This course will make an analysis and comparison of rival accounts of psychopathologies in the current cognitive science literature. Topics include content-specific delusions (e.g., the Cotard and Capgras delusions), “mindblindness” and impairments in empathy (as in autism spectrum disorders), schizophrenic delusions and hallucinations, identity disturbances in personality disorders. The issues discussed will often connect to wider disputes in philosophy and cognitive science, such as the simulation versus theory-theory debate, the nature of the mechanisms governing the sense of agency in perception and action, and the nature of one’s access to one’s own mind.
Per i frequentanti: materiali forniti durante il corso.
Per i non frequentanti: M. Marraffa e C. Meini, L’identità personale, Carocci, Roma 2016. P. Fonagy, G. Gergely, E.L. Jurist, M. Target, Regolazione affettiva, mentalizzazione e sviluppo del sé, Cortina, Milano 2005.