Obiettivi formativi: provide to the students of the master program in aeronautical engineering the competences and the skills to effectively setup, conduct and interpret numerical simulations in a multidisciplinary design context. TOPIC Tools, software and textbooks Setup of the computational environment Assessment of the computational environment: coding, compilation, execution, i/o, post–processing Linear algebra problems: matrix multiplication, linear systems Coding practices for performance: cache–miss minimization Use of external libraries. Eigenproblems Polynomial interpolation Integration of ODE: explicit/implicit methods, Liapunov stability Numerical integration: Newton–Cotes quadratures, Gaussian quadratures Numerical statistics: mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis. Evaluation of uncertainty: Monte Carlo method Systems of non–linear differential equations. Oscillators, chaotic systems, Lorenz attractor Coding practices for performance: multithreading, message–passing