The course is structured in blended mode with educational activities that will take place half in the classroom and half online and includes: - a theoretical part (6 CFU) on didactic planning models with particular reference to the principles of multimedia learning and the design of environments and resources for online teaching; - a seminar on media education processes in formal education systems - an online laboratory on the design and implementation of didactic modules on the Moodle e-learning platform
(reference books)
Sancassani S. (e altri), Progettare l'innovazione didattica, Milano, Pearson, 2019 Ligorio M.B., Cacciamani S., Cesareni D., Didattica blended. Teorie, metodi ed esperienze, Milano, Mondadori, 2021 Mammarella N., Cornoldi C., Pazzaglia F., Psicologia dell'apprendimento multimediale. E-learning e nuove tecnologie, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005 Jenkins H., Culture partecipative e competenze digitali. Media education per il XXI secolo, Milano, Guerini scientifica, 2010 Further reading recommended during the course