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21210145 Investments in Scienze Economiche LM-56 MORRESI OTTORINO
The main topics of the course are as follows:
- The investment environment and process: securities, stock exchanges and financial intermediaries - Securities and markets: the buying and selling process, types of orders, price formation, transaction costs, short sales. - Market indexes: construction and analysis. - Market efficiency: weak, strong and semi-strong efficiency, investor behaviour. - Financial analysis of common stocks: fundamental analysis vs. technical analysis – principles and main techniques (DDM, multiples, trading rules). - Equity portfolio selection and analysis: the process of constructing and analysing efficient portfolios, CAPM and factor models; investment and portfolio management strategies (passive vs. active strategies, growth vs. value strategies, fundamental vs. technical strategies, momentum strategies, tax efficient strategies, anomalies). - Evaluation of portfolio performance and risk: o Return measurement: TWR vs. MWR; one period vs. multiperiod. o Risk measurement: absolute, downside, relative risk. o Risk-adjusted measures of performance. o Assessing skill: stock selection vs. market timing; distinguishing skill from luck. o Performance attribution. - Bond analysis and portfolio management strategies: o Bond market. o Valuation of standard and structured bonds. o Yield curve, term structure theories and their empirical evidence. o Determinants of yield spreads and default prediction models. o Bond portfolio management: indexing strategies, interest rate anticipation strategies, credit risk strategies. - Derivatives contracts: options, futures and swaps markets; strategies with derivatives. - Asset management industry (investment firms and mutual funds): categories, strategies, fees, performance.
Reilly, F.K., Brown, K.C., Leeds, S.J., 2019. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 11th Edition, Cengage Learning
Bodie, Z., Kane, A., Marcus, A. J., 2018. Investments, International Edition, 11th Edition, McGraw-Hill.