Degree Course: Educational Sciences for Professional educators and adults' educators A.Y. 2024/2025

Expected learning outcomes  Syllabus  Italian version 

First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional Group: EduForm Form m-ped I anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form I anno M-PED/04 - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form m-ped 03 I anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form SPS I anno - (show) Info              
22910166 - Computer skills (objectives) INF/01  18  Other activities  ITA
22910124 - General psychology (objectives) M-PSI/01  54  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional Group: EduForm Form m-ped 03 I anno - (show) Info              
22910125 - Contemporary history (objectives) M-STO/04  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Form I anno M-PED/04 - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form SPS I anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form m-ped I anno - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
22910147 - Adult education (objectives) M-PED/01  54  Core compulsory activities  ITA
22910136 - History of Pedagogy Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group: EduForm Form SPS IUS II anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form m-ped 04 MPSI04 II anno - (show) Info              
22910149 - Methodology of didactic research (objectives) M-PED/03  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
22910167 - Statistics (objectives) SECS-S/01  54  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
22910136 - History of Pedagogy (objectives) M-PED/02  54  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
22910159 - Human resources policy training (objectives) SPS/09  54  Core compulsory activities  ITA
22910142 - Social psychology (objectives) M-PSI/05  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Form m-ped 04 MPSI04 II anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form SPS IUS II anno - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional Group: EduForm Form FIL III anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form L LIN III anno - (show) Info              
22910164 - Tirocinio Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group: EduForm Form l lin lartIII anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: Eduform Form due insegnamenti da 6 CFU a scelta - (show) Info 12               
22910154 - Labour law (objectives) IUS/07  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
22910155 - Social and Labour Education (objectives) M-PED/01  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Form l lin lartIII anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form FIL III anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Form L LIN III anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: Eduform Form due insegnamenti da 6 CFU a scelta - (show) Info 12               
22910164 - Tirocinio (objectives)
  50  Other activities 
12    300  Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e) 
22910143 - Final Test (objectives)   Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
TOTAL 180                
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
22910721 - Pedagogy and didactics for inclusion (objectives) M-PED/03  54  Core compulsory activities  ITA
22910124 - General psychology (objectives) M-PSI/01  54  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Educ M-PED/01 I anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ I anno M-PED/04 - (show) Info              
22910166 - Computer skills (objectives) INF/01  18  Other activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional Group: EduForm Educ Sps I anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ M-PED/01 I anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ I anno M-PED/04 - (show) Info              
22910125 - Contemporary history (objectives) M-STO/04  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional Group: EduForm Educ Antr fil II anno - (show) Info              
22910127 - Intercultural education (objectives) M-PED/01  54  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Educ M-PED03 II anno - (show) Info              
22910167 - Statistics (objectives) SECS-S/01  54  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Educ II anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ Lingue II anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ lin+art II anno - (show) Info              
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
22901964 - PSYCHOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (L39/40) (objectives) M-PSI/04  36  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Educ M-PED03 II anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ Lingue II anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ II anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: EduForm Educ Antr fil II anno - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
22910158 - Organizational sociology (objectives) SPS/09  54  Core compulsory activities  ITA
22910164 - Tirocinio Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group: EduForm Educ m-ped III anno - (show) Info              
Optional Group: Eduform Educ due insegnamenti da 6 CFU a scelta - (show) Info 12               
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
22910141 - Health law (objectives) IUS/09  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
22910142 - Social psychology (objectives) M-PSI/05  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional Group: EduForm Educ m-ped III anno - (show) Info              
22910140 - History of comparative and intercultural education (objectives) M-PED/02  54  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
22910164 - Tirocinio (objectives)
  50  Other activities 
12    300  Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e) 
Optional Group: Eduform Educ due insegnamenti da 6 CFU a scelta - (show) Info 12               
22910143 - Final Test (objectives)   Final examination and foreign language test  ITA