The Unit “Virology and antimicrobial immunity” of the course of General Microbiology aims to provide the basic principles of antimicrobial immunity and of structure, function and evolution of viruses. The knowledge and skills acquired during this course will represent a framework for the understanding of the whole topic and of their impact on human health and the environment. Students who have passed the exam will know and understand (acquired knowledge) (i) structural and functional diversity of viruses, (ii) main modality of their replication, (iii) mechanisms responsible for their evolution (iv) methods and strategies for their control (v) examples of their interaction with the host; (vi) basic principles of antimicrobial immunity. Students who have passed the exam will be able to (acquired skills) (i) understand and analyse basic test regarding the field (ii) critically analyse issues related to evolution and diffusion of viruses and to antimicrobial immunity (iii) identify and develop key themes to build educational paths in microbiology.
The module of Bacteriology of the course of General Microbiology aims to provide the basic principles of structure, function and evolution of microbial cells, with particular regard to bacterial cells. The knowledge and skills acquired during this course will represent a framework for the study of the biotechnological applications of microorganisms and for the analysis of their impact on human health and the environment. Students who have passed the exam will know and understand (acquired knowledge) (i) the structural and functional diversity which is present in the microbial world, (ii) the mechanisms responsible for the structure and functioning of bacterial cells, (iii) the mechanisms responsible for the evolution of bacterial species, (iv) the structure and life cycles of bacterial viruses (bacteriophages), (v) the methods and strategies for the control of microbial growth. Students who have passed the exam will be also able to (acquired skills) (i) understand and analyse bacteriological and microbiological data, (ii) critically analyse the issues related to the evolution and diffusion of multi-resistant antibiotic bacteria, (iii) understand the experimental approaches for the study and exploitation of bacteria for biotechnological and environmental purposes, (iv) identify and develop key themes to build educational paths in microbiology.