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Title of the course: Transformations of culture at the beginning of the Middle Ages
Description of the course: The course has institutional character, and aims to outline the main linguistic features, the personalities and the most significant literary forms which mark the passage between Late Antiquity and Middle Ages in the Latin West. The course involves practic exercises meant to verify the knowledge and the usage of the main bibliographical and informatic tools for the study of Latin authors, with a special attention to lexicography.
(reference books)
1. D. NORBERG, Manuale di latino medievale, a cura di M. Oldoni. Bibliografia aggiornata a cura di P. Garbini, Avagliano Ed., Cava de’ Tirreni 1999. - In alternative to the second part of the handbook (“Testi scelti”), students attending the course can choose to study the textes provided and analysed during the course.
2. One of the following books: - P. STOTZ, Il latino nel Medioevo. Guida allo studio di un'identità linguistica europea, a cura di Luigi G. G. Ricci, Ed. SISMEL, Firenze 2013. - A. DE PRISCO, Il latino tardoantico e altomedievale, Ed. Jouvence, Roma 1991. - E. AUERBACH, Lingua letteraria e pubblico nella tarda antichità latina e nel Medioevo, trad. it., Ed. Feltrinelli, Milano 2007.
3. An handbook of literary history chosen between the following: - M. SIMONETTI, Romani e Barbari. Le lettere latine alle origini dell’Europa (secoli V-VIII), Ed. Carocci, Roma 2006. - G. POLARA, Letteratura latina tardoantica e altomedievale, Jouvence Ed., Roma 1987.