Degree Course: Environmental Economics, labour and sustainable development
A.Y. 2023/2024
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
Il laureato magistrale avrà
- conoscenze avanzate e capacità di elaborazione originale nei campi della
sostenibilità ambientale, della promozione di processi di sviluppo economico,
della pianificazione, valorizzazione e promozione del territorio, e della gestione etica e sostenibile delle attività imprenditoriali;
- conoscenza delle discipline macroeconomiche e del funzionamento del mercato del lavoro, nonché del contesto giuridico-istituzionale all'interno del quale il mercato del lavoro opera al fine di comprendere pienamente le politiche economiche rilevanti e la loro implementazione;
- conoscenze approfondite nel campo dell'analisi quantitativa (sia matematica che statistico-econometrica) dei fenomeni economici oggetto di studio;
- consapevolezza informata e conoscenza dell'ambiente istituzionale e normativo
in cui avvengono i fenomeni economici di sua competenza.
Gli strumenti per il raggiungimento di tali conoscenze sono la partecipazione alle lezioni frontali, esercitazioni, seminari, oltre che lo studio autonomo dello studente, associati alle varie attività formative previste.
Il materiale didattico comprende manuali di diffusione internazionale, ma è anche previsto un accesso diretto alla letteratura economica.
La verifica del raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento avviene
principalmente attraverso esami, scritti ed orali, ed esposizioni orali.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
Il laureato magistrale avrà
- capacità di applicare le conoscenze e le capacità di comprensione che gli
consentiranno l'analisi di problemi specifici, anche in contesti inediti;
- capacità di applicare le conoscenze che gli consentiranno un approccio
professionale al lavoro;
- capacità di organizzare il proprio lavoro in modo autonomo gestendo
efficacemente le scadenze;
- capacità di lavorare in gruppo;
- capacità di ricerca applicata su tematiche prestabilite;
- capacità di applicare le conoscenze per affrontare con padronanza le
diverse problematiche gestionali necessarie a ricoprire con professionalità ruoli operativi nei campi suddetti;
Gli strumenti per il raggiungimento di tali capacità saranno: la riflessione critica sui testi proposti per lo studio individuale sollecitata dalle attività in aula, lo studio di casi specifici di ricerca e di applicazione proposti dai docenti, lo svolgimento di esercitazioni, la ricerca bibliografica, lo svolgimento di progetti individuali e/o di gruppo, previsti nell'ambito delle varie attività formative oltre che in occasione della preparazione della prova finale e dello svolgimento di tirocini.
Le verifiche assumeranno la forma di esami scritti, orali, relazioni, esercitazioni.
Autonomia di giudizio
Il laureato magistrale avrà
- una preparazione critica e interdisciplinare che gli consentirà di integrare le conoscenze di base e gestire la complessità;
- capacità di formulare giudizi autonomi, anche in presenza di informazione incompleta;
- capacità di raccogliere ed interpretare dati di rilevanza economica ed utilizzarli per prendere delle decisioni.
Le attività di esercitazione, gli elaborati personali e soprattutto l'attività di preparazione della prova finale offrono occasioni significative per sviluppare e verificare le capacità decisionali e di giudizio.
Abilità comunicative
Il laureato magistrale avrà
- capacità di comunicare in modo chiaro informazioni, idee, problemi e soluzioni ad interlocutori specialisti e non specialisti, spiegando loro la ratio ad essi sottesa.
Le abilità comunicative scritte ed orali saranno sviluppate e verificate in occasione di attività formative che prevedono la preparazione di relazioni e documenti scritti e l'esposizione orale dei medesimi.
L'acquisizione di abilità comunicative, nonché la loro verifica, è prevista inoltre nell'ambito della redazione della prova finale e della discussione della stessa davanti ad una commissione.
Capacità di apprendimento
Il laureato magistrale avrà
- capacità di studio autonomo e auto-gestito;
- capacità di approfondire e aggiornare in autonomia le proprie conoscenze;
- capacità di individuare gli strumenti e i percorsi di formazione adeguati per lo sviluppo delle conoscenze relative all'aggiornamento delle proprie competenze professionali.
Le capacità di apprendimento sono conseguite nel percorso di studio nel suo complesso, con riguardo in particolare allo studio individuale previsto, alla preparazione di progetti individuali e all'attività svolta per la preparazione della prova finale.
La capacità di apprendimento viene valutata attraverso forme di verifica continua durante le attività formative.
Requisiti di ammissione
Avranno accesso diretto al corso di laurea magistrale i laureati nelle Classi di Laurea L-33 (Scienze Economiche) e L-18 (Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale) ex D.M.
270/2004 o L-28 (Scienze Economiche) e L-17 (Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale) ex D.M.
I laureati in altre Classi di Laurea potranno accedere previa verifica del possesso dei requisiti curriculari indicati nel Regolamento Didattico del Corso di Studio.
Le modalità di verifica della personale preparazione sono indicate nel Regolamento Didattico del Corso di Studio.
Inoltre, sulla base delle certificazioni presentate, la Commissione di valutazione accerterà e verificherà che le competenze linguistiche dei candidati in una lingua dell'Unione Europea oltre l'italiano siano almeno di livello B2.
Prova finale
La prova finale consiste nella discussione, dinanzi ad una apposita commissione, di una tesi di laurea redatta sotto la guida di un docente relatore e supervisionata da un correlatore.
La tesi qualifica in modo significativo il percorso formativo e tratta un argomento riconducibile alle discipline che caratterizzano il curriculum dello studente.
L'elaborato e la relativa discussione dovranno dimostrare che il candidato abbia acquisito la padronanza degli strumenti analitici appresi nel corso di studio e abbia sviluppato le capacità di interpretare i fenomeni e la letteratura con spirito critico e con contributi di originalità, approfondendo gli aspetti teorici e/o applicativi e/o di natura empirica dell'argomento prescelto.
La tesi è redatta in lingua italiana o inglese.Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso sono improntate alla realizzazione di processi di raccordo con la scuola secondaria di secondo grado.
Si concretizzano sia in attività informative e di approfondimento dei caratteri formativi dei Corsi di Studio (CdS) dell’Ateneo, sia in un impegno condiviso da scuola e università per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza da parte degli studenti e delle studentesse nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attività promosse si articolano in:
a) incontri e iniziative rivolte alle future matricole;
b) sviluppo di servizi online, realizzazione e pubblicazione di materiali informativi sull’offerta formativa dei CdS (guide di dipartimento, guida breve di Ateneo, locandina dell’offerta formativa, newsletter dell’orientamento).
L’attività di orientamento in ingresso prevede cinque principali attività, distribuite nel corso dell’anno accademico, alle quali partecipano tutti i Dipartimenti e i CdS:
• Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU), si svolgono ogni anno nell’arco di circa 4 mesi e sono rivolte agli studenti degli ultimi due anni della scuola secondaria superiore.
Si svolgono in tutti i Dipartimenti dell’Ateneo e costituiscono un’importante occasione per le future matricole per vivere la realtà universitaria.
Gli incontri sono strutturati in modo tale che accanto alla presentazione dei Corsi di Laurea, gli studenti possano anche fare un’esperienza diretta di vita universitaria con la partecipazione ad attività didattiche, laboratori, lezioni o seminari, alle quali partecipano anche studenti seniores che svolgono una significativa mediazione di tipo tutoriale.
Partecipano annualmente circa 4.000 studenti; nel 2021 in via telematica hanno partecipato 7.000 studenti;
• Autorientamento, un progetto destinato agli studenti delle IV classi della scuola secondaria superiore e che si svolge ogni anno nell’arco di 5 mesi.
Si sviluppa in collaborazione diretta con alcune scuole per favorire l’accrescimento della consapevolezza nella scelta del percorso universitario da parte degli studenti.
Il progetto, infatti, è articolato in incontri svolti presso le scuole ed è finalizzato a sollecitare nelle future matricole una riflessione sui propri punti di forza e sui criteri di scelta.
Aspetto caratterizzante il progetto, inoltre, è la presenza degli studenti seniores dei nostri Corsi di Laurea che attraverso la propria esperienza formativa possono offrire un punto di vista attuale rispetto all’organizzazione e al funzionamento del mondo accademico.
Nell’anno scolastico 2020-2021 la realizzazione del progetto, in modalità online, ha dato la possibilità a 20 scuole – dislocate sul territorio romano e laziale – di partecipare;
• Attività di orientamento sviluppate dai singoli Dipartimenti, mediante incontri in presenza e servizi online;
• Incontri presso le scuole: l’Ufficio orientamento ha ricevuto inviti a partecipare ad eventi di orientamento da parte delle scuole per un totale di 23 inviti (8 su Roma e 15 Lazio/Extralazio).
Concordemente con quanto stabilito in Gloa (Gruppo di Lavoro per l’Orientamento di Ateneo) la procedura è stata la seguente: ogni invito è stato inoltrato ai referenti Gloa presso i dipartimenti e le scuole, a fronte delle diverse possibilità offerte, hanno liberamente scelto di partecipare anche alle proposte del nostro Ateneo.
Si evidenzia che anche in questa attività, come per le altre attività di orientamento, hanno partecipato varie scuole di altre Regioni, grazie alla possibilità dell’online.
• Orientarsi a Roma Tre nel 2021 si è svolta in modalità mista in presenza al Teatro Palladium per l’evento inaugurale e a distanza dalle aule dipartimentali per la presentazione dell’offerta formativa dei dipartimenti.
Il portale dell’orientamento realizzato nel 2020 è stato aggiornato e ne è stata realizzata una versione in inglese:
Rappresenta la manifestazione che riassume le annuali attività di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge ogni anno alla fine dell’anno accademico.
L’evento accoglie, perlopiù, studenti romani che partecipano per mettere definitivamente a fuoco la loro scelta universitaria.
Durante la manifestazione viene presentata l’offerta formativa e sono promossi tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre, le segreterie didattiche e la segreteria studenti.
I servizi di orientamento online messi a disposizione dei futuri studenti universitari sono nel tempo aumentati, tenendo conto dello sviluppo delle nuove opportunità di comunicazione tramite web e tramite social.
Inoltre, durante tutte le manifestazioni di presentazione dell’offerta formativa, sono illustrati quei siti web di Dipartimento, di Ateneo, Portale dello studente, etc., che possono aiutare gli studenti nella loro scelta.
Infine, l’Ateneo valuta, di volta in volta, l’opportunità di partecipare ad ulteriori occasioni di orientamento in presenza ovvero online (Salone dello studente ed altre iniziative).Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia dell’ambiente, lavoro e sviluppo sostenibile intende fornire conoscenze avanzate nei campi della gestione sostenibile delle attività economiche della promozione di processi virtuosi di sviluppo economico sia nei paesi industrializzati che nei paesi in via di sviluppo, della pianificazione e valorizzazione del territorio, della gestione sostenibile delle attività imprenditoriali, della gestione dei cambiamenti nel campo del lavoro e del welfare indotti dalla transizione verde e digitale, dello sviluppo di nuovi settori della green economy, il tutto in un'ottica di attivazione di processi di economia circolare e diffusione delle nuove tecnologie verdi.
Il Corso ha durata biennale ed è articolato in tre percorsi:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile
L'obiettivo del percorso è la formazione di figure professionali in grado di analizzare e gestire, sul piano economico-sociale,
istituzionale, amministrativo e aziendale, i temi e i problemi relativi alla sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed
Il percorso affronta i temi relativi alla transizione ecologica e alla green economy, all'impatto ambientale dei
processi di crescita economica, al funzionamento dell’economia circolare e alla diffusione delle nuove tecnologie verdi.
studenti saranno in grado di leggere ed interpretare informazioni quantitative per il monitoraggio dell'uso delle risorse
naturali e degli impatti ambientali, nonché per la valutazione degli impatti economici delle politiche di gestione delle risorse
Allo stesso tempo, il percorso integra la formazione economica con una preparazione volta alla gestione
aziendale, nella prospettiva di formare figure professionali capaci di supportare i processi decisionali complessi, legati alla
sostenibilità, in contesti microeconomici, quali quelli dell'imprenditoria privata, della gestione di apparati della pubblica
amministrazione o nella promozione del territorio;
Global Development
Il percorso punta a fornire gli strumenti concettuali, metodologici e analitici per affrontare i temi dello sviluppo economico in
tutti i suoi aspetti, con riferimento sia alle problematiche dei paesi in via di sviluppo, sia a quelle dello sviluppo nei paesi
industrializzati o postindustriali, in un'ottica di sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed etica, e per delineare politiche di
intervento, a livello sia micro che macro, volte a stimolare fenomeni virtuosi di crescita economica e di sviluppo umano.
L'obiettivo del percorso è la formazione di figure professionali in grado di affrontare, analizzare e gestire, sul piano
economico-sociale, istituzionale e amministrativo i temi e i problemi relativi allo sviluppo e alla pianificazione di politiche di
sviluppo sostenibile su scala internazionale.
Il percorso erogato interamente in lingua inglese consente allo studente di
acquisire competenze altamente professionalizzanti, arricchite dallo scambio culturale con studenti di varie nazionalità.
Cambiamento Tecnologico, Lavoro e Welfare
Il percorso intende offrire una formazione di livello avanzato finalizzata ad affrontare le diverse problematiche di natura economica che emergono nel campo del lavoro e del welfare negli scenari economici attuali e futuri caratterizzati dal cambiamento tecnologico indotto dalla transizione verde e digitale.
L'obiettivo è quello di fornire gli strumenti e le competenze di teoria e analisi economica, di organizzazione aziendale, di metodi quantitativi e di natura giuridica che consentano di analizzare e interpretare le dinamiche e i problemi specifici emergenti in questi campi.
Tali competenze saranno sviluppate in un’ottica integrata e multidisciplinare per fornire gli strumenti concettuali necessari a comprendere e gestire i fenomeni e le dinamiche economiche, relazionali ed istituzionali legate al lavoro e al welfare.
Attività seminariali, esercitazioni, project works, laboratori di didattica improntata al metodo del learning by doing ed eventuali tirocini contribuiranno ad arricchire l’offerta formativa del presente percorso.
Il Corso di laurea è caratterizzato da un elevato grado di internazionalizzazione grazie all'erogazione di numerosi insegnamenti in
lingua inglese.
I docenti del Corso di Laurea partecipano attivamente a numerosi progetti di ricerca su scala internazionale
garantendo agli studenti frequentanti un aggiornamento continuo della conoscenza scientifica e la possibilità di entrare in
contatto diretto con esperienze lavorative altamente professionalizzanti.
Grazie alle competenze acquisite durante il CdS il laureato magistrale avrà la capacità di:
- operare con la modellistica economico-ambientale ed economico-sociale;
- raccogliere ed elaborare informazioni statistiche per il monitoraggio dell'uso delle risorse naturali e degli impatti
- gestire lo sfruttamento razionale delle risorse naturali esauribili e rinnovabili,
- valutare beni fuori mercato ed effettuare analisi costi-benefici;
- valutare e gestire il danno ambientale;
- svolgere attività di eco-auditing e redigere bilanci ambientali;
- predisporre e attuare politiche ambientali ed energetiche;
- monitorare e programmare interventi di cooperazione e promozione dello sviluppo economico;
- predisporre e attuare politiche di sviluppo economico;
- pianificare, valorizzare e promuovere l'uso del territorio, sia urbano che rurale;
- raccogliere ed elaborare informazioni statistiche e altre fonti informative relative alle imprese e al mercato del lavoro per il monitoraggio della domanda e offerta di lavoro, delle dinamiche dell’occupazione, dei salari, delle professioni e delle disuguaglianze;
- predisporre il disegno di politiche del lavoro, del welfare, delle politiche attive del lavoro e di inclusione sociale, in ambito pubblico e privato;
- gestire le risorse umane e sviluppare il valore del capitale umano;
- gestire le relazioni collettive, la negoziazione collettiva e la rappresentanza organizzata degli interessi delle imprese, dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici;
- valutare e gestire l’integrazione del welfare pubblico e del welfare privato;
- predisporre interventi e politiche attive del lavoro e di adeguamento del capitale umano nelle transizioni economiche e sociali;
- disegnare, programmare e gestire servizi per il lavoro pubblici e privati.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile - 1° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21201492 -
The aim of the course is to provide theoretical and empirical tools for the analysis of the structure and the impact of the welfare state, of the public debt, of the State regulation of public utilities, and of the fiscal federalism. The analysis will be carried out using both graphical and analytical tools.
Core compulsory activities
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile - 1° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21210001 -
Aim of the course is to provide the student with an adequate preparation on the statistical concepts and methods that can be used to collect, elaborate and synthesize data concerning economical and social phenomena. Much attention will be paid to conditions that need to be fulfilled for the different tecniques to be appliable, stressing their analytical potentialities. The course is focused mainly on applications of the different tecniques.
Core compulsory activities
21210233 -
Mathematical Methods for Economics
The aim of the course is to consolidate and deepen the mathematical method as a fundamental investigation tool for economic, financial and business disciplines. In particular, problems of function optimization will be studied. To this end the course is divided into two parts. The first part will introduce the fundamental concepts of the analysis of functions in several real variables and developed the tools to recognize and study free and constrained static optimization problems, both the local and global problem. The second part deals with dynamical models, studying in particular problems of dynamic optimization in discrete time.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Ambiente e impresa sostenibile - 1° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
Also available in another semester or year
21210455 -
Economics and environmental policies
The course is divided into two parts. The first part aims to provide the conceptual and theoretical basis for understanding the main topics of environmental economics from the perspective of analyzing the interaction between human activities and the environment and its consequences. Topics such as environmental valuation methods, environmental externalities and the management of public goods will be addressed, providing students with skills in the tools of economic theory used to address these issues, such as command and control and market-based environmental policies. Both static and dynamic environmental sustainability issues will also be addressed. The second part, on the other hand, will focus on specific thematic areas of environmental economics relevant for the application of the tools addressed in the first part of the course: the thematic areas will be discussed in depth with the students during the lectures, recalling the aspects of the first part of the course useful for a more correct analysis of the issues in question. Practical exercises concerning each thematic area will also be proposed during lectures.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile - 1° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21210004 -
The course aims to provide students with the notions for a thorough analysis of the Italian productive system, taking into consideration issues related to firms’ organization and performance together with a close look at the specific industries’ main competitiveness indicators. Particular attention will be devoted to the impact of globalization and technological change on firms’ organization and performance. The course will make use of models and empirical applications
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
The course aims at analysing inequality, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The course focuses on uneven growth mechanisms and between-countries inequality; drivers of within-countries inequality; definitions and measures of inequality in outcomes (e.g., income and wage, opportunity); labour income inequality; inequality between social groups (by race and gender); comparative analysis of redistributive policies; the impact of climate change on employment and earnings.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210416 -
Core compulsory activities
21210456 -
Economics of natural resources
The debate on the scarcity of natural resources, the implications for economic development and growth and future scenarios includes very different currents of thought and visions. Specific skills are therefore needed to operate within the entrepreneurial and public contexts active in the sectors of the production of goods and the provision of services related to the exploitation, definition of the price and management of natural resources and the environment. The course addresses the economic and environmental implications of natural resource management. The course covers conceptual and methodological topics and natural resource allocation problems. It introduces students to the principles, reasoning and techniques necessary to analyse the economic policy instruments related to natural resource management and sustainable use. Students will acquire a solid understanding of the economic factors that influence the extraction, allocation and conservation of renewable (with particular reference to the case of marine and forest resources) and non-renewable (fossil fuels, mineral resources) resources, as well as an adequate study of the possible policies for efficient and sustainable management of these resources. Topics covered include resource scarcity, property rights, market failure, externalities, optimal extraction and conservation, and intervention politics. Students will have to be able to critically process the information acquired according to interdisciplinary interpretations and acquire an autonomous ability to discuss and critically evaluate problems related to environmental exploitation and ecological transition and to evaluate policies related to their management. The aim of the course is to make students develop the ability to deal with the study of advanced textbooks, reports and materials related to environmental phenomena and policies produced by governments, environmental protection agencies and international organizations. The in-depth work in groups will offer an opportunity to experiment and consolidate forms of participatory and interactive learning and one's ability to work in groups. Course Objectives: • Understand the fundamental concepts and theories in natural resource economics. • Analyze the economic drivers and impacts of natural resource extraction and use. • Examine the role of market mechanisms and government interventions in resource management. • Evaluate the sustainability of resource use and develop strategies for conservation. • Apply economic models and tools to real-world resource management problems.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Ambiente e impresa sostenibile - 1° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
This course consists in two modules. The first deals with basic concepts in Energy Economics as the distribution of sources and consumption patterns at the geographical level, the analysis of demand and supply of different energy sources and the use of energy by sectors. World energy outlook scenarios are deeply investigated. The second part of the course allows students gathering main analytical tools to consider jointly energy issues and climate change impacts. The economic analysis of policy impacts over the long term and burden sharing issues in the international bargaining process are also analyzed. At the end of the course students will be able to understand global energy and climate reports, conduct their own impact analysis and be familiar with main simulation models.
Core compulsory activities
21210455 -
Economics and environmental policies
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
Altre Attività Formative - Un'attività a scelta tra: - (show)
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile - 2° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21201420 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
The aim of the course is to provide students with a coverage of a set of methods used in the analysis of economic data to answer a variety of specific, quantitative questions and with the computational tools to be used in the empirical applications. The program includes further topics on the classical regression model, time series analysis and some recent proposal to deal with applications having many observations and/or many predictors relative to the number of observations.
The course applies the widely used freeware programming environment for statistical analysis, known as R (through the RStudio interface).
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Ambiente e impresa sostenibile - 2° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21210450 -
Economics for sustainability and agri-food innovation
The course deals with the economic theory of the agri-food sector, recalling and discussing the assumptions underlying this theory and analyzing their implications and their degree of realism with respect to the behavior of agents operating in the agri-food sector (producers, consumers, processing industry and distribution). Particular attention will be paid to: • Relations between agriculture and the rest of the economy, with reference to the Italian agri-food sector • Recalls of economics (market structures and consumption theory), with reference to analyse the demand for agri-food products at national and international level • The characteristics of the agri-food consumption, consumers’ choices and certifications, with particular reference to the role of sustainability and quality as drivers of product differentiation • The characteristics of the Italian agri-food system • Sustainability, Innovation and Quality: the challenges of the sector
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
The course aims at providing students with first exposure to some of the most relevant quantitative methods for economic policy analysis. The objective is to engage students in an active, team-based process of learning about computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and their use in applied economic policy analysis. The course emphasizes an intuitive and graphical treatment of economic theory in the CGE model and provides structured experiences in running the RunGTAP software environment. RunGTAP is an intuitive, menu-driven CGE model interface that minimizes technological hurdles and allows students to quickly begin to focus on their economic thinking and experimentation. At the end of the course, participants will be entry-level modellers and more informed consumers of CGE-based analyses. During the course, students will: • review core economic theories from micro, macro, trade, and public finance and observe how they are operationalized in an applied general equilibrium model • learn to recognize, control, and interpret the theoretically consistent behavior of consumers and producers • observe the aggregated, macroeconomic impacts of microeconomic behavior • define model experiments that represent real-world issues • learn to interpret general equilibrium model results by integrating their knowledge of multiple fields of economic study
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210476 -
Environmental law
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the pursuit of sustainable development intended as an enhancement of the of social, environmental and economic well-being . The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics and sustainable development, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: legal (Prof.ssa Bellisario), economic (Prof. De Muro) and managerial (Dott.ssa Di Pietro). The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt sustainable and ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile - 2° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta libera tra (consigliati): - (show)
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
The aim of the course is to provide students with a coverage of a set of methods used in the analysis of economic data to answer a variety of specific, quantitative questions and with the computational tools to be used in the empirical applications. The program includes further topics on the classical regression model, time series analysis and some recent proposal to deal with applications having many observations and/or many predictors relative to the number of observations.
The course applies the widely used freeware programming environment for statistical analysis, known as R (through the RStudio interface).
Elective activities
21210001 -
Aim of the course is to provide the student with an adequate preparation on the statistical concepts and methods that can be used to collect, elaborate and synthesize data concerning economical and social phenomena. Much attention will be paid to conditions that need to be fulfilled for the different tecniques to be appliable, stressing their analytical potentialities. The course is focused mainly on applications of the different tecniques.
Elective activities
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.
Elective activities
21210455 -
Economics and environmental policies
The course is divided into two parts. The first part aims to provide the conceptual and theoretical basis for understanding the main topics of environmental economics from the perspective of analyzing the interaction between human activities and the environment and its consequences. Topics such as environmental valuation methods, environmental externalities and the management of public goods will be addressed, providing students with skills in the tools of economic theory used to address these issues, such as command and control and market-based environmental policies. Both static and dynamic environmental sustainability issues will also be addressed. The second part, on the other hand, will focus on specific thematic areas of environmental economics relevant for the application of the tools addressed in the first part of the course: the thematic areas will be discussed in depth with the students during the lectures, recalling the aspects of the first part of the course useful for a more correct analysis of the issues in question. Practical exercises concerning each thematic area will also be proposed during lectures.
Elective activities
21210450 -
Economics for sustainability and agri-food innovation
The course deals with the economic theory of the agri-food sector, recalling and discussing the assumptions underlying this theory and analyzing their implications and their degree of realism with respect to the behavior of agents operating in the agri-food sector (producers, consumers, processing industry and distribution). Particular attention will be paid to: • Relations between agriculture and the rest of the economy, with reference to the Italian agri-food sector • Recalls of economics (market structures and consumption theory), with reference to analyse the demand for agri-food products at national and international level • The characteristics of the agri-food consumption, consumers’ choices and certifications, with particular reference to the role of sustainability and quality as drivers of product differentiation • The characteristics of the Italian agri-food system • Sustainability, Innovation and Quality: the challenges of the sector
Elective activities
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
Also available in another semester or year
21210004 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201492 -
The aim of the course is to provide theoretical and empirical tools for the analysis of the structure and the impact of the welfare state, of the public debt, of the State regulation of public utilities, and of the fiscal federalism. The analysis will be carried out using both graphical and analytical tools.
Elective activities
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
Also available in another semester or year
21210129 -
Development economics
Also available in another semester or year
21210063 -
Industry and innovation policies in developing countries: theory and practice
Also available in another semester or year
21210420 -
International trade and Migration
This course will provide students with an analytical framework for the study of international trade. It is divided into four main parts. The first considers both the predictions of the classical trade theory (i.e., the Ricardian Model and the Heckscher-Ohlin Model) and the new trade models with imperfect competition, including the most recent developments related to firm- level evidence. The second one discusses the effects and the political economy determinants of trade policy. Preferential trade agreements will also be discussed. The third part is devoted to analysing the topic of migration flows, their characteristics, determinants, evolution and impacts. Finally, the last part deals with the empirical analysis of international trade. The course considers both the theories and recent empirical works, as well as a discussion of the relevant methodological issues in measurement and estimation. At the end of the course students will be able to understand the main determinants of international trade and migration flows, the characteristics and implications of trade policy measures and to work with trade and trade policy data.
Elective activities
21201557 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210233 -
Mathematical Methods for Economics
The aim of the course is to consolidate and deepen the mathematical method as a fundamental investigation tool for economic, financial and business disciplines. In particular, problems of function optimization will be studied. To this end the course is divided into two parts. The first part will introduce the fundamental concepts of the analysis of functions in several real variables and developed the tools to recognize and study free and constrained static optimization problems, both the local and global problem. The second part deals with dynamical models, studying in particular problems of dynamic optimization in discrete time.
Elective activities
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
The course aims at providing students with first exposure to some of the most relevant quantitative methods for economic policy analysis. The objective is to engage students in an active, team-based process of learning about computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and their use in applied economic policy analysis. The course emphasizes an intuitive and graphical treatment of economic theory in the CGE model and provides structured experiences in running the RunGTAP software environment. RunGTAP is an intuitive, menu-driven CGE model interface that minimizes technological hurdles and allows students to quickly begin to focus on their economic thinking and experimentation. At the end of the course, participants will be entry-level modellers and more informed consumers of CGE-based analyses. During the course, students will: • review core economic theories from micro, macro, trade, and public finance and observe how they are operationalized in an applied general equilibrium model • learn to recognize, control, and interpret the theoretically consistent behavior of consumers and producers • observe the aggregated, macroeconomic impacts of microeconomic behavior • define model experiments that represent real-world issues • learn to interpret general equilibrium model results by integrating their knowledge of multiple fields of economic study
Elective activities
21210422 -
Sustainable Development Management
Also available in another semester or year
21210453 -
Sustainable human development
Also available in another semester or year
21210454 -
Sustainable finance and ESG investing
Also available in another semester or year
21201420 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210065 -
Statistical methods in economics
The main objective of the course is to provide the fundamental tools for the application of statistical methods to the analysis of economic data. The theoretical part will be supported by an applied part devoted to the analysis of real data sets by means of the software R. A student that has completed the course should be practiced in the application of advanced statistical methods, should be able to interpret the results of a statistical analysis, and should be aware of limitations and possible sources of errors in the analysis.
Elective activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile - 2° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21201420 -
The course aims to provide the necessary tools for the design, processing and analysis of data in the field of management. The course introduces the student to statistical methodologies for market research, satisfaction analysis and business decisions. The theoretical part will be accompanied by a part applied to real data and case studies from marketing and management through the use of appropriate statistical software (such as Minitab, SPSS).
Students will be taught not only the theoretical aspect of the models but also the main application contexts and their use through appropriate statistical software.
The course in Statistics for Management teaches how to manage a statistical survey from its planning to the analysis and commentary of data.
Core compulsory activities
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
Ambiente e impresa sostenibile - 2° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21210422 -
Sustainable Development Management
The Sustainable Development Management course aims to illustrate and transmit to students theoretical and practical knowledge, fundamental concepts and analytical tools for understanding the structure and composition of Cultural Heritage (tangible and intangible) and the role it plays in the territory. Particular attention will be paid to tangible cultural heritage and the business models for its management, aimed at promoting its sustainability, protection and enhancement (also) through technological solutions, as well as exploiting its availability to foster the well-being of individuals. More specifically, the notions on the sustainable management of cultural heritage will focus on preserving its value so that it can be made available to future generations to foster the subjective well-being and resilience of those with access to it, especially younger generations. By the end of the course, the students will have acquired notions that will give them a clearer picture of the composition of cultural heritage and the actions implemented by the ecosystem's actors with a view to its sustainability, protection, and promotion. They will be able to look at these actions critically, evaluating their impact on the population's well-being.
Core compulsory activities
21201557 -
The course allows students to resume and deepen the basic concepts of marketing management in the light of the most recent market demand for corporate sustainability. Innovation and related managerial principles are presented as an approach and tool to find sustainable solutions to business processes.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Ambiente e Impresa sostenibile - 2° anno - Un insegnamento a scelta libera tra (consigliati): - (show)
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
Also available in another semester or year
21210001 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
Also available in another semester or year
21210455 -
Economics and environmental policies
Also available in another semester or year
21210450 -
Economics for sustainability and agri-food innovation
Also available in another semester or year
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
The course aims at analysing inequality, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The course focuses on uneven growth mechanisms and between-countries inequality; drivers of within-countries inequality; definitions and measures of inequality in outcomes (e.g., income and wage, opportunity); labour income inequality; inequality between social groups (by race and gender); comparative analysis of redistributive policies; the impact of climate change on employment and earnings.
Elective activities
21210004 -
The course aims to provide students with the notions for a thorough analysis of the Italian productive system, taking into consideration issues related to firms’ organization and performance together with a close look at the specific industries’ main competitiveness indicators. Particular attention will be devoted to the impact of globalization and technological change on firms’ organization and performance. The course will make use of models and empirical applications
Elective activities
21201492 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
This course consists in two modules. The first deals with basic concepts in Energy Economics as the distribution of sources and consumption patterns at the geographical level, the analysis of demand and supply of different energy sources and the use of energy by sectors. World energy outlook scenarios are deeply investigated. The second part of the course allows students gathering main analytical tools to consider jointly energy issues and climate change impacts. The economic analysis of policy impacts over the long term and burden sharing issues in the international bargaining process are also analyzed. At the end of the course students will be able to understand global energy and climate reports, conduct their own impact analysis and be familiar with main simulation models.
Elective activities
21210129 -
Development economics
The purpose of this course is to provide students with analytical and empirical tools apt to build up an advanced and solid understanding of economic development processes. This objective will be pursued by connecting the theory to public policy issues at global level, international development cooperation and field level issues and key elements. The introduction of different approaches, and their firm connection within an interdisciplinary and critical perspective, is intended to lay the ground for the skills needed to contribute in the area of international development both at desk, field and analysis level.
Elective activities
21210063 -
Industry and innovation policies in developing countries: theory and practice
The course focuses on the economic logic behind policies and programs to promote industry and innovation in a developing country context. Students interested in working for multilateral organizations, government agencies, private sector firms working in emerging markets, NGOs and other organizations promoting innovation and industrial development should take this course.
Elective activities
21210420 -
International trade and Migration
Also available in another semester or year
21201557 -
The course allows students to resume and deepen the basic concepts of marketing management in the light of the most recent market demand for corporate sustainability. Innovation and related managerial principles are presented as an approach and tool to find sustainable solutions to business processes.
Elective activities
21210233 -
Mathematical Methods for Economics
Also available in another semester or year
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
Also available in another semester or year
21210422 -
Sustainable Development Management
The Sustainable Development Management course aims to illustrate and transmit to students theoretical and practical knowledge, fundamental concepts and analytical tools for understanding the structure and composition of Cultural Heritage (tangible and intangible) and the role it plays in the territory. Particular attention will be paid to tangible cultural heritage and the business models for its management, aimed at promoting its sustainability, protection and enhancement (also) through technological solutions, as well as exploiting its availability to foster the well-being of individuals. More specifically, the notions on the sustainable management of cultural heritage will focus on preserving its value so that it can be made available to future generations to foster the subjective well-being and resilience of those with access to it, especially younger generations. By the end of the course, the students will have acquired notions that will give them a clearer picture of the composition of cultural heritage and the actions implemented by the ecosystem's actors with a view to its sustainability, protection, and promotion. They will be able to look at these actions critically, evaluating their impact on the population's well-being.
Elective activities
21210453 -
Sustainable human development
The purpose of the course is to provide students with concepts and knowledge of sustainable finance. After introducing the basics of traditional finance, they will be developed, extended, and integrated, to explain how an apparently purely financial and short-term concept is indeed strongly related to environmental and social aspects, that are long-term values. The course describes why and how serving shareholders’ interest and having success in the long run require looking after environmental, social, and governance needs. It also demonstrates that stakeholders’ and shareholders’ interests are more aligned than one can think.
Elective activities
21210454 -
Sustainable finance and ESG investing
The purpose of the course is to provide students with concepts and knowledge of sustainable finance. After introducing the basics of traditional finance, they will be developed, extended, and integrated, to explain how an apparently purely financial and short-term concept is indeed strongly related to environmental and social aspects, that are long-term values. The course describes why and how serving shareholders’ interest and having success in the long run require looking after environmental, social, and governance needs. It also demonstrates that stakeholders’ and shareholders’ interests are more aligned than one can think.
Elective activities
Elective activities
21201420 -
The course aims to provide the necessary tools for the design, processing and analysis of data in the field of management. The course introduces the student to statistical methodologies for market research, satisfaction analysis and business decisions. The theoretical part will be accompanied by a part applied to real data and case studies from marketing and management through the use of appropriate statistical software (such as Minitab, SPSS).
Students will be taught not only the theoretical aspect of the models but also the main application contexts and their use through appropriate statistical software.
The course in Statistics for Management teaches how to manage a statistical survey from its planning to the analysis and commentary of data.
Elective activities
21210065 -
Statistical methods in economics
Also available in another semester or year
21201473 -
Final examination and foreign language test
Global Development
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210065 -
Statistical methods in economics
The main objective of the course is to provide the fundamental tools for the application of statistical methods to the analysis of economic data. The theoretical part will be supported by an applied part devoted to the analysis of real data sets by means of the software R. A student that has completed the course should be practiced in the application of advanced statistical methods, should be able to interpret the results of a statistical analysis, and should be aware of limitations and possible sources of errors in the analysis.
Core compulsory activities
21210419 -
Local economies in a globalized world
This course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of key conceptual tools for the economic analysis of cities and regions in the globalized word, as well as for the corresponding development policies. The course is declined along three directions: regional economics theories, regional policies, and empirical applications in regional economics and policies.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210063 -
Industry and innovation policies in developing countries: theory and practice
The course focuses on the economic logic behind policies and programs to promote industry and innovation in a developing country context. Students interested in working for multilateral organizations, government agencies, private sector firms working in emerging markets, NGOs and other organizations promoting innovation and industrial development should take this course.
Core compulsory activities
21210129 -
Development economics
The purpose of this course is to provide students with analytical and empirical tools apt to build up an advanced and solid understanding of economic development processes. This objective will be pursued by connecting the theory to public policy issues at global level, international development cooperation and field level issues and key elements. The introduction of different approaches, and their firm connection within an interdisciplinary and critical perspective, is intended to lay the ground for the skills needed to contribute in the area of international development both at desk, field and analysis level.
Core compulsory activities
21210453 -
Sustainable human development
The purpose of the course is to provide students with concepts and knowledge of sustainable finance. After introducing the basics of traditional finance, they will be developed, extended, and integrated, to explain how an apparently purely financial and short-term concept is indeed strongly related to environmental and social aspects, that are long-term values. The course describes why and how serving shareholders’ interest and having success in the long run require looking after environmental, social, and governance needs. It also demonstrates that stakeholders’ and shareholders’ interests are more aligned than one can think.
Core compulsory activities
21210454 -
Sustainable finance and ESG investing
The purpose of the course is to provide students with concepts and knowledge of sustainable finance. After introducing the basics of traditional finance, they will be developed, extended, and integrated, to explain how an apparently purely financial and short-term concept is indeed strongly related to environmental and social aspects, that are long-term values. The course describes why and how serving shareholders’ interest and having success in the long run require looking after environmental, social, and governance needs. It also demonstrates that stakeholders’ and shareholders’ interests are more aligned than one can think.
Core compulsory activities
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Optional Group:
Other modules: - (show)
21201321 -
Refer to 'University Language Centre'
Other activities
21201444 -
Other activities
21210029 -
Temporary training and work experience carried out during the course of study in addition to one's curriculum; it is carried out before graduation and may lead to the acquisition of credits, as indicated by the teaching regulations of the single study programme. The types that can be activated are: - internships for the achievement of credits; - internships for thesis; - internships for other training activities without credits.
Other activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210420 -
International trade and Migration
This course will provide students with an analytical framework for the study of international trade. It is divided into four main parts. The first considers both the predictions of the classical trade theory (i.e., the Ricardian Model and the Heckscher-Ohlin Model) and the new trade models with imperfect competition, including the most recent developments related to firm- level evidence. The second one discusses the effects and the political economy determinants of trade policy. Preferential trade agreements will also be discussed. The third part is devoted to analysing the topic of migration flows, their characteristics, determinants, evolution and impacts. Finally, the last part deals with the empirical analysis of international trade. The course considers both the theories and recent empirical works, as well as a discussion of the relevant methodological issues in measurement and estimation. At the end of the course students will be able to understand the main determinants of international trade and migration flows, the characteristics and implications of trade policy measures and to work with trade and trade policy data.
Core compulsory activities
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
The aim of the course is to provide students with a coverage of a set of methods used in the analysis of economic data to answer a variety of specific, quantitative questions and with the computational tools to be used in the empirical applications. The program includes further topics on the classical regression model, time series analysis and some recent proposal to deal with applications having many observations and/or many predictors relative to the number of observations.
The course applies the widely used freeware programming environment for statistical analysis, known as R (through the RStudio interface).
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Global Development - Optional course: - (show)
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
Also available in another semester or year
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
The course aims at providing students with first exposure to some of the most relevant quantitative methods for economic policy analysis. The objective is to engage students in an active, team-based process of learning about computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and their use in applied economic policy analysis. The course emphasizes an intuitive and graphical treatment of economic theory in the CGE model and provides structured experiences in running the RunGTAP software environment. RunGTAP is an intuitive, menu-driven CGE model interface that minimizes technological hurdles and allows students to quickly begin to focus on their economic thinking and experimentation. At the end of the course, participants will be entry-level modellers and more informed consumers of CGE-based analyses. During the course, students will: • review core economic theories from micro, macro, trade, and public finance and observe how they are operationalized in an applied general equilibrium model • learn to recognize, control, and interpret the theoretically consistent behavior of consumers and producers • observe the aggregated, macroeconomic impacts of microeconomic behavior • define model experiments that represent real-world issues • learn to interpret general equilibrium model results by integrating their knowledge of multiple fields of economic study
Elective activities
21210120 -
Elective activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210062 -
Global economy and labour rights
The course is aimed at critically addressing, at an advanced level, central aspects of contemporary economic analysis. The determinants of income distribution and relative prices will be examined following alternative approaches.
Core compulsory activities
21210422 -
Sustainable Development Management
The Sustainable Development Management course aims to illustrate and transmit to students theoretical and practical knowledge, fundamental concepts and analytical tools for understanding the structure and composition of Cultural Heritage (tangible and intangible) and the role it plays in the territory. Particular attention will be paid to tangible cultural heritage and the business models for its management, aimed at promoting its sustainability, protection and enhancement (also) through technological solutions, as well as exploiting its availability to foster the well-being of individuals. More specifically, the notions on the sustainable management of cultural heritage will focus on preserving its value so that it can be made available to future generations to foster the subjective well-being and resilience of those with access to it, especially younger generations. By the end of the course, the students will have acquired notions that will give them a clearer picture of the composition of cultural heritage and the actions implemented by the ecosystem's actors with a view to its sustainability, protection, and promotion. They will be able to look at these actions critically, evaluating their impact on the population's well-being.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Global Development - Optional course: - (show)
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
This course consists in two modules. The first deals with basic concepts in Energy Economics as the distribution of sources and consumption patterns at the geographical level, the analysis of demand and supply of different energy sources and the use of energy by sectors. World energy outlook scenarios are deeply investigated. The second part of the course allows students gathering main analytical tools to consider jointly energy issues and climate change impacts. The economic analysis of policy impacts over the long term and burden sharing issues in the international bargaining process are also analyzed. At the end of the course students will be able to understand global energy and climate reports, conduct their own impact analysis and be familiar with main simulation models.
Elective activities
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
Also available in another semester or year
21210120 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201473 -
Final examination and foreign language test
Cambiamento tecnologico, lavoro e welfare
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
Cambiamento tecnologico, lavoro e welfare : 1° anno un insegnamento a scelta tra : - (show)
21801595 -
Core compulsory activities
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.
Core compulsory activities
21210169 -
The 'Management of international companies' course explores the logic and criticisms related to the International Business of companies operating in today's globalized contexts. After a brief introduction on the macroeconomic dynamics that impact international markets, the course focuses on the analysis of the progressive loss by companies, especially the larger ones, of their national identity and the search for continuous maximization of the opportunities created by the market global. Companies, today more than ever, have greater ease of relocating the activities of the value chain in different parts of the world; this entails a greater aptitude for seizing new opportunities for value creation, but also greater attention to issues of governance and management of intercultural barriers. Therefore, after having explained the reasons that drive the internationalization process, the course sets itself the objective of: illustrating the problems that arise at the various stages of international development; identifies the key variables that condition it and, last but not least, identifies the various methods and tools through which the internationalization process unfolds. At the end of the course students will be able to: 1) Knowing and interpreting the logic and actions of the actors in the international context; 2) Know and discuss the basic elements inherent in the international development process; 3) Know and apply the basic tools for analyzing the country's attractiveness to support managerial decisions; 4) Analyze the competitiveness of the sector and select solutions for the approach to international markets in terms of strategies, methods and penetration of the markets themselves.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Cambiamento tecnologico, lavoro e welfare : 1°anno un isegnamento a scelta tra : - (show)
21210001 -
Aim of the course is to provide the student with an adequate preparation on the statistical concepts and methods that can be used to collect, elaborate and synthesize data concerning economical and social phenomena. Much attention will be paid to conditions that need to be fulfilled for the different tecniques to be appliable, stressing their analytical potentialities. The course is focused mainly on applications of the different tecniques.
Core compulsory activities
21210065 -
Statistical methods in economics
The main objective of the course is to provide the fundamental tools for the application of statistical methods to the analysis of economic data. The theoretical part will be supported by an applied part devoted to the analysis of real data sets by means of the software R. A student that has completed the course should be practiced in the application of advanced statistical methods, should be able to interpret the results of a statistical analysis, and should be aware of limitations and possible sources of errors in the analysis.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210474 -
Labour economics and policy
Core compulsory activities
21210461 -
Labour and welfare law in technological change
Core compulsory activities
21210405 -
Economics of inequality
The course aims at analysing inequality, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The course focuses on uneven growth mechanisms and between-countries inequality; drivers of within-countries inequality; definitions and measures of inequality in outcomes (e.g., income and wage, opportunity); labour income inequality; inequality between social groups (by race and gender); comparative analysis of redistributive policies; the impact of climate change on employment and earnings.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
Altre Attività Formative - Un'attività a scelta tra: - (show)
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
Cambiamento tecnologico, lavoro e welfare: 2° anno - un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21201420 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
The aim of the course is to provide students with a coverage of a set of methods used in the analysis of economic data to answer a variety of specific, quantitative questions and with the computational tools to be used in the empirical applications. The program includes further topics on the classical regression model, time series analysis and some recent proposal to deal with applications having many observations and/or many predictors relative to the number of observations.
The course applies the widely used freeware programming environment for statistical analysis, known as R (through the RStudio interface).
Core compulsory activities
21210462 -
Trade union law, industrial relations and corporate welfare
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
Cambiamento tecnologico, lavoro e welfare: un insegnamento a scelta libera (allegato 1) : - (show)
21210120 -
Elective activities
21210062 -
Global economy and labour rights
Also available in another semester or year
21210420 -
International trade and Migration
This course will provide students with an analytical framework for the study of international trade. It is divided into four main parts. The first considers both the predictions of the classical trade theory (i.e., the Ricardian Model and the Heckscher-Ohlin Model) and the new trade models with imperfect competition, including the most recent developments related to firm- level evidence. The second one discusses the effects and the political economy determinants of trade policy. Preferential trade agreements will also be discussed. The third part is devoted to analysing the topic of migration flows, their characteristics, determinants, evolution and impacts. Finally, the last part deals with the empirical analysis of international trade. The course considers both the theories and recent empirical works, as well as a discussion of the relevant methodological issues in measurement and estimation. At the end of the course students will be able to understand the main determinants of international trade and migration flows, the characteristics and implications of trade policy measures and to work with trade and trade policy data.
Elective activities
21210419 -
Local economies in a globalized world
This course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of key conceptual tools for the economic analysis of cities and regions in the globalized word, as well as for the corresponding development policies. The course is declined along three directions: regional economics theories, regional policies, and empirical applications in regional economics and policies.
Elective activities
21210417 -
Policy evaluation lab
The course aims at providing students with first exposure to some of the most relevant quantitative methods for economic policy analysis. The objective is to engage students in an active, team-based process of learning about computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and their use in applied economic policy analysis. The course emphasizes an intuitive and graphical treatment of economic theory in the CGE model and provides structured experiences in running the RunGTAP software environment. RunGTAP is an intuitive, menu-driven CGE model interface that minimizes technological hurdles and allows students to quickly begin to focus on their economic thinking and experimentation. At the end of the course, participants will be entry-level modellers and more informed consumers of CGE-based analyses. During the course, students will: • review core economic theories from micro, macro, trade, and public finance and observe how they are operationalized in an applied general equilibrium model • learn to recognize, control, and interpret the theoretically consistent behavior of consumers and producers • observe the aggregated, macroeconomic impacts of microeconomic behavior • define model experiments that represent real-world issues • learn to interpret general equilibrium model results by integrating their knowledge of multiple fields of economic study
Elective activities
21210458 -
Theories of distribution, employment and growth
The course will present alternative theories of primary income distribution and employment and draw their implications for the analysis of growth, the effects of technical change, the impact of labour market reforms and macroeconomic policies.
Elective activities
21201557 -
Also available in another semester or year
21201492 -
The aim of the course is to provide theoretical and empirical tools for the analysis of the structure and the impact of the welfare state, of the public debt, of the State regulation of public utilities, and of the fiscal federalism. The analysis will be carried out using both graphical and analytical tools.
Elective activities
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.
Elective activities
21210001 -
Aim of the course is to provide the student with an adequate preparation on the statistical concepts and methods that can be used to collect, elaborate and synthesize data concerning economical and social phenomena. Much attention will be paid to conditions that need to be fulfilled for the different tecniques to be appliable, stressing their analytical potentialities. The course is focused mainly on applications of the different tecniques.
Elective activities
21210065 -
Statistical methods in economics
The main objective of the course is to provide the fundamental tools for the application of statistical methods to the analysis of economic data. The theoretical part will be supported by an applied part devoted to the analysis of real data sets by means of the software R. A student that has completed the course should be practiced in the application of advanced statistical methods, should be able to interpret the results of a statistical analysis, and should be aware of limitations and possible sources of errors in the analysis.
Elective activities
21201420 -
Also available in another semester or year
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
The aim of the course is to provide students with a coverage of a set of methods used in the analysis of economic data to answer a variety of specific, quantitative questions and with the computational tools to be used in the empirical applications. The program includes further topics on the classical regression model, time series analysis and some recent proposal to deal with applications having many observations and/or many predictors relative to the number of observations.
The course applies the widely used freeware programming environment for statistical analysis, known as R (through the RStudio interface).
Elective activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21210004 -
The course aims to provide students with the notions for a thorough analysis of the Italian productive system, taking into consideration issues related to firms’ organization and performance together with a close look at the specific industries’ main competitiveness indicators. Particular attention will be devoted to the impact of globalization and technological change on firms’ organization and performance. The course will make use of models and empirical applications
Core compulsory activities
21201404 -
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Cambiamento tecnologico, lavoro e welfare: 2° anno - un insegnamento a scelta tra: - (show)
21201420 -
The course aims to provide the necessary tools for the design, processing and analysis of data in the field of management. The course introduces the student to statistical methodologies for market research, satisfaction analysis and business decisions. The theoretical part will be accompanied by a part applied to real data and case studies from marketing and management through the use of appropriate statistical software (such as Minitab, SPSS).
Students will be taught not only the theoretical aspect of the models but also the main application contexts and their use through appropriate statistical software.
The course in Statistics for Management teaches how to manage a statistical survey from its planning to the analysis and commentary of data.
Core compulsory activities
21210418 -
Advanced topics in Statistical learning
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
Cambiamento tecnologico, lavoro e welfare: un insegnamento a scelta libera (allegato 1) : - (show)
21201473 -
Final examination and foreign language test
Double Degree: Global Development
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity