To supply - The theoretical-practical knowledge and skills in order to understand the role of socially oriented financial culture in the protection of vulnerable savers and in promoting an ethical and appropriate use of money.
- The teaching will allow the students to acquire skills aimed at increasing and strengthening the basic legal knowledge learned in high school, promoting their ability to understand the fundamental notions and tools on economics and savings as well as solving the main problems regarding both the individual and social degree of financial literacy. The teaching activity aims to encourage the skill to formulate independent evaluations and judgments relating to the appropriate and informed use of money, making the student able to communicate the basics of the legal discipline on the savers protection to any interlocutor, through the examination of practical cases, and to learn the contents of the dealt subject in complete autonomy by exploiting the opportunities for critical dialogue with the teacher on topics of particular social impact and to be used in the context of school and educational-training services in order to achieve conscious participation to various areas of social life