The first part gives an overview on the concepts of gender and sexuality, with particular regard to the social constructivist approaches, queer studies and intersectional feminism perspective. The course aims to provide students with the methodological tools to analyse communication practices in various media (whether digital or not) from a gendered perspective. The second part is dedicated to lab activities and seminar with academic experts, students will be able to analyse different media materials and devices on the basis of what they have learnt during the first part of the course.
(reference books)
- D. Richardson (2015), Conceptualising Gender, in V. Robinson & D. Richardson (eds), Gender and Women’s Studies, Palgrave, pp. 3-22 - A.L. Tota, A. De Feo, L. Luchetti (2023), Inquinamento visuale. Manifesto contro il razzismo e il sessismo delle immagini, Mondadori, Milano - S. Capecchi (2014), Methodological problems in gender and media research, Qual Quant, 48, pp. 837–844.
For students who have included Sociologia della pubblicità in their syllabus, the text to be studied in place of A. L. Tota, A. De Feo, L. Luchetti (2023), Inquinamento visuale. Manifesto contro il razzismo e il sessismo delle immagini, Mondadori, Milano, is as follows: - Manolo Farci, Cosimo Marco Scarcelli (a cura di) (2022), Media digitali, genere e sessualità, Mondadori, Milano