The term intersectionality, coined by feminist jurist Kimberlé Crenshaw, refers to the need to take into account the intertwining axes of subordination of gender, race and class that run through society. The course, carried out according to the ‘learning by caring’ approach of the Legal Clinics, will address concrete cases of intersectional discrimination affecting individuals who are particularly vulnerable in the face of access to justice, such as migrant women and asylum seekers, lgbtq+ migrants, and workers exposed to conditions of violence and exploitation. The course is based on the ‘learning by caring’ methodology, aimed at fostering a non-vertical relational approach, encouraging eco-solidarity practices and creating spaces that are ‘safe’ from sexism, racism, homolesbotransphobia and ableism.
The course is organised in three modules 1) Critical theoretical in-depth module on issues related to the intersectional approach to law, critical migration and border studies, asylum law from a gender perspective, queer and decolonial theory. 2) Practical-legal module during which through the clinical-legal method the students will deal with real cases under the guidance of and lawyers 3) Practical module during which the students will provide legal consultancy to migrants and asylum seekers in vulnerable circumstances
(reference books)
E. Rigo, La straniera. Migrazioni, asilo, sfruttamento in una prospettiva di genere, Carocci, 2022