Degree Course: Early childhood education and care
A.Y. 2023/2024
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
I risultati attesi riguardano:
- la conoscenza e la comprensione critica dei fondamenti epistemologici delle discipline pedagogiche psicologiche e sociologiche, delle principali correnti di pensiero e delle dimensioni storiche e sociali dei modelli educativi e delle politiche dei processi di inclusione sociale;
- la conoscenza di modelli, strumenti e tecniche di osservazione dei bambini nei contesti socioculturali ed educativi;
- la conoscenza di modelli, strumenti e tecniche di osservazione delle bambine/i nei contesti socioculturali ed educativi;
- la conoscenza delle strategie e tecniche di intervento educativo;
- la conoscenza dei diversi metodi di ricerca in educazione e di valutazione dei risultati;
- la capacità di riconoscere i bisogni educativi dei bambini in una logica inclusiva e di adattare le strategie educative, in rapporto anche all'età e al contesto;
- la conoscenza articolata delle diverse agenzie educative, delle loro finalità e del loro ruolo all'interno dell'attuale scenario sociale;
- la conoscenza dei metodi di analisi dei contesti sociali e territoriali;
- le capacità collaborative e di gestione delle dinamiche dei gruppi professionali.
Tali conoscenze e capacità sono conseguite attraverso la riflessione critica sulle sollecitazioni provenienti dallo studio dei testi, la partecipazione alle attività laboratoriali e seminariali e di tirocinio che integrano la didattica e consentono di mettere in pratica e/o di simulare in differenti contesti le conoscenze acquisite.
La verifica dell'apprendimento avviene, oltre che con specifiche prove di valutazione, sia attraverso attività laboratoriali, seminariali e di tirocinio, lo sviluppo di progetti e studi di caso mediante i quali lo studente discute e mette in pratica il sapere acquisito, sia con la prova finale.Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
Il laureato ha capacità e competenze, nell’ambito dell’infanzia e della prima infanzia, di:
- usare in maniera consapevole e flessibile quanto appreso, applicandolo alla soluzione dei problemi specifici ai diversi servizi socio-educativi e ai diversi soggetti;
- osservare le differenti situazioni e contesti interpretandone i bisogni di cura, educativi e di socializzazione;
- cogliere la specificità delle situazioni educative analizzandole da più punti di vista (sociale, culturale, ecc.) in modo da adottare adeguate prassi educative;
- avvalersi di strumenti di osservazione e strategie di relazione con il bambino e la sua famiglia;
- ideazione, progettazione e valutazione di interventi educativi -, riconoscendone i presupposti teorici e le logiche di intervento, coerenti con le esigenze dei bambini nei diversi contesti;
- utilizzare le moderne tecnologie per la registrazione, elaborazione e trasmissione delle informazioni;
- applicare tecniche di educazione e mediazione interculturale;
- costruire contesti inclusivi anche per bambini con difficoltà cognitive e relazionale;
- lavorare in gruppo con attenzione alle sue dinamiche interpersonali;
- capacità critiche per la valutazione della qualità dei percorsi educativi dedicati all’infanzia.
Tali capacità e competenze sono conseguite attraverso la riflessione critica sulle sollecitazioni provenienti dallo studio dei testi, la partecipazione alle attività laboratoriali e seminariali e di tirocinio che integrano la didattica e consentono di mettere in pratica e/o di simulare in differenti contesti le conoscenze acquisite.
La verifica dell’apprendimento avviene, oltre che con specifiche prove di valutazione, sia attraverso attività laboratoriali, seminariali e di tirocinio, lo sviluppo di progetti e studi di caso mediante i quali lo studente discute e mette in pratica il sapere acquisito, sia con la prova finale.
Autonomia di giudizio
Al termine del percorso formativo il laureato sarà in grado di riflettere con approccio scientifico e con capacità critica sulle azioni e sul contesto nel quale svolgerà la propria attività professionale.
In particolare, il laureato avrà sviluppato:
- consapevolezza della responsabilità etica e formativa connessa all'esercizio della funzione educativa e dei doveri conseguenti verso i bambini, le famiglie, l'istituzione presso cui opera e il territorio;
- attitudine a leggere e interpretare bisogni e comportamenti dei bambini e delle famiglie alla luce dei contesti sociali contemporanei;
- capacità di analizzare criticamente ed elaborare in forma riflessiva le scelte educative;
- capacità di valutare soluzioni alternative ai problemi e ad assumere decisioni rispondenti ai bisogni educativi dei bambini e delle famiglie;
- attitudine a valutare situazioni e azioni educative sulla base di una appropriata documentazione;
- attitudine a monitorare ed auto-valutare l'efficacia della propria azione educativa;
- attitudine a rimodulare le pratiche educative, sulla base della ricerca, della sperimentazione e dell'innovazione.
L'autonomia di giudizio viene sviluppata trasversalmente nelle diverse discipline del corso di laurea e viene consolidata principalmente nelle attività seminariali e laboratoriali.
Il tirocinio e la prova finale costituiscono i momenti di verifica diretta dell'avvenuto raggiungimento di tale competente autonomia di giudizio.
Abilità comunicative
Al termine del percorso formativo il laureato sarà in grado di ascoltare, di comunicare in modo consapevole, di riflettere sui processi comunicativi attivati o osservati e di avvalersi in modo efficace dei flussi comunicativi che caratterizzano i contesti lavorativi.
In particolare, il laureato avrà sviluppato le seguenti competenze comunicative trasversali:
- capacità di ascoltare e comprendere le esigenze manifestate dalle bambine/i nelle attività di cura, educazione e socializzazione e capacità di attenderne e riconoscerne l’eventuale manifestazione;
- consapevolezza di utilizzo espressivo, finalizzato e contestualizzato della narrazione, dei linguaggi verbali e non verbali, nelle attività di cura, educazione, socializzazione e gioco delle bambine e dei bambini, nei rapporti con le famiglie, con gli altri educatori e con gli operatori del Sistema integrato dei servizi;
- capacità di riconoscere e promuovere le competenze relazionali e comunicative (narrazione, linguaggi verbali e non verbali) delle bambine e dei bambini nelle attività di cura, educazione, socializzazione e gioco.
- consapevolezza di utilizzo espressivo, finalizzato e contestualizzato della lingua scritta in educazione con particolare riferimento alle attività di progettazione, documentazione e valutazione dei processi educativi e di rendicontazione degli esiti raggiunti;
- padronanza e consapevolezza di utilizzo, oltre l’Italiano, della lingua inglese orale e scritta o di almeno una lingua dell’Unione Europea (B1), nelle attività di cura, educazione e socializzazione delle bambine e dei bambini;
- capacità di valorizzare e utilizzare i vari formati di libro e le nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e dell’informazione nelle attività di cura, educazione e socializzazione delle bambine e dei bambini, e di avvalersi degli strumenti informatici e digitali nei rapporti con le famiglie, con gli altri educatori e con gli operatori del Sistema integrato dei servizi.
Tutti gli insegnamenti concorrono al conseguimento delle competenze comunicative trasversali e alcuni contribuiscono specificatamente al loro sviluppo e consolidamento.
Le competenze comunicative sono applicate in particolare nello svolgimento delle attività laboratoriali e seminariali, nei tirocini e nella predisposizione della prova finale.
L’accertamento iniziale delle competenze comunicative è svolto mediante la prova di accesso e la valutazione formativa delle stesse è effettuata in itinere in tutti gli insegnamenti e nelle attività previste con l’utilizzo prevalente di strumenti di autovalutazione e confronto tra pari; la verifica dell’avvenuto conseguimento è effettuata mediante le prove di esame, l’analisi e discussione delle relazioni richieste e della prova finale.
Capacità di apprendimento
Al termine del percorso formativo il laureato sarà in grado di cogliere nelle esperienze professionali le necessità formative ed ha quindi la volontà di rispondere in modo sempre più professionale ai bisogni dei bambini/e e delle loro famiglie, affinando progressivamente competenze, attitudini ed expertise a tre livelli: nell'asilo nido, anche istituzionalizzando
modelli di tutoraggio e mentoring; a livello territoriale, per la costruzione di filiere formative efficaci; a livello nazionale, all'interno dei gruppi disciplinari e interdisciplinari; a livello internazionale, stimolando
l'apertura al confronto e l'intensificazione degli scambi internazionali, anche attraverso le esperienze dei gemellaggi europei.
E' capace di osservare i contesti nei quali opera e di riflettere criticamente sulle dinamiche che li caratterizzano.
E' in grado di accedere alla letteratura scientifica di settore, individuando fonti attendibili.
E' consapevole dell'importanza di apprendere dal confronto con operatori e esperti con lo stesso suo profilo professionale e con le altre figure che operano nel settore.
La verifica della capacità di queste capacità di apprendimento si realizza attraverso prove di profitto relative ai singoli insegnamenti, nel progetto di tirocinio, nel diario di bordo, nella relazione del tutor esterno ed interno e nel corso della stesura e presentazione della prova finale.
Requisiti di ammissione
L'accesso al corso di laurea è consentito a coloro che sono in possesso di un diploma di scuola media superiore conseguito in Italia o di titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto come equivalente.
Le conoscenze e le competenze che sono assunte come prerequisito per l'accesso al corso sono quelle di base e trasversali, quali la comprensione della lettura, le abilità logico-linguistiche e logico-matematiche.
Oltre alle competenze in lingua italiana, sono richieste conoscenze di cultura generale, lingua inglese, nonché competenze informatiche di base.
Le modalità di verifica della conoscenze richieste per l'accesso sono esplicitate nel Regolamento Didattico del CdS.
Prova finale
La prova finale consiste in un lavoro di:
- sviluppo, approfondimento e sistematizzazione teorica e metodologica dell'esperienza di tirocinio esterno attraverso la predisposizione di un elaborato che esprima la capacità di riflessione sulle situazioni esperienziali e lavorative effettuate senza trascurare la dimensione teorica.
- analisi critica e comparativa di teorie, metodologie, tecniche anche sulla base di indagini empiriche, osservative e sperimentali relative a un tema pertinente con le caratteristiche del Corso di Studio.
Orientamento in ingresso
Le azioni di orientamento in ingresso sono improntate alla realizzazione di processi di raccordo con la scuola media secondaria.
Si concretizzano in attività di carattere informativo sui Corsi di Studio (CdS) curate dall'Ufficio Orientamento di Ateneo e dai singoli Dipartimenti anche come impegno condiviso da scuola e università per favorire lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza da parte degli studenti nel compiere scelte coerenti con le proprie conoscenze, competenze, attitudini e interessi.
Le attività promosse si articolano in:
a) autorientamento;
b) incontri e manifestazioni informative rivolte alle future matricole;
c) sviluppo di servizi online e pubblicazione di guide sull'offerta formativa dei CdS.
Tra le attività svolte in collaborazione con le scuole per lo sviluppo di una maggiore consapevolezza nella scelta, il progetto di autorientamento è un intervento che consente di promuovere un raccordo particolarmente qualificato con alcune scuole medie superiori.
Il progetto, infatti, è articolato in incontri svolti presso le scuole ed è finalizzato a sollecitare nelle future matricole una riflessione sui propri punti di forza e sui criteri di scelta.
La presentazione dell'offerta formativa agli studenti delle scuole superiori prevede tre eventi principali distribuiti nel corso dell'anno accademico ai quali partecipano tutti i CdS.
• Salone dello studente, si svolge presso la fiera di Roma fra ottobre e novembre e coinvolge tradizionalmente tutti gli Atenei del Lazio e molti Atenei fuori Regione, Enti pubblici e privati che si occupano di Formazione e Lavoro.
Roma Tre partecipa a questo evento con un proprio spazio espositivo, con conferenze di presentazione dell'offerta formativa dell'Ateneo e promuove i propri Dipartimenti scientifici grazie all'iniziativa Youth for Future;
• Giornate di Vita Universitaria (GVU), si svolgono ogni anno da dicembre a marzo e sono rivolte agli studenti degli ultimi due anni della scuola secondaria superiore.
Si svolgono in tutti i Dipartimenti dell'Ateneo e costituiscono un'importante occasione per le future matricole per vivere la realtà universitaria.
Gli incontri sono strutturati in modo tale che accanto alla presentazione dei Corsi di Laurea, gli studenti possano anche fare un'esperienza diretta di vita universitaria con la partecipazione ad attività didattiche, laboratori, lezioni o seminari, alle quali partecipano anche
studenti seniores che svolgono una significativa mediazione di tipo tutoriale.
Partecipano annualmente circa 5.000 studenti;
• Orientarsi a Roma Tre, rappresenta la manifestazione che chiude le annuali attività di orientamento in ingresso e si svolge in Ateneo a luglio di ogni anno.
L'evento accoglie, perlopiù, studenti romani che partecipano per mettere definitivamente a fuoco la loro scelta universitaria.
Durante la manifestazione viene presentata l'offerta formativa e sono presenti, con un proprio spazio, tutti i principali servizi di Roma Tre, le segreterie didattiche e la segreteria studenti.
I servizi online messi a disposizione dei futuri studenti universitari nel tempo sono aumentati tenendo conto dello sviluppo delle nuove opportunità di comunicazione tramite web.
Inoltre, durante tutte le manifestazioni di presentazione dell'offerta formativa, sono illustrati quei siti web di
Dipartimento, di Ateneo, Portale dello studente etc.
che possono aiutare gli studenti nella loro scelta.
Gli studenti del corso di laurea, oltre ad usufruire delle attività promosse a livello di Ateneo, possono fruire di ulteriori attività e servizi realizzati dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, a cui il corso di laurea appartiene.
Per l'orientamento in ingresso, in particolare, gli studenti del corso di laurea hanno a disposizione anche il Servizio di Tutorato Matricole (S.Tu.M.).
Il servizio, curato da docenti del Dipartimento e da studenti laureandi che svolgono la funzione di tutor, si propone di:
- facilitare l'inserimento attivo delle matricole nei corsi di studio;
- migliorare l'accessibilità alle informazioni utili;
- offrire un sostegno nel percorso universitario di ogni studente;
- promuovere tra studenti la costituzione di gruppi di studio.
Il funzionamento dello S.Tu.M è assicurato dall'inizio alla fine delle attività didattiche (ottobre-maggio) presso il Polo Didattico di Via Principe Amedeo, 184.Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di Studio offre allo studente conoscenze e competenze altamente professionalizzanti nel settore pedagogico, metodologico-didattico, psicologico, sociologico e igienico-sanitario, caratterizzanti il lavoro nei nidi e nei servizi per l'infanzia.
Tali competenze riguardano: la cura, l'educazione e la socializzazione delle bambine e dei bambini da 0 a 6 anni; l'analisi dei loro bisogni individuali e del contesto sociale, culturale e territoriale; la progettazione e organizzazione di servizi per l'infanzia; l'avvalersi dei principali metodi di ricerca educativa; la collaborazione e la comunicazione all'interno dei gruppi di lavoro che operano nello stesso contesto e nelle reti istituzionali, in un'ottica di sostenibilità globale.
La formazione è integrata da attività di tirocinio esterno obbligatorio presso nidi pubblici e privati e servizi per l'infanzia 0-6 anni.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910168 -
General education
The course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge and skills related to: - care, education and socialization of children from 0 to 6 years; - the analysis of individual and group educational needs; - the analysis of social and cultural reality of territories; - the use of appropriate research methods in the educational field.
Through the study of General Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and critical understanding of the epistemological foundations of the pedagogical disciplines, the main currents of thought and the historical and social dimensions of the educational models and of the policies of the processes of social inclusion. Applying knowledge and understanding: - understand the specificity of educational situations by analyzing them from different points of view (social, cultural, etc.) in order to adopt appropriate educational practices. Making judgements: - ability to critically analyze and elaborate educational choices in a reflective form. Communication skills: - ability to enhance and use the various formats of books and new communication and information technologies in care, education and socialization of children. Learning skills: - ability to observe the contexts and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them; - ability to access scientific literature in the sector of education, identifying reliable sources.
Basic compulsory activities
22910172 -
Design and organize educational activities in childcare services, preparing appropriate interventions for users and territory; use educational-didactic strategies and methodologies oriented to the promotion of skills, respecting the times and styles of development and learning of each; monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's educational activity; develop critical skills for quality assessment of early childhood interventions; use computer tools and new technologies applied to educational contexts.
By the study of "Instructional design and evaluation processes" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding - Understand theories and operational skills of methodological-didactic nature related to the planning, organization, implementation, documentation and evaluation of educational interventions - Understand models, tools and strategies for observing children in socio-cultural and educational contexts.
Applying knowledge and understanding - Design, plan and evaluate educational interventions, recognizing their theoretical assumptions and intervention logics, coherent with the needs of children in different contexts - Know how to detect data with a variety of tools, also using technologies for recording, processing and transmitting information.
Making judgements - Develop the ability to document, observe and detect information that allows an ecological, dynamic, orientative evaluation - Develop the capacity of the research-action potentials as a functional strategy to increase the quality of the educational and training processes and results, to the professional development of educators and teachers and to organizational learning.
Communication skills - Acquire the expressive use of written language in the educational field with particular reference to the design, documentation and evaluation of educational processes and reporting of the results achieved
Learning skills - Be able to observe the contexts in which they operate and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them - Be able to access the scientific literature of the sector, identifying reliable sources - Be aware of the importance of learning from the comparison with operators and experts of the same professional profile and with the other figures operating in the sector.
Basic compulsory activities
22910173 -
The course aims to provide the basic scientific-disciplinary skills, concerning the study of the main functions (cognitive, emotional and motor) through which the individual interacts with the environment. It also offers basic knowledge about the history of psychology and the methods and techniques of psychological research. Through laboratory activities and seminars, students will be able to make direct experience of the techniques of investigation applied to topics relevant in educational settings.
By the study of General Psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding - Understand the epistemological basis of General Psychology; - Understand the main theoretical approaches and methods for the study of cognitive and affective systems; - Understand the research methodology of General Psychology;
Applying knowledge and understanding - Apply knowledge on typical cognitive functioning in educational settings; - Use research methodology and ethics knowledge to design, implement and discuss research data in educational settings
Making judgements - -Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between the different approaches for educational scopes; - -Conceptualize theoretical approaches on cognition according to the modern perspective of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience;
Communication skills - Read and understand a scientific article; - Disseminate research data to expert (colleagues, professionals, clinicians) and non-expert (e.g., parents) audiences;
Learning skills: - Apply research methods to foster problem solving in educational contexts (e.g., bibliographic search skills, hypothesis formulation and testing, data analysis, etc.) - Promote the use of scientific research in educational settings.
Basic compulsory activities
22910166 -
Computer skills
The course aims to provide knowledge and skills that allow the students to use the computer as a tool for the automation of the most common and elementary activities related to information processing.
- Knowledge and understanding: Computer knowledge, understanting of the potentiality of the computer, knowledge of the information coding - Applying knowledge and understanding: Ability to use the computer and the tool for computing fo information processing and communication - Making judgements: The ability to understand the potential that any computing device (smartphone, laptop, PC, ecc) isable to do independeently fro the future evolution of the market - Learning skills: be able to adapt to the changes in the future of the market and of the technology.
Other activities
22910165 -
The course aims to offer a general overview of the main aspects of the contemporary world, with special regard to Italy and Europe. The course will underline the cultural history and especially the history of racism and the integration issues and challenges, relating to people coming from different cultures and religions. In line with the general goals of the CdS, the course will deepen the dynamics of inclusion/exclusion in Italy and Europe.
Knowledge and understanding - Understand the main aspects of the contemporary history - Understand and be able to use the categories of the contemporary history Applying knowledge and understanding - Understand the socio-economic and cultural dynamics of the contemporary history - Understand the importance of the cultural history in the contemporary world Making judgements - Be able to link Italian history to global history - Be able to use historical knowledge to understand contemporary events Communication skills - Be able to describe the historical issues discussed during the course Learning skills - Be able to use the historiographical tools in an analysis of the contemporary society.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-PED/02-I ANNO - (show)
22910169 -
Children's literature
With the course of Children’s literature, students will be able to achieve the following educational goals: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge in the field of children's literature, with particular attention to the historical development of this discipline and the aspects of research and the interpretative criticism of literary text for children - knowledge of the prospects and theoretical models of children’s literature - knowledge of the main models of didactic design and evaluation methods of the child-narrative-book relationship. - knowledge of IT tools and technologies for innovation-based teaching, in particular relating to the use of paper and digital texts In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - ability to create an authentic educational relationship aimed at emotional-emotional, socio-cultural and cognitive maturation gained through a conscious use of pre-reading and reading; - ability to design and realize training paths that use narrative and book with a variety of methodologies and organizational solutions appropriate to child development and learning progression; In terms of autonomy of judgment: - Attitudes to problematize situations and educational events, to analyze them deeply and to elaborate them in a reflective way, putting children in the condition of always elaborating a personal reading perspective; - Aptitude to consider alternative solutions to problems and to make decisions that respond to the children’s training needs, stimulating them, for example, from switching from verbal to graphic language when approaching narratives; - Aptitude to renew didactic practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation through the use of appropriately selected editorial products. In terms of communicative abilities: - ability to expose in an organized manner the objectives and the nature of the educational activity through educational planning, with particular reference to the use of illustrated stories; - the ability to entertain positive relationships with families, showing openness and genuine interest in dialogue and adopting the humanistic-affective log of communication, with particular reference to families of different culture or religion; - the ability to use digital communication tools in educational contexts. In terms of learning ability: - Aptitude to always extend their knowledge of editorial novelties in the field of literature for children.
Basic compulsory activities
22910170 -
The History of Pedagogy Course’s program is focused on the history of children through the examination of theories on education. One the main objectives of this course is understanding the history of sentimental education, as new issue that emerged recently in the field of historical-educational studies. The course’s program included a first part devotes to the history of theories on education and second part- during which movies projection and meeting with will be provide, where specific themes, coherently with objectives formatives.
By the study of the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding: -The epistemological and methodological dimension of the subject matter
Applying knowledge and understanding: -History of childhood and History of the most innovative pedagogical thinking
Making judgements: -The close relatonship between history of childhood and contemporaney society
Communication skills: -Cooperative learning in the class-room
Learning skills: -Ability to perform critical-historical analyses of educational phenomena -Developing the aptitude to making research in history of education.
Basic compulsory activities
22910171 -
The course aims to retrace the history of cultural and educational processes in Italy in a critical-reflective key, with particular reference to the 20th century educational currents. The course aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of the cultural and educational transformations of the complex society and its educational institutions.
By the study of History of cultural and educational processes the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - know and understand the cultural and educational processes, with particular reference to the main educational agencies.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - analyze cultural and educational processes, with particular reference to the "pedagogies" of the Twentieth century; - identify, from a historical perspective, cultural and educational phenomena.
Making judgements: - develop critical-interpretative processing capacity of cultural and educational processes with reference to different educational theories.
Communication skills: - develop relationship strategies within the class; - know and use the disciplinary vocabulary.
Learning skills: - be able to build an independent path of study of specific issues addressed in the course through the use of historical and historiographical sources, as well as through a bibliographic research and the construction of appropriate reading paths.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta L-LIN-I ANNO - (show)
22910160 -
French language
Also available in another semester or year
22910175 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910162 -
Spanish language
The Spanish language course aims to develop the four linguistic skills until the A2 level of the common European framework of reference for languages is reached. Reflections on the methodologies of learning foreign languages with theoretical and practical applications will be the subject of the course. In particular, we will focus on the importance of local languages in learning European languages, with particular attention to the convergence between Italian and Spanish languages. Reading and translation work will also be done in the classroom aimed at improving comprehension and linguistic production skills.
- Knowledge and understanding: develop the four linguistic skills until the A2 level of the common European framework of reference for languages. - Applying knowledge and understanding: capacity to understand and produce a written or oral A2 level text in Spanish - Making judgements: Reflections on the methodologies of learning foreign languages. - Communication skills: knowledge of metalanguage related to language learning. - Learning skills: Knowledge of the methodologies for self-learning.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910174 -
The course aims to offer theories, techniques and methods for motor education aimed in particular at the early childhood age group. Knowledge of motor development with reference to the developmental age.
The student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: -to acquire basic knowledge about motor activities with particular attention to psycho-physical development and motor learning in developmental age; -to diversify the educational proposals to be applied to the age group 0-6 to consolidate and strengthen types of educational intervention through movement.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-PED/02-I ANNO - (show)
22910169 -
Children's literature
With the course of Children’s literature, students will be able to achieve the following educational goals: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge in the field of children's literature, with particular attention to the historical development of this discipline and the aspects of research and the interpretative criticism of literary text for children - knowledge of the prospects and theoretical models of children’s literature - knowledge of the main models of didactic design and evaluation methods of the child-narrative-book relationship. - knowledge of IT tools and technologies for innovation-based teaching, in particular relating to the use of paper and digital texts In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - ability to create an authentic educational relationship aimed at emotional-emotional, socio-cultural and cognitive maturation gained through a conscious use of pre-reading and reading; - ability to design and realize training paths that use narrative and book with a variety of methodologies and organizational solutions appropriate to child development and learning progression; In terms of autonomy of judgment: - Attitudes to problematize situations and educational events, to analyze them deeply and to elaborate them in a reflective way, putting children in the condition of always elaborating a personal reading perspective; - Aptitude to consider alternative solutions to problems and to make decisions that respond to the children’s training needs, stimulating them, for example, from switching from verbal to graphic language when approaching narratives; - Aptitude to renew didactic practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation through the use of appropriately selected editorial products. In terms of communicative abilities: - ability to expose in an organized manner the objectives and the nature of the educational activity through educational planning, with particular reference to the use of illustrated stories; - the ability to entertain positive relationships with families, showing openness and genuine interest in dialogue and adopting the humanistic-affective log of communication, with particular reference to families of different culture or religion; - the ability to use digital communication tools in educational contexts. In terms of learning ability: - Aptitude to always extend their knowledge of editorial novelties in the field of literature for children.
Basic compulsory activities
22910170 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910171 -
The course aims to retrace the history of cultural and educational processes in Italy in a critical-reflective key, with particular reference to the 20th century educational currents. The course aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of the cultural and educational transformations of the complex society and its educational institutions.
By the study of History of cultural and educational processes the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - know and understand the cultural and educational processes, with particular reference to the main educational agencies.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - analyze cultural and educational processes, with particular reference to the "pedagogies" of the Twentieth century; - identify, from a historical perspective, cultural and educational phenomena.
Making judgements: - develop critical-interpretative processing capacity of cultural and educational processes with reference to different educational theories.
Communication skills: - develop relationship strategies within the class; - know and use the disciplinary vocabulary.
Learning skills: - be able to build an independent path of study of specific issues addressed in the course through the use of historical and historiographical sources, as well as through a bibliographic research and the construction of appropriate reading paths.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta L-LIN-I ANNO - (show)
22910160 -
French language
Acquire/improve the ability to understand written and oral French texts related to Education issues. Acquire/improve the ability to read aloud such texts and the linguistic tools allowing to re-elaborate them, thus producing autonomously simple and correct texts in French, written or oral. Reinforce the interest in cooperation and debate within a French language context, and increase the level of motivation, skills and autonomy in activities carried out through this language.
Knowledge and understanding - Knowledge of grammar, phonetics and syntax of the French language; - Knowledge of the main educational contexts of the French linguistic area.
Applying knowledge and understanding -Use the French language for understanding and producing texts; -Use the French language for the main communication exchanges.
Making judgements -to be able to evaluate and use independently textual materials in French; -to be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the educational field.
Communication skills -understanding and production of written and oral texts in French; -manage group activities and collaboration in French.
Learning skills -acquire autonomy in self-learning vocabulary and content in French on educational issues; -improve the ability to select content in French on the basis of specific educational goals.
Core compulsory activities
22910175 -
The aim is to provide a mainly pragmatic introductory approach to English language learning, paying particular attention to the cultural specificity of certain types of text. The main objective is to stimulate reflection on some specialist languages of English, including communication. With the study of English the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the grammatical, phonetic and syntactic structures of the English language; - to know the main educational contexts of the English language area. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - use the English language for comprehension and production of texts; - use the English language for the main communication exchanges. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - be able to evaluate and use independently text materials in English; - be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the field of education. In terms of communication skills: - understanding and production of written and oral texts in English; - English language management of group and collaborative activities. In terms of learning ability: - Gain autonomy in self-directed vocabulary and English language content on educational issues; - Improve the ability to select English language content on the basis of specific educational objectives.
Core compulsory activities
22910162 -
Spanish language
Also available in another semester or year
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910178 -
The course aims to develop students’ understanding of key concepts and basic principles of experimental educational research design and methodology, considering its ethical implications and reflecting on its philosophical underpinnings and quality. Students will be introduced to the main experimental research designs in the pedagogical field, to the construction of structured tests, to the use of educational technologies and to the main national and international surveys on ECEC.
- Knowledge and understanding: be able to know and understand the basic concepts of experimental research in the field of education; be able to know the theoretical and methodological foundations of evaluation in education. - Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to analyse the main experimental research designs in the pedagogical field; be able to read and interpret the results of experimental research in the educational field. - Making judgements: be able to distinguish between different approaches to experimental research in the field of education; be able to identify strengths and weaknesses of different methods that can be used in experimental research in the field of education. - Communication skills: be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists. - Learning skills: be able to demonstrate the skills necessary to undertake experimental research studies in education with a high degree of autonomy.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta SPS-II ANNO - (show)
22910179 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910180 -
The teaching of Sociology of Education aims to provide students with the fundamental concepts related to traditional and new socio-identity training paradigms, the prevailing theoretical framework and the interconnections with the other social dimensions and the new informal socializing agents: the group of peers and the new communicative-digital realities. The latter constitute a sort of "intermediate sphere", along the axis of the adaptive process to the environment, intervening with their non-formal action, to give organization and coherence to the patterns of objectification of experience.
Knowledge and understanding - provide historical, theoretical and methodological knowledge related to the transition from educational models based on the control paradigm, positivist-functionalist, to the current interaction Applying knowledge and understanding - develop skills and competences in the analysis of educational models regarding the socio-individual identity configuration, the development of learning and the various forms of transmission: institutional (through specific agencies, from the family to the school); inter-generational (from adults to young people) that especially today is not only vertical, from one generation to the next, but can also be horizontal, from a juvenile lever to the other. Making judgements - develop the critical thinking to analyse the evolution and transformation of educational models, especially regarding the passage from the traditional unidirectional, cumulative, normative, teleological model to the current more symmetrical, informative, negotiable and prone to a "form of polycentrism", to a "shared construction" of knowing, thinking and practicing education as a social relationship. Communication skills - know how to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems, themes and possible solutions, related to the appropriate educational strategies to the contemporary socio-cultural context and to promote the ability to manage the multiplicity of communicative and experiential challenges. Learning skills - to develop the learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake further studies, related to many of the sociological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines that deal with the themes of identity building, training processes and educational-communicative relationships, with a high degree of autonomy.
Basic compulsory activities
22910181 -
The course provides students with theoretical knowledge on human development in different domains (cognitive, social, emotional) and operational tools to apply that knowledge to the educational context, with particular reference to age group 0-6. The course provides students with theoretical and applied knowledge on research methods used in developmental psychology.
The course of Developmental psychology aims at achieving the following objectives.
Knowledge and understanding of: - the main theoretical models on development processes; - the cognitive, social, and emotional development in the age 0-6; - the psychological processes involved in the educational contexts.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to analyze educational situations according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes; - ability to recognize the level of cognitive, social, affective and emotional in the age 0-6; - ability to analyze educational contexts according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes.
Making judgements: - aptitude to find connections between psychological theories and educational situations; - aptitude for interpreting individual needs in psychological terms; - aptitude for self-evaluation of behaviors and skills as an education practitioner.
Communication skills: - master the specific scientific language.
Learning skills: - attitude to life-long learning on the psychological aspects involved in the educational practice; - to master the specific scientific language.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta MED-II ANNO - (show)
22901962 -
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills that allow the student to know how to orientate himself in the panorama of issues concerning hygiene and social medicine, with regard to health, epidemiological and social impact aspects. At the end of the course the student: - has become familiar with the basic concepts of hygiene and social medicine. - can critically orient itself between the different models of health systems, the fundamental means to prevent the main infectious and multifactorial diseases, the timing of prevention, elements of occupational safety, as well as the principles of health education and health promotion of single and community.
By the study of Social Medicine the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: the student will have acquired knowledge on knowledge of the basic concepts of hygiene and social medicine, such as health, epidemiological and natural history of infectious diseases, with application focus on the main broad diseases social impact. The course will be articulated in a precise path that will start from the definition of health and will end with interventions to promote it and to prevent the onset of pathology.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: The student at the end of the course will have acquired the knowledge to know how to move and orientate in the evolution and the current state of health legislation and to have learned the fundamental means to prevent the main infectious and multifactorial diseases, such as the timing of prevention, elements of occupational safety, and the principles of health education and the promotion of the health of the individual and of the community.
In terms of independent judgment: - develop the capacity for critical analysis of the evolution and transformation of health models, especially regarding the transition to the current state of health legislation and having learned the fundamental means to prevent the main infectious and multifactorial diseases, such as the timing of prevention, elements of occupational safety, and to know and practice the principles of health education and the promotion of the health of the individual and of the community.
In terms of communication skills: - being able to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems, themes and possible solutions, related to the strategies of health promotion suitable to today's socio-epidemiological fabric and to support the ability to know how to manage the multiplicity of experiential and communicative challenges, above all in the mother-child area.
In terms of learning ability: - develop the learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake subsequent studies, related to many of the sociological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines that also deal with health education and community issues, with a high degree of autonomy.
Core compulsory activities
22910184 -
The objective of the course is to acquire a suitable cultural background to identify, interpret and manage, in a reasoned manner, the basic pediatric problems, with particular reference to the range 0-6.
At the end of the course the student:
- has acquired basic knowledge about knowledge and skills of pediatrics and the psychomotor, psychic, emotional and social development of the child.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-PSI/MED-II ANNO - (show)
22910185 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910186 -
Specific objectives of the discipline are the definition, characterization, deepening of the meaning, characteristics and behaviors to refer to childhood diseases, with particular reference to the range 0-6.
At the end of the course the student has: - the ability to read, analyse and understand the educational implications of pathological behaviour.
Core compulsory activities
22910726 -
Pedagogy and didactics for inclusion
- Know the fundamentals of pedagogy and didactics to promote inclusion and develop effective interventions to prevent exclusion and discrimination. - Understand the importance of the design and management of inclusive learning environments to promote the process of development of identity, autonomy, creativity and curiosity - Develop educational and teaching skills aimed at the enhancement of individual potential and personal and social well-being in an inclusive context.
Expected learning outcomes consistent with the "Dublin descriptors" indicated in the frameworks of the SUA form (FRAMEWORKS A.4.b.1 - A4.c).
Through the study of the course, the student will be able to achieve the following learning objectives:
In terms of knowledge and understanding skills - Know and understand the epistemological and methodological field of inclusive pedagogy and didactics. - To know methods of educational intervention centered on the use of both verbal and non-verbal languages.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding - Apply acquired knowledge to build inclusive contexts for all with attention to affective-relational and cognitive aspects - Design, evaluate and document educational interventions with a view to continuous improvement of inclusive processes - Apply techniques consistent with specific situations.
In terms of autonomy of judgment - Develop awareness of the ethical and educational responsibility related to the exercise of the educational function and the consequent duties towards children, families, the institution where they work and the territory. - Acquire the ability to evaluate situations and educational actions on the basis of appropriate documentation in order to make appropriate educational decisions.
In terms of communication skills - Develop awareness of the expressive use of verbal and non-verbal languages, in the activities of education and socialization of children, in relationships with families, with other educators and with the operators of the integrated system of services.
In terms of learning skills - To develop skills, attitudes and expertise in order to respond appropriately to the multiple and diverse needs of children, in a dynamic training perspective. - To be able to observe the contexts in which they operate and to be able to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-PED/01-II ANNO - (show)
22910176 -
The course allows to acquire: a) theoretical knowledge related to education and socialization of children from 0 to 6 years with attention to individual and intercultural differences; b) intervention skills aimed at promoting social inclusion and developing the prevention of exclusion and discrimination.
Through the study of Intercultural Education the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and critical understanding of the epistemological foundations of the discipline, of the main currents of thought and of the historical and social dimensions of the educational models and of the policies of the processes of social inclusion
Applying knowledge and understanding: Understand the specificity of educational situations by analyzing them from different points of view (social, cultural, etc.) so as to adopt appropriate educational practices; apply intercultural education and mediation techniques; Making judgements: awareness of the ethical and formative responsibility connected to the exercise of the educational function and the consequent duties towards children, families, the institution and the territory; aptitude to read and interpret the needs and behavior of children and families in the light of contemporary social contexts;
Communication skills: ability to listen to and understand the needs expressed by children in the care, education and socialization activities and ability to await and recognize their eventual manifestation; ability to recognize and promote relational and communicative skills (narration, verbal and non-verbal languages) of girls and children in care, education, socialization and play;
Learning skills: ability to observe the contexts and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them; ability to access scientific literature by identifying reliable sources; awareness of the importance of learning from the comparison with operators and experts with the same professional profile and with the other figures operating in the sector.
Core compulsory activities
22910177 -
The course provides students with knowledge of authors and main concepts of social pedagogy (education and society, educational and cultural needs, promotion of well-being, prevention of discomfort and educational emergencies, continuous training, association for parenting, interculturalism, anti-racism) with particular reference to early childhood. The course peovides also in-depth information on the main authors of the 900. The different topics covered will be framed in the broader debate on pedagogical knowledge in relation to other disciplinary areas. In the laboratory the students will be involved in activities aimed at integrating theory and practice and between biography and profession also in preparation for the internship experience.
At the end of the course the student: - will acquire knowledge about the authors and currents of thought relevant in the history of social pedagogy (Greek philosophers, religions and societies, great utopias, militant pedagogies, early childhood educators, etc..) and the problems that characterize the discipline today with particular reference to early childhood (rights and duties, care, respect for diversity, hospitality and relationship, play, support for parenting, biographical thinking); - acquire basic research and intervention skills in the field of pedagogical and social research (action research). Thanks to the laboratory, students will have the opportunity to retrace their educational experience and to lay the foundations for consciously facing their professional future.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta SPS-II ANNO - (show)
22910179 -
The aim of the course is to provide an essential picture of the concepts and theoretical perspectives that can be used to observe and account in a sociologically appropriate way for the main phenomena of contemporary social reality
At the end of the course the student has: - knowledge and ability to use the basic sociological lexicon - ability to apply sociological concepts to the analysis of the main phenomena and processes that characterize the transformations of contemporary society.
Basic compulsory activities
22910180 -
The teaching of Sociology of Education aims to provide students with the fundamental concepts related to traditional and new socio-identity training paradigms, the prevailing theoretical framework and the interconnections with the other social dimensions and the new informal socializing agents: the group of peers and the new communicative-digital realities. The latter constitute a sort of "intermediate sphere", along the axis of the adaptive process to the environment, intervening with their non-formal action, to give organization and coherence to the patterns of objectification of experience.
Knowledge and understanding - provide historical, theoretical and methodological knowledge related to the transition from educational models based on the control paradigm, positivist-functionalist, to the current interaction Applying knowledge and understanding - develop skills and competences in the analysis of educational models regarding the socio-individual identity configuration, the development of learning and the various forms of transmission: institutional (through specific agencies, from the family to the school); inter-generational (from adults to young people) that especially today is not only vertical, from one generation to the next, but can also be horizontal, from a juvenile lever to the other. Making judgements - develop the critical thinking to analyse the evolution and transformation of educational models, especially regarding the passage from the traditional unidirectional, cumulative, normative, teleological model to the current more symmetrical, informative, negotiable and prone to a "form of polycentrism", to a "shared construction" of knowing, thinking and practicing education as a social relationship. Communication skills - know how to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems, themes and possible solutions, related to the appropriate educational strategies to the contemporary socio-cultural context and to promote the ability to manage the multiplicity of communicative and experiential challenges. Learning skills - to develop the learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake further studies, related to many of the sociological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines that deal with the themes of identity building, training processes and educational-communicative relationships, with a high degree of autonomy.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-PSI/MED-II ANNO - (show)
22910185 -
The Course aims to provide students theoretical knowledge and skills related to the knowledge of diseases that can occur in childhood. It aims to provide students knowledge related to the care, education and socialization of children from 0 to 6 years, with attention to gender, to individual and intercultural differences. It aims to provide students knowledge related the use of adequate educational and didactic strategies with the aim to promote the well-being, identity, the autonomy, the curiosity, the creativity and the play.
By the study of the Psychopathology in Infancy and Early Childhood the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of models, tools and techniques for the observation of the child in the socio-cultural and educational contexts; - - the ability to recognize the educational needs of children in an inclusive logic and to adapt educational strategies, also in relation to age and context; - Applying knowledge and understanding: - the ability to use in an informed and flexible way what was learned, applying it to resolve specific problems in several socio-educational services and with several subjects; - -the ability to use tools and instruments for the observation and relationship strategies with children and their families; - observe the different situations and contexts, understanding the care, educational and socialization needs - Making judgements: the ability to critically analyze and elaborate educational choices in a reflexive way; - -ability to evaluate alternative solutions to problems and to take decisions that meet the educational needs of children and their families; - - the aptitude to reformulate educational practices, based on research, experimentation and innovation. - Communication skills: the ability to listen and understand the needs expressed by children through the care, education and socialization activities and the ability to recognize their eventual manifestation; - - ability to recognize and promote relational and communicative skills (storytelling, verbal and non-verbal communication) of children through the care, education, socialization and play activities; - Learning skills: The student is able to access and to consult the scientific literature on the argument, identifying reliable sources. He/She is aware of the importance of the relationship and cooperation with operators and experts with the same professional profile and with other figures operating in this sector. He/She is able to observe the contexts in which he/she operates and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them.
Core compulsory activities
22910186 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910188 -
Acquisition of knowledge and operational skills related to observation as a technique to analyze infant behaviour, focusing on communicative and linguistic behavior.
By the study of Observational method in developmental psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of method, techniques, tools for the psychological observation of children behaviors.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: Capacity to apply the observational techniques for analyzing the children communicative and linguistic development.
- Making judgements: Ability to choose the adequate techniques and assess the appropriateness of the observation procedures used.
- Communication skills: Master the specific language of observational methods.
- Learning skills: Attitude to life-long learning on the observational methods apply in psychology.
Other activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-PED/01-III ANNO - (show)
22910189 -
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogy with b) the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of pedagogical care, education, socialization of children aged 0-6, with a specific attention to genre, individual and inter-cultural differences, cognitive styles, learning styles, expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexical, ludic styles, emotional styles, social styles, and with c) the usability of traditional and innovative educational strategies and meth-odologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, curiosity, creativity.
By the study of Pedagogy and pedagogical care the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field; - adopting a reflexive, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links; - knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches that promote the idea of care as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups; - knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools that promote the idea of taking care as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents; - knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships; - adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal; - knowing the role and function of present educational agencies; - knowing the strategies and tools of the policies for inclusion; - knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - analysing and deepening the meanings of the best educational school practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods; - being available to networking and group-working; - being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need if being reliable and credible; - being able to build inclusive contexts for all children, those with cognitive and social difficulties included; - identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on youngsters’ learning styles; - reading, grasping, identifying, defining care, educational and socialization needs within the child's life contexts; - assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings; - identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on the learning styles of new generations.. Making judgements: - linking pedagogical theory to learning processes; - assessing the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches; - using a systemic thinking. Communication skills: - using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel schools; - listening to and understanding the needs communicated by children in care, education and socialization activities; - adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action; - adopting a pedagogic vocabulary based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives; - significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary. Learning skills: - being available to participate in scientific and cultural research within school settings; - understanding the meaning of present educational challenges; - valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education; - interacting within traditional educational settings and within the parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning.
Core compulsory activities
22910190 -
The objectives are as follows: to acquire and develop knowledge related to the theoretical framework of adult education; to acquire knowledge and basic skills related to intergenerational educational and relational processes; to develop basic skills related to qualitative methodologies in research and design of training interventions; to promote skills related to study literature of past and present in adult education.
By the study of Adult Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: theoretical framework of adult education; - Applying knowledge and understanding: Applying knowledge and understanding to solve problems in the fields and contexts of adult education; - Making judgements: critical reflexing and ability to gather and interpret relevant data to formulate independent judgments about issues concerning adult and intergenerational education; - Communication skills: to be able to communicate information, reflexions, problems and solutions.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-DEA/M-FIL - III ANNO - (show)
22902482 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910191 -
Moral philosophy
The priority objective of the course is to encourage the consideration on the moral experience, that means on the ethical quality of the human action, naturally oriented to the happiness.
The educational objectives of the course (according to the Dublin descriptors) are the following:
Knowledge and understanding the critical understanding of the main concepts of philosophical ethics, both in their historical development and in the theoretical dimension and in connections with other disciplines and research fields (psychology, human sciences, education sciences, artistic disciplines). For this reason the course aims to: 1. Retrace the salient moments and prominent figures for the development of ethical reflection; 2. Analyze the main concepts of ethics: moral experience, conscience, freedom, virtue, law.
Ability to apply knowledge: -ability to use bibliographic tools and reference works for understanding texts of moral philosophy; -ability to apply text reading methods.
Autonomy of judgment -ability to formulate a reasoned judgment on questions of moral philosophy; -establish relationship between ethics and educational sciences; identify the ethical principles that characterize the autonomy and responsibility in professional and social life.
Acquisition of communication skills -practicing philosophical discussion as an exercise of respectful dialogue and critical argumentation.
Learning skills -possess an adequate analysis methodology, using the tools of scientific research.
Basic compulsory activities
22910167 -
The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.
The Laboratory promotes the learning of IT tools, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. It is proposed to provide students with the tools for the application of the main statistical methods through the Excel spreadsheet.
Knowledge and understanding - to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches.
Applying knowledge and understanding - analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected; - formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods.
Making judgements - linking statistical theory to school situations; - quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations.
Communication skills - evaluate quantitatively the educational processes; - report the results achieved.
Learning skills - exercise availability for scientific research in school settings; - access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta GRUPPO OPZIONALE-III ANNO - (show)
22910274 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910194 -
Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge related to observation as a technique for detecting infant behavior, with particular reference to: characteristics, theoretical perspective, types of observation, validity and reliability, techniques (narrative descriptions, coding systems, evaluation scales, questionnaires and interviews, qsort), tools for observing cognitive, communicative and linguistic, social and relational, emotional development. Furthermore, starting from this knowledge, develop the skills required for the use of observation of child behavior in educational contexts.
By the study of Observational method in developmental psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of method, techniques, tools for the psychological observation of children behaviors.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: Capacity to apply the method and techniques for the psychological observation of children behaviors.
- Making judgements: Ability to recognize the techniques used in specific situation and assess the appropriateness of the observation procedures used.
- Communication skills: Master the specific language of observational methods.
- Learning skills: Attitude to life-long learning on the observational methods apply in psychology.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910195 -
Also available in another semester or year
22910196 -
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
esami a scelta, tra cui consigliati-III ANNO - (show)
22910197 -
Increase the knowledge of significant examples of French children's literature in the French and Francophone areas. Urge reflection on educational and civic values in connection with some historical-cultural specificities of the French-speaking areas. Analyze the texts on the basis of the narrative characteristics useful in education, with particular reference to the problems inherent to childhood and adolescence, to the difficulties inherent in growth, family life, issues of social difficulty and migration.
By the study of French literature for children the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding - Knowledge of some exemplary texts of French literature for children - Knowledge of language and text analysis tools for the educational effectiveness of narrative texts.
Applying knowledge and understanding - Ability to place texts with respect to historical social and cultural situations of creation - Ability to select and use texts with respect to educational intervention settings
Making judgements - To be able to select and evaluate texts on the basis of educational potential - To be able to propose ways of presenting and reading texts on the basis of educational objectives
Communication skills - Enhancing the understanding and the textual revision of French texts for children - Become familiar with some recurring French lexical elements in the French literature for children
Learning skills - Ability to select and expand independently your own "library" of French children's literature - Ability to cross context data and textual features to deal with complex situations intervention in education.
Elective activities
22902570 -
Musicology, history and sociology of music
The aim of the course is to develop in the student a specific sensitivity and a critical conscience towards music as a fundamental expressive form of man and to provide knowledge and skills that enable the student to know how to orientate himself in the field of Musicology, History and Sociology of Music by providing methodologies and basic knowledge.
At the end of the course the student: - has become familiar with the basic concepts of Musicology, History and Sociology of Music - is able to orient critically between the different models and scientific approaches to music
Elective activities
22910311 -
ePortfolio for the documentation of educational paths in the 0-6 system
By attending the workshop, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding. - To know the theories and operational skills of a methodological-didactic nature related to the design, organization, implementation, documentation and evaluation of educational interventions - To know digital tools for observing girls / boys in socio-cultural and educational contexts.
In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding. - To conceive, plan and evaluate educational interventions, recognizing the theoretical assumptions and the logic of intervention, consistent with the needs of children in different contexts - To Know how to collect information on the educational path using digital technologies (Mahara ePortfolio platform) for the registration, processing and transmission of information.
In terms of autonomy of judgment. - To develop the ability to document, observe and detect information that allows an ecological, dynamic and orientative assessment - To develop the ability to monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's educational action.
In terms of communication skills. - To acquire the expressive use of multimedia in education with particular reference to the design, documentation and evaluation of educational processes and reporting of the results achieved.
In terms of learning ability. - To be able to observe the contexts and critically reflect on the dynamics that characterize them - To be able to use digital technologies for the documentation of educational pathways - To be aware of the importance of learning from comparing with operators and experts of the same professional profile and with other figures operating in the sector.
Elective activities
22910313 -
laboratory Language Didactics in pre-school age
Also available in another semester or year
22910319 -
Laboratory Early childhood education in Italy:yesterday and today
Also available in another semester or year
22910724 -
Laboratory Visiting Rome with children
Also available in another semester or year
22910725 -
Laboratory Psychology of Emotion
Also available in another semester or year
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta M-DEA/M-FIL - III ANNO - (show)
22902482 -
Objectives of the course are: -to provide basic notions on the fundamental concepts of social and cultural anthropology and on the main issues that are today at the center of the debate; -to provide conceptual tools useful for reasoning autonomously and critically on issues and problems related to contemporary globalization as a complex intertwining of local and transnational processes.
At the end of the course the student has: - a knowledge of the main anthropological theories, with the ability to contextualize their historical-scientific development - a knowledge of the main concepts of cultural and social anthropology.
Basic compulsory activities
22910191 -
Moral philosophy
Also available in another semester or year
22910192 -
Aim of the study is the mode of organization and operation of the public administrations, with particular regard to the scholastic and socio-educational sphere. Analysis of decision-making processes related to the social and cultural reality of the territories. Recognition of legislation concerning educational agencies. History, theory and practice of public authorities. Evaluation of public policies at local level. Institutional relationships between the State and the associated organizations. Legal framework for interventions aimed at promoting social inclusion and preventing distress and social bias.
- Knowledge and understanding: to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; to know the public authorities system in the national, European and international context. - Applying knowledge and understanding: to analyze the administrative tools aimed to satisfy individual and group educational needs; to examine in the specific context the legislative and organizational processes. - Making judgements: to apply the theoretical precepts to the concrete solutions supplied by the political decision maker; to evaluate regulatory innovations. - Communication skills: to use communication strategies in social and professional contexts; to develop the competence in finding personalized solutions according to the specific questions. - Learning skills: to put in practice the aptitude for empirical research in working contexts; to lead the carrying out of scientific studies in the search for solutions to concrete problems, with particular reference to families, schools and various services of the integrated educational system.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
un esame a scelta GRUPPO OPZIONALE-III ANNO - (show)
22910274 -
The aim of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge of family models that have changed over time and of the role and function of their members, as well as to provide them with conceptual tools and research data suitable for understanding and interpreting the events of family changes that affect individuals throughout their lives. The aim of the workshop is to provide students with food for thought and materials suitable for knowing and understanding the relationship between family and institutions in the context of public policies for early childhood.
At the end of the course, the student acquired the ability to frame and interpret in a sociological way the contemporary phenomena that mark the transformation of the family, making appropriate use of statistical documentation. At the end of the workshop, the student is able to critically analyse the nature and objectives of public policies aimed at the family.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910194 -
Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge related to observation as a technique for detecting infant behavior, with particular reference to: characteristics, theoretical perspective, types of observation, validity and reliability, techniques (narrative descriptions, coding systems, evaluation scales, questionnaires and interviews, qsort), tools for observing cognitive, communicative and linguistic, social and relational, emotional development. Furthermore, starting from this knowledge, develop the skills required for the use of observation of child behavior in educational contexts.
By the study of Observational method in developmental psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of method, techniques, tools for the psychological observation of children behaviors.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: Capacity to apply the method and techniques for the psychological observation of children behaviors.
- Making judgements: Ability to recognize the techniques used in specific situation and assess the appropriateness of the observation procedures used.
- Communication skills: Master the specific language of observational methods.
- Learning skills: Attitude to life-long learning on the observational methods apply in psychology.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910195 -
Studying pedagogy of narration the students will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding: -to know the main paradigms of the narrative in relation to representations of diversity forms; -to know the characteristics of the specific setting of the narrating context and the main national and international theoretical contributions in the field of pedagogy.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding: -to analyse the different narrative languages and to distinguish the different products; -to build narrative settings with reference to consolidated pedagogical methods.
In terms of independent judgment: -to design educational- training interventions to enhance the recognition of the need to tell/self tell in narrative settings; -to evaluate the most suitable narrative forms for different contexts.
In terms of communication skills: -to master the different expressive languages with the children aged 0-6 years; -to use educational relationship strategies in formal and non-formal educational contexts.
In terms of learning skills: - to orientate between the forms of narrative and to propose new targeted pathways; - to identify the network links with services such as libraries and expressive-creative laboratories, enhancing the language specificity.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910196 -
Design, organize and evaluate measures for promotion, entertainment and reading comprehension and enjoyment of reading in childcare services; understand the cognitive, affective and emotional components involved in reading; assess the quality of the books in relation to children’s cognitive development; build reading comprehension tests on different types of text; understand the variety of reading practices in multimedia environments and conduct shared reading experiences for early childhood; become better aware of the relationship between reading, writing, listening, telling and building of personal identity; communicate effectively, face to face and through the network with colleagues of the course, with the tutors and the teacher.
By the study of "Didactics of Reading" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding - understand the cognitive, affective and emotional components involved in reading; - understand the variety of reading practices in multimedia environments and conduct shared reading experiences for early childhood. Applying knowledge and understanding - design, organize and evaluate measures for promotion, entertainment and reading comprehension and enjoyment of reading in childcare services; - build reading comprehension tests on different types of text. Making judgements - assess the quality of the books in relation to children’s cognitive development; - become better aware of the relationship between reading, writing, listening, telling and building of personal identity. Communication skills - communicate effectively, face to face and through the network with colleagues of the course, with the tutors and the teacher; - share readings, considerations, personal or produced in the working group papers. Learning skills - be able to observe the contexts in which they operate and reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them; - be able to collaborate on the development of an online learning “narrative community” that makes more meaningful the understanding of the topics covered.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
esami a scelta, tra cui consigliati-III ANNO - (show)
22910197 -
Also available in another semester or year
22902570 -
Musicology, history and sociology of music
Also available in another semester or year
22910311 -
ePortfolio for the documentation of educational paths in the 0-6 system
Also available in another semester or year
22910313 -
laboratory Language Didactics in pre-school age
The objective of the workshop is to prepare future educators for the use of glottodidactic methodologies that respect and stimulate the peculiar learning/acquisition modalities of the child. The workshop is divided into a theoretical part in which we will analyze aspects such as the neurobiological bases of language learning, the neuro-functional modules of language, the regulatory principles of language processing and language education of the child; a practical part of planning activities of exposure to foreign languages.
By attending the workshop, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
In terms of knowledge and understanding, the student will need to know the cognitive processes involved in first and second language acquisition in preschool children. He/she should acquire the ability to develop glottodidactic strategies to be used in exposing the child to foreign language input
In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding, the student should acquire the ability to design educational interventions in line with the glottodidactic theories studied.
In terms of autonomy of judgment, the student should acquire the ability to independently evaluate the effectiveness of instructional strategies and interventions related to the child's exposure to foreign language.
In terms of communication skills, the student will have to acquire the communication skills necessary to implement the training interventions and in the continuing education of specialization also using the sectoral language of glottodidactics.
In terms of learning ability, the student should acquire the ability to learn the processes underlying language acquisition in children and the design of teaching modules and materials.
Elective activities
22910319 -
Laboratory Early childhood education in Italy:yesterday and today
This workshop is held in collaboration between colleagues in the fields of pedagogy and the history of pedagogy and aims to provide an introductory overview in English of authors of Italian pedagogy and literature for children. The course is designed to welcome students from other countries but also to give our students the skills to discuss pedagogical issues in English.
Elective activities
Elective activities
22910724 -
Laboratory Visiting Rome with children
The workshop is configured as an invitation to visit Rome through the eyes of children. In immediate contact with the historical city it is intended to help children and families to recognise the beauty of art and landscape. The collaboration by exchange between students of the university Roma Tre and students from other countries furthermore promotes a critical dialogue on different national perspectives on art in general and on Italian and Roman art in particular. The programme proposes a walk through historically and artistically significant parts of Rome’s historical centre. The workshop will be planned and guided by experts in art and tourism distinguished by their scientific skills in art history and their creative forms of cultural mediation.
Elective activities
Elective activities
22910725 -
Laboratory Psychology of Emotion
The course aims to provide the basic scientific-disciplinary skills, concerning the study of the main affective processes (emotional regulation and comprehension, motivation, emotional intelligence) that modulate social cognition and behavior. Specifically, the course will illustrate the main theories of emotion from a physiological, neurological and cognitive point of view. Moreover, the course will show strategies to develop emotional intelligence skills through an approach based on experiential learning and translational research. By the study of Psychology of Emotion the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - Understand the main theoretical approaches and methods for the study of emotion, motivation and emotional intelligence; - Understand emotion functioning and regulation in the framework of cognitive neuroscience; - Understand how emotion influences social cognition and behavior; - Understand strategies to develop emotional intelligence skills in educational and social settings; Applying knowledge and understanding: - Apply knowledge on emotion functioning in educational settings; - Use theoretical knowledge about emotion functioning to support the development of educational interventions and promote wellbeing; Making judgements: - Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between the different approaches for educational scopes; - Develop a critical thinking about educative interventions targeted to promote wellbeing and emotion regulation skills; Communication skills: - Being aware of emotion functioning in learning process; - Read and understand a scientific article; - Disseminate research data to expert (colleagues, professionals, clinicians, stakeholder) and non-expert (e.g., parents) audiences; Learning skills: - Promote the use of strategies to develop emotional intelligence in educational settings; - Encouraging the use of international literature to promote scientific interests and inquiry.
Elective activities
22910198 -
The educational offer of the Course of Study includes a compulsory curricular internship of 14 cfu (350 hours), divided into 2 CFU (50 hours) of internal internship and 12 CFU (300 hours) of external internship. The internal internship can be carried out starting from the first year and includes guided theoretical-practical activities to be performed within the Department. The external internship takes place starting from the third year and is characterized by practical activities in the field for orientation and training purposes; it is usually carried out outside the University, in particular in nurseries and facilities where educational activities are carried out for the 0-6 year olds in agreement with the University itself.
Other activities
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22910199 -
The final examination consists in the preparation and discussion by the student of a thesis work of: - development, deepening and theoretical and methodological systematization of the external internship experience through the preparation of a paper that expresses the ability to reflect on the experiential and working situations carried out without neglecting the theoretical dimension; - critical and comparative analysis of theories, methodologies, techniques also on the basis of empirical, observational and experimental investigations related to a topic relevant to the characteristics of the course of study.
Final examination and foreign language test