910151 -
Constitutional law
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Form m-ped 04 MPSI04 II anno - (show)
22910152 -
Orientation psychology
With the study of Psychology of Orientation the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the main models of Orientation with particular reference to the new theories on career counseling of Savickas. In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - apply their knowledge and understanding by formulating career counselling projects. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - collecting and interpreting data relating to cognitive and personality characteristics that favour adaptation and flexibility in the search for and choice of a profession. In terms of communication skills: - be able to conceive and support arguments that apply the models of Psychology of Orientation to various training and work contexts. In terms of learning capacity: - Identify data related to cognitive and personality characteristics that favour adaptation and flexibility in the search for and choice of a profession
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910153 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910167 -
The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.
- Knowledge and understanding - to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline - to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches - Applying knowledge and understanding - analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected; - formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods. - Making judgements - linking statistical theory to school situations; - quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations. - Communication skills - evaluate quantitatively the educational processes; - report the results achieved. - Learning skills - exercise availability for scientific research in school settings; - access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910136 -
History of Pedagogy
The course’s objective is acquiring and consolidating knowledge concerning history of pedagogical ideas that have been expressed by some of the most important western authors between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. The aim is to make students aware that the history of past ideas is a fundamental tool for understanding present times.
Through the study of History of Pedagogy the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: 1) In terms of knowledge and understanding, the awareness of the epistemological foundations of the history of pedagogical ideas 2) In terms of ability to apply the acquired knowledge, the ability to critically analyze the relationship between pedagogical ideas and different educational practices; 3) In terms of autonomy of judgment, the ability to evaluate how much of the past survives in present educational contexts; 4) In terms of learning and research abilities, to increase the knowledge of the most recent cognitive pathways in the field of history of pedagogy and education; 5) communication skills aimed at identifying and criticizing stereotypes and prejudices conveyed by pedagogical ideas, in order to facilitate their overcoming through educational practices.
Basic compulsory activities
22910159 -
Human resources policy training
Teaching Training and human resource policies will provide students basic concepts associated with the new interpretative paradigm for the development of policies of Human Resources Management. The course is oriented both the international level and the evolution of the role of Personnel Management in Italy. The course also addresses the new role of organizational communication and continuing education as strategic levers for managing change cultural, professional, managerial and organizational processes in innovative companies and public administrations. Knowledge and understanding: - to provide both historical, theoretical and methodological knowledge related to the development of Human Resources Management policies, and the affirmation of training policies in a perspective of lifelong learning, the role of actors and social dialogue in Europe and in Italy. Applying knowledge and understanding: - to develop skills and competencies in the process analysis with respect to the evolution of three illustrative models of Personnel Management in Italy: the Office of Personnel Administration, the Directorate of Personnel Management, the Human Resources Department. Making judgements: - to promote critical analysis regarding the evolution of main Human Resources instruments: recruiting, selection, training, communication, management by objectives, evaluation models and incentive systems. Communication skills: - can communicate about their understanding, skills and activities, concerning the course contents, with peers, supervisors and clients. Learning skills: - have the learning skills to undertake further studies related to the issues of human resource management and more particularly the personnel selection, training, Balance of Competences, assessment and incentivisation, with a high degree of autonomy.
Core compulsory activities
22910142 -
Social psychology
The course aims at providing knowledge and skills allowing the student to understand the individual and group processes (e.g., individual differences, attitudes) at the basis of social interaction, and to use such capabilities interpret the social realm of every-day life, in applied fields such as health promotion, environmental education, and social sustainability. With the study of social psychology and social attitudes the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: • knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of social cognition; • knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical research in the social psychological domain;
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: • to distinguish naive social psychology from scientific knowledge of social behavior acquired through empirical research; • Apply models of human social interaction to the interpretation of the main contexts of everyday life in which social interaction takes place.
In terms of independent judgment: • distinguish between different approaches and worldviews at the base of social psychological research; • interpret social cognition issues in the light of theoretical models and empirical studies in social psychology.
In terms of communication skills: • synthesize and effectively present the main mechanisms of social interaction
In terms of learning ability: • deepen their knowledge using texts and models developed within behavioral and social sciences.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form m PED 03 II anno - (show)
22910148 -
Marginality education
The course aims to acquire knowledge related to the fields of education and training, identifying the interconnections with other knowledge according to an interdisciplinary approach, and skills of intervention and planning oriented to the construction of inclusive training courses. With the study of Pedagogy of Marginalisation the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of the discipline; - understand the interconnections of pedagogy with other knowledge. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - designing inclusive training courses; - use specific methods and tools of intervention in the field of education that can facilitate the processes of inclusion. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - Linking pedagogical theories to different training needs; - to foster a greater awareness of one's professional identity through the use of self-reflective devices. In terms of communication skills: - Interact in different contexts; - group planning. In terms of learning capacity: - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Core compulsory activities
22910149 -
Methodology of didactic research
The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate and for the improvement of the quality of formal educational processes. Knowledge and understanding - Understand the role of educational research in setting the general lines of learning; - Know the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach).
Applying knowledge and understanding - Use different data collection techniques; - Analyze, interpret and represent data.
Making judgements - Build hypotheses for solving problems based on the theoretical framework adopted; - Evaluate the impact of research results on educational contexts.
Communication skills - Draw up a research report in a form that can be understood by teachers and educators; - Simulate survey paths in groups.
Learning skills - Acquire a professional approach based on research and informed by research; - Be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form m-ped 04 MPSI04 II anno - (show)
22910152 -
Orientation psychology
Also available in another semester or year
22910153 -
The objectives of the course are: to have in-depth knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations of experimental research in adult education, with particular reference to evaluative research; to identify the drawbacks of mainstream assessment tests; to know the main national and international surveys on adult competences; to identify suitable tools for the collection of data through comparison with the main international surveys dedicated to the adult population; to analyse and interpret data concerning adult competences. - Knowledge and understanding: be able to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; be able to identify theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment.
- Making judgements: be able to analyze the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level; be able to conduct a critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
- Communication skills: be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists. - Learning skills: be able to identify the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population; be able to identify similarities or differences between international surveys with a high degree of autonomy.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form SPS IUS II anno - (show)
22910150 -
Sociology of environment and territory
Also available in another semester or year
22910151 -
Constitutional law
The course, within the framework of the legal phenomenon as an essential and indispensable means within which peoples find development and protection, is intended to provide knowledge of the fundamental principles and norms of the life of the State, of citizens and of all other subjects of the community. With the study of Constitutional Law the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - to know the historical and epistemological foundations of the discipline; - to know the fundamental principles and norms of the life of the State, of the citizens and of all the other subjects of the community. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - to understand the legal phenomenon as a means for the development and protection of peoples; - interpreting the sources of constitutional law. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - Linking legal theories to educational and school situations; - Identify legal actions capable of fostering development processes. In terms of communication skills: - Contribute to group work; - Simulate legal cases. In terms of learning capacity: - analyse a problem situation from several points of view; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Related or supplementary learning activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
EduForm Form FIL III anno - (show)
22910128 -
Moral philosophy
The Moral Philosophy course aims to provide students with the following training objectives: an adequate independence of judgment in order to elaborate ethical reflections; adequate communication skills to master a conceptually correct and precise philosophical language; sufficient capacity to understand the ethical issues that underlie current educational challenges.
-Knowledge and critical understanding of main currents of thought and of philosophical dimensions of educational models -Applying knowledge and understanding to solve problems in the field of work ethic and care of relationship -Making judgements: have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data to formulate independent judgments on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues related to their field of study or work -Communication skills: be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions -Learning skills: possess an adequate analysis methodology, using the tools of scientific research
Basic compulsory activities
22910130 -
History of philosophy
The course, through the reading of classical texts, aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research. By indicating from time to time the difficulties presented by the texts and the different possible interpretative solutions, it also aims to stimulate the student's critical reflection and autonomy of judgement. With the study of History of Philosophy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - understand the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research; - to know the classics of the history of philosophical thought. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyze the difficulties presented by the texts and propose different interpretative solutions; - planning and organizing philosophical thought in order to improve educational contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - to deal with the problems of the current era with a critical spirit; - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view. In terms of communication skills: - be available to listen; - Contribute to group work. In terms of learning ability: - to deal with scientific literature; - Developing the skills necessary for autonomous research.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form L LIN III anno - (show)
22910129 -
French language
Also available in another semester or year
22910131 -
Language and translation English
Also available in another semester or year
22910132 -
Spanish language
The Spanish language course aims to develop the four linguistic skills until the A2 level of the common European framework of reference for languages is reached. Reflections on the methodologies of learning foreign languages with theoretical and practical applications will be the subject of the course. In particular, we will focus on the importance of local languages in learning European languages, with particular attention to the convergence between Italian and Spanish languages. Reading and translation work will also be done in the classroom aimed at improving comprehension and linguistic production skills. - Knowledge and understanding: develop the four linguistic skills until the A2 level of the common European framework of reference for languages. - Applying knowledge and understanding: capacity to understand and produce a written or oral A2 level text in Spanish - Making judgements: Reflections on the methodologies of learning foreign languages. - Communication skills: knowledge of metalanguage related to language learning. - Learning skills: Knowledge of the methodologies for self-learning.
Core compulsory activities
22910164 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Form l lin lartIII anno - (show)
22910137 -
The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the basic structures of the language. This will be complemented by an investigation into the links between verbal language and the mind, linking general linguistics with psycholinguistics and cognitive sciences. With the study of General Linguistics, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding, at the end of the course the student: - has a general framework of general linguistics and relations with related disciplines; - knows the specific terminology, the main research topics and problems of the field of study related to linguistics; - knows the difference between dialects and languages. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding, at the end of the course the student: - knows how to use current terminology correctly in the field of general linguistics. In terms of judgment: - Can recognize and distinguish issues related to the way languages change. In terms of communication skills, the student will be able to: - communicate and interact with specialized and non-specialized audiences. In terms of learning ability, the student will be able to: - critically consult texts of a manualistic nature, connecting different aspects and contexts related to general linguistics.
Core compulsory activities
22910156 -
Cinema, photography and television
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910155 -
Social and Labour Education
Students must show knowledge of the key aspects of the discipline in its historical becoming (the vision of anthropological from the Christian vision, until the Renaissance and Hellenistic to the Fordist and postmodern), the emerging issues related to the evolution of social systems in the twentieth century up to thematizations of modernity, focusing on an interdisciplinary comparison (economics, sociology of organizations, social psychology). During this academic year, the programme will draw particular attention to the themes of the development of capabilities (Nussbaum, Sen) from the socio-pedagogical point of view. Knowledge and understanding Students should also show understanding of the fundamental issues of contemporaneity (the discussion about the “end” of work, the new “cultures” of work – smart working, industry 4.0, digital transformation –, the deconstruction processes related to globalization, flexible forms of work and precariousness, etc.). Applying knowledge and understanding Students must show ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in reference to a professional approach (especially regarding some areas of theoretical and methodological principles such as “models” of skills, the approach to the community of practice, the processes of professional needs analysis, etc.). Students will develop knowledge and understanding regarding theoretical models and empirical coordination processes applied in organizations (in different versions from those applied in the government to those which can be found in great and small businesses) regarding personnel selection, career development, resource assessment and leadership management. Making judgements Students will know how to find several sources of reference to develop insights – also through a personal approach – about the subject. Communication skills Students will deal with empirical fields of study and with the application through the methodology of cases analysis, of focus groups, of workshops, etc.. Also referring to opportunities for participation and exchange with external witnesses, developing autonomous skills to apply the models and practices developed in the professional field, preparation of summary reports, micro research development. Learning skills Students will also be able to develop learning skills (capacity access to sources), in view of further discussion and elaboration of an independent research on issues including border topics (new media and work, forms of work and cooperative networking, organizational learning, etc.).
Core compulsory activities
22910154 -
Labour law
The course is aiming at attaining the basic notion of labour law and industrial relations and the competence of the most relevant legal features for the administration and development of human resources, both in the private context and the in public. The students will acquire the essential legal knowledge for employee hiring, development and ending of labour relationship. Knowledge and understanding: - Learning of basic notion of labour law and industrial relations - Identification and understanding of all the sources of labour law and industrial relations Applying knowledge and understanding - Acquisition of the essential legal knowledge for employee hiring, development and ending of labour relationship Making judgements - Evaluating and identifying the best collective agreement to be applied to the employment relationship and the best solutions for the correct management of the relations with the trade unions - Evaluating and selecting the best solutions for the correct management of the employment relationship Communication skills - Using the skills acquired in the management of relations between employer and workers, on the one hand, and between employer and trade union organizations, on the other. Learning skills - Knowledge to select the rules for the solution of issues related to the management of employment relationships and the relationships with the trade unions in the work place
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form l lin lartIII anno - (show)
22910137 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910156 -
Cinema, photography and television
The course aims to acquire knowledge and skills related to the origins and development of the language of images, from photography to the web, and the use of images in education. With the study of Cinema, Photography and Television the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of the discipline; - be able to identify the different sources and nature of photographic, cinematographic and television images. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - discriminate the didactics of cinema from the didactic use of film; - use theories and models related to images in the educational field. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to make targeted choices of audio-visual narrations concerning the specific ages of the subjects to whom the educational-didactic action is addressed; - to conceive and write an audio-visual narration that can be used in the educational-didactic field. In terms of communication skills: - use the basic vocabulary of cinematic language; - contribute to group work; In terms of learning skills: - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form FIL III anno - (show)
22910128 -
Moral philosophy
Also available in another semester or year
22910130 -
History of philosophy
The course, through the reading of classical texts, aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research. By indicating from time to time the difficulties presented by the texts and the different possible interpretative solutions, it also aims to stimulate the student's critical reflection and autonomy of judgement. With the study of History of Philosophy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - understand the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research; - to know the classics of the history of philosophical thought. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyze the difficulties presented by the texts and propose different interpretative solutions; - planning and organizing philosophical thought in order to improve educational contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - to deal with the problems of the current era with a critical spirit; - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view. In terms of communication skills: - be available to listen; - Contribute to group work. In terms of learning ability: - to deal with scientific literature; - Developing the skills necessary for autonomous research.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Form L LIN III anno - (show)
22910129 -
French language
Acquire/improve the ability to understand written and oral French texts related to Education issues. Acquire/improve the ability to read aloud such texts and the linguistic tools allowing to re-elaborate them, thus producing autonomously simple and correct texts in French, written or oral. Reinforce the interest in cooperation and debate within a French language context, and increase the level of motivation, skills and autonomy in activities carried out through this language. Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of grammar, phonetics and syntax of the French language Knowledge of the main educational contexts of the French linguistic area; Applying knowledge and understanding - Use the French language for understanding and producing texts - Use the French language for the main communication exchanges Making judgements - To be able to evaluate and use independently textual materials in French; - To be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the educational field Communication skills - Understanding and production of written and oral texts in French - Manage group activities and collaboration in French. Learning skills - Acquire autonomy in self-learning vocabulary and content in French on educational issues - improve the ability to select content in French on the basis of specific educational goals.-
Core compulsory activities
22910131 -
Language and translation English
The aim is to provide a mainly pragmatic introductory approach to English language learning, paying particular attention to the cultural specificity of certain types of text. The main objective is to stimulate reflection on some specialist languages of English, including communication. With the study of English the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the grammatical, phonetic and syntactic structures of the English language; - to know the main educational contexts of the English language area. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - use the English language for comprehension and production of texts; - use the English language for the main communication exchanges. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - be able to evaluate and use independently text materials in English; - be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the field of education. In terms of communication skills: - understanding and production of written and oral texts in English; - English language management of group and collaborative activities. In terms of learning ability: - Gain autonomy in self-directed vocabulary and English language content on educational issues; - Improve the ability to select English language content on the basis of specific educational objectives.
Core compulsory activities
22910132 -
Spanish language
The Spanish language course aims to develop the four linguistic skills until the A2 level of the common European framework of reference for languages is reached. Reflections on the methodologies of learning foreign languages with theoretical and practical applications will be the subject of the course. In particular, we will focus on the importance of local languages in learning European languages, with particular attention to the convergence between Italian and Spanish languages. Reading and translation work will also be done in the classroom aimed at improving comprehension and linguistic production skills. - Knowledge and understanding: develop the four linguistic skills until the A2 level of the common European framework of reference for languages. - Applying knowledge and understanding: capacity to understand and produce a written or oral A2 level text in Spanish - Making judgements: Reflections on the methodologies of learning foreign languages. - Communication skills: knowledge of metalanguage related to language learning. - Learning skills: Knowledge of the methodologies for self-learning.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Eduform Form due insegnamenti da 6 CFU a scelta - (show)
22910157 -
Work psychology
The course aims to provide knowledge about the contexts and theories related to the psychology of work, forming the skills to analyze work behaviour and to interpret the complexity of the individual, structural, cultural, economic and social factors that influence and determine such work behaviour. With the study of the Psychology of work the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the main theories of occupational psychology; - acquire the theoretical and epistemological foundations of research applied to work contexts; - to know the main methodological approaches used in the field of occupational psychology. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - to be able to identify the needs of actors and stakeholders in the field of occupational psychology; - to know how to define the main lines of a project of analysis of the working context; - to be able to select procedures and techniques according to the objects and objectives of the analysis of the working context. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - identify the relationship between personal dynamics and decision making at the level of work organisation; - identify the relationship between psychological elements and organizational policies; - recognise the function of professional competence in relation to organisational culture. In terms of communication skills: - Being able to critically analyse the language used in the work context; - Being able to elaborate a plan for the analysis of organizational needs. In terms of learning ability: - deepen one's knowledge using texts of a manualistic and scientific nature in the sector.
Elective activities
22910230 -
Policies and services for study and work
With the study of Policies and services for study and work the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - understand the dialectical relationship that exists between policies and social services. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - to analyse the essential features of the labour market and the transformations of labour policies in the different national and European contexts; - to analyse the organisation of services in the various territorial contexts of reference. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - evaluate social interventions and policies for study and work in the current historical moment; - identify the resources present on the territory to manage with awareness the transformations in the organization of services. In terms of communication skills: - Interact in different contexts; - planning in groups. In terms of learning capacity: - exercise willingness to engage in scientific research; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Translated with
Elective activities
22910275 -
United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development - the implications for educational sciences
Modulo Base
Elective activities
Le implicazioni per le scienze della formazione
Elective activities
22910317 -
Language, learning and deafness
Elective activities
22910164 -
Other activities
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22910143 -
Final Test
Final examination and foreign language test
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910122 -
Experimental pedagogy
Educators: The course aims to provide students with the conceptual and procedural tools of research in education. The first part will illustrate the historical and theoretical foundations of experimental pedagogy, the procedures for defining the areas of intervention, the methodologies and tools for collecting and analyzing data. In the second part, the discipline will be deepened through the study of a research project, whose phases will be examined also in the light of the theoretical assumptions illustrated in the first part of the course. The seminar will be dedicated to the reading and commentary of an educational classic. With the study of Experimental Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - acquire the basic concepts of experimental pedagogy; - to learn the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical investigation. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - Identify the specific areas of quantitative and qualitative research; - define a research problem; - formulating hypotheses. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to formulate autonomous judgments deriving from the interpretation of research results. In terms of communication skills: - Explain the results of the research to specialists and non-specialists. In terms of learning ability: - Study autonomously models and procedures for research in education.
Trainers: The course aims to provide students with the conceptual and procedural tools of research in education. The first part will illustrate the historical and theoretical foundations of experimental pedagogy; the procedures for the definition of the areas of intervention, the methodologies and tools for data collection and analysis. In the second part, the discipline will be deepened through the study of a research project, whose phases will be examined also in the light of the theoretical assumptions illustrated in the first part of the course. The seminar will be dedicated to the reading and commentary of an educational classic. With the study of Experimental Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - acquire the basic concepts of experimental pedagogy; - to learn the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical investigation. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - Identify the specific areas of quantitative and qualitative research; - define a research problem; - formulating hypotheses. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to formulate autonomous judgments deriving from the interpretation of research results. In terms of communication skills: - Explain the results of the research to specialists and non-specialists. In terms of learning ability: - Study autonomously models and procedures for research in education.
Basic compulsory activities
22910123 -
The course aims to acquire knowledge on the fundamentals of special education and skills in the design of educational actions that can promote the processes of school and social inclusion. With the study of Special Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding - to know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of special didactics; - understand the role of the socio-affective and emotional dimension in the teaching-learning process. In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - elaborate, manage and evaluate educational interventions and projects; - Establish and manage an effective educational relationship with people and groups with special educational needs (BES). In terms of autonomy of judgement: - Identify pedagogical actions and devices that can support school and social inclusion processes; - planning didactic actions aimed at combating early school leaving and overcoming marginalization and discomfort. In terms of communication skills: - contribute to group work; - Simulate didactic actions. In terms of learning capacity: - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Core compulsory activities
22910124 -
General psychology
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ M-PED/01 I anno - (show)
22910120 -
Professional education
The aim of the course is to analyse the figure and functions of the "Educator", a profession that originates in social professional education whose essential treaties are recognized in methodologies and principles typical of essential education as it has developed in the European middle context. With the study of Professional Pedagogy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - to understand the essential traits of social vocational education in the current historical moment. In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyse the problems of the couple and family and those belonging to the essential education; - Analyse best practices in the European context. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - Identify the educational needs of social institutions; - Evaluate innovations in the national and international context. In terms of communication skills: - Interact in social contexts; - designing educational actions in groups. In terms of learning capacity: - Exercise willingness to scientific research in different contexts; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Basic compulsory activities
22910121 -
Education Philosophy
Also available in another semester or year
22910166 -
Computer skills
Other activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910124 -
General psychology
- Knowledge about the psychic functioning in order to develop basic skills for the recognition of the psychological variables that co-determine the educational phenomena. - Knowledge about history, theoretical models and methods of investigation in psychological research; to states and levels of consciousness; to cognitive processes (perception, learning, memory, thought, creativity); to emotional dynamics (emotions, motivations and psychological conflict). - Methodological knowledge concerning the psychological variables involved in the learning-teaching processes and in the various training contexts. - Ability to analyze, design, implement and validate psychological evaluation tools useful in the educational field. - Knowledge related to cognitive, behavioral, social and emotional characteristics in subjects of developmental age and, in particular, in adults. Knowledge and understanding: - to define the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of general psychology; - to know the different research methods used by general psychology Applying knowledge and understanding: - to analyze the psychological processes in the various learning contexts; - to identify and generalize phenomena and psychological processes. Making judgements: - to analyze a problematic situation from several points of view; - to reconstruct the causes that have determined a certain problematic situation, also attributing to them suitably differentiated relative weights; - to draw conclusions based on a plurality of facts observed or inferred; - linking psychological theories to school and training situations; - to evaluate individual and social behavior. Communication skills: - to know and recognize the motivations of one's own behavior and that of others; - to demonstrate willingness to listen and ability to social interaction; - to explain, prevent and mediate conflicts; - to adopt a positive attitude marked by openness. Learning skills: - to exercise willingness to scientific research; - to be able to detect and measure psychological variables.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ Sps I anno - (show)
22910126 -
General sociology
The course aims to acquire the fundamentals of sociological knowledge with particular reference to the scientific character of sociology. Starting from an examination of the historical development of the discipline through the learning of the thought of the main authors, we propose an approach to the major theories, categories and sociological currents. With the study of General Sociology, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the theoretical principles of sociology; - ability to express oneself in the language and terms of the discipline; - understanding of the interconnections that structure the relationship between man and society in the various macro systemic contexts: social, economic, cultural. In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills applied: - ability to apply the knowledge acquired in research projects on the topics covered by the course; - ability to apply sociological theories by elaborating research hypotheses and selecting the most suitable research techniques. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - ability to critically read manuals and specialist texts concerning the discipline; - ability to identify the appropriate methods of study and research in relation to the different contexts of application; - ability to read critically the results of studies, research and projects. In terms of communication skills: - acquisition of terminology specific to the discipline; - ability to express clearly, even to a non-specialist audience, environmental issues in the global socio-economic context. In terms of learning capacity: - understanding of the importance of field observation and direct experience of the processes being studied.
Basic compulsory activities
22902476 -
sociology of education
22902476-1 -
Basic compulsory activities
22902476-2 -
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ M-PED/01 I anno - (show)
22910120 -
Professional education
Also available in another semester or year
22910121 -
Education Philosophy
The principle of educational continuity constitutes the background of contemporary educational thought. The new educational philosophical orientations require a reflection on the adaptation of the conceptual and operational tools that serve to address the relationship between experience and education. By studying the Philosophy of Education the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - understand The principle of educational continuity. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyse the relationship between experience and education; - Identify conceptual and operational tools to address the relationship between experience and education. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - understand contemporary educational thinking; - identify and generalize educational phenomena and processes. In terms of communication skills: - Interact in the classroom and outside the classroom; - Linking pedagogical theories to contemporary educational issues. In terms of learning capacity: - understand the educational challenge and propose solutions in the light of the new educational philosophical orientations; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Basic compulsory activities
22910125 -
Contemporary history
GOALS Knowledge and understanding - Acquiring solid knowledge concerning the fundamental moments and aspects in contemporary 19th and 20th century history, starting with the revolutionary risings of 1848 and the formation of the European nation states, up to recent events. - Understanding the social, economic and cultural dynamics that determined the events of our contemporary era. Capability to implement knowledge and understanding - Connecting the History of Italy with the principal historical events of our contemporary era; - Putting the knowledge acquired to use by analysing even complex historical processes and connecting this knowledge to the information attained through other subjects of the course; - Situating the activities, modalities and products of institutional communication within a suitable historical context.
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22901964 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ Antr fil II anno - (show)
22902520 -
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnography Lab
22902520-1 -
Basic compulsory activities
22902520-2 -
Basic compulsory activities
22910128 -
Moral philosophy
The Moral Philosophy course aims to provide students with the following training objectives: an adequate independence of judgment in order to elaborate ethical reflections; adequate communication skills to master a conceptually correct and precise philosophical language; sufficient capacity to understand the ethical issues that underlie current educational challenges.
-Knowledge and critical understanding of main currents of thought and of philosophical dimensions of educational models -Applying knowledge and understanding to solve problems in the field of work ethic and care of relationship -Making judgements: have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data to formulate independent judgments on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues related to their field of study or work -Communication skills: be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions -Learning skills: possess an adequate analysis methodology, using the tools of scientific research
Basic compulsory activities
22910130 -
History of philosophy
The course, through the reading of classical texts, aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research. By indicating from time to time the difficulties presented by the texts and the different possible interpretative solutions, it also aims to stimulate the student's critical reflection and autonomy of judgement. With the study of History of Philosophy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - understand the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research; - to know the classics of the history of philosophical thought. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyze the difficulties presented by the texts and propose different interpretative solutions; - planning and organizing philosophical thought in order to improve educational contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - to deal with the problems of the current era with a critical spirit; - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view. In terms of communication skills: - be available to listen; - Contribute to group work. In terms of learning ability: - to deal with scientific literature; - Developing the skills necessary for autonomous research.
Basic compulsory activities
22910127 -
Intercultural education
The course allows to acquire a) theoretical knowledge and basic operational skills in the fields of education and education sciences in order to analyze social, cultural and territorial realities and to develop, implement and manage educational practices and projects; b) and intervention, planning and educational skills in the early childhood and scholastic/extra-scholastic fields, with reference to the issues of integration of migrants and intercultural education.
Through the study of Intercultural Education the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of the discipline. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analyze the best practices of intercultural education in the scholastic and extra-scholastic contexts. Making judgements: - ability to analyze problematic situations from several points of view; - ability to identify the causes that have determined a certain problematic situation, also attributing to them suitably differentiated weights. Communication skills: - prevent and mediate conflicts; - adopt a positive attitude marked by openness and extroversion. Learning skills: - acquire learning skills necessary for cultural growth, professional development and continuing education and to undertake new studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ M-PED03 II anno - (show)
22910133 -
General Didactics
Educators: The course of General Didactics, starting from a reflection on the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline, intends to analyze some of the most known and significant models of organization of didactics in formal education contexts, also in relation to the most recent contribution provided by ICT to education and learning processes. The course includes laboratory activities, to be carried out mainly online, related to the application on the field of tools for the self-assessment of strategic skills. With the study of General Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - know the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline; - know the main models of organization of the didactics; - to know the innovative aspects of the application of ICT to teaching and learning processes; - understand the importance of regulatory evaluation of teaching and learning processes. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - elaborate projects in the educational field by defining objectives, methodologies and evaluation tools; - apply tools for the self-assessment of strategic competences within training contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - analyse and interpret training needs within a given context and define appropriate action plans; - develop reflective skills on one's own professional actions. In terms of communication skills: - recognize and analyze one's professional beliefs and competences through the self-administration of the QPCC (Perception Questionnaires of one's Convictions and Competencies, Pellerey, 2000); - present in written and oral form the outcome of reflexive analyses of one's own strategic competences. In terms of learning ability: - grasp the main evolutionary aspects of the discipline by identifying the main sources of updating (national and international scientific journals).
Trainers: The course aims to give knowledge on the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural fundamentals of teaching and skills in the design of participatory didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion. Knowledge and understanding - Know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of teaching; - Understand the relationship between disciplinary content and educational organization.
Applying knowledge and understanding - Identify the didactic actions able to favor the development of disciplinary and transversal skills; - Identify the didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion.
Making judgements - Design educational actions based on different evolutionary periods; - Design educational actions aimed at improving learning contexts.
Communication skills - Contribute to group work; - Simulate educational actions.
Learning skills - Analyze a problematic situation from several points of view; - Be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Core compulsory activities
22910134 -
Learning goals: the student is able to discuss learning changes moved by digital technologies and to design blended learning paths. Relational goals: the student improves his communicating skills and is well active in learning communities - Knowledge and understanding: the student is conscius that knowledge is endlessly changing - Applying knowledge and understanding: the student uses Internet effectively - Making judgements: the student is well oriented on Internet - Communication skills: the student is able in public speaking - Learning skills: the student knows his meta-learnig
Core compulsory activities
22910167 -
The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.
- Knowledge and understanding - to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline - to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches - Applying knowledge and understanding - analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected; - formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods. - Making judgements - linking statistical theory to school situations; - quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations. - Communication skills - evaluate quantitatively the educational processes; - report the results achieved. - Learning skills - exercise availability for scientific research in school settings; - access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ II anno - (show)
22910135 -
STUDY OF ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES and evaluation of social educational services
Also available in another semester or year
22901973 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910163 -
History of education
The course’s objective is acquiring and consolidating knowledge concerning history of pedagogical ideas that have been expressed by some of the most important western authors between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. The aim is to make students aware that the history of past ideas is a fundamental tool for understanding present times.
Through the study of History of Pedagogy the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: 1) In terms of knowledge and understanding, the awareness of the epistemological foundations of the history of pedagogical ideas 2) In terms of ability to apply the acquired knowledge, the ability to critically analyze the relationship between pedagogical ideas and different educational practices; 3) In terms of autonomy of judgment, the ability to evaluate how much of the past survives in present educational contexts; 4) In terms of learning and research abilities, to increase the knowledge of the most recent cognitive pathways in the field of history of pedagogy and education; 5) communication skills aimed at identifying and criticizing stereotypes and prejudices conveyed by pedagogical ideas, in order to facilitate their overcoming through educational practices.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ Lingue II anno - (show)
22910160 -
French language
Also available in another semester or year
22910161 -
Language and translation English
Also available in another semester or year
22910162 -
Spanish language
The Spanish language course aims to develop the four language skills up to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course will focus on reflections on foreign language learning methodologies with theoretical and practical applications. In particular, we will focus on the importance of local languages in the learning of European languages, with particular attention to the convergence between Italian and Spanish languages. With the study of the Spanish language the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - develop the 4 language skills up to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - ability to understand and produce a written or oral A2 level text in Spanish. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - ability to reflect on language learning methodologies. In terms of communication skills: - knowledge of metal language related to language training. In terms of learning ability: - knowledge of self-learning methodologies.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ lin+art II anno - (show)
22910137 -
The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the basic structures of the language. This will be complemented by an investigation into the links between verbal language and the mind, linking general linguistics with psycholinguistics and cognitive sciences. With the study of General Linguistics, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding, at the end of the course the student: - has a general framework of general linguistics and relations with related disciplines; - knows the specific terminology, the main research topics and problems of the field of study related to linguistics; - knows the difference between dialects and languages. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding, at the end of the course the student: - knows how to use current terminology correctly in the field of general linguistics. In terms of judgment: - Can recognize and distinguish issues related to the way languages change. In terms of communication skills, the student will be able to: - communicate and interact with specialized and non-specialized audiences. In terms of learning ability, the student will be able to: - critically consult texts of a manualistic nature, connecting different aspects and contexts related to general linguistics.
Core compulsory activities
22902570 -
Musicology, history and sociology of music
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ Lingue II anno - (show)
22910160 -
French language
Acquire/improve the ability to understand written and oral French texts related to Education issues. Acquire/improve the ability to read aloud such texts and the linguistic tools allowing to re-elaborate them, thus producing autonomously simple and correct texts in French, written or oral. Reinforce the interest in cooperation and debate within a French language context, and increase the level of motivation, skills and autonomy in activities carried out through this language. Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of grammar, phonetics and syntax of the French language Knowledge of the main educational contexts of the French linguistic area; Applying knowledge and understanding - Use the French language for understanding and producing texts - Use the French language for the main communication exchanges Making judgements - To be able to evaluate and use independently textual materials in French; - To be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the educational field Communication skills - Understanding and production of written and oral texts in French - Manage group activities and collaboration in French. Learning skills - Acquire autonomy in self-learning vocabulary and content in French on educational issues - improve the ability to select content in French on the basis of specific educational goals.-
Core compulsory activities
22910161 -
Language and translation English
The aim is to provide a mainly pragmatic introductory approach to English language learning, paying particular attention to the cultural specificity of certain types of text. The main objective is to stimulate reflection on some specialist languages of English, including communication. With the study of English the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the grammatical, phonetic and syntactic structures of the English language; - to know the main educational contexts of the English language area. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - use the English language for comprehension and production of texts; - use the English language for the main communication exchanges. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - be able to evaluate and use independently text materials in English; - be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the field of education. In terms of communication skills: - understanding and production of written and oral texts in English; - English language management of group and collaborative activities. In terms of learning ability: - Gain autonomy in self-directed vocabulary and English language content on educational issues; - Improve the ability to select English language content on the basis of specific educational objectives.
Core compulsory activities
22910162 -
Spanish language
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ II anno - (show)
22910135 -
STUDY OF ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES and evaluation of social educational services
To have a conceptual knowledge of the origins and the key developments of evaluation and evaluation research; to master the theoretical and epistemological framework of evaluation research; to know the most important theoretical and practical approaches to evaluation and evaluation research; to identify the relationships between policies and evaluation in the field of education and of social services; to critically discuss the relation between evaluation and policies both at a macro- and at a micro- levels. Knowledge and understanding To have a conceptual knowledge of the origins and the key developments of evaluation and evaluation research; to master the theoretical and epistemological framework of evaluation research; to know the most important theoretical and practical approaches to evaluation and evaluation research.
Applying knowledge and understanding Be able to: identify actors’ and stakeholders’ needs for the evaluation; define an evaluation plan; select approaches and tools in relation to aims and objectives of the evaluation.
Making judgements Be able to: identify the relationships between policies and evaluation in the field of education and of social services; critically discuss the relation between evaluation and policies both at a macro- and at a micro-levels.
Communication skills Be able to: critically analyse the concepts and language used in the field of evaluation; draft an evaluation plan.
Learning skills To be able to deepen the acquired knowledge through different texts and learning experiences.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22901973 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910163 -
History of education
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ Antr fil II anno - (show)
22902520 -
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnography Lab
22902520-1 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902520-2 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910128 -
Moral philosophy
Also available in another semester or year
22910130 -
History of philosophy
The course, through the reading of classical texts, aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research. By indicating from time to time the difficulties presented by the texts and the different possible interpretative solutions, it also aims to stimulate the student's critical reflection and autonomy of judgement. With the study of History of Philosophy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - understand the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of historical-philosophical research; - to know the classics of the history of philosophical thought. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyze the difficulties presented by the texts and propose different interpretative solutions; - planning and organizing philosophical thought in order to improve educational contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - to deal with the problems of the current era with a critical spirit; - analyse a problematic situation from different points of view. In terms of communication skills: - be available to listen; - Contribute to group work. In terms of learning ability: - to deal with scientific literature; - Developing the skills necessary for autonomous research.
Basic compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ m-ped III anno - (show)
22910138 -
The course aims to analyze the role that the body plays in individual and collective training through the examination of the most significant theories developed by different pedagogical approaches. In particular, the emphasis will be on the educational aspects of the image of the body that society currently proposes. Educational action is based on a system whose objectives are the formation and realization of the person, with the concretization of his slopes and with a balanced relationship with others. With the study of Psychomotor Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - analyse the most significant theories elaborated by the different pedagogical approaches. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - understand the role of the body in individual and collective training; - analyse best practices in the European context. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - Identify the essential traits of psychomotor education for training and personal fulfilment; - Evaluate educational actions in terms of a balanced relationship with others. In terms of communication skills: - Interact in social contexts; - designing educational actions in groups. In terms of learning capacity: - Exercise willingness to scientific research in different contexts; - be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
Core compulsory activities
22910139 -
Expression education
Also available in another semester or year
22910158 -
Organizational sociology
The teaching of Sociology of organizations will make students acquire the basic concepts of the theoretical framework of organizational sociology and examine the interconnections with other disciplines, which have, as their object of study, work and organizations, through the analysis of organizational theories and empirical study of new organizational models operating in innovative companies and public administrations.
The Workshop on Organisational Learning proposes: to illustrate and to comment principal concepts related to the theoretical framework, which describes and explains the organisational learning, with particular reference to factors which promote it; to understand the relevance for the organizational practice of the concepts and models discussed through the presentation of one case study.
The workshop on Empowerment Tools for organisations aims to achieve, in particular, the following learning objectives. 1. Provide useful theoretical and methodological assumptions to understand various tools of empowerment of the subject and the specificity that characterizes them for organizational purposes, with a focus on counseling and coaching. 2. Develop emotional skills, self-evaluation and reflective skills, through the experiential dimension, that will allow them to experience some of the tools of personal growth that will be presented. 3. Promote critical reflection on the organizational use of such instruments. Knowledge and understanding: - to provide knowledge of historical, theoretical and methodological models for the transition from Taylor-Fordist type of organizational and bureaucratic approach “cognitive”, and the analysis of the interconnections of a cultural and management relating to the affirmation of the company network and the Total Quality Management. Applying knowledge and understanding: - to develop skills and expertise in the analysis of the processes of evolution of organizational models, on the development of organizational learning, in view of intertwining of individual and collective dynamics in the functioning of organizations and the necessary integration between the strategic variables: people, processes, technologies and facilities. Making judgements: - to promote critical analysis of the evolution of organizational models in public administration, on the transformation of the bureaucratic model and the success of the telocratic model of new public management, based on analysis of business case studies and testimonials. Communication skills: - can communicate about their understanding, skills and activities, concerning the course contents, with peers, supervisors and clients. Learning skills: - have the learning skills to undertake further studies related to the analysis of the various organizational models, with particular attention to the structural and cultural dimensions, to the coordination mechanisms, to the redesign of innovative organizational models, with a high degree of autonomy.
Organisational Learning In terms of knowledge and understanding: - acquire the fundamental concepts of the theoretical framework of organizational learning: the pushes and resistance to change within an organization; organizational learning and skills development; organizational learning as a key to preside over change and innovation; explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge and knowledge management; reflexive skills as a key to a balanced development of competences in organizations. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - develop skills in the analysis of explicit and tacit learning processes in organizations. In terms of independent judgment: - develop the capacity for critical analysis of the evolution of the reference theoretical models of organizational learning. In terms of communication skills: - being able to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems and solutions, relating to the topics of the course, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. In terms of learning ability: - develop the skills to undertake subsequent studies, related to the analysis of organizational learning models, to the design of analysis models, even innovative ones, with a high degree of autonomy.
Empowerment Tools for organisations In terms of knowledge and understanding: - acquire the fundamental concepts related to organizational empowerment tools by comparing methodologies and experimenting with some approaches to improve organizational processes and enhance human resources. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - develop skills to recognize and implement different tools in use In terms of independent judgment: - to develop the capacity for critical analysis with respect to the evolution of theoretical models related to organizational planning and the valorisation of HR. In terms of communication skills: - being able to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems and solutions, relating to the topics of the course, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. In terms of learning ability: - develop the skills to undertake subsequent studies, related to the evolution of empowerment tools for organizations, to the planning and sharing of experiences and good practices with a high degree of autonomy.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910141 -
Health law
Analysis of the historical-legal framework inherent to the healthcare services organized to take care of needy or weak people (drug addicts, minors, disabled, foreigners, poor, prisoners, people suffering from chronic diseases, the elderly), aimed at promoting knowledge about the personal and social features of the people characterized from specific needs and about techniques of treatment and recovery of the same people. - Knowledge and understanding: to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; to know the healthcare system in the national, European and international context. - Applying knowledge and understanding: critically analyze the effectiveness and appropriateness of the techniques to treat specific health needs; to examine in the specific context the legislative and organizational processes. - Making judgements: to apply the theoretical precepts to the concrete solutions supplied by the political decision maker; to evaluate regulatory innovations. - Communication skills: to use communication strategies in social and professional contexts; to develop the competence in finding personalized solutions according to the specific need. - Learning skills: to put in practice the aptitude for empirical research in working contexts; to lead the carrying out of scientific studies in the search for solutions to concrete problems.
Core compulsory activities
22910142 -
Social psychology
The course aims at providing knowledge and skills allowing the student to understand the individual and group processes (e.g., individual differences, attitudes) at the basis of social interaction, and to use such capabilities interpret the social realm of every-day life, in applied fields such as health promotion, environmental education, and social sustainability. With the study of social psychology and social attitudes the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: • knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of social cognition; • knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical research in the social psychological domain;
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: • to distinguish naive social psychology from scientific knowledge of social behavior acquired through empirical research; • Apply models of human social interaction to the interpretation of the main contexts of everyday life in which social interaction takes place.
In terms of independent judgment: • distinguish between different approaches and worldviews at the base of social psychological research; • interpret social cognition issues in the light of theoretical models and empirical studies in social psychology.
In terms of communication skills: • synthesize and effectively present the main mechanisms of social interaction
In terms of learning ability: • deepen their knowledge using texts and models developed within behavioral and social sciences.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
EduForm Educ m-ped III anno - (show)
22910138 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910139 -
Expression education
The course will allow students to acquire: - theoretical knowledge and methodological-didactic skills relating to learning and teaching processes which use artistic and poetic forms of human expression. - basic knowledge relating to the development of expressive and relational human capabilities and of the dynamisms that contribute to the creation and fruition of a work of art. INGLESE With the study of Pedagogy of Expression the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - to describe the epistemological field and methodological procedures that characterize the discipline; - to identify the problematic issues that lie within the discipline. In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - to test on themselves the methodological knowledge acquired; - to devise paths of pedagogy of expression suitable for different educational contexts. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to connect the theoretical dimension to the educational practice in the expressive field; - to evaluate workshops related to pedagogy of expression in relation to different educational contexts. In terms of communication skills: - to convey the sense and value of pedagogical attention to expressive dynamics; - to contribute to the realization of educational projects that develop relational and expressive skills. In terms of learning skills: - to interpret a poetic and a theatrical text; - to integrate educational proposals that are not responsive to the dynamics of human expression and understanding.
Core compulsory activities
22910140 -
History of comparative and intercultural education
The objectives of the course are aimed at the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge and skills capable of: - to reconstruct and interpret the development of educational events (favouring institutions, representations and educational destinies as "places" of analysis) starting from the process of unification of the Italian state up to the present day, using the tools of the social historiography of education; - retrace the history of comparative pedagogy by defining its epistemological and methodological structure and identifying both theoretical and empirical tools aimed at pedagogical-comparative analysis; - to reflect on the scenario and on the socio-educational processes that characterize our contemporaneity in order to plan educational interventions also in the intercultural field.
With the study of the History of Comparative and Intercultural Education, the students will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: -to know theories and operational skills of a methodological nature of European and international historical-educational and social research, both in a comparative and intercultural context; to know models, tools and strategies of intervention aimed at fostering inclusive paths in socio-cultural and educational contexts, by virtue of the continuous and constant exercise of memory (as a pedagogical device) that defines the direction of meaning of educational action aimed at rereading and reconstructing the past, in order to understand the present and plan the future.
In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: -use methodological tools to initiate pedagogical-comparative and intercultural analyses; -analysing and interpreting national and international documents; -Analyse written sources from a comparative perspective; -Reflect on the formative processes and on the different educational practices in order to plan educational interventions also in the intercultural field.
In terms of autonomy of judgement: - to develop the capacity to observe, detect and document the discontinuities, transformations and permanencies that, by virtue of the constant exercise of memory, allow us to restore to the historical time of education and pedagogy its characters of pluralism and problematic, its languages, its knowledge, its emotions, its identities; - to develop the capacity to observe and document the historical and social conflict that goes through the processes investigated, highlighting the different forms of emancipation and conformation that permeate it.
In terms of communication skills: -to contribute to the realization of educational projects in which personal reflection, discussion, exercises - both individual and group - can contribute to the understanding of the knowledge at stake and the use of scientific terminology acquired; -to develop specific relational skills in the intercultural field; -Reflecting on emotional skills.
In terms of learning ability: -be able to direct the contents learned towards a method of observation, analysis and intervention in relation to the contexts in which it operates and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them; -be able to access the scientific literature of the sector, identifying reliable sources; -be aware of the importance of continuous learning, which also comes from the comparison with other professionals and experts in the educational sector.
Basic compulsory activities
22910164 -
Other activities
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22910182 -
A scelta dello studente
Elective activities
22910143 -
Final Test
Final examination and foreign language test
Teachings extracurricular: