Degree Course: Socio-Educational Services Manager
A.Y. 2019/2020
Autonomia di giudizio
Il laureato magistrale deve essere in grado di elaborare un giudizio autonomo sulle situazioni nelle quali è chiamato ad intervenire e deve essere capace di prendere decisioni in situazioni complesse, anche a fronte di dati e informazioni parziali.
Deve inoltre mostrare capacità riflessiva sulle proprie modalità di intervento e deve agire nel rispetto delle persone e secondo principi di adeguatezza, responsabilità e non discriminazione.
Le capacità di cui sopra sono conseguite sia con la partecipazione attiva alle lezioni frontali sia nelle esercitazioni e nei laboratori che integrano la didattica tradizionale.
Il tirocinio, dove previsto, e la prova finale costituiscono il terreno privilegiato per la verifica dell'autonomia di giudizio, che tuttavia viene sviluppata anche attraverso lo studio di casi e simulazioni di aula.
La verifica del raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento attesi si realizza nel contesto delle attività seminariali e laboratoriali previste a integrazione della didattica in presenza, in sede di verifica di tali attività e nello svolgimento della prova finale.
I risultati vengono accertati attraverso verifiche oggettive ma anche attraverso indicatori di qualità (personalizzazione nella elaborazione e nella rielaborazione di contenuti orali e scritti prodotti durante e dopo le esperienze di studio, laboratoriali, seminariali, operative).Abilità comunicative
Il laureato magistrale deve essere in grado di redigere documenti finalizzati alla programmazione e alla gestione di servizi, di predisporre rapporti di ricerca/monitoraggio/valutazione e di elaborare e presentare proposte operative d'intervento.
Deve, inoltre, saper comunicare in pubblico, gestire la comunicazione istituzionale, organizzare e condurre procedure di partecipazione e concertazione istituzionale e sociale nonché forme di partecipazione attiva dei cittadini.
Deve, infine, saper interloquire efficacemente con i collaboratori e con gli interlocutori, siano essi professionisti o meno.
In sintesi, i risultati di apprendimento attesi al termine del corso di studio sono:
- possesso di capacità specifiche per agire da esperto del sistema integrato educativo, socioassistenziale e sociosanitario nell'ambito delle relazioni internazionali, soprattutto per quanto attiene alla formazione, lo scambio e il confronto operativo con realtà europee analogamente impegnate nel potenziamento degli interventi per la salute mentale;
- possesso di capacità specifiche per agire da promotore e organizzatore di interventi a sostegno delle famiglie per la rimozione e/o riduzione del disagio, del danno, del rischio di devianza, dei rischi connessi a situazioni problematiche;
- possesso di capacità specifiche per agire da esperto del sistema di monitoraggio degli interventi formativi per lo sviluppo della tutela della salute e dell'ambiente
Le capacità di cui sopra sono conseguite con la partecipazione attiva alle lezioni frontali e con la frequenza di attività seminariali e laboratori.
Per lo sviluppo di specifiche competenze comunicative in alcune circostanze è possibile siano realizzate anche simulazioni di aula.
La verifica del raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento attesi si realizza nel contesto delle attività didattiche tradizionali nonché in quelle seminariali e laboratoriali.
Un passaggio particolarmente rilevante in tal senso è la discussione della prova finale.
I risultati vengono accertati in modo tradizionale (prove di verifica scritte ed orali, valutazione della prova finale) ma anche attraverso indicatori di qualità connessi ai contenuti della partecipazione attiva alle attività formative proposte.Capacità di apprendimento
Il laureato magistrale deve acquisire competenze idonee a consentire eventuali ulteriori percorsi formativi postlaurea (master di II livello, dottorato di ricerca) fermo restando la capacità di proseguire in modo autonomo nel processo di aggiornamento delle conoscenze necessarie al profilo professionale.
Tali capacità gli derivano dall'aver efficacemente svolto il percorso formativo proposto.Requisiti di ammissione
L'accesso al corso di laurea magistrale interclasse “Coordinatore dei Servizi Educativi e dei Servizi Sociali” è consentito agli studenti in possesso di una laurea triennale, di una laurea quadriennale v.o o di altra laurea specialistica o magistrale.In dettaglio, il candidato deve essere in possesso dei requisiti di seguito elencati:
Curriculum LM 87
- laurea triennale della classe L39 (Servizio sociale) o della previgente classe 6 (Scienze del Servizio sociale) oppure diploma universitario in servizio sociale istituito ai sensi della Legge 341/1990 oppure diploma di Assistente Sociale rilasciato da istituzioni pubbliche o private se convalidato dalle Università abilitate (art.
5 D.P.R.
- laurea o diploma universitario triennale, laurea specialistica/magistrale appartenente ad altra classe o altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto come equivalente a quelli italiani in cui:
siano stati acquisiti almeno 12 CFU nell'area giuridica (settori scientifico-disciplinari IUS/01, IUS/08, IUS/09, IUS/17)
siano stati acquisiti almeno 12 CFU nell'area psicologica (settori scientifico-disciplinari MPSI/01, MPSI/04, MPSI/05, MPSI/08)
siano stati acquisiti almeno 6 CFU in discipline di ambito pedagogico, storico o statistico (settori scientifico-disciplinari M-PED/01, M-STO/04, SECS-S/01, SECS-S/05)
siano stati acquisiti almeno 46 CFU nell'area sociologica e del servizio sociale (settori scientifico-disciplinari SPS/07, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/12) di cui non meno di 30 CFU derivanti dal superamento di prove di esame quali “Politica sociale”, “Metodi e tecniche del servizio sociale”, “Principi e fondamenti del servizio sociale”, “Organizzazione dei servizi sociali”, “Legislazione dei servizi sociali” (o formulazioni equipollenti).
siano state effettuate almeno 450 ore di tirocinio presso strutture di servizio sociale e sotto la guida di un supervisore assistente sociale.
Nel caso del possesso di una laurea quadriennale v.o.
gli esami sostenuti saranno considerati da 6 CFU se semestrali e da 12 CFU se annuali.
La procedura di ammissione prevede inoltre la verifica dell'adeguatezza della personale preparazione del candidato con le modalità previste dall'art.
Eventuali carenze formative vanno comunque colmate prima dell'iscrizione al corso di laurea magistrale.
Curriculum LM 50
Tipologia A, lauree di I livello in
- Educatore Professionale di Comunità,
- Scienze dell'educazione,
- Formazione e Sviluppo delle Risorse Umane,
- Discipline del Servizio Sociale ad Indirizzo Formativo Europeo,
- Scienze sociali della conoscenza e della formazione,
e le Lauree triennali di tutte le altre Facoltà dove siano attivati i Corsi di laurea relativi alle classi 6, 18, 36 ( ex DM 509); L19, L39, L40 (ex DM 270).
Tipologia B, lauree quadriennali, vecchi ordinamenti, in
- Scienze dell'educazione,
- Pedagogia,
- Scienze della Formazione Primaria.
La procedura di ammissione prevede inoltre la verifica dell'adeguatezza della personale preparazione del candidato.
Eventuali carenze formative vanno comunque colmate prima dell'iscrizione al corso di laurea magistrale.
La modulistica e i tempi per l'iscrizione sono definiti nell'apposito bando annualmente emanato con Decreto Rettorale e reso disponibile sul sito web della Facoltà.
.Prova finale
La prova finale consiste nella preparazione e nella discussione da parte dello studente di una tesi su un argomento concordato con un relatore docente titolare di insegnamento nel corso di laurea magistrale.
La prova finale si configura come una esperienza di riflessione e di elaborazione intellettuale assai importante e impegna lo studente a mettere a frutto la più ampia gamma delle competenze acquisite.
La prova finale consente l'acquisizione di 14 CFU.
Il regolamento didattico può prevedere forme diverse di strutturazione della prova finale in relazione ai due curricula presenti.Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso sono improntate alla realizzazione di processi di raccordo con la scuola media secondaria.
Si concretizzano in attività di carattere informativo sui Corsi di Studio (CdS) dell'Ateneo ma anche come impegno condiviso da scuola e università per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza da parte degli studenti nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attività promosse si articolano in:
a) autorientamento;
b) incontri e manifestazioni informative rivolte alle future matricole;
c) sviluppo di servizi online e pubblicazione di guide sull'offerta formativa dei CdS.
Tra le attività svolte in collaborazione con le scuole per lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza nella scelta, il progetto di autorientamento è un intervento che consente di promuovere un raccordo particolarmente qualificato con alcune scuole medie superiori.
Il progetto, infatti, è articolato in incontri svolti presso le scuole ed è finalizzato a sollecitare nelle future matricole una riflessione sui propri punti di forza e sui criteri di scelta.
La presentazione dell'offerta formativa agli studenti delle scuole superiori prevede tre eventi principali distribuiti nel corso dell'anno accademico ai quali partecipano tutti i CdS.
• Salone dello studente, si svolge presso la fiera di Roma fra ottobre e novembre e coinvolge tradizionalmente tutti gli Atenei del Lazio e molti Atenei fuori Regione, Enti pubblici e privati che si occupano di Formazione e Lavoro.
Roma Tre partecipa a questo evento con un proprio spazio espositivo, con conferenze di presentazione dell'offerta formativa dell'Ateneo e promuove i propri Dipartimenti scientifici grazie all'iniziativa Roma 1,2,3 … Scienze;
• Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU), si svolgono ogni anno da dicembre a marzo e sono rivolte agli studenti degli ultimi due anni della scuola secondaria superiore.
Si svolgono in tutti i Dipartimenti dell'Ateneo e costituiscono un'importante occasione per le future matricole per vivere la realtà universitaria.
Gli incontri sono strutturati in modo tale che accanto alla presentazione dei Corsi di Laurea, gli studenti possano anche fare un'esperienza diretta di vita universitaria con la partecipazione ad attività didattiche, laboratori, lezioni o seminari, alle quali partecipano anche studenti seniores che svolgono una significativa mediazione di tipo tutoriale.
Partecipano annualmente circa 5.000 studenti;
• Orientarsi a Roma Tre, rappresenta la manifestazione che chiude le annuali attività di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge in Ateneo a luglio di ogni anno.
L'evento accoglie, perlopiù, studenti romani che partecipano per mettere definitivamente a fuoco la loro scelta universitaria.
Durante la manifestazione viene presentata l'offerta formativa e sono presenti, con un proprio spazio, tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre, le segreterie didattiche e la segreteria studenti.
I servizi online messi a disposizione dei futuri studenti universitari nel tempo sono aumentati tenendo conto dello sviluppo delle nuove opportunità di comunicazione tramite web.
Inoltre, durante tutte le manifestazioni di presentazione dell'offerta formativa, sono illustrati quei servizi online (siti web di Dipartimento, di Ateneo, Portale dello studente etc.) che possono aiutare gli studenti nella loro scelta.
Gli studenti del corso di laurea oltre ad usufruire delle attività promosse a livello di Ateneo possono fruire di ulteriori attività e servizi realizzati dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, a cui il corso di laurea appartiene.
Per l'orientamento in ingresso, in particolare, gli studenti del corso di laurea hanno a disposizione anche il Servizio di Tutorato Matricole (S.Tu.M.).
Il servizio, curato da docenti del Dipartimento e da studenti laureandi che svolgono la funzione di tutor, si propone di:
- facilitare l'inserimento attivo delle matricole nei corsi di studio;
- migliorare l'accessibilità alle informazioni utili;
- offrire un sostegno nel percorso universitario di ogni studente;
- promuovere tra studenti la costituzione di gruppi di studio.
Il funzionamento dello S.Tu.M è assicurato dall'inizio alla fine delle attività didattiche (ottobre-maggio) e trova collocazione nella sede di via Principe Amedeo.
Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di laurea magistrale in "Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali" si propone come interclasse tra LM 50 "Programmazione e gestione dei servizi educativi" e LM 87 "Servizio sociale e politiche sociali" e intende formare professionisti capaci di programmare, progettare, realizzare, gestire, coordinare e valutare in modo competente interventi di natura socio-educativa o socio-assistenziale.
Il corso fornisce, dunque, il complesso delle conoscenze necessarie per analizzare ed interpretare contesti sociali problematici e per identificare e porre in essere strategie ed azioni socio-educative o socio-assistenziali idonee a rispondervi in modo appropriato.
Il Corso di laurea magistrale interclasse è strutturato in due curricula destinati a formare un Educatore professionale coordinatore di servizi (LM 50) e a fornire le competenze per il Management delle politiche e dei servizi sociali (LM 87).
La diversa caratterizzazione dei titoli magistrali che il corso alternativamente consente di acquisire viene rispettata assicurando che, oltre ad un significativo patrimonio comune di conoscenze, una parte del percorso formativo svolto e delle competenze professionali acquisite sia differentemente orientato.
La struttura del Corso laurea magistrale interclasse, infatti, è costruita in modo tale da valorizzare pienamente gli aspetti comuni alla formazione di tipo socio-educativo e a quella di servizio sociale nel I anno del corso, lasciando però nel II anno un adeguato spazio di approfondimento specifico in grado di assicurare in modo netto la distinzione del titolo di studio che viene conseguito.
Complessivamente, il percorso formativo del Corso di laurea magistrale interclasse intende promuovere una forte integrazione della teoria con la pratica e mira a dotare i laureati magistrali di un elevato grado di conoscenza finalizzato all'analisi, all'interpretazione e all'azione nel settore dei servizi socio-educativi e socio-assistenziali, nonché di un appropriato livello di autonomia e responsabilità professionali.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
Educatore professionale coordinatore dei servizi / LM-50
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902276 -
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogy b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of pedagogical care, education, socialization of children and adolescents, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, cognitive styles, learning styles, expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexical, ludic styles, emotional styles, social styles, c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educational strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, curiosity, creativity, d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena, e) with the elaboration and management of educational, social, socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion, f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of the designed educational projects, g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international social and welfare policies. By the study of Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field; - adopting a reflexive, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links; - knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches that promote the idea of care as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups; - knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools that promote the idea of taking care as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents; - knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships; - adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal; - knowing the role and function of present educational and socio-educational agencies; - knowing the strategies and tools of the policies for inclusion; - knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analysing and deepening the meanings of the socio-educational services best practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods; - being available to networking and group-working; - being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need if being reliable and credible; - being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, men and women with cognitive and social difficulties; - identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on youngsters’ learning styles; - reading, grasping, identifying, defining care, educational and socialization needs within life contexts; - assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings; - identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on the learning styles of new generations.. Making judgements: - linking pedagogical theory to learning processes; - assessing responsibly the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches; - using a systemic thinking. Communication skills: - using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel schools; - listening to and understanding the needs communicated by users in care, education and socialization activities; - adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action; - adopting a pedagogic vocabulary based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives; - significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary. Learning skills: - being available to participate in scientific and cultural research within school settings; - understanding the meaning of present educational challenges; - valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education; - interacting within traditional educational settings and within the parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning. Methods of connection with other teachings: Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a deeply interdis-ciplinary subject that bridges the solicitations coming - at least - from the educational objectives of General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy, Intercultural Pedagogy, Development Psychology, Sociology of Cultural Processes, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Families, Special Education, from their epistemological and methodological fields. Namely, the subject will adopt an interdisciplinary-oriented and seminar-based approach aiming at giving to thinking a central role within sys-temic connections, transversal reflections, networks of ideas, manipulations and networks of manipulations, associations, distinctions, representations, codifications and decodifications. Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a subject that adopts a phenomenological and comparative approach oriented to deconstruct, reconstruct, engage the methodological narrations of the pedagogical sciences as sources and tools for learning.
22902276-2 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902276-1 -
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogy b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of pedagogical care, education, socialization of children and adolescents, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, cognitive styles, learning styles, expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexical, ludic styles, emotional styles, social styles, c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educational strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, curiosity, creativity, d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena, e) with the elaboration and management of educational, social, socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion, f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of the designed educational projects, g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international social and welfare policies. By the study of Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field; - adopting a reflexive, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links; - knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches that promote the idea of care as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups; - knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools that promote the idea of taking care as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents; - knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships; - adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal; - knowing the role and function of present educational and socio-educational agencies; - knowing the strategies and tools of the policies for inclusion; - knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analysing and deepening the meanings of the socio-educational services best practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods; - being available to networking and group-working; - being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need if being reliable and credible; - being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, men and women with cognitive and social difficulties; - identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on youngsters’ learning styles; - reading, grasping, identifying, defining care, educational and socialization needs within life contexts; - assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings; - identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on the learning styles of new generations.. Making judgements: - linking pedagogical theory to learning processes; - assessing responsibly the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches; - using a systemic thinking. Communication skills: - using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel schools; - listening to and understanding the needs communicated by users in care, education and socialization activities; - adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action; - adopting a pedagogic vocabulary based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives; - significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary. Learning skills: - being available to participate in scientific and cultural research within school settings; - understanding the meaning of present educational challenges; - valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education; - interacting within traditional educational settings and within the parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning. Methods of connection with other teachings: Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a deeply interdis-ciplinary subject that bridges the solicitations coming - at least - from the educational objectives of General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy, Intercultural Pedagogy, Development Psychology, Sociology of Cultural Processes, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Families, Special Education, from their epistemological and methodological fields. Namely, the subject will adopt an interdisciplinary-oriented and seminar-based approach aiming at giving to thinking a central role within sys-temic connections, transversal reflections, networks of ideas, manipulations and networks of manipulations, associations, distinctions, representations, codifications and decodifications. Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a subject that adopts a phenomenological and comparative approach oriented to deconstruct, reconstruct, engage the methodological narrations of the pedagogical sciences as sources and tools for learning.
Core compulsory activities
22902316 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
22902316-2 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902316-1 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
Core compulsory activities
22910008 -
The educational objective of the course is to provide students with theoretical and methodological tools for understanding the cultural processes and consider culture as an important dimension of social action and life. By the study of Sociology of cultural processes the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge of the birth and evolution of the scientific concept of culture, of cultural differentiation in modern societies, of transformation processes, cultural transmission and understanding of how culture influences society and how society influences culture. Applying the acquired knowledge to understand the interdependencies of socio-cultural phenomena in the contemporary context: Developing a critical reflection and Making judgements on the dynamics of differentiation, cultural pluralization Strengthen reflective and communication skills Consolidate Learning skills How to link with other teachings General Sociology; Sociology of Communication; Sociology of Religion; Anthropology
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
22902301 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902302 -
The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the main problems of semiotics. Among these, the interpretation of the relationship that the sign has with the causes that generate it is privileged.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910225 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910226 -
The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical bases and con-ceptual tools of a sociological nature which allow them to analyse in a competent manner the legal-institutional phenomena which influence the transformation of welfare systems in the contemporary world. Particular attention is paid to the ef-fects produced by the evolutionary processes of the regulatory framework in the direction of the territorialisation of welfare. At the end of the course the student is able to: Knowledge and understanding: - to use the concepts and tools of sociology in the analysis of the processes that interconnect the evolution of the legal-institutional framework with the transformation of welfare systems. Applying knowledge and understanding: - competently describe the phenomena of change in the welfare system in their legal-institutional genesis. Making judgements: - to evaluate and critically discuss the implications that territorialisation processes have on welfare systems. Communication skills: - to represent with terminological and conceptual appropriateness the phenomena and processes being studied. Learning skills: - to carry out in-depth studies on the topics dealt with, drawing appropriately on the field of studies and research in the sector.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
22902301 -
The discipline refers to the primary sources of knowledge in its epistemological and critical aspects. The purposeful sense, therefore, within the specialist degree is to highlight the enhancement of knowing oneself in respect of the primary objective of ideas, of contemporary liberalism.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22902302 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902276 -
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogy b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of pedagogical care, education, socialization of children and adolescents, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, cognitive styles, learning styles, expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexical, ludic styles, emotional styles, social styles, c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educational strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, curiosity, creativity, d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena, e) with the elaboration and management of educational, social, socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion, f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of the designed educational projects, g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international social and welfare policies. By the study of Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field; - adopting a reflexive, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links; - knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches that promote the idea of care as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups; - knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools that promote the idea of taking care as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents; - knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships; - adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal; - knowing the role and function of present educational and socio-educational agencies; - knowing the strategies and tools of the policies for inclusion; - knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analysing and deepening the meanings of the socio-educational services best practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods; - being available to networking and group-working; - being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need if being reliable and credible; - being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, men and women with cognitive and social difficulties; - identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on youngsters’ learning styles; - reading, grasping, identifying, defining care, educational and socialization needs within life contexts; - assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings; - identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on the learning styles of new generations.. Making judgements: - linking pedagogical theory to learning processes; - assessing responsibly the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches; - using a systemic thinking. Communication skills: - using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel schools; - listening to and understanding the needs communicated by users in care, education and socialization activities; - adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action; - adopting a pedagogic vocabulary based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives; - significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary. Learning skills: - being available to participate in scientific and cultural research within school settings; - understanding the meaning of present educational challenges; - valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education; - interacting within traditional educational settings and within the parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning. Methods of connection with other teachings: Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a deeply interdis-ciplinary subject that bridges the solicitations coming - at least - from the educational objectives of General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy, Intercultural Pedagogy, Development Psychology, Sociology of Cultural Processes, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Families, Special Education, from their epistemological and methodological fields. Namely, the subject will adopt an interdisciplinary-oriented and seminar-based approach aiming at giving to thinking a central role within sys-temic connections, transversal reflections, networks of ideas, manipulations and networks of manipulations, associations, distinctions, representations, codifications and decodifications. Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a subject that adopts a phenomenological and comparative approach oriented to deconstruct, reconstruct, engage the methodological narrations of the pedagogical sciences as sources and tools for learning.
22902276-2 -
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogy b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of pedagogical care, education, socialization of children and adolescents, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, cognitive styles, learning styles, expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexical, ludic styles, emotional styles, social styles, c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educational strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, curiosity, creativity, d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena, e) with the elaboration and management of educational, social, socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion, f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of the designed educational projects, g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international social and welfare policies. By the study of Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field; - adopting a reflexive, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links; - knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches that promote the idea of care as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups; - knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools that promote the idea of taking care as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents; - knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships; - adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal; - knowing the role and function of present educational and socio-educational agencies; - knowing the strategies and tools of the policies for inclusion; - knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analysing and deepening the meanings of the socio-educational services best practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods; - being available to networking and group-working; - being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need if being reliable and credible; - being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, men and women with cognitive and social difficulties; - identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on youngsters’ learning styles; - reading, grasping, identifying, defining care, educational and socialization needs within life contexts; - assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings; - identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on the learning styles of new generations.. Making judgements: - linking pedagogical theory to learning processes; - assessing responsibly the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches; - using a systemic thinking. Communication skills: - using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel schools; - listening to and understanding the needs communicated by users in care, education and socialization activities; - adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action; - adopting a pedagogic vocabulary based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives; - significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary. Learning skills: - being available to participate in scientific and cultural research within school settings; - understanding the meaning of present educational challenges; - valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education; - interacting within traditional educational settings and within the parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning. Methods of connection with other teachings: Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a deeply interdis-ciplinary subject that bridges the solicitations coming - at least - from the educational objectives of General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy, Intercultural Pedagogy, Development Psychology, Sociology of Cultural Processes, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Families, Special Education, from their epistemological and methodological fields. Namely, the subject will adopt an interdisciplinary-oriented and seminar-based approach aiming at giving to thinking a central role within sys-temic connections, transversal reflections, networks of ideas, manipulations and networks of manipulations, associations, distinctions, representations, codifications and decodifications. Socio-educational methodologies and strategies for diversities is a subject that adopts a phenomenological and comparative approach oriented to deconstruct, reconstruct, engage the methodological narrations of the pedagogical sciences as sources and tools for learning.
Core compulsory activities
22902276-1 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902316 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
22902316-2 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
Core compulsory activities
22902316-1 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902340 -
The educational objectives of the course concern the acquisition of knowledge about the structures, roles, norms, dynamics and social psychological processes of group and the application to broader and more complex social contexts, as well as the development of skills for solving problems related to group leadership process-es in order to increase skills of management and coordination of work groups. By the study of Social psychology of group the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - To elaborate group features and to apply the functions to social groups - To solve problems related to psychosocial processes of group (social influences, communication, productivity, conflicts), to apply them in complex social contexts. - To integrate knowledges about theoretical models explaining group processes: Social Identity Theory, - Self-categorization Theory, Theory of Social Comparison processes, etc. and to develop autonomy of judgment and interpretation of social situations - To examine in depth and communicate results of the main scientific researches about group processes and to apply the conclusions to broader social fields.
Core compulsory activities
22910225 -
The course aims to provide the students with knowledge and skills that will enable them to know how to frame the organization of public authorities (even in their territorial dimension), the Italian Welfare State system and the constitutional framework of social rights. Furthermore, the teaching purpose is to offer students a reflection on the nowadays condition of people with disabilities, particularly with regard to the detailed study of the disabled people’s constitutional rights and how to effectively protect them. This purpose will be achieved also through the activation of a special Information Desk for students with disabilities, in which the students will be actively involved. By the study of “Welfare, Social Rights and Territory” the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - know how public authorities are organized, including in their territorial dimension; - know models, tools and strategies to realize a Welfare State system; - know the social rights provided for in the Constitution, with particular regard to the rights of disabled people and to the institutional apparatus engaged in guaranteeing their effectiveness; - develop a reflective and project-based attitude towards the current the current implementation of social rights and the rights of disabled people. Applying knowledge and understanding: - plan and organize activities aimed at the effective implementation of social interventions; - apply technical, communicative and relational skills for the realization of activities on the territory, such as the Information Desk for students with disabilities. Making judgements: - develop the capacity to understand and evaluate the organization and activities of the institutional apparatus in particular those which guarantee social rights; - develop a critical and reflexive capacity regarding their own methods of intervention, taking into account the users with whom they deal. Communication skills: - acquire the use of a technical-legal language; - acquire the ability to communicate in public and with the public in a clear and precise manner; - develop coordination skills with the actors with whom it works; Learning skills: - develop the ability to observe the contexts in which it operates and to grasp critical profiles of them; - develop the ability to learn from confrontation both with experts and with interlocutor users. How to link with other teachings The teaching of "Welfare, Social Rights and Territory" is connected in particular with the following subjects of the three-year degree courses, "Institutions of public law", "Constitutional law", "Law of public administrations and territorial policies", "Social rights and ethical dimension in the aid relationship", "Health law"; as well as with the teaching of "Legal institutions and socio-educational services" of the master degree courses.
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
22902299 -
Provide theoretical, practical and methodological tools for the approach, theoretical understanding and the ability to identify alarm signals (Paleopatterns) on the territory, correlate them to syndromes and trace biological, sociological, criminological, mass-media and economic systems . Define epidemiological, infectious, toxicological, risk factors, in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22902300 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910066 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902305 -
To improve educational, strategical, methodological, instructional, technic, and instrumental skills and competences in the field of planning, managing and evaluating educational policies, services and activities, by practicing them during the time spent in stage and by reflecting during the supervision and personal studying. To study again the scientific and cultural foundations of educational activities by defining, during the stage, the operational, instructional and educational instru-ments requested by individualized activities targeted on users of the educational organizations where stage takes place. By the study of Attività coordinative di supervisione del tirocinio the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: To know the instruments to plan, manage and evaluate educational services and activities. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - To perform tasks linked to coordination of educational activities: situations, contexts and needs analysis; planning or designing activities; taking decisions, checking or monitoring activities; supervision; counselling; evaluation and assessment. - Making judgements: - To collect information, to weight up point of view, to examine situation, in order to formulating hypothesis and critical statements about what is observed or happens in and around the educational activities planned, managed or evaluated. - Communication skills: - To know and be able to use the way to show plans, project or programs, to communicate the input necessary to coordinate and direct activities, to present the results of monitoring, checking, assessment and evaluation. - To be able to have dialogue and interact using active listening, empathy and emotional sharing, as required to direct, lead and coordinate educational services, activities and organisations. - Learning skills: - To identify his/her own training and educational needs, by means of the analysis of educational problems and situations. - To identify skills and knowledge involved in the professional transition and transformations, which are necessary to improve his/her competences. Methods of connection with other teachings Although there is no pre-requisite relationship, the teaching links to the following: Socio-educational methods and strategies for diversitỳ, Educational models for integration, Educational strategies for new communication processes.
22902305-2 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902305-1 -
To improve educational, strategical, methodological, instructional, technic, and instrumental skills and competences in the field of planning, managing and evaluating educational policies, services and activities, by practicing them during the time spent in stage and by reflecting during the supervision and personal studying. To study again the scientific and cultural foundations of educational activities by defining, during the stage, the operational, instructional and educational instru-ments requested by individualized activities targeted on users of the educational organizations where stage takes place. By the study of Attività coordinative di supervisione del tirocinio the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: To know the instruments to plan, manage and evaluate educational services and activities. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - To perform tasks linked to coordination of educational activities: situations, contexts and needs analysis; planning or designing activities; taking decisions, checking or monitoring activities; supervision; counselling; evaluation and assessment. - Making judgements: - To collect information, to weight up point of view, to examine situation, in order to formulating hypothesis and critical statements about what is observed or happens in and around the educational activities planned, managed or evaluated. - Communication skills: - To know and be able to use the way to show plans, project or programs, to communicate the input necessary to coordinate and direct activities, to present the results of monitoring, checking, assessment and evaluation. - To be able to have dialogue and interact using active listening, empathy and emotional sharing, as required to direct, lead and coordinate educational services, activities and organisations. - Learning skills: - To identify his/her own training and educational needs, by means of the analysis of educational problems and situations. - To identify skills and knowledge involved in the professional transition and transformations, which are necessary to improve his/her competences. Methods of connection with other teachings Although there is no pre-requisite relationship, the teaching links to the following: Socio-educational methods and strategies for diversitỳ, Educational models for integration, Educational strategies for new communication processes.
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22910009 -
Promote, in the students, a knowledge of the historical and epistemological frame-work related to the sciences of education, with particular reference to the problems related to the processes of formation, socialization, social inclusion / exclusion. But taking into account the psycho-affective root that is at the base of every process of social interaction, always within a perspective of possible integration / inclusion. Deepening and analysis of the theme concerning the dimension of care, in particu-lar the model of "self-care", today at the center of pedagogical-educational reflec-tion. Promote the acquisition of intervention strategies, on the educational, therapeutic, pedagogical-educational front, aimed at acting appropriately and effectively in the field of mental distress, social exclusion-marginalization, activating educational "pol-icies" of emancipatory subjectivization and care. By the study of Patterns of an inclusive education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - acquire an adequate and wide knowledge about the pedagogical-educational dimension in its components (auxiliary sciences) of psychological, sociological and, in particular, socio-psycho-health matrix, to such an extent that it is possible to develop analytical and hermeneutical capacities having as object the pro-cesses of formation, of socialization, of social and relational integration which see people / people involved in care perspectives. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - Promote the ability to translate what is contained in the reference theoretical guidelines into intervention strategies and methodologies; ability to trigger op-erational models based on action research; increase attitudes not only cogni-tive, but also empathic-relational, aimed at the implementation of effective edu-cational-therapeutic relationships. - Making judgements: - the activation of attitudes of thought and analysis marked by a habit of critical reflexivity, as well as a capacity for reading / interpreting problems related to mental, emotional and relational discomfort, within family, school and social contexts and dynamics, in order to identifying problems, correlations, pathoge-netic situations - Communication skills: - to promote the expansion of a pedagogical vocabulary declined on the side of the clinical dimension of self-care, favoring the capacity for group work aimed at therapeutic-educational practices - Learning skills - Promote the acquisition of habitus and learning styles in the name of metacog-nition, critical reflexivity, the transferability of concepts, concepts and ideas in re-lation to peculiar and problematic situations.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902489 -
The course examines, in the first part, the categories of social changes and changes described in the macro areas: diaspora and migration, economy and work, religion and religiosity, ITC, family and educational processes. The aim is to allow students and students to acquire theoretical and analytical skills which, in an analogical sense, have a reflection in practice for a theory of practice. By the study of SOCIOLOGY OF CHANGES the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - Provide knowledge of the main theoretical-methodological tools of analysis; to acquire the capacity to understand the main contemporary social phenomena and to recognize the foundations in the study of the relationship between society, culture and change. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - Develop a critical approach to the analysis of social phenomena and to understanding social changes and changes taking place. - Making judgements: - The aim is to increase the ability to deepen and interpret reality in the light of change and complexity through critical reflection and independent judgment. - Communication skills: - We intend to implement the sociological lexicon in a correct, appropriate and specific way; the ability to structure a speech in an organic and comprehensive manner will be developed; we will try to increase the ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. - Learning skills: - It is proposed to initiate and manage one's own studies and in-depth studies in a critical and conscious manner. It is considered important for the development of critical capacity and independence of analysis, to follow the following courses: social history.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
22902305 -
To improve educational, strategical, methodological, instructional, technic, and instrumental skills and competences in the field of planning, managing and evaluating educational policies, services and activities, by practicing them during the time spent in stage and by reflecting during the supervision and personal studying. To study again the scientific and cultural foundations of educational activities by defining, during the stage, the operational, instructional and educational instru-ments requested by individualized activities targeted on users of the educational organizations where stage takes place. By the study of Attività coordinative di supervisione del tirocinio the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: To know the instruments to plan, manage and evaluate educational services and activities. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - To perform tasks linked to coordination of educational activities: situations, contexts and needs analysis; planning or designing activities; taking decisions, checking or monitoring activities; supervision; counselling; evaluation and assessment. - Making judgements: - To collect information, to weight up point of view, to examine situation, in order to formulating hypothesis and critical statements about what is observed or happens in and around the educational activities planned, managed or evaluated. - Communication skills: - To know and be able to use the way to show plans, project or programs, to communicate the input necessary to coordinate and direct activities, to present the results of monitoring, checking, assessment and evaluation. - To be able to have dialogue and interact using active listening, empathy and emotional sharing, as required to direct, lead and coordinate educational services, activities and organisations. - Learning skills: - To identify his/her own training and educational needs, by means of the analysis of educational problems and situations. - To identify skills and knowledge involved in the professional transition and transformations, which are necessary to improve his/her competences. Methods of connection with other teachings Although there is no pre-requisite relationship, the teaching links to the following: Socio-educational methods and strategies for diversitỳ, Educational models for integration, Educational strategies for new communication processes.
22902305-2 -
To improve educational, strategical, methodological, instructional, technic, and instrumental skills and competences in the field of planning, managing and evaluating educational policies, services and activities, by practicing them during the time spent in stage and by reflecting during the supervision and personal studying. To study again the scientific and cultural foundations of educational activities by defining, during the stage, the operational, instructional and educational instru-ments requested by individualized activities targeted on users of the educational organizations where stage takes place. By the study of Attività coordinative di supervisione del tirocinio the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: To know the instruments to plan, manage and evaluate educational services and activities. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - To perform tasks linked to coordination of educational activities: situations, contexts and needs analysis; planning or designing activities; taking decisions, checking or monitoring activities; supervision; counselling; evaluation and assessment. - Making judgements: - To collect information, to weight up point of view, to examine situation, in order to formulating hypothesis and critical statements about what is observed or happens in and around the educational activities planned, managed or evaluated. - Communication skills: - To know and be able to use the way to show plans, project or programs, to communicate the input necessary to coordinate and direct activities, to present the results of monitoring, checking, assessment and evaluation. - To be able to have dialogue and interact using active listening, empathy and emotional sharing, as required to direct, lead and coordinate educational services, activities and organisations. - Learning skills: - To identify his/her own training and educational needs, by means of the analysis of educational problems and situations. - To identify skills and knowledge involved in the professional transition and transformations, which are necessary to improve his/her competences. Methods of connection with other teachings Although there is no pre-requisite relationship, the teaching links to the following: Socio-educational methods and strategies for diversitỳ, Educational models for integration, Educational strategies for new communication processes.
Other activities
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22902305-1 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910238 -
The frequency of the course will enable students to learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same identifying the educational paradigms (with particular reference to instructional and constructional point of view) that underlie the different types of training in e-learning and focusing on the communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation in the relational activities. Furthermore it will be designed a personal ePortfolio in the per-spective of Training and Professional Guidance. By the study of Network Communications the student will be able to achieve the fol-lowing training objectives: - Knowledge and understanding: Learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same; Identify the different educational paradigms; to Know the use of ePortfolio and Coppertaive Learning online. - Applying knowledge and understanding: Understand and apply the practices of peer-tutoring and Coppertaive Learning online; Know and use the Mahara platform for the building of ePortfolio. - Making judgements: Recognize the cultural and structural obstacles to the dynam-ics of communication online. - Communication skills: Focus the size of communicative mediation online under-stood as support and facilitation of relational activities; Carrying out online group, aimed at research, study, simulation of professional contexts; Analyze situations of training in network implemented in the field by detecting strengths and weaknesses. - Learning skills: Use the web to search for documentation; Develope meta-cognitive processes trough the ePortfolio adn Cooperative Learning online.
Core compulsory activities
22902295 -
Final examination and foreign language test
22902343 -
Elective activities
Teachings extracurricular:
Management delle politiche e dei servizi sociali / LM-87
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902316 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
22902316-2 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
Core compulsory activities
22902316-1 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910051 -
Pedagogia interculturale e sociale
Also available in another semester or year
22902283 -
The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical framework and conceptual tools necessary to operate competently in the planning processes of local social services, in particular by using a strategic perspective based on go-vernance and participation. At the end of the course the student will be able to: - Knowledge and understanding: to analyze and competently describe the ways in which social planning pro-cesses are carried out in the territories, identifying in them the characteristics of the different models; - Applying knowledge and understanding: formulate proposals for the definition and implementation of the tools and processes that characterize social planning - Making judgements: -assess the appropriateness and quality of the programming processes ana-lyzed; -propose appropriate actions to support social planning processes being acti-vated or in progress; - Communication skills: formulate with appropriate terminology and concepts proposals or assess-ments concerning the theoretical and operational foundations of social plan-ning. - In terms of learning ability: - to carry out in-depth studies on the topics dealt with, drawing appropriately on the field of studies and research in the sector.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
M-STO/04 - (show)
22902287 -
The teaching of Social history aims to analyze the transformations related to the structures of contemporary societies, movements, classes, conditions of work and ways of life, families, local communities, urbanization, mobility, ethnic groups. The course therefore highlights the relationships between social, cultural and economic processes and social structures, as well as their impact on political institutions, the distribution of resources, social movements, shared worldviews, and forms of public and private behavior. By the study of Social History the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to investigate cultures, mentalities, places, that – starting from second after war – cted as sensors / receptors of the messages that changed the system of values and needs: civil rights movements, politics of memory, school, family relationships, religious dissent, discourses on the body and sexuality, youth identity, exemplary spaces of the battle for the promotion of personal freedoms at the foundation of the citizens' statute. - Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to to analyze, by the means of oral and audiovisual sources, the social dynamics, on the border between the public and private spheres, which led to the formation of a democratic, effective and supportive citizenship. Students are indeed actively involved in workshop-exercises based on the audiovisual repertoires (with the plurality of mediums available, from documentaries to cinema, from sound recordings to iconographic representations: films, photographs, oral histories). - Making judgements: The student will be able to acquire a capacity for critical interpretation of reality, suited to challenge the dominant historical narratives, which were constructed around the mechanisms of the Nation building, by increasing instead the value of social change as a core dimension around which historical analysis and diagnosis of the contemporary world should be organized. - Communication skills: The student will be able to get abilities and skills in order to express complex political, social and juridical situations by acquiring new communication skills. - Learning skills: The student will be able to acquire: knowledge of the main dynamics of social change in Italian and European society since the second post-war period; autonomous and critical understanding of the mechanisms of the mediation and re-mediation of memory through the representative forms of collective imagination, which need to be considered in an alternative manner to the dominant national interpretations of the past. How to link with other teachings The connection with the teachings of the History of Europe and of the Community institutions and Theories and practices of active citizenship is recommended.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910200 -
History of peace
Il corso prende in esame le trasformazioni profonde e pervasive dell’economia e della società tra Ottocento e Novecento, dalla prima, alla seconda e alla terza rivoluzione industriale. Una particolare attenzione deve essere rivolta all’origine, lo sviluppo e la deriva dello Stato sociale nello specifico caso italiano. The course aims to offer students the tools to understand the historical and social dynamics of the contemporary age, with specific reference to the themes of peace and conflict resolution. The aim of the course is to promote a reflective, analytical, logical and planning attitude in the students, available for group work. The course promotes the ability to design and plan interventions in favor of peace. By attending the History of Peace course, the student will be able to achieve the following educational goals. Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the historical dynamics of the contemporary age, with specific reference to the themes of peace and conflict resolution; ability to understand complex historical situations, with different institutional and non-institutional actors; Applying knowledge and understanding: To be able to conceive and plan interventions in favor of peace, through the ability of working in groups; to be able to conceive strategies of action in problematic situations that require peaceful mediation; Making judgements: Being able to elaborate an autonomous judgement on the situations in which one is called to intervene; being able to make decisions in complex situations.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910225 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910226 -
The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical bases and con-ceptual tools of a sociological nature which allow them to analyse in a competent manner the legal-institutional phenomena which influence the transformation of welfare systems in the contemporary world. Particular attention is paid to the ef-fects produced by the evolutionary processes of the regulatory framework in the direction of the territorialisation of welfare. At the end of the course the student is able to: Knowledge and understanding: - to use the concepts and tools of sociology in the analysis of the processes that interconnect the evolution of the legal-institutional framework with the transformation of welfare systems. Applying knowledge and understanding: - competently describe the phenomena of change in the welfare system in their legal-institutional genesis. Making judgements: - to evaluate and critically discuss the implications that territorialisation processes have on welfare systems. Communication skills: - to represent with terminological and conceptual appropriateness the phenomena and processes being studied. Learning skills: - to carry out in-depth studies on the topics dealt with, drawing appropriately on the field of studies and research in the sector.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902316 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
22902316-2 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902316-1 -
The aim of the course is to introduce to the problems of design, implementation and management of structures and operating systems related to the behavior of people in the organization of companies of any type (profit, non-profit) that operate under the constraint of efficiency and effectiveness.
Core compulsory activities
22910051 -
Pedagogia interculturale e sociale
Objectives of the program are acquiring knowledge of the disciplines of intercultural and community education to allow a high capacity for analysis, interpretation and action on contexts and phenomena of a social and educational nature; the acquisition of the skills necessary for the planning and implementation of educational and social intervention programs in the fields of immigration, social exclusion and marginalization, and welfare policies in general. By the study of Intercultural and community Education the student will be able to achieve the following objectives. By the study of Intercultural and community Education the student will be able to achieve the following objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - the possession of methodological, strategic and technical skills in relation to the functioning of the personal service networks and of the institutional apparatus involved in the socio-educational field; - the adoption of a reflective, analytical, logical, planning attitude, available both to group and network work, and to group and network design. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - - possession of organizational skills in microsystems, in the regulation of social interventions, in the management of change; - Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of organizational skills in microsystems, in the regulation of social interventions, in the management of change. - Making judgements: - ability to elaborate an autonomous judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene and take decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - Communication skills: - ability to draw up documents aimed at programming and managing services, to prepare research / monitoring / evaluation reports and to elaborate and present operational proposals for intervention. - possession of specific skills to act as an expert in the monitoring system for training interventions. - Learning skills: - acquire the skills necessary to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's, research doctorate) without prejudice to the ability to continue autonomously in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile. How to link with other teachings The program is connected to the other programs of the pedagogical and sociological area, trough the analysis of cases, experiences and interdisciplinary services.
Core compulsory activities
22902340 -
The educational objectives of the course concern the acquisition of knowledge about the structures, roles, norms, dynamics and social psychological processes of group and the application to broader and more complex social contexts, as well as the development of skills for solving problems related to group leadership process-es in order to increase skills of management and coordination of work groups. By the study of Social psychology of group the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - To elaborate group features and to apply the functions to social groups - To solve problems related to psychosocial processes of group (social influences, communication, productivity, conflicts), to apply them in complex social contexts. - To integrate knowledges about theoretical models explaining group processes: Social Identity Theory, - Self-categorization Theory, Theory of Social Comparison processes, etc. and to develop autonomy of judgment and interpretation of social situations - To examine in depth and communicate results of the main scientific researches about group processes and to apply the conclusions to broader social fields.
Core compulsory activities
22910011 -
The course aims to provide an understanding of the main sociological theories about the family and the generativity and their connections with the theoretical and methodological contributions developed in the analysis of social networks. Particular attention is given to the ability to apply the network approach (primary and secondary) in the field of social cohesion in relation to families and margina-lity. By the study of Families and Social Networks the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: - knowledge and understanding: to acquire familiarity with complex concepts in the context of transformations of family models, of the characteristics of social networks and of the related processes of generativity in relation to social capi-tal in marginal contexts. - appling knowledge and understanding: to analyze case studies on the role of the family on the formation of social networks, social capital and marginality; - making judgments: to orientate critically between the different approaches concerning family and network models, marginality and the paradigms of generativity in the processes of formation of social capital; - communication skills: to develop lexical and conceptual tools necessary for the study of family sociology and social network approaches and useful for acquiring oral and writing skills; - Learning skills: critical and reflexive self-learning ability and study organization at individual and group level.
Core compulsory activities
22910225 -
The course aims to provide the students with knowledge and skills that will enable them to know how to frame the organization of public authorities (even in their territorial dimension), the Italian Welfare State system and the constitutional framework of social rights. Furthermore, the teaching purpose is to offer students a reflection on the nowadays condition of people with disabilities, particularly with regard to the detailed study of the disabled people’s constitutional rights and how to effectively protect them. This purpose will be achieved also through the activation of a special Information Desk for students with disabilities, in which the students will be actively involved. By the study of “Welfare, Social Rights and Territory” the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - know how public authorities are organized, including in their territorial dimension; - know models, tools and strategies to realize a Welfare State system; - know the social rights provided for in the Constitution, with particular regard to the rights of disabled people and to the institutional apparatus engaged in guaranteeing their effectiveness; - develop a reflective and project-based attitude towards the current the current implementation of social rights and the rights of disabled people. Applying knowledge and understanding: - plan and organize activities aimed at the effective implementation of social interventions; - apply technical, communicative and relational skills for the realization of activities on the territory, such as the Information Desk for students with disabilities. Making judgements: - develop the capacity to understand and evaluate the organization and activities of the institutional apparatus in particular those which guarantee social rights; - develop a critical and reflexive capacity regarding their own methods of intervention, taking into account the users with whom they deal. Communication skills: - acquire the use of a technical-legal language; - acquire the ability to communicate in public and with the public in a clear and precise manner; - develop coordination skills with the actors with whom it works; Learning skills: - develop the ability to observe the contexts in which it operates and to grasp critical profiles of them; - develop the ability to learn from confrontation both with experts and with interlocutor users. How to link with other teachings The teaching of "Welfare, Social Rights and Territory" is connected in particular with the following subjects of the three-year degree courses, "Institutions of public law", "Constitutional law", "Law of public administrations and territorial policies", "Social rights and ethical dimension in the aid relationship", "Health law"; as well as with the teaching of "Legal institutions and socio-educational services" of the master degree courses.
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902438 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
Optional Group:
22902285 -
The teaching points to ensure the knowledge about the of the «active citizenship» phenomenon, either at the conceptual level or under the point of view of the concrete actions of the social or-ganizations which are recognized as the actors playing the leading role in the pro-cess of change within social, political, economic systems and institutions at the aim of promoting and protecting human and civil rights, supporting the most vulnerable in society and and taking care for Common Goods. By the study of Theories and practices of active citizenship the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to single out and to describe the main «active citizenship» organizations among public and private actors, in reference to any actions made with either the advocacy promoters or services managers and with particular regard to their role in the transformation of democratic regimes and of the welfare systems. - Applying knowledge and understanding: The experience gained through the course activities are expected to help students educators and social workers to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to effectively contribute to the active citizenship. - Making judgements: The student will be able to acquire a capacity for critical interpretation of foundation-al concepts such as citizenship and human rights, education, children’s rights, de-mocracy at school and in the social contexts, tolerance and the problem of low edu-cational achievements of pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. - Communication skills: The student will be able to get abilities and skills in order to express complex politi-cal, social and juridical situations by acquiring new communication skills. - Learning skills: The student will be able to acquire the knowledge of the main theoretical and apply-ing issues about the active citizenship category in the context of the Italian and Eu-ropean society. How to link with other teachings The connection with the teachings of Social History and History of Europe and the Community institutions is recommended.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22902289 -
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902284 -
The course aims to provide the methodological guidelines for designing and evaluating social interventions, presenting the different theoretical and operational models to which reference can be made in the design and evaluation processes. It also intends to provide the tools to monitor social projects. The reflection will be accompanied by practical references deriving from specific field experiences.
Core compulsory activities
22902438 -
The meetings will provide a theoretical framework that traces the reciprocal relationship between research and social service, from the 1950s to the present day, and students will be given some options for reflection in order to favor a first orientation to the internship course.
Other activities
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22902489 -
The course examines, in the first part, the categories of social changes and changes described in the macro areas: diaspora and migration, economy and work, religion and religiosity, ITC, family and educational processes. The aim is to allow students and students to acquire theoretical and analytical skills which, in an analogical sense, have a reflection in practice for a theory of practice. By the study of SOCIOLOGY OF CHANGES the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - Provide knowledge of the main theoretical-methodological tools of analysis; to acquire the capacity to understand the main contemporary social phenomena and to recognize the foundations in the study of the relationship between society, culture and change. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - Develop a critical approach to the analysis of social phenomena and to understanding social changes and changes taking place. - Making judgements: - The aim is to increase the ability to deepen and interpret reality in the light of change and complexity through critical reflection and independent judgment. - Communication skills: - We intend to implement the sociological lexicon in a correct, appropriate and specific way; the ability to structure a speech in an organic and comprehensive manner will be developed; we will try to increase the ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. - Learning skills: - It is proposed to initiate and manage one's own studies and in-depth studies in a critical and conscious manner. It is considered important for the development of critical capacity and independence of analysis, to follow the following courses: social history.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
22902285 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902289 -
First of all, the course provides the theoretical-interpretative tools necessary for the understanding of some social aspects relevant to the profession of social worker. Then, the course make the students to get the ability to practically apply the theoretical acquired skills, translating them into an action / social service project.Through the study of “Models and Tools for Personal Services Manage-ment” the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: learning the technical skills and strategies to work in the different areas of social service and being prepared to use the theoretical and practical tools based on the values and ethics of the profes-sion. - Applying knowledge and understanding: improve use of traditional and inno-vative professional models and tools to work effectively with service users. - Making autonomy judgements: developing critical thinking and reflective skills to be used in every moment of professional action. - Communication skills: learning the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication in all social services areas. Furthermore, the need to use communication to build relationships, create solutions and to negotiate plans for service users. - Learning ability: learning the skills and improving the tools necessary to suc-cessfully attend and pass post-graduate courses and to continue with pro-fessional development. How to link with other teachings 1- 1- Metodi e Tecniche del Servizio Sociale I 2- Metodi e Tecniche del Servizio Sociale II 3- La Ricerca e il Servizio Sociale+Stage 4- Laboratorio Analisi Valutativa di un Servizio Sociale
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
22902292 -
Lectures, use of iconographic, photographic, audiovisual documents, interventions and testimonies of protagonists.
Elective activities
22902293 -
The laboratory proposes an operational simulation on the path of construction of a social project according to what are the procedures normally adopted in the FSE calls and in the tenders activated by the PA. The laboratory engages students in active participation and in the production of written papers.
Elective activities
22902294 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902342 -
The course intends to provide students with the knowledge concerning the history of women’s state in the XX century. It aims at offering a historical path by rebuilding ideological roots and government policies which signed the exclusion and inclusion of women with regard to the public sphere and productive environment, with a spe-cial attention devoted to the marginalization and segregation phenomena towards a group of female categories. By the study of Women’s History the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge of the political-institutional scenarios characterized by the exclusion of women by the access to some fundamental rights: right to vote, to extra-domestic work, and working safeguard measures; - Understanding the ethical-legal roots perpetuating gender inequality in the sec-ond half of the XX century; - Ability to analyze the theoretical principles which have legitimized political choices by European governments in the first half of the XIX century, with a fo-cus on the second post world war Italy. How to link with other teachings The course of Women’s History requires knowledge of the contemporary history space time dimension and of the deep transformations on the political-institutional and socio-economic ground, occurred in the XX century. The multifaceted dimen-sion of the course offers a great opportunity for interaction and integration with other subject matters contemplated in the comprehensive learning path (psychological, sociological, legal and pedagogical). As the gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment represents a priority in the agenda of the international community, starting from the Agenda 2030, conceived as a new global constitution, the knowledge of the history of denied rights and battles carried out by women is essen-tial in order to understand the current female condition at global level.
Elective activities
22902426 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902490 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902661 -
The laboratory aims to provide second-year students with additional knowledge and indications of study paths in order to be able to successfully face, after graduation, the qualifying exam for the profession of Albo A. In the laboratory meetings, simulations of the written and oral tests will also be held in order to acquire skills in managing the time required for their preparation.
Elective activities
22910227 -
The educational objectives of this course concern the acquisition of knowledge of the fields of action of legal and community psychology in legal, regulatory, and educational and social contexts and the application to broader and more complex social contexts, as well as the development of competences for the recognition of conflicts in interdependent groups and the constructive rather than destructive management/mediation of the same within groups and communities. By the study of : Legal and community psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Understand what legal and investigative psychology deals with, the regulatory context, and what are the applicative implications of the discipline with particular reference to aspects of social problems; - Know the applicative contexts of legal psychology with references to expert evaluation and report, risk assessment and psychosocial interventions with children and adult victims and offenders. - Acquisition of the key concepts of community psychology. - Identification of the differentiation between conflict and violence. - Distinction between management of constructive conflict, which leads to change in social balance, and destructive conflict management, which instead results in violence. - Develop autonomy in assessing conflict situations and applying the reflection skills acquired in the management and management of groups within educational contexts and social services The teaching is connected with the Laboratory of Lie detection and non-verbal communication.
Elective activities
22910228 -
The educational objectives of this laboratory are the acquisition of knowledge and mainly the practical skills in non-verbal communication and in identifying and interpreting indicators for lie detection, especially in the investigative fields and socio-educational interview. By the study of Laboratory for lie detection and nonverbal communication the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Understanding the psychological and social significance of lying in meaningful social contexts - To know and interpret the objective and subjective indicators of lie, that is those indicators verified empirically and detected by experts and those considered as such by common sense. - To analyze the channels of nonverbal communication and the interconnection between them - To observe, codify and interpret the verbal and nonverbal signals of the lying communication - To acquire communication skills in the different channels of interpersonal communication - To identify in autonomous manner the application contexts of the knowledge acquired in social, legal and educational fields. The teaching is connected with juridical and community psychology.
Elective activities
22902266 -
The course provides basic concepts of sampling and regression. Particular attention is devoted to the comparison of types of sampling, and to the comparison between bivariate and multivariate approaches. During the course students will be introduced to the use of statistical software for computers, solving problems in new areas, placed in interdisciplinary contexts. By autonomously managing complex knowledge, the student will learn how to make critical judgments and communicate the results obtained to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors. By the study of STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - have acquired in-depth disciplinary knowledge in the field of statistics such as to allow him an adequate approach to the problems of planning and carrying out socio-educational and socio-welfare activities. - possess advanced methodological and technical knowledge, able to allow him to reflect on even complex situations with adequate data analysis and interpretation tools. Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of skills in the use of the operating systems of the new data processing methods - competent use of communication strategies with professional partners and users. Making judgements: - elaborate an independent judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene, making decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - show reflexive abilities on their own methods of intervention, supporting their decisions with objective information. Communication skills: - drafting documents aimed at programming and managing services, preparing research / monitoring / evaluation reports and preparing and presenting operational intervention proposals. - know how to communicate in public and manage institutional communication. Learning skills: - appropriate acquisitions skills to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's degree, research doctorate) - ability to continue independently in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile.
Elective activities
22902295 -
Final examination and foreign language test