The teaching of European history pursues the general objective of the Degree Course, namely to train professionals endowed with autonomous and critical reasoning skills in relation to complex problems, also within the scope of the legal-regulatory aspects related to international processes. In this perspective, the teaching aims to enable educators to incorporate an EU dimension into their activity, to acquire knowledge, values, skills and competences, empowering them to think critically and form well-informed and balanced opinions, by practicing core European values of social inclusion and European and international solidarity. To that end, the teaching of European History aims to provide the student with a thorough preparation about the historical, cultural and juridical foundations of the European Union. This course also is designed to promote greater awareness of the role of the Union European as one of the most important players in an international, global and interdependent scenario, and to promote a critical reflection on the EU, its governance and decision-making processes, and on how it affects the citizens of the Member States and their democratic participation. Expected learning outcomes: knowledge of the most crucial political-cultural and institutional junctions in the history of community integration; ability to understand the dynamics and transformation processes of European society; autonomous, creative and innovative thinking on the main historical and social events of contemporary Europe and ability to express complex political, social and juridical situations by acquiring new communication skills.