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21201724 BANK MANAGEMENT in Finanza e impresa LM-16 RADIC NEMANJA
Introduction to the module. What is special about banks? What do banks do? Adverse selection and moral hazard in financial markets. Theories of financial intermediation.
Universal banking and the bank assurance. Universal banking vs. specialist banking. International banking.
Comparative banking systems and issues: EU, US, UK, and Japanese banking system. Banking in emerging economies.
Banks’ financial statement and financial ratio analysis.
Central banking and bank regulation (1). Theory of central banking. Bank regulation and supervision.
Central banking and bank regulation (2): The Basel Accords. Laissez-faire banking and its limitations.
Theoretical models of financial intermediation.
Consolidation in banking.
Competitive issues in banking: market structure and performance SCP paradigm. The bank production process and its productivity and efficiency.
International Bank Lending and Country Risk.
Workshops on banking data related resources.
• Casu, B., Girardone, C., Molyneux, P., (2015), Introduction to Banking (2nd Ed.), Pearson • Heffernan, S., (2005), Modern Banking, John Wiley & Sons