"Blanks of memory" is a television program created by Loredana Rotondo in the early 2000s to bring attention to forgotten figures, or at least slipped on the margins of public discourse. Over the course of some years, 20 episodes of about 35 minutes each have been dedicated, among others, to Goliarda Sapienza, Amelia Rosselli, Danilo Dolci, Carla Lonzi, Aldo Capitini. These are documentaries built mainly on visual and textual sources of various origins, and on interviews aimed at placing the protagonists and the protagonists within their network of relationships. The workshop aims, through a series of meetings dedicated to the viewing of documentaries and their analysis, to deepen the practices related to the use of visual, textual and oral sources, fundamental for the work of historical reconstruction.
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20711632 Laboratorio "Vuoti di memoria" Storie narrazioni, rappresentazioni delle teche RAI LM in Teaching Italian as a second language (DIL2) LM-39 IAMURRI LAURA, FORTINI LAURA, MERLUZZI MANFREDI
“Vuoti di memoria” (“Voids of Memory”) is a TV program conceived by Loredana Rotondo in the early 2000s to bring attention back to some figures either forgotten or slipped to the margins of public discourse. Over the course of several years, 20 episodes of about 35 minutes each were produced. These documentaries are built primarily on both visual and textual sources, and on interviews aiming to situate the protagonists within their network of relationships. Ten episodes were selected for the workshop, dedicated to the following figures: Carla Lonzi Giuseppe De Santis Paola Levi Montalcini Amelia Rosselli Goliarda Sapienza Bruno Munari Cristina Campo Annibale Ruccello Gino Martinoli Danilo Dolci The workshop is organized in a series of meetings centered on the screening of documentaries and their analysis. It intends to deepen practices related to the use of visual, textual and oral sources, fundamental to the work of historical reconstruction. The workshop is curated by Professors Laura Fortini, Laura Iamurri and Manfredi Merluzzi.
(reference books)
The ten documentaries of the series “Vuoti di memoria” will be available on the Teche Rai. Focused readings will be made available on the e-learning platform of the Department of Humanities.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
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Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test