Introduction to the scientific method, physical quantities and their measurement. Review of vector calculus and vector spaces in intrinsic, Cartesian and polar representation. Kinematics of the material point in two and three dimensions. Principles of the dynamics of the material point and their meaning. Static and dynamic equilibrium conditions. Fall of bodies and parabolic motion. Constraint forces and sliding, viscous and fluid friction for non-viscous fluids. Motion on an inclined plane. Oscillating systems: simple harmonic oscillator, damped, forced and resonance condition; conical pendulum and simple pendulum. Ideal threads and cords and tension forces. Work of a force and kinetic and mechanical energy for the material point and conservation theorems. Change of reference systems: principles and equations of dynamics in non-inertial reference systems. Mechanics of systems of material points: cardinal equations and fundamental theorems on energy, work and angular momentum. Binary collisions between material points. Mechanics of rigid bodies and fundamental theorems. Translational motion, rotary motion and rototranslational motion. Conservation laws. Rotational motion of a rigid body around a fixed axis and axial moment of inertia.
(reference books)
1) Elementi di Fisica - Meccanica e termodinamica, P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, EdiSES Universitaria 2) Lezioni di Fisica I, D. Sette, A. Alippi, A. Bettucci, Ed. Zanichelli 3) Fisica - Meccanica e Termodinamica, Corrado Mencuccini, Vittorio Silvestrini, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana