The Laboratory of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation is part of the educational activities of Experimental Pedagogy. The Laboratory aims to promote the skills and abilities of students in the field of learning path evaluation and assessment, especially in relation to transversal skills evaluation. The specific objectives of the Laboratory are as follows: - develop technical-practical knowledge in the field of experimental pedagogy and school assessment - acquire knowledge in the field of ministerial regulations for school assessment and evaluation; - analyse assessment tools competencies according to ministerial regulations; - designing learning paths for primary schools aimed at promoting pupils' transversal competences.
Through the Laboratory of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation, students will be able to: in terms of Knowledge and understanding: - Knowledge of the main school evaluation and assessment tools; - Knowledge of the most important ministerial regulations for school assessment and evaluation; - Knowledge of the main theoretical foundations of Experimental Pedagogy. In terms of Applying knowledge and understanding: - Ability to design specific assessment and evaluation tools for primary school context; - Ability to design evaluation tools for the promotion of transverse skills for primary school context. In terms of Making judgements: - Ability to design education project in the field of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation; - Ability to formulate judgements on learning assessment and evaluation tools, taking into consideration the INVALSI test and other international investigations on students assessment; In terms of Communication skills: - Ability to present the main characteristics of learning evaluation tools for primary school pupils in an orderly and reasoned way; - Ability to critically expose the analyses carried out between different learning evaluation tools. In terms of Learning skills: - Willingness to explore the perspectives of Experimental Pedagogy and School Evaluation in educational research context.