MODULE 1 – Law and Regulation 1. The rules of law 2. What is a legal system 3. Every order is a system 4. Constitution and constitutional order 5. The main theories of the constitution 6. Public law and private law MODULE 2 – Jurisdiction 1. Jurisdiction 2. Constitutional and international guarantees of jurisdiction 3. Ordinary jurisdiction 4. Limits to ordinary jurisdiction 5. Italian jurisdiction 6. Mandatory nature of Italian jurisdiction MODULE 3 – The sources of law 1. Definition of sources of law. Sources of cognition and sources of production 2. The current list of sources of law 3. The criteria of coordination between the sources of law: the hierarchical principle; The 4. principle of jurisdiction; the chronological principle 5. (a) The hierarchical principle 6. b) The principle of competence 7. (c) The chronological principle 8. The Constitution, constitutional revision laws and constitutional laws 9. The constitutional illegitimacy of the provisions of the law. The Constitutional Court 10. The Constitution and private law relationships 11. Community sources 12. Laws and other acts having the "force of law" 13. The codes and their position in the system of sources of law 14. The function of codes 15. The Italian civil code: historical notes 16. The partitions of the Italian civil code. Sectoral legislation and new codifications 17. Statutes and regional laws 18. The regulations 19. Normative uses (or custom) 20. Normative uses, negotiating uses and interpretative uses: differences 21. Equity 22. Jurisprudence: Civil law and Common law systems MODULE 4 – Obligations and contracts 1. The obligation 2. Fulfillment 3. The obligation: its methods of extinction and non-fulfilment 4. Creditor's default, joint and several obligations and alternative obligations 5. Financial obligations 6. Modifications of the passive and active sides of the obligation 7. Compensation for damages: discipline and determination criteria 8. Compensatory protection 9. The contract in general 10. Constraints in the formation of the contract and pre-contractual liability 11. Discipline of representation and cause of the contract 12. The shape 13. Accidental elements 14. Nullity 15. Cancellation 16. Resolution 17. Termination 18. The «other» sources of obligations 19. Aquilian responsibility 20. The function of Aquilian responsibility and the causes of justification 21. The so-called Aquiliana responsibilities special 22. Non-pecuniary damage 23. Sales contract 24. Use contracts and loan contracts MODULE 5 – Contracts and consumer rights 1. Introduction. The genesis and reasons for consumer law 2. The subjects: the "consumer" and the "professional". 3. The protection of the weak contractor in relationships between entrepreneurs 4. "Consumer education"; information obligations, advertising communication and commercial promotion 5. Consumer contracts and unfair terms 6. 361-bis. Pre-contractual information in the 2014 news 7. Off-premises contracts and distance contracts. "Electronic commerce". Remote marketing of financial services 8. 363-bis. Consumer credit 9. Special protections: injunction actions and collective action for compensation MODULE 6 – The procurement contract 1. Delimitation of the negotiating figure 2. Systematic framework 3. Concrete cause of the contract 4. The content: main and accessory obligations 5. The subjects of the contract 6. The shape 7. Contract and similar figures 8. The execution of the contract 9. Changes during construction 10. The added burden and executive difficulty 11. Completion of the contract: verification, testing, acceptance, delivery and payment 12. Guarantee for discrepancies and defects in the work: conditions and remedies 13. Liability for damage or defects in immovable property 14. Causes for termination of the contract MODULE 7 – Intellectual property and patents 1. Function and structure of the patent 2. The definition of the invention 3. Patentability requirements 4. The patenting procedure 5. The rights arising from the invention 6. The invention of the worker and the invention made to order 7. Extension and protection of the patent 8. The circulation of patent rights and patent rights 9. Extinction and nullity of the patent 10. New sectors and special patents 11. Industrial patents MODULE 8 – The civil responsibility of the engineer 1. General characteristics of responsibility 2. The legislation on safety and health in the workplace 3. The regulations on safety on construction sites 4. The legislation on public procurement 5. The declaration of commencement of activity
(reference books)
The course program is based on the following texts: A. BARBERA, C. FUSARO, Corso di diritto pubblico, Dodicesima Edizione, Il Mulino, 2022; V. COLESANTI, E.T. LIEBMAN, E. MERLIN, E. RICCI, Manuale di Diritto Processuale Civile – Principi, Settima Edizione, Giuffrè Editore, 2007; G. IORIO, Corso di Diritto Privato, Quinta Edizione, Giappichelli Editore, 2022; F. GALGANO, Manuale di Diritto Privato, Diciannovesima Edizione, Wolters Kluwer, 2022; F. ANELLI, C. GRANELLI, P. SCHLESINGER, A. TORRENTE, Manuale di Diritto Privato, Venticinquesima Edizione, Giuffrè 2021; C. TRAPUZZANO, L’appalto privato, Giuffrè 2020; G. CAVANI, G. GHIDINI, Lezioni di diritto industriale, Giuffrè, 2014; A. MUSIO, G. SALITO, La responsabilità dell’ingegnere, Giappichelli, 2010. Considering that this is a multi-theme course and the complexity in finding the aforementioned study sources, handouts and slides in PDF version will be provided to students.