The course allows to acquire a) theoretical knowledge and basic operational skills in the fields of pedagogy and education and training sciences to analyze social, cultural and territorial realities and to develop, implement and manage educational interventions and projects; b) intervention, planning and training skills in the fields of early childhood and school and extracurricular education, with reference to the issues of integration of migrants and intercultural education. With the study of Intercultural Pedagogy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - the critical knowledge and understanding of the historical, epistemological and methodological foundations of the discipline. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - To analyse the best educational practices of intercultural education in the school and extracurricular context. In terms of autonomy of judgment: - ability to analyse a problematic situation from different points of view; - ability to reconstruct the causes that determined a certain problematic situation, also attributing them relative weights appropriately differentiated. In terms of communication skills: - prevent and mediate conflicts; - adopt a positive attitude based on open-mindedness and extroversion. In terms of learning ability: acquire the learning skills necessary for cultural growth, for professional development and updating and to undertake new studies with a high degree of autonomy.