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20702393 GEOGRAPHY in History, Geography and global Society L-42 (professor to define)
Acquisition of the knowledge on Earth system functioning and on the interactions between its different components (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere); develop skills for understanding the earth's physical phenomena, their origins and the reasons for their geographical distribution.
The course is divided into two modules. The first (Geography I) held by prof. Carla Masetti; the second (Geography II) by Dr. Sara Carallo. Students who need to register 6 ECTS will take the exam on the first part (or first module) Students who need to reach 12 ECTS will have to do both parts (first and second module) The first module (6 cfu) will provide an introduction to the knowledge of those physical environmental characteristics of our planet that constitute the natural component of the landscape. Top topics to be covered during the I Module: Basic Concepts of Astronomical Geography; The planet Earth; The representation of the Earth's surface; The lithosphere: minerals and rocks; Stratigraphy and Tectonics; Volcanic phenomena; Seismic phenomena; The Plaque Tettonica and the Evolution of the Earth; Marine hydrography; Continental hydrography; The terrestrial atmosphere; Elements and factors of the climate; Modeling the Earth's surface.
(reference books)
GEOGRAPHY 6 cfu (Geograpy I module) Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: 1. ELVIDIO LUPIA PALMIERI, MAURIZIO PAROTTO, Scienze della Terra. Quarta edizione, Milano, Zanichelli, 2024 (ISBN: 978-88-08-69091-3).
GEOGRAPHY 12 cfu (Geography I + Geography II)(6 + 6 cfu) Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: 1. ELVIDIO LUPIA PALMIERI, MAURIZIO PAROTTO, Scienze della Terra. Quarta edizione, Milano, Zanichelli, 2024 (ISBN: 978-88-08-69091-3). 2. A.L. GREINER, G. DEMATTEIS, C.LANZA,Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, Torino, UTET, 2023 NB: cfr. Pagina docente, dott.ssa Sara Carallo, Geografia II)