Introduction to the optics of vision: historical backgrounds, conventions and symbols, geometric optics in relation to the applications of vision optics. Anatomical structure of the eye and nods on the physiology of the visual system. Schematic models of eye optics. Schematic eyes and Emsley's reduced eye. Calculation tutorials. Axes of the eye and size of the retinal image. The condition of emmetropy, definition of remote point. Astigmatism and classification of eye astigmatism. Compensation with ophthalmic lenses and contact lenses. Accommodation, definition of near point, the condition of presbyopia. Eye aberrations and retinal image quality. From retinal image to visual information processing: hints of vision psychophysics, visual acuity and criteria in the construction of optometric boards, sensitivity to contrast, field of vision, color perception, anomalies of sense Color.
(reference books)
F. ZERI, A. ROSSETTI, A. FOSSETTI, A.CALOSSI (2012): Ottica Visulae, Società editrice Universo, Roma A. ROSSETTI, P. GHELLER (2003): Manuale di Optometria e contattologia, Edizioni Zanichelli L. Lupelli (2014): Optometria A-Z, dizionario di SCienze, tecnica e Clinica della Visione, Edizioni Medicl Books